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hey it's Dino at Digitspin crypto and we are live tonight so we're changing our format we're gonna have a feature presentation I'm gonna explain this this first video and then afterwards we're just gonna just do it so we're gonna have a feature presentation as we go along and what I'm gonna do is just get to the meat and potatoes in that feature presentation it'll be about a particular topic that I've been asked about or something that I want to present to you folks that I think has some value and once the feature presentation is done we will end that video and then start our after-party AMA in other words ask me anything and we'll chat and we'll go through all sorts of good stuff and do our crypto giveaway on the AMA after-party which will come after any live show that I do a presentation that I do so just a little bit of change in the format and to make it a nice 20-minute segment and so that we can go along now again I'm only gonna tell you this first time and then the process will just happen as we go along so let's get to the basics and let's get started all right so great to see you as always got my polar pop here always exciting mmm put that off to this side I hate that blue straw in the way let's put that on the ground all right so what we're gonna do today is we're going to just talk about a couple of quick topics close it up for the show for tonight and let's get started now keep in mind I am NOT a financial advisor I'm just some guy in a straw hat mumbling at the YouTube screen and so hopefully there's some information that you can grasp from that we're going to go through some basic news we'll talk about a particular topic from each feature presentation show that we do so let's get started with that today we're going to talk about those ETFs that came through all of a sudden just about an hour to ago not so fast they're going to take a look at this now what it appears to be and you can take a look at this at the ico Journal I put it out on my Twitter account so if you are connected with my Twitter or my telegram page you would most likely have seen the links for these but it looks like the commissioners let their staff do the evaluation and put together an answer and apparently the commissioners were kind of surprised or taken back or want to reevaluate the actual results that were provided the the rejections of all those ETFs so as they say here and I'm Prince the unprecedented strange reversal the nine denials that were announced yesterday have been put on hold and via a stay and basically the staff acts to create the results and the commissioners may want to review the staffs action and it'll happen now so basically the commissioners are going to now reevaluate what the staff presented as a rejection so that doesn't mean it's going to be overturned but it does mean that it's gonna get a second look so you know change your things happen and you never know you know I I think that they're not liking the verbiage that's being presented of why they're being rejected so you know hey this is the second opportunity here and maybe just maybe there may be a reversal on this personally if they're gonna stay to that point that they presented I can't see how any a ETF was gonna get approved and based on how they presented the rejection being that the the market is unstable and there's no way to control folks that undermine it manipulate it so we'll see what happens this is just just an interesting twist that only happens in cryptocurrency so it's pretty exciting to see something like this happen and the next thing I wanted to bring up here another ICO journal and this is gonna bring us into my second part of this show all coin dominance let me bring up something here real quick for myself the all car all coin dominance is basically causing a dumpster fire and they all the Bitcoin dominance is causing a dumpster fire and the altcoins it and I've told you folks many times you may want to take a look at this article that Bitcoin dominance will tell you the direction of altcoins electro neum web dollar included so web dollar may be done as much because they're not on an exchange yet but once they're on an exchange they're gonna have the same they're gonna be manhandled lack of a better term you'll be manhandled by Bitcoin just like all the other coins that are going on right now so you know and it's it's saying you know the Bitcoin dominance this is the key it's the highest for this year and this is important to know and it's important to understand now I'll put these links as we go forward into the show explaining why or how to get to these particular articles the the next part I want to do is I've had many people ask me to explain why Bitcoin dominance should affect it they are saying hey can you explain it a little bit better to me I really don't understand you know price and dominance what is that all about so the second part of this feature presentation is to just kind of go over what the Bitcoin dominance is and why it affects you and so that you can understand it a little better now granted a lot of you folks probably understand it already but for those that don't it's important to them and they should understand it and it should be something that everybody should be taking a look at at all times now we take a look at you know Bitcoin weird we're getting a little bit of rise out of it this reversal news could be giving it a little pump who knows but the moral of the story is is that we want to understand why all these coins go up and down all the time related to Bitcoin and I brought up this chart many times in many shows so I wanted to explain it a little bit more in detail what exactly this is showing again you can go to coin market cap you'll go to the the tools and you'll pick global charts from there you'll get the page and you can scroll down you get your total market capitalization and you'll get your dominance now as we all know and understand this chart has nothing to do specifically to price what's going on here is is that you have a price of Bitcoin and you have a price of your favorite altcoin alright those prices will obviously will fluctuate based on how much interest is in the coin how many people are trading it and so the prices can go up and down and everybody clearly follows the price of their favorite coins including Bitcoin and they always notice that if Bitcoin goes up so does the the all coin of their choice and that's because they're tied together because they're paired you have to buy your Bitcoin to get into your all coins and they're basically paired together so that kind of drags the coins around the Bitcoin dominance and this is why this is key is let's say there's let's say the whole market is a hundred dollars we're gonna use simple numbers and simple math alright so stick with me let's say it's a hundred dollars now it doesn't matter what the prices of Bitcoin is and it doesn't matter what the price of your favorite all point is if there's a hundred dollars in the total market how many of those dollars have been put into Bitcoin and then the other percentage of the dollars what coins they've been put into now coin market cap breaks it down to a couple of categories they have their you have your Bitcoin that's used a little mouse here you have your Bitcoin over here your theorem Bitcoin cash like coin ripple – num Manero iota neo in the categories everybody else all the other 1500 coins in others because obviously the the chart would be so mangled you wouldn't be able to read it if put every coin out there so if we take any point in time let's look at what's going on currently let's slide this up and I mouse over to our current day Monday August 20th so we're a little bit behind I don't know if I could get this the page over anymore apparently not let's let's see if we can do this as a three months okay let's see if we can get a better Eric here's the 23rd now bitcoin is showing 53% so if all the money that was in all of crypto was $100 53 of those dollars fifty three point fifty three dollars and twenty eight cents would be invested in Bitcoin doesn't matter what the price is if a Bitcoin was $1 then it would be fifty three bitcoins out there if it was 50 Cent's it would be 106 bitcoins out there it doesn't matter it just matters that there's 53 dollars and 28 cents out of the hundred dollars totally invested in in the market is in Bitcoin so that means more than half of all the crypto money right now is in Bitcoin so this tells you how much is left over in the market so obviously out of the 53 28 we take out the difference that's 46 what 46 72 46 72 of the dollars that are left are split up between the rest of these coins at about 43 72 you have you know aetherium Bitcoin cash takes the theorem is $1332 Bitcoin cash has 4 dollars and 35 cents like coin a dollar 56 out of the hundred dollars total that's member now well I have to use simple math here so we're saying that the whole market is worth a hundred bucks so that we can look at this so another 100 bucks one and a half percent of all the money is in like coin ripple has six percent or six dollars and ten cents of all that money all right so what does this mean and why should I care so this breaks it down and you'll see they're able to chart a lot of these and then the others is this white line the reason why you want to care is if all the money is $100 and the Bitcoin dominance in other words it's gaining more of the money that's in the market if I went back into July it was only $42 out of the hundred that was in Bitcoin the rest was in the altcoins so for it to get from forty to two today of 53 an extra $10 or 10% where did that money come from well it doesn't matter what the total market is remember we're sticking it out of hundreds to make it simple for it to be a 10% more it had to steal it from the altcoins Bitcoin can't there's only a hundred dollars so for it to go from 42 to 53 it had to steal it from somebody it had to steal it from the altcoins because it has to come up to $100 because that's the number we're using is the total market so therefore when the Bitcoin dominance is going up the only way it can go up is to steal money from the altcoins this is the reason why Bitcoin dominance is important and the reason why I wanted to explain a lot more in detail and to break it down in this simple fashion so that you understand it has nothing to do with the price of the coins it has to do with the total amount of dollars and what percentage of those dollars are in there we're using a hundred dollars as a simple math calculation so all the math comes out simple for us to look at so as Bitcoin domination goes up and the dominance goes up the amount of money in the all coins has to go down and that usually means that the people are selling them off if they're selling them off it means they're usually driving the price down because they're getting rid of them and that's the reason why you see all these old coins taking a bath right now this is the reason why the ico journal is put out a nice article saying it's a dumpster fire basically because of Bitcoin dominance hitting new highs all right so let's go back to this so we take a look at our year-to-date and you can see since January here you know we had that large pump here for dominance in April it dropped down but when it drops down you saw the altcoins the etherium didn't really get a big bump you had a little bit of a bump here for ripple but all others the white line which is important that includes electro neum and others you can see they got all the money all the prices of those old coins went up because people wanted to buy buy buy buy buy buy who drove the price of these old coins up there was more demand less demand for Bitcoin more demand for alts so as the money it's still $100 in the market we're using our math are fictional money but the money transferred from here to other altcoins driving the price up so what has happened since the beginning of the year people have taking the money out of these alt coins that's what I always talk about here that big sucking sound coming out and that money is going somewhere because it's always got to be a hundred percent so they're always a hundred percent now that number could be a hundred percent of two trillion it could be a hundred percent of two hundred billion doesn't matter what it is that's a hundred percent so as the money came out of these all coins they were shifting it back into Bitcoin because everybody wanted the safe-haven and so as they start doing it so as all as you see this increasing this Bitcoin dominance increasing it can't increase unless they're taking it out of somebody else's backside yeah explain it yeah you can't put it in your left pocket unless you pull it out of your right pocket okay and therefore sell sell sell prices take a dumpster dive so this is one of the things that are causing the all coins to take a bigger beating than Bitcoin because Piqua still sitting in that 6000 and it's not going anywhere it goes up and down a little bit but the all coins every is like what's going on the okapi all coins keep going down it keeps going down I understand why am i all coins going down that's because somebody is selling them all putting them where they're putting it into Bitcoin as a safe haven and it's just continuing you had a big pump here and you can see how it affected it right here I mean that that major pump that day it's because everybody sold off these all coins you can see this little niche right here there's a little look and that's what caused it and as of right now you know I saw this coming down I'm like all right maybe we'll get a drop and we'll get a return to alts but it just keeps going and the fact that it matter is we're probably gonna see this for weeks more but when it happens keep in mind when it goes the opposite direction the pump for all coins is tremendous and as you can see here you had all this money stored up in the Bitcoin where did all the money go it wins all here and it drove this price on all these all coins flipped out and went crazy and this is the big pump of 2018 in January for December all right and all those all that money came out of Bitcoin went back into all coins and you got that reversed a reciprocal here all right so now as this starts to build up all I can tell you is I'm securing as many old coins as I can because when at that good prices because when this gets to a certain peak I'm thinking it'll be similar it could go higher yeah I mean it could literally go back up to where it was here but it hasn't been in that place in a while so and even when it was it was still going downhill so the maximum I could see it going to is right around there if we were to follow that trajectory so somewhere between here and there it's going to change and all callings are gonna flip out and the prices are gonna go ballistic because all the money is gonna go from Bitcoin back into all coins now obviously the more the Bitcoin is worth the more of the all coins that can buy and the faster they scoop them up so Bitcoin at 6,000 would be a nice clean you know drop in continuation of buying all coins but when the price goes ballistic the the drop off is matic because the bitcoin is worth so much they can snag so many the first in can buy those all coins at the cheapest prices and then with a little bit of interest drops right down within a few weeks all of those gains for dominance is gone again so that rollercoaster rides happening and you can see we're getting up up up up up the up the ramp and it's gonna hit a peak and go fine so that's Bitcoin dominance and a little bit more in detail why it's important how it works why you need to keep an eye on it because it's gonna tell you what direction the money is going is it going in the Bitcoin making the all coins cheaper is it coming out of Bitcoin which is going to pump the altcoins in that general direction so keep in mind we're gonna have our after party I'm gonna close up this particular show we're gonna have the after party it's gonna take me about five minutes to set up I'll activate it it'll be our second live show in the after party we're gonna have our crypto giveaway I'm going to do just chatting we're going to just goof off on the computer and have a little bit of fun so sit I'll see you guys in the after party and thanks for watching digit spin crypto