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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond a bitcoin show today is August the 11th 2018 strong hand bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is a new counterculture conviction uncommon in from Los Angeles the Los Angeles event is at 7:00 pm

Pacific time tonight I'm going to get picked up in about 45 minutes to go down there to downtown LA hope to see some of you remember check out the links below for all my old shows disco maestro can't get at reservoir and t-shirts all linked to below affiliate codes and all that good stuff hey since this is the beyond Bitcoin show we're gonna talk about a lot of things that are beyond Bitcoin so let's start off with a song that has just the best opener opening riff I would use it here but you can't use copyrighted songs on YouTube alright so uh anyway bring on the night by the sting by police check it out i link to it below i'm open the opening riff is just great that's i wish i could open the show that way so you can pretend you could play it and then watch the show alright also right across the street from where i am staying here in in the hollywood neighborhood of a los angeles basically is the dr phil studios now i'm not making this up at all yeah i'm running and i see the side for the dr phil studios and it's funny because you know i made fun of doctor i think it's ridiculous as shows how the US culture has just really devolved it in many different ways and i pointed it out and other beyond bitcoin shows before the funny thing is is they're recording on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and if you didn't have to wait over there and be there for a long period of time and if you didn't have to wear a collared shirt I would I think it would be hilarious to go I think it would be an experience but you gotta be there for like 6 hours or something ridiculous if you have to be there an hour I would I would check I would do it I would I would sit in the studio on these just to say that I did it and just so I could come back I mean that would be a pretty hilarious story and if I have to wear my Bitcoin shirt but again there are some very strict rules I actually read all the rules and no way I could really go over there but it is really across the street from where I'm staying here in Los Angeles in Hollywood all right check out this rotmeister calm as I said before we had a great this week in Bitcoin yesterday oh my god blinking like Anderson was on it all sorts it was I mean these guys hadn't been on for a long time the dudes that were on so yes so you know I hear people I stumble upon videos on YouTube telling people how to improve their resumes building a resume alright let's make that outdated people that should be outdated you got a you got to work for Bitcoin people Bitcoin doesn't need a resume doesn't require you make down a resume but at the same time if you work for yourself in any field you don't need a resume first of all think of it this way now if you apply at some corporation or maybe not even a corporation I'm you know nonprofit or whatever a smaller company just lets a big corporation smaller company computers read the resumes now like artificial intelligence reason and they just look for keywords so basically you're just a cog in a machine I mean do you really want to be part of that work for Bitcoin work for yourself come up with some ideas be in motion don't worry about building your resume like oh I'm going to do X Y & Z just to build my resume or I'm gonna include this keyword on my resume even though I didn't have anything to do with it now get real-life experiences to make you a better person save money so you can work for yourself and so you don't have to work in this rat race develop a lifestyle where you could be semi-retired or whatever I mean save save instead of build a resume and come on this is I I do hope that one day resumes will be a thing of the past at least for 20 percenters they will 80 percenters I'm er gonna keep there's gonna be a lot of mindlessness for years to come thanks to 80 percenters because they outnumber to 20 percenters okay so this is a bigger topic a lot of people were in the cryptocurrency Speight well a lot of people in the who comment in the Krypton I don't know if they actually hold any bitcoins they might be no corners they might just be guys you comment in the comments section or just doom corners in general so many people are just want everything to constantly be delayed enjoying the drama the lead-up to something and human McDow kind of explains this in one of his latest videos a lot of people just can't stand a conclusion a simple conclusion that is not fancy at all they want bullets flying and loud noises they want a mystery they want a conspiracy you know sometimes there's simple answers to things people and just some people want to live in these magical worlds and just extending extending these dreams but they're not real jury they're not even actually dreaming of being in motion they're just dreaming of extending this like adventure that they're living through someone else people want to live in an adventure comic book where they pretend there is a big bogeyman controlling destiny only you control your destiny people okay you control your destiny don't scapegoat people don't donate again personal responsibility is a new counterculture and you know on that note I mentioned this in another video and again I said that I said in this space there are a lot of people who constantly you know or in this paradigm but it's beyond this big it's guys in a lot of guys on the internet in general I shouldn't say in the cryptocurrencies although there are some in the credit cards in space but I've encountered them here but but anyway going on this you know scapegoating and creating these Mis serious adventurers where there's a someone else is controlling your destiny andy hoffman called out this BS doom and gloom stuff in a tweet that i linked to below he said hey Lord Rothschild and Tyler Durden for promoting this crap go at yourself and buy some Bitcoin if you are so worried there you go people who like to let you know go come up with a rough child it's controlled everything the raw tribes keeping me down there are no Rothchilds a/b you're keeping yourself down by some Bitcoin and shut up basically you know I mean you think a plane if you want to be a no pointer but if you're an if you listen to what Andy said there he's got a got a point okay be rocks and $5 in the super chat he said tired of playing the game sold all my offs and move Bitcoin to cold storage twenty twenty twenty twenty four twenty twenty eight twenty thirty two sounds like a quarterback although I don't watch football anymore pal man like button thank us rock and those are all years our issues be rock be rock those are all years of having in the future and you guys know what the UH Bitcoin having is if you're in this if you're in this space here and the cryptocurrency space really important you know saving and all that stuff okay here is a hilarious comment I saw underneath of a Ben Shapiro video and it's about it's about Alex Jones actually because Ben Shapiro does not like Alex Jones at all but he was saying you know Alex Joe shouldn't be censored Alex Jones has the right to say what he wants to say so it it's so Alex Jones got kicked off of a lot of different social media platforms off the sale I mean you probably heard about this and if the quote is this from the comment section beheading someone that believes in a globalist conspiracy from every major platform simultaneous simultaneously I see absolutely no possible way that's the backfire oh god so good yeah okay they're just feeding Alex Jones these conspiracy you know that it got kicked off all these things in one day totally feed his his premise his theory about how there is a globalist conspiracy and they're all attacking him on one day you know clearly there was some color twitter was nice a time it's not mentioned but you know Twitter was fine they kept Alex Jones and stuff again these people these are all virtue signaling corporations who want to appeal to 80 percenters and they go with the flow and so they get rid of accountant you know if you want to make a difference people you know boycott the companies thank that band Alex Jones or suppose send Bitcoin out and tell Alex Jones again on Stephen tell Alex Jones to get on D live stuff pump up these other platforms like Stephen and Eli okay and for that matter get Ben Shapiro on on these things also the emotion Alex Jones bench pure be emotion get some backups here but yeah you guys can just say God was a globalist conspiracy to kick them off it's the end the world bono eval she was a spin know something there's other options out there first we stole and footer but get him on steam again won't eli be in motion and they happen you know at this is all playing and alex jones his hand real nice i actually i didn't link to it but in the austin newspaper it said alex jones still getting the same amount of views on his website and everything this is just putting his name out there if he knows how to if he knows business he'll know how to make this for his benefit this situation will help him some again it he could be the biggest person will be live right now if he'd be the hero of the world with cryptocurrency if he did something with cryptocurrency right now because he is a big name like him or hate him again ben shapiro should do the same thing should dude even though he isn't be kicked off anything he's totally different than ali ben shapiro is a legitimate you know it doesn't make does it go wild conspiracies that appears not a conspiracy theorist I mean who knows now is reeling is it good it's how serious I mean I should to leave some of these things who cares who cares good luck to everyone good luck most people don't oh here forgot about this this is a good thing you guys heard that when I got to Los Angeles the other day yes that was on Thursday I ended up on the Hollywood Walk of Fame just south of it on vine actually that the Walk of Fame actually goes down vine also it's on Hollywood and it's on vine it's prime I beat him it might be on Highland also if I know the truck star is near Highland in Hollywood I thought it was well Hollywood may be so high anyway no one's me so I told my mom that you know I was I saw Dean Martin star on vine and I took a picture of it and I said to her because my grandmother my mom like Dean Martin from back in the day and then my mom emails me back and this is a comment by the way this is about being healthy and preserving your memory and how you can live you can if you've got a good memory you you don't need to be around a lot of people you can live off of those memories now I mean I live even enjoy the memories enjoy the memories they could be very vivid so I tell my mom hey you know I was I saw the Dean Martin star and she she emails me back she's like we know 49 years ago I was at that same exact spot when I was with my uncle in my aunt and I later heard that on that same day right nearby in the Hollywood Hills Charles Manson sent those people to kill all those those in the the wealthy people or whatever you know but it was August tonight then on Charlotte I was at 9 1969 my mother was his was at the Dean Martin star but later that night or earlier whatever she later found out that Charles Manson committed those atrocities or got other people to commit those horrific atrocities on that day in 1960 so my point sharing all this is funny that my mother and I were at the same spot 49 years ago 49 years apart it's great my mom has my mom's like I don't know well I mean she's older than I am she's not like my grandma's it's like her my grandmother is uh was like my grandmother's 95 so that's my mom's mom anyway my mom is not the oldest in her family so that the point is is you got it my mom doesn't drink she doesn't do drugs she doesn't smoke she eats pretty well I eat better than my mother but but she she's got a memory like that my memories all and I can come up with dates that I was different places I I know I was in Lausanne I actually visited Los Angeles on August the 2nd and the 2014 you know I could tell you also so the point is is be healthy to eat healthy don't smoke don't drink don't do drugs and when you're older you'll be able to share these great memories with people and what I've mentioned this before that you know a lot of my friends and I we're all doing completely different things right now I don't need to be around my friends because I can keep back to ten years ago the things we were doing and just I'm like no I don't need to call my friend right now I'd bother him he's got a kid I you know it and I it's very important to preserve your memories and I I think that unhealthy lifestyles can destroy people's memories so Carlos wine juniors five dollars he just sent thank you very much and again thank you beforehand for food who sent it uh rub erupts that the other one but cut colonel trellis why'd you and you're thanks to both of you do you know of an organization or person to whom I consent Bitcoin to help people in Venezuela yeah máximo has been on the show before to máximos a Twitter account I go back to my July fourth shoved my July fourth show it's in the archives distraught Meister calm there's a link to máximos Twitter their contact Maximo and asked him that question he will be able to to guide you colonel Swann junior and he's actually hopefully gonna work with what's-his-face what's a JW weatherman and I'm at bath calm they might try to get get Bitcoin into Venezuela that way through the children or something again they want people to earn it it just taught contact maximum check out the July 4th show everyone check out the July 4th meant it was a special Venezuela show it was a really really awesome show hey man and Maximo and Gabriel in their Venezuelan guys okay most people don't want to be adults yeah I would say most people don't want to be true adults yeah they want that government that they want other people take care of them personal responsibilities of new counterculture so eighty-eight percent the people now that I'm the person responsible they don't know what it means to be true adults okay speaking about 80 percenters this is something I a quote I read before from thinking ape they are there for the show rather than the content of the show yeah there are a lot of people like that that just because they want to see a show or they don't want to learn they just want to see it do crazy things so outraged culture hell their trunk do this how dare that New York Times woman say something about white people how Dan you then you spend so much time on this outraged culture it's a waste of time people and half of it is mindless if you find yourself getting caught up an outraged culture take a few steps back again it's alright to make some comments on the culture I think things have gone to a ridiculous level but you've gotta be in motion you cannot get stuck in outraged culture because it is mindless at a very base level and you just get caught in circles argument people you won't be emotionally won't be productive so back to last week wealth inequality you know it wealth inequality is is BS basically you know it's it's uh it's envy well you should try again you should try to be happy who cares what Bill Gates is making and again the bottom 20% in the us in the Western world is not poor I mean go to Africa if you want to see poor okay I mean you've in the USA the bottom 20% so I mean they're looking like King they're got credit cars and going in a debt they can get section eight they can get this that me I mean air-conditioned cars all sorts of stuff alright it's it's if they're not the poor is go to Africa if you want to see poor so again are you happy if you're if you're not bottom 20% are you happy with yourself that's you should be happy you should be happy shouldn't get jealous you shouldn't have envy of other people and work don't worry about what other people are making and then try to you know vote in you see that there's there to deal with that democracy is my rule with a suit on yeah you're you're envious of someone else making more money so you vote you want to tax them so you can get their money no you won't be happy still you you just begin these mindless possessions mindless possessions that I mean again and you still won't realize that you with all these mindless possessions you're in a lot better shape than a poor person in in Africa and Asia are solely different places all right but yeah wealth inequality is BS so go a week this is a hard challenge here go a week or a day without clicking on you know some type of time period that's substantial without clicking on YouTube suggested videos navigate your own way now again YouTube does do some good thing I mean some of the videos it'll shoot off after this video will be related groups but at the same time you're not using your own mind you're letting YouTube guide you and that is very interesting because they only select certain videos there are a whole lot of different videos out there and different stuff you mean if you're if you're watching a video on the solar system they're gonna send you to the solar system videos they want you to go to there a lot of other guys making videos about the solar system so try to navigate your own way you know searching your I mean it's a lot easier to click on their said you see a title that's you're a clickbait title and you just click on it try to try to do some other stuff I've tried here and there before it's interesting you know search YouTube for keyword and then pick them pick some content creator on the third page I don't know it's interesting you find some interesting things out there sometimes or another thing you can do is again if you're on Twitter or you've got the people you follow on Twitter that you trust that you know sometimes they'll just shoot out a YouTube video click on that that's not some mindless machine picking it out for you that is someone who's thought about it that you're familiar with picking it out for you again it's not you picking it out for you yet though but it's on the way so there's a video by economic invincibility who I mentioned last week it's about a public schools are too dangerous for children I mean he I think he went to public school I did not go to public school thank God and yes some of these public schools are I mean did the peer pressure the the bullying the guns do this to that yeah the violence in it I don't know how anyone can send their kids to government schools in the Western world I don't know how you can do it take personal responsibility home school or don't have the kids in the first place if you can't if you gotta send them to these fat they make monsters in these factories Riaan in these places they're their factories for monsters I use the term factory they are you're not these people aren't learning anything the internet is out there down where people you can homeschool your kids within and again it takes a certain confidence in yourself in order to not enroll your kids and what everyone else is doing but you form your own communities and again they're private schools also private schools are good some private schools aren't too good either there's a lot of peer pressure there's a lot of brain washing I mean go to religious schools if you're Jewish send your kids to a Jewish school there's there's some good Jewish schools I went to I had but from the time I was you know in preschool to until middle school until fifth grade I was in a Jewish day school awesome which was great and then I went to another private school from 6 to 12 3 but but again I'm making suggestions pop the point is public schools er I don't know how anyone can do it in this day and age all right Cody Robins a BCC to the moon tweeted this out a while ago he copied me on it it's a picture of Tony Robbins I've got fans out there who were friends and fans and and guys that are in motion who watched his show who really like Tony Robbins and here's a quote or an and this is the tweet you'll see a real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action if there's no action you haven't truly decided pound that like button dude I like that one be in motion Tony Robbins I'd like that dude I like that I don't know him that well I like that quote that they share ok all right but you know a lot of times um we talk about you know fighting the Machine and everything we should all form a group to fight omission the machine with 80 percenters yeah that's it now a bunch of individuals individually fighting for the same cause I like that but it's not plaid it's just a bunch of individuals who believe in the right thing to do are doing the right thing and that's there they're doing their part the fight the people who are doing maybe the wrong things the mindless things Bitcoin is going your own way that happens to be basically the same way okay so if you're your name division when you get in the Bitcoin so other individuals go in the Bitcoin you've done it for different reasons you're kind of going the same way but you're not you're not saying hey let's all just do it together and by going in a Bitcoin you're fighting you're fighting uh you know against uh having your money you up take I mean you're doing it for yourself you're it's insurance you're making it's uncomfortable so you don't get into a situation where someone takes your wealth away from you so that's that's an example of a bunch of individuals but fighting for the same cause but not not like or again if you if 24 centers are mostly in the visual aesthetic on the 80 I mean with you we don't want people to be collectivist we do we want to take on the 80% collectivist but we're having separate shots we're taking separate shots at the collectivist model by being individualist hitting them in different parts if we all band together if all the 20 percenters came together and said we're collective we're gonna go after the twenty first 80% it wouldn't work at all we'd be defeated because we would be collectivist at that point we would have formed the collectivist and tried to enforce a strict rule okay we're now an army to go against the 80 percenters we we do it this way no that's that's we would just beat we would be that we would have become men like the pigs in Animal Farm when the pigs became the humans we don't want to become collectivist we want to go our own way we're gonna fight our own battles and just do things are work individualists you know a lot of individuals have things in common and that is awesome and we can all be friends we're not going to tell the other individuals you have to be this way to be part of this collective because then you defeat the whole purpose of individualism remember collectivism is the default we're but individualism you have to work toward and twenty four centers they're all right if it's thinking about how the average suburban coupled with a McMansion probably spends more on their pets their dogs or cats then than I do on myself that I do all myself for like clothes and food a little bit of exaggeration but think about it you hear these people complaining about how they have no spare cash how how they're in debt I mean maybe they should stop you know treating their doggie with this the best dog food in the world maybe they shouldn't gotten a darn dog in the first place getting their dog dog clothes having it cost money taking going to the vet all these crazy things take personal responsibility you know if you get an animal think think about it long and hard it's gonna cost you a buck it's a 10 to 15 year commitment maybe more than that 8:8 cost a lot and you know then you got single guys like me who literally I mean might want on food and clothing I don't spend more than a person does those certain people some of these McMaster people doing their dogs total bill for their dorms interesting point all right Ross this weekend Bitcoin pound that like button it's all below last week I forgot to say something that yeah year now yeah what's his name I forgot his darn name the guy just broke what's it I got to come yeah year Brooke it's not yeah I hear it's Yaron Brook got wrong yeah here is a guy I know for real all right he was talking about how a lot of people are against high CEO pay and how they're just yelling about it you're all CEOs don't deserve to make that much money it's a private company dude who cares how much they make if you've got a problem with it buy stock and to tend to shareholders meeting and propose a different pet a pay scale for the freaking CEO okay because they're paying him that much because he's earning he is helping it he's helping the shareholders make money or he's helping the corporation make money if you don't feel that's right otherwise it's just a bunch of virtue signaling and people trying to fit in screaming about CEO day it's none of your business unless you're part of the business unless you're a shareholder go buy some shares to you alright so I'm going to be speaking in El Los Angeles in an hour I'm being picked up in a fifteen minutes I'll be speaking Philadelphia next Saturday August eighteenth that is linked to below Los Angeles event he's also linked below if you're watching this in LA right now click on it I'll see you tonight i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe the channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below los angeles i'll see you in a second bye bye