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You need to make sure that when you buy some bitcoins you are going, to receive them instantly you don't need to wait days, to receive your bitcoins Coinbase is the most convenient website for beginners to buy bitcoins and it is very safe You have an online wallet the wallet has one address to receive and another to send bitcoins when you arrive on Coinbase website Fill out all your informations name email password Here Then sign up to be able to buy, you need to send a picture of your ID to Coinbase it took me two days to be verified, if you want a $10 free of Bitcoin? you need to buy at least $100 or euro or whatever is your currency If you don't want this bonus you can go directly to coinbase website now Login to your coinbase account go to Settings then Linked Accounts click on Link a New account here choose Credit card fill out all your informations then click Add Billing address now click on Buy and Sell you have 4 cryptocurrencies choose Bitcoin put the amount you want, Iam going to buy $30 then click on Buy instantly then Confirm to buy that's all thank you