Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is May the 23rd 2018 buy-and-hold strong hand long-term thinking don't be impulsive people deferral of gratification check out the links below see the archive see yesterday's show to get a trace or get some t-shirts seriously everything I talk about in this video is linked to below so this Friday aln am
check out this channel 11:00 am Eastern Time we're gonna have a JW weatherman on this weekend Bitcoin with Ken Bozak and introducing Chris soul moan Chris soul moan is a be private developer he's the god mention Jews he come up with all these ways of getting uh be private on the Tresor and and ledger he's written the code so he's really smart so this should be an interesting combination and I mean he's a solid be private guy now we're gonna talk about pretty private a little bit later on the show because there's been all sorts of interesting crypto dividend drama today all over the place alright so what do I have written down oh yeah check out disrupt meister comm you can see all my old videos there and yeah chris is a chris as a guy who's gonna make it easy for all the people out there who have be private but they don't know that they have be private yet there's so many bitcoin holders out there so i mean he's a guy would what is Chris here chris is a be private wallet developer that's his official title so that that will be interesting again I'm gonna be in Alberta check out that links to everything I'm doing in Alberta in July July 9th 10th 11th 12th or the events and then I might stick around Edmonton which of course is in Alberta quite some you know we'll talk about that some more I might be an M it's a little bit longer than originally planned so but check that out if you're in Alberta now I noticed in my youtube feed because I get a lot of just Bitcoin related videos sent my way on the side and you know the philosophical ones Jordan Peterson type of stuff too but I all of a sudden I noticed that be cash has an official propaganda page official Bitcoin comm YouTube page with keeping the trolls all over it and it seems like it'd be making a lot of videos like I didn't even know it existed but I do wonder how many other alt coins out there will come up with this having an official YouTube page it's probably a good idea you can put out your own propaganda you give your own video prob the channel there hey you gotta do what you got to do I did not even know it existed but you know the usual suspects were on there he said to say them to say the least and well we'll actually mention one of those usual suspects in the second he got into a little bit of an argument with someone in crypto dividend drama of the day so uh the Bergen Norway meetup is Tuesday the 29th here in Bergen Norway where I am where it is 5:30 in the morning right now of course it's light outside because it's always light outside here and uh this time of year I'm learning but I will be speaking there so say it that the link to the Bergen meetup is below here in Norway I will be speaking there you can ask me anything 7:00 pm to 10:00 I am next Tuesday so that oh that's gonna be a lot of fun I there's more and more Bitcoin people in Bergen popping up so I'm happy to hear about this I didn't even really know there was a there was a meet-up here but you know I I go around the world I end up talking place this and this is gonna be look for a B there's some people that I plan by meeting anyway that I'm gonna meet there so it'll be really awesome to meet with some of the people that I you know been in contact with over the months and years or whatever to see them in person always is awesome to meet people in person that you've only you know D end with and by the way I have you know I ate tonight and that I ended my eating before 9 p
m and like ever since then I've been standing up at this computer I drove my teeth of course to but I get I've gotten so many DMS and shut and just I've been constantly dealing with Bitcoin stuff or cryptocurrency stuff whatever you want to say for quite a while tonight it really took up a lot of time it was quite amazing so I'm behind on email so I did catch up on certain things here and there certain things with my trip to Alberta and I'm dealing with some Baltimore stop that doesn't have to deal with the in it with cryptocurrency so that that'll be done with soon hopefully but yeah I didn't and again I don't sit anyway this is my standing desks you should do a standing desk to pound that like button people bang that Bell button if you want to get notifications from YouTube when this goes live or like I mean if you want to because they really they don't do a good job of Sunda they don't send out notifications than me and I'm signed up for the notifications maybe whatever it's worth a shot it's worth us check hey this is the platform I'm on no complaints gotta roll with the punches is where the big boys play I'm doing quite well so but if you want if you want to try to get them better updates bang that Bell button it's worth a shot ok so yeah this is like a day of soap operas that you can be involved in the the Bitcoin price soap-opera I mean I don't get it like how can people watch videos about like the minutiae of the Braille it might go up it might go down tell me do you have like a financial plan people like where you're saying like okay I'm into this Bitcoin thing I think it's gonna be X by a certain day and at that point I will sell a certain amount and get a certain thing and do this with my family or buy a house and buy but I mean I guess a lot of people just like to be involved in something they feel is dramatic and moving and changing the price and they want to know the magical future of the price like but they want to know the price by the end of the day or the next hour and these are not even traders I don't know how I mean how can people be that interest in it I mean you go to the the typical Bitcoin news site it's just analyzing the price to all these videos all these people predicting big prices small prices why you might go to 3,500 this son I see lingham has something just retreat' retweeting something I mean how much price talking it so it's like it's a big soap opera to me so I don't know your your wealth and bitcoin one big point equals one Bitcoin I mean and then you're not gonna be like I don't think you'll be interested in like hearing some of this craziness I mean I mean maybe maybe it's cool for newbies but you're not all newbies I don't know long-term thinking it's find it fascinating that people are so fascinated by the ever-changing dollar value it's volatile people it's volatile this is when a big boys but you get into this game knowing that it's volatile and some days it's up some this is down crazily I mean how many times have I sat on this channel we're gonna have days where it goes down a thousand we're gonna have days when it goes down 2,000 we're gonna head goes up 1,500 I mean just the nature of the beast and if yet if you're spending hours watching videos reading articles typing in chats about price predictions and you're wasting your time you really are I think you could be much more productive much more productive this is the question you have to ask yourself and I'm jumping ahead here really but Matt Odell had a tweet and he said his tweet really sums it up I have more Bitcoin than I had yesterday do you have more Bitcoin than you had yesterday if you don't and you're just watching videos all day about price predictions or reading articles about it or tweeting about it then you're not you're not doing it right yeah you're not did I do it you gotta be in the mindset of I want to have and even if you don't earn that even if you don't have more Bitcoin than you had yesterday if you think if that's the way you think I want more Bitcoin than I had yesterday you'll be in great shape do I have more Bitcoin than I had yesterday well let's look at it this way my my videos I posted you're watching this live on steam it right now maybe and I earn steam dollars there every day so those are going to be turned in the Bitcoin so I I have more cryptocurrency than I did yesterday every single day every single day which is all being turning the Bitcoin eventually so yeah I have one I mean I've got it set up so maybe that's why I just don't give a darn about if it's 76 76 or 83 83 or if it went back and forth between those numbers 15 times in a day I mean if I mean you're better off watching a baseball game tell you the truth then just look at it I mean at least it's it's a competition I don't know I don't watch to don't watch TV don't watch numbers shows a number of predictions just get in that mindset people do I have more Bitcoin than I had yesterday Matt Odell has more Bitcoin than he had yesterday Adam nice has more bigpoint than he had yesterday and if people keep asking the chat there's one doing the chat the last night when I look at the chat afterwards if you do this super chat I can answer you now but I look at the chat afterwards there's one guy that keeps on asking me and I've talked about this before but I guess some people don't know he said are you still buying Bitcoin no I don't buy big yeah why I listen to Adam Meister in 2015 and 2016 and bought bought a lot of Bitcoin I and ahead I said I need this amount of Bitcoin to be a millionaire by a certain day and I bought that amount of Bitcoin and since then all these crypto dividends have come up this steamy thing comes up so I just and people obviously do the consultations I get Bitcoin so I have a setup where you know hi again you have to have a financial plan people so I followed my plan perfectly and it's it's paid off really well so there's no need for me to get any more and I assure you I have more I mean most likely I have more than you and that's that's because I again you look at my old videos I'm like why don't you you guys should get you know should spend $4,000 you get ten Bitcoin and if it goes down to you know I mean God forbid if it you know went down to life $1,300 or something like insane like that I would be I've watched more then yeah yeah I would buy more then but as I have some cash to but no I know not this there's no need for me to buy you that seventy six hundred eighty three hundred or nine thousand dollars or whatever because I was telling people to buy it at 400 and 500 600 700 and that's what exactly what I was doing and and so now you know these crypto dividend things cut and that's a you know the people who say I have more be cash than most of the be cash fans to because of you know I had so much Bitcoin and everything now I've gotten raises oh my god me a lot I've gotten rid of more be cash then most people have ever had be cashed because again I planned it well there's an answer to your question why I don't buy Bitcoin anymore because I practice what I preach I was preaching you know this is a you know this is a great deal Val but you got to get it now you gotta get ten right now now it's uh I mean it's still early on you should still do it but there's no need for me to do to the Bott the whole part is very important to do now very very important not to get tempted by all this crypto noise and crypto nonsense and crypt of drama that the whole part is really an important thing to do and something I'm really good at okay you know but get a trace or remember control your own private key let's see we talked about the price soap opera yeah and again people are here's the thing that happened today but Rhett Rhett Creighton made some dramatic announcement about be private and again if people get obsessed with people like Rhett oh it's such a big deal what he said this then yeah I knew he's doing it for whatever reason is he doing and I don't think well I think now he's trying to be dramatic I think at one point he wasn't but don't get caught up in that don't get caught up in his and in the be Tash versus the Bitcoin who yelled at who today who who burnt who today I mean it's it's drama it's drama but we've got a lot of it we've definitely had a lot of it lately in the Crippler dividend land and so ret I know people are eating people or sunny mess what do you think about what Rhett said and here I did a little bit of research and I heard from a be private developer that Rhett proposed a fork in which prime coin holders receive be private but that the team said no and then he got mad and so now he's boosting stuff on Twitter I that's why I'm really happy about having Chris so Limon on what I've just butchered his last name on the show on Friday he's no drama person at all he's gonna tell you this straight technical stuff that he's done with the Tresor and the ledger to the make hopefully get be private easily onto there and everything we don't fundamentals behind descriptive Givaudan again I'm talking about this crypto dividend and all these cryptid images we got it for free if you're a Bitcoin holder and we want them to do well so we get more Bitcoin all right so yeah again don't be don't spend too much time on these uh these so poppers don't spend any time on them but again again this is this is what gets sent to me what's this a so I'm gonna have a you know intelligent debate though is a good thing you know without drama is cool now we in over in Asia today or yesterday there was a big old verse be cache battle of sorts with fake Satoshi and Jack Lau a big ol thang Satoshi 'va be cash and Jack allow of a beagle and whenever they were screaming I'd link to it below it's linked to below and again I I'm not too entertained by that type of stuff but it was it was flown around Twitter but what I propose and what some people have wanted to do in the past and I think is it is different because we've had the be cash Bitcoin debate a lot I mean it's probably jump the shark right I mean there have been some intelligent debates and that can be a learning experience I want to have a be gold verse be cash real debate with real debate rules on this channel okay because we haven't had that yet and obviously there's some be gold be cash tension if these guys are yelling at each other on stage in Asia I think it was in Taiwan actually so here's the thing I've got some I dunno a big old guy he's been on the show before and he's willing to the baby Gold side but haven't suddenly the be Cashtown I talked to a be cash guy he didn't want to do it he originally won't do it a long time he didn't want to do it anymore I'll talk to another one he didn't want to do it but if your be cast first fear interesting debating a big old person in a real debate not named just a formal debate on the show it'll be I think it'll be educational okay – crypto dividends of Bitcoin debating giving their pros and cons it does I mean maybe we'll see why one's gonna do better than the other maybe some people want to hold their crip their dividends longer I don't know but there is it there seems to be some issues with guys involved in these coins in Asia so let's uh let's have a nice formal debate and you know people do like it's different it'll be different at least it's not the same old let's analyze 7676 versus 81-81 or P cash Sox err I mean just like now let's get down to some intelligent debate here but again I I do i do linked hey maybe we give a beep right I mean I just thought this they do be private verse be gold or be private versus be cash debate I don't know I'm up for anything now that I think about it be private verse Manero debate how about that that's I mean because it's privacy you know how important is privacy if we did a be private verse be gold we could say well is this privacy more important to then what be gold brings to the table er because these are things we get for free these are crippling dividends god bless crypto vivid ends I'm not complaining that's a that's a one of the benefits of holding baby strong freaking hand in today you know I usually I say on a day like this you know you had to have a really got a real strong hand today right I didn't know what was going on I've had so much else in my mind today I'm still really destroy me I'm still not getting sleeping for the right hours I'm sleeping for eight hours but I go to sleep at like 6 am or 7:00 am
it's ridiculous and there's always light outside I just I've stolen like East Coast time it is humble and I'm in Norway uh yeah I think we're saying Adam you're complaining yeah you're right it's not this is what there's nothing to complain about I'll it's a really it's a good life you can't okay but still that I said my point was that I've distracted by some other things and I don't think you really need that strong but I mean I'm just in the mindset where I guess I have a natural strong hand now I don't care what the Fiat price is I just don't care and I think it's like to a point it's mind-numbing now when people discuss it it's just it's just mine um so I've tried to go in some different direct and I also think that the screaming remain calling between the B cash in the Bitcoin and the data if some of these characters are real characters though and again I don't like this fake Toshi I mean with the claims he's made that's ridiculous stuff I mean that you got a call out obviously what else do we have here this is this is way longer than I planned you're in in the morning here Matt Odell also has the more complex system the larger the attack surface altcoin let's just say I can't all coins are incentive I know hang on sometimes larger the attack surface all coin are incentivize to make their protocols more complex because it makes good marketing smart dads prefer to keep the base protocol and associated assumptions as simple as possible to reduce attack surface okay so yeah making them these are these all coins that brag about how special and great they are bizarre so complex it increased the attack surface okay it's just a marketing ploy it's just so it's just something to make them look sexy Bitcoin isn't very sexy okay it's not sexy but it is it is the one okay keep the base protocol and associated assumption as simple as possible to reduce the attack surface there you go alright one thing that I was thinking of people complain about the energy consumption of Bitcoin all the time and you've got and then you have a world where we have all these young men addicted to playing PC video games and it's a it's a waste I don't know I think it's a big waste of time you know sitting down on a couch for hours and hours and hours playing your PC videogames and in 2015 this is 2015 the the PC gamers used to use 75 terawatt hours per year okay that's how much they've burnt down 95 Taric terawatt hours per year in energy while Bitcoin this year in a year has 68 terawatt hours per year alright that's their rate 68 Tara so so but people don't complain about video games wasting energy again so young men would be better get involved in Bitcoin related activities they're gonna be productive that way they're gonna hopefully get some Bitcoin and it's going to use less energy actually then their other hobby again if a bunch of them switch over from video games to the Bitcoin then maybe big coin will surpass it in energy consumption but the point is this you don't hear people complaining constantly about video game taking up this tremendous amount of energy which it does do you hear about them saying the Bitcoin does it bitcoins ruining the world no none of them are it can be it's just that's that's the way it is lot we use energy for a lot of darn different things and it's just a bunch of fun when people try to scare you off there no Bitcoin can't last when it's using so much darn energy it's a very wasteful thing now it's fun the the freaking and we've got it there's just different ways of looking at it as fun isn't and this is just a new way when you compare it to all the energy being used by these guys sitting on their butts playing video games on their PCs all day all right and I linked the articles about that also I think I covered everything but I was jumping all around I just want to make sure I didn't I didn't skip anything and it just looks like I covered all right i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this and share this video pound that like button i'll say hi to you dudes in the chat look at this shirt look at that better mind you but that does it right there right now see hi to you in the chat
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