Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is August the 25th 2018 strong hey bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture conviction alright as you can see I'm wearing the Bitcoin solutions shirt Bitcoin solutions dot CA my body is up in Edmonton Canada Edmonton Alberta Canada I just giving them shoutouts because I do appreciate how they gave me this t-shirt and you can check them out obviously linked below everything I talked about in this video is linked to below get your treads or your t-shirts affiliate links alright here is a speak to is linked to below also this video the age of emotional incontinence by Paul Joseph Watson and I gotta say emotional incontinence really does sum up some of the reactions we get out there from the 80 percenters these days these over reactions they make these videos where they're crying and screaming about the the smallest of matters everybody wants that attention everybody wants their 15 minutes of fame so they become overly emotional and it's it's just emotionally incontinence to say this is mainstream society today is emotional incontinence if you are a self-aware self-confident person who takes personal responsibility and doesn't cry and scream about everything you're an outlier but again personal responsibility is the new counterculture and we're proud of it so pound that frickin like button on that same note economic invincibility a guy who's got a really good channel he came up with the turn the tug excuse me the term the emotional lists yeah yeah yeah it's a good way to describe the mainstream people the emotional list don't be an emotional list okay so over at the Market Ticker a blog that I like to read because of some of the financial and some of the health tips that Carl denature talks about he's not right about Bitcoin I'll tell you that but his latest is no voting will not do it and he's talking about the situate the illegal immigration situation how that woman was murdered by an illegal immigrant and they're a bunch of people who are saying well we gotta vote more people into office who will make it harder on the illegal immigrants and then we won't have this situation anymore and he says they need a general just that you everyone should go on the general strike okay that's great Carl I agree that voting will not do it if you think voting is going to solve your problems and and if you're obsessed over these group issues again you as an individual you cannot solve illegal immigration you can't go to the border and stop every illegal running in here okay but you can't take personal responsibility and get you get yourself into a situation where you you're not gonna have to worry about these group issues you get financially secure you're always on the move you're not gonna be near where there's a crimes or you're not gonna be near whether illegal immigrants if you're annoyed by illegal immigrants I think that the point that Carl Denver is making that well at least what I derive out of it is that don't glorify voting don't glorify these politicians that they know no voting isn't that great I mean there's there's so many people I think it's like right next to God god forbid but I mean they they consider it like a like the ultimate the ultimate mitzvah the ultimate the ultimate good deed is to vote I mean it's the greatest thing you can do and if voting is messed with it's just uh it's a travesty to the world no it's that's not that a it's more important to take care of yourself than the vote on group issues or to vote in these Psychopaths or sociopaths that are go they're going to try to get you keep you dependent on them you want personal responsibility not caring about voting as one is one step closer to personal responsibility so take I mentioned those three things on purpose I want to mention them first you know people getting emotional people caring about voting too much people putting politicians on pedestals because right before this show started I found out that US John McCain died and I mean now everyone in it first of all I he's had cancer for a long time they've had his obituary written for years for years everyone knows he was gonna die of cancer eventually this is like a given this is why you shouldn't get into that situation you should take care of your so she shouldn't get he stayed out in the Sun I think I don't know you know he developed some you know he wasn't a great guy whatever I'm not putting them on a pedestal I'm not worshiping him and you know they're probably videos all out there right now people crawling the John McCain is dead who cares dude take care of yourself the thing you should care about is like see the life that he live trying to live a better life is it healthier life uh he died how old was he early I don't know I don't care how old he was but I get it just funny now every such a shot everyone's going wild it's been it's been in the cards for a while he's just a regular dude it's just because he was a senator just was he people voted for him and gave me mine who cares who cares he's dead so again don't waste your time on these type of things vote your waste you would spend your time on yourself making yourself better let all the 80 percenters make videos oh I miss McCain or I hated it McCain oh yeah okay let them there's her group they're distractions he's collectivist issues McCain is a collectivist issue voting collectivism on our so remember how not like by check me out on Twitter at Tech ball te CH B alt disrupt monster calm you can watch all my old videos and remember every Saturday is the beyond Bitcoin show we go beyond Bitcoin this week in Bitcoin was yesterday it was awesome i fete Wan Galt was lost in the woods apparently like I just found out today he didn't make the show but the other two guests were great Ansel and Kevin were great and so I'm bitcoinmeister on steamin okay so yeah check out the links below check out this rotmeister compound on the like button and subscribe to the channel so control and power is what politics and mainstream life is about opt out out out of it opt into Bitcoin Bitcoin has nothing to do with controlling others and power over others it's personal responsibility it's bettering yourself I mean that's what I can't stand about mainstream society I mean it's about power monger it's about people having control over you it's about people shaming you so they have control over you so they can shape you again if you're able to opt out and get into the Bitcoin overlay you don't care about this stuff anymore you don't care about fitting in anymore you don't care about politics anymore you spend time on your self and you just sent to spend time of bettering yourself and better in your life it's great it's great being truly independent truly free from that mainstream matrix and the emotional list out there I mean you can be as a logical as you want to in the in the Bitcoin overlay so here is a speaking about power Jeffrey Tucker who is a famous libertarian who I almost saw in tel-aviv I he was at the same place I was we missed each other by a minute that was a few was that was last year now but I bring back whenever I'm adding that random anyway he's on the Dave Rubin show i link to it below he was on part one in part to the idea and he said the I got idea ideology of power has become a modern cancer that afflicts everyone well said well said but you can prevent that cancer oh okay it's caught up in those power but if you do get caught up on it it is a cancer man it rots away your soul it rots away your dreams if you get caught up in this politics thing and trying to fit in so I I was thinking to myself you know again I go from Airbnb to Airbnb I don't have a home anymore I just travel around the whole world it's awesome but you know there's studios and then there one bedrooms and the only difference is you know a one-bedroom you got a separate a studio you could see your kitchen basically you can see your kitchen you don't have a door to your bedroom I mean it's ridiculous I if you're a real man you have hope just you're traveling around with your suitcase you don't need you'll need a lot of space what's the darn difference between a one-bedroom and a studio it's all about status you the studio is cheaper get the studio I I will always get I don't care if it says studio or one-bedroom I'm gonna get the cheapest thing that is of good quality that is clean okay let's stop my kitchen it that's got my own bathroom in it okay totally private that's what I require but do I care between the studio in a one-bedroom there's so many people out there you're new in New York City like well I've got a one-bedroom not a studio it's about that's about social proof and status you're wait you're losing thousands of dollars because you want to show off to your friends that you have a one-bedroom instead of a studio that is what the 80% is about that is what the mainstream is about don't be that way be a 20% or live in a freaking studio it doesn't matter if there's no difference between a one-bedroom and a studio you see your kitchen if you don't have maybe you should have that many possessions anyway they should be able to fit into your studio or into your one-bedroom you got a cause okay it's just I I'm just thinking about it you know when I'm looking for my next place to stay and everything but it just brings up a bigger point about this people with socially social proof they want to post it on Facebook they're big 1-bedroom instead of their studio their cramped studio all right in in the world of YouTube or in the world of and in life in general we and I see vention McDowell is is in the chat right now how you do invention he'll know about this they're the nit pickers and then they're the people who do okay the nit pickers are like hey man you're video well why is it dark in your video you should use a better light you know they don't care about the content at all and then I'll say oh you can make your own video and with with your own type of lighting right and they'll never do it but they're not doers all they do is they sit around and they nitpick that's what they do so I mean and it's totally unproductive they're not in motion they nitpick but you're gonna that's what you had to deal with in life you're gonna have to deal with the nit pickers you're not don't let them slow you down don't let them slow you down keep doing things the way you're gonna do it no fancy set of graphics here definite pickers run Olympic they can nitpick they're not getting anywhere I'm in motion I'm trying to get other people motion but hey you nit pickers there's your tip of the day do something with yourselves or you can just watch YouTube video after YouTube video and tell people they're bald or fat or they're dark you decide personal responsibility is a new counterculture all right I was reminded today is the in the world today's 25th but I guess in some parts of the world's already 26 but the 25th of August is Uruguayan Independence Day and I forgot to say yesterday happy noche de nostalgia the night before Uruguayan Independence Day is no chit in nostalgia it's the middle of winter down there so they oak all go out and party and like it's a nostalgic night they have 70's and 80's parties and I actually was there in 2013 and I partook in the noche de nostalgia with Ricardo you guys remember Ricardo cousin cousin Ricardo down there my very distant cousin who lives down there and of course I love my my cousins in Uruguay who have of course despite you know living in a distant country from the epicenter of Judaism have kept their Judaism through the years I am so proud of the Jews of Uruguay who have never given up their Judaism who have never you know tried to fit in despite the the anti-semitism of of the area you know in 1994 the Iranians blew up the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires Argentina and the the Jewish communities of Uruguay and Argentina take huge precautions in front of their buildings they have these big you got fences they got big barrier so you can't drive bombs into myself anyway I wasn't even gonna talk about that tonight but yeah you're a grand independence day happy your grand Independence Day to to all of all of you down there and you're well not you ant not the anti-semite ones that like thought it was cool to like hi Nazis and stuff and I'm not down with you dudes and literally I mean in Uruguay and Brazil and Argentina they were hiding Nazis at one point it was great and you're once the Mossad you know the people you guys are all paranoid about they actually did lead a Nazi out of Brazil in to Uruguay so they could kill him in Uruguay is they were to get in less trouble that way or something it was it was glorious he was a you can look him up he was a Latvian Nazi they just they they they tricked him from going to he was he was hiding in Brazil he was even hiding in Brazil he was he wasn't openly he used his a Luthor way is let slat be a name in Brazil and but then they got him into a Uruguay and they just killed him it was great they said this is your trial and they left a note on his body yes so sometimes the Mossad does do things that most of the things you guys are paranoid about them it's like insane but the little things they do like that it's great it's a little country they do some things that scare people just makes it you want to seem bigger than you really are they do a really good job at that than the side all right so let's go back let's let's get sued I wasn't going to talk about any of this stuff today what is this okay Jeffrey Tucker who do you hate who who do you like who do you hate don't be a part of that game he says you know we get caught up into taking these sides very emotional sighs eventually a big tile just sent five dollars super tech I want to travel like that as well but as roving mechanics for permacultural communities and organic farms yes mention I know you've mentioned that in your videos that is a I mean that that would be quite an entrepreneurial endeavor there man I'm going from town to town fixing cars fixing trucks charging Bitcoin permaculture communities or helping people on their organic farms yeah dude yeah I mean that would be cool I say go for your dreams mansion I think you can do it I I think you should really quit your job immediately to tell you the truth I don't even know why you work there anymore that your Bitcoin will treat you well in the future but I mean you've got your you've got your economics figured out I don't know all your money situation and everything but there was at one point you gave too much information one day and I actually calculated how much big point you but so anyway let's go but that this I'll continue so pound that like fun so yeah Jeffrey Tucker was talking about right-wing collectivism I linked to that one making up enemies you don't have to have enemies people don't get caught up in the enemies game trying to better yourself okay speaking of make towels I I heard the song faking it by Simon & Garfunkel and I link to it below and it's got some real-life lyrics in it that relate to big towel and the funny thing is it's a good song it's 50 years old now Simon and Garfunkel's uh songs from back into the fifty years old that's amazing I mean and in dude Jim Morrison and The Doors their songs are now eight years old I think they did some in 1967 and 68 right yeah and wasn't this like this isn't but but anyway listen to faking it by a Simon Garfunkel good song it's got some LA it's got some Macau lyrics in it so we live in a situation where people are again this is about putting voting on a pedestal again where how could another country meadow in our elections so let's just say that's the way war is being done these days between countries you know I'm not the biggest fan of nation-states but if that's our biggest problem nations go into war against other nations by like trying to mess with elections compare that to the alternative of late a nuclear war okay so let everyone be distracted by like Oh some country messed with the elections maybe sort of they didn't really waste your time with that it's better than having nuclear wars if countries are gonna if countries are gonna actually do that let them do that I don't give a darn who cares if you interfere of my life I don't care if you interfere with the election I want I'm taking care of myself here dude all right let them be distracted let us live okay I'd rather have these electoral wars than these sociopaths saying well we got a nuke this other country now we got a nuke Russia we got new China they're gonna and the whole world's gonna end so think of that if next time you get you start wasting your time worrying about election meddling or whatever think of it that way it's better that people are meddling in elections trying to influence elections which I mean again who cares about elections care if they're not changing your life in a major you could take take control of your own life virtual responsibilities new counterculture okay um though the rodolfo Novak has a tweet out there don't like how your employer does things start a business understand the challenges and call your own shots yeah that's great if you don't like your bosses did you start a new business it's harder it's harder to run a business harder be a boss apparently be your own boss start your own business call your own shots if you don't like how the shots are being called take personal responsibility oh man this videos going long because this is something I really want to talk about here i link to this article below fifty two point one percent of kids in the united states live in households getting means-tested government assistance so over half of all kids are living in households where they're learning about they're learning that it's totally fine to be dependent on the government for something whether it be food or housing so you know it's predict in the united on live the united states this welfare stuff is out of control they get everything free phones free food free it is they can't wipe their own butts anymore it's pathetic and it's just gonna grow more and more people are getting used to this as something that's normal if 521% of kids are seeing this in their hat they don't have dads this is their dad this is all the government gives me something I'm used to this I'm entitled of this I'd better get this so I mean we are it said this country is becoming more and more of a collectivist haven for collectivists and James Dell Jericho just sent me a dollar 99 super tat thanks dude good to see you again he says not non nitpicking you better believe it dude you better believe you're not nitpicking you're you're in motion then uh but so I don't know what to say we're gonna get more I mean I talked about 80 percenters you know the the low end of the 80 percenters are just growing and growing just hey man for me as an individual I just got to avoid dealing with I just have already dealing with such people I just move away from I mean you know I used to live in Baltimore City I used to there was everybody was on you know living with the living in the Housing Authority of Baltimore city house or getting some sort of welfare and I don't deal with that anymore I go to I live in nice I moved from city to city I live in nice places I gonna I hear a game in Spokane I mean it's beautiful it's safe I don't I don't see I mean I with downtown I saw some probably some public housing or something like that I mean again I I'm not around if you're if you're one of those people who are just like no the government should be prevented so think there's no shame and there's no shame in getting a government check and letting government what my but I'm not gonna do it you know what I'm gonna shun you I'm not gonna deal with you that's my thing I'm not gonna I'm not gonna worry about you too much all right but I didn't want to bring up at that is hey it's only growing man for everyone to say yeah everyone's discovering Bitcoin bitcoins gonna free the world dude no bitcoins gonna free the twenty is just gonna make the 20 percenters more independent 80 percenters are gonna be more than more dependent on this on the welfare dollar that is that is again everyone talks about the petro dollar that's what the pumping up that's what keeps the dollar alive the the oil system no no this is the system that keeps it alive is the well fair system they devalue their wealth of dollars oh yeah they love it they keep on printing more and more dollars to support these programs and they're plenty of takers plenty of takers of it that'll they don't care if their dollars are being inflated away just as long as they're getting free stuff and they'll be able to maintain that forever and no they're not suddenly big they're gonna become individualist and and when treasure bitcoin and understand what savings is about and in store it's generally I mean me hey if you want to waste your time trying to teach them and reach out to them that's great that's great you do that and maybe he'll be successful that's not my that's something that's not my cup of tea so yes so much is about social proof today don't do something just to get social proof that is the ultimate 80 percenter if you've gotten rid of the need of social proof then you are free there's so many people who have to go on Facebook or Twitter or whatever and post a picture of their hats or their white for their car who cares about your car who cares about your wife who cares about your house who cares about the pictures that 2,000 pictures you took here the 2,000 pictures you I know I again I travel around a lot I don't post it I hardly post any pictures of the stuff yeah I post ironic pictures funny pictures Bitcoin pictures maybe a picture of me with one of my friends from South Africa Zimbabwe or whatever but I mean some people just make it their life just they have to put it all out there on social media they have to have proof that they did this they had proof that they went out with that girl that they rent that girl or whatever no man that's not do it for yourself don't do it for the social truth okay social proof is for 80 percenters and someone who uses that term a lot again is economic invisibility that's why I'm pumping it up and I think he's a smart guy he's got a good channel and I didn't link to it below but you can google him YouTube search them out found that like button alright finally finally well there's two things the great Arjun who's been on my show had this tweet focusing on alternative primary education is much more important than discussing the failures of higher education I love it no regrets keep creating dude it's a great philosophy for life instead of complaining about the failures of higher education just make focus on alternative primary education focus on a whole new route to eat to avoid getting into the failures of higher education you know how do you teach your young people educate them in a way so they don't have to get forced into this system so they can make up their own they can go their own way and don't have to get into the high school system make college higher education system which has a lot of problems right now that is awesome don't if you if you spend your time complaining you're not gonna change anything if you spend your time innovating some new way of beginning things that's just great that's truly in motion all right so finally I've done the Simon Garfunkel kick and I also linked to a hazy shade of winter below that's another good another good video and another video I saw earlier this week which has nothing to do with Simon Garfunkel at all is obsession by an emotion which is a great eighty song for all of you who like 80 songs and I think one day I started singing obsession during uh I've made so many of these darn videos when I've made over a thousand Bitcoin videos and this is might what twenty first up beyond Bitcoin video here so yeah I don't know what I don't even remember all the eighty songs or 90s or 2000 I have sung on this show before and people don't sing at them I won't sing today all right guys individualism is the achievement collectivism is the default I actually brought that up on that this week in Bitcoin show with Kevin and Ansel check that out it's linked to below I'm animal I should've bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remembers subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below and as stefan molyneux said live by principle not by popular I'll say hi to you dudes in the chat right now bye-bye
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