Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the 1 bitcoin show today is August the 13th 2018 strong hand world reserve cryptocurrency uncomplicated all offended by selling hey everybody I'm wearing the Satoshi shirt today you can get shirts link to below discount codes you get your treads or all that good stuff all sorts of affiliate links below to your check out disrupt meister that come to see yesterday's video all my past videos I post a new video here every day Bitcoin is where the big boys play this channel is where the big boys play best guest in the space you guys know you know you know the routine around these parts baby okay we're gonna jump right what a wild and wacky day or maybe in the last couple minutes things are getting wacky apparently people are telling me oh who cares so up no look at this there's an article out there by a Nick Carter and you could learn a lot from Nick Carter in this article by the way just about Bitcoin he says media coverage of Bitcoin is still a total disaster a rebuttal to the Washington Post article and he says I'm fed up with journalists who are either ignorant or unwilling to learn about cryptocurrency holding forth on its perceived weaknesses however there isn't enough time in the day to rebut all their nonsense so I have to be selective here I'm going to expose the Washington Post want blog pieced piece for the nonsensical rambling you know what the media is gonna say bad things about Bitcoin they're gonna be uneducated they're not going to do all the research I think we're gonna have to get used to that but I'm sharing this because he rips this dude apart and you can learn a lot about you know a Bitcoin you can get some talking points have you ever been in an argument with anyone don't waste your time arguing with no pointers though there's only a certain point there's only a certain amount of time you can spend with a person okay but hey talking to no pointers about Bitcoin not the worst thing in the world we'll get to that in a second actually so I often mention on this show that in the cryptocurrency space and many of these their gurus okay these grew there's guru worship and many of them are on the ICO altcoin side of things and some of them were in other sectors beforehand well there's one and then the 80 percenters just follow these gurus like what did you think about what John McAfee had to say I don't give a darn what that dude had said why do you put him on a pedestal and why do you keep forgetting every single in crazy wrong prediction that he made well here I go again everyone's gonna forget that you know he had his uh wallet he was to his unhackable wallet which apparently got hacked but the 80% is well well they'll forgive him not forgive him here we go this is from wale panda after his unhackable wallet got hacked within a few days John needed a new unhackable project and here it is guys we are excited to announce McAfee as the new CEO of Lux core John's appointment is part of a massive personal reorganization personnel reorganization should be designed to drive significant and rapid business growth for Lux it's the dawning of a new era okay so whatever this Lux coin is they're using it as a hitman as a marketing gimmick I mean they're basically saying it guys bitcoin is the next Bitcoin don't listen to what gurus who have been wrong all the time have to say don't put gurus on pedestals don't get mixed up in the ICO and it can be exciting the alt coins can be exciting right now they're not too exciting are they guys but it's sick a little get excited again yeah you know okay I just mentioned I just mention McAfee and before that I mentioned MIT card not hardly any of you know even though who Nick Carter is that dude is a genius and he loves Bitcoin he was on my show about a year ago now and then you got and everybody knows you're McAfee is that's the way of the world you got to be a twenty-percent and go out of your way to watch and read the the information that is going to lead you to a 20% of lifestyle hey if you want to be the Omarosa a Bitcoin or crypto yeah go with the McAfee 80 percenters that's fun that's that's whatever dude you could have fun or you can be smart how about that Josh Cole Hal just sent me a dollar 99 my to dot my last two dollars where's food for BTC well I hope that's not your last two dollars there and where's for you trading food for big coin you probably can do it somewhere I don't know um dos vender Bitcoin on food though you find food for free man just go out in the dumpster behind the freaking grocery store you live by don't spend your big corner oh my god please food is free I mean you can find if you're starving you define again I run on Santa Monica Boulevard by the bread place every day I'm in Los Angeles there's blood coming out of the duffster if you're hard if you're hungry they're just going to get the bread again bread is very unhealthy but if you're starving eat the bread don't spin your Bitcoin alright so whoa that was a weird combo there pound that like button for the wild stuff you hear on the bit of the bitcoinmeister the one the one Bitcoin show post a new show here every day alright so now we're going to talk about we talked about putting gurus on pedestals and we put companies on pedestals these invincible companies that are so powerful in this space they will never go away there will always be the king they walk they will influence Bitcoin forever bit Maine was the one everybody was worried about a year ago now bit me is a big coming they're a rich company they're gonna have an IPO there's still an important company are they invincible are they the rock like frickin Bitcoin is that right no there's no comparison in the world there's no cub you can have regular you can have regular up companies but there's only one Bitcoin big 21 Bitcoin before they could remember that but here we go well and so I mentioned I mentioned Bitcoin I mentioned be Casper's again this is this is big in the Bitcoin space we all panda tweets out to read and this is a good summaries to check out well panda is a thread here to recap the bit main disaster recovery I the disaster recovery IPO that's what he's calling a upcoming IPO one they sold most of their Bitcoin and now have over 1 million be cash well that's not a good move right there dudes – they purposely didn't include the q2 numbers for pre P pre IPO buyers since they were a disaster well they trick pre IPO buyers too bad for them that's their personal responsibility 3 they told pre IPO buyers they would use some of the money to buy more bch ok yeah yeah they're probably gonna use their IPO to buy more yeah ok the last two chips they design didn't work out well then people shouldn't buy their IPO 5 they're currently selling miners below cost 3 a 6 their AI Department is a joke now the AI I don't know why they're getting into AI but still I think even with all those through 6 points out there don't though W but convince a bunch of 80 percenters in the IPO market to buy up their stock though it'll bailed them out it will bail be cash out for a bit more if you're interested in this kind of thing it's an it's an interesting case it's a again big name is big in the space pound that frickin like button Josh Quahog thanks again you said you found another $2 under the counts on the BTC diet ok dude Thank You Josh I appreciate it when you send me these $199 it all adds up dude it all adds up let me tell you something just you know what I mean I really appreciate the 2002-2003 $2 but dude that case spent some of that $10 on a bits of Bitcoin you remember guys you can buy $10 worth a Bitcoin on coin they actually I mean I got corn base affiliate link to it but it was a joint do it that way but yeah you could buy a fraction of a Bitcoin a lot of people don't know that that's why they get into they buy these all points buzzing – all coins are cheap yeah I know most of you heard that for but not all of you for that before it's unit bias okay here is okay and one last thing with the be ketchup the bit main thing the guy that I think calls himself herpes cat or I don't it's gonna he's got such a dirty name he's at medium BT Seawolves okay let's call him that NBC eight abbi cache update bit main be cast in the IPO what it all actually means it's a really long post if you really interested this kind of thing you can read it remember follow me a tech bolt on Twitter I've been retweeting stuff all day and yeah we talked about using the affiliate links below here is the bitcoin budgie he sent out he posted a really nice tweet in a world with ever more rights infringing government's the ability the ability to quickly pack up and leave for another country is a huge value strive to acquire experience and knowledge not material possessions if you own too many things the things will end up owning you so true so true and have that treasure already with you so you can flee South Africa or turkey or every maybe okay with all your wealth you know how and you'll have to worry about them having bank balance on at your expense okay here's an ardor article this is from NASA fly I found that interesting I agree with everything in it evangelizing Bitcoin what we can learn from religion and what one point that I liked you know with it doesn't matter what political party you are you you I mean the religions they're discriminating eye you know Christianity that you could be a Democrat you're gonna be a Republican you can be as a socialist they they don't discriminate they they're trying to get everybody under their tent these evangelizing religions I mean there's no dick so you try to if you're if you're telling people about Bitcoin and you're like well you're uh you you like you're really like Hillary Clinton you can't I'm not gonna talk to you about bicker yeah that's not the way to go about it they can still dust don't need Bitcoin for certain things they're gonna still need to move out protect their wealth they're gonna still need to move money out of countries I mean they're good they still want a newfangled savings account they're Hillary Clinton supporters that still have savings as I have said in the past you want your worst enemy to own Bitcoin too I mean there's nothing wrong it just shows you the strength of Bitcoin they're no gatekeepers there's no one keeping out your it's uncut it's on confiscate able it's uh oh my god I'm a unsensible okay uncensored bull all right so anybody can use it for what I mean you can send it to people that are really bad dudes but no we can stop you there's no middleman saying oh no you can't support the those dudes down in Louisiana doing a bad thing uh-huh or whatever it may be there so again and again if your rivals if your enemies are buying Bitcoin it's just helping you a long run it's helping you in a long or I do the more people to get into this thing again we can't take it personally you can't take it personally with Bitcoin okay it's you know it's business nothing personal dudes it's business so what there's gonna be just like religions don't discriminates against political parties you know if you're if you're talking Bitcoin don't let it throw you off to someone who's a Democrat or something that you're not if you're a Democrat and they're a conservative you know okay I know that so it's funny yesterday I was going to talk about the Hoffman line again talk man line strong and for those of you who are not familiar with the Hoffman line it is the bitcoins market cap when it's a hundred billion dollars once it got over a hundred billion dollars the market cap of Bitcoin Andy Hoffman said hey this is when the big players get interested in it they're gonna keep propping up its value they're gonna keep buying it at at this point they're taking it very seriously from his experience because in any hope it has the intergeneration of wisdom he was in the old financial markets and he knows that a hundred billion dollar means something to those guys they take a asset seriously when it hits a hundred billion dollars in value so again I don't care of it much about the UH price at all but I have found it very interesting that the Hoffman line it money went down to like a second below it at one point but right now the the price of Bitcoin for it to be worth uh the the market capitalization a Bitcoin to be a hundred billion dollars is like a five thousand eight hundred twelve dollars I believe something like that and I think this evening or as we went on air it was a almost flirting with that so we'll see if the Hoffman line remains there I would say I mean it's been very it's been very interesting to look at it from that perspective and I bring it up again because you know Bitcoin has lived over this often line you know what since November Nellore I don't know so almost a year and I think in the future it is going to be the dividing line it's going to what bring other altcoins legitimacy it is going to get them into the top tier now again ethereal and ripple amazingly enough have been over the Hoffman line very short period of times though I'm talking about once once they're up there for a long time they might be up there forever just like a Bitcoin here forever being in a relative I guess if it goes but you know we're gonna see how this works out this is still you know I have said everything is cyclical here well this this is new the Hoffman line is new Bitcoin has only been over the hop in line but for ten months for a year whatever it's been so we're still learning about this if this is something that is going to be maintained and if the it once you go over it you don't go back down under it first substantial period of time so this will be something interesting study to learn about but I also think in terms of altcoins how many all coins can really get over that a hundred billion dollar line for a long period of time and I think some can I think some can it might be it might be very far in the future too and again we value our wealth in Bitcoin anyway but it is it's something clear that the common people can understand what you know trying to differentiate between all coins you know some of them are complete nonsense you can just say okay dude you're all kinds okay if it's over the Hoffman line that's it that's good and they'll be like the five of them like in five years or something Elliot better like that I don't know all right so that there's your little Hoffman line keep on keep on paying attention see if this a Bitcoin keeps on bouncing off that Hoffman lie for you for all you uh Fiat freaks out there but I'm no Fiat freak I'm a one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin kind of dude okay here is a tweet from who is this from that's great I didn't actually include the link to it below I'll have to go find it there's been a massive 42% increase in visitors to Bitcoin org from Istanbul as the Turkish lira plummets this is how Bitcoin is this is how Bitcoin takes over the world not for real – yes sir hold but through replacing fiat currencies as they fall apart that actually is from Cobra and I will find that after the show and post it below I don't agree 100% with it I think it's fascinating that these developing world currencies as they is they're worthless man I mean do you want to be holding Turkish lira do you want to be holding you know the Mozambique what's that thing called again I forgot what see because the Angolan whatever it is you don't want to be holding these these things are risks for hyperinflation it's two smart people over there that are going to get in the Bitcoin and are going to save their butts so I and yeah that's gonna help bitcoin is it gonna is it going to take help if we're gonna take over the world that way and I wouldn't want to go to that I think it's a big thing I think it's a big thing but it's not gonna take over the world that way because unfortunately so many people in these countries are status that I'll just listen till the very last second to what their government tells them to do no you must hold on to Sarah loves our country Turkey now don't go down with the ship Turks don't go down with the ship getting the Bitcoin you'll be in great shape you'll be able to move the Germany or wherever you wish to go in in your pumps or so here's a here's one another one here what do we got here oh this this tweet well first of all Philadelphia the 18th that is Saturday I'm speaking there cathode coin con-com check out the links below $45 to get in using an affiliate code link below I am getting pumped to return to the East Coast for a few days but then I'm going back to west coast to Spokane Washington on the 19th along this sobbing back on the west coast I love being the west coast this time of year although it is way too sunny in Los Angeles when you're running at 10:00 11:00 a
m it's it's really I got all this sunscreen on me still it's really annoying but you know hook' complaining about the Sun that's hilarious little life I'm very sorry about the Sun yeah I know it's a little ridiculous but you didn't wanna get you don't to get sunburned man it's it's uh I did my sprints today and then I ran six point seven miles I like to do my Sprint's at the beginning of the week always good to do there's uh interval training Sprint's look that stuff up there's your Meister Hut health tip of the day alright finally they turn to me stir tweets that I've been meaning to bring up for like over a week but I keep forgetting them or keep running out of time okay here's one in crypto bear markets miners profit margins get squeezed and they are more likely to sell all mine coins to pay for electricity this sell-off affects effect is stronger in younger altcoins with higher inflation rates well yes that's probably why those ones the ones crashing right now because all the miners are like epic I get something out of this stuff now alright number two turn to me stir hypothesis hypothesis excuse me academia has relatively more affinity with proof of stake because vote based decision making is embedded in university life yeah that might be a reason why some of these professors are not down with the proof of work Mandy they're into the democracy in the Bob Rule mentality the mob rule with a suit on their check out tort Tirzah tweets below that's the end the show felt like I skipped something I Pro we did I'm an impound that like button I'm a device in a big car unless you disrupt my steer remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links below I will see you guys in chat right now bye bye
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