next up on the screen Duncan is my number one Twitter follower I don't think that guy ever sleeps I put out something on Twitter the guy responds in like 10 minutes I like that no matter what day it is I think he sleeps with his phone or whatever he is Twitter account he sleeps with it it's good to see you don't get into glad that you're here you keep you xx YY wants to know anyone trying her watery these days and I'm gonna tell you you know all the excitement go on when things are going you know when you when you're playing cards or whatever you're at the casino and and for some reason things are just going your way you get that little hot streak going on and you know for the most part it's always a win it's always a win and you know it's a short period of time maybe an hour – but everything's going your way when things like go on your way in life I definitely pick up now we have something called a jackpot combo it's actually six bucks but it is three different games with the extras and all the other stuff it's like six bucks and I pick one of those up every week hoping that one of them will strike it in there it'll be exciting and fun but you never know it's always worth to try 1 billion dollars likes XY license the lotteries got 1 billion dollars and prizes holy smokes alright we got Joseph miles out there good see Joseph because I just shared this on electroni on TV so hey I appreciate that that's good stuff and let people know that we're alive and we appreciate you showing up this is an ER c20 token so until they get their own chain yeah I don't like tokens I don't like tokens for the fact that you're running your business on somebody else's business for it's it's it's it's like YouTube I like to do videos but I don't like having it on YouTube they have control over you and they can shut you down in a heartbeat they can do all sorts of stuff I do in my main company I sell and provide sales directly from my personal website Mike website I'll put some stuff on Amazon but everything is on my main company because I do not trust and I and I think you're nuts yeah absolutely nuts as a business owner to give somebody else control of your company so that bias of mine passes on into tokens it's not their company until they have their own blockchain that's my personal opinion
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