Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show there's the bitcoin honey badger today is October the 8th 2018 strong hand long-term thinking on confiscate a bowl this game is not rigged yes bitcoin is not rigged this is where the big boys play hey happy Canadian Thanksgiving day I know you're all eating your Canadian turkey yup and Canada I think that's what you do I know it's called alright I want to remind everyone that Bitcoin punishes the 80 percenters it punishes the impulsive but for those of you who are not impulsive turn tune in this Friday this week in Bitcoin at 2:00 pm
Eastern Time oh there is a special guest besides Gabriel for Venezuela he's going to be on but I you know speaking about Gabriel from Venezuela we're gonna get you he's on the ground there so we're gonna hear about what's really going on there but there is a tweet that I linked to below ok and it is it's a pile of cash it's the Venezuelan equivalent of one dollar but it's been as well in Boulevard you gotta check it out it is linked to below everything I talked about in this video is linked to below you get t-shirts Tresor discount codes discount code on the event that I'm gonna speak at next oh yeah I'm gonna speak at an event in the beginning of December the you do head can use the Meister 20 percent discount code you type in Meister and you can see me and a bunch of other people on December 3rd and forth in New Orleans Louisiana yeah baby I'm speaking there vortex will be there also Blake Anderson will also be there oh it is going to be a blast what's he called it is the digital currency con New Orleans December 3rd and 4th 2018 so here I'm in San Diego until the 20th then Thanksgiving I'm going to be back in Baltimore then I'm going to New Orleans baby haven't been there for a while oh yeah when I valued my wealth and women back when I was in college I went to Mardi Gras oh that is like the worst of it's funny if you're like 19 years old but you're not 19 forever and a lot of the people they're doing some things they think they're 19 they're not 19 oh it's a disgrace to see so anyway pound that freaking like button I'm not gonna be throwing any beads or anything like that or showing any shirtless Meister of anything no no it's going to be an awesome Bitcoin talk and you if you're in New Orleans if you're in the south and you want to meet the Meister Blake yeah understand or vortex this is going to be a fun time seriously December 3rd and 4th in New Orleans let's let everything is linked to below 20% off if you type in Meister any is ter you can follow me on twitter at tech ball te CH blt no doubt I will be retweeting lots of stuff about the digital currency con in New Orleans and for you people who pay close attention to my Twitter feed I already retweeted something of theirs last week when I was just finding out about this we were the early stages now it's final all right laughter man are sent two dollars in the super chat he says bitcoin is the new stable coin one bitcoin equals one Bitcoin dude it's always been this idea these are these stable coins they're trying to convince people out there that are fans of tether I mean they really are you'll have to good why would I go to store my well that Bitcoin I'll just keep it I can't believe this nonsense no bitcoins always been the staple calling for the people who aren't gamblers and 80 percenters okay alright so let's move on to talk about proof of stake proof this is from this is from Matt Odell proof of state proponents will tell you that it is better for the environment but that's just marketing BS in the end there's two simple benefits with proof of stake one way to easier to Punk since there is no miner cell pressure to large holders and more influence issues you have more influence and power to die to dilute others okay they're neat anyway she goes on to say there needs to be a major proof of state chain failure before this proof of stake narrative loses steam because if you are on Twitter if you're in social media if you go to these events there all sorts of people preaching proof of stake is better than that brother and proof of work my point is the next Bitcoin because it uses proof of sitting up your coin is in the next Bitcoin no proof of stake is not better than proof of work and yeah one day one will fail and then they'll stop talking this or maybe they'll stop talking this nonsense beforehand and they'll just move on to some other coin that they're gonna say is the next big coin it has some other reminding algorithm alright James Mel Barrett go Bitcoin is a wealth storage system he says and he sent a dollar ninety-nine in the super check thank you oh yeah and thanks rafter man also thank you both for your continual contributions to this show in the super chat with your sayings of wisdom and knowledge yes Bitcoin is a wealth storage system according to James who I met James before he's an awesome dude so speaking of people who don't know how to store their wealth buying ass suddenly releases a statement and I link to it below finance will make HR urge a change to our listing fee policy and you know I want to saying people that you know don't people over that are all bye Nance or gamblers and stuff that's what I was referring to previously but anyway they're gonna change their listing fee policy starting immediately and going forward we will make all listing fees transparent and donate a hundred percent of them to charity project teams will still propose okay project teams will still propose the number they would like to provide tour a listing fee we're now more appropriately called a donation finance will not dictate a number nor is there a minimum required listing fee so back in the day people were saying that finance was asking for huge fees to be listed they were telling all coins you got to give us a lot of Bitcoin to be listed on here but now they're saying it's just a donation and it's not set and if you're a coin you could just contact them and tell them how much you want to donate and everything's great all right that sounds on the up-and-up doesn't it so yeah I again you know you want to deal with trading you deal with organizations like that if you want to deal with holding if you want to deal with strong hand if you want to deal with not being impulsive and being a long-term thinker then you're at the right place you just put on your Tresor baby town that frickin like button you know I don't gamble anyway uh what is this I don't have to adjust you guys like the honey badger there I like this shirt didn't used well it was it was somewhere else for where well I'm traveling with it now so you'll see a lot of it okay uh what is this so this is a Vinny lingham got quoted in this article now parses are göran aren't good but I did like the tone of this statement and I like positive you know I'll give any age some credit here it's the biggest experimentation on a grand global scale in the history of mankind never before have so many people been involved in the Tecna industry running a series of experiments with total disregard for profitability and revenue and income it's kind of like unbridled technology and innovation so let's hope a couple it's kind of like unbridled technology and innovation so let's hope a couple of winners come out of it now that last line let's hope a couple of winners come out of it you know he's a little biased there he doesn't want Bitcoin to be main winner well who knows what he wants but we all know that we all know Vinnie style and everything so yeah that was a good that's a good quote it's an interesting article he says he almost says be oasiz the next etherium I'm gonna walk why even bring this up don't get don't get interested in that kind of stuff anyway stick with the big coin don't get you know you shouldn't even own any etherium and leek unless you know how to send a big coin and so many people they don't they think they are they go to coinbase they buy everything that's listed there and they think they own it when they really don't know it because they can't send it you if you've got stuff this long coinbase you don't really own it you don't control your private key just if you're new to this this video series you hear if you're amusing this channel that's a that's some info for you okay be a Bitcoin first er here great illustration of the power of bitcoins having on price I linked to this tweet which shows a chart below only Bitcoin having only 19 months ago we are in the green zone chart gives you an idea of what has happened to Bitcoin fiat price in emulation during the past stabbings going up to past having's hey it doesn't mean it's gonna happen again but it is a reminder that you should if you go by this interesting chart I think you'll check it out I think you'll be even more convinced that you better have a strong hand until at least after that 2020 having baby I mean this is not this is not something that you just buy and you sell tomorrow this is we're talking long-term stuff you can't be and there are so many temptations to sell and panic all the crypto noise out there we've been through it many a time on this channel and it's only your thought if you fall for it why because personal responsibility is the new counterculture okay Bitcoin is reputation insurance I was thinking about this well you can't get sued for it we can't take it away from you you know what someone's trying to ruin you and they suing you to oblivion there's your there's your insurance they can't take it and the other thing if someone does destroy your reputation for some reason you could just take your big coin anywhere and start over go to another country start over you have a new reputation you don't have to care about fitting in fitting in is it overrated first of all you don't have to care about fitting in when you have a few money which is Bitcoin baby alright oh here coin base sends out this email monthly now apparently I obviously I bought from coin base in the past so I'm on their list I get sent this your monthly crypto roundup this is just coin base being coin based but I just want to point it out the direction this company is going on stay up to date on the crypto market check your portfolio here are prices as of October 4th at 9 am Pacific time for all crypto on coin base their percentage change over the previous 30 days and then there's a button that says check your portfolio portfolios and it lists all 5 of the coins that they sell on there doesn't make Bitcoin out to be better than all the rest they want you to have a portfolio they want you to store your stuff there hey they're gonna get a lot of new reason to the space they're going to confuse a lot of newbies about well they're not going to inform a lot of big newbies that one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin because they're they're just showing the Fiat price of all these things and that Bitcoin is the next Bitcoin then you don't have to diversify for the sake of diversification you don't have to have a crypto portfolio my god here we go big core magazine has a good article out there go tena and samurai while it's new mobile mobile app works without internet access I think people asked me about this before that's why I'm sharing this so there's the article for all you dudes interested in that kind of thing hey if the internet goes down you're still great because of go tena and samurai wallet with scissors oh yeah here's something yesterday I talked about how at one point I was just waiting and waiting for the price of Bitcoin to go down to 759 it had already gone down to 780 and I was gonna buy five or ten more at 7:59 never it only got there for one second and then I didn't acted then I regretted it of course but no I have no regrets but it was a lesson I learned I learned a lesson that you just you value her about the Bitcoin but then story happened two years ago basically two years ago and even telling this no part of the story now it feels like 10 years ago because so much has happened I mean some of you who are immune to this are just like flabbergasted that Bitcoin was even ever at a point where you could think it was going to be at 759 that it was in the 700s but me is so vivid in my mind you know how big we didn't used to move you know it moves hundreds of dollars a day so a thousand dollars a day now it wouldn't move that you know ten dollars a day you know we make a big deal when it was gone from 750 to 790 of a sudden beat and it does it it seems like a different world and it just shows how much has happened in such a short time span what adventures mean we've had and how many what else is gonna happen in a shorter time span between now and the 2020 having I mean we can't even imagine it now you know do you take putting that story the perspective you know a $759 Bitcoin story there was no because there was so little of anything in the space no I CEOs really or anything like that look how much things have changed in two years it feels like 10 years what's the next room here is gonna feel like 30 years and I don't want to rush things either man you got to enjoy every moment of life but this is unpredictable so if someone tells you to pick coins dad bitcoins to granddaddy and they don't know what they have to talk about this is a wild roller coaster written adventure they probably weren't around two years ago they don't have that big coin wisdom and experience I tell all of you people seek it seek it out you know don't just don't there's so many people out there talking I CEOs they've been in they've been in the space but since 2017 maybe they make themselves out to be a veteran you know five people that work that can remember that we're around before the previous Bitcoin having in 2016 and can you know it tell you the importance of the 2020 Bitcoin have so many people to get into this space don't even know that basic debate you know what a Bitcoin but having is like finance a having also so there is a funny Krypton of me I put it on the cover the cover of yesterday's video a little preview square whenever that is but yeah it's a link to it below this these Krypton guys are pretty funny it's it's a funny little picture and again if you didn't see it yesterday check out yesterday's video just in the archives disrupt meister calm but I hide link to the Krypton of adam meister it is he is pretty funny alright then okay so quick click on the squares if you're watching this on tape go to disrupt meister compound that ban that bail button if you need a reminder when this thing goes live disrupt meister calm a tech ball tch be alt on twitter i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe to this channel like this video share this video check out the links section below to you know read the articles about everything i talked about in this video i will say hello to all you guys in the chat right
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