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Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the BitcoinMeister the disrupt meister welcome to the 1 Btcoin show today is May the 21st 2018 strong hand long-term thinking offended by selling bitcoin I'm confiscating all deferral of gratification all right it's almost 6:00 in the morning here and not in Bergen Norway Wow I'm up pretty late aren't I can't wait to go to sleep but I had to do this show so check out the links below get your Tresor letter Nano everything t-shirts below I want to start off with the great many rosenfeld a guy I met at the Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy when I was in the glorious land of Israel I've met him twice now I believe he's he's a he's a bigwig over there in the Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy you got it if you're in Israel ever go to Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy say hello to many and and the crew over there but he has this great genius he's got this great tweet out there it's an entire thread and it demystifies the the term blotching and it kind of explains why it has been mystified and by him demystifying in it it takes away a little bit of the power behind the people who hide behind it and make it an ambiguous type of term to to mean anything so it's a very good tweet thread by many he doesn't tweet that often apparently but i link to it below it is definitely worth the read and it'll it'll explain the blockchain bandwagon there that to jump on that term in a meaningless type of way anyway another thing i recommend here is brian the UK bitcoin master he's steam it post up with his video about baby boomers and Bitcoin he's a baby boomer Brian UK bitcoin master and a lot of you'll just like his video because it's got a pretty background its outside and I know a lot of you are just like I must watch the video with the pretty background pay attention to anything but pay attention to his content his content is awesome also no fancy set of graphics here on the bitcoinmeister channel but Brian he's got a couple of fancy setter grab it so check him out anyway that's one steam it and remember you could follow me on at Twitter at Tech ball te CH be alt and bitcoinmeister on steam it we'll get to that in a second and as many of you know on June the 8th to the 12th I am going to be in Delray Beach north of Miami ok I want to go to Miami afterwards and there's someone I'm talking to we've been facebooking back and forth and again don't Facebook me people that's never even said that that isn't part of the bitcoinmeister empire that's actually my personal facebook but there is a guy if you're lucky enough to Facebook me huh guest lucky yeah this dude and I have been facebooking and messaging and yeah he's he's trying to set up something with me coming down to Miami after Delray Beach so if you guys are interested email me and Adam at resort help calm I'd love to spend more time in South Florida after the 12th because I do not have to be anywhere until July the 8th when I have to be in Calgary so between you know June the 12th and July the 8th I'm pretty open and loved that obviously spend more time in South Florida a lot of people people have contacted me from Delray Beach area so let's try to organize this thing people also I am up for going you know to Phoenix to Vegas to Montreal at North American type of door Toronto Vancouver people contact me from all those is also to say Las Vegas yeah again email me and Adam at treasurer help that come try to let you know tell me some more information how the logistics would work and everything like that you got some more people that want me to speak or who knows just you that wants me to talk to me you want me to hang out at your private villa or what I mean whatever it may be I'm up for it but email me to a dimitra's or help calm so I may be and then of course guys it's real important the bitcoinmeister tour of alberta that's real it's hardcore then 1910 I'm at the Bitcoin rodeo Bitcoin rodeo calm in Calgary next day the 11th I am in Red Deer Alberta and in the next day the 12th I'm in Edmonton Alberta and all of those are linked to below all those events those three events are linked to below and when we if we have the official South Florida event that will eventually be linked to below but I'm definitely going to be meeting with some people in Delray that is there's no doubt about that and that's going to be pretty cool so let's get back to the show and oh I want to say that this weekend Bitcoin was again great you can see all my old shows at disrupt meister comm this friday JW weathermen and ken Bozak will be two of the guests i don't know who the third guests will be yet ken Bozek was just in like a big cursing match with some ico dude or scammer dude I don't even know it is a pretty funny video we'll talk about that but that's 11 oh god I'd better get this right it's 11 am

this Friday yes 11 8 am Friday Eastern Time this week in Bitcoin I'm telling you way in advance this time people and I'm telling you is gonna be on it Ken Bozak JW weatherman and somebody else hopefully an international person so pound that like button I'll be international I'll be here in Bergen Norway alright so let us continue on what people have been asking me about be private they want to be private update someone in the chat did the other day and then someone in the comment section did I mean it's it's got a passionate a a passionate crew of community supporters there so here we go here's what I thought was interesting about the i link to this below again everything i talk about in the show is linked to below was to say texting people tiny amounts of be private can son send money via text anywhere in the country for seven cents or world for fifty cents transactions are anonymous by default okay so this is pretty cool they've come up with this little app this little tool that'll let you send be private anywhere before my text it s an SMS messenger you know and without crazy long addresses or anything just texting it to people that don't eat don't even have be private wallets hey i don't know how the whole entire thing works there's a couple demin I linked to the stuff below that explains it it's very interesting and again the coolest part is being able to text people money or cryptocurrency anonymously this can come in handy for people so yeah good job be private keep it up again it's a crypto dividend of a Bitcoin as Bitcoin holders we want all the friendly for crypto dividends to do well to be worth as much as possible to have a use case so that when we you know split our crypto dividend when we split our be private from our Bitcoin we can get a lot of Bitcoin for it always value your wealth and Bitcoin people always try to get more Bitcoin but be patient long-term thinking 2020 having alright the great Nathan from Perth and Perth is one of my favorite cities on this frickin planet my favorite city in Australia obviously and I've been to what five of the six major cities there I haven't been the Adelaide that's the only one I haven't been to of the the six most populated cities yeah and so the funding and he's the fun da you his name is he's been on the show before Nathan he's awesome he sent me this link about something that came out on with 15th actually and I link to it below new app allows Bitcoin transaction to be sent offline and will be passed along through a mesh network until one has internet connection he's gonna post about this on his steam it I linked to his steam it but I'd also link to the article that talks about this app it's called text enna txt e NN a txt e NN a and the article as text Anna decentralizing the last mile in Bitcoin anyway I linked to the fot Nathan hasn't posted his article about it yet but the the main art I hadn't heard about it yet even though it's been out for a week but I mean I've had a pretty busy week trying to get from Seattle to to Norway where the where it's never night apparently alright so I mentioned steam it before bitcoinmeister on there I have 2747 followers now and you know I mentioned Nathan I mentioned Brian the UK Bikram master you know 21 million club all these dues that I know that are in this little circle here in the hardcore bitcoin circle of people they use steam it they're they're trying to earn steam to get more bitcoin and they're you you know it is a way to increase your what was it called your your footprint in the crypto social media world there and hey it might come in handy if you know you get kicked off a Twitter or YouTube or whatever and it might get big one day and again no harm done so on again I'm still a big fan of steam it I post there every day you can watch my video there right now live and I encourage some of these big content producers out there they don't even have anything to do with cryptocurrency to get on there I mean when one day someone is gonna do it you know Ben Shapiro should do it they Rubin should do it I mean Jordan Peterson should do it but they don't they don't know about it yet they're not in our little world here yet in the cryptocurrency world so thumbs out outs to steam it as usual trying to get my Bitcoin through there alright and again I'm Bitcoin again if you've got something good there tell me about it I'll mention it I mentioned these guys so it's speaking about steam and andy hoffman posted a big announcement on steam it just a few minutes ago or an hour ago or something it says what to say crypto gold centralcom introduces professional altcoin marketing service so Andy is going to be offering a service to all coins to help market them so he read read the steam it post for yourself he explains what his a new service is about there alright so and you know what Andy mentions all coins either this is big news here is you know he's a big Bitcoin guy huge Bitcoin guy so RRS case mark at contracts there live as of the 15th dude I'm a little behind the times RSK dot CEO I don't know if I'd link to that below but I did link to their tweet below where they say say hello to the future of smart contracts RSK smart Bitcoin sidechain is here hey I didn't dude I wasn't paying attention good to know and maybe some of you weren't paying attention so our smart contracts gonna be vital to our lives right now no not right now ever if ever who knows let's see if you're gonna think so a lot of people think so aetherium was going up and down so now you know if you do want to do a smart contract and you do it on our sk also you could do it on bitcoin also now through our sk you know Benny Lin have said originally that it wasn't Civic gonna be on a Bitcoin okay we'll see I guess he's still planning on doing that okey dokey and finally I'll be in Oslo as all of you know on June the 4th until the 8th and quit a few people have gotten in touch with me they want to hang out bitcoin people so I thought well you know there's got to be a Bitcoin meetup group there maybe it'll be easier if we just have an event and everyone can come to that instead of running it all over the place hey I do want to hang with everybody it's going to be awesome so I look up the Bitcoin meetup crews in Norway and and one of the dudes who contacted me actually he wants to hang out warn me about this he said that there was a Bitcoin group and now it's a be cash group and sure enough there's a guy named Stein Harvard Luda Vexin and he's a he's a big B cash fan and he's in Oslo and he's got articles out there and stuff it dudes it's like it's like us Oslo opposite land or something like that I mean I haven't been there yet I'm not gonna judge it or anything is beat hash big in Oslo come on Oslo people speak up is is a Stein Harvard ludwigssen contact me do do I want to hear your side of this story too has the cash taken over is this a major European city that's been taken over by be cashing we and the rest of the Western world don't know yet I mean maybe maybe there's something I learned a lot of stuff when I'm when I'm traveling around this gun world I see a lot of different things that are you know I'd learned a lot in South Korea about how they stay at home women were a day traders have you see some crazy things you hear about some well interesting things that make make things flow so I I'm tell me tell me Oslo speak up to me Oslo what am I going to encounter in Oslo is it's an opposite land there's just just normal land alright count that like one people i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below and i will say hello to you news in the chat good night