Hello everyone oh yeah this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is the 4th of July that's a holiday here in the United States 2018 it's hot out there strong hand long term thinking on confiscate able that's really important for today on confiscated for deferral of gratification okay this one Bitcoin show is gonna be really special I've been hyping it up for a while well actually since Friday when Gabriel was only this week in Bitcoin so check that out in the archives disrupt meister calm always check out all the links below all these guys are linked to below actually not Heineman yet I'll get his link a little later on whatever he wants me to put down there but we got three guys three Venezuelan experts three guys of a Venezuelan descent they're all over the place they are going to tell us what is going on with crypto in Venezuela just discuss the whole situation down there and and give us insight and because so many people have asked me to get the Venezuelan guys back on here getting back stomp getting them all on here all at once ok so you're getting your fix today so everybody Gabriel just dropped off I'm sure he'll be back in a second we got Jaime and we got Maximo Maximo we're gonna open it up with you here ok you're you're a very straight talker an article just came out here in Breitbart and this actually has nothing to do with cryptocurrency it at all but it says Venezuela further protests as country begins running out of water so that doesn't sound very good um what what is the country running out of water but what is the cryptocurrency situation at the same time okay thank you for having man okay about the world the word thing actually I don't think we're running out of water but the problem is that that the the water distribution system that the government's you is pretty old they haven't done what they have to do to to improve that system they don't even take care of it so by the time is getting worse worst so sometimes you see people who who spend like one week without any water going to their home so it's a pretty pretty difficult situation but it's not because we don't have water it because the government is not able to deliver that water to the people okay okay okay we want to get that out there as people just read that article and by the way tomorrow's your Independence Day in Venezuela so that's a so tell us what's going what's the crypto scene right now what do you if you give us a few uh there's not everyone's familiar with what's going on down yeah well actually every day the community in here using is getting bigger and bigger I'm kind of glad about the the beer market that were currently on because he gave us time to get people time to actually learn about the technology see how between it is useful and and see the reason why they should buy it not just because a price increase in under and I think they're going to get rich fast actually a lot of people is using big controllable hyperinflation and a lot of companies are using big country boy hyperinflation too and the Christian community is growing by the time I really really nice page and I think we're wearing the right path to to make Christians in mainstream here in that's a lot okay this is this is good to know now one thing that I was informed about that people don't hear a lot about is that there's a lot of – people around there yeah so so what's the story with the – they are there there's a big outreach from them yeah okay well let me okay well I I'm going to be kind of rude well the reason why – please they have so many people here okay you gotta realize the other X person human installer made between one to five dollars per month right so if they find a way that they can make a hundred bucks per month in here they're going to do it because with that's a lot of money here maybe for you it's it's not that that much money but here you can be a pretty good way of living with that money and so – have like what they call a Treasury right so for every block that is mine they're going to get ten percent of that block so right now they are doing they are making like four million dollars per month that's a lot of money and if you live in any country and you contact the Dutch Treasury they're going to give you money to promote – in your country so a lot of people here in Venezuela find out about about that and are using the money that they sent out they dot the dot structure he sent them to all your sleep remote the cuy but if they keep just a little bit I'm talking like 50 bucks so they can make a pretty decent way of living in here so it's not that the people leave the people who promote Dasha and maybe maybe some guys do it because they think that is going to change the world something but most of the guys are doing it because they like a job okay yeah they bought 50 bucks they want to that but yeah sometimes you work for a company that you don't agree with there with what they are doing but they're paying you is your job right so a lot of people who promote – in here they're they do it because – is paying them to do so but actually that's that's not not that bad because while they're promoting – well people get into cryptocurrencies and they they know of a Bitcoin and you know maybe later they did start understanding all the fundamentals of what of why any coin have Bobby but do I like that that much no I think that is a pretty centralized coin and I don't see – going in anyone maybe in five years but well if Venezuelans are finding a way to make a living by promoting – dude we are in a hyper inflated currency country with a hyper inflated currency and capital and change control so man good for them if they find a new way of living by promoting – but I don't agree with that that much you sit there and it's a gate it could be a gateway to cryptocurrency though as I said that is a positive and you know the numbers that you went over when Gabriel was on the show on Friday he did mention you know there get people are getting money for this and that's a good thing now before we get to Gabriel in this subject was he did he talked about it on Friday's show I Hymie is he's been on he was on a show a long long time ago here on the spanish-speaking version of this show we had one and he he has some thoughts on – I believe what what do you think about the – situation down there you know I I didn't thought about that the way that Maximo expressed so it's it's really a company that is running their business in Venezuela in a very convenient way because like every other company they found very hardworking higher skilled and very professional labor in Venezuela that they can pay a fraction of the cost from any other part of the world and they have these you know marketers they have a programmers there are people working for them in Venezuela paying a fraction of their their fair wage I didn't thought about that that's that's a very interesting point but definitely it's very savage the way that – is is approaching Venice on people because they just they just promoter their coin it's just a single token that you can use to exchange value with in older peers but like you mentioned they have a treasury phone i funny it's a funny story with with a client that i have in venezuela i remember i don't know it was like a year ago when the when beat me released ad tree the minor and there you know all over the place you have these a profit generator or profit a calculators that says that with a tea tree you can generate like five thousand dollars per month so this client was so into these that i had to say do you know what go ahead buy it i I can't tell you how to spend your money few months ago he realized that it was just you know it was just hype and that's that's not the real number and some of his miners when bag there's some so many failures and stuff and I I sent him the the advertising that he send you of that – had on on a highway or on a main highway in Caracas and told him why don't you call them they have a budget to help the – network say hey I'm a minor you know you're taking fifty five percent of every single block and keeping that money why don't you help me to get nudie trees so that I can drawn my my my minors and an improve your network and basically of course when he called to that number the people just say that that's not how it works they they're not there to help the miners they're there just to promote the coin so it's very centralized it's a business we gotta understand that bitcoin is different because it's the only attempt that Humanity in making sound money the other things are just companies and they're gonna behave like companies that's a good and with billboards too so I have you see these billboards that that'd better down there and what are you you've already given some thoughts on – on another show but again share them and since we're talking all coins bring up a smart cash too and maybe we can talk about that also sure Thank You Ann and nice to talk to you guys very happy to be here once again and yeah I saw one big billboard from these guys that buy your crypto for Belarus on crypto buyer on the highway in Caracas didn't get to see the one of – though and well my thumb – as I told you the other day I think it's very cool I like them a lot and I think they're doing a great job and I have not nothing bad to say about them really I just I just wish they do well and they keep growing community because eventually all those people who learn about – eventually they're gonna learn about Bitcoin so it's cool with them yeah yeah ok so like a show because today is the 4th of July right of course this video is seen very well the United States so I would like to add this little we hang on a second you're getting a little choppy there wait Gabriel Gabriel you're getting a little choppy so maybe I hear ya turn off your turn off your video turn off your video and let's see how it sounds the yes we're live baby everyone if you like it's choppy still hear me now yeah now it's choppy again log in and out like you did before yeah you gotta I think you have to try it ok yeah Maximo had some that case it Maxima ok yeah actually that they have two big billboards here in the in two of the main highways of Caracas okay yeah okay well I'm and this is the thing about – okay yeah the only thing good that they're doing is that they're getting people onto cryptocurrency after that they're going to people who learn about – are going to after learn about Bitcoin okay my problem here is that this – Treasury hires anyone to promote their coin most of the people who promote – because I know them I went to one of the of the of the conference man these guys do not know anything about cryptocurrency they know the basics it's like the – Treasury sends those guys manual and they start spreading what what they have learned in such a short period of time so what happened with with the with the d3 they've the the – basic manage from Whitman is that these – promoters works and the people that they were they were going to get rich by mining – and that what's complete allied that that shows that those guys do not know how many words so there is a lot of people who lose a lot of money because they bought these these miners from those guys are I don't know $4,000 and those miners are making right now like $40 per month so they're never going to get the money back and they though these guys tells everyone that they should buy – because – is going to change the wall and and that is that it's going to be the best investment that they can and we see the price of – go down like 90% okay they don't show the people that a crypto currency or microchip currency bitcoin is a long-term investment and you shoot only in what you can afford to lose so that's my problem okay that these guys who are doing the conference do not know anything about cryptocurrencies nor even the economic part not even technical part because you don't have to be a developer to to start teaching people about cryptocurrencies it's that at least at least you have to know the economic part you gotta know what bit we have value what betweens really sound money do if you don't know that if you don't know anything the only thing you are doing is being paid to promote a coin you cannot be out there giving financial advice to people because you're going to make that people lose money that is that that point is a very valid one and a huge point these guys and I think the P what you said before the guys want to get paid out that they're not doing it out of malicious intent they want to get paid and then they read a book about – and then they become a – teacher but that's not really a crypto expert there so it's not exactly the person you want putting on an event and so so I your point is very valid all right here now let's let's try Gabriel out again Gabriel can't get rid of your video though just in case let's try it out that video and say something all right take it away Gabriel if you can hear me everybody wants to hear em because everybody loves him he goes on is uh he goes on is a rants or legendary alright so Gabriel still haven't tech difficulties if he hears me he should just try to do audio only okay let's so let's move on the high me here and talk about the some some mining you want to tell oh here we get well yeah you gotta go without you gotta go without video Gabriel it's it's not coming in good yeah all right Jaime talk about some mining you want to talk about mining also I believe yeah yeah well mining I think these guys are more into the the real facts because they're down there in Venezuela I just provides some security advice services to some medium-sized miners in Venezuela I know that the the mining community has been growing very very organically so I know people that are running their old s sevens or s nine out of their apartment they just take one of the the rooms and stick there a couple of minors and that's the way that they're making a living you know it's enough money to to keep to bring food to the table to maintain a family of four or six and this is very very interesting and this is the opportunity that between it it's provided to humanity as something also that I wanted to add about the the – theme that Maxima was was talking about I've not seen I I thought is that it's very interesting when when you talk to somebody that it's completely agnostic about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies hearing in in the United States they don't get it easily so it's it's not simple to get their heads away around the cryptocurrency concept because they have credit cards you have a Miles point by using your credit card you can one of the main concerns that they have okay wait where do I call if something goes wrong and that's a thing it's it's a completely different system when you talk to a venezuelan about the cryptocurrency thing they don't need to know how it works they they just want to know okay how can I get involved in that because I know where the power is I know that there is no central government that it's gonna print out a thousands of these coins and that's what I need so it's a very different perspective from a Venezuelan they have seen their value and you know going into into the drain just because a bad currency policy by the government and the situation hearing in in the US and also it in Europe is that they don't see it from that perspective they say they think that it's just you know a geeky project that a couple of people release in the internet but it's more than that so you're are you saying that in general the Venezuelan people in Venezuela they don't want to have a they don't need a customer service office they don't ask for that type of thing of course yeah decentralize they understand the center right yeah I can I can tell like you for first anyway wait we don't need that customer service please tell us tell us I think I do well because Bank ears are terrible man if something goes wrong you have to fix it by yourself hey this is the thing and I agree with Hyneman is really hard to explain and actually that's why I remind you you are a man and all these guys who are in the United States is trying to to educate people over bitcoins this is much harder to educate on American citizen number between than two and kratom Venezuelan have a Bitcoin and that's what that that's that's because of what been affirmed and have been through yeah been a swell and swell and instinctively know why they need Bitcoin in here in America mmm it's it's so so you know you can get a different theory or you can get paypal you can get many other payment methods but they're not sound money no but I I don't think I don't think it's because of that I think it's because when when I tell the people were here my clients that no one is in control of their money they get happy when you tell an American that no one is in control of their money they start they have some doubts because they I always ruin or so into authority and that's funny you know and actually I was talking with with a guy for America about all this about Bitcoin and he he's an old coin ER and actually that guy made a show with rich hard about why I think Big Creek has no value and I was debating with that guy Twitter and intro and I told him he told me like okay then Isola a big clear only voice and I'll suffer because of your situation and then he told the guy like dude any country can get into what Venezuela in – what – Allah God 18 years ago no one is safe from that and he told no of course not the United States will never get into anything in its hyperinflation and socialism dude 18 years ago but as well of was one of the stronger economies in the imagine in in the in South America every every country South America basically eighteen years ago rely on Venezuela and actually who hasn't a stronger economy our work our currency was worth two dollars so the dollar was worth less than one bodyboard eighteen years ago maybe or something like that okay in the 60s yeah we had we we had the biggest oil reserve in and in the world that is a water reserve in the world natural gas reserve in the world so we had anything to make Venezuela that the richest country in the world but you know what we didn't have education that's why we got ourselves into this trouble and you see countries like Mexico for example they got a social expression in electric couple days ago and they can get in the same trouble that we are today you see that happen with Argentina you see that happen with Ecuador Colombia Brazil a lot of purchasing in in America in Europe no one no one is safe from that to happening and when that happened those guys are going to realize that the only sound money the only money that boards and the only money that is truly worth is Bitcoin but that they need to experience that and that's bad but human beings learn from students yes you guys are making grateful it's a painful experience great points here everybody found that like button check out the links below subscribe to the channel okay Gabriel is here now Gabriel you got a guy from Mexico standing next to you people don't even know this does he think Mexico is going full socialism well he pretty much things and he's similar in my thoughts that in Mexico what's gonna happen we will have to see because this president allegedly is like socialist but you know the people in Mexico happened the same that here they are fill up with the current government the government that they had for the last 34 years because they are so corrupt but they are friends with the United States so yeah now this new president we don't know if he is corrupt or he or if his government will be corrupt but if anything we know that this new president wants to be filled may be friends with the Venezuelan government so we don't really know what's gonna happen it's a while bet for me right yeah you sound beautiful so say everything you were gonna say beforehand the floor is yours okay thank you I just wanted to share a little piece of history since we're in the 4th of July and we are Venezuelan so and these things that I found no just a few days ago and it's kind of interesting it says our 4th of July the United States also celebrated honor to the Libertadores Imam believer because what happened 201 years ago this guy who was American called Gregor McGregor he fought with the Libertadores Imam Ali or alongside so he sent Gregor McGregor to this at the time called Isle of Emily which now is Florida State and they put up the flag what happened they they went to the fort called Fernandina and he was protected by the Spanish and they took over it and then these guys Luis re Pedro al Lewis Brian and lino Clemente one Herman Rocha and I would think oh da see they conform the New Republic on Florida right so believer invaded Florida with the excuse of a military response against the United States because they were helping Spain actually they sent some guns through the Orinoco River to Angostura the Americans send some guns to the resistance of the Spanish who were losing the battle right because at the time when Estrela was free and New Granada which now is Colombia was being freed but the real objective at that I was a strategic point to control communication through the sea with the Gulf of Mexico the antennas and to deploy an attack on Cuba and cut relations of communications between Spain and United States so once this Republic was created there were some people who didn't like it and they fled Florida then what happened on the 1st of July they named the what today is Jacksonville was the capital of this Republic and it was called Crawford at the time so this guy bailed a while and this guy vicente paso skanky they made the constitution for florida so yeah it was a strategy they deployed to try to conquer Puerto Rico and Cuba from the Spanish Empire tango and warn United States that they should be neutral in the fight between Venezuela and Spanish yeah so this is a little piece of story that I didn't know I found out just a few days ago and it's pretty interesting because Venezuelans and Americans they share this love of democracy right and of Independence so now we bring this Independence Day now to our our current time so for us Venezuelans independence means right in the past we have now is what we can get with crypto because the other independence has been lost so yeah I'm North American people and Venezuelan people they share this common love for independence actually there were many fighters of Venezuela who went to the United States to help them fight the French and to help them fight the British so for for a good time we share this common love for independence and it was around the times of also the President Andrew Jackson when he killed the banks it was there was good relationships between Venezuela and the United States nowadays it's completely different because as we know United States is the most powerful country right so they want to dictate what goes on around and there's this big fight with the with the Venezuelan government and the United States government in which they want to see who has the right and who has more power so then as fans have been and pretty down because because the Venezuelan government wants to fight and wants to keep pushing this agenda of anti-imperialism and such so what people are experiencing is just less freedom and also the United States they're having when you go United States have been there many times what you can experience it's a police state pretty much like fascists you know like you can't do any anything wrong because you have to pay or whatever well everything is in charge of the government which is pretty much the the concept of what a fascist government East and in Venezuela also we have this problem that they're trying to be socialist and helping the people and all that but at the end of the day it's also very fascist because the only things that you can do is what the government will allow you to do and we the people have to continue fight all the time for our freedom it's not like okay we want freedom two hundred years ago yeah we're all good no we have to fight for this freedom every day every scene today and tool the best tool that we have right now is cryptocurrencies so this is why I love crypto so much because it gives us independence and now the fourth of July Independence Day of the United States yeah we are leaving the independence through the independence of money so yeah my friend that's my thoughts that's what my thoughts I wanted to share with you well you do you tied it all together there and to point out to the people who don't know yet tip fourth of July is in the Penn State here in America fifth of July is Independence Day in Venezuela which is tomorrow I also wanted to say you know you mentioned someone named Gregor and coincidentally a guy named Gregor Kovac in the super chat sent 1499 cents thank you so much Greg well it's a friend of mine thanks thanks Adam for bringing exposure to Venezuela in regards to Bitcoin happy fourth of July when real independence well to answer that question opt in to the Bitcoin independence that's the best I could say right now and that's what I think Gabriel just said also that that's that's the first step and it'll lead you to good places I believe because in every country there's a certain level of dependence and lack of independence and yeah when you are when you're flying into the airports in the United States of America it very much appears that you're entering a fascist state with the way your serfs it's it can be horrifying in fact if you if you say the wrong words it's just amazing so again I can complain or I can buy Bitcoin and that's what I do I'm not I'm Bitcoin is my answer that is personal responsibility there máximo you're about to say something I think or you just say yeah Gregor is my friend he's from Venezuela he's living currently in the u
s can eleven benefit because of the situation hello man we have a lot of former Venezuelans that you watch my show and they enjoy this and they they love hearing stuff like this so Susan says Gabriel did Gabriel you're wearing that smart cash thing so tell us what is smart cash big in Venezuela and then I want to move here where Maximo has to say about smart cash if anything oh you're muted brother you're muted you made it I knew it yourself yeah too much smart guy she's growing a community here in Venezuela actually on Friday there's a meet-up here in in Caracas and you know we've been we've been doing some stuff and there's there's independence also in the mayor because with smart as you can put a proposal on whatever you like and how to help people in how to help the community you submit your proposal it is voted by everyone who has a wallet okay you can vote and then the community decides to give this money to purpose and I think it's a great way to make a community grow and you know in the exchange we sell smart cash all the time it's been growing a lot and the price has been up and down in the last four weeks three weeks has been stable and now it's been pumping up a little bit of course it's not like Bitcoin it's not as famous or because Bitcoin but if anything it's another cryptic rule I've got I've got a question for you there I got a car they have they reached out to you because I see here in the chat there's a guy that says hi from the Mexican smart cash community and you've got a Mexican friend right there that's in the smart cart are they targeting spanish-speaking markets or something like that yes yes Marcus they have this plan of growing a lot in Latin America because they do know the these people in right in Peru and Argentina and Brazil and here in Venezuela they need they need this crypto because it gives you this power to do stuff for people right because you can do proposals and you can get a lot of smart cash depending on what you want to do but you can get a lot of smokers to do things for your community you know like if you want to put a well of water or if you want to do something for your CD or you want to help the elder or that or the children or whatever you know it will give you smart cash so that you can fulfill your dream and at the same time make the coin more famous which as you should be and could be all about marketing so yeah I think they're going they're going to grow I think in the next 3-4 months there will be a huge pump of smart cash I do not know when but I am sure it will come up yeah I have a question for you Gabriel I I have I just heard about smart cash I have no idea how it works or words there the value preposition but everything that you have mention is that bringing a smart cash to help all around your community why don't beat when and why is Martha's yes because can you go to a webpage somewhere and get Bitcoin to help your community can you do a proposal to get Bitcoin and can Bitcoin holders well let's vote for your proposal no because it is centralized well there will be one of the arguments the other is that of course it could if it's if you want to help your community for example I'm on a very early stage of integrating a aligning wallet to some of the nonprofit organizations in Venezuela I don't know if you have used by nesco it's one of the largest banks in investor that has a donation button to some very interesting nonprofit organizations like a children's with cancer Down syndrome a key different because you can build your own proposal right and you you can choose on what you want to do and they will give you it's not they a person it's just the community the people will vote everyone will vote so the voting is decentralized and the decision if you get the money to do whatever you want to do is decision is don't decentralize because because every wallet is just one vote so yeah but that's the thing I see so the final the the the final goal to help somebody around you that needs the help and you as they as the the the person that has the knowledge and and can feel that gap you can help and with beacon already so why will we claim from where do I get them from you know I don't have a way of getting 200 Bitcoin or three bitcoins where where is where is the smart cash coming from yeah you you in your own wallet you can do a proposal you can read the proposals of other people and you can vote for them and you're not giving them your money but smart cash community has a were like one big pot of money right and then from there from work I know that I I thought when actually when when gave releasing that exchange I took a look I think that they are proof proof estate coin and I love reward is going to that Treasury that give money to people all right well here's me wrong with that okay I know you run an exchange and ask any other business your you have to leave coin to increase the volume because you make profit out of commission of the trade right that's fine okay I don't have a problem with that and the thing is okay you don't need these these supposed centralized platform because smart cause you know the centralized man the only coin that is decentralized is Bitcoin we can talk about later in the show and I can explain why why I think that's true but okay so these guys build these blockchain and that they control the money and they start giving like crumbs to people to make the world thing that they're helping everyone but the truth is that these guys created their own money to make the sent to make those of rich because I bet you that most of the money is going to the Treasury and you don't even know how this money is going to be profit organization here in the US you know they get grants from the government they decide who to help her to Hoover they're going to add on their on their plan but they have costs and those costs are just controlled by them and they can juice you know buying a jet or a new Ferrari and you don't know so I am I add if in this specific case they want if you do a propose I let's say you will get $20,000 worth of smart cuts right for doing something you will not get the whole money in one shot you will have to do milestones right so you may have to put up your own money for the first milestone and when you complete that then you will get some money and then you do the next milestone right for money you could have done like with big finale you have done that with bit connect and look where bit like no it doesn't work yeah you can write an email to the peoples of bit connect and they will send you money if you promote the event that you were promoting like I don't know if you open a nightclub and you put all big connects a science in all the nightclub they will send you money to do that and you can say that your you are using that money to bring fun to the people okay I'm gonna try with a bit connect guys to see we're talking about money about currency treat we can treat cigarettes in a certain environment as money you can 'change use that as a medium of exchange in this case we're talking about smart cash being it being a meeting of exchange to help or for to develop whatever proposal you have but we're talking that bitcoin is the only real attempt from humanity to create sound money that it's completely decentralized that it's completely censorship resistant and that's why I don't I don't understand this a constant attempt from out corners to create the most recent and the new West beat going to point zero because it solves X or Y problem Bitcoin is the next Bitcoin as everyone can see even in Venezuela they are having the same exact arguments we have all over the world let versus Bitcoin decentralized versus centralized what is the next Bitcoin we should it should there be marketing it it's true everywhere and I I think we're gonna we're gonna tie up the smart cash discussion right now I think every I think ever ever it definitely gets the point here they're clearly are targeting I think it's fascinating they're targeting Latin America though that that is quite obvious I did want to ask maximal question I asked Gabriel on the previous show and this is gonna open up a can of worms to max what did you hear about did you read the article about the guy who wants to bring Bitcoin into Venezuela it was it was from like a week ago so some wealthy people and yeah I'm on the air drop it or something like did you know what I'm talking about yeah actually after after the show I deal with you I think I put a tweet about their local become volumes increasing in – well and then that guy the guy who is doing the proposal contacted me hello a little child on Twitter we didn't go through the whole process but he sent me a link about his proposal I great date with Gabriel what he said on the show and in this one ok I don't think if you throw a million dollars in Venezuela and give it give it it for free to the people that's not going to help yeah it's going to help in the short term or you're making drug draw looking to make a change for the long term free money doesn't help any do not help a country okay free money is it's more like a cancer we have enough socialism you have the government b3 is talking here and people get used to that that's why we're in this situation it doesn't solve any what you can do is invest that money in I'm actually well I'm going to say we are me and my partners we have we have a company to so many commitments although I'm we're working on building and nonprofit organization and actually I'm interested talking to these guys because our focus is on to help the education of the kids which are the generations that are going to rebuild our country so if you if you have a million dollars and you want to help and Swala for example well bidder you can build a school and teach these kids about math and programming and software and technology and Bitcoin and that is going to give them freedom in the future and that is what is going to help the country but it do tell me if you come in here and throw a million dollars I don't know it to the to any just throw a little bit of money to any account the people is just going to spend that money it's not going to make any difference they are maybe they can eat something today but you have to teach them how to use that money what money is why governments are bad and if you if you invest that money into that then then you can make a difference in the long term so I think it's great that these people want to to help banasura but that's not the the right way just to give free money to the people yeah and that is that is what Gabriel said on the show long term thinking people long-term thing so it would jaimé jaimé would you agree that maybe if maybe this guy should pay people in Venezuela to do I mean maybe set up a network where people in Venezuela can do computer work for people in America internet marketer you know at least so that it's not being given away they're being paid to do something creative crypto related maybe correct yeah absolutely it's it's more you know it's wisely expanded money cuz we have enough socialism we don't want anything giving away you know money because that's the like Maximus said people are going to spend that money in dumb stuff or they're just gonna buy something they're gonna eat something one day and that's it that's not gonna help in the long term the country and the year that he's proposing it's it's beautiful I love it and I would like to to devote some you know efforts or capital or whatever to to found these this is cool to have kids you know learning programming cryptography whatever something that will help rebuild the country from from from downbar and it's it's it's just a crazy idea you you cannot go and just dump 20 million dollars in in Bitcoin and expect that that's gonna help the country it's not gonna solve any problems in the long term it Gabriel what do you think it you know did you hear Maximo just mentioned his nonprofit idea there do you think that's interesting type of thing but it since you've already I mean you've given you opinion about the dew drop in the 20 million on the previous show but I'm on mute yes my friend I think he's got he's got a great point there I think there should be a way of international people try to find a way to buy stuff from Venezuelans it would be services or goods or produce or whatever and I wanted to add just a little thing to share with you guys if you allow me just just as you guys can see what goes on in the crypto market here in Venezuela can you see this and you see these little things these are the people in local bitcoins telling the other guys through the advertisement that they should pump up the price in Bolivar is because it was in in the natural flow it was being traded on 19 million but these guys go like hey you wake up you you bastards you have to pump up the price you're selling your Bitcoin just too low so these were what I what I want to do sharing this is just let you know that not even Bitcoin is out of the question of being manipulated by a by a few hands people you know can you read that it says price pump up the price don't give away your BTC at at this price pump up the price the Bitcoin is pumping and this is a few guys that can manipulate the price because their volume is not so big the volume in local bitcoins for the Venezuelan economy as I explained to you the Earth Day just around 500,000 worth of 500,000 dollars worth of Bitcoin every day so we can have a big manipulation if a lot of people would sell Bitcoin for billions it could help stop the declining of the price so quick so we're seeing that there's a free market trying to operate while there's all people want to push the price around so it's also very interesting about freedom because you can sell your Bitcoin or whatever rice you like but there will be people who will be messing with the price so it's very important do you know where of these something else I noticed on that that chart there sure are a lot of zeros there in terms of it terms of how long those Bulevar numbers are I mean billions millions of boulevards for it's unbelievable how hyper-inflated everything done there yeah yesterday for instance I bought 1 billion Belarus for 45 4 point 9 million satoshis so zero point zero four nine five it bought me a billion believers can you believe that it's the number to get way too big no no American could handle it down there alright Maximo you brought to chime in on something there I think oh no yeah well that does actually free market man it's going to happen many work right it's just applying the man that day they should those are a couple of guy because I work a lot with local Bitcoin see we would help a lot of companies by by bit clean through local bitcoins and actually the thing about the volume I think it's much more than that for example I I have contact well why I do trade with a lot of people who worked with remittances companies from Chile Argentina Colombia and there is a lot of Venezuelan people in those countries and they send money to to to they are to their their friends or the families in here and actually we do a lot of trades I'm talking around pretty decent amount of money and we don't do it through local bitcoins because now we have we have made a business relationship and we do develop so there is a lot of people like like us who are doing business we met through local Bitcoin and now we're doing it directly yeah now see you've got an OTC yeah like an emergency so the volume of the BTC market here in Venezuela is a lot bigger than that I think maybe the double double dot uh well you know we were talking about mining before he I know Jaime said some stuff about mining you you've got some insight into the mining maximo I don't think you've shared anything about the mining situation right now and after you go about mining obviously gabriel's they talk about mining also yeah well people want to hear about the mining the my new situation in here after the government said started talking about the petrol a lot of people who didn't know about Bitcoin cryptocurrencies they started knowing about it right and then they realize that they can make a lot of money by mining here because they were twisting is free so a lot of people started buying mining equipment and then the government's relied realize that and they closed the they censored that the people who were trying to to enter mining equipment into the country so that's what happened we socialist government in communist governments they don't want to help the people when they created the petrol they didn't want to help the people right they just created that they wanted to create a petrol for their own benefit and when they realize that people start started realizing that they can make money out of Bitcoin by mining it well they they they said they told the people that ok you cannot bring any more money equipment to their to our country and if you try to we're going to confiscate but anytime you do do you close a door other opens so now there is a black market for you to to get your mining equipment inside you inside Venezuela so yeah and now you have to pay the guys who received the money the money machine as you had some patent and they didn't then they they deliver the mining mining equipment to your home but that does the thing and the government just wants to the people under their control they want to keep us dependent and that's a situation about mining they keep confiscating mining equipment now you cannot enter in a legal way the mining equipment to the country so that's not the situation in here I'm glad you brought the petrol is we're gonna have to bring that up we're gonna have to talk about that too but before we talk about that Gabriel you tell us about mining now the situation well on the thoughts that Maximus shared I agree with him but I know there is a way which is that you have to have an enterprise which is dedicated right written dedicated to to mining right and then you should go with this paper of your enterprise that you just created with an open up an account and then go to the superintendency and ask for a license and then when if they give you a license then you can import you know whatever you want but what's going on is that the superintendency has been removed the other one the only guy that was in charge of that and if charge of developing Pedro he was removed from office because he executed a poor job he badly executed everything so there is no Pedro people lost confidence the president he made the president look bad and for whatever reason I don't know exactly what happened the petrol just didn't go up front hasn't gone out there's no petrol yet so as I said to you the other day I might say it's a good idea fro from a government to make his own crypto no I think it's cool I think every government is gonna eventually have their own crypto for doing their things right and but the moment the petrol is inexistent okay so what can I say I would like them to have success on it but I don't know if they will ever have success on it you know I don't know what's gonna happen I believe they're gonna run it out eventually but I don't know when so yeah all right a tricky Jaime your thoughts on the Petra yeah listen it's been very office K today information about the petrol they said something they released a white paper after they released a white paper they changed a lot of the the basics it's it's it's very mysterious there is no official information about the petrol I'm not I'm not excited at all about another sheet coin it's just the the believer in crypto fashion distributed I don't I don't believe anything that this government creates its we gotta understand something and start with with the fact that the Venezuelan government is composed by mobsters and bandits who are in charge of the they're in power with the sole purpose of facilitating their own illicit activities that's why they are there so we have drug dealers we have all sort of bad people and you can say that for pretty much every every government in the world you know but for example here in the US you have a government bureaucrats that are related to the pharmacy industry to the military industry so different industries but in Venezuela is just drugs and many other a low profile stuff so I don't I don't think that that's gonna go anywhere it's just it's just a way to profit on money that the the Venezuelan government was able to expel to Spain they they sell this idea of the petrol just to circumvent the the sanctions the US sanctions and by the way those sanctions are not against the Venezuelan people the sanctions are against Venezuelan politicians that they say they hate the United States in pie but older asset older properties older money it's related and it's tainted somewhere to the to to the United States government so that's where they the the sanctions came so it's a good thing because that brought into the attention of many people the the possibility of circumventing international sanctions that's that's good that's good for Bitcoin in my in my in my route in my books because that opens people's mind to the idea of censorship resistant sound morning like Bitcoin and but yeah that's that those are my two cents about the the petro it doesn't work it's not gonna work it's just bali war in in crypto version maximal a lot was just said by these two dudes i think you have some thoughts on that yeah and well where do I start okay and I think I interrupted you you have so much to say sir say everything you guys yeah okay the petrol the fact is did the government didn't launch the petrol because if they did they did it in the right way yeah probably there was an increasing way to free the economy because if we manage all and have a way to legally exchange volleyball subtext on and that was to Bitcoin well we have no barriers right and then the government's realized that and and they didn't go through the project because they don't want to help us that's that's were a re I disagree with Gabriel okay she still have hopes for government if still have hopeful politicians I don't okay I think all politicians are corrupt all governments are corrupt and they they're the only way that we can have freedom live through Bitcoin right so there is no a good way where the where any government is going to make a difference by printing their own coin printing their own Tonkin well it's just fear in digital form and we already have that we already have that we need only have cash industry most of the money is digital so why would you need to create another form of money with another name right in a really really really inefficient database which is watching locking from the works if you're trying to achieve this intervention why would a government trying to achieve so the petrol is just a really really bad idea and and I think for example I don't like using with changes in here – well I know you gave a half exchange but I don't recommend anyone to do so because it's a way for you to give information to the government it's a way that the government can for example if I start using your exchange if I send money to go to mail to my wallet and if the government wants they can go knock your door down and ask for the customer information and if they ask for your customer information welded you will have to give it and we saw that happen in the us why would not happen in in Venezuela it happens coin based on the IRS and trust me they are going to give your information away so if the if the government has a pretty decent Balaji researcher they will be able to find how many big trees do you have and for any for an extent that you do register you have to do accuracy you have to put your address you have to do where your leaves you have to put your ID so you are giving the government all the information that you were hiding from them so and that's that's why the one they want maybe they created a cryptocurrency well if you are able to trade that critical in situ bitcoins then you are giving the government all the information because Bitcoin Sudama know bitcoin is not private enough okay so so that's what I think I don't think the government has and if anything to do with crypto they don't want to help the people they all want to keep their control they already have because if they want to achieve decentralization what would you need a government in first place right if you want to achieve what bitcoin is achieving you do need the government's you do have a government's process that have been tested and that's why I believe the only coin that is essential Isis Bitcoin all right we can have Gabriel chime in on this one now well yeah guys I lost the connection for like five minutes so I didn't exactly know what you were talking about but all right say that anyone can use cryptocurrency it's just not for only for people but it can all be also be used by businesses and my industries and eventually by government I think this is inevitable this is gonna happen every single country is gonna have their own crypto in order to control or not to control to avoid sign choice or whatever you want to do with it everyone's gonna have their own crypto I think every single company in the world is gonna have their own crypto I believe Bitcoin will still be leader well I think there's a room for more okay I have this conversation many times as I say well only Bitcoin will survive or only these are the other I think that I think they will coexist Fiat will coexist with all cryptos and beacon will also coexist with other cryptos because it's in stoppable okay the ability for people to create their own currency is there so people are gonna use it and this will only give more freedom this is my thoughts so you picture a future we may go somebody's got some unplug somewhere okay that's better go for it okay so do picture a future with a hundred million currencies so you will go to Amazon and you can buy with Amazon coin with open Bazaar coin with Bitcoin with like moon which is my cards with I don't know maximal coin Adams going Heine coin so you pick that's your future man that's not money actually that's not money if if I think III will give you a present there is a he a nice book a called Bitcoin standard and it's it explains to you why they could have bother that there is a reason why I have that book actually I made the writer in when I was in Germany so I feel an almost very cool guy very interesting very I have that book my friend it's an awesome book well yeah yeah so you cannot have a million currencies actually here here that there is a principle in economic that is called the currents law that talks about when a country have two currencies like for example Venezuela and it's good money and bad money and the reason why we don't have merchant adoption here in Venezuela in because of crypto crypto mention adoption is because maybe it makes no sense to her to for a business for secreto when the people have this for money the bad money which is the Bali bar that they wanted to spend people are you have two chances to spend your believers what would you spend your your bitcoins or your dollars right you you are going to spend the the bad form of money not the good one technology evolves when technology evolves just a little more and you will you will send I will send Gabriel coin to Maximo and it will turn into maximal coin so I think you will be solved this is called barter you know we have that we have had that for for thousands of years that's part or so if you're a hairdresser I'm a mechanic and Maximo it's a tomato producer we are gonna come up with a system that okay I have to I have to give Maximo I don't know I have to fix his car twice and he's gonna give me a bag of tomatoes but that's not how economics work that's barter and that's the same with all these treatments we're gonna get realize that there must be a more convenient way and that's where the fiat currency system thrives and now that we have Bitcoin not cryptocurrencies we have to we have to make sure and use very carefully these these in this language cryptocurrencies it's just because there is no older currency that makes a cryptographic message sound money older than Bitcoin the older things are just attempt to have a fiat resemble Fiat system into crypto so the only way we can achieve that is through Bitcoin if I you allow me to elaborate know what hi my said just really quick real quick yeah what happens if I am like a dentist or a doctor and I have only so many hours in the year to work right what if I took a nice my time and then I sell you my time for Bitcoin but with the coin and I just gave you you get the right to be at my at my place and to get the service that I provide you know that's my that's my point that's my pay for that you can achieve that with Bitcoin because you take your time with Bitcoin which is a global use currency that it's more convenient for everybody around the world to peg your services into Bitcoin not to do not doctors coin and then you have to keep a track of the the value of your doctor coin into Bitcoin so that I can know how to translate the the value of the cryptocurrency to the service that I provide for example you said that you have and so an amount of hours of work why what would you think so why do you think that these which is success if you're a dentist you can use them coin but why would you think that this coin is going to prove anything of your work you're going to prove anything of your system you're going to still work the same in other words and you're going to still be paid the same amount of money in fear in Bitcoin or intense coin so it makes no sense okay this oldest IC o—- is all these launches all these are coins that they tell you that they're going to deliver something they end up delivering nothing okay you don't need a coin to be a dentist you don't need not going to be an engineer you don't need a coin to be a developer you just need to get paid for the word you do and you don't need to create your own currency to do so with Bitcoin or even with fear it's okay the difference is that with Bitcoin you are the truly owner of your money and that's what we're discussing today you can use launching for other tribal stuff okay bookings just a database okay but you don't need to talk in Nice everything when people talk about tokenize I think that they don't they don't talk about a tokenize in the way that you're going to pay to pay in in a hotel for example if you go to the Marriott Hotel you are going to pay with my red coin so you have to change your money to the merit coin and then pay to the holder that makes no sense it's not practical and it's not going to work in the future just because economic success oh alright I got hey I want to say one thing before we move on with this discussion here you guys mentioned the Bitcoin standard book which I hear is a great book the author will be speaking at the Bitcoin rodeo in Calgary on the 9th and the 10th and I will also be speaking there go to Bitcoin rodeo calm to learn more check out the links section below I also included Jaime's link below he gave that to me so that's been updated and we've got a question from the super chat audience thank you crypto market TV this is for all three of you guys so pay attention if I send Bitcoin to my friends in Venezuela how can they cash it out for everyday expenses I know what Gabriel is gonna say but a maximum what are you gonna say you use local big women they will you use local Bitcoin that will get their boulevards and they can spend it all right Gabriel what do you say yeah you have the choice of course these control nice local bitcoins and you can use also our exchange monkey coin no problem okay okay and I make any anything to add to that definitely local bitcoins it's it's the way to go of course for five dollars transaction I think it's a little you gotta go a little bit higher I think it's 15 dollars the the coming transaction but local bit do you Gabriel on the streets do you see anyone directly accepting Bitcoin for every for services for every there's a there's for instance there's a I remember the name of the mall but there's a big mall where they sell all kinds of electrical appliances such as compute and breeders and cellphones and all that we came of those doors and then you talk to the owner and you said okay okay cool I want to buy this computer from you I don't have any believers I don't have any dollars I don't have Bitcoin will you take it they probably will say yes city marketing so when I grande Caracas yeah that's the same for example I my dad went to to his fancies though like two months ago and he she told the ladies like hey can I play it with Bitcoin and the Crusaders is that the dentist had a Bitcoin miner sold yeah he had a wallet and he said okay yeah it's X amount of money you can pay me with Bitcoin that's it you can have that a small niche market of Bitcoin I know I know the stores here in Caracas that is doing it but they do more for marketing to attract a cryptocurrency people to that store but most of the people is going to pay with bolivars for what I just said you don't want to spend your bitcoins you can spend your body wars right that makes no sense you are not going to store a hyper inflated currency you want to start will sound money so yeah I think that the most secure way to to change of course like I said you can use the exchange body if you can try to avoid in the future the government knocking your door down you see you do you say we don't know a platform to exchange your mate come for Bollywood's alright well we're getting this has been a wild and wacky show baby any the time is flying usually I don't let him go this long but I this is a very special show everyone knows that Venezuela is dear to my heart and there's been so much demand out there this is one of the most unique shows you ever you need crypto shows you'll ever hear on YouTube I mean seriously who does event as well as show like this out there so pound that like button people okay so I bought this to be the Freestyle part of the show where you guys could just bring up anything you want to about Venezuela and Bitcoin and cryptocurrency or whatever and just maybe yo-yo asks other questions I don't know we'll start with Jaime what's what's on your mind what do you really want to get off your chest here about about Venezuela and Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies I just want to get out of my way the concept that I have noticed on many discussions online conferences that the term cryptocurrency it's being used very widely but I think it's misused so in what I would like to share is that Bitcoin is is in the group of things trying to free society from inflationary government-mandated cheat coins and there is another group that where you have where you have all the rest of the the crypto based projects okay so that's that's a good that's a big difference we gotta identify where each of these alt coins falls I will say in this grouping these this main group that is trying to free society from from a Fiat system you can put Bitcoin there on the head and you may have maybe like going on arrow some some other grassroot based project and then you have older companies or cryptocurrencies that are owned by companies and in that case they're gonna behave like companies you know they're gonna have a pyramid structure they're gonna have a head they're gonna have expenses and that's not what I signed up for I just signed up for sound money and I think that's big yeah man let's go well do you guys have thoughts on that but but in in then if you don't we'll just go to Gabriel with his he'll have a lot of stuff to get off his chest I'm sure all right guys just to let's say to wrap it up and I'm just very happy to be with you guys all this has been very interesting for what I know when I strayed I steal a fertile ground for a lot of things especially for crypto we will see what happens in the next month's I will tell you this the spotlight and the ice will be looking to Venezuela to see what goes on so we have a responsibility to do things the right way and to help the people and to spread word about crypto and all the benefit that we can get and just make this thing grow bigger and better every every single year so yeah if anything I'm very happy to be with you and I think there's a bright future for crypto and I think Venezuela eventually in the next year's will come up come out of this big problems that's been going on we still have to fight for freedom today is Independence Day for United States tomorrow for Venezuela we share a lot of history together these two countries and I think we all have to be together unite and work for the better work for the best help the people and spread the word about crypto definitely that's my message things are gonna get better even if today they're bad tomorrow is gonna be a better day that's my thoughts is you know this is so appropriate for Independence Day you know on the TV in the USA there's all this fake Independence Day stuff you know celebrating it based on just wearing some colors and everything what that man just said that was that's true independence that this is and I'm so happy that I had this show on Independence Day it all worked out great July the fourth baby all right máximo you've got your nonprofit idea that you want to talk about a little bit and anything else please that that's been left out that you want to bring up now yeah well thank you for how many these have been these have been four guys I really have glassing here yeah but the nonprofit yeah well we have been looking to do this but we weren't sure how how to how to worry except where we're going to focus on so like I said we're going to focus on education and feeding kids which are the future of Venezuela and in maybe in a couple of with weeks or a month we will we should be launching the nonprofit and I would love to do it in here Adam and I love your chocolate your show and I love anything you talk about in here so I would love to do it in here if you if you're into it so the do guys die ninja terrorists and in Manila will have a way to help the people to help the kids in here to improve their life and to give these kids opportunities that they these times in Venezuela they don't have because they don't have any money they don't have any food and we're trying to provide food to the table and education and they can be really really good people and good citizens in the future so the end and teach these kids about about Bitcoin and everything actually I'm going to contact a guy who have been in your show Adam JW weatherman I am yes and yeah he has a project called matboard yeah decided here yes yeah yeah it's a project that teach people program in a math and you can and with Ward the kids with Bitcoin and I think that would be amazing idea to integrate our nonprofit organization to Matt but and people can pay for the education of these kids so so and really try them for who that is an amazing idea amazing use case for what they're trying to do over there and he will be very interested in that and I'm so glad that you're in motion and he's in motion and people are watching these shows and connecting with each other I mean it's it's awesome it's a great feeling and I yes I want to see the youth the young people Venezuela to be the most educated in cryptocurrency in the whole world because it will bring about change very quickly if that comes about if that if they become some of the top ten most educated in terms of cryptocurrency in the world the people Venezuela there'll be a whole new Venezuela very very quickly and it's a UK man you're you're one step closer to bringing that with your idea so it'd be an honor to debut your idea on this I mean already it's kind of debuted on this show but to have the official launch on the show one day and maybe you don't being in conjunction with what JW is doing we could all be on the show together and it who knows there's so many possibilities here and this it is very emotion well I think that's it man thank you for for everything for all the work you do man they're helping a lot of people and guys we have to continue to work educate people these people have a Bitcoin and because work and your life were changing life for better and we will change the economy for the way money the way money works forever man so let's keep the good work and thank you for having me all right guys well that that is the end of the show what a memorable and freaking awesome show this is Ben I want to thank all my guests Gabriel Jaime and Maximo for making it out here Gabriel thank you also special thanks to you for being on the show on Friday which inspired this show it was just a spur of a moment thing to do this but if you had this showed up on Friday this wouldn't happen so it's everything is related that's why you got to be in motion people you just can't sit there and do nothing keep on doing things you come up with new ideas and everything town that like button and again oh and this Friday this week in Bitcoin we're gonna have all Bitcoin rodeo guests on so guys that will be speaking at the Bitcoin radio will be on this Friday this week at bitcoin of course tomorrow is Thursday they'll be the regular one Bitcoin show here here on the bitcoinmeister channel so tune in here I post a news show here every day at least one sometimes two I'll see you guys i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister disrupt meister remember subscribe channel like this video share this video i'll say hi to you guys in the chat real quick after this see ya thanks again guys
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