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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is June the 6th 2018 strong hand long term thinking gold and hold alright the furrow of gratification people check out the links below everything I talk about is linked to below get your treasure ledger nano t-shirts discounts below alright let's start it off I'm still here in Oslo Norway I'm giving you a little bit of an earlier show today we'll try to keep them early which we're gonna have a real early this week in Bitcoin on Friday so let's start with this tweet from a Vinny Ling Han to get us in the the mood the debating the debating mood here if you think you've seen regulators get rough wait till you see what happens if we go 5 to 10 X plus from here in less than a year and then crashing down 80% the ensuing fallout could send us into a global recession ok so if any thinks that the cryptocurrency market is so important that if it pumps and then it dumps again by 80% that the fallout could send us into a global recession I mean that's that's how big cryptocurrency is now that it could start a global recession uh I don't really get that impression I don't know you're kind of talking big there for summary anyway so let's compare it to this tweet from Alistair Milne reasons 2017 might have just been a what might have been just a warm-up for Bitcoin versus the next 18 to 20 month 4 months still pre mains Green almost no institutional money invested in 2017 new regulated gateways to crypto opening 300 billion dollars is tiny everyone was screaming and bubbled the entire time okay so alistair points out how small bitcoin is and that over the next 24 months it'll probably get larger this is just the beginning now Vinny thinks that the whole cryptocurrency market is so big that within a year if it pumps again in less than a year you know before this before in May by May of 2019 if Bitcoin pumps if cryptocurrency the whole market again pumps again incredibly and then dumps that it could start a global recession so these are two different two different thought patterns here I'm gonna go with Alistair on this one okay I think Bitcoin and cryptocurrency market are miniscule and have a tremendous potential tremendous room to grow and that most people aren't affected when Bitcoin in fact if cryptocurrency disappeared off the face of the earth in the next twelve to twelve months up yeah I lose a lot some people would lose a lot but otherwise the world would go on pretty much normally as it was before and there would be no global recession of any sort III don't know what you know Vinnie is coming from his perspective where he is just he wants Bitcoin and crypto currency market as a whole to be very stable for the next 12 year to a year and a half and that'll be very he doesn't want to see another pump again that's not good okay I understand that prerogative I understand you want things take it slow but to scare people off by saying if we don't take it slow there's going to be a global recession come on there's not gonna be a global recession recession from the fallout of a big coin or cryptocurrency crash I there you go okay so but Vinny's that's stuff 8 it's link below check it out everyone pound that like button oh yeah so yeah how influential is Bitcoin at this point not not yet cryptocurrency isn't very influenced who knows when it will be able to cause a global recession I don't know when we're gonna get there I mean that would be tremendous if Bitcoin was able to go up cause a global recession by crashing I think if it gonna be worth a lot more in terms of Fiat but we value our Bitcoin as one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin so I I just got that with hanging out here in Oslo with some dudes they actually we're all cryptocurrency fans and they were members of the capitalist party I linked to the capitalist party below there their Wikipedia page you can check out what those dudes are about and so yet Norway has been awesome Oslo has been also also also awesome Bergen was awesome they said that this lat these three weeks that I have been here have been like the best weather they've had like in three years or something so yeah speaking about a beat going around the entire world remember on the 12th of June I'll be in Boca Raton meet up link to below I'm going to be in Puerto Rico June 12 on June 20th to 28th figuring out what's really going on there I'll be in Alberta from the July knife until well if for a while but those first four days or events and Bitcoin rodeo calm july 9th and 10th in calgary that's a big one vortex will be there BTC ban will be there francis will be all sorts of dudes that you know all sorts of elite bitcoin people are going to be there the bitcoin elite the intellectual bitcoin elite i got to talk about that more alright so we got the beat BTC covert feet beat BTC over fiat says the whole narrative of bitcoin fees is blown out of proportion yeah tell me about even when the mempool was spam transactions still occurred yeah people will pay for the security that Bitcoin offers on chain people will pay for quality low transaction fees is where second layer solutions will take the cake this dude sounds like what torta Meester was saying for a while – okay people will pay for quality people will pay for the security that Bitcoin offers on chain okay if you need to send freakin five million dollars you'll pay ten bucks all right it you'll pay if it's a high fee period you will pay that high fee to get that ten million dollars safely to the person for the security of it all okay but anyway second layer solutions are taking care of these little trick people actually need to do little transactions for cheap yes egg with lightning Network it takes care of it all right so fed coin bed coin being talked about again Oh God here's an art linked below as a tweet and at the tweet there's an article and this is a summary of it governments will regulate or shut down if they don't comply any chain they can it is important to build these systems in a way that makes that as difficult as possible cash bans limits have already begun all right so yeah fed coin is uh just a way to yeah take more control over the people and they will try to and they will try to make Bitcoin and anyone who has their own bank or in a country that has an oppressive Fed coin in the future and this is foreseeable that this will happen they'll try to say Bitcoin is illegal but and then most eighty-four centers will be like oh this is cool we fed coin helps me out here not a lot of people buy into it they don't care about censorship they don't care about that but anyway the smart people will still get the Bitcoin Bitcoin protects you from any fed coin nation-state attack just remember that check out that link if you want to read the whole article and to see the tweet remember I am tech bolt on Twitter bitcoinmeister on steam it and you pound that like button subscribe to this channel check out the links below do all that right this second there I also link to a picture from the meetup that I was just at here in Oslo someone took he's a good dude he actually is from bit space dot and oh that's a company here in Oslo bit space dot and OH check them out hey I know you're not supposed to waste your time of sports in fact I didn't even know the Orioles were playing an afternoon game today because I'm you know I'm all just doing my big point thing running around Oslo but I do take a real score every day because you know that's my one little addiction to the mainstream but I wasn't wanted to tell Andy Hoffman that the Orioles just beat the Mets two games in a row although both teams aren't good and interleague play is a disgrace to Major League Baseball and it doesn't make up from the 1969 World Series anyway okay so go back to Bitcoin Bitcoin Bungie who I met tonight actually this dudes from Norway and I was I was gonna talk about his tweet anyway I didn't know I was gonna meet this dude tonight but I met him tonight well that's in motion man all these dudes were in motion tonight yeah they're trying to be involved in politics they're trying to change things through politics that's hard to do but they're also in the Bitcoin and they're also in the meeting up the bitcoinmeister and having their internet collar their companies some of them are moved they are so fed up with the oppressive tax state here in Norway they're moving other countries they I mean it's just like what I say if you if your country is being too oppressive you can complain and scream and cry or you can just get the heck out and these some of these guys are actually moving to various different countries it's great but anyway Bitcoin budgie he says many people say they dream of becoming millionaires but what they really dream of is the free and independent lifestyle they wrongly believed that only millions of dollars can buy them all right dude so remember you don't have to be a millionaire to have an independent lifestyle be frugal be smart long term thinking it don't be impulsive to fur off gratification and you could have any independent you just save up some and if you start by a big one who knows you might end up being a Bitcoin by Union I don't know I know some people who become Bitcoin millionaires on the who that anyway so let's go on Maddow he says van eck solid X Bitcoin trust solid X and van eck filed an application with the sec for a new Bitcoin ETF insured price based on US OTC trading desks not exchanges high share price of $200,000 to discourage retail investors may be more likely to be approved because of the above okay that's cool yeah to buy one share and this thing is going to cost two hundred thousand dollars that's great we need more rich rich organizations rich people whatever to get into this thing I into Bitcoin the more the merrier no the super wealthy you're not gonna ruin Bitcoin and I gotta take it over there make it better and from more from they will all come a look they will all come around eventually file be patient here's another one fidelity rumor to be launching a digital asset exchange that is already a year into its development based on anonymous sources as well as job postings that were sent internally within the firm fidelity currently manages two point four trillion dollars in assets whoa so yeah these big traditional firms they might hate on Bitcoin at first but if they're smart if they want to evolve if they want to grow if they want to make money they're gonna jump on the bandwagon too it's just a matter of time and again everybody all hating on the bank's seeing all the banks are gonna die I know they'll figure out ways to have Bitcoin banks they'll jump on board – all right another in motion per stand it has been in touch with me lately is uh is is this woodie's well a person that represents we economy we economy dot IO is linked to below there from Finland of all places they've esteem it post up there to ID link to all their information below date they're not funding their company with an ICO which I like their basic building block will be Bitcoin they're gonna use root stocks more contracts they're trying to make it to try to make Bitcoin more user-friendly they say that bitcoin is like the internet was in at 1995 and they want to you know it wasn't very easy to use the 19 it actually was easier or not Netscape County and I'm 95 to probably mean 94 but yeah these dudes are trying to make the internet or the Bitcoin more user friendly so that's good the students in motion contacted me if you're in motion you contact the bitcoinmeister you get a shout out on the show especially if you do the steam a thing I've retweeted this steam it check them out you can sign up for their alpha at alpha dot week on Amedeo and I may give them a great full explanation of what they're trying to do there so just check out their link alright I think that's it i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video do check out the notes section below i hope i didn't skip anything i will see you guys in the chat right now bye bye