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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond the bitcoin show today is Cinco DeMayo may the 5th 2018 strong hand long-term thinking buy-and-hold alright everyone check out the links below everything that I talk about in this video will be linked to below it's going to be a really fun thing we're gonna talk about things beyond cryptocurrency beyond Bitcoin like we always do on Saturdays but you can also get your treasurer below still of course discount codes check out the links below and of course yesterday's this week in Bitcoin was also we can Maximo on from Venezuela giving us on the ground unique information that you will get nowhere else hey man that's why this channel is the best channel out there in terms of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency you get original news on the ground you know we that the other guests were awesome also of course I'm very proud of these dudes smart men that I find from all over the world that I bring to the show this would give big Bitcoin was yesterday and also linked to below is all out there shows from the previous few days I'm in Portland right now I'm here till the 10th I'll be in Seattle from the 10th until the 14th if you want to hang out in Seattle I've got some friends the business up there but hey contact me Adam at trey's or help calm and I'm hanging out with some people here in Portland soon we can still have an event who knows I'm laid-back back about those type of things alright so real quick we're going to talk about cryptocurrency it just it seems very odd I've been flashbacks to November 10th to 12th when be cash was pumping majorly as I say it's all cyclical you know there were people who were saying be cash was dead I'm no be cash fan but I remember what it pumped back in November to what point three Bitcoin 30% of a Bitcoin that's incredible and it's now at point 185 of a Bitcoin and it's just I don't know why it's pumping they're having a 4-koma 15th who knows who knows why but this is all cyclical it feels like it's gonna hit point two again it feels like and it just goes to show you if you didn't hold on to your be cash for some reason well I kept on saying you know it'll be back to point two it looks like it's about to be back to point two again don't buy this stuff if you still have it for free a man is all this is cyclical all the all coins come back but you know the reason I bring this up it just it's been a not even a half a year since be cash had that huge November 10th to 12th pump and it seems like eons ago doesn't it um were you around back then we're we're all of you back around then I I don't know I know there's a lot of newbies out there today feat so much happens in this cryptocurrency space it's absolutely overwhelming sites sometimes overwhelming in a very positive way so it seems like eons ago but now is less than 6 months ago is doing the same thing it just shows you how fast everything can change and of course those of you who were like down on Bitcoin Oh it'll never be over 10,000 again well first of all you got a value your life in Bitcoin first of all but yeah you know that in the blink of an eye it's it's it'll be booming again no doubt and we this side this P cash pump and some of these other all coins pumping it's probably a sign of that we might be entering a bull market again but again for me it's long-term thinking 2020 these are all just uh blips on the radar but I know a lot of you care you need reassurance so there you go so let's talk about healthy eating garlic look at this piece that garlic here I try to have at least one clove of garlic at everyone every day you know sometimes I have three or four I eat them raw just like this and now you can tell you see you're like oh it has a green tip that's not good no that means it's a lot that you want them to be growing you want them to have the green tip like this there ones from China that are apparently radiated or something that died and they don't get the green and so the food stores like to sell those because they look nice they're white no green because supermarkets throw these out when they start growing green and that's when they're the best that's when they're I mean and yet it burns when I put these in my mouth that's a good feeling man it does it this is how people used to sing what is this the natural antibiotic I don't know it's it's good for you I eat them you get accustomed to the taste alone it can really burn sometimes like when you got it almost have to spit it out and he brings me back to a travel story when I was in Mozambique when I was in my puttu in November of 2016 which really seems like he ODS ago well that's Bitcoin was only $700 then the world has changed quite a bit since that but when I was in my food too I was at the supermarket and Mozambique should be one of the bread baskets of this planet okay they should be growing all sorts of food but their supermarket's import everything basically everything from South Africa and one thing that I noticed that wasn't imported from South Africa maybe it came in directly from well it was from China but it may be he went through South Africa to get there the garlic all of the garlic was from China and I saw a box where underneath where the garlic was stored says China and I thought my god this is so pathetic this is so sad it just shows where statism leaves you you know when you're when you're you're out for revenge where you can't well you can't ask for help for people who actually know what they're doing when you kick farmers out you get into a situation where you have to you can grow your own garlic there and it would be the best garlic in the frickin world okay but they're importing radiated garlic or irradiated whatever the word is from China and it was pathetic and it's just travel something you notice when you're traveling yeah I'd like the child this is a this is the beyond Bitcoin show pound that like button people subscribe to this channel and yeah check out the links section below okay what else do we have here oh yeah I've really made enough another sign and maybe things are getting bullish your bubble is sure who knows or that I've made it on Twitter there is a fake Adam Meister a fake tech ball out there I am tech ball on Twitter that's the only Adam Meister there is te CH B alt but I linked to the fake one he is te CH b ad LT and he calls himself Adam Meister he uses my picture you know he's trying to sell me with theory um or Bitcoin or it's something you know send me your theory and say you know one of those complete scams well that's someone I reported him but who knows I don't know if Twitter's gonna take it down but hey I'm trying to warn you guys personal responsibility is the new counterculture I'm taking well I'm not gonna say hey Twitter do your job or whatever I'm saying I'm warning the people out there I don't want you guys getting stamp I'm the real Adam Meister that's the fake out of Meister alright James O'Keefe of the Rick veritas you know him he shut down acorn back in a day he dressed up as a as a with a prostitute if he was the seller of that prostitute I don't want to use the word just because I don't know if YouTube likes that word it starts the PD and ends with the P and he actually went to Baltimore to the Acorn office which I had beneath what I had been in before thee he shut it together shut down anyway now he's got this video about the teachers unions in New Jersey you've got to check it out I'll link to it below but in it again you should not be sending your kids to public schools when you have these these creatures the teachers are just in it for the money the unions are just in it to the money for the money your welfare dollar you as taxpayers is funding this thing okay it's just well the a certain party out there this is a Democratic Party that maybe sometimes the Republican Party they get in bed with these unions they promise them all sorts of the bargaining advantages it's completely ridiculous and and they have fun the politicians campaigns they would fund these politicians campaign if they weren't getting something in return and it's just a victory unions you know they think people can play there Oh goldman sachs is funding this Percy Bulova Sachs owns this person well these unions are ridiculous but what these unions are doing why should watch these videos they've they're corrupt do not be part of a public Union please don't even work for a public institution for God's sakes you're just adding to the web you're part of the welfare dollar you're part of the 80% that way you're not part of Bitcoin which is outside of the welfare dollar ecosystem but hey as long as these unions are flourishing and hey people people are happy to send their kids these public schools for some reason they like the indoctrination I guess or they don't understand that you're being you're being put I mean you're not only are you being taught by monstrous people some of the times who only care about their salary and and obviously teaching for you a hard job but it's not the hardest job in the world and it's you know they make themselves out to be the heroes of the world some of these kids are you don't want your kids to be with these vicious kids okay or with these some of these egotistical teachers now there are good teachers out there too if you're if you really want to be a teacher just started being an entrepreneur start your own teaching business online you don't have to get in stuck in this public school paradigm where you have to swim with these dirty dirty people and the kids that are being sent there now are their parents are irresponsible have no personal responsibly do you want you want your kids to be around kids that are just monstrous who have no fathers who again are running wild or put are part of a welfare scam scheme sometimes for some moms just get a bigger welfare payment I know it sounds really bad and it is really bad so James O'Keefe exposes the Union side of the public school system but again and then we people are like oh how could there be shootings I sent my kid to a school with us you don't send your kids to public schools personal responsibility people I know it sounds brutal again they're on their side what we're gonna talk about oversimplification in a second because if you don't send you you don't send your kids approach for your racist no just say I care about my kids okay I don't want them to be a monster you're oversimplifying everything we'd say it's a you know I care about safety you with the oversimplifications of is a form of peer pressure and it's to make you feel guilt like ooh like I can't be racist or I can't hate teachers I can't dislike teachers teachers are all angels no you say no to that that's taking a stand and that's fighting this oversimplification guilt-trip word world that we live in in the Western world okay so James okie thank you for that video it's linked to below here is a stefan molyneux had a great tweet a quote from a video of his deliver a healthy mind and body to your future okay so that means long-term thinking people you've got to have you up most reasonable people and not most Americans try to be healthy and so that in the future they will be living a good life because you getting invest in your body early on or else it's gonna fall apart later on ok that's pretty common sense although most people don't understand that but also in your mind okay also in your sanity you just can't be if you're just a pawn if you're just a cog in the machine in your youth in your younger days you're gonna be miserable later on okay you're you will be miserable and so deliver a healthy mind and a healthy body to your future so you gotta work on it now you guys start taking stands now you gotta educate yourself now and be healthy now and another thing and this is a take on one of his sayings conformity in the present is invisibility in the future if you are if you conform now no one's gonna know who you are in the future okay you would be a nothing in the future if you take a stand now people are gonna remember you you're gonna make a difference in other people's lives you're gonna be happy you're in the future okay so conformity in the present is invisibility in the future and dudes I am I surely am NOT going to be invisible in the future I mean I've already I mean I've made my mark here a little bit I guess but I'm still doing it I still I've still got that drive we all should have that Drive no matter what type of difference you're making now keep it going keep it going keep inspiring people because you know the minute you conform is hey maybe he would then you will be erased from history and then there's some people like I don't care I don't want anyone to know I don't just don't care I don't want to help anyone I don't want to I don't want to be anything good then conform be a cog of machine watch TV get that diabetes would be a full you know watch Netflix all day long I don't know what to say That's not me and I know if you're in this big point ecosystem you're probably a person who's got some initiative I hope so at least alright so and this is that little acts of courage add up and they're hard to do though the butterfly effect here you have no idea who will see it and who it will check if you do one little thing it might affect all of humanity it might as the butterflies like it starts a chain reaction all over and so you have no idea who you're gonna change and you're gonna change yourself save save yourself and then others will follow and be inspired and don't have any regrets have no regrets people just again there's some people they just they want to fit in and they end up regretting not being the person they wanted to be not going their own way you know being forced into a certain job as their wife made them do and their mother made them do and do what you want to do do you would you be an original being original and get into this big point thing okay so first your signalers and Main Street and Main Street people come up with these oversimplifications that I was talking about beforehand you you're against the children yeah so you don't want to be they're trying to make you fear if you're not when they say something like that that you're alone and so you have to say you have to straight-up attack their oversimplifications and just say they say you're against the children say I don't care I don't care about your children I care about my children and I care and if I don't have children I don't care about your children you take personal responsibility over your children don't over simplify my life okay I've got a complex life here I'm not here you know I'm not here to care for you're here to care for your kids okay so get some personal responsibility stop trying to virtue single stop trying to oversimplify everything and just get out of my life okay or I don't care about you I don't care about your kids and I don't care about your financial situation because you got yourself into you get yourself out of that I'm not here you're not you're not gonna steal for me don't steal from me you're – you want a job from Bernie Bernie Sanders is creating that government job with my money no you take care of yourself personal responsibility it's an over simple donal oversimplification you're against jobs for all you're against me getting a job I'm not against you getting him jonna gets you stealing for me to get your job okay so it's just the act of saying no under peer pressure is a courageous act people in this day and age it appears anyway and again it's one small move you can inspire a lot of people and I want you all to know out there did I do that I mean you see it here I'm not afraid to speak my mind and just to go against what's cool and what's acceptable you know what these virtuous signalers are pushing I go again if sometimes at first you've seen what you say no just go I and publicly do it you're not gonna be shamed by them don't just sit there and be a well I can't say that word starts to C and ends with a K all right so I I noticed that binge watching TV and binge bought watching Netflix is this like the American past time now for married couples is this what you've become if you're a guy that's what you do with your wife I mean that's what your life has become we've been written watch this series old necklace you know I don't even know how Netflix works I've never done that in my life never and I'm proud to say that because it seems like a bunch of people sitting on their butts getting fat and being like well yeah I'm married this is the best part of being married I'm so glad I got married and my wife whips me and we get to watch what's it what's the show about the home or that I've never even liked the wire come on people always get you watch the wire like I saw like part of it once because it's a married sibling of mine I was at his married siblings of mine half house and they had nothing new to do but watch series at night so they're like hey I'm really liking this this wire thing that's about the inner-city Baltimore where you lived once Adam because my sibling never lived in the inner city disassembly of mine never lived in the inner city of Baltimore we grew up in the suburbs thank God we grew up in the south again I'm proud of it I'm proud that my parents cared enough about their children they wanted them to live in the best environment possible through the best schools planned they sent me the private school to my parents they worked their butts off okay they work their butts off and my grandparents before them work for to get this generation leister's to be in a very comfortable situation right now and I'm in a SuperDuper comfortable situation because the big point because I was educated because I was a free thinker because I got out of the machine but this sibling of mine was watching The Wire and so I did get to see part of it and I just like I know I don't watch though I don't have no need to watch the wire but I lived the wire okay I lived in Reservoir Hill I did the by a block project for quite some time yeah some people know me from that from my Baltimore days okay and it was it was quite an adventure play I said I put in my time in Baltimore and I'm not encouraging anyone to do that it was it shaped my life it shaped my so I don't need to watch a TV series by some liberal what's his name the guy he makes all these excuses he blames he blames everyone for the inner city's problems you know it's it's the suburbs fault you know whatever the guilt-tripping is unbelievable trust me I live among the people though worst of the worst the drug dealers I saw it all the people who can't take care of their own houses that are living in section 8 they have no one to blame but themselves it's not our fault it's not my fault that they can't wipe their own butts or whatever it's it's a joke all right so again it's faster signaling when you have these these women from the suburbs saying oh you don't care about the section 8 people let them go live on in Reservoir Hill ok let them live and Upton and see what it's really like ok walk around they don't they have no idea what it's like to live to be in West Baltimore like I know what it's like to be in West bar no one's thought it's again they vote and they go for the same politicians literally they vote for politicians who have mental illness there's there's one in the 40th district of augurs mentally ill he literally is mentally ill and they vote for him over and over again as he has the same name as his father talking about anyway pal that life on people but again day value they don't value that they put all of their hopes into their politicians which is a joke they have no personal responsibility so few the people living in the ghetto have any personal responsibility but somewhere oh it's a pocket why don't you take care of this person logic Cummings why do you do this mayor Long's blank or mayor Pugh you they're the ones who solved by problem mayor Pugh is gonna save us a lot of problems yeah she's gonna solve your problems really she came to solve our own problems and but I mean that's the mentality you get but they know but they'll believe it's the people the suburbs fault we should tax the people in the suburbs so that uh we can have a nice rec center and let the rec centers gonna solve the problem that you can't take care of yourself or your kids I went off that without even supposed to talk I'm just talking about binge washing and marriage culture there are a Travel tip this is travel tip you can't usually get the internet on an air airline on the airplane unless you're you pay well this is what you do when you're in the airport you have your free Wi-Fi before you get on that plane you open up is in many browser pads possible with all of us stuff you want to read on the plane I just did that actually from Denver to Portland and I was reading about Bitcoin stop I was a I've read and tweets did I open a whole tweet thread I got so much done on the plane so there's your travel tip when you're in the airport open up as many tab when you're on the internet open up as many tabs on your browser as possible stuff you want to read and then you keep it open I'll on your on your laptop open it up on the plane without the internet on it's still open all the stuff is still there you read it it's great it's speaking about standing for something I have mentioned this before in other videos there there are content creators who just erase stuff I had never erased any of my videos I don't erase troll comments either and people were very quick to say oh you're raised my comment and YouTube could be kind of funky sometimes you don't see everything right away I don't I own every spam but and again I have never raised in my videos you can see videos that were totally sounded horrible that the audio was tear I just keep it up there or where it went off the air after 1 minute or something like that I keep it all up there because I'm not you people they try to hide things it's just I don't like those content creators because it's a slippery slope well this video was gonna erase this and then like well I was wrong about this so I'll just erase this whole video know if there's plenty I had what 900 videos out there there have been plays has been wrong about some watch it go check out the archives it's linked to below I learned from mistakes you should not be hiding if you're content creators that we should be erasing study usually those are the guys that get into the big connect scams the world the once you are pro for proficient erasers okay in bondage to materialism I have that written down this country is in bondage or most 80 percenters are in bondage to materialism that over for a second don't press the pause button on your life that's another Molyneux one there don't press the pause button on your life people go all out with your life don't know need to take a break ever keep on going people try keep on you know there's some times are hard some things are hard yeah but even if you're living the good life it's just a deposit keep on trying to do things stay in motion all right so I preached to you about you know eating salmon and eating salmon heads and everything so yeah we gotta practice what we preach you're gay you prep we practice I practice what I preached you you see you look at his eyes his eyes are gonna taste real nice tomorrow I'm going to eat this boy I'm gonna eat him up tomorrow oh he's gonna be good so this is the healthiest part of the Freak and he's got sharp teeth still I'd like to enter you know that this part is Tong ting cook this part below in here and the cheeks in the cheeks you get the good meat right here I can't see what I'm doing I got something else anyway yeah I'm gonna eat him up tomorrow so salmon head completely though is the healthiest part you'd the whole again I look I know you get used that's not gross oh you'll be no good tomorrow all right thanks mr Sam we practice what you preach I told you eat the salmon hey I'm gonna eat that salmon head tomorrow another thing it's so coincidental I come to Portland and on their little free paper we're first of all in the back of their fruit paper it's just advertising marijuana 80 percenters enjoy it you know slow down your lives this is your 80% and this is on the front it's also sorta 80% here it's talking about to bringing major league baseball to Portland like they so it's again is pressured like the fit into the other cities to be a real city we did a baseball thing let me tell you obviously maybe we think small is my favorite sport okay to watch as a young person I became addicted to to the bottom Orioles obviously I have weaned my addiction I don't watch NFL anymore I don't care about NBA NHL and see the basketball college basketball college football I used to be such a numbers guy with all that stuff now the only thing and I I don't want the Orioles I mean I do know the score in every game but I stay somewhat detached to I don't get too crazy into it but what I'm saying to Portland you have a beautiful city here okay a beautiful city and it's safe Baltimore st

Louis Cincinnati all have baseball teams their debtors okay they're dangerous there have been riots in all of those cities or their suburbs st Louis and right in a suburb since 2001 is that one Cincinnati had a riot in 2001 all the C's have had race riots okay since the turn of the century of this century Baltimore Cincinnati and st Louis st Louis in Ferguson and they all have baseball teams – no you don't need a baseball team okay it doesn't make you awesome you're still gonna you're not gonna have a riot here in Portland let me assure you in a race riot at least all right where there's huge ghettos and then all sorts of craziness starts happening Portland is a beautiful city I would not worry you know that maybe we baseball says you need public funding you need so the taxpayers either fun a billion-dollar industry say no say no if they ever want to come to Portland and there's some rich billionaire who wants to pay for everything and it's so profitable let him do it let him bring you don't need a baseball team be a fan of another baseball team I guess if you need to be a fan of a baseball team this is that when I was a young person I would I was I would encourage a city you know you need a baseball team it's awesome to have a baseball team but I don't fall into that trap any more where I you need no you don't need to have to follow a team there are better things in life you can be productive personal responsibilities you don't need to live like a vicariously through these sports stars and everything again if you're in the numbers of you know statistics you like baseball then cool and follow it then then understand the statistics behind any become more familiar with numbers so you can be a wealthier person and understand interest and all that stuff it's I guess for really dumb kids if they really start getting into numbers that's cool because they'll be because of baseball they all get into because of following baseball with their and it's fun to go see a game with your dad or whatever but again there's a there's a soccer team here it's that's a really wholesome sport go in Portland already have a soccer team that you got you know the taxpayers have to pay for probably go go take your son there it's just as good as baseball don't worry it is but and if you want to watch baseball you watch it on TV here's nothing I'm sure you are on the computer don't have a TV while showing YouTube watch baseball when it was really great watch the 1983 World Series on YouTube mm-hmm silly Smurfs Orioles guess who wins you anyway so yeah and again that tax incentives offer the Major League Baseball knowing that's a nice way of saying you're paying for it you're being money's being stolen from your kids and from you so don't mortgage their future to have the Portland totems come here or whoever are there gonna be and again if some team wants to move here and some billionaire wants to build a stadium that's great but Portland is a lovely place it just it's really I enjoy what I'm walking around here at nighttime I do see obviously some really feminized hipsters here though whoa I mean even more so than Baltimore and they're eating ice cream in the middle of the night from 23rd Avenue there I'm near there I'm like in the hipster central central part right now I'm on 17th Avenue here importantly it again it's a very safe city but it is kind of funny seeing them eat their unhealthy ice cream and become like chubby or feminized hipsters and stuff yeah dude if you don't have a lot of testosterone EMU I would and you've got a lot of estrogen in you and you're a guy and you're eating ice cream in the middle of the night not a not a good you're not investing in your future very well there I'll put it that way diabetes is probably your future or death when you're 40 I don't know all right so Fox News this is what I'm one of the mentioned last week about the Airlines fight well a woman was fined $500 I believe by TSA for bringing in an apple that she got on Delta into the country now I have warned people of this before the border control is insane here you're not allowed to bring in apples to the United States and literally if you've got an Apple in Canada and crossed the border you were just a Vancouver you bought an apple and you're trying to get take a bus to Seattle you can get in big trouble okay and so this woman when she was flying she got five five hundred dollars I mean they searched your bags for apples but but they're searching for drugs obviously probably and then they find an apple and they're having a bad day so they find you five this is statism here people this is again I have to deal with this when I'm going country to country but I accept it and I tried I don't bring apples how you eat my apples beforehand uh again that's why you want to be in this beat you don't want to be part of this state state mechanism okay try to extract yourself from the state mechanism as much as possible okay and you don't want to be a part of that you don't wanna be funding all these you know the the further the more people that extract themselves from this maybe they'll have to shut down the TSA again what am i little part what I do to make it worse with TSA is I never go through the naked body scanner here's a travel tip I never go through the naked body scanner I make them frisk me you say male opt-out that's what you tell them now by the way in LAX sometimes at LAX there is no naked body scanners sometimes and in many other countries there's no naked body skate so just go through your go through the the regular x-ray machine but the naked body scanner I don't know what kind of radiation that thing has first of all but again it makes them work harder it makes these TSA goons and I mean I don't know why it's the lowest of the low who works for them basically but as part of a bigger mechanism we shouldn't have it shouldn't be this crazy where we're being fined for apples so yeah I make those dudes frisk me every single time and yeah it there it's annoying but at least you know the more of us that do that then opt out on that naked body scanner hey maybe don't make a difference and make this world a little bit more free but again Bitcoin by a halt that's another solution strong hand pound that like button alright so that's an interesting article from Fox and here's a point that I forgot to make to be on Bitcoin shows again ago you might remember that my flight out of st Louis was delayed three hours so friend Eric Frontier Airlines gave us a fifteen dollar voucher so I was not impulsive I tried that the point is I tried to find a healthiest food possible in that Airport that I would be able to eat the next day now most people are just like oh time to go to the lasagna house or with it you know the st

Louis Airport is terrible now by the way um since American left that side be this say there's two wings the smaller wing the south west wing which used to be the smaller terminal that's fine the main terminal is like a ghost town and it's dirty it's ghetto the TSA agents are pretty good over there – to tell you the truth so yeah there's not that that the eating options aren't good not that I would ever pay a penny to eat in any Airport okay and that's a travel tip don't go hungry to an airport bring your own food eat before don't get caught up and ripped off by these people but hey if they're gonna give you a voucher that you can only spend at the airport get and make the most of it don't be impulsive and if you've already eaten like I had cuz I only eat once it's no that day I wasn't I was in the middle of like a 44 hour fast because I don't eat the days I go on a plane so I bought uh elements that the everything is overpriced there but again I got the almonds for the next day which was the best deal possible so again you get you're always thinking respect respect money a guy that we mentioned that in another show you know you just don't throw money on the ground throw it away you find a penny on the ground respect it that's what make town money talked about I pick up pennies I don't need to pick up pennies or dimes but guess what they do it eventually get a bunch of change you take a free ride on the Los Angeles subway and you get a free ride to the Burbank Airport or something I mean you've saved up enough check you find a lot of change will the streets of Los Angeles to tell you the truth you've got all these crazy bombings poor people walking around I think they could do pretty well just by picking up the change but some of them aren't as sane so they they don't really think logically like that alright but uh my point was don't rush don't be impulsive in your financial decisions and again I got a free big hunk of my next meal because I was I didn't rush I get for free for free I mean in the almond sense it was a big bag now but that was like a big hunk of the my monday meal that I had for free and again they're people all people out there saying I have no money oh I'm broke I have to trade by Bitcoin do you do things like this do you do things like I just mentioned when you think about you know how am I gonna maximize this opportunity I'm not gonna do something impulsive there you go I mean you gotta be patient in so many things a speck of your life if you're impulsive you're gonna end up just a complainer I have no money you're blaming other people you're scapegoating people all the scapegoat don't be a scapegoat er there are burn opportunity is always out there opportunity is even out there when you've got a three-hour delay in a ghetto Airport I'd save myself money by having a three-hour delay and I get a word and I called them on my computer I called Corey of the world crypto Network then we took care of some business before the Denver event we were still planning the Denver of it back then all right and it was great Denver of it was great Los Angeles event who knows where my next event was going to be probably in Calgary if all goes well but a rage oh yeah so a speaking of airports and travel here's a travel story for you and about planning ahead Southwest Airlines in Denver says all of a sudden there was an hour delayed to Portland and a two-hour delay to Portland but I stayed near the term you know I stayed near the gate you're supposed to stay near the gate now some people they didn't stay near the gate so suddenly Southwest got a new plan for us so it was all time after being delayed they said it's gonna be delayed two hours all of a sudden its own time again so they're making announcements they're making announces all of a sudden I see this land whale of a woman show up and she's like oh my god I almost missed it because I was eating she'd got you know she could have just you know sit there and wait you know two hours for the flight no no no she had to go down to the in Denver there there's lots of food options and then around the what oh she had to go down to the restaurant and eat that's not it where there's a little a all you impulsive people don't eat and that's why you end up being land whales and and getting diabetes and living off the government and having healthy people pay your insurance basically is what Obamacare is or and again personal responsibility this woman could have missed her flight because she was she couldn't she couldn't do without food for like 30 minutes or something she had to have a full meal sit down in the airport of all places okay no planning no planning buy and it gets towed up you've no one to blame but yourself with your poor people if you're if you're forced to trade your Bitcoin are you eating in airports are you eating at restaurants still are you sick or do you know how to save money do you know how to be frugal do you know how to defer gratification come on people pound that like button alright so here's an identity politics video I guess link to below it's Marilyn Mosby the state's attorney in Baltimore City and it's a total emotional appeal to women she keeps showing women in it and and I want you to all know that Maryland Maryland Mosby who I personally know because she lived in Reservoir Hill when I lived in Reservoir Hill I know her husband Nick Mosby all they know me there if you go up to them said you know Adam Meister they'll say they know Adam Meister um well he was she's only running against men so there you go she's got two opponents in the Democratic primary and and of course the Democrat always wins the the general election in Baltimore because the people they think the Democrats are gonna solve all their problems they don't have any personal responsibility but no Maryland's got this video this straight up into an emotional appeal to women and it works this is how our politicians are chosen she's running against two guys better appeal to all the women and again um and you might be familiar the Mosby after the Freddie gray uh the riots after the riots in 2015 she's the one you saw on news she is the woman you saw on the news sheet I know her I mean it says for more as a small world I've been to her house before I been Nick because of Nick her husband but I mean and I bet nicked his but behind this video to he's a pretty good marketing he's got a good marketing head on their shoulders so yeah there's a little inside a inside story for you for those of you who care about but it made the main thing is it's not just Marilyn Mosby who's doing this it's all the politicians they know just emotional appeals to your sex to to your race to whatever then this wants to definitely do sex because she's the one woman running but again this is what identity Pollock's politics creates these unstoppable unions to these untouchable unions it's all connected from date the James O'Keefe stuff is connected in this stuff also when you're appealing I mean voting is the voters are pretty lowly dudes a lot of them are just I mean it's tyranny its what what's it called mob rule is a suit on it is democracy so all right I'm Adam Meister and yeah again I personally know the person that that's running and I don't I'll say what I'm gonna say I that's what we're talking about beforehand you stand up for you believe what you believe even if you know the person who's putting out the thing you don't believe in that's taking a stand people that's that's being real and he's I don't know Marilyn or Nick you're gonna watch this they should watch this they should getting the big coin instead of being into politics at all this not and yet Nick Mosby is uh he's in the fortieth he's in the State House of Delegates also now actually he was on City Council when I uh when I knew him anyway i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister does this rotmeister hope you let like a little taste the baltimore you're beyond big coin show pound that like button i will say hello to you guys in the chat now tune back in tomorrow at new show every day