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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoin meister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is November the 25th 2018 at least it still is in Denver and Los Angeles and Anchorage in Honolulu strong hang long term thinking I'm confiscating all Bitcoin is the next Bitcoin let's get some conviction going guys you know this game is not rigged and it's where the big boys play check out the links below get your t-shirts your trays doors all sorts of affiliate links right now I'm wearing it a new t-shirt that was sent to me by all whether the way of the guys there at the all good lab the link is uh it's below this is what this shirt looks like nom you know yesterday sure is also I'm wearing this pin hobby for obvious reasons I'm gonna keep wearing this pin for some time so it's gonna be it's gonna be on all my shirts but it's not part of this shirt and I forgot to mention that about yesterday's show and again so yeah all good lab they they sent me this in the mail they're good dudes they're hipsters in up in Brooklyn up in New York so yeah they're emotion check nice shirt nice t-shirt you see the nice be their symbol okay we're gonna continue on I mean Arjun tweeted the the following out and it's a really simple message all it says is I'm not going anywhere and retweet it or just you know write it in your own a Twitter feed I'm tech bought their te CH B alt and throughout my store calm is that's my archives bitcoinmeister old steam it I haven't said that for a while have I so yeah I'm not going anywhere all there's some people that are some people says some people have rage quit I haven't been paying close attention um at all today I didn't know the Bitcoin price until like 10 o'clock tonight so but yes I'm sure there's people quitting all over the place there's a value there they value their wealth and Fiat instead of valuing their wealth in Bitcoin like I do and so many others do I still have the same about a Bitcoin that I have and thus I'm not going anywhere and I think I think the strong hand holders of last resort should proclaim I'm not going anywhere on social media so there there's my proclamation for everyone out there so another thing I proclaim is pound that like button strong hand yeah 104 thousand dollars for you Fiat freaks back into the old 3000 dudes I'm not going anywhere okay here's some holder of last resort tweet from Alex so this okay it's linked up below he said and thank you for mentioning me in this dude Alex run there with the Adam Meister at Tech ball will either go down with the Bitcoin ship or go down in history as the model for a generation of Bitcoin strong hands yeah uh of course I'm going down the ship isn't going down but I'm you know darn well I'm not going anywhere so if the shit went down yeah I'd be going down with it okay so be cash just follow Aaron vine if you actually care about be cash still this is something that oh it seems like it's totally jumped the shark like why why even care anymore you know that I guess the experiment guess what a hash board looks like this is what a social-media war looks like okay thank you mister altcoin let your value in terms of Bitcoin has just plummeted during this bear more this is what happens when you fork during a bear market lesson for everyone and when you fork and you like do it in a really aggressive unfriendly type of way but I mean if you want Aaron Vaughn weird I'm is still following it on his Twitter feed he's got a good Twitter feed anyway read the entire thing is an article and it's a Bitcoin magazine one week later latest developments with be cash split yeah it's a bear market fork disaster that that's how I would sum that thing up as cuerda coin death says that that it's down 30 the Bitcoin price in terms of fiat was down what 36 percent at one point in for the week it's the worst fiat price percentage loss since April 2013 yeah dudes this stuff is in the cards man weeks as I've been preaching for a while you expect like stuff like this that that's the way it goes but they're gonna be days where it's like the biggest gain ever to in the future so that's the way I look at it there's Nick might be some negative Fiat drop right negative record Fiat drop right now but we're gonna get in the future positive incredible runs up there just got to be patient look on the bright side dudes but yeah that's a big article that they now I don't even use you mentioned coin desk articles but I'm pretty darn tired what I have to get up in four hours less than four hours okay it's been a busy week so and things all I know I really want to email Sony he'll back and answer people's DMS and to tell you the truth I had no time to do it today I just I'd like maybe I sent a couple emails and DMS back I'll get to you people be patient I'm gonna catch up this week hopefully Jeremy John he posts the following hard times always reveal true friends likewise bear markets revealed the true believers in Bitcoin this bear market is no exception oh yeah man this this bear market is proving that rule right there once again it's weeding out all sorts of people and then who do you have left the guys that aren't going anywhere proclaim it you're not going anywhere and where's my I want to read Matt's tweet now because it's so appropriate I was okay yeah so I gotta get back and in that light Matt Odell says the people calling us idiots today will be the same people whining about it being unfair how much Bitcoin we own in a few years they will have nobody to blame but themselves personal responsibilities new countercultural plan pound that like button so yeah true believers we're not going anywhere right now but in a few years people be calling the people who are calling us idiots for not going for not running away the those same people calling us idiots now we'll be whining at how unfair it is that they they don't have Bitcoin so this is the way of the world you know a the collectivists they're more of them the people who want to blame blame others for their problems when they could fix their problems on their own and they refuse to take personal responsibility gotta find people to blame oh they got lucky all right here huddle huddle has a that's that it's supposedly a decentralized exchange but it's really not we officially started blocking all US citizens residents both by IP and preventing offers for us low Asians from being credit created so doesn't really huddle huddle is is awesome for Americans as people over one saying check out the thread yourself you know why even do these big get on a Bitcoin exchange to get off I mean if you're gonna sense all your all callings for Bitcoin that's pretty cool speed but but I don't sell your bit didn't try to play the game didn't try to play play the game sung your Bitcoin for all coins and trying to make it back with Bitcoin not a good idea can you actually see my eyes closed closing seeing how much I really want to go to sleep right now but dewy I got a make a new show every freaking seconds freaking day out there because I'm hold your last frickin resort and I'm here through this so-called bear market no matter what happens in my freakin life okay so uh yeah I'm not going anywhere oh that's been the really the theme of this frickin show and I'm glad Arjun just posted that arjen's been on the this weekend Bitcoin show before I can't even remember who's supposed to be on this Friday show right now I think Stephin from Australia probably is I'll have to look that up I okay so there's a funny site out there speaking about altcoins how wrecked are you dots are Sh i link to it below compare your favorite coins performance against bitcoin it's actually pretty entertaining see how much your favorite alt is going down against bitcoin in a few of them have gone up Rhys you can do different time periods again it's easy to use how rekt are you surge dot Sh it is linked to below so I think we've gotten to the end for all you people who are in motion I was thinking a bitcoin type business and you don't hear about very often and I don't know how you would put it all together like something that involves Bitcoin in the death industry cuz I gotta tell you man everybody dies so that's a pretty big industry it's huge man there's big markups and everything so if Bitcoin if you could somehow intertwine Bitcoin with the the death industry and maybe a way to teach widows how to get their husband's Bitcoin that they've had left to them no no you know classes on preparing for how to best hold your Bitcoin for your loved ones when you die I mean there's all sorts of different ways coffins you can buy with this Bitcoin I don't know Bitcoin logos on your coffin I I mean I serve people like I mean I guess the Joker's with that type of they've been to see in all seriousness it's huge industry and you don't know you don't know you don't hear the only thing you really hear about is just you know creating a contingency plan to uh so your loved ones know how to get your Bitcoin but you don't really hear about people you know creating a business around death and Bitcoin because hey that it happens to every single person so there's got to be a way to I'm just talking off my I was thinking about it earlier today you know combine this death thing with Bitcoin somehow you someone gonna make a lot of money so yeah there's so many opportunities in this space from t-shirts to to death uh yeah there's all you guys look on the bright side of things people I'm what I'm always doing so pound that freaky like fun to everybody click on the squares on the screen there if I is if you're watching this tape I'm sure they popped up by now and bang that bell but I gotta go to sleep i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe the shell like this video share this video check out the links section below check out all good I'll see you guys later