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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is September the 16th 2018 long term thinking this game is not rigged unconfessed a table offended by selling everything I talk about in this video is linked to below check out the links section below disrupt meister comm to see all my old videos oh I see some people are doing the super chat we're gonna get to you why not get you right now $499 from Josh ko Hal your show gets me through the graveyard shift bitcoin gives me hope for a better quality of life thanks Adam well thanks Josh thanks for keeping a positive dude that's what I'd like to do we keep it real positive around here and I'm gonna get to the other super chat in a second first I want to read this tweet off which I think will get all you long-term thinkers in a good mood this is from Matt O'Dell I often hear Bitcoin doesn't interest me I'm not a finance person ironically the beauty of sound money is you don't have to be a finance person in the current system you're expected to manage a diversified investment portfolio or pay someone to do it Bitcoin will make that optional dude there's your answer alright ride fast jumping high 420 sends $4

20 and Canadian dollars my way thank you and he says thank you for your incredible dedication to producing quality content your perspective on long to our thinking and personal responsibility has help me value my wealth in Bitcoin and have a strong hand I hope to say thanks in person someday ride fast jump high 420 dude thank you much and I hope to meet you in person Wendy I guess you're in Canada you know I hear Justin Trudeau is gonna make smoking do be legal up there and thus he'll be able to win election after election on that gimmick hey do what you want to do dude personal responsibility is the new counterculture if it blows your mind it blows your mind if it doesn't it doesn't hey but what I like about you dude it's not the 420 in your name it's not the ride as you know it's not that no I like the big coin baby it's all about the big coin and I see Jay said thank you dude and JC in South Africa dude he says awesome JC you are awesome in South Africa we're going to talk about Fiat in a second about your Fiat about um Iran and it's garbage all right but I do you know ride ride fast jump for high 20 dude you really do bring up iiiii you flatter me dude um I'm glad you appreciate that I post a new show here every day and I practice what I preach I tell people conviction half and you could tell I have frickin conviction because I'm doing this thing every single day except on Rosh Hashanah which just passed and one of the days of Passover but otherwise check out the archives at disrupt meister com watch all the old videos we have a lot of new people here and and one thing that I am guilty of is I take it for granted that everybody here is used to what I'm doing there's so many people who just who come here they're like well why isn't talking about altcoins why won't he tell me what he thinks about dogecoin why isn't he talking about i cos people there is way more to cryptocurrency then all that nonsense it's pretty coin it's that simple more simple the more is simplicity so I guess there isn't that much more since is simple but anyway no it's his easy everything's complex they're trying to make things seem so complex out there all these big talkers talking about all coins I CEOs trading it really is as simple as having a strong frickin hand all you newbies and sort of newbies and people who haven't seen this before so we're going to talk about the Australian Bitcoin auction of 2016 soon on this show in a few minutes and you're gonna understand if you don't understand the power of having a strong hand and keeping it simple like that you will after I give this example there's a lot of you weren't around at 2016 to know about this Australian auction which I still feel the ramifications of to this very day and you should also alright so I want to mention farzam asani Caitlyn long and Andy Hoffman were on this weekend Bitcoin on Friday check that show out some say was the best this week in Bitcoin of all frickin time I had this week in Bitcoin every single Friday every single Saturday is the beyond Bitcoin show that was last night it went like over 40 minutes I talk about subject matters that go way beyond cryptocurrency check that out too I had a lot of fun and I actually got to talk about something from that video a little later on well speaking of the great Caitlyn long who again was on the show on Friday and was intensely and incredibly impressive we were talking she explains the intersection of traditional finance and Bitcoin better than any person out there in a way that everyone can understand okay so someone brought up a great question from a viewer he mentioned the what happens when Bitcoin becomes more private are aren't the big banks going to be able to create fake Bitcoin that way because people because these big banks aren't you're not going to know how much Bitcoin they really have they're gonna say they have more just like they do with gold and with certain stocks but she brought a very interesting she said that if it become if bitcoin becomes more private that some of these banks are gonna be like they're gonna form their own Bitcoin was they're all about and I shouldn't say banks tremendous financial institutions that deal with all this crazy finance that are going to financial eyes Bitcoin whether we like it or not they will be turned off because right now they don't touch Manero there's all sorts of organizations that won't touch Manero because it is private what bitcoin becomes more private these banks will fork off their own bitcoins that they'll forget about Bitcoin they'll fork up they'll create crypto dividends a Bitcoin that will not be private that they'll be able to deal with and I started thinking about this I'm Michael Lee oh my god and she's like yeah they're gonna be forced into a corner if that happens now we don't know how private bitcoin is eventually gonna become either so this could be a long way off but it just opened my mind about crypto dividends and the feud now again for you those of you who do not know some of you are new crypto dividends are bits up sometimes there are people out there they don't like the direction bitcoins going in so they create their own coin they fork off a Bitcoin they create an airdrop of Bitcoin and everyone who holds Bitcoin gets this one-time dividend a crypto dividend they get this new coin for free we had B cash in the past we had B gold we're gonna talk about B rhodium which is an air-dropped crypto dividend but they're gonna be these corporate crypto dividends in the future whether because of because of privacy concerns and it might be because some of these big financial organizations you're gonna be enticed to give them your Bitcoin which you shouldn't do and they're going to create their own coins for those that give them their Bitcoin and you know free you know you'll get your free JP Morgan crypto gibbon or or whatever but but for many of us that are just gonna be holders we're gonna get all these freakish corporate crypto dividends that I cannot even properly describe right now for free and you know what you can hate the core you can hate you can be a hater of JP Morgan and whatever hey let me do what they want to do if they're gonna give me freak ripped of dividends power African like button I say whatever dudes but so she opened my mind to this new era of crypto dividends that we're going to enter perhaps in 2019 perhaps in 2020 and what you know and if people again if people want to play the games with those guys fine play your games with them you know let them hold your Bitcoin I don't give a darn again they will they will create their own enticement coins too I guess that's the way I should won't give you ten of aira our JPMorgan coins if you uh if you let us invest your Bitcoin for you or let us hope be the custodial account of your big net people will fall for it but it meanwhile all this holders are gonna get these JPMorgan coins and Wells Fargo coins for free just by holding the original Bitcoin if they for call from you know and I could see I could see things where if they get freaked out by Bitcoin becoming too private that maybe some of these centralized crypto currencies with big figure heads like be cash might approach these big Warner's organizations and say hey we'll never be private use us instead pretend we're the real Bitcoin hey anything's possible dudes and those are for the people who say you know be cash is dead and everything it's never dad dude when they have a centralized figurehead it's never dead when they're all these tremendous financial organizations that don't give a rat's Tullus about decentralization or centralization they just care about making money and KYC so if there's a nice kyc coin out there don't jump on that bandwagon and pretend it's a big corner something like that all right so uh enough about that crypto but hey let them create their own crypto dividends off a Bitcoin let them make us even wealthier because there'll be all sorts of sucker MCs out there that'll be like yeah JPMorgan cool because if they're people that like Ripple now surely there'll be people that like JP Morgan coin I mean geez alright please tell you the truth I would like JP Morgan coin more than ripple hey I gotta be honest with you man this real thing what at least JPMorgan's being totally honest now we're making our own band coin that's it that's what we're doing the RIP ripple thing and if again if the JPMorgan coin is a fork of Bitcoin I will like it more than a ripple I guess I should clarify all right so what else will we have here oh yeah the food I can't envision you know they had these jokes when the big dividend was really popular when be gold be dime and all these other ones came out at the same time there was this a corn market cap list of the future it was like Bitcoin followed by B cache followed by B Gold followed by B diamond followed by all the B's well I can see in the future a quarry market cap top ten is like it's gonna be Bitcoin followed by JP Morgan coin followed by Bank of America Bitcoin whatever all of all the bank forks of Bitcoin that are going to come out to so you know keep an eye on that we'll see we'll see how these dividends evolve you know they might seem like they're down and out right now but dude free is free and if there's a safe way to claim it and again you would assume with the bank's fork off from Bitcoin that they'll create quite a safe way of claiming it too and you know again a traceur and ledger and you know which we call it uh all of them out there well uh what's this the one I have sitting here right here digital bit box will all make it easy to claim such corporate coins in the future hey you know we're gonna have to deal with the core again you could scream and cry all corporations the bags are horrible there's a devil or you could be like now let them compete let them compete I'm not worried because bitcoin is the Bitcoin one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin if they want to give me their free corporate corn buy fucking off a Bitcoin be my guest be my guest competition baby let it let it because we already know the winner BTC is the rock and again for you new people you probably are a little confused by this really well bitcoin is the Bitcoin with old-fashioned I heard that Tron was the way of the future you got a lot to learn here welcome to my channel okay and don't ask me about Tron so centralized nonsense and hey learn with a Bitcoin having is all you it's important to know yes pound that like button all right so what are we got here Oh so as mentioned above you know these these big banks people don't like it very much it's been ten years since the financial crisis of 2008 and I want to know did you do nothing and just worry the entire time and like sit in a hole and complain about how much you hated the banks and and scapegoat the banks for all your problems why you lost your wife why your kids on drugs well I mean why you're fat and just blamed it on JPMorgan in the banks or did you use these ten years as a freakin time of incredible opportunity to better yourself to get ain't a frickin Bitcoin a Bitcoin wasn't available all ten years and again I didn't expect you to know about Bitcoin the first five years the last ten years but these last five years Frick I got into in 2013 were you sitting on your toughest or complaining about the big banks or were you like I'm on out of this I don't like what happened in 2008 I don't want to be a part of this I don't want to be in debt to these banks anymore I don't want to you know III want to own what I own for real and I want I want the real thing I want Bitcoin I don't be in debt to these people I don't want to play these games anymore I don't I'm not succumbing to peer pressure and having to have the latest and greatest thing they're going to get but again it's your own darn fault if you're in debt to a bank of america and to Wells Fargo and to all because you had to get something didn't you you had to get something they you didn't have a frickin cash for and now you're a debt and now you're a hater of them whatever you could have been a hater this 10 years or you could have taken the opportunity getting the Bitcoin like a lot of us have and we can when you got the Bitcoin you got the freedom and you got the understanding and you know that personal responsibility is the new counterculture so I saw to see these last ten years as a great time of opportunity as a time when these financial organizations inspired us to become more independent to understand what personal responsibility is and in the long run they made us wealthier because 2008 should have been a wake-up call and every single person with a brain that this this thing ain't for me this thing can all fall apart this thing is based on debt debt isn't good fitting in is overrated getting let it let me get into something real that's deflationary that's Bitcoin okay that's not this inflationary nonsense that doesn't depend on governments bailing out big organizations because they're too big to fail we're gone you know the big point people we're gone from too big to fail we can just laugh at it but let me tell you something if you have just been sitting in a hole for ten years and complaining you know you still have an opportunity because um you look back now and see look I missed out on the these ten great years of opportunity what a time to be alive these last ten years were will guessed what these next ten years are gonna be even better and it's just starting right now people so get in now getting now people were laughing at me we're again you check out all my videos for the last five years and when I was saying in 2015 to get Bitcoin for $400 a piece to get ten of them and that you would be elite with ten Bitcoin and people wrote $400 are so expensive now we're people when people watch a video like this they want to defecate on their frickin cells they're so ashamed that they didn't they didn't get to they didn't spend $400 oh my god if I buy it if I spent $400 a Bitcoin now I can get point 1 Bitcoin I can't even afford point 1 Bitcoin now all low is me no not was you because imagine where you gonna be seeing in ten years if you don't get Bitcoin right now in 2018 was 2028 that's many having's away that's three having's away do you even know what a freaking having is learn right now all right so but for all you holders for all you long-term thinkers for all you people who've been not just watching this video not just been talking the talk but been walking the walk baby you are darn happy right now and I love you and I love meeting you guys and it's always a pleasure baby seeing everybody in person pound that frickin like button this is just a start brothers this is just the start and sisters take my long down that long flight button alright so where we got here we got another one here um this is from a wolf Josh I guess his name is Josh wolf and this is about thinking outside the box people all right he says us student debt 15 trillion dollars it doubled in the past decade oh wait a second we said was I just talking about the past decade how it was a time of opportunity yet so many people did dot instead of using this as a time of Apple a lot of people I guess were confused they thought well if I go into debt and go to this college is going to help me out but no it didn't help a lot of people out they got the debt if they were thinking outside the box think about the people instead of going into debt to go to college if they just would've bought Bitcoin oh my lord oh my lord what a deal what a deal that was so it's second only to mortgages the debt the student loan market plus the main lender is the US government quarter the second quarter of 2018 more than ten percent of student loans are 90 days past new are over 90 days past due so we got we got a bad situation here over the last ten years instead of taking the opportunity again the Bitcoin people got into some major debt here but again people the first step is getting out of that debt but I just wanted to contrast you know when you could have been doing it so you could have been crying and complaining these last 10 years you could have been going in the student debt ouchie ouch again and the government tells you go in the student debt the government is the is the person lending that you the money there okay 15 trillion dollars in student debt doubled the past decade un-freakin'-believable get out of that paradigm people get in the big coin you can learn everything on the internet again if you do hat if you want to there's some social reasons to go to college we're not gonna get into that right now most of the time these days just get to getting out of debt get your Bitcoin then you know worry about education all right so that here's another value your wealth in Bitcoin situation for you a tweet from the great Matt Odell Donahoe Beaumont Gus today Sunday's always have a lot to talk about all right here says the Fiat experiment of the last 50 years has already failed the sooner you realize it the more bit corn your family will have when it plays out in full keep an eye on the weaker economies their currencies are already beginning to fail it will get worse before it gets better now when we're talking about the US dollar failing I don't think it's gonna fail again it's just this slow creep of inflation that you know 10 years later you're like lists like I I could have gotten so much more with this ten dollars ten years ago why am I still why have I been valuing my wealth in dollars why have I been doing this but again in these other in these developing countries is much much worse we mentioned South Africa I want to bring out South Africa it was my buddy JC who was hanging with me and freaking Johannesburg back in March who has got I got I came a t-shirt right you got a t-shirt of mine now brother um no we were hanging out talking about subject matters of this sort I guess and we have talked about this on Twitter before so a place like South Africa you'd be crazy not to be valuing your wealth and Bitcoin right now you'd be absolutely crazy considering the the rand being a basically a trash I mean the rand compared to most currencies in this tremendous world of ours or in developing nations Iran is amongst developing nations the rand is probably a pretty darn good currency but again it's not a good currency you know it compared to a dollar is not and then of course compared to the rock Bitcoin it is not and the instability of South Africa is insane and so the government instability so you can sit there and blame the government all day long or you can take action get in the Bitcoin because as he said the more Bitcoin your family will have when it all plays out if if you get in the Bitcoin now if you've already gotten yourself into that mentality I am valuing my wealth and Bitcoin I'm trying to get more Bitcoin there's so many of you schmoes out there that are just like oh yeah I sold all my Bitcoin for fiat it's so great yeah got more dollars no that's not the way to think about it first of all if you again if you bought through coinbase you owe the United government a lot of taxes like right now and they will be contacting you in fact did I ever tell you the story of someone that I personally have met in person now I haven't told this story because I to tell it it would have when it I met the person it would have given away a lot of who the person was I want to tell who this person was and I forgot the exact numbers he did real well on an Allpoint and he also got lucky with some because she admitted to me but he didn't think he you know he valued his wealth and fiat if he didn't think about the short-term capital gains tax as opposed to long-term and within less than a year of making millions of dollars or paper he sold a bunch of Bitcoin and ended up owing the IRS over 1 million dollars and he wrote a check to the IRS for over 1 million dollars and again has he valued his wealth in big coin totally he would have just you know got everything in the big coin stood still with his big coin known that in the long run because again he had to break that IRS a check for a million dollars he didn't he still hasn't bought the dream house that he was thinking about and all that stuff maybe he can't afford it now I don't know but that really didn't it didn't feel good – at this point in his life to cut the the IRS a check for a million dollars and it might have been it was more than a million I forgot the exact number right now again he was because he couldn't wait more than a year and he was dealing in fiat there's two different things but they're very much interrelated here when we're talking about American citizens and again the bottom line of me telling this whole story is who cares about how if it's worth eight million dollars on paper if it's worth two million dollars on paper that's Diddley compared so you've got to be thinking about past the year 2020 okay you gotta be thinking against you're trying to get as much Bitcoin as possible because as man Odell points out especially in these developing countries you're gonna you're you're not gonna care about your darn currency anymore you're gonna be glad that you were in the rock you were in big point all right so now your wealth in Bitcoin thank you Matt Adele for that reminder again I am tech bought on Twitter Matt ogle is also on Twitter he's just a great person to follow TEC HP alt that is how you spell my Twitter handle all right and remember check out the links below get your treads or get your t-shirts all sorts of affiliate links I got going on baby because dude I'm in motion and that's what this is all about baby it's about all of you being in motion making yourselves better people not just sitting there and complaining and trolling and whatever again it's about being productive being true to yourself all right remember I will be in Santiago Chile starting on Friday morning all right so I'll see I'll be there for two months I'm in Baltimore right now yeah all right bang that Bell but if you need reminders when this thing comes on all right but anyway who cares when this thing dawn comes on live you can watch it anytime at this from vicecom I want to mention you know someone that's in motion is a guy named Jay Lee Porter now I don't know if he's in the chat right now I think he's known as crypto giant also he sent me his book crypto Shrugged now I hadn't read the book yet obviously it is just it just arrived at my mailing address my my that I still have why have multiple mailing addresses in Baltimore I don't I sold my house in Baltimore but anyway there's ways you can send stuff to me in Baltimore and I just got this thing this great book and I'm gonna say this dude is truly in motion this guy is truly a crypto legend in fact and why is he a crypto herb is everybody in crypto you know you everyone's got everyone a Bitcoin is special in a certain way this guy is the tallest man in Bitcoin he is seven foot three he is the crypto giant um you could do a Google search and see how few people on this planet are over seven feet tall and to be to be seven foot three there's even obviously less people that are seven foot three and taller and I haven't met him in person he's in South in South America right now he obviously sticks out there people take pictures of him all the time he he says I'm a giant he is a giant he can't if he can't go on a plane he has to sit in first class but it can only be a certain length that the plane can only be in the air for a certain amount of time but he is so tall he cannot fit into a bathroom he can't fit into a plane bathroom he's a great guy I really have enjoyed talking to him on on Twitter and again you can get his book at crypto shrug calm cry link to it below crypto shrug calm he's the tallest man in Bitcoin and I should I said definitely get him on the show one day he's gonna be in Asia soon and he'll be in Asia for a very long period of time again he once he gets to a place he can't really leave a place unless it's on a boat but he is he is a giant he's a true job at urge I mean you know he looks down on Shaquille freaking O'Neal I mean that's uh that's something right there so here's his book I'm proud of I'll get to it one of these days I'll be open but I know some of you guys do like to brief things like that and he's a definitely interesting story and this isn't his story this is a work of fiction actually so well I bet I think is someone who travels around someone with no home you know kind of like me and kind of like him he doesn't have a full-time home anymore either he's done well with with Bitcoin in his life also and and what a life this dude has has lived obviously to be a seven to be a giant to be a true giant and it's awesome all right so moving on and and another reason I bring it up is because you know I've talked about in the past you how elite how few people on earth will own ten Bitcoin or 50 Bitcoin or even one Bitcoin eventually to be one in 21 million or one in two million this guy in terms of his height I mean he he's elite it like he might be like the equivalent of someone who owns like ten thousand Bitcoin it in terms of his height how rare his height is on this planet how rare of an individual he is and again yeah he's the tallest man in Bitcoin I mean it has to be has to be alright so speaking of we spoke of Caitlyn Caitlyn long beforehand being on the show Farzin asani was also on the show and I want to read a tweet of his and again we bring you the best guests in the space on the district in Bitcoin show every frickin Friday so – including every Friday I'm having at a cribbage eientei Lee Porter on the frickin show yeah um I mean yeah yeah that would be a good crib that would be a good this week in Bitcoin guest you know tell us what's going on and uh he's in a South American country Bengie before so ok but let me let me read you about a blending to many subjects here Barzan bars am's tweet block change do not remove the need for rank it's work for reconciliation between the physical and digital digital worlds block chains do not remove settlement risk with physical assets holding a private key of a digital bearer asset representing a physical asset doesn't make the physical asset a barrier asset dude yeah you can't put basically you can't all these people saying you could put physical assets on the blockchain that's why you can't okay alright go ahead move it off and he's again a great dude follow him LinkedIn link to below Aaron Vaughn weird him as another person who's been obviously only this week in Bitcoin show before he's got a new Bitcoin magazine article privacy battle privacy coins why Manero is hard to beat and hard to scale I believe it's called alright so check that out ok so I referenced the australia bitcoin auction of the year 2016 and that was something i talked about a lot back then if you were following me then and i link to one of the winners of the australian bitcoin auction now when this auction we don't know how much they paid for each Bitcoin but this address this person was obviously a wealthy person a bitcoin was around seven hundred dollars then okay he got two thousand bitcoin okay mm bitcoin in June of 2016 okay when it was worth around seven hundred dollars I linked to hit the address below you can see it for yourself I also linked to the Bitcoin rich list address link to below this address is this number 640 444 her richest address of all a Bitcoin that doesn't mean he's the six hundred forty fourth richest Bitcoin holder he's actually much higher up the neck he's because some of those addresses belonged to exchanges and some people control multiple addresses that are that high this food is one of the wealthiest Bitcoin holders of them all okay he's got two thousand frickin Bitcoin he hasn't moved his Bitcoin at all since that day he hasn't that Bitcoin has gone up in value 10x in terms of dollars okay he hasn't touched the stuff okay hasn't touched it at all so for all you people say oh it's so hard to have a strong hand I got a trade I gotta buy it all coin I gotta do this that and the other with my Bitcoin you look at this do to dress and you think to yourself am i a freaking civilized person or I a freaking animal that can't control himself because this dude's got 2000 freaking Bitcoin hasn't moved it at all strong freaking hand the very definition this Australian dude man he's out there beating the living but Jesus at a Crocodile Dundee with his strong frickin hand okay I mean he's picked that strong freaking hand through every freaking crocodile ripping out the hearts eating them dude actually that's not too civilized is it but no he is the books civilized he is because he's got this self-control he's got that and that is true if you if you want to be successful in life you wouldn't be civilized you wouldn't have self-control you want to have long term thinking you don't want to give in to crowds and mobs you've got to think long and clearly this is a prime example of a person who understands a concept I wish I knew that thought the concept of strong hand long term thinking one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin he's not trying to mess with the Australian tax authorities and whatnot trying to get Australian dollars no he knows he's 2,000 freaking Bitcoin it's just an unbelievable asset unbelievable that you got freaks out there you know they're wishing they had point one now he's got twenty thousand times that amount unbelievable so you check it out for yourself it's real that link is real yet you can't that public address is freaking real that story is the ultimate strong hand tail and all you who are strong hands and all you that are thinking 2020 like that guy is or 2024 be proud of yourselves people because you've got your knotted something impulsive freaking beast you're a civilized long-term thinker who's gonna be very very successful who's already probably very very successful in life one big coin equals one Bitcoin and yeah dude that guy was already a wealthy person beforehand if he could he could have afforded 2,000 Bitcoin at that time the rich get richer don't be a hater try to be like the rich okay try to be like that guy and don't go don't go out there or try to flip it for some aetherium Manero like coin whatever the all the nonsense yose that you know Zizzo sign what what's next a Bitcoin all right so hey but you know what and you know what he's been holding that Bitcoin at that one address controlling his private key he's got all this be cash be gold maybe he signed up for be rhodium I don't know there's again one of the benefits of being a holder that these all these trader freaks don't talk about but they got all their money Apollonia X and whatnot you know their triple or X is safe to keep all my Bitcoin there sure sure it's safe dude yeah you yeah yeah obviously you don't remember cripsy google crip see all your newbies and learn real quick what can happen to your your all your precious coins when you let some third party hold them but speaking of crypto dividends there are the air drop version of crypto dividends also and a lot of us signed up for one could be rhodium back in January well here according to Andy Hoffman he says and I'd link to this below B rhodium launched just weeks away so hey for those of us who signed up for at you know by just holding Bitcoin we're gonna get this free bow P rhodium if we signed up properly there we go we're gonna get it real soon and the people up B rhodium actually tweeted out this tweet you can check it out yourself last chance to claim B rhodium for those who register before January 10th if you miss the claim deadline or you are one of seven hundred sixty-seven who were beyond the limit there will be one more chance to claim from September 22nd for one week same ratio ten to one okay I know there's some people out there who have said that me and others hey I up or I didn't have time to claim check out that tweet you know figure it out from there all right so remember at the end of surrogacy squares click up come up on the bud on the on the screen click on them and we're almost at the end of the show here's something oh no I won the minute I mentioned this on Saturday show I know everybody watched the Saturday show there's a guy who came up with something called God coin he actually just owns the trademark for it he didn't make up a coin it was just more of a concept and his trademark runs out in October and he says he will give it to anyone who will run with it God ruin someone will take it and run blockchain sacred blockchain sacred books transparent charity anything anything that's related to good deeds he's willing to give it away the the trademark again if you're interested in this type of thing you can email me at Adam at reservoir help calm you can also email me there for me to crypto consultation if you need help setting up your treads or but this guy wants to give away his guide coin trademark okay good luck so and he's a nice guy I've met him in person great guy so uh here's the final thing I mentioned yesterday that I want to mention again and remember people pound on that frickin like when this has been a fun show real fun show alright so this is from the New York Times Wall Street and big tech watch out for Elizabeth Warren I interviewed the Massachusetts senator last set last night in Washington for a Times talk on the 10th anniversary of the global of the global financial crisis on her mind was raining in two of America's most powerful industries on wanting to break up the big banks she said oh yeah give me a chance okay you know Elizabeth Warren is one of these power-hungry sociopaths that thinks that you've got to interfere with private business and you got to break them up and that's going to solve the problems and that's gonna you know I mean again it's a way to get votes you know the scapegoat that's easy that appeals to the masses blame all your problems on the big banks and then they're gonna break them up and that's gonna make everybody rich right no no that's not what's gonna happen all that that is that's terrible you know if you take personal responsibility if you don't like these big banks by big coin okay that's how you fight them eventually they're gonna come to us they're gonna be forking our asset and making us wealthier and they hate maybe they'll become wealthier too who cares don't be jealous of them don't be bitter toward them where you think you've got to put a gun to their head and say you're splitting your bank in two right now because this fake American Indian says you have to no no I don't like politics at all but I say so yeah personal responsibilities new counterculture people don't rely on these liars and sociopaths and politicians to solve your problems they're not going to solve your problems breaking up JPMorgan isn't gonna solve your problems taking personal responsibility built bettering yourself opting out of the system getting into Bitcoin being in motion this is gonna help you out you're gonna be a positive person you're not gonna be looking around looking to people to blame looking looking and getting stuck on certain issues being bitter about certain things again these ten last ten years have been a time to be happy haven't been a time to be in motion it's been a positive period it was something bad happened but so many positive opportunities came out of it and again if you missed out on the positive opportunities don't be bitter about it don't be in motion you've got ten better years in front of you coming up man so that's all I gotta say keep it on the positive people I'm Adam I should bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links section below I will say hi to you guys in the chat right now strong hand