you Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is March the 8th 2018 strong hand really long term thinking though people seriously and unmistakable remember that all right I am here still in Johannesburg hopefully the broadcast is a little bit more clear than yesterday I'm wearing this shirt that Llewellyn gave me again I wore yesterday but a cool god space here he's trying to do good things so ash every t-shirt and I guess this is his information back here whatever there are people doing some very interesting things here in Johannesburg there's a it was an eclectic group of people gathered I'm going back today obviously in a few hours so I'll give you a report a lot of people talk and ripple and some ridiculous things some people are down to earth some people are totally newbie and it you got to be on the ground you know to really understand what's going on in a different country and most of people watching this you know you're very familiar with North America but yeah hearing a here in South Africa things are different so we're gonna talk about that a little bit so hopefully some more and some other shows again it is Thursday where you are on the East Coast it's already Friday morning here and this week a Bitcoin I don't know when it will come on where it will be from if it'll be from the conference what the format will be like so bear with me people check out the link section below if you want to see yesterday's show which did have some technical difficulties but there was very important information in it so if you're a twenty percent IRR and can bear with a little bit of technical difficulties you're gonna learn if you're an eighty percent IRR well you don't learn a thing anyway so anyway let's what where's my eyes where's the new start here okay ripple centralization and private blockchains were all topics at the blockchain Africa event that I'm in the middle of and it you know the the talk of these private blockchains reminds me of the intranet talk of 1997 or something and you have people you actually had a guy go on stage say that he's been in the space for two years and he's tired of you crypto currency you know crypto currencies it's not good anymore I'd be sitting say yeah again you have some people don't understand how silly they can sound sometimes I mean and then I looked around at some of the people I knew in the audience and they were just like kind of shocked like and the guy was associated with a bank okay so they tried the person putting this on this event tried to bring together an eclectic group of people I guess not not everyone was definitely on the same page as we are and it's a learning experience but I mean some of it you know people talking about creating their own crypto currencies a private block I mean some of this stuff in stuff RTI kind of proven to be useless and a waste of time and that a lot of being in they had a speaker who had a lot to do with riffle so there were people in the audience who you know like ripple and people pumping ripple into being ripple isn't thought of the same way here as it is back in North America people they don't get centralization versus decent visualization and you know the was a Bitcoin I think that's been lost on a lot of it we've gotten it and on the bank side of things and here's South Africa there are quite a few of them I mean there's some hard for people here to there there definitely some hard it was great by a lot of people quite flattering quite flattering it was great to meet a lot of people pound that leg but now and you're pumped about South Africa you're pumped about Bitcoin and it's there were you know talking to a lot of people and not many people were complaining about the price drop to me they weren't too concerned there were a few people are why is the price dropping but there it wasn't like what you get if you're on the internet right now you're following social media you have all these people trying to flood you out of your of your Bitcoin basically trying to scare you all the price is dropping let's see see again this is the this is the time where you gotta come to a veteran like me and I'm a real better I'm not some guy that goes once they set stage and say yeah I've been do this for two years and it's over now you know I've been in this is 2013 okay and I'm used to big government agencies making announcements and people getting scared by three-letter government agencies saying something about Bitcoin SEC or some Asian country saying something about Bitcoin Japan or a hack that might have been a hack that was a problem in exchange like a buying ass I've seen this all happen a million times I've seen the reaction of the market a million times I've seen how people try to jump on the puffs bud bandwagon and scare people out of their coins like a million oh yeah you know what I'm getting at here it doesn't even bother me I'm loved being here in Africa and just being at this conference and seeing different people and I'm not even I look at the price these people worked out a couple you guys online or tell asking me about the price and how long is it gonna guy it's a temporary blip again how many times have we been through this if you if you do if you have a weekend I don't know what just go on vacation or something and just ignore it because over the long run again imagine if you were telling me the same sob story a year ago when Bitcoin was about hustling and Vinny Ling him and everyone was scared it was gonna go down to 800 and it did go below a thousand and and losing 10% of when they imagine if you and then you sold and now it's did you know it's whatever it is close to ten thousand dollars you would feel like such a jerk and you would cut me I mean I'm not gonna call your names or anything but one day you're gonna look back on this and be like why was I worried you know bitcoins were so much more now it's just you gotta think long-term people pound that like button if you can if you get distracted anyway so what else do we have about Africa here oh no let's talk about be private let's talk about be private be private after our project during my show yesterday they it came out that the be private balance is now showing on retracts while it is still offline but is nice to see my be private sitting there and safe and sound that was a quote from a guy so yeah if you had your Z classic on bit tracks at the time of the fork well now it shows that you have be private there now you can't get it off of there yet but it's a good it's a good first step so if you're involved with the big direct side of things you're pretty darn happy now with the be private um so yeah I talked about this is this is a day to find a veteran don't just don't be scared people and just don't listen to the fried Ritz in the shows like this and I get out there into the real life and you know on the other side of the spectrum in the thing that helps fuel these panics is you know I ran into a guy and he's from a different country and it just shows that in certain in certain countries they're way behind in the learning curve he's like yeah I should be trading now I like to trade I'm I got a cloud mining basically this guy keeps all of his big coin with the cloud miner so he has no Bitcoin really it's really it's sad it's unfortunate and so I'm trying to tell him about you know you got us control your own private key and it's just it's just lost on a lot of people they think that you have to do something with your Bitcoin so all those people that are doing something there between they fuel they help add to the fuel days like this because they're we can't think they're panic they have no clue they think that cloud mining is a legitimate thing I feel bad for this dude and again we're gonna have to care a lot of people in a lot of countries that have clients or their on ramps on to Bitcoin are horrible on ramps they're like cloud mining so they get they get a bad start and they just fuel 80% side of things and I hope guys like this you know I try to show them the way but I'm in there a lot 80 percenters they're never gonna learn so we're always you know the days that are bad in terms of Fiat price drops if you have a weekend you're gonna be affected because they're gonna mean more people that that better cut them better calm okay because of what I see on the ground he's just there a lot of there are a lot of new never get their heads straight around what Bitcoin and cryptocurrency you really are they think you have to be a trader they think you have to do cloud mining and mining and they have no idea what a while it is I mean it's and some of your laughing you know every but have no idea what laws yet they have no idea what a while it is okay okay they don't know what at reservoir is they don't you know check out the links section below if you want to get a trace or and everything yeah this is on the ground learning here and and these people will attend expensive conferences like this to obviously well there are a lot of people go skipped important steps at this conference I will say and there's a lot of aetherium talk a lot of ripple talk I when I see oh shit up should I buy and again that kind of influence by the people who are around them at you know link Vinnie Lane ham is a famous South African and he talks about I cos now so that influences people that influence system ran a little bit ran his tan BC show and he talks up I see I like ran a lot he's not at this event I thought it was gonna be at this event so react talk so i ce o–'s on CNBC africa and then people got the Kinzie's ice using guy can is they don't know a bitcoin is they don't know the wallet is they don't know what reservoir is it's soviet ever just take your tiny people i've always patient is on everything patience in crypto dividends patience in Bitcoin equations and cryptocurrency long-term thinking and I know a lot of your team analysts this all you say this is all you say well guys just understand what I'm saying if it's just like if it's just were see they're going through your head you're you probably don't have these attributes you probably don't have a long-term thing and you're gonna get into trouble you're gonna where am I going with this check out that ball Columbia Twitter little bits of life tweets free event on people between out pictures of me I got pictures of my friends up from Zimbabwe it was yeah you'd be kind of happy I am running for people like me since 2016 to the space who are smart you might um you're not gonna agree with Laureen all the beat Laureen get the M city's a good guy and he's a friend of mine and there's a link to boom there's a picture of you it's all the guys from Zimbabwe that brought he brought a beep I ran into a guy from Mozambique I mean it's we got here we got some interesting people it's it's there's a learning and I got to get some up I know my buddies Jason is driving me around and I'm not gonna say his friend's name is this friend dude you know what you want you don't want to get on there do you want to live vicariously through Jason though these guys are good they're great guys tasted emporia so remember if you if you're ever told where you want to network contact me animators or help calm I'll get you in touch with these guys in Pretoria they're trying to do some good things they're sort of break guys AJ everybody found that like but if you would have a see Jason on the show he's a good guy from Vittorio we need some were South African guest you some African Internet cut me off there sorry about that guys guys a in the live chat can you guys hear me can you uh I got a refresh bear with me a second here we're gonna have a little bit of delay we're gonna have a little bit yeah lost connection anyway hey let's see here me here hey Jana I'll answer your questions – yeah I don't so we're just gonna I trust that they hear me a load the yeah so your information come every ship now so let people be you tuned in and out okay maybe you'll be on this week and you just brought me bad luck vital video just crash that's that's great eight opportunities at events you know I'm always talking about being in motion and oh god the Internet is it is real pair this is really unfortunate um but I hope y'all get get this physicist kind of important one about say I took there were these guys that I met from an old I'm gay the name of the all coin exchange but it was just I haven't hear them talking about Namibia maybe or they were talking about joined opinion and I wanted and I'm happy I met this in the media man that Africa things we start talking about be proudly it's the be private I'm all of a sudden like brokering deals ride it with stage and South Africa being in motion is all about people don't think that you're like a such a small player that you can't do just have to have the you know you yeah you guys are just gonna have to bear with these uh these problems my I apologize for the south yeah we're what can I say what can I say this way but anyway you gotta have to gut the people Hey you man let let's talk Bitcoin let's talk cryptocurrency let's talk deals and you can work some deals I don't know it be private exchange because right keep walking isn't about ends just did it with the dividend so this is why you got to be in more personally pitch people and that's like this that's right I'm I'm gonna you know I meant it's linked to April seventeenth so come out to that if you're in LA and of course will be in Denver on April the 25th you know these are Network events for people so I learned talk about saving savings accounts and someone brought up like why in this day and age would anyone have a stick at night anymore what cryptocurrency is that what would why would you give a bank money to get 1% that's something that like grandma's do I guess it's gonna be no savings accounts anymore I mean you want to give and let them loan it out I mean I there's no oh no reason have a say B's unfortunately the air they're great it's so low that you gotta things to get that social a thing of the past and I I say the Bitcoin shit is the modern day savings like you know here's some bullish um be private information the CEO of traceur be private that link to have a winner that hello I'm he's not safe he actually mentions the word though and says like things they would have to do so it's on their radar as you gotta be pet as I mentioned above you gotta be patient you gotta be patient with the with this type of situation when there's a new crypto government that's come now and just give it time it's gonna maybe trans or we'll do something with it the exchanges are taking their time listing any crypto dividend now so you just there's a lot of people that are just trying to flood Crippin bitcoin is their in patient be patient check out those links and you can look or more about the situation again check out yesterday's video for more on that and hopefully this video it's coming out okay in terms of the sound quality just amazing not it's amazing to be in africa and you got to deal with some of the African issues sometimes that's something they say in South Africa its Africa you know what something like this happens when you can't get a good connection so I'd link to an article by Chris Gilliard who he's in motion so I just links to his articles it's about a privacy and privacy points alright so check that out if you missed my famous line from yesterday corporate culture is virtue signaling we had some corporate culture at the event virtue certainly gold signaling it's Women's Day happy Women's Day we got you women speakers here today yeah whatever dude if you I'm not into that corporate culture type of thing and it you know when you go to a big event like that you're gonna get corporate culture people because carpet corporate culture is just virtuous signaling they want to fit in they want to talk about the politically correct so we had some people like that it is they worse it was somewhat there was one a lady who spoke and she says you know no Bitcoin isn't good for Zimbabwe as she was talking about why Bitcoin isn't good for anything bitcoins I could be just like oh my god we've got she doesn't even know they're Zimbabwe ins here you know like Towanda who do not agree with her but if she had she said she had made her own ERCP 20 coin and associate yeah she made something better than big boy but there you go there you go so there's I mean there are always gonna be people like that at an events like that events yeah that's saying happy Women's Day I made my own coin is better than Bitcoin break good luck with that good luck good luck with the virtue a single coin maybe that's what it was it was it was for like poor I gotta save the poor people so I'm making my own coin because Bitcoin doesn't serve the people in Zimbabwe meanwhile there's late aides and Bob weighs laughing their butts all better okay pound that like button my zimbabwe brothers bae he's fun partying with these dudes here and a mouse right they're very polite suebob we do face they're so nice it's got you gotta come down here to southern half some party come party you always in bob way dudes alright my part bottled water with it in which we can beer it was good that's the way it is bit i'll keep it I'm going on a run right after this all right so here is I'm skipping stuff all over the place here coinbase just this is from the great Matt Odell who again I say you gotta follow this guy on Twitter coinbase just tweeted to squash the rumor they are adding ripple can you spot where the tweet went out for what it's worth I wouldn't be surprised if when Bay still adds ripple anyway they tweeted something similar right before the new launching of be cash and now so you look at this chart this guy provided you'll get the hang of what he's talking about but it's funny I mean again people people you know you people think of ripple differently all around the world babe is there people who like it here and they're being either they brought in a speaker from ripple to say I mean I'm trying to tell and you know Lori and I give Laureen AMC credit he's like is Ripple a real cryptocurrency and so they gave their answer so at least he's trying to give the other side that's right by the way there are a lot of people at this event this is a big event it's at the Microsoft campus here in Sandton really nice really nice building venue where in having a good time haven't having a good time so again for those of you who don't like Laureen any more busy as a bee cap ash guy I mean he's trying to bring the truth in terms of what cryptocurrency is and centralization and you know that ripple he's no rebel fan I'm gonna put in words into his mouth but I own most them are you watching Lorien where are you dude Laurens been busy okay again so here's another tweet from well Panda it says the strangest thing about this guy selling $40,000 of or 40,000 Bitcoin for Mount God's victims is that he just sold on exchanges how can such an incompetent person be in charge of this just over the counter it well for me the strangest things of the whole mount gun cocks situation is why didn't they just give the people their big coin instead of like tactic because they're taking a cut of it they're just giving people what it was worth in cash at the time of the hack it's disgraceful the whole thing is disgraceful but it's got I'm more disgraceful because they're selling all these changes and messing around with the price a little bit it again it's a temporary blip but it they're not the guy over in Japan who's handling this is not doing this as professionally as he could do it and I just it's unfortunate that the instead of there getting cash instead of getting it and some of their Bitcoin back which is not the way this should be done so that's the string just thing for me people are oh yeah another thing coinbase it's fun people really their owners are just people who love traditional names like that people start or there's traditional find finance formats index funds the calling base index fund but when they could just simply buy the underlying asset a Bitcoin and here's a tweak that actually comments on that coin base announces index fund oh yeah so though eventually they'll evenly distribute my across for coins that are completely linked to the value of one of them awesome so yeah people just buy the real thing they're creating this this fun of it whatever the four coins on coinbase which all deal directly with Bitcoin just own the Bitcoin instead of being impressed by index funds and you know traditionally don't get into that 80% paragon and actually this I have no interest in that your big point holders you understand that one man's sold is another man's hole remember that when you know you see people selling and telling you to sell like heck no man I'm a holder you sell I'll hold what you sold I buy it for cheap so one man sold is another man's hold the great Aaron bond we are done has an article about dragon mint which is basically that you use the 86 boost technology they're taking away the people who want to monopolize that and use it as a bad thing so it's a very very antsy it novel if I say six boost for those who want to create havoc in the anyway read the dragon men's story a Aaron does a better job of explaining this thing than I do alright well that's the end of the show but for today I because who knows if it even got out there found that like button everybody I do I do post nurse you show every single day even when I'm in Africa even when there's technical difficulties i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below i'm hopefully we will have this weekend Bitcoin in some format or another in the next 24 hours or so bye bye ever
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