Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is August the 29th 2018 strong hand offended by selling personal responsibility is a new counterculture I'm confiscating all right this is your source for 20% or Bitcoin knowledge all you 20 percenters out there this is where the big boys play check out the links below everything I talk about in this video is linked to below my disrupt meister calm the archives get a trace or get t-shirts everything is below hop in line strong for those of you wondering who care about fiat okay let's get it yesterday how am I gonna beat yesterday's show how am I gonna beat yesterday's show you guys gotta check that out Charlie Lee was on the show it's not about beating yesterday's show it's just it's about building building on your previous show just making the whole series better getting hands stronger and stronger through every show but yesterday's show with Charlie Lee you've got to check out it flew by it was an hour it is linked to below we talked about the litecoin summit coming up in San Francisco on the 14th and 15th of September we talked about some litecoin and so much about Bitcoin because Charlie Lee is a Bitcoin guy he really is he came up with the litecoin idea but I mean he knows strong hand Bitcoin baby he's a holder he's not an impulsive man either not at all long-term thinker to the max and you know something that he brought up you know he he brought it I mean a lot of subjects that opened my mind I was asking about banks and eventually cryptocurrency organizations buying banks he's like I wouldn't be surprised if coinbase bought a bank and you know her coinbase became an addict you know what at that's that's putting it into some pretty basic terms there and yeah I'm kind of I not even thought about that really I mean I already think coinbase is sort of a bank but they really could go in that direction maybe that is what they're trying to do with all this one day by a bank so you know for everyone that says oh I don't understand what coinbase does there so you're responding so it will be interesting to see how that develops and just little topics like that it opens your mind to the future if the future is quite unpredictable where you know in 2021 we'll look back on this and be like oh of course crypto organisations bought banks all the banks are home by cryptid no all right so check out yesterday's show it's always great to have Charlie on the show I think it was his fourth time on the show actually so we're gonna jump into another person who's been on the show before Samson man Samson mal has the following tweet out there diversify diversify diversify question mark that's the that's the worst advice possible because cryptocurrencies are highly correlated in my block festa talk I showed how diversified portfolios perform over a year if you just bought Bitcoin you'd be up for you'd be up 54% but losses increase as you diversify so for all you block folio people out there I have I have ripped on that term before I'm gonna rip on it some more you don't need a black folio okay you don't need a hundred the more of those you get the less likely they're gonna the the performance goes down and down and down and down as you keep on buying into these 60 or 50 or 40 R thirds here say just you know it's all gambling basically Bitcoin is not it is the rock he proves it again in his uh in his tweet in his presentation in his link to thanks Samson all you people who are diversifying for the sake of diversification I mean are you are you doing that because that's what you were told to do – do you know this is a new world here okay we're dealing with did financial instruments well what is definitely a financial instrument that's Bitcoin then there's going to probably be a top tier of all points the rest of them are complete jokes and you wanted that diversify into that type of thing I mean I mean do you diversify into unknown Ponzi scheme well yeah I own Apple and I own some Microsoft and I'm gonna buy into ten different Ponzi schemes that are in Nebraska and no we don't do that of course only the cream of the crop in terms of that diversification but a Bitcoin is all encrypted there's only one cream of the crop that Shin sends a joke five dollars in the super chat but Adam what about it what about XRP Adam isn't XRP awesome we're going to talk about centralization a second bit vention dick towel that they mentioned me tell you are such a legend i was i was watching an old video of star dusk like from 2015 and he mentions you know he's like yes eviction is quite the survivalist all right back today yes we do know then she takes his survivalist you know he likes that doom and gloom stuff he's gotten better with it to each his own vention owns a eventually bitcoin so he's not that much of a doom and gloom ER okay now that frickin like button prevention big towel and all the big towels washing this all the mix house who are in motion not the ones who just sitting complaining all day and don't get into bitcoin and think bitcoin is a government conspiracy which is a completely ridiculous a completely ridiculous notion it i don't associate with the people you know i just cutt someone for my life and some people have noticed this i cut someone from my my life who's a conspiracy theorist I mean is that although ridiculous and posting stuff on my chat about uh just I mean ridiculous stuff cutting from the luckiest I don't it doesn't matter if the person's promoting me or whatever I've got standards I'm not gonna be with someone of that ilk the person that I cut but enough of that let's go we're talking about old videos we're talking about start us let's talk about an old Meister video then I dug up it's actually in my archives but it's hard to find since I'm in motion I want to always be making more Bitcoin I posted the first Bitcoin video I ever made back in December of 2013 and all of you like when people will get our way up because I actually mentioned litecoin and it also for summary I was naive I didn't I didn't know that much back then in December 2013 I was almost using bitcoin and litecoin interchangeably almost and I had a little bit of a more dark persona then I was like well what up the us
dollar is no longer the the world reserve currency what if China gets the world reserve no I was wrong about that the dollar will always be the world reserve currency but if you did think back then that the dollar was gonna lose his world reserve currency status then you had no excuse to not buy Bitcoin debt and that's what my video was about in 2013 it is all my ID live account I'll link to it below it's only like a little bit over five minutes long is in my old house in the classic old arms party room it does not even exist anymore because the dude who owns it now totally gutted the place where the German girl told me I was so bohemian before we anyway so let's go back to the show here so but one thing about that old show is that I mention Argentina in it quite a few times and I think if some Argentines were watching it back then and they followed my advice back then my god they're happy because I said back then you know you are sometimes should get into this Bitcoin thing now and I gave you some pretty good reasons based on Cristina Fernandez being their dictator at the time but thank God Hashem she's gone now and they don't have to deal with that but they deal with some other issues down there anyway shoutouts to my Argentines and counting down to Uruguay also I talked about Uruguay in this video alright enough about my all videos you could pound that like button you check it out I'll be live always in motion I always have a backup to your YouTube channel and go for the deal I biz you earn steam that you turn into Bitcoin so speaking of South America and Josh Colt out just sent a dot 99 he sent at the ironi night before the show also he said hey quit picking on Nebraska dude I love labrats kheh my college roommate one of my college roommates was from the preska great a great guy of still I still in touch with him it's tough I I love I drove through Nebraska once I I like Nebraska it's flat very flat and okay but actually as you get closer as you get west it does it goes up it's Sydney Nebraska never forget Sydney Nebraska that's where that's sporting goods sporting goods store is there that everybody uh it only used to be there now it's all over the world I came to think of the name of it now you know what Sydney Nebraska shout-out to you guys if anyone so Josh I don't know if here from Nebraska and yeah the corn Huskers they used to do things the honest way the football the college football team I think they got corrupt they had Lawrence Phillips and then they just went down okay so so let's let's go back to yemen's don't get it's obsessed with sports I shouldn't even know anything about Nebraska football all right so in other country news Venezuela and Joshua said thanks for having a strong hand he told me in another tweet so Josh double thanks for everything that you contribute to the show thank you then as well a government will now force all banking institutions to disclose IP addresses from people who access their bank and info from outside the country citizens will now have to notify banks before traveling overseas users who don't notify it won't be able to transact all right I mean what's next Venezuela oh I can see you better gotten in the Bitcoin a while ago get if you're not the Bitcoin now I've been as well you better I mean they're really cracking down on your financial freedom even more I mean what what's but but this is a lesson to all of South America though you know you're bunches are your countries have gone through these cycles before I was just talking about Argentina everyone in South America even in Chile where I will be from September 20th to until November 20th which Chile is the freest country down there all of you need to get diaper up to getting the Bitcoin okay get into it diversify your financial holdings do not diversify your crypto holdings that Richard your financial holdings get into a Bitcoin by the way cada ptomaine sent five dollars in the super chap he says I love by ten Bitcoin one that would have paid off for anyone who listened responsibly responsibly pound that like button people yes yes I did tell people a long time ago to buy ten Bitcoin and there's a video from 2015 late 2015 a 10 Bitcoin yet I said that people who own 10 Bitcoin will be elite and of course I mean God yeah ten people on 10 Bitcoin are already quite quite elite and now it's people say it's unaffordable to get ten Bitcoin I mean it'll cost you $70,000 right now when I said the bite a Bitcoin I said you know it cost you four thousand dollars go buy ten Bitcoin but whatever you know people people wanted that glamour videos man they care about fancy set and sets and graphics so you know they were buying I CEOs and they were buying 60 year-old coins while the tortoise is the long-term thinkers they ready monsters on the Sun with that ten big point thing and yeah and yeah you better believe I practiced when I freaking preached town that frickin like button you know Meister's elite in terms of his holdings alright so oh god Molotov cocktail said says big he said again thank you crap chakra to Tommy for your loyal viewership in your your donation there Molotov cocktail sent 399 and he says Bitcoin is greater than US dollar which is greater than altcoins the US dollar is better than most all coins most of coins that's a really interesting question though is the US dollar better than light coin you know in the long run is it good this is an interesting thing I haven't had time to think about that would have been a great question for Charlie Lee that I mean I I thought we had a great conversation but there I'm always looking to improve that would have been maybe for next time when it comes on the show is is litecoin better than the US dollar is a theorem better than the US dollar is Manero better than us are all the other ones because they're all getting inflated to a certain degree in their central lima well there you have some of them aren't inflate the US dollar has so much behind it okay this is all for another time all that matters all that matters is that Bitcoin is clearly better than the US dollar my lord why did I even you start wondering about if I lose about us dollars it's all we are all aware but Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin so we care about here what am I thinking but it is still an interesting isn't like coin does in the universe down all right actually I'll make a show about that this is Scott thinking on the move here okay so we talked about us we talked about South America we thank Josh kohaku thanked mom we thanked everybody there everyone's getting super chill I really appreciate that you guys appreciate this all right so Vinny lingham oh yeah he's got a tweet out there he's always trying to stir things up you know we need guys like that in the space I mean he can do you know some of the things you can disagree with here's his latest are you still buying into AI cos this was a poll a legitimate poll of his now part of thing is is he spies toward I cos he's had an IC o—- he likes AI CEOs on a certain level Vinny is an interesting character I mean he he you know he's got that social justice warrior mixed in there with some and he's a real smart guy but then he's got kind of a most a statist thing to him a doom he kind of is a he tries to be – doom and tries to be go against the grain maybe a little bit too much big of a contrarian so he's got this poll and maybe he's trying to influence with this poll or maybe he just doesn't give a darn you see that's the thing is we need people in the space who don't give a darn now I'm gonna talk about one in a second okay but they're no gatekeepers here there's no one saying well then he can't be in the space vini can't be in his face so the poll again are you still buying into i SEOs eighty-one percent said no okay I'm shocked then 19% of people that watch his feet I mean again he is I see oh my god so he is a nice you a fan why anyone would buy an ICO now after everything that has gone down I mean I guess they're just trying to be the uber contrarian here something like that that 90% of people are still interested in it is disturbing and again there's not you know the most of people follow a lot of the people following Vinny's uh Twitter you know that would respond to that they're not gonna be low level 80 percenters just like the guys that came in to gamble and everything like there'll be some thinking people in there so that 19 percent are still into it that seems even huh I mean I mean I'm giving people too much credit I ain't to me the ico thing has been proven to be so insane that you would give up your Bitcoin for one of these so something that is completely could completely run away with it we're not only percent of them fail and even more than that all right Josh Kohath sends another dollar 99 do you you don't have to send me all this dollars man this is nice I really appreciate in three years it will be by 01 BTC videos yeah you're right dude that's what Charlie's brother said what's it what's Charlie's brothers name the other lead he said he said you know in the year 2028 a lot of people would not be able to afford point one Bitcoin um yeah I mean it's only gonna be only have so it's really elite group of people are gonna be able to own just one Bitcoin and you're probably right just point one Bitcoin these are exciting times man these are exciting times this is just the beginning you know for all of you who watched my video four five years ago again it's from December 2013 Oh an oh it was so early then oh you're just lucky I give up I'm gonna just sit in a basement somewhere no it's it was it was earlier that obviously was five years a lot happier the last five years in my life and everyone's life but it's still early now it's still early now so let let that video be an inspiration let that video be an inspiration okay so yeah again Fahmy on twitter at tech vault-tec HP alt bitcoinmeister on steam it disrupt meister calm it might was my website with all my old videos but link to below again is that original video from from when I started doing these videos an armed room in a cold row house in Baltimore all right so Matt Odell has a tweet out there that clarifies something just in case you hear people mention this Yahoo simply enabled a front-end interface here for your brokerage account you still need to have a coinbase slash Robinhood account to trade Bitcoin Yahoo just let just let you do it directly from their interface now not sure why you would looks like it's it's enabled for regular equities too so a lot of people I think there was a rumor today that Yahoo who now allows you to buy crypto currencies from their site or a Bitcoin that's not true it's just an interface that lets you get onto you know coin base or Robin Hood and you can get on the like etrade to che to trade up the traditional financial instruments too so it's it just it looks real nice and you get you know what hey if you're a long-term thinker one day you will be able to buy directly from Yahoo or maybe one day the litecoin foundation will by god pound that frickin like button look how I tie in those Silicon Valley entities together new I think Yahoo was founded in Sunnyvale am I correct and I guess charlie is in Palo Alto and then the event the litecoin summit will be in South San Francisco you know check out yesterday's show if you'd care about that kind of stuff all right all right where else do we have here yeah no I know Silicon Valley I know Palo Alto Mountain View's sunny now I know a lot of things you'd be surprised all these things that fill this heading all right so um yeah I mean I'm a geography go so tomorrow morning this is from whalemen panda and this goes back to you know eventually McDowell sent five books he's talking about centralized ripple well let's talk about another centralized coin which is not better than the dollar I will tell this is not better in the dollar this point I doubt well in many ways it's not better who knows how Winton so tomorrow morning there will be a minor meeting in Bangkok to decide the future of B cash with king of the trolls Rocketman whoo and Calvin gotta love those decentralized communities it's funny that be cash is even more centralized than Yost's for example all right you know well panda laying the smackdown on the beach cash I still say that the B cash is gonna fork only limit a 15th and his price is gonna go up and I'm a contrarian on the UH I guess the short-term future of be cash long-term dude it's centralized man and it's one day bit main is gonna have to get rid of it's a million be cash or and Craig cash isn't what other cash is a spawn from it so talk speaking about 4ch we're gonna talk a little bit more Forks but we're gonna talk about a guy that a lot of people dislike out there in this space and a guy who just speaks his mind and he doesn't care what anyone thinks so love him or hate him you he represents that there are no gatekeepers in this space we need to have people like this in the space that the person I'm about to call quote um he is not about appearances here because the minute he typed out this tweet he had to know that he was gonna get bad feedback that it was gonna look bad but he doesn't care he doesn't care and I don't think he's trying to troll either you know B there's a difference between trolling and just not you know having opinions and giving them out and not caring and just proving once and that they're no gatekeepers a Bitcoin anyone can do what they want to do this one's from rat craving everyone Bitcoin Forks Aaron are an attack on Bitcoin they have all failed they have all failed miserably so this is coming from the guy who's come up with some from Bitcoin forks and now we say they've all failed miserably he's saying projects he's been involved with have failed miserably he was at promoting be cash at one time and he's saying that his failed mission he's mostly talking about be cashing this okay now I don't agree with all Forks being a tax on Bitcoin there's some people jjw weatherman would would say that JW weatherman thinks everything's an attack on Bitcoin that's it that's a little bit different a Bitcoin but I I think he thinks these things nimble Wimble is too bright does he but does it j-job weatherman's great change everywhere that was great he's been on the show before I love but well I will say this the unfriendly Forks that people feared like be cash have failed miserably they have found miserably that for and it is just a lesson you know once you calm down after reading that this was from ret and you think about it you just know that whatever type of attack comes at Bitcoin whether you consider an attack where it's not an attack where it really is a horrible attack from a unfriendly fork they fail they all fail and Bitcoin becomes stronger after every and you know we're looking back now and a lot of people are like laughing at be cash and stuff and and but people don't remember a year ago over a little bit over a year ago people were scared out of their minds we're talking about Vinnie Lincoln before a year and a half ago when he appeared online this week in Bitcoin show and started talking about the possibilities of a Bitcoin fork and everything that was going down and China possibly and this that and the other everyone was freaked out it just shows you that um you know no matter how scared you might be about a supposed attack in the long run they fail they really do fat and Bitcoin just become stronger in who cares about the failure side of things don't don't obsess over what has failed relish what has succeeded enjoy what has succeeded and look forward to its succeeding even more and that is Bitcoin so on that same same thought pattern about we're talking about Forks the great Arjun who has also been on the show before says and this is an intriguing comment once a protocol hard Forks the propensity for future forks on the minority chain goes up people pushing hard forks are often short-sighted and egotistical steering a group away from consensus lashing on to their intransigence over what could be successful and I think that describes some of the players behind be cash and you know we're interested if we're injured we're entering a very interesting period in terms of be cash an evolutionary period is it once a protocol hard Forks the propensity for future hard forks on the minority chain goes up be cash was the heart was a minority chain it was a hard fork it was clearly the minority changes it's not Bitcoin bitcoin is Bitcoin so now it is the likelihood that is going to hard fork it looks like it is very likely it looks like it is very likely you know originally back in November of last year no one would have said oh yes oh yes be cash is going to split into two into three a year from now I did it was November tenth eleventh and twelfth I remember it so well that be cash was worth at one point forty percent of my Bitcoin and now a year after that it might split into two or three different be cashes what a difference a year makes and these are the consequences you know where we're learning as we go I said everything cyclical but some things haven't happened yet we had not seen a fork like that that was the first major crypto dividend there and it was a first really unfriendly fork we're seeing how it evolves now we're learning as we go and it looks like when you're the minority fork if you were founded that way it's a it's a high likelihood you're gonna go that way again you yourself they're gonna split off somewhere so again within a year we've gone from it being everyone November to whatever the 12th of last year people were scared that it was gonna take oh I mean they're all these weekend I couldn't believe that we can out there I had a sign of Dixon was on the show I think it was November 12th I was in Israel so check out that link below it was a great show he reassures everyone of course I didn't he reassuring to have a strongest hand the well but no sir from November 12th of last year in November 15th of this year what a difference what a difference and we still don't know what's going to really happen on November 15th so again Molotov cocktail sends a dollar ninety-nine in the super chat and he says hold and he sends me a message in Hebrew which says nyah nyah nice nice rain by bowed the ODE Comeau Shanina I'm butchering it man I mean Mitra I know it means Brian is that mr
Moody all right there was no one who cares about Adam butchering Hebrew there i'm adam meister difficult measure disrupt but molotov cocktail I love Israel of course of course and I hope to return very soon i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt less you remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links section below pound that like button I will see you guys in the chat right now bye bye thanks everyone
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