Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister look at that welcome to the one Bitcoin show today is July the 30th 2018 personal responsibility is a new counterculture deferral of gratification uncompensated hoard strong hand people there are no gatekeepers here this is where the big boys play and yeah dudes I am offended by selling Bitcoin this game is not rigged that you would you just heard that with a lot of adam meister sayings right there okay big boys let's just jump right into this thing because this is where the big boys play of course it's bitcoin you either live in the fiat world where people live in anxiety talking about bulls and bears or you live in a Bitcoin world where people sleep well at night knowing one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin that tweet is linked to below it's from JC down in South Africa in the Johannesburg region I met him in person when I was down there I love all my Bitcoin brothers down there in South Africa I think about all you often so that again guys one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin you sleep well at night because you're not worrying oh it's just what Dell $300 no no be a long-term thinker people so JC's tweet was very good you can follow me on twitter at Tech ball tch be alt I tweeted that one out earlier today and it was a popular one now of course there are people who value their wealth in dollars still they're not they still get freaked out by these dollar movement okay they don't have strong hands what can I say now auntie Hoffman he talks about these dudes sometimes I linked him one of his Steam it post from today now something I find fascinating about Andy Kaufman he always he pitches patterns sometimes like in terms of daily patterns and he noticed that on Sunday nights there seems to be some Fiat turbulence quite often Sunday night into Monday morning I mean depending on where you are located on this great big globe of ours and well anyway if you get too caught up in in this Sunday night thing and you see and you're like oh the price always drops on Sunday nights in terms of Fiat you're gonna end up with a week and you're gonna get freaked out but I think it needs some clarification here I think this will strengthen some people's hands and just remind them that hey you just got to care about one bitcoins with one Bitcoin every day of the week 365 days of the year that is true but here we go yesterday is Andy yesterday I wrote of the relentless selling pressure we have seen on essentially every Sunday night when futures markets open which should be carefully monitored to see how much of the bare market mentality still remains particularly in light of last Sunday's violent about-face when the initial $200 price decline turned into a $1,200 surge he goes on to say last night meaning Sunday night last night didn't disappoint pit with paper sellers yet again at a time of day when few traders are active attacking right away before buyers came in to fight them tooth and now all right so I mean a lot of you saw that yeah there was all sorts of Jay went below $8,000 again or eBay I mean what am I supposed to say what am I supposed to say there I mean it's nothing who cares but he's just pointing it out to you that there's some dudes out there trying to manipulate it trying to get you weak hands to sell but it's it's becoming it's not as successful lately I mean the price just keeps bouncing back in terms of dollars but who cares you shouldn't be battling your wealth in terms of dollars you should be valuing it in one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin Adam throws out some Yiddish terms found that like button maybe Hoffman I'll do a coffee should do some Yiddish he should just throw something in through all you throw you must sugar nose out there are you meshuggeneh is a freaking value your wealth and freaking dollars and you're going crazy or meshugganah you should you should if you value your one Bitcoin it goes love bitcoin you'll you'll sleep well at night alright so here he's again this this tweet I'm gonna share with you is about what it's about having a strong hand at being patient and invaluable I mean I think dying your well fat bitcoin its strong hand intergenerational wisdom just as you know Hoffman gives us that strong hand in or degeneration of wisdom here's another dude from a different background who is this JP o Shagga see anyway it's linked to below I can't pronounce his Irish name whoever this guy is I'm to my I'm screaming about Yiddish I can't pronounce Irish alright all thing I don't even know this guy's it looked like an Irish last name I'm butchering everything often in investing the best thing to do is nothing it's boring it's incredibly dull you won't have any great stories about your market savvy at dinner parties but if you can simply remain dispassionate about all the emotionally charged things happening around you day to day you will come out ahead of virtually everyone else in the long term what proof I wrote most of this in 2006 and it is as revelant today relevant today as it was then and will possibly be equally relevant in 2026 dude yours whoever you are Irish whatever stroke you're a strong Hank dude you're reminding everyone this is not about showing off at dinner parties this is about just taking that straight and narrow tortoise path well everyone tries to do flashy things to brag their friends they lose all their Bitcoin and we'll get into that in a second while you hold on to your Bitcoin yet by 2021 2024 whatever box so-called far away date you want to talk about you're in great freaking shape so pound that like button follow me on Twitter at Tech ball follow me on the steam it at bitcoin meister treasure our leisure nano get them at crypto HW wallet with my affiliate links below shirts you can get in my affiliate links below to always check out the notes section disrupt meister comm that is of course where you can see all my old shows which are there something i mean they're just you learn a lot you can see how I've just I've had the same I've stuck to the same path and it's uh if you stuck to that path you're doing pretty darn well but again it's just about spreading though that long-term thinking and that bitcoin is the rock bitcoin is the next the coin one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin that's the story that's the story that I'm preaching for quite a while and you can't anyway it goes up it goes down you can't get up that emotional about it you gotta stay dispassionate as that dude said okay and you know I mentioned yet ish again that is a language it's a dead language its gutter German if you're Jewish you should learn Hebrew that's that that's the modern language of the Jews that that is the the Yiddish language is a I mean we could poke fun at it now and everything there's some funny terms like meshuggeneh but it's it's it's old it's over we're not in the Exile anymore the return to the Jewish homeland has clearly happened and it will be the Jews forever and ever they will control this forever so properly and so when you talk about yet issue where you talk about the time of the exile when we were exiled from the homeland but now the homeland is a complete control the Jewish people praise I shed so properly storing them but here is something for a mom Matt Odell I'm turned into a Saturday show here all of a sudden properly a matter dealt we hear about properly storing Bitcoin properly storing Bitcoin is all about the trade-off between convenience and security there is no one-size-fits-all approach if you're storing large amounts you should use multiple methods I have created the infographic below to help make this trade-off more clear guys check out that link has infographic is very helpful retweet it so people realize what they're getting into if they're not putting their stuff on the tress or if they're like oh my phone is really safe for my computer is really safe there's trade-offs here people convenience for security check him out alright deferral of gratification people the FIR love gratification a key to everything in life not just Bitcoin everything also if you have any events send them to me I'll promote them because you're in motion I appreciate people who are in motion even when I don't go to their events and by the way Boise is coming up soon on the 8th of August that's a big event that's linked to below Los Angeles is only 11 that Philadelphia is on the 18th crypto coin con-com all linkable oh yeah I have an announcement to make that for a lot of September and October and November I'm gonna be in Santiago Chile for two months straight baby so I'll post more about that soon and to the reminder to all the new people out there yeah I travel around I don't live anywhere but I also post a new show here every single day you're gonna get your bitcoinmeister taste every day to come here and it's original stuff I'm not just reading off of some coin desk article or whatever certain people I don't know I'm I go out there I see the the tweets I read other articles that have nothing the big but to do about Bitcoin i time in the Bitcoin is I use my head here if you like intelligence stuff you come here if you're a 20% or you come here if you like fancy graphics you go to other places and you become a poor person or you're already poor and you're a no pointer most likely town that like button okay butI Wertheimer who I think is in Israel I think I'm Tel Aviv I don't know anyone okay this is about this is about not getting caught up into the flavor of the all coin pumps that keep on happening and will keep on happening anyone remember the – pump of early 2017 the price went 10x in months while king of the trolls was on about how – is better than Bitcoin because of governance and cash and it's community rambled about adoption if you believe that you've lost 70% of your Bitcoin no I can't then he went on to say no where did I say – won't be making a profit in the future but buying during the hype do – king of the trolls marketing pitch was an objective mistake whether or not this will be the same with other coins king of the trolls hypes with similar stories is left as an exercise for the reader okay so king of the troubles I'm not gonna say his name I don't say his name here you Frank guys probably don't remember it but before be cats came around he was saying how great – was and he was actually buying these all coins and he probably did really well because he probably dumped them before they went when they went down the thing is you cannot time these things once these things their height cycle starts and if you buy in during the pump you end up in the horrible situation where you lose 70% of your value in terms of Bitcoin your value you need in dollars and you don't realize that sure it's staying up there in dollars but in terms of Bitcoin it's going down I mean you could probably realize that with all of them now I mean they've gone down a lot in Fiat – so I mean if you you end up with a bag holder of one of these all coins has been hyped up hey and I'm not trying to end just like you already said – a pump again not all pump again no pump again but you know the honest thing about – is we're talking about – is they are going if they're gonna be successful they're gonna have to have real adoption do they have real adoption that's up today good luck to them do you want to play with that or do you just want to realize one big point equals one Bitcoin you don't mess with the other things because you don't know when it's gonna pump when it's gonna dump and again the all point flavor of the months back then a 20-17 governess was a big thing governing so d craig g craig jumped into that flavor the month thing for a while and people and i was i even mentioned I had a D Craig guy on the show Charlie Lee talked about eat Craig again Charlie Lee was holding his big point Adam Meister was holding his dick when people set me decribed yeah whatever great thanks for the D cred dudes found that like fun but the thing is you cannot tie me there's gonna be more and more flavors of the months based on government or governance or cash their flavor of the month themes you know they think what what is going to make my coin the next big point oh yeah Tom Hanks was one of the things many anonymous that maybe that'll be another thing soon again it all repeats the fact is bitcoin is the next Bitcoin remember that where else are we going here oh yeah damn ass and lop has a tweet out here I hope I'm not forgetting anything here always feel like I am I mention the event somebody speaking out soon where I'm gonna be and I'm an Edmonton right now everybody I'm here until Thursday I'll be trying to do shows a little bit earlier the day try you mean anyway big boy this is from Janice Jamison mop he makes a very good point also Bitcoin white paper purist should take note that the following things are not described in the white paper so this is for all the people are like if it's not in the white paper you're it's not big point ok multi I mean you can't treat that thing like it's a god like its Hashem okay this is only one God that's a shit anyway so mult multi-sig mining pools 21 million coin cap GPU at a Sikh Mining 10-minute black x HD address generation best shane equals cognitive proof of work not longest chain and much much more okay dudes that link is below you can see what so yeah don't be a don't be a plot a purest of the white paper things about thing again it seems that it be cash people I don't wanna make generalizations buddy no controls likes to refer to the the white paper as if it was sent from Hashem okay and James de Gorgo says the game is about accumulating more Bitcoin dude you better believe it James you're you know it thanks for that dollar 99 super chat dude just keep on getting more Bitcoin people value your wealth and bigpoint respect the money respect again if you find money on the ground oh my god do I have a story about finding money on the ground I'll save that for Saturday a Saturday show someone remind me there was a drug addict outside I be easily had $40 of Canadian money on the ground and I just I didn't see the drug guy at first drug user not drug dealer excuse me and I was just like this is not normal no one I'm not find a 40 bucks on the ground here thank God I didn't pick it up because it did he showed up real quick and he was insane obviously he lifts his shirt right away and he's got two like holes in his stomach from where he's been shot the floors okay I gave you the whole story so pound out like button so let's go back actually to a Saturday's let's at the Saturday show you should all watch it now that everybody watches the Saturday show was beyond Bitcoin show but I talked about a Andreas Antonopoulos video that I went to below and it was called measuring success price her principal and he was trying to well his talk was about when what is Bitcoin of success when have we won and I don't like the Wii one thing I'd like to do I'd like to think when will Bitcoin be a success now at the 30 to 50 mark in that video and again it's linked to below he basically says ripple is centrally control it was a great rippling rippled totally awesome rip on ripple but so I started thinking for me when is big when should I consider Bitcoin a success and it's when more and more 20 percenters out there are in a situation because of their Bitcoin holdings where they can say anything they want to and they don't have to fear being you know fired it's that unsensible aspect of Bitcoin the more and more dudes or dudettes that are in unsensible situations because of Bitcoin where they they know that it can't their wealth can't be taken away from them anymore and they can just say anything that it's awesome just like I was talking about uh I was talking about Israel before and everything I can say anything I want to about it because I I am adam meister is a scientist look at that adam meister is a zionist and so i am in that situation i can say anything i can talk to you tell all you guys words in the middle of a video about bitcoin i could tell you that you know what Zionism is it is an awesome thing it's the Jewish people it is the Land of Israel is theirs that's all it is it's the eternal homeland of the Jewish people so but again so I am unsensible I know one could take for me now no one can take any my big point I can say anything I want to I think I talk about South Africa the situation that's their house ridiculous the far so many guys they can't they can't say how they really feel it so the more people that can say what they really feel because a big point because they're in situations because a big point then that that's that's when Bitcoin is successful and I go and it's 20 percenters or the only ones that gonna even go down that path because here's another thing to think that that andreas brought up to in the cryptocurrency space well let's talk about the internet the internet is is dominated by any percent or type of stuff it's bread and circuses it's corporately controlled and everyone complains about it screens about it but still there's plenty of 20% stuff out there on the internet you just have to know where to find it Bitcoin is on the internet that's a 20 percent or type of thing it's always in whatever realm you get into the 80 percenters are gonna dominate that the mainstream is going to dominate okay so in terms of cryptocurrency the mainstream is going to dominates go there's gonna be better you know country specific cryptocurrencies centralized cryptocurrencies like ripple and already people are are pouring in saying how great ripple is how great all these centralized things are but who cares as a 20 percent IRR you know that bitcoin is the one you stick around the Bitcoin realm you do you know you hold your big point it's uncompensated oh you're gonna do well holding on to it let let the 80 percenters come into the cryptocurrency some of them will pump up the price of Bitcoin too so that that's one of the very interesting points that he brought up during the video we will see you just don't complain and say all ripples all these ripple people are coming in know you've got Bitcoin a bitcoins doing well for you and you found it and now you can't no you can't be stopped if you're messing around with ripple and putting all your holdings in the ripple or all these centralized things you're probably not gonna be in the situation where you're you're you fear you you don't have to fear being fired or that you know having to fear what yet you say that you're gonna be judged if you have to fit in that's all those things are about you know get being in the fitting in round still okay Bitcoin you don't have to worry about fitting in you can you and you're going your own way totally and when the more more people that realize that and get into the situation because a big point where they can understand that truly that that is one Bitcoin is successful all right so I've talked about so many subjects today but hey I can do that I mean right now because a Bitcoin I could just this show could just become me picking my nose no no one can stop me it's awesome okay here here says Anthony this do true friend trance Anthony moon erat says King the troll said that be cash will be on coin base in 2017 okay did he did you mean – because be cash has been on coinbase since the end of 2017 so if king of troll said that he was correct if you meant to say – because you said brash you spelled it brash no – there were always rumors about – being morning based and they're gonna be again and that'll pump the price of – is it worth the gamble again someone in the super chat and thank you for Anthony for that someone in the super chat had asked me about if you your classic being on Bitcoin should I buy it now because the rumor is tomorrow is gonna be on it you don't buy and you just hold your Bitcoin I took a screen capture from his chat Anthony when I rode said are you talking about – are you talking about be cash you could say I'm looking at the chat right now you don't have to do another super tight thank you for the 229 in euros actually the 460 in yours thank you do ya if someone also says who cares about – Ian and B trash that's a good point you really shouldn't care about that you should I get value wealth and um and but you know so again the point is if you hear rumors about something gonna be on coinbase or whatever don't worry about bitcoins on there already and that's that's what uh that's what matters alright so uh I want I was gonna talk I got talked about because this in the link section below I was taught at Jerry Jarrett who lives in Edmonton who's one of the guys behind fork drop do if you K if you want to learn about all these crypt of dividends go to their site Jerry is a really smart guy he was hanging out with me the other night and I really learned a lot from him you know it was funny I asked him about you know some weird Forks and he said well there now again I'm not promoting this but I haven't been paying attention to the Bitcoin crypts of dividends lately because you know you can't easily get them and for drop actually provides like an open source method that allows you to claim these things it is not simple though checkout fork drop that I oh I trust those dudes okay they are good dues but it told me about it and we're talking about gimmicks beforehand in the show Bitcoin this ones could Bitcoin origin be origin will call it for now on it's a Penta Fork gimmick it's not just forked from Bitcoin it's forked from litecoin Bitcoin aetherium be cash and – I mean what are they gonna think of that man where they go so I have a comeback for I just thought it was hilarious but you know we're talking about lightning Network also Jared and I and he is in the Lightning Network he's a smart dude he he was this area be like the Lightning Network hub of the world let's say I mean go ahead come on Lightning Network people moved to Edmonton or get involved with these dudes in Edmonton but what I realized when talking there's so much work to be done still you know this stuff is not easy again the open source stuff that he has on Ford dropped in order to get its port dropped out I go to claim some of these Crypt of dividends it is some complex stuff we we need more people to make this easier and there's so many people in our space that just they just talk and talk and talk about they use all these catchphrases all these buzzwords and so much is it so people think we're a little bit more progressed than we are we're not I mean people need to there's so much left to be built and just the user interfaces need to be and this is these are opportunities there are solutions out there you've got to come up with some of these solutions and you're gonna become rich as anything if you can take advantage of these opportunities so I mean I think I think it's really bullish how early we are in this and and we need more tech guy you we need more tech guys too if you're a tech guy you're gonna be able to build a lot that's gonna be able to solve a lot of problems here it is a wild wild west world out there do not get caught up in some of the talkers though don't don't you know you're gonna your end up losing your Bitcoin if you start following some of these talkers but just hold your Bitcoin make sure it's safe and if you are a tech guy you can be a builder just there's opportunities now speaking of opportunities again there is and I mentioned this little Saturday show there there's no customer service in Bitcoin we already know that that's just not the way Bitcoin is you can start your own customer service business and I even said by this URL people I don't know if it's still available or not but for you entrepreneurs BTC customer service comm buy it start your own customer service you can go a lot of different ways with this there's so many people looking for knowledge and they need a serious source of knowledge that is reliable isn't gonna try to scammin that's real customer service and you can go a lot of different ways with this customer service theme because they're eight there are no gatekeepers here there is no customer service that comes with big point there is no centralized office ok Anthony again since 229 in euros thank you dude he says king of the trolls posted it in chat one day before coinbase so ok you're saying that he had inside knowledge of be cash going on coin B yeah it's an old story I mean are you gonna hate on I mean yeah that happened I mean what's what's the big deal it was it's the Wild West out there or other coins gonna bribe other exchanges to get on there and that is there gonna be insider knowledge of those those guys that hold those coins and are they going to be able to make huge profits yeah so what take personal responsibility just hold your Bitcoin I mean yeah king of the trolls is getting richer that's great good for him I'm getting rich or 2 by holding my Bitcoin I'm taking personal I'm not worried about what other people are doing with their alt coins and how they're bribing I mean you just respect on people would be careful that stuff goes around and if you fall for it then it's your fault if you if you're like you know king of the trolls said X Y Z and it didn't happen he messed me up no you messed yourself up you did you thought you followed this guru and then you made a mistake move on you take personal responsibility for what you do don't worry about what other people are doing you hold them in that Bitcoin that's it that's what life is all about we're living in an era I get personal responsibility is the new counterculture we're living in an era where everyone is dependent on someone else or maybe the government whoever they won't if something goes wrong they want to blame other people they want to scapegoat other people this is not about scapegoating and my people should especially know that the Jewish people should know that we don't state go take personal responsibility we are the scapegoats of all time we are blamed for everything you planned this for everything go ahead you're just gonna be a known corner blame us for everything and you're gonna what are you gonna do you're just gonna go in circles in life trying to blame people you're never gonna take personal responsibility so I laugh at all those people that come up with all the conspiracies about the Jews and everything like that find it hilarious because they think they're I think they're making a difference the only thing place they're making the differences in their own lives they're becoming bigger bigger losers and missing out on more and more opportunities because they feel like they have to blame some other mysterious group of people for why they suck and why they haven't taken personal responsibility to make their selves better again you're not going to become better in life people unless you do something sitting there isn't gonna you you take personal responsibility you make a plan you hold your big coin it's great or you can just blame people and be in the corner i adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to spread this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below and baby I gotta tell every single one of you people there's nothing like being able to say whatever the heck you want to say and just know that who cares no one can stop me no one can fire me don't consider B I'll see you guys in the soup in the chat thanks bye
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