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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to this week in bitcoin today is July the 6th 2018 strong hand long term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin offended by selling oh yeah all right so we are all pumped here because we're gonna be in Calgary on Sunday and Monday and Tuesday the event Bitcoin rodeo Bitcoin rodeo calm link to below you get discounts below to get into it I got something down there if you're in the Alberta province on Monday and Tuesday Bitcoin rodeo calm and the dudes that are gonna be on the show today are all gonna be speaking there I'm gonna be speaking there so with right now vortex and BTC bemy already here francis pulo will be coming in a second and Rodolfo was supposed to come but he is uh in a meeting right now so he might chime in at some point but hey that this is you know it's a fluid thing you never know who's gonna show up but I do know on Monday and Tuesday all of us are gonna be there in Calgary Alberta Canada and I'm really excited now we're gonna talk about the event at some point today and and how excited I am just to meet real all you real Canadians Albertans when a Calgary ins that are out there but we're gonna talk about what's happened this week in Bitcoin this holiday week where everybody seemed to take you off or something like that so we'll start off with a vortex here and this is of this this subject is a little la I don't know eight it's almost on the border of THAAD people are talking about or two people specifically are talking about a possible change in the mining proof-of-work mining algorithm for bitcoins so why don't you calm down everyone or text and tell them what that's all about yes so you know it's actually not even that big of a thing in the community right now because there's actually only two people that are really rooting for it at this point which is of course Luke – jr and Cobra out there which of course is the the co creator and owner of Bitcoin org so there's really only a couple people that are pushing it right now but as we understand it right now it's just not going to be a good idea to go ahead and actually change the proof-of-work algorithm you know for Bitcoin so essentially we have this uh this this mining centralization issue that is a you know a much more much smaller of an issue than actually you know the media tends to sensationalize everything and that's what they they're really good at and so it's actually a much smaller issue than people think because you know how mining pools work is each individual miner you know it owns the hardware and is actually a mining it's not this it's not that bit Maine owns all of the hardware that is in every single pool and can can control it at will it's it's you know it's nothing like that each miners in it is individual and so you know this was talked about on tone vases show and a couple other people show us well and and at the end of the day you know the proof of work is not going to change anytime soon and it's actually not going to be that big of a deal we have we are having there's two big things that are that is happening right now on this front and the big the big one is competition is coming in we are having a ton of competition coming in you know everybody from Samsung to GMO and Japan to all sorts of these big huge companies they're coming in they're gonna create seven nanometer hardware and and lower and it's going to get it's going to get propagated everywhere and and the electricity is going to be coming from all sorts of places all around the world not just China but we're talking quit back up there in Canada you know it's going to be in Seattle it's quite in Washington in the States it's going to be in New York it's going to be all over the world because this is a profitable venture and Bitcoin is being seen more and more as the future as more and more things go digital so too will our money and the second thing really that I want to talk about and touch on is uh somebody in the communities names Matt Correll oh one of the Bitcoin core developer Bitcoin core contributors he created this thing called better hash which is an amazing algorithm that allows the actual individual miners to create the blocks instead of the pool itself so that really cool because this further decentralizes mining so well as I said earlier the the mining pools don't have complete you know control or the the mining hardware doesn't have complete control over the pools it's actually the individuals and they can switch pools anytime they want but now with better hash we can actually not only switch pools so anytime you want but now we can actually create the blocks ourselves and not actually have the money pool create them so again further decentralizing Bitcoin mining and so really at the end of the day this is I'm going to do a show at this about this in a couple of weeks but the end of the day it's not a big huge deal we do just want to make the community aware of what's happening on that front and what's going on and what the dekor developers and and others are actually saying about it so but at this point in time it's it's still a small little thing they're much more worried about things like scaling and privacy fungibility things like that so uh but this is some some interesting stuff that's happening and again if you want to know more information just follow everybody here especially you know Francis who just joined here Francis pull yet what we'll introduce him but definitely follow him and he'll have a lot of information on this type of on the mining on the mining front yeah we're gonna ask him in one second I think he already knows what we're talking about but vortex real quick if there's do two guys that are talking about changing the algorithm I mean they can just make they can for golf I mean can't they I mean yes sir and they can fork off at any time right that's what be cash has proved the in fact that you can fork Bitcoin at any time and you can try out other things and and it's great and in addition to that though you know there is an entire core community here you know where we develop bits where we develop Bitcoin improvement proposals where you can create a proposal get community support behind it and get it coated and then you know try to get it merged in you know this is this is a community after all this is open source this is free open source software so if you really do have a change that you think is important then by all means you know try to get it in there and and the community if it feels that it is as important as you feel then it will get merged in there's all sorts of little changes from big changes you know that that get merged in all the time in the Bitcoin so the biggest of course being the segment upgrade last year but this is uh this is really free and open for anybody to come and change well everyone francis has entered the building and I'm pretty pumped before we ask him what's up i just wanted to say all of these guys I linked to their information below if you want to learn more about them and you can check out disrupt meister comm link to below every debts my archives and the treasure lanes the t-shirt links it's all always check out the notes section below and I want to thank Mike erm Herman trot for 75 bucks Australian bucks in the super chat so and I thank everybody in the chat the super chat we're on fire baby so francis woody what do you think about these guys that we're talking it and again it's not that big of a deal but i just wanted to put it out there talking about changing the bitcoin mining algorithm the proof-of-work algorithm hey guys can you hear me as the sound okay oh it's beautiful baby it's beautiful awesome awesome so I'm at I got Lee I'm assuming you're talking about Cobra yes and the BPO WX I think proposal that came out like last week all right okay great well I mean we talked about this at a few times one of the main problems that that the committee has has identified with changing the proof-of-work is that in many ways changing the proof-of-work opens up a lot of attack lectures on bitcoin so the idea is what are the trade-offs to changing the proof-of-work is it worth the risk and and and can we do the proof-of-work change and keep bitcoin a single currency right so is it possible to achieve a consensus on upgrading to a different proof of work chain and have all the users unanimously migrated from one chain to another in certain circumstances this is something that's definitely possible for example if we if somehow a flaw in bitcoins current proof-of-work algorithm is discovered and as an emergency the network needs to change the algorithm i'm assuming that this is something that could be feasible but you need to convince the network that is a really high sense of urgency which is putting which is putting us at risk so i think the idea here was for them to address one of the main concerns which was if we do a proof-of-work change then whoever is currently a monopoly right now that has Human Resources capital expertise would get a really big advantage on the neck on on the new preferred work chain so presumably here we're talking about bit main and bit main would be the first one to switch to the new proof of work they would really easily find some kind of ASIC and would immediately reget dominance so the idea is that okay so yeah sure maybe there was one company that got a monopoly but over the past two and a half years a lot of people entered the space and they competed with bitman they invest a lot of money so you know my feeling is that we should just let those guys compete with bit Maine and let the market you know sort it out I think we just need to have a longer you know a really longer time frame right so people in Bitcoin are always excited things moves really really fast but the mining market you know this is supply chain this is industry it's really really slow there's a lot of capital requirements there so you know my personal feeling is that we should we should let the market you know optimize and become efficient and I get more more competition in this space so they're they're new proof-of-work algorithm I believe is intended to remove the the competitive advantage of bit Maine on the new on the new system so I haven't looked into it I believe they had some kind of technology that they believe would would would prevent bit Maine from getting an early monopoly but in any case even if they do prevent you know someone to get a monopoly you know your ostrich your ostracizing a huge portion of the Bitcoin community which are bit corners and you know you're just saying you know these you guys you're honest but you're just collateral damage of our plan so I don't know I don't really think there's there's any chance this this is gonna this is gonna be accepted into Bitcoin perhaps what could happen is you get a few Bitcoin core developers maybe one or two that would move to this new system and effectively we would have a new all coin which you know either or not claims to be a bit horn or either claims to be a better type of Bitcoin and this you know effectively becomes to me the same as every other all coin that changed a proof-of-work like Bitcoin gold or whatever so you know I really welcome some research into new proof-of-work algorithms or efficiencies but realistically I think this is like a storm in a teacup and you know it's a headline-making thing because you know Luke is tweeting about it and Kouros tweeting about it but it's it's I don't see it right now as having any momentum at all and you know the Bitcoin core developer is explain this to me a while back they don't make decisions they kind of look at the consensus and they try to code it right so they'll say oh the community wants this and whatever they want is missing a piece of code that needs to go into Bitcoin so once everybody agrees that this thing is needed well we'll just coat it for the people that want to run it so the core devs are not any developer in Bitcoin isn't gonna you know propose a change unless there's there's consensus around it so you know Cobra and Luke are very welcome to try and build consensus around their solution as long as they don't try to kind of fork off soon and claim it claim they're going to be Bitcoin which I highly that would happen because we had the same discussion during you ASF and in the case of Yui SF there was a possibility where we would have split off from the network and not become compatible with Bitcoin and in this case I don't think any of the us have people said we're gonna claim the name Bitcoin so either the big corners that were pushing us F we're gonna abandon this chain because there was no consensus and if the people did not have been the chain I really doubt any of them would have called themselves Bitcoin so it's interesting but I mean I think it's just you know it's more Bitcoin drama it's it's interesting more for the drama value and for the discussion value then and then a an actual thing we need to worry about happening in the near future if it ain't broke don't fix it people long term I think long term think and be patient with this be patient I don't see a reason why people want to rush into doing something like this like but hey it's they're free to fork off if they want you know form a form and altcoin will get it for free that'll be great I know finger and I actually forgot something so if you think about what it is we're trying to achieve it is we're trying to remove the barriers to entry for mining manufacturing right so this is kind of the goal if there's no barrier to entry at all in mining manufacturing and running miners and having access to equipment then it's impossible for anybody to maintain a monopoly right over time the market would get efficient and what we've seen is that the actual advantages of the manufacturers are becoming slimmer and slimmer over time right so you know bit Maine had early on a really big advantage just because of the China situation and proximity to miners and a lot of kind of stuff but the way that I see it the competitive advantages will be moving over time more towards access to cheap electricity access to to cheap power that scales a lot so regardless of you know the the algorithm and the hardware inevitably it's that you know the competition is going to drive towards electricity prices and as long you know unless you're gonna make an ASIC which runs on not electricity I don't know how that's possible you know it's it's always just gonna come to to electricity fresh competition over time so you know there's nothing you can do at the ASIC and proof-of-work level to to remove any kind of barrier to entry for Alex for access to electricity so anyway it's it's just moot right it's it's it's not it's it's useless to think of the proof of work as as the only barrier to entry into competition there's there's many others it's just the first and most obvious ones but again if you have a new preferred work algorithm one day as it will come down to two electricity prices anyway yes sir you really pound that like button everyone if you think Frances I mean he just pounded that thing into the ground do you that's also Benny I don't know if there's anything else to add to that you gotta say I mean yeah not really I'm I mean it's I'm glad that you brought up you ASF because last year at this exact time it was heated that's it was everything was going down right around this time it was it's very interesting to see what a different spot were in a year later but as far as as the mining centralization and needing to change proof of work I mean I I don't find it as as scary and as daunting as even before we had a single pool that got more than 51% at one at one point and and as vortex was talking about it earlier it's not bit Maine that owns all of all of this hardware it's it's individual miners joining pools so and what happened before was when this one pool guy I think it was was it slush is that this yeah yeah G hatch right so it got up to 51% and then people just started moving over to different pools to help relegate the the size of the pool so that people wouldn't freak out I'm not super worried i I mean if it was this difficult to get through seg wit can you imagine how difficult it would get it would be to get consensus around something like changing proof-of-work so and and again speaking to the points that were previously brought up the GMO the seven nanometer rigs that are this chipsets that are coming out that's that's insane that's and I'm super happy to see it happening because it just it just spreads everything out a little bit so I guess I'm continued not to be worried as as the system just kind of takes on a life of its own and I'm happy to grab my pop my popcorn sit back and watch it's always interesting watching the drama but you know Bitcoin does what it wants it doesn't care what other people think so that's my two cents yeah it is drama and I think I was just thinking you know these some of these altcoin people who want to be the next Bitcoin they're going to use this drama story as a talking point to ripple in Bitcoin its debts people that they have weak hands be prepared to have this story thrown in your face as like the end of the world for Bitcoin it isn't it's not anything to worry about but hey it's it's the free market of drama so the no doubt some alt corners are going to be using this this little story to scare you have a strong hand people long-term thinking hey by the way Frances are you in the streets of Montreal right now yeah I'm sorry I thought the podcast was Tim oh I was actually just like on my bike so I know that this is free she's freaking awesome I love the scenery man and this has been around we do a pan around maybe do a 360 pan around or something you show people Montreal man like he's just like he's I'm outside it's time to do a darn show baby and this is beautiful it's beautiful right so go back to Benny here before the show we were talking about this but did he hear about it on Finance how they had the the trading bot situation Benny did you were you familiar with that again I heard a little bit about it it seemed like they were pretty quick to act though honestly I thought I think somebody else would be better to speak on this for me because I heard whispers but I was I was driving from Calgary to Vancouver all of yesterday so I couldn't really keep up on the latest of mine is where you see guys you're getting a taste of some Canadian on-the-ground stuff here was we're building up to talking about the Calgary thing he's talking about driving the Calgary Frances is running around the streets in Montreal soon we'll be talking about Calgary but vortex and American like I am what what to tell us about this finance thing there was a trading bot it went wild it and then people said it was hacked and Finance failed everybody out and no one has to worry so what's the story there what do you think for me if for me it only boils down to why people trading anyway in like storing their Bitcoin on third parties continued vortex yeah and again you know it's uh III know just as much as anybody else when it comes to you know reading this stuff because we're all on the out we're all on the outside here trying to watch what's going on you know with with by nan says it is a pretty new exchange and it really got a it really grabbed a huge amount of the world's acquitted II fairly quickly and so it is kind of on everybody's radar and what happened here was kind of similar to what happened last time it was essentially a trading bot but the problem here is that there was actually funds lost this time and the finance is going to make everybody whole I'm not sure how much was lost I think it was to the tune of around 40 million dollars so it was a pretty large hack and it was interesting because other exchanges were being attacked but the same the same method but they they shut it down quick enough and I I believe that by Nance didn't shut down the actual bot trading quick enough the before it actually ended up losing losing funds and stealing funds but again they are making everybody whole and you know the last update is is that again you know all irregular traits have been reversed and saying that that everything should be good do you think they should have made everyone hold because it went the in the world of personal responsibility these people signed up for this training bad thing I mean they it wasn't finances fault right so it was well technically it's still you know by Nance because they managed to security they meant of the of the API they managed you know the servers and all that kind of stuff so you know they they have to be aware of activity that is happening with their with their technology and this is something that they didn't they weren't watching close enough and we hope that they've upgraded their systems to maybe you know take it take another look at this about what's going on but essentially you know this is this does comes down to two altcoins right it was a it was accessing an altcoin from the trading api right and so it this is this is where we we say that there's going to be increased pressure put on exchanges about the type of all coins that they hold and about the amount of alt coins that they hold because this we're going to see increase attacks through these alt coins on exchanges you know like we've seen with 51% attack with Bitcoin goal than others this is going to put increased pressure on exchanges to be able to make sure that they have the the security required and to you know at some point drop all of these all of these crazy out coins with that is going to just give them so much risk that they will have no other choice but to drop them it was Cisco right I wanna like a song when I Cisco an what's the actual coin that was used with the trading bot 2x shoot this attack yes no I got it Francis have you did you hear about this situation I did but just kind of superficially on Twitter because I think there was like a bunch of memes that came out of it like funds are snafu or something like that and I was like what is that so I kind of looked into it and I it does sound really familiar I believe that what I read was that they some people did a 51% attack on this coin in order to prevent a reorg of the blockchain or in order to create a reorder of the blockchain and I'm not too sure what they did but somehow they timed that with some some attack on an exchange via the API I'm not sure how the two were linked but so I'm not you know I'm not really sure what to think of that as you guys were talking about finance I just googled like finance like what's the news III Denny were talking about the first thing that I saw was by Nance expects to do a billion dollars of profit in 2018 so you know regardless of that incident I'm sure by Nantz has the capacity if it's true to make their users whole but I can't comment on whether they should or shouldn't make their users whole or what happened is I'm really just there's so much stuff happening in Bitcoin that you know when I see stuff happening in the alcorn space immediately I kind of turn it off but you know at least you know we got a good name out of it that's that's really all I know this it's hard to follow everything you know in the space it really is uh but like I said most of us here pretty much follow Bitcoin exclusively so when all coin stuffs happening you know it's interesting a little bit not really until it takes an exchange down oh yeah that's the thing if we would have cared if if finance would have went down because of it because then all of a sudden there'd be articles Bitcoin got hacked exchange goes down that's what the headline is Bitcoin guy I mean it's no I heard that somebody with is is it related because I was seeing all over Twitter somebody he traded its going for like 90s well at one point it's that part of this wait wait wait I didn't hear what you got cut off the broker yes oh so I I heard that somebody traded one siscon for 96 Bitcoin at the peak of crazy is that the same thing yeah I believe I saw a chart it was something something huge peak like yeah it looked like the the SIS coin spiked on exchanges like just hundreds and hundreds of percent yeah yeah that's I mean again people be careful what you're doing out there and that vortex you it was forty million dot that's a lot of money but again would uh what Francis points out they're gonna make up what a billion dollars in profit this is what a time we're living in here it's unbelievable I mean buying it's like hasn't even been around that long I think finance I think that we went around just recently they said they made like three hundred million dollars in thirty days or it might have been three months but it was a little very little amount of time that they made that three hundred million dollars in profit and and they made more profit in q1 than Deutsche Bank unbelievable unbelievabl of the world were getting into here yeah I'm pumped man all right let's move on to some other news here well beat BTC penny what do you would what's on your mind what's on my mind is is a again all over the Twitter Twitter sphere was that that B is the Bank of International Settlements fat cat guy that basically said that Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is garbage and that people should stop trying to create money out of thin air and my brain imploded when I heard him say those words because it is the most ironic statement I think I've ever heard come out of somebody in the space somebody whose business is it is to to facilitate and and help the world basically print off you know ad nauseam just ridiculous amounts of cash that is being devalued every single day and he tells people to stop trying to create money big news is we already did it's here and it's way better and I you know they deal with it right you've got competition now you know it's the free market so you know here we come it seems like some of this foot is like coming straight out of the Year 2015 like some of these dudes are stuck back then it seems to be like the flash book flashback Fudd week because the New York Post said at a similar article about how bitcoins going to zero I I mean maybe this is the trendy thing of the fourth of July weekend I don't I feel like I feel like we're in for it a little bit this year cuz it was such a big year in 2017 and I don't know I feel like we've got a little bit of a wait before we see something like that and in my mind of all I've always thought of Bitcoin at price wise as being kind of cyclical based around based around those having's and it's not add to having but it takes time for supply and demanded to its thing right so you know we we experienced that huge bump through 2017 with the reduced supply and with it came the the manias around altcoins and all that but things are calming down now which is totally fine because anybody who's been around long enough was kind of expecting it anyways and and more the focus is going towards building which is amazing to see and it and honestly it just looks like a replay of the same stuff and I'm fully expecting to see plenty of those articles all year just because we're not constantly hitting all-time highs and then eventually when it comes back to doing the same thing that it did 2017 and 2013 it'll be all the articles about is this a bubble it's it's you know it history doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes and I'm seeing the same stuff again and again and I think it will continue this way until it's common knowledge globally that this is how it reacts and then it will change so right now sure people that have been in Bitcoin for a while they've they've looked at what has happened in the short history that we have but most people have no idea and they they come they come in and everything's brand-new and with you know if you're getting generous maybe like a cuff you percent of people have gotten their hands on crypto there's a whole lot of the world that has to go through the same learning curve and witness the same thing a few times before before it really takes hold and people learn to anticipate but yeah I don't know that's my two cents there all right Francis you got something to say about that yeah absolutely so you know when you're trying to figure out like who is Bitcoin disrupting like can you name like the single entity which is the most at risk of disruption from Bitcoin and if I had to choose one that entity would be the Bank of International Settlements so this institution is like the club of central bank so it's like this central bank that chord this like the institution that coordinates all the central bank's like you look at who's on that board I think they have like 35 central banks as members on that board you have Mario Draghi which is you know the the president or former president of the European Central Bank you got Mark Carney the president of the UK central bank you got Stephen poloz the president of the Canadian central bank or the firmer one so like this is an institution that was founded like a hundred years ago to coordinates global monetary policy to coordinate you know the war reparations so this is like when you're talking about like the evil Fiat Standard like that institution like is like the lair like the secret lair or where all the central bankers meet so you know if the Bank of International Settlements was going to support Bitcoin I think we would be like in a lot of trouble so it's definitely like a good sign so you know Bitcoin does a lot of people think you know Bitcoin this is gonna disrupt banking or finance you know maybe but one thing is for sure is that the Bank of International Settlements will disappear if Bitcoin you know is is successful and you know my second comment is like when I saw that on Twitter my initial reaction was like this guy's right you know he we shouldn't be trying to create money because we did and we found the best form of money on earth which is Bitcoin and as far as I'm concerned it is impossible for anybody at this point compete with the Bitcoin standard so I agree with him we shouldn't be trying to make more money we should be trying to work on Bitcoin and make the standard we have you know better but obviously this is you know this is just kind of a little joke because the way that he says it you know you guys shouldn't be doing money only us should be trying to make and make the money so obviously I disagree with him on that but ultimately you know he's right at this point I don't think we should be trying to create a new monetary system because we already did and it's work and it's gonna dominate and it's an inevitability so the best thing that we can do now is work on that money standard monetary standard and make it better make the dub should happen you know faster excellent vortex you had something to say on that yeah so I mean you know as Benny says it's all about market cycles and you know the type of FUD that you're gonna get is depending on where you are in those market cycles and you know at this point predicting Bitcoin will go to zero has a serious effect on your reputation and in going into the future we'll continue to have even more farce far more severe effects to your reputation you know just look at Jamie Dimon at this point he can't say anything about Bitcoin at all like literally like nothing at this point anything he says the press is gonna pick up and it's gonna because because he was his last prediction just completely put his foot in his mouth you know literally said bitcoin is a ponzi and then of course it proceeded to go to $20,000 so this point it's going to the the people making these these predictions their reputations are going to be destroyed but the thing is that if you look at the guy who said it I mean maybe they can get a new representative because at this point that guy completely personifies evil if you ask me like if you look at this guy the banker that we're talking about here who the bank from the Bank of International Settlements the guy who said this I encourage everybody to go out and Google this guy and you tell me if this is what uh you know if this is what you if this is what represents like um you know hard work if this is what represents the the American worker if this what presents like you know good because to me this guy represents everything that is evil and you know again most people don't know how the web works but yet in time they trusted that it does work you can now trust it when you go to your email that you're gonna get your email you can now trust when you pull up a website that yeah that's gonna work it's gonna pull up the website you're going to get what you're gonna what you want and people will trust BIC when they say nobody is gonna understand how Bitcoin works just like nobody is gonna understand how the web works but in time people will trust it and they will trust that this is the world's best sound money they will trust it when they send something to somebody else they will get it they will trust it know that their money can not be censored they will trust that no single entity no bank no government no anybody can confiscate their funds this is the world's first uncomfortable money so you know in time people will see these things and they will come to trust it but it will take time and the market will have to figure this out and until then you know we're going to have all these crazy copies of eels and and etherium and then they're gonna copy everybody's apps off of aetherium onto eos and then onto whatever the next thing is and on and on we'll go until Bitcoin completely consumes all of the almost all of the liquidity that these people that that's Pope that's still powering these ridiculous crazy othe coins and again some of them are interesting but you know it's at the end of the day bitcoins going to suck up all of the use cases that aren't interesting and that's gonna take some time but we're just here you're like on adam meister show and at the world crip to network you know we we keep telling people this and it's going to take time but again as i keep trying to tell people it is early days but look out for these types of charlatans like this from people at the actual Bank of International Settlements as Francis says this is where the central bankers meet this is the central bankers club the people who print money is trying to tell you to stop printing money so I think we can all take the head to face value and just kind of laugh a little bit at the ridiculous irony that is coming out of this guy's mouth they are the anti Satoshi it seems like all right Benny you got yeah I just have one other thing you're talking about it'll it'll take time and I you know everybody it seems to me in the space I just I just finished reading the Bitcoin standard by by say 15 a moose and it's brilliant and he talks a lot about something called time preference you know want whether you're short term time preference is going to take president over your long term time preference are you're going to do something that gets you immediate satisfaction or are you going to put off that satisfaction till later and seems like a lot of people wanted feature X Y or Z and they didn't want to take the time to build it on top of a solid foundation so they just rushed into building these alternative systems which is great to test stuff out if you like but in the end when those when those functions are able to be ported to Bitcoin why would you use anything else and so it's it's all about time preference and I am a patient man I don't mind playing around with other things I don't mind you know Co house this house this wall at work how does this function where but I am I am incredibly if if Bitcoin has taught me nothing it is to be patient I am super super patient with things and when people say things like oh lightning is vaporware it'll never exist well look it's it's up it's running we have a main net beta going right now and and it's exploding and then people look at it and say well it's complicated people will never use it Vinnie I'm looking at you again it's it's where is your time preference it's being built like end and I can't remember who said it on Twitter just recently but they said they were talking about how how people will they they put in the time to learn Bitcoin to learn how to use wallets and how to how to do all of that I think it was Rodolfo actually and and he was saying if people were willing to put in the time to do that they will be willing to put in the time to learn how to use a lightning wallet which in time I think won't look any difference on the front-facing UI to other people so you know have some patience everybody like it's we're not gonna build this thing overnight like Adam always says a long-term thinking strong hand don't be impulsive I'm glad Safa Dean I can't even say his name correctly is he he is down with the long term thinking clear I gotta read this book he's going to be speaking at the Bitcoin rodeo yes I'm gonna meet him I guess on Monday or Tuesday or both days or whatever all right Francis is he's charging something for those of your like why didn't race it's just arias he's back again there he is sorry my laptop batteries died so now I'm back at my phone do you you beautiful you're looking good did you did you have anything to say about the long term thinking impulsivity discussion we were just talking about their time preference yeah yeah absolutely so I also finished a safety net to months ago I read that in a few days just after reading Nassim Taleb skin in the game so that's that's what my vacation looks like really those those kind of books instead of being on being on Twitter so I mean the concept of time preference is a monumental kind of achievement I think so the the concept of explaining time preference in his book is to me like one of the most is the one of the willpower powerful concepts one of the other powerful concepts in in this book as well that I think he invented or he really formulated really well is the easy money trap so definitely read that so in terms of the time preference what I like about this argument is that for example I was I was at a Bitcoin conference a few days ago and a lot of people were coming up to me asking me questions about Bitcoin and this one guy came up to me and he's like you know what's your thought on capitalism socialism is bit corny a force for good and he was like how can I explain big horns positive social impacts and like social cohesion impacts and he was like struggling to find a social arguments for for for Bitcoin he didn't I think this person probably didn't really like the idea of the free market and that kind of stuff but you know the way that I tried to explain to him was like okay so you know the evil is central banking Fiat the evil is not catalyst and or socialism it really transcends that and if you're trying to look for you know positive effects just look at time preference look at the idea that people will be saving over time that the idea that with the the currency standard that we have were incentivized to consume were inset with decent device to save so we are kind of guided by the powers that be to spend their money to foster consumerism culture to waste to waste a lot of stuff short term and to not think long term so you know the impacts range from from many places from the arts so save even has a really good passage in his book where he talks about how you know during times of you know gold Salman II standards a lot of people had a long-term view so they were willing to invest in actual art that made twenty to thirty years to make and he says this is why for example today we have bullshit pop art and bullshit pop music instead of you know masterpieces that take 20 years to build or you know symphonies that require you know a masters and and having people you know invest in these guys for the future so I really do believe that if people start to think long term with Bitcoin we're gonna see a lot of net social benefits primarily because of reduce and immediate consumption and just you know planning and foresight you're gonna think that you you think that bitcoin is gonna make a percentage of the general population more patient in terms of everything they do in life basically I mean it's gonna have that would be great that would be great well I just think about yourself you know just think about your own time preferences he cut into Bitcoin so you know it's it's really really simple if you think that the the money that you have right now will have more value in the future it is just intuitive for everybody to not spend or at least you think twice that I was spending so you know when you're spending something you have to you think about the opportunity costs that that you're incurring so you know if I spend something on you know a car today will I be better off than then if I save it for the future well if your money is in fiat well you can say well you know my money's just disappearing over time and at any point in time there's a risk of a you know social it collapse and my Fiat can be worthless from one day to the next you look at other countries you look at the news people that you you know you may have friends that are Argentinean and they're telling you you know my money just went away you know I have a lot of stories a family that were in in the Middle East where you know the value of the dinars from one day to the next completely fell away so if all your wealth can you know disappear from one day to the next entirely or is guaranteed to disappear slowly over time you're not you're not gonna be saving all right so the this thing you feel you know that the the feeling of being a Hudler the feeling having long-term preference we all feel it intuitively so I don't have I don't see any reason why everybody who's in Bitcoin wouldn't have this you know psychological transformation over time I mean it's just once that's why I tell people just like just by a little tiny bit of Bitcoin like you will see it will cure your mind like being a holder will cure some some some some some twisted things in your mind that are not natural you know and you know one other thing is like a lot of people now consider inflation to be a natural phenomenon like you would be surprised if you talked to inflation about people don't you say yeah it's just inflation issues like the seasons you know it's like you know every year you know the the price of stuff goes up you know that's just how the world works no there's another world works this is a scam you know this is not that this is not the way that it worked for our ancestors it's not a normal situation and I looks like to reiterate that look that is bitcoins killer app sound money is the killer app for Bitcoin that is what will proliferate Bitcoin across the planet it's not going to be just buying coffee it's going to be saving entire generations savings it's going to be saving the wealth of literally generations of people of millions and millions of people of fathers of daughters of children of sons of brothers of sisters this is what the killer app bitcoin is going to do it's going to literally save people's lives and people's children's lives and you know and Francis didn't even get as far as social cons of social constructs Francis didn't get into the energy efficiencies that Bitcoin is going to bring forth on this world how this is going to drive the biggest green initiative that this planet has ever seen I mean if you think you know if you think tsch ins do some work no no no no bitcoin is going to drive the energy efficiencies with the monetary incentive that bitcoin brings and the monetary incentive that cannot be slowed down offended by selling bitcoin although I'm gonna say this I think there are plenty of big coin people who are not offended by selling Bitcoin I am a holder of last resort of course I don't but with what Francis says it's just having something cold I think some Bitcoin is gonna convince you to become a strong hand and holder I wish it I wish it was like that I wish some of these guys are too impulsive they're tempted they need to do something with their Bitcoin as I have said many times the best thing is to do nothing with your Bitcoin they're always going to be people that feel like they have to do something that's why we have AI cos I me seriously I mean that's why we have all coins again guys I just kind of diversify guys you got a debate they diversify for the sake of diversification gambling for the same boat sinks of gambling it again if you're watching this guys just just hold learn from me all of us are holders here we're trying to set a good example for you Benny you had something to say though yeah I just wanted to speak more to again the question that you asked of Francis do you think that this is going to encourage do you think this is going to encourage responsibility and and absolutely like when you when you think again that your money is being devalued over time then obviously you're less inclined to care about spending it but I think that also that carries over into just general investing like right now there's a lot of when you look at things like the stock market people are are using the stock market as a way to avoid inflation like if you just put away your money and just hold it in an account well you're not really you're not even beating inflation so you have to put your money in something else just to remain whole and hopefully make a profit whereas in a world where you have money and your money is going to have more and more purchasing power over time because it's finite and the population is growing well you're going to be less inclined to invest in a company that might you know have have some short-term profits you're gonna be more likely to look at look at a company and say hey I think that this is actually a solid investment and I think it will outpace the growth of my regular money over time and so it makes people more carefully consider what they're investing and it makes them consider is this a good long-term company not I'm not gonna ride the ups and downs for the day I want something long-term because my money will we'll be able to purchase more over time so I need I need a reason to really want to invest my money not just pure speculation excellent all right and let's let's move on from that real quick does anyone want to pretend to be Rodolfo and talk about his cool open dying calculator looking storage device things and I that I saw is what's interesting about it is it's like kind of like one of the first cypherpunk Carrboro wallets like you know treasure is a pretty good pretty good example of that but um they do add much more complexity the Rodolfo is trying to really make it even simpler than that like we're talking no actual plastic backing like where you can see the board you can see everything right there transparently and so it's kind of like the world's most cypherpunk cardboard wallet and that's uh what that's what they're working on right now that's their latest product this of course is from the same company that brought you the open dime which is essentially like um you know it's a set it's a little bit sort of like a hardware wallet right but what it really does is it brings physicality to Bitcoin it allows you to put physical Bitcoin on this chip that can't be spent without visually seeing it without visually being able to pull the pin and actually see that it is spent so it really is interesting because you can pass these around and you know essentially pay with Bitcoin without using the Bitcoin network you know if the actual token hasn't been popped if the if you can tell that the coin hasn't been spent the private key is still on this particular device then you can pass this around just like you pass around cash so that's really cool so this is their next evolution into that using that hardware using that cypherpunk that open-source hardware type of mentality they're gonna try to build this Harbor wallet and it really does look pretty cool it really looks like an interesting device to me if you are you know a bit of a cyberpunk if you're a developer if you're if you're into that type of ethos stand this really is a great product for you maybe even better so than the treasurer because the tress are sort of is going after the mainstream consumer audience which is great and that's what we need but this is a little bit more niche and I think it's really cool you know I for text Benny and I all have shows so we one of us has got to get Road alpha on the show in Calgary like showing it playing around with yeah I actually had him on the last show that I did there and he did hold it up so people can see so I encourage everybody to check out my last episode of the Bitcoin new show but absolutely Adam we were going to interview him there's yeah yeah everybody stay tuned for like live shows from Benny and vortex and me on our channels and everything coming from there or or tape or not live shows whatever well all you're gonna see all of us like hugging each other in person which I know a lot of you got a kick I get a kick out of and I'm really looking forward to meetin Francis and Benny it feels like I know I'm already and Rodolfo was a bit on the show but it's it's different when you actually have to shake the dude's hand everything Francis did you've something to say about open Diamond Rodolfo or anything like that or yeah I have a lot to say you know I wrote off the wall I've known it for years I think I've known Rodolfo for like four or four and a half years and Rodolfo is like the most paranoid security expert you could ever find in your entire life this guy like there's no loophole like it needs to be a 100% airtight like whatever saying that he's gonna use to store his bitcoins I want to use to store my bitcoins because I know that this guy you know is knows all the tricks he's a harder security expert so you know the fact that he developed a core card as a way to hold his own bitcoins that was his goal I want the best for myself and I'm gonna make it you know and if I'm gonna make I might as well make it and selling to other people so the cold card is not like the open line in the sense that this device is really to generate the keys and to do the signatures and it's using a cutting-edge new bit corn protocol called BIP 174 which is partially signed Bitcoin transactions which is the way that it should have been done in the first place so it's different than the treasurer it's different than the ledger it's more close to the ledger in that it uses like the security chips whereas I think Treasury uses multiple multi purpose chips but you know this is the kind of thing that you know you're gonna be using with your own full node so essentially it generates the keys on the device and then you know what you need to do is you need to create you you actually import a SD card in it and you sign a transaction you take that SD card out you can put it in a phone you can also use a cable what he's talking about literally like all the device the device actually never touches the Internet it actually creates the transactions that you then have to take off of the device and then push manually to the network either with your own full node or with you know a website or an API but that's just that's just amazing stuff guys like this it literally will not touch the internet will not actually send a transaction for you it will only create it so that you can then take it off the device and push it to a device that is connected to the Internet so very very like I said guys very very cyberpunk like it doesn't get more cyberpunk than this this is designed for developers for cypherpunks for people who are extremely paranoid about their security if you guys are just want something plug-and-play you know then obviously that's gonna be the treasurer that's gonna be more of the consumer great stuff it sounds perfect for somebody who's maybe holding you know what to them is large amounts of Bitcoin and they are nervous about you know putting together a transaction and connecting a device and I obviously you know I use the treasurer and everything but it's it sounds like for somebody that has a large amount in a single wallet and they want to be a hundred percent sure that what they're seeing is what they mean to be doing and they formulating it offline and connecting it afterwards it sounds like one of the most secure transactions I've heard of thus far Wow you know I could I give my panel credit here they just took over you know Frances got cut off and these guys just took right over pound that light but they were like on the same train of thought as he was all right so yeah he's having some technical difficulties on this the mean streets of Montreal but I'm speaking about the mean streets of Canada let's talk about what we're we're all about to hang out Benny so what should you know if someone's in Alberta someone's in Western Canada and they're on the fence here which would they should come but what should they expect is gonna be mostly Bitcoin talk is it gonna be crypto talk are you bi cos they're what what wouldn't what's what's on the agenda and yeah you guys got me all right yeah okay cool yeah so so in organizing the event it was very important to everyone behind it to make it very Bitcoin centric Dave Bradley one of Bitcoin brains he's won one of the first Bitcoin people I ever met in Calgary and and he has that same mentality where he thinks that Bitcoin is the most interesting and promising thing in the space and he wanted to be sure especially given the last year where there is so much focus on all of these other alt coins to have a pure Bitcoin related event now that's not to say that the entire event is ignoring the fact that there are other projects that have shown up and that there's all coins and icos and stuff like that but the the focus here is on Bitcoin and there are a couple people that are coming in from other camps that that maybe have an altcoin or have a different project but but they're gonna have to hold their own because there are a lot of Bitcoin maximalists at this event and and you know that's all to the people that are coming from outside of that realm that's a gutsy thing to do and you know I I hope that that that they they hold their own but you know they think good for them for for coming out but we've got a lot of really great speakers I mean all of yourselves coming out I'm so excited for we've got Saiva Dean and most author of the Bitcoin standard which again for anybody watching right now if you haven't read that book you need to because you need that foundation of why does bitcoin have value before you get into anything else and it's gonna ground you outside of that we have a we have a pony not fluffy pony it is a fluffy pony but we have a pony we also found out that there's gonna be a donkey that's named Charlie so that's the thing and all of this is going down during the Calgary Stampede which is a massive event so like a few blocks walk from where our event is at is the Calgary Stampede which Wrigley is citywide but there's like a fairgrounds there's a massive rodeo that happens all every single day at night there's a huge show with fireworks and everything there's parties all over the city there's a ton of stuff going on so you can get your Bitcoin fix during the day there's gonna be a couple after parties but then you can also check out the Calgary Stampede so and also this is where I live so I'm excited for everybody to come and and come see my city for the first time and it's gonna be a beautiful week the weather is looking amazing so honestly if you're in the area if you can make it come because I'm I'm so beyond excited for this event and we are very say the meet you in person and I'm a little worried though Saffiedine he can be so hardcore Bitcoin is he gonna get in a rumble with say if some of these not Bitcoin people who knows what what's gonna happen old stage I have a little of it but he is the maximalist of maximalist I mean I don't think he even associates with I'm gonna watch him I'm gonna watch him fight with you over Bitcoin Forks I don't want to fight it but I mean hey so I'm talking about the crypt of dividends I'm they assigned me to talk about Bitcoin Forks so I'm going to tell the the bottom and stuff don't buy him get him for free but I think even just by mentioning that I may become I may be put on the enemy list by Saffiedine I hope I hope not then I'm not telling people to buy this stuff I'm just explaining what it is and again we were talking about the beginning of the show if there's proof of work people want to fork off yeah I think they should as well get their thing for free and then I'll solve for more Bitcoin it's all about getting more Bitcoin people all right Francis you were in and out of the conversation for bit you were talking about the open diamond rodolfo and now you're see we're talking about the event what any do you have anything that you wanted to say that when you got cut off you want to talk about the the Bitcoin rodeo you're looking forward to or Saffiedine being the Bitcoin maximalist the maximalist anything you want to say yeah well I'm super stoked to go to the rodeo and I'm actually very very excited to meet sike save Dean again because save Dean is is kind of like nice and Telep for me save Dean is able to formulate things that I instinctively know are true and belief but when he gives me the vocabulary in the tools it makes so much more sense in my mind and it gives me the ability to explain to other people in much clearer clearer words so for this reason I'm really excited to go see Steve actually I'm gonna have to talk to him before just to make sure that our speeches aren't too similar because I you know I'm agree with save Dean a hundred percent on everything so you know I'm excited to go to Calgary and meet the community there because you know I see Calgary and Alberta as possibly being you know one of the safe zones for big corners in Canada right now so you know the the province of Alberta has always been you know very entrepreneurial very very focused on on on you know free market and you know is you know one of the least regulated jurisdictions in Canada so for this reason I'm excited to see if you know we can't make Calgary you know a Bitcoin hub because the other Bitcoin hubs that we've did for example in in Montreal and and then Coover in Toronto are in provinces that you know have kind of a left-leaning regulatory tendency so I'm excited to see if we can't kick off a little hub over there and you know I'm really excited because those kind of presentations are an excuse for me to write down some of the thoughts that I have more compelling and clear way so you know people that know me know that I like to talk on Twitter a lot but I never have the occasion to rub down like you know like a thesis you know like a presentation of my ideas so what I'm gonna be talking about in Calgary is the scarcity of Bitcoin and I'm gonna be doing very in-depth essay on the the four different ways that I think bitcoin is scarce and the point of that will be to to do the comparison with all coins right so the entire point is to do comparison with all coins and my narrative and my thesis is that bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency whose core features are irreproducible therefore it's the only scarce token through a scarce token that's out there therefore you shouldn't be looking at all the features if you were trying to establish the value proposition of a coin stop looking at the features stop looking at if it's private stop looking at if it's fast stop looking at or whatever if it has smart contracts in order to understand what this is thing has value in the long term what you should be thinking about is how difficult it is to reproduce to reproduce whatever Mike my coin is trying to achieve and I think this is the killer argument for the Bitcoin maximalist right so bitcoin is the hardest thing to reproduce all of the all coins maybe have cool features but they're extremely easy to reproduce so the tokens that enable those features will never have long term value so it's gonna be an occasion for me I think to do this this this presentation and who knows it might turn into a book of its own and it might turn into a blog post or something like that so you know pretty excited to start sharing those thoughts in in a clearer way and you know I am pretty excited also to meet you know vortex you know i-i've been on IV another show with vortex you know so many times I've never met him in person I've never met you in person Adam alright maybe but I don't remember and you know I I haven't met safe I haven't met some of these guys and it's always you know a good a good opportunity to meet you the other in the flesh meets meet some of the local bit corners that you know watch us through the show and it's really cool because whenever we go to these events you have these guys that watch the show all the time and they share these videos with other people and because of because of WC and because of the cut that we produce we're able to give those people some some info and some content so they convince other people to be bitcoiners so it's always like really good for us to meet these people and say you know how am i doing in the show am i giving you the tools that you need to spread your message and that kind of stuff so meeting the community there I think is gonna be a Fanta fantastic experience and you know I just came back from the building on Bitcoin conference which was two days ago which was really like a massive pilgrimage of the corners so I've never been more motivated on Bitcoin like I've never been most store and bullish on Bitcoin after those two days it was like I did like an overdose of Bitcoin and now I'm like in a little bit of Bitcoin withdrawal so I need to talk about Bitcoin you know I was talking about it for like 72 hours straight and then I didn't talk about Bitcoin yesterday and I'm like wow I need to talk more about Bitcoin it's meet more people so you know I'm very happy the calgary conference the rodeo is gonna be is gonna be great and also some of the people that are going to calgary are also coming in montreal the next day so we're actually going or me and safer speaking in calgary on the 9th but we're also safe is doing a keynote on the 10th in the morning after the calgary event in montreal so seating is opening a blockchain conference so he's the keynote i think opening the conference with a speech on the bitcoin standards so this is gonna kick off the the theme of the conference in a really powerful way so if you're montreal check out the crypto fests which is on July 10 Wow everyone pound that like button if you want Francis to write a book he kind of eluded this something there you never know it's gonna happen next there all right vortex your your thumb and and again it we we want to meet every single I mean me personally I'm not going to speak for the other guys anybody that's at this conference I want to meet them personally if they want to meet me I want to shake their hand I want that's the cool thing about these things you think that we're like different because we're on YouTube we're nothing we're just like you we want to meet you we would hang out with you and stuff dudes so yeah please come up to me come up to these guys we're gonna all hang out and you know do the thing for text what do you got to say about all this yeah I'm definitely long Francis coin just want to say that for first that's for sure but ya know this this conference should be great it's really a directress to all the crazy ICO and blockchain conferences that we've had over the past 12 to 18 months specifically consensus the ridiculousness that is that where it's you know two three four thousand dollars a ticket and it's just to see like a thousand I seals all doing the same thing all with the RC 20 tokens so this this this type of conference and the building on Bitcoin conference these types of things are direct responses to this crazy market that's completely overinflated and then completely full of scams and this is uh this is what this is where you want to go to these types of places instead of places like consensus so you know as Francis said there's there's another one that's as well the crypto fest that that's coming on the tenth and then there's gonna be like the holo holo conference the Baltic honey badger conference coming in September and if September so these are real pilgrimage real Bitcoin conferences this is where you want to go if you want to learn about real you know real blockchain technology this is where you want to go so as everybody already said there's going to be a huge amount of people there and of course it's gonna you know the Bitcoin maximalist it's maximalist mr

safety and we'll be there as well and so it really should be a good time and I'm looking forward to meeting everybody and real-life as most people know you know like I they'll see me or as most people you know do they all see me on my youtube show but of course I I rarely get to meet people so really excited for this and I've been traveling around the country a lot this year trying to meet more and more people meeting more of the community and that's been really great and so this is another piece of that and again just looking forward to seeing everybody in the flesh yeah guys I can assure you the guy you see there vortex he's the same exact dude in person as am i people you can't be that wild and energetic in person my cert now this is vortex candy I'll tell ya this is really the way I am and in real life you know we're calling this a pilgrimage we should call like the Bitcoin Hajj or something like that I mean anyway okay so we're gonna we're gonna head we're gonna tie it all off before we go on the Bitcoin Hajj we're all gonna be Hajj in very soon you guys can add anything conclusionary thoughts benny your first I honestly I just want to reiterate how excited I am to meet everybody on Monday and Tuesday Francis I'll be super excited to see you again and Adam for Tex and all the other guys that are gonna be there I'm super excited to see it for the first time yeah outside of that yeah I think this is gonna be a very interesting year for Bitcoin the next couple of years because it seems like we're shifting from that mania phase to that building phase and and that's where the the content on Twitter and on reddit on and on different groups shifts from just being daily price updates to being look at all the cool stuff we're building and I can't wait to see a lot of that in the next little bit it's also when people get to scoff at me and make fun of me for being in Bitcoin when it's not making the news every single day and I get to just silently unknowingly nod and wait so yeah I'm excited for that I'll see you guys after though out of the weekend patience oh yeah long-term thinking people strong hand all right Francis any stories we want to tell anything that was left out anything important you got to say that we didn't talk about uh you know not really I think we I think we covered a lot of topics I'm maybe just you know final reiteration like the building on Bitcoin conference if you saw on Twitter I mean that was a really unique and spectacular event and what what I like my big takeaway from that is like there are so many incredibly smart people that have dedicated their entire life to the Bitcoin project and I really feel right now that we are you know the Bitcoin project is coming in to its destiny right the destiny of being you know the global monetary standard I think over the past year or two the community really started to internalize this concept of the the global monetary standard the network effect on all of that and as well the the number the amount of progress that's being undone on lightning because the building on Bitcoin conference was heavily focusing on lightning so now I really think like you know the global promise of the the decentralized you know alternative to fiat currency is coming also at decentralise you know global peer-to-peer electronic cash system based on top of this Sun money is working and you know from what I've seen what we're gonna be seeing in the next you know six to twelve months a lot of stuff is being built on lightning love stuff that's a little bit low profile that people don't know about a lot of organization about how to push for nine lightning adoption at the merchant level and stuff a lot of people are working on that so I think yeah I'm just I'm you know I'm always bullish I'm like a perma ball like everybody I think here and every time I say that I was like I'm more excited than ever but I really truly this time I really really am and you know the the opportunity to share that with other people in Calgary is gonna be great and you know I don't know that's pretty much it I'm just I'm just really really happy to continue doing the work that I'm doing speaking of the conferences like that and I look forward to seeing everyone there yeah it's gonna be awesome and thanks for being the man on the street today you just jump right into it it's it's this can be done anywhere and I thank you a lot for being on the show today Francis oh it's you haven't been on for a while so it's great to have you back on vortex any any stories left out you've got the final word baby yep yeah I just wanted to I guess just a couple of quick stories just want to let everybody know that you know people are seriously thinking about digital assets on top of Bitcoin again we have a proposal that was just at the building on Bitcoin conference from Giacomo who Purdue who actually unveiled the RGB protocol concept which is going to be pretty interesting it's talking again about assets on top of the Bitcoin blockchain and then the block stream has released their version of tokenized assets on their liquid sidechain so the all sorts of people are talking about bringing you know more digital assets more and more types of aetherium types of things you know more advanced contracts and all this type of stuff all happening now with Bitcoin thanks to lightning basically lightning is what's kind of making a lot of this possible but also just a lot of hard work like you know block streams been working on these digitized assets for a while they've been working on the side chain for a while and so a lot of this hard work is finally now coming to fruition you know again lightning is launched and we're gonna get all sorts of stuff in the next 12 to 18 months it's really going to be a spectacular evolution in Bitcoin as it continues its March its march on global dominance of finance this the amount of software the amount of financial instruments the amount of development the amount of community support and even look just sheer liquidity that's coming into the space is unprecedented and will continue to grow and increase over the especially over the next couple of years and I'm just really excited to be a part of it we are all pumped this is great everyone I want to add one quick conclusionary thought so yeah 9th and 10th in Calgary you can meet me there it's gonna be an awesome event only 11th I'm gonna be in Red Deer I'm not leaving Alberta people I'm gonna be in Red Deer at their meetup on the 11th and then on the 12th I will be at their meetup in Edmonton and then I'm gonna spend the rest of my month in Edmonton I'm hanging out in Alberta man I'm trying I'd like to see how the communities really are and meet the real on-the-ground people so that's what you get this show here this week at Bitcoin every single Friday you get this unique opinions these unique ideas from these best guests in the space and I thank them all for being on there on here today and of course I post a new show here every day that's not this week in Bitcoin Saturday is tomorrow it's the beyond Bitcoin show this is going to be an exciting week some different shows different locations so everybody I'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister this one way so remember to subscribe this channel like the video share that you check out the links section below pound that like button thanks a lot dudes have a fun weekend see you guys in alberta bye bye