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Hello everyone yeah this is mr it says on the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to August the third birth twenty-eight strong hand long time it is the dawn of the fourth quarter of this year that some people of is like here well what is it fourth quarter I'm gonna bring this thing in and on a positive note or what we're really background noise I don't know who is that Jim we got wine golf we got Chris fill them on of course Ken both back or dull and again you know allow you are enjoying your holidays a bit too crazy worrying about the yeah we know one bit point equals one big point so let's start we were having we were talking about their insane because I've seen some pretty crazy tweets this year in particular but today Ryan X Charles just tweet straight up Craig right is Satoshi if you don't believe me like you are stupid something along those lines like try to justify it but oh oh my god I know you know I just learned to miss I alluded to that he thinks that that you discard you why does he what is going on a coral of cash I mean something way out there in the water have any thoughts on I guess that but more so on that the drama that is this week there was not much but we've had a little drama episodes like people are worried about the bean patch squid it only remember the fifteen Thurston is like a larger and white anyone on the panel one a time in on that most I would love to take this one okay why coffee okay so I've been living among libertarians for about ten years and I got to you know spend a lot of time in the inner circles per se of the certain branch of anarcho-capitalists which from which you know about Falkvinge sort of you know he hangs out around there Roger fair and I don't met Ray Ray Charles but he was definitely in those general circles my grand piece is right now as to what the heck's going on with them is more or less like this their personality like they see themselves as the antithesis to some greater so like global society or you know status or something like that and victory to them like deep down is problematic because if they win they become the next Bilderberg stated Bitcoin he would be the next Bilderberg he will be the next George Soros and they can't face that and so they have to they have to fork it in and doom themselves to failure and that's why they have B cash and now but that would that replicates itself inside of B cash too so there they have this weird kind of like you can't you can't have you can't have a big enough consensus or something like that so I don't know it's not surprising to me that there's like the for king that happened within Bitcoin and them leaving is gonna happen within them as well and watch it's gonna keep replicating until there's a Towson true bitcoins and nobody cares and nobody else living I think it'll be interesting this is the Bell it's interesting that you caught Ryan X Charles you caught him Ray Charles Ray Charles oh it's it's almost as much if you think that other dude is real can probably have something to say about oh yeah I think everybody is Satoshi except Craig I mean that's my philosophy but yeah I mean it's right across wants to say a statement like that why not just sign a message with your legacy and wallet and prove it it's not that hard to make a public claim but it's a lot harder to prove that claim but in this one case the proof is no farther than one message signature away that anybody could do if they had access to the keys if they were Satoshi Nakamoto if so fact so Craig is not Satoshi Nakamoto does it does it even matter if he's Satoshi like oh yeah the whole decentralized projects like only the code matters and it's only the software that would yeah I mean if we did see Satoshi's coins start to move but you memorized you know it doesn't matter it's d sensible they've centralized it I mean that's yeah I think that's the conclusion we can make here is that it is a very centralized coin now well and that you know when poor it's anyway I think I've talked too much about it but one you're going to say something yes I mean I've said this before it that the bottom liner or Craig Wright is not not only has he failed to prove that he's a Toshi Nakamoto but he has done everything that anybody could ever possibly do to prove that he is definitely not Satoshi Nakamoto but he's pretending to be Nakamoto so the guy just to recap briefly the guy like issue like 300 Bitcoin patents or a bunch of big con patents sold them to an American tech firm for three hundred million dollars got on the BBC a establishment like state from the UK fund that I believe media organization who's defended pedophiles by the way he got on their board privately quote-unquote showed them that's a Turkish that he was a touch Nakamoto no proof was ever issued whatever crypto thing was published was completely that debunked by every cryptographer with credibility out there or any like nobody's even like to my knowledge even try to defend that and then eventually he he kind of backed off right the guy has a clear motivation like financial motivation to try to establish himself as Satoshi Nakamoto for the sake of a potential patent enforcement later on and and he has never proven cryptographically which would think about that three minutes as has been proven by many over the years so correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Craig recently tried to prove he was a developer by copy and pasting hello world code it was assembly code that he copy and paste is like Oh a developer watch me copy and paste oh great good job though thank you like that's what that's really what I needed today to be fair that's what a lot of developers do in the crypto world these days yeah all the white papers anyway okay let's say I'm gonna give the be cash people the benefit of the doubt maybe this fork thing will be good he'll be able to have his own with him out of the picture maybe they'll become more legitimate I don't know because it is it's too much at this point with this this one guy is really everything that I see from and I again I'm I'm shocked that uh Ryan Ray Charles maybe I'm not sure how not like one kernel Swan jr

sent five dollars in the super chat he says bitcoin is to Bitcoin and unfortunately at the end of the show tonight we'll be talking about some pegging or something we're not going to talk about that yeah there is something as very adult-oriented that this is the family orange at the very end pg-13 all you pervs out there be patient we're gonna get there I guess no gives you guys some incentive to this is a while again because it's Labor Day and none of us want to work at all of course we just want to hold everything holding people is hard work trust me about that because during the fourth quarter of the year financially these first three quarters have been you know there's been a lot of weekend's a lot of people giving up a coin and stuff Chris what do you think are we gonna still be in this fair market where people are like 7,000 you know or just empty type of thing Chris what do you think about this next quarter is it going to be a different than for three quarters or same same animal which Chris are you talking to Chris not Christian yeah so I remember back earlier this year that everyone was holding out for like ETF decisions everyone was holding out for custody solutions and it's there's all these excuses that people are making about you know it is Bitcoin gonna go up is are we in a bear market are we gonna go into a bull market it's just a matter of like getting people to use Bitcoin not just hold it but to use it to transact and then developing Network effects around it so I think everyone knows about Bitcoin right now and it's just a matter of you know getting more more coins into more people's hands more transactions and making it easier and easier for people to use and I think coin base is basically like was the last year's big driver of adoption because you could just you know go on your phone like link your credit card and buy bitcoins and it's gonna take you know I think one more big player like I think it's as things become easier and easier with the average person to use we're gonna see pricing people are gonna start accumulating and start using and it's the way it's meant to be used we show it and I usually when there's like a big surge in price everyone gets interested and people start building things because now they have funding to do it this last these last few months people have been building and next year I think all of those things that have been built are gonna start taking off you know live in crypto just being around people there's a lot of building that's going down in a lot of like infrastructure that's happening and you know every time there's a bull run the next you know the next kind of like downturn there is an opportunity for people to take all the money that they made and reinvest in you know quality projects to really emerge so Bitcoin you know really has this kind of like beautiful hype cycle and that funds it and brings attention and then it kind of has a lull for the strong hands to accumulate for the builders to build and then it happens all over again and it's bigger and better every time that's happened you know so far in history we obviously expect it to continue but you know that's kind of what I'm seeing right now and I can confirm that you know within the industry you know venture funded industry early you know kind of early businesses all of those organizations you know they are doubling down well hey I want to remind everyone all these guys links are below because they're saying some good things you want to follow them on Twitter by the way why Galt this next quarter what's going on what are your comments on what everyone's been saying yeah so one of the most bullish news that I've heard in the history of Bitcoin and it you guys probably heard this New York City Stock Exchange CEO like the top dog of the New York City stop Stock Exchange and ice which is the International Settlement Settlements exchange or commodities exchange something like that this guy was like yeah we're launching something called back it's an institutional key management service with I believe see their futures or some sort of exchange basically he's saying it's gonna go put Bitcoin on 401ks in the United States you can't get more mainstream than that as far as I know right at the next level would be people actually like using it for commerce but when you can get institutional players at that level like when you get the head of the New York City Stock Exchange saying yeah we're integrating Bitcoin all the way and this like the date of November which has been sort of rumored and mentioned here and there but obviously you know it doesn't happen till it happens it could happen like more towards the end of you know mid to end of 2019 but once those floodgates of you know the family office is the biggest additional money can actually get in can actually enter in a secure sort of legal way that's when we go to the next moon and that's maybe with the big moon or one of the big moons so that to me it's like like you know the fundamentals are incredible and then on top of that there's a lot of civilian grade more robust more sophisticated key management infrastructure that's being built by a variety of companies that is very I am super bullish right now the price is bouncing on technicals and it's it's bouncing beautifully by the way it's nowhere near as but as volatile as other other moons that have happened before so I'm I'm very excited well I would say I'm glad you brought up the bat the bat again we have talked about it on the show before III again this is I don't see that that's not gonna happen the fourth quarter I mean that's my opinion at least but that you've stayed something that is longer-term and people hit a strong hand just put on your treads award these are huge events they're gonna happen eventually what was the rumor the Nasdaq was going to be launching crypto currency trading next year in 2019 I think that equated to all of this again we again let's it will all eventually happen eventually that's what I couldn't tell i I don't like to pick me as you know a specific date or ever 2020 2020 hope you all will be laughing all back at this stuff you know when we're thinking will it be 2019 will it be the fourth quarter of 2018 I didn't want to mention with back back again that that one product that the Kate long who I quoted quite extensively wrote about the importance of that and she actually will be on this show this weekend big home in two weeks I'm only going to say that's a sneak peek for anyone who's actually paying attention to this show I'm only gonna mention it this once then we'll mention it in two weeks again ten what is uh what what what do you see here for is this quarter gonna be different than all other quarters or we just in from the same type of things still I think I agree with Chris the most here you know we've met some myths awareness not mass adoption but like everybody knows I I can ask anybody in this hotel whoever I'm at have you heard of Bitcoin besides my hat being on my head they'll probably say yes but yes we have hit mass awareness and I think Chris is right worse we seen the accumulation of projects this year but nobody really putting anything out finish nothing polished and that's what I think we're going to start seeing in these polished and rocks starting to come out at the end a lot of investors have put a lot of money into icos and other projects and there wants some return and it's not just beyond they want to see the project doing something where their return will keep coming not just a one-time pump so I think that these companies and a lot of them are self semi-legit I mean we've had I SEOs from Kodak telegram and kick and a lot of these people have invested a lot of money and nothing has come of them so in order to get any money from anybody now you're going to have to have things polished and ready to go and that's what I think we're building up towards a lot of these end products that are going to be ready to go and I know that you know Chris brought up some things where we have problems with custody and merchants and stuff but square recently this week just got a patent on accepting crypto as a payment processor and square is the number one point of sales product for any small business in this country so they see their opportunities and fold off of that that patent grant is great I do not agree with patents but you know it's good to see that people like companies like square are getting ready for this inevitable commerce where we have to deal with these crypto currencies and again them being one of the biggest point of sales being appointed a patent for curricula acceptance it's great but I think what we're going to see is them actually utilize it by the end of this year besides holding it like a lot of these other companies have done like MasterCard and most banks they have patents on this as well but have any of them actually applied these patents it's just been for for cannon fodder for for media publicity but the patents I see coming with things like square in cash app they're literally building the roadmap for e-commerce to exist in a crypto world without going too far from the US dollar and the things were already used to so I think we hit mess awareness mass adoptions next year but the things that are leading to it are going to be things like Square and other things like cheap air comm that makes it so I can book a flight with crypto and I jump in here so I I kind of disagree with like using like spending bitcoin is the way to is the way for mass adoption I think that mass adoption is going to actually come through holding and I think you know obviously in fringe societies with fringe fiat currency that that is going to really emerge as a massive use case so I'm a little skeptical of all this talk about actually spending it necessarily like something that is scarce you don't necessarily want to spend but there are a lot of Krista to organizations like Unchained Capital and block five that are now starting allow to allow people who have large amounts of Bitcoin in ether to use that as collateral and get USD Loans and I actually think that's gonna turbocharged turbocharged this whole thing so I'm pretty excited to kind of see like you know what kind of collateralized usage of crypto is going to emerge and honestly I don't think that spending crypto is you know the people will think currency they won't think spending but that is not necessarily the most important thing here I think it's actually one of the that's gonna happen if we don't have use case we don't have utility we don't have use someone else I mean for someone whose value even in the first world property prices are skyrocketing because there's nothing that holds value so I think the big thing that does both very well exactly but what what is really like really necessary right now for a lot of people like what's changing people's lives I think it's holding is actually a lot more important and the ability to I think the freedom of being able to do what you want with your money is a lot man I wasn't allowed to invest in traditional stocks without the ability to buy crypto but Dell KYC without the ability to invest in I SEOs without any accredited bullshit or sorry had bull stuff I wouldn't be where I'm at and it's because of the ability to spend money the way I want to spend it which what Bitcoin gave me that ability was spending it using it and I use Bitcoin every day not to be too defensive but I'm all-in so if I don't spend Bitcoin I don't I do not eat so I use it for everything from paying my rent buying food that flying to other countries I'd use crypto for everything yeah and I think one thing leads to another so if you start spending all or making all of your transactions in Bitcoin that means you're gonna start saving more and more Bitcoin and once we see the rise of things like security tokens that you can buy in Bitcoin and receive dividends and in Bitcoin you're gonna see a ton more people starting to adopt it I'm a fan of Max Keiser theory that once we cross say like a hundred thousand dollars and we go pretty far above that and then we start settling like bottom eight at $100,000 that's when worldwide the recognition is that bitcoin is you know the king of store value and and then it becomes the currency right once we once we finish maybe let me know 100,000 maybe it's higher I don't know where it is but at some point we're gonna Plateau from this exponential rise and at the plateau oh now it's money for sure it's money but I don't think it it doesn't hurt if people if a lot of people accept Bitcoin today or going forward right so they're yeah yeah I don't want Walmart accepting Bitcoin what one Bitcoin by the way we of course one day will be a hundred thousand dollars we're not too worried about the Fiat price here wait me someone says something about Walmart yeah eventually they'll accept it but onion got now man we can't handle it it would it would hurt Bitcoin if somebody like Walmart was trying to use it every day for these trains it's been quite ain't ready for Walmart Massa dodge any that's the cool thing about Square has been making my year I never became accredited investor and I don't think I ever will thanks to crypto I think I'll wait till they all becomes security tokenized and I'll grab them then well I will say this if Walmart made the announcement we're gonna now accept Bitcoin just as a marketing tool a Bitcoin that would be huge I mean just a brand awareness and III don't who knows I think I think it would be a positive but III wanna I want to move on a little bit we're gonna get into a little bit of an altcoin the discussion first off Ken Bozak I want you to show everybody every tattoo of all points on your body alright well I got my eighth grade tattoo right here got this with Marco Pierre boom I got my – tattoo right here got this with Brian from the – team and got my Manero tat right here in Vegas with fluffy pony about a week ago for DEFCON 3 my life coin tattoo right here with Charlie Lee mean him we're hanging out live chatting while this was being done and this is my first Bitcoin QR code I ever open and the funny thing is I took a screenshot of this from coinbase where I opened my account in 2015 and I shared it and I got so freaked out I deleted it because I didn't know if I could share the public key or the private key I wasn't still that confused but I remembered I had the screenshot so I actually ended up getting this tattooed on me a year after I opened my first Bitcoin wallet and then I got the Bitcoin podcast network logo tattooed right here because if it wasn't for these guys I wouldn't have had the education the conversations the confidence and all the Congress like the things that it takes to kind of take that first initial step to get into crypto it's not that I needed to be convinced I needed to be aware enough that I wasn't I don't have to be convinced anymore and I just got it it was thanks to podcast like them and I interviewed Andreas Antonopoulos after buying my first Bitcoin about 30 days later so it was like a really cool moment so I got all these crypto tattoos that kind of just immortalized these moments on my body it's not like I hold Manero honestly guys I do not have any Manero at all whatsoever I never bought Manero I just got to hang out with fluffy pony at Def Con and it was a fucking mmm sorry it was you think really good time guys it was I had the best weekend of my life in Vegas so I had to get a tattoo with fluffy pony wouldn't you so yeah I got six crypto tats and I do have a secret one coming up so stay tuned for those drops on Twitter I do have another crypto tat in the plans all the CSW contact anyone you I don't believe in tattoos at all but I believe in composing and I would cuz I met Ken a few times in person I want the whole world to see to get the Ken Bozek aura there but I do wonder if any upbeat if there's anyone with a be cash tattoo there probably is I just saw recently somebody did get one you know because they I mean they they pay I mean this king of the trolls would pay for you I mean they've paid for people to wrap their cars and be cash stuff you know that's when you're centralised like that you can do that I mean that's I mean we're gonna see how these experiments work town that like button well okay the reason I wanted to show the altcoins is because we do have everyone knows about be private it was a fork of a Bitcoin and Chris place is involved in it and actually Ken and I have met Chris's brother yeah Philadelphia a couple weeks ago and then Ken just ran into him again yeah today talk and be private and all the big thing would be private people have asked about is this rebase that's really so good Chris you're gonna have your be private moment here take it away baby okay so basically as e-cash is on a very so they based all of their zero knowledge proof code off of an older version of Bitcoin that version of Bitcoin isn't as performant as the latest versions of Bitcoin so what we wanted to do was take all of the zero knowledge proof code and all of those the transaction validation code and move that forward to the latest version of Bitcoin version 16 so like all of our developers have been really hard at work on that over the past few months and we get it we've already got a code so that you can sync the blockchain and process transactions with the new rebase it's just a matter of general the transactions well you don't have the code ready for that yet but we're hoping to finish that off this month so the idea is we're going to bring all of this be private Bitcoin private code forwards into like the latest version of Bitcoin and then that's gonna also help us contribute code back to Bitcoin core development I think one of our core like protocol developers already has like some code that was accepted into the Bitcoin mainline branch so it's it's cool like being able to you know use the latest code that's been developed by like all these hundreds of people all around the world bring it to Bitcoin privates take all this cold zero knowledge proof code move that forwards and then kind of put like our own spin on everything well a lot of people pass away what's going on with the be private you know they're laying low they've got technical dudes like you actually building it up and not just hyping it up and trying to pump it Pump the price you're actually trying to build a legitimate coin here and I gotta say with Chris the original reason I even thought about Christmas he had you did all the coding to make it trésor friendly and everything so keep on you know for the people that hold their their Bitcoin on their door you know eventually and if you had it before the for Cap'n you'll be able to get your feet private and it'll be very you know working well and everything they're doing all these is reaping and again the rebased up this is tactical not everybody pairs or knows what you should because this is what you know builds builds out a legitimate altcoin for those of you who believe in legitimate all coins again one one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin since since we've got your technical knowledge on here somebody asked about mesh networks do you have any opinion on that in what capacity or what did they ask about it that's that guy's okay if that guy go Jenna what it was this very general question whether the guys say just what do you think about I mean Bitcoin is a mesh network of sorts because it runs its own protocol on top of the regular internet and you can share transactions with one another using the Bitcoin network so it's a mesh network because it's a peer-to-peer decentralized network networks like Nexus Earth or something that would make some more sense and the guy just was like hey can you guys speak a little bit about mesh networks and hey we did so I thought he got he got his wish there yes is that kind of you know with this go tenor mesh networks in the samurai wallet folks working together kind of like this idea of bitcoiners already trying to figure out how to get off of the traditional Internet infrastructure and it not be dependent on that so I mean awesome it's designed to run on the cheapest computer it's designed to operate with infrastructure down like you know we're doing some amazing stuff here and I'm just excited to be part of it yes someone else was about to say something about that aspect of mesh networks and everything I thought I heard someone about the chiming okay that was that that dude got his wish then I wanted someone out there said that Kim should get a ripple tattoo on his nuts now you get a ripple one but I mean I want fish I got Acula with nuts one day I'd be surprised but I don't think I'd ever get a ripple tattoo that's just I hated that much but not enough to get a tattoo yeah and I mean again the central you don't you're not down with the centralized coins I don't think anyone here is but you know only on the subject of nuts and centralization and altcoins aetherium early today oh just some dropped off there what one golf disappeared he'll be he shall return but now aetherium today that there the block reward is it's being changed from three to two it looks like they're getting you know they delayed the proof of state change a little further down the line that went around twitter is I mean again it's like it's what Vitalik wishes and that's why I when I heard the word centralized I decided to bring this part of the show up so what's everyone doing here thinking about etherium and in the latest developments that we've just recently heard about today Chris I mean I think it makes sense to reduce the block rewards there's been a huge increase of in price over the past year and I think what's that Alex trying to get through is lowering inflation so that etherium is more stable so it makes sense I also saw there were a few other more controversial es that were still being debated there was one where they were trying to reduce the reward for Uncle blocks and then get rid of nephew blocks altogether he was arguing that what that would do is lead to more centralized mining and centralized pools because the way the theorem Network works is blocks are like every 10 20 seconds so there's a bunch of these uncle blocks chain splits that happen and people if they weren't participating in the central pools would not get rewarded as well for like the uncle and nephew blocks so that was the more controversial one I think there are people that are saying this is seems very haphazard with what's going on over there do you agree with that or what do you think there is a plan or what why is all this happening why is it at Chris I mean like their there it's kind of interesting because they're trying to set monetary policy as developers when the whole point of like you know starting Bitcoin and theorem is like you know there isn't a central monetary authority so they're sort of acting as like their own feds but that I guess they don't want it to come off that way so they're leaving it up to like these a IPS that are decided by you know a dozen different people I don't know if that's decentralized enough but it's kind of interesting well you know so they're making it they're cutting the inflation here and would think that well less less the theory of being produced this might pop the price and so you know this you know we're talking about this quarter coming up through the first three quarters of this year that the price in terms of Bitcoin the price in terms of fiat has gone down considerably and it makes me wonder if this is you know this is a half as a mood move just to pop the price a temporary short-term thing just just just the pump the price and I'm wonder if it will pump the price we we shall see ah all right yeah you're shaking your head Christian yeah I will with Vinnie Leon post in a tweet how many people are buying icos and it was like nobody so they have to do something to bump the price great yeah Christian where we gonna say ya know central banking raising rates so I mean reminded me of so I mean what are we in crypto for if you're just gonna have a bunch of developers raise rates and stuff politicians mmm that's deep I like that there we go sure Wonka is not quite as one he's he has not returned he would have I know he's got his aetherium thoughts all right all right so we covered we've covered the etherium there there was some other I don't want to get to Ken secret news literally has hey let's talk about mining it's exploding mining difficulty is exploding Chris was saying that he thinks be cash electrics getting cheaper companies or electric companies want miners and your Providence's and cities now let's get real competitive yeah the core back yeah go back dude what's up we're back doing that they're making people bid on auctioned off mining contract prices how is that ever going to work when New York's right across the street and is literally offering cheaper cheaper electrical discus for minors I love I love the complete the competition in this space yeah but Chris you were about to say the the unfortunate part about all this is that mining kind of becomes more and more centralized as hash power it goes up because people fought to where the electricity is cheapest what do you disagree do that yeah Chris I mean people walking to where they can cut the most prices I don't understand how that makes it more centralized I mean people are gonna like that's just part of the mining game say like a third of bitcoins hash power is all driven by one dam in China's hydroelectric power and then there's a flood and the dam breaks and then it doesn't generate electricity anymore this happened there was a giant mining facility in China that was hit by a flood and it didn't affect mining as much as people expected I mean what do you see is the alternative to hash rate going up I mean ultimately it seemed like one dam is doing one third of bitcoins mining power it seems like you know over time people actually fling China finding other places that are friendly more places or trying to make money by you know incentivizing miners to come like it seems like the game theory is decentralizing mining seems like bit Mane's hubris you know kind of took care of them I mean I don't know exactly what's the deal with it IPO it seems like there's just lots of fun around that but I mean I don't understand you know the state may hire hatch now equals more centralization I don't agree with that I I don't think it means like overall everything's gonna become completely centralized I just want don't want to see a world where all of the hash power comes from you know three or four places in the world I wonder you also Christian a Chris to mention that you were talking to have a beat the B cash is making a difference for the Bitcoin mining now elaborate on it well I was reading that some of this controversy controversy that was happening in the Bitcoin cash community was causing concern with some of the larger miners and they were moving over to Bitcoin instead of Bitcoin cash and thus raising the difficulty alright anyone else here I we were talking about that all fair anyone else had anything to say about that one be cash price is tanking too so yeah exactly and there's that upcoming potential for great there that's probably scaring miners back away yeah all right talk so much be cash today this not exactly plan pal that like button everybody if you're liking this wild and wacky episode we got some characters on here today trust me on this all right I want to say you know meeting all these well I haven't met I bet Chris's brother so that's kind of like meeting Chris but a Christian and I met Ken in person and I just wanna you know you guys are in motion going to events all over the place I will start out with a I mean we'll start with Chris what's your feeling with a bet about events I mean important for people to go to and important to make your name at one of them I mean I think it's great networking and it really great great you know to be in motion like that but what's your feel of that yeah I see it as a great networking opportunity I know that a lot of Bitcoin privates developers like going to these different conventions to kind of like a network with people spread the word around we met up with like other coins like some exchanges that were interested in in doing business with Bitcoin privates so it's it's a great networking opportunity like because a lot of the times like these people get emails by the thousands and thousands and you can't sift through every single email but if a person is willing to like commit and go in person and represent cause it's a lot it's signals to other people that you're serious about our project yeah extending an email or a tweet is a lot easier than actually setting up a booth and like giving out free merch and like yeah you have to spend money basically that's a great point we live in this world where everyone's kind of I mean they do everything through the internet they hide behind a everything's email or Twitter when you can be face to face I mean that's rare the real that's this a rare thing these days people are brave enough to like talk to someone in person anymore and it used the word brave but unfortunately I I mean for this upcoming generation you know the kids going to college I guess it is brave to physically talk to someone in person Christian I met you in person man things have been going well for you since we actually did be impersonated what do you what do you I mean if you didn't if you hadn't gone to that event in the South San Francisco conference center and by the airport early they're about to have a litecoin event are you gonna go to that funny chance stop by in motion these guys are bringing up things right now now you're talking about I guess how life has changed since you know you attended that one event things of yes I mean so I've been III do business development partnerships for BTC Media we operate Bitcoin magazinecom West locked Bitcoin Podcast Network a bunch of other you know cryptocurrency FinTech media assets so at this point I would we go to an event every single week we get tickets to every single event and they send me there great for networking but it's crazy so do you remember when we went to that event it was like what January time yep it was completely packed like you can you like if you left at lunch you can park your car when he came back I went to an event two weeks ago and oh my god it was dead it was completely empty so the week hands have gotten shaken out for sure I feel like whoever is kind of left going to events at this point you know they're there industry people other people that really believe in crypto and Bitcoin so I mean I continue to have great conversations at these events and find them fruitful for me personally and business-wise but it's just I mean if you if you think that like Twitter is kind of vacant and you know the hype is over like the event hype is just dead compared to where it was you know six months ago not even the ico freaks I mean remember how many ICO freaks were at that thing my god that was uh well I guess they they've all wet sunk back into their little dark hey it's all cyclical so can how about you your do that is going all over the world with these things man so yeah man I've been to 22 conferences this year alone eight conferences this month I've been you yeah dude I've been to every conference I can make it to except sometimes there there's conferences that happen at the same exact time in different locations which is a bad planning in crypto convention world and it's been happening a lot hopefully they can stop trying to Planck conventions at the same time in competing for the same audience but yeah over the course of twenty something conferences just this year I've noticed that decrease in attendance as well from you know consensus and a lot of the other like the Texas one of the theory ohm super conference and all these conferences I've been from early year until now it's been dying down a lot there's a lot less people I've been meeting more people that are already in this space a lot less people that are interested that had been gotten in yet which I would like to see in the audience more people that aren't already in I would like to see new people trying to you know get in but I don't see as many now there was definitely more people in you know that the consensus conference isn't towards that timeline trying to get in that we're new I hope we didn't scare too many people away saying like yeah the weekends are out hopefully we didn't scare that we can tell hopefully they're still spectating and soaking in the knowledge but you know the the the atmosphere at the conference is I go to it's pretty funny the tempo is what is the next Bitcoin or what it's the next ICO and it's it's just the same questions from the same type of people what's the next Bitcoin and it always leads to well it's Bitcoin just with an update you know we had say quit update that was the next Bitcoin we're working with lightning now and a lot of other things that's the next Bitcoin the bitcoins always the next Bitcoin just waiting to update and they just don't get the concept they're waiting for like they think that you know Bitcoin has to fork into a new coin to become updated they don't understand so I get to talk to people about that and it's really interesting to watch their eyes kind of like oh like yeah dude you know at the fort it don't the hard fork you know it can you can do other ways of updating and then the ICO conversations are always great I always go well can you name one that ever done anything with the money they raised including iOS is four billion dollars I'll wait name one ICO that has done anything that's why I'm not talking you about ICO is okay and it's really cool to get like that conversation going in a conference where most people are shilling their icy OS and I'm sitting there saying well if if Kodak couldn't make it you really think this guy out of his mom's basement gonna make it with this ICO you know it's it's not gonna happen I mean there will be successful projects but I don't think there's any right now that I would throw money at Bitcoin Hottel hold it bitcoin is the next Bitcoin alright yeah theorem was in ICO though that is true that is true but I'm waiting for the the it's a security coke in the head Vitalik to be in court kind of stage like I'm a little worried about about aetherium not being a security when it is all right dudes we're working here at to the end of the show so we're gonna have everybody's conclusionary story anything that was left out they just want to bring up this has been a really laid-back Friday show because there hasn't been that much news this week but we've been having a blast so we'll start with uh Chris any any god be private any Bitcoin anything you want to mention stories anything yeah so I was reading this funny story about metallic going to a a Bitcoin cash mining and development convention and he got in and security threw a mouse in a few minutes and there are tweets about that out there right now okay and so I I it was it was strange because there's like a picture of him there was some of the big wigs and stuff so who knows what that was about think jihun eventually like talk to him he was like okay you can come back I think he actually had a nice tweet ferb italic a friendly one ah who knows I mean if all these faker heads of other coins let's put it this way all the other coins have their finger heads that they all you know collaborate if they all got together and colluded and tried to attack Bitcoin they still wouldn't win but maybe they will maybe they'll be that that's something to see if some of these alt coins are gonna tag-team in the future and try to become partners I we haven't seen that really happen yet so this is what Bitcoin profits willing to cooperate and work with anyone we're trying to share our code with as many people as possible so there you go I mean that in this world of you know we had so many alt coins out there yet maybe there'll be some consolidation between your partnering up that'll to help differentiate these coins from other coins it's interesting how all this is going to involve we're only at the beginning here of all of this so Christian you have the opportunity now to sing anything you want to say you can also show that tattoo if you feel like showing that no I think you know something that kind of emerged that really noticed throughout my journey in Bitcoin but especially these last couple of weeks is you know the eighty percent want to bow down to an authority figure they want an authority figure they're begging for an authority figure even you know X bitcoiners who are now in Bitcoin cash you know saying that csw Satoshi Satoshi's vision like they're all begging for a thority figure it's kind of you know it doesn't feel natural to not have this kind of authority figure because human civilizations never really operated successfully without one but that's what technology is for Bitcoin can you know automated consensus that is supposed to decentralize and get rid of authority figures so just try to think about that when you are looking at these value props you know these decentralized networks are not supposed to be startups per se right that's not the right lens to think about it especially when you apply that to Bitcoin dude that was such a great I mean this sounds like stuff I would say let me pound that like button that the 80 percenters or just they crave a leader they want someone to tell them what to do it's crazy I gained collectivism is the default being individualism you gotta you gotta work toward that but still this is great observation all right Ken you're gonna close off the show now first of all if you are under 18 you can't watch now that's it the show is over for you if you're watching there with your kid please take them away from the screen right now okay Ken you can now share the story that you told us about off there so I don't know how many of your followers may know about this story because it was pretty Vicey story but a motherboard and a couple other you know mainstream articles have covered this I thought it was great I loved how weird crypto is obviously and I love when weird things happen in crypto like a 22 year old developer named a Roman or Romano Romano from a via KOIN VI a coin he's a developer 22 year old dude they had created a meme through a thread and this can be accredited to crypto Messiah at crypto Messiah creating a meme basically like who's but do I have to eat the save crypto from this bear market and it ran into a world of its own and life of its own and it manifested itself into this 22 year old developer flying into the country I think he was in like Switzerland or something he flew into the United States just to go to Las Vegas and lick the butthole of an adult film star crypto enthusiast Brenna sparks and yes he did this he posted a video the images have gone pretty much viral in mainstream media which is the I think it's better than Bitcoin drugs and Bitcoin hitman and Silk Road shit that the mainstream media talk about something weird and crypto this is the perfect weird story wait penny we're happy I'm here oh my god is he Adam it's me good thank God it's just man it totally worked the prophecy came true and Bitcoin has gone up to seven thousand plus dollars it's only a sign that if we could get more developers the even more ass we will go to the moon baby it's proof proof all right I'm glad I didn't get to hear the entire story that my internet started cutting out but that's a sign anyway you know one thing yes I would just like to ask the Internet whose butt hole needs to be to get Ross all rich out of prison we have to figure out the right butthole and the right developer put video and get Russ out of jail hashtag free Ross love you Ross and I just got to hang out with your mom she's the awesome chick I can't wait to hang out with you bro dude welcome I'm glad week we turn something ridiculous into a more a subject that we should think about here on this soft College weekend I'm gonna say stormy Daniels if you follow the now we just have to get you to get over there and start licking you know you know we're talking on mainstream media and blowing things and I pray God that I'll follow the mainstream media very much you're about this but story but I will say this was you know bringing up stormy Daniels if if someone could somehow get story Daniel's to say hey I'm I'm I'm bringing attention that Ross is the predicament here that would be a huge thing for him that would be a few and it would be big for big Maureen also so maybe someone could work it be seriously that dude you know that there's a lot behind what's going on with the raw stuff and you know the corrupt officials that were involved that they framed them or we're involved in the investigation of him weren't they steal Bitcoin also yeah they're imprisoned by aliens yeah yeah yeah so this this deserves a further investigation and if it takes some someone like stormy Daniels or some ridiculous thing like that to bring it to the mainstream attention then let's let's do it so all right everybody on that note have a great holiday weekend for you Americans and don't do anything too silly don't panic have a strong hand pound that freaking like button new show here every day usually does not get this crazy at all this weekend Bitcoin every Friday again it usually doesn't get this wacko but we had scan on so and we had to we had to bring it to a whole new level here thank you guest weingartz got lost in the woods again I guess at the end of the show but he made the show whiskey I'm Adam I should've bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister have fun pound that like button thanks a lot everybody see be safe