Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is May the 27th 2018 strong hand long-term thinking don't be impulsive deferral of gratification is a better way of saying that oh right so yeah I wear my blotching Center a t-shirt shout out to the guys in Melbourne Australia that sent me this I travel around with it alright so speaking about traveling around I am in Bergen Norway right now and you can see me at the Bergen Norway Bitcoin meetup on Tuesday at 7 pm
I link to that below I also link to all the events I'm going to be speaking at in Alberta including the Bitcoin rodeo which starts on July the 9 and 10 and then the 11th I'll be in Red Deer the 12th in Edmonton so also I'm bitcoinmeister on Steam it I am tech Balt on twitter follow me over there those are loads of fun people also just announced the 12th June the 12th which is really soon that's a Tuesday also I'll be speaking in Boca Raton Boca Raton Florida near Miami South Florida I'll be in the house all those links are below below always check out the links below I'm confiscating well guys that's Bitcoin and I wanted to say check out yesterday's show when I was outside here in Bergen Norway I know some of you love those outside shows it was the beyond the big coin show I beyond Bitcoin show I talked about real estate and Bitcoin and comparisons between the two and I'll talk about that a little bit more today also this week a big coin was great that is linked JW weathermen man was on we talked about Matt bak Ken Bozak was on and Chris Simone was on from be private alright so let's just jump right into today then and Alistair Milne has a great tweet out there shout out to shout out to all the Venezuelans and Argentines becoming the 1% in their countries via Bitcoin slash crypto and it can't beat and it can't be taken away someone added that as a comment so yeah there are some smart people event as well in Argentina when these countries are going through some difficulty using in terms of finances they're just getting the Bitcoin and they're joining the 1% and they're not just saying they're complaining hating on the 1% they're joining the 1% you can do the same thing in your country so don't be a hater you can do one simple thing to get yourself in position to join the 1% and for one Bitcoin that's your first goal is one Bitcoin than two then three and so on and so on this is the one Bitcoin show alright Polonia axe is in the news and before I was even going to talk about this story I was going to talk about a fake email I got from an account that hasn't you know I have a I have a few email accounts and I get all sorts of weird emails fake emails and I get a fake Polonia x1 saying hey we just received your deposit of 053 to Bitcoin click on this guy's be really careful you're gonna get the if I'm getting these at random email addresses you're gonna get them at yours also so don't click on something but you think you've gotten something free of pelone EXO I don't remember doing the point 5 3 2 Bitcoin deposit better check it out no you better not check it out because if you don't remember depositing that much money you didn't do it okay it's a trick don't fall for that but then in more Polonia X news something I just found out about and don't even opening emails like that okay that you you you know in your heart it's a completely fakie now you didn't do anything with 053 to Bitcoin you can probably even have abalone X account you probably don't want one now because I link to their press release but they're they're getting hot and heavy with the identity verification I guess now the circle owns them we are now requiring that all legacy Polonia X accounts become verified through the latest version of our verification portal if you have a legacy account you will not have the ability to use Polonia X until your profile verification is complete we are asking everyone to take action within the next 14 days we appreciate your cooperation in this process they don't say what happens if you don't cooperate in the next 14 days or they're gonna let you take your money off of it if you actually have money on there if you have some dust on there or whatever are they gonna let you take it off if you don't do anything if they haven't blackmailed you into giving your social security number who knows we'll see let's see what happens after two weeks this is a story to monitor I saw on Twitter some people are like you know I gave my information and then they shut down my account even more this is not you know we're the wild wild west of all this stuff they're trying to be they're trying to get all corporate and follow all the rules they're gonna lose a lot of customers obviously this the customers are gonna move on to the next anonymous when I'm not the neck the the the next hot trading platform in Asia where you know we don't have to give any information you know these these things are they you know there's the most popular one on earth and then there's a new most popular one on earth where you can trade crypto currencies it and it all depends on how easy and anonymous they are that Polonia axe is going to lose a lot from this but who knows that they'll have a twist on it eventually you'll be able to buy you know – with dollars they're easily eventually if they'll have some gimmick who knows I'm just making that up right now once they've got everybody in compliance with the US government and the information you have to give up know your customer Oh social security number time to tax all right bang that Bell button people if you want to get updates about when I go live some people like that and of course pound that like button as they say in Baltimore and yes subscribe to the channel check out those links below everything I talked about including money Triggs his link is below to his Twitter he is not a big fan of aetherium if you're not a big fan of a theory I mean you've been hearing these things about aetherium follow him over there now he's a fan of aetherium classic so I think he has been me he sees these problems with aetherium like the one that's tweeted out by no grubbles that says a theorem and transaction fees are currently 13 times what vitalik deuteron stated as unacceptable for the internet of money recently transactions fees reached 83 times that at a staggering four dollars and 15 cents per theory of transaction so money tricks thinks that some of these uh icos that are using the etherion platform should move to another platform maybe rootstock on Bitcoin or I'm sure he's also thinking a theory on classic because you may remember money Triggs when he was only this week in Bitcoin show gave an interesting aetherium classic theory god that was like a few months ago now back when I was I was in Baltimore for some reason where was it last year even I don't know I'm losing track I'm all I've only been in Baltimore once this a year that was during Passover so I'll be back for Rosh Hashanah if you're missing me and we'll talk about Baltimore in a second alright so Pierre Rashard has a tweet the easiest way to take someone's Bitcoin is through social engineering promising someone the next Bitcoin has been highly effective in that regard bitcoin is the next Bitcoin just remember that you won't get tricked out of your Bitcoin that way alright perky their president causal Turks to convert dollars and euros into lira so yeah they're their currency is falling apart in Turkey and if he their president is gently suggesting that if you're hiding your dollars and your euros under your pillows convert them into lira yeah yeah guys that's a sign right there it's not a good sign in terms of uh not getting your money confiscated so it's time to get into Bitcoin your Bitcoin won't get confiscated they won't they can't find the Bitcoin in your house they can't close down your Bitcoin well if you have it if you control your own private key they can't do anything they can shut down your your bank accounts they can raid your house for dollars hey man who knows how extreme it will get in Turkey but that's not a good sign when the president day is calling all Turks to convert their dollar they're the good money he's saying convert your good money into bad money well you want the best money and that's Bitcoin so should go the opposite direction in turn into in terms of converting your good money and the bad money no convert your good money into the best so convert those dollars and euros which are good compared to the lira into Bitcoin there's your sign it come with one percent in Turkey and probably you might want to get the heck out of Turkey knows you don't want to chime in pound that like button all right Swiss bank account for your pock in your pocket that's what your Tresor is right that's where you keep your Bitcoin or you can keep on your ledger nano or whatever your digital bit box but here is a story that deals with Bitcoin comparing Bitcoin to tax havens and offshore banking and to the point one percent or the 001% have huge amounts of wealth offshore it can also be said that point zero one percent of the most wealthy have already had access to this form of secrecy and privacy for some time about 80% of offshore wealth belongs to the top 01% richest households and about 50% to the top 0
01% in order to get access to these tax havens typically typically you needed a minimum amount of assets to invest ranging from 1 million to 10 million dollars now however Bitcoin may open the playing field for ordinary citizens who normally cannot afford this luxury Swiss bank account me mmm okay so yeah it is this is going to be you know for regular guys a Swiss bank account for regular people or an offshore tax haven for regular people that's what bitcoin is at the same time this article also discusses that some of these people who do offshore banking now these incredibly wealthy people people are up here but if I hear people outside at 3:00 in the morning you're unbelievable anyway yeah the people that are already using these tax havens that thing it's getting stricter you know the Swiss bank accounts are giving up information on who actually has to it so it's not as anonymous as it used to be so some of these people using tax havens are going to start moving their huge amounts of money in the Bitcoin so that that's a that's a positive for Bitcoin but again I'm talking to you guys out there I know you guys aren't a part aren't part of the point o 1% richest people on earth but you cannot you can treat your money like them you can put it in the Bitcoin and have your own little offshore bank account in your pocket all right so real estate versus Bitcoin your Bitcoin doesn't lose value based on the government making decisions like with your real estate the government can decide well now we're gonna put section 8 people in your neighborhood and your and your house will immediately lose value trust me I've seen what's going on in Baltimore County McGovern can make all sorts of decisions they can change what school district you're and then your house loses money you can't pick up your house and move it to a new school district or away from section eight people or away from the Housing Authority of Baltimore City decide you're the cool thing about Bitcoin doesn't matter who your neighbor is your worst enemy can hold Bitcoin and it won't matter to the value of your after Bitcoin after private of your secret stash a Bitcoin oh I don't even know they have Bitcoin your worst enemy could have it with that with a piece of real estate again this is something you cannot move it's something that the government can make decisions to majorly affect the value of your piece of real estate by just you know school district today if they're moving in section 8 people they change the zoning that's not gonna happen to you your Bitcoin is the complete opposite your worst enemy could have a Bitcoin it's not going to affect the price the value of your Bitcoin and you can take that Bitcoin anywhere if you don't feel comfortable where you are with your Bitcoin take it somewhere else start a new life you can't just take your you know once the government put a section 8 next to your house you can sell your house or you can liquidate it and pay all those taxes and then you get less than it was worth previously then you have to take the cash and buy a new house for more money it's a pain again there you go freed up but the the Bitcoin gives you the freedom the real estate ties you down that's not freedom but doesn't it's not free to move it's not freedom to change your mind all of a sudden if you need to be sometimes you know the things change quickly things can change real quickly and you need that ability to move especially if you're a single a single person you should be able to that you shouldn't have a house tying you down and bitcoin is an asset that is it's not going to tie you down complete opposite of real estate so I talked about some of that in yesterday's show again I was outside if you'd like seeing me outside and talking about real estate and compare it to Bitcoin but some people still don't get it a lot of people are just entrenched in this mindset that real estate is just an ultimate goal getting your own house is the ultimate goal guys again I have experienced I bought and sold three different properties in my life okay it is not it's not really a pretty picture especially when you're dealing with big cities okay I mean that's what I'm used to Baltimore City okay some I guess some people are like eh no I live in the middle of South Dakota wait it probably it is different in the middle of South Dakota or something like that but it's still you're tied down for that property in the middle South Dakota I'm comparing it to Bitcoin and I'm saying we got to get ourselves into a new mindset here when it comes to putting real estate and housing on this pedestal that Bitcoin is at the top it's at the top of the pyramid not real estate real estate is not the American dream it can be the American Nightmare I assure you go to Baltimore City alright so you know talking about cryptocurrency and the way we many people that I encounter in the Bitcoin community have a different take on it then I think most people who are getting in the cryptocurrency and this is a little scary well not a little scary is the right I think for some people it's scary but it's just something you have to realize about 80 percenters and 20 percenters because 80 percenters are gonna come into cryptocurrency they've come in the crypto currency some of them think that cryptocurrency is just a way to get around initial public offerings and just a way to raise money for projects and companies so Bitcoin to them is nothing it's a simple non company coin they want to invest in companies I mean I keep this in mind I mean we may see just a huge influx of these ICO type of people again I mean the fear now could get us act together I don't know I'm the day by these people that probably don't care about high transaction fees on aetherium and having their I cos they just there are people that are getting in the creek of Crescent they only know it because hey I can buy into this newfangled cool company using their private coin and I think the coin goes up in value and I flip the coin and then they get all this they raised all this money for their company but they would have been able to raise any other way and that's just a way some people see cryptocurrency you got to get your mind around that that they had no concept of what bitcoin is or what the other coins are at all they just see it as this ICO tool so I mean that's something that I think everyone needs to consider that and I'm saying I don't I don't think I've cooked of currency that way I think that that's a messed-up way of thinking about it that's something that cryptocurrency can do okay but you know everything that I've talked about previously in this video and all my other videos that's what bitcoin is about that is you know freeing people huh how about that you know giving giving people new financial opportunities new privacy new independence new personal you know a free definition of personal responsibility the the the ultimate money of personal responsibility is is Bitcoin I mean you gotta control your own private key I mean this is system heavy stock it's not just about you know you know a newfangled ie IPO that's what I mean and people can think of it that way if they want to but I mean a lot of people are getting into cryptocurrency for those reasons unfortunate I think I think what I mean 80 percentage of I'll do an 80 percentage I'm gonna do in the long run it's gonna help the 20 percent be a 20 percent or strong hand pound that like button alright what else is here Twitter oh this is for them in there will be people with link to below the official Manero be wallet is open source and available on githubcom slash Manero be there is no web wallet available from an arrow be romero be org is the only official web site of the project please avoid and report phishing attempts web wallets or any promise of a narrow V so be careful people I know there's a lot of a narrow people out there that are wondering about this Manero V thing there is no web wallet so if you end up with a narrow V web wallet they're trying to steal your enero I've linked to a Exchange krex 24 comm that list Manero be I think they credited everyone I don't know if you can deposit monaro be there yet they probably credited everybody to have an arrow there at the time doesn't only the Monaro vidya is treating for very much there let less than a dollar or something I don't even know I checked that I ever wrote this down like on Thursday and haven't checked since but I'll link to it below so you guys can check and I see coincidentally that coin desk has an article about Manero and how fluffy pony is kind of stepping away from the limelight he doesn't want to be the known as the representative of Manero anymore or as the face of an arrow and that's actually a good thing I think that's what some of the Monaro V people wanted they were tired of having this figurehead dude and so I don't know if that put Fred you know all these Forks and pre Forks that have just happened the Monaro if that kind of got people thinking over there some more like you know maybe people are a little fed up with the way things are doing maybe we got we got to become we're supposed to be a privacy coin we shouldn't have our have a target out there so now I think they have more of a group leadership that's more anonymous which is good I mean that's that's good that they've moved in the direction away from one figurehead that's really good because especially when the figurehead would say I mean he says what he's what's on his mind he calls everything a scam it's good they made a good move he made a good move whoever made the move so good job and arrow um here here time I was listening to this meek town money guy and I link to it below and he's talking about these doom and gloom errs how they make money how you know how it pays to be a guru in finance you know to tell people that you're right all the time to sell you know sell these programs the people and sell your newsletter and around the 6-minute market it's really good and the people who worship web bot should really listen to it around the six minute mark but he says pessimism is easy optimism seems reckless yeah don't guy is he and that's the thing a lot that's the best of mindset of most people out there oh you know pessimism is easy you know it's easy to be a pessimist uh things aren't gonna go well the world's ending the world's ending to be an optimist uh it's I don't want to get out of my comfort zone it's reckless to think things are gonna be good no don't be that be a twenty-percent be like me I mean I'm an optimist all the time pessimism to me I can't I can't take it I can't take pessimism I can't take being around people or like that who think the world's gonna hand you think you know prepare for the it's just a terrible terrible way to live you make yourself sick that way it's not healthy at all optimism is what it's all about but he does make pessimism is easy it's easier to be a pessimist of course it's easier to be a pessimist so don't take the easy route be an optimist and optimism isn't reckless it is not reckless in the long run it's the pessimism that's reckless because you're gonna make yourself sick and what are you gonna end up you're gonna end up in a bad situation alcoholic maybe your cancer or drug addict I don't know I don't know so I would here we go so turn to me stir finally here last thing he has a tweet and I lent her at the low of course and he says he it's a it's a moving picture it's a video crypto traders verse the IRS 2017 to 18 and it shows a guy running across a bunch of porta-potties and people flinging filled beer cans at him just shucking and so that's his way of he found this clip out there and he says you know this is like the IRS going after the the crypto traders recently all right so that's that's a fine comparison I'm bringing it up only because this clip I immediately recognized it it's from preakness before the year 2009 now some of you may remember on the beyond Bitcoin show from last week I talked about the Preakness horse race in Baltimore how crazy it used to be on the infield before they made everything corporate in 2009 and I bet some of you thought oh Adams just exaggerating when he said there was a 30 man brawl in front of him and people will fill it or throwing filled beer cans all over the place and and people left filled beer cans all over the place you watch this video okay and you Google Google running of the porta-potties or running of the urinals and and then you listen to my story that I told and you'll think my story was quite tame compared to the stuff that you'll see on YouTube and it's partially because of YouTube becoming popular in the late 2000s the first decade that made the Preakness changed their policy set awho of allowing people to bring in their own beer and once they do not allow people to bring in their own beer anymore that data and they made it completely corporate and they searched you and it's not the same it's quite safe now the Preakness and you know some people like that some people like people chucking beer cans at one another again when I was a youth when I was 17 years old and had four years before I could drink I thought it was pretty cool to go to an event like that all right so just should technology can change I'm making this up pretty good take the hose you can change a lot in the real world and who knows what bitcoin will do to sporting events in the future anyway that's my tie in there at the end it's a funny video to watch that's your little bit of beyond the beyond Bitcoin for a Sunday I had a little beyond Bitcoin segment down there all right and yes so you see that clip from Preakness you see a guy with the backwards Oriole hat on and then you think to yourself that is where Adam Meister is from where people do things like that again many people who treat us has like over a hundred thousand people added people would come in New York from Pennsylvania from Virginia so it's not just Baltimore people at like maniacs there it's a bunch of young drunk people acting like maniacs so don't blame Baltimore but no people in Baltimore uh pretty ghetto though I mean what am I gonna say all right i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below hey man but i don't i don't complain I don't believe sit there depressing all Baltimore slots Baltimore selects I'm stuck here no I I'm in motion baby and that's what you got to – it's up to you personal responsibility see you later guys bye
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