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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is October the 16th 2018 buy and hold strong hand like this shirt says long-term thinking uncomplicated bulb all right people you know I post a new show here every single day even when YouTube goes down ok but for the last hour over an hour YouTube has be down it delay the show by an hour but I'm still pumping out these shows to the live audience right now all you guys watching this live or taped or whenever pound that freaking like button because you keep a good attitude you keep staying away you'll get the show in there eventually YouTube comes back up and we're going to talk about YouTube going down and Bitcoin not going down in a few minutes I want to remind everyone that you can see all of this week in Bitcoin that this week in Bitcoin shows at Tech ball calm Tec HP alt calm you can follow me there on Twitter especially when YouTube is down hey I bet I mean this is great there workarounds we're the people's addiction the YouTube is wild there's some loose stuff that I just saw on Twitter remember I'm speaking in New Orleans on December 3rd and 4th link to that below if you need a 20% discount code at digital currency con com I'm looking forward to it hopefully I will I'm gonna know where I'm going to be afterwards soon one plate I don't want to give it away yet one place will be international one place will be nice in the United States all right so let's personal responsibilities new counter people remember that remember that yes you don't you okay so where I see Shane is in the chat right now who I hung out with recently in person it was great to meet him in person and of course mention big tile just sent five dollars in the super Chinese said you two went down crazy stuff must be the shmita yeah oh sure you should make a viral video on YouTube about that no it's not that I love I love Incheon those jokes like that he does oh god I don't like those people trying to scare people under Schmidt does and things that don't exist you know enjoy the real world yes sure you two went down it wasn't a conspiracy it's back up and we're having a blast over here so there is a constant battle of sorts that's going on there and I think it's Heather Fudd embodies it and I don't like to say them crypto Wars out there I don't even like the word battle but here let's see what uh the Twitter haters the Twitter shoot you to tether butters and haters out there they represent a never-ending attempted takedown of a Bitcoin that people just some people just enjoy doing that they love to try to take down Bitcoin or take down crypto in general and then they go about it in all sorts of different creative ways and they all have their reasons and well pan that goes over some of the reasons here he says whitefeather Fudd one journalists want them clicks so yeah journalists are always willing to fund Bitcoin and will fund tether because that directly funds Bitcoin so they think do you know they get the clicks the scared of people industry tha's nonsense to certain people hate Bitcoin look for an excuse why they missed out or why their coin didn't flip Bitcoin yet yes there are a lot of people who get on this tether train and other or FUD trains and again this is gonna be a never ending thing so give you it's all cyclical people there'll be all sorts of new fun trains for the people to get on who you know they think they're coined is the next Bitcoin they don't realize they should just be happy people and realize that bitcoin is the next Bitcoin why come up with all these convoluted ways to get at Bitcoin and rationalize your hate a Bitcoin I mean that's that's what some of this tether stuff us it's kind of like to make the people feel good like oh there's tether things clearly a scam thus Bitcoin must be a scammed us me buying that altcoin that's never gonna go anywhere it's good I did the right thing now all right competitors have difficulties competing with an established stable coin okay that's that's another reason so yeah that really does have to do with Bitcoin FUD out much but yeah they're there maybe are there their competitors that just want to take down tether to I don't know it's an interesting thread that is retweeted by the great whale panda everything I talk about is linked to in this below and I'm a little tired obviously uh-huh it's late here and but yeah you can also follow me on steam it at bitcoin meister and disrupt meister comm watch all the archives but i'm just bringing up this tether thing because i think it gives us a little insight in some of the flood stirs out there cuz they're they're fighting together because they're indirectly trying to find a bitcoin also but hey let them do that this is the free world personal responsibility is new counterculture I'm not here to battle them they are battling the Bitcoin holders but we're not we're not fighting back was we don't need to fight back against them they can't stop us it's uncompensated one Bitcoin equals one big sale let them have their fun parties these are big fun parties and invert unfortunately these fun parties they scared we cans that we can't lose their Bitcoin which is unfortunate that's an unfortunate result but this is where the big boys play and there are going to be unfortunate results for people who do not have strong hands okay there is a guy named fur Bay he's in Montreal I I had heard of him before and he's a pretty smart guy and everything he has a medium post out there post Bitcoin maximalism he calls it so he kind of pins Bitcoin maximalist into a very extreme little corner as if you know Bitcoin maximalist are just then nothing can exist but maybe some are like that so there's an interesting article and he concludes with may the meritocracy win that says well I think Bitcoin maximalist believe in that that they have the best thing and it will win and in a meritocracy the best wins but I again he kind of brings up some the Bitcoin maximalism is either misunderstood or maybe I misunderstand it I'm a Bitcoin firster I'm willing to admit you know there are other all coins out there fine but in the long run in the meritocracy Bitcoin will wind will win is the winner and yeah it's it's competition is good and he talks about how banks are going to compete with Bitcoin and I don't are going to attempt to bid to compete with Bitcoin and Bitcoin maximalist don't realize that and in Bitcoin maximalist don't realize that governments are gonna try to compete with the coin no I think that you realize that I I realize that indeed it's a free market banks will try to compete with Bitcoin and to a certain extent they're gonna be able to stay alive because of that they would they're not bang circa and I've said this many in many different ways many different times banks aren't gonna die and I don't think you have to be a Bitcoin man if you're a Bitcoin maximalist I think you can admit that thanks all banks are gonna die so I think again he's painting them into a very extreme little corner there and maybe some Bitcoin maximalist maybe their definition is yes there will be no competition Bitcoin will squash all competition and what did we be banks anymore know that there will be back so find creative ways nations will find creative ways to compete against Bitcoin and they're all they'll go I'll survive but the best one to be and will be Bitcoin the best will be Bitcoin not to have your money in a bank or to have your Bitcoin in a bank to truly own your Bitcoin will be the best so that it's an interesting article I think he be a Bitcoin first or how about that be a big coin first or the big coin is the first you know you can talk about the other up close you can study the other cryptocurrencies but in the end you knew that bitcoin is the next Bitcoin one Bitcoin you can you value your wealth in Bitcoin alright so Masari is a company out there that deals with cryptocurrency and whatnot and they have an interesting blog post about fidelity and this fidelity thing is a big thing this is their opinion at least this is the largest institutional foray into crypto to date and the industry's biggest news of the year so the fidelity announcement from yesterday they think it is huge I don't like to blow things out of proportion but yeah the institution this is the look the institutional money is coming in this I'm no expert on how large these institutions are but if they actually get into this yeah will be the biggest institutional move so far so that's Cory that was big news yesterday but most people would rather talk about tether and moat most people would rather try to take their shots at Bitcoin to try to bring it down they'll learn the hard way they'll learn the hard way I got you know Bitcoin dominance being over 50% does that mean that over 50% of people in crypto believe that Bitcoin is the one heck no so will we ever get to a point where in crypto currency most people believe that Bitcoin is the one you would think so but this is an illogical world I cannot predict how a to protect four centers think well there are always be coins and institutions out there trying to paint themselves as the next Bitcoin and people falling for it who knows I I guess in the crypto space one day most people will understand the Bitcoin is the number one that it is the world I mean I really think it will be the world reserve crypto so how can you deny it is the world reserve crypto once it's so obvious that it's the world resort like can people deny that the US dollar is the world reserve currency I mean you could be a big eurofan I guess I don't know I don't know if that's the proper comparison and I don't know if is even worth discussing at this point but uh Masari also has job openings and I link to that below so check out their fidelity post so some more emotion people it's a guy on Twitter want me to ask this question what top brands would you spend your Bitcoin or alt coins on oh my god I am offended by selling count that frickin like button but even though I'm offended by selling I'm gonna let this dude have his question but eventually people will use Bitcoin they will sell it they will buy things with their Bitcoin so in the comments section or you can tweet at me what brands up would you be willing to spend your Bitcoin or altcoins how about just all coins on I can't I just can't say spend Bitcoin oh my god it's so hard got such a strong hand on my big quit I can't let go of it don't worry yes I know I sent in 2021 I want to get my data what should we call it a if they're still around the Tesla I guess that's the brand I would spend my big going on but you know I don't know if this guy's talking about what brands would make you keep up your Bitcoin after the twenty twenty you have it of course no no I mean if you're a person who's willing to spend your Bitcoin before the twenty twenty having is leave your opinion below what did the bottom lines what brands with a are you interested in spending crypto on this guy wants to know I'm so offended by selling them so okay YouTube was down to sell off for an hour and some of the stuff on Twitter over them some of the stuff on Twitter was crazy people just going wild I mean it was like their heroin addiction was gone people are clearly addicted to it so I know and it was an example of why we need a crypto alternative to YouTube but in the end of the day I think people's addiction is so strong that they forgive YouTube already they're already back on YouTube right now I mean you're watching me right now live a lot of people and I think 80 percenters forgive and forget real quick it would take it would take quite a lot for them to give up their brand loyalty to to YouTube now that's not sick 8 I'm not saying there shouldn't be a crypto version though and I know people are working on it and 20 percenters will gladly go there if they cannot earn and it'll be a great way to get people into crypto if there is some easy combination of of a video platform and and and crypto now I will then ever / – even if there's if one is so freaking awesome will it be able to overtake youtube ever with all the 80 percenters out there because I mean YouTube is really becoming just like the mainstream media there's all that there's so much mindless stuff on there that people could just I mean it's even more powerful than what TV was beforehand for people who can leverage that power but again I'm speaking to a 20 percent audience here and if you're 20 percent you can really learn a lot from the 20 percent type videos on YouTube from the educational stuff but that's not what YouTube is going to promote but if there's a crypto alternative maybe that will be promoted on it so yeah bit to bit shirt bit this bit back go go go ahead and know this just didn't give them a lot of momentum they're gonna have to work hard on their own to get their own moment of create something that's really original and just easy for crypto and no and it was unfortunate I would have just recorded a video and uploaded it to D Tube our deal I use me do you like but you know D live they went off the steam it platform now they're on something else and they haven't transitioned me so I've just for buy my deal I but hey I got this video in there anyway I'm here on YouTube a research found that like button a guy in South Africa that I met a great guy Greg he's got a big Bitcoin ATM in Johannesburg now and he's gonna send me some videos of it but for now you can just go to a link to it below BTC ATM dot co dot za and if you're in that suburb of Johannesburg where the conference was that I went what is the name of that santen if you're in Sandton in the mall that one of the malls there you can see this thing hey Greg's a good guy he's in motion so I mentioned good guys that there that are in motion that I've met in person before and we'll have more on that on tomorrow's show hey remember to bang that Bell button if you need a reminder when this show goes live if it really goes live if YouTube kids up you again with with YouTube going down but one thing that I wanted to say is it's it's a reminder if YouTube can go down and it's one of the most powerful entities in media and it's part of such a powerful entity google ism was powerful one of those powerful entities in the world Bitcoin a doesn't have downtown Bitcoin doesn't compare Bitcoin to YouTube that's awesome that just shows you how the greatness of being you know even YouTube could have downtown downtime Bitcoin does not have downtime freaking awesome freaking awesome reminder and that's why bitcoin is the rock and why it's the future and why this it's still early here so be rock had a funny line in the chat yesterday this dude is my Chad Allah I don't know if he's in the chat right now he says he was he was you know imitating me but it was the anti meister hello everyone this is the anti meister the fiat meister the status-quo meister welcome to the nun Bitcoin show we cans short-term thinking offended by buying dude that was frickin awesome I wouldn't have read that line dude if it was not awesome that is that is great someone should just make a video like with some guy with like nice flat combed hair he's very calm and that should be his opening line there should be a uh the anti moisture this is the anti baser show where you do everything wrong you become an 80 percenter and you watch mindless mainstream media you go to youtube to watch ABC and NBC and CBS shows alright okay finally finally I mentioned the band AHA and that awesome song they did in the 80s then I was just pumped up to here and I said they're an example of you know American music that is popular all over the world and I said I said you know they're probably a British band but and then I found out they're in fact in Norwegian band I think what I think most people can understand what I mean by that and yeah it is calling it American music is an oversimplification of it you know there are a lot of english-speaking bands out there that are not necessarily from America you know the United States that kind of fit into that traditional that well what was established in Hollywood in New York City the big record labels that made music that originated in America so big rock and roll type of music which now has gone into all sorts of different genres whether it be rapid you know heavy metal etc et-cetera that from America from these big production houses and everything just created this mainstream pop culture that yes you could be a band from norway but if you're speaking in English singing in English and you're you know you're the Warner Brothers label you were part of that general American music popular culture trend and I know I'm not dissing the British and I'm not missing the Norwegians but I do you guys understand what I'm seeing here that the United States of America through its creativity and through its business through the free sort of free market that the businesses thrived in created this pop culture which everyone loved I mean 80 percenters love across the entire world so you can hear our music our being British also in all over the world it was a very powerful it is a very powerful force people want American brands and people they just love it instead so that I don't I've traveled around a lot and now we're going away from Bitcoin but I'm gonna tie it back in and the us

dollar is what that's all that stuff up it also backs off the welfare system the welfare system isn't going anywhere and the dollar is not going anywhere it's the American institutions pop culture institutions are beloved throughout the whole world and that helps create helps allow this fiat dollar Fiat LED world to continue but again it can continue while Bitcoin thrives like a mother also and I'm not saying it's smart to mess around the mainstream American culture I'm not saying that at all and I'm definitely not saying it's smart to mess around in the dollar it's smart to mess around in Bitcoin it's smart to understand that fitting in is overrated so pound African like button one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin that was a really long drawn-out explanation of why AHA is part of American music and I hope you got it and I'm clearly tired comment like button I'm Adam I should become a disaster almost remember subscribe this channel like this view shows video check out the links section below and if you like talk like that and tune into the Saturday show that's where I really should be talking about this kind of stuff the be on Bitcoin show I'll say hi to you guys in the chat goodnight