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Bitcoincom is a misleading buyer of BCH purchases

Bitcoin Bitcoin misleading to buy Bitcoin Cash (BCH) instead of Bitcoin The community movement supporting Bitcoin (BTC) was clearly positive and claimed users frustrated users on Friday 27 April to collect claimants and donations on the website bitcoincomlawsuit I started info The group also established a telegraph channel created by Twitter user @MoneyTrigz, and gained 911 members in press time

On April 28, one of the support of the community-led initiative posted an explanation of Twitter today The newly released Web site soon Bitcoin and bit coin cash, allowing users to blur the distinction between coins, recently modified Bitcoin claim to modify the interface com, will take a donation of a bit coin to support the suit for horizontal commitments Bitcoin block chain from the hard prong has been established in August 2017 and has since been competing to increase brand awareness with Bitcoin As dissatisfied users point out, Bitcoin offers BTC and BCH-enabled wallets com shows buyers cryptocurrencies logo in the same color (eg Unlike Wallet and Exchange Service Coinbase), Bitcoin is Bitcoin Core, not the more widely known Bitcoin in the name of the software client

Many resentful users have even suggested that this practice is fraud The ongoing controversy is the cracking force between Bitcoincom's creator and key BCH-supporters, Roger version and Eric Buhr Heath, CEO of Transforming the Heavyweight in Cryptography: Earlier this year, US government research institutes slipped into the mud Bitcoin is the original Bitcoin and Bitcoin has published an official research paper that claims to be a fork