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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is December the 3rd 2018 strong hand long-term thinking deferral of gratification uncomplicated alright I was in a rush to get this show off I didn't even read through all my notes this is gonna be great fun for all if you watch this tape everything is linked to below right now everything's linked to below but I don't like say what everything even is you can get t-shirts treasurers affiliate links are listed below if you want to try them out this shirt was given to me by a barefoot berry in New Zealand it's a one-of-a-kind type of thing I wear it occasionally Thanks I know he he's washing down in New Zealand he often watches I got people all over this world and yeah I've been the Auckland before it was a great time watch some of those old videos disrupt meister comm i have over 1100 bitcoin related videos there alright so the crypto winter you keep hearing this term crypto winter dude this is there's no crypto winter not here at least not here in the bitcoinmeister land not on this channel there's no crypto winter i mean this is a this term again it's very popular is for people who are obsessed with the short term and with thee the Fiat price and they're just Downers man I get and they want to identify they won't have a name for this what they're feeling for their feeling and so they've come up with this crypto it makes them feel better well that this is gonna make you feel better people you in real life I don't like the winter I don't like the cold I don't find to be very pious I leave cold places I'm going to LA on Wednesday I'll be in LA so if you find yourself in a crypto mindset that's cold and wintry and you're and you're worried move the personal responsibility get it get out get away from those people get away from those crypto noisemakers and oh this is the end it's the winter everything so bad now because the Fiat why is everything bad you still have the same amount of Bitcoin that you had before you still can innovate if you're creative you can come up with all sorts of ideas you can come up with all sorts of ideas no matter what the price of Bitcoin is if it's $100 or if there's $100,000 in terms of Fiat you shouldn't be down you shouldn't say it's a winter that things are in hibernation and winter can be a negative timing I know there's some fun winter activities but in this the way they're using the word crypto winter it's not a positive okay people are harping on this crypto winter thing they're all jumping on it it's a bunch of noise it's distracting you it's gotta give you a weak hand and if you come to if you're here if you watch my show a lot you can tell they're in atom Meister's like there is no winter no matter what happens in my life you've been able to uh you know since I'd be back in Baltimore no matter what happens in my life it's not a winter it's always a time of growth you can always learn you can always improve yourself something bad happens you move on from it you learn from it you keep on persevering and stuff so and you can take positives out of bad things and things that are interpreted as being bad so in the crypto space hey they're all people saying all bet there it's winter it's down and out no be positive go away from those negative influences you still have as much Bitcoin as before and guess what pal that frickin like button if you want positivity is that a word whatever all right so bitcoin is the apex predator remember that tres mayor sent on this show check out that old show it's linked to below somewhere on the disrupt meister comm archive all right happy Chanukah is the second night of Hanukkah tonight I lit the candles of course much earlier so there's a sight out there called uh yeah and you got some of these people that are just yelling about crypto winter I mean I yeah really stay away from those dudes man if they can't obsessed with it I mean it's your a person responsibility if you can handle it if it's not gonna weaken your hand and it's not gonna get you down and I guess be my guess I'd like again I like to be around productivity I don't like to be around destruction and I don't like to be around Downers you know winter is not a it's always summer for me baby it's always something you know I went down to the southern hemisphere it was great it was summer and of course you got a helper you got to come home sometimes okay now we're taking it into the real world way too much let's move on to this new site coin market book dot CC and they say here at coin market book that CC market cap is a lie by support by support tells the true story by support rating separates investments from Gamble's and low and behold if you go to this site you'll see that Bitcoin has the best buy support rating it's like a hundred percent and then the next is like a theory on with like 20-some percent you read up on what this buy support really is but I do like how they say it separates the investments from the Gamble's yeah bitcoin is not a gamble all the others are various are various levels of gambling and most of them are horrific gambling I mean the top tier is fine anyway check out that link if you want to learn more if you want another ranking site everybody likes these rankings and whatnot moving on my water is not with me I want a drink I'll go get them a second alright Bobby Lee the great Bobby Lee the brother of Charlie Lee who of course has been on the show many times check out the links below archives all that good stuff he says electricity has clearly become a permanent fixture of humanity the Internet is also becoming a permanent fixture of humanity I predict that Bitcoin also will become a permanent fixture of humanity now let's let's this is very interesting the internet is a permanent fixture of humanity we all can admit that now but Bitcoin I I also is it's not just the bad people but there's still a lot of people they don't think it's a permanent fixture of humanity and we're going to stay on this topic when I'm gonna read you these next tweets keep all that stuff in mind it's all linked to below I got a label it better now if you're watching this live oh so particular about my links listed below pound that like them all right Alan 4:18 says Bitcoin more than anything is a vote for freedom in a world full of politicians and government policies you you find that you that you find unsavory bitcoin is your vote out of the system this will be the most important invention in human history now that's saying a lot fair this will be the most important invention in human history and then there's a reply to that in the same thread that says I do believe this to be true however some things need to be sorted out first okay so let's focus on those last lines there it's all about the fur of gratification here people you really need to if you truly believe that like this guy says he truly believes this is the most important invention in human history well then and of course some things need to be sorted out of course hey I don't think anyone denies that it's not that we're so early in all this it's very hard for people to get into it right now all sorts of but that's not a negative that's just a reminder that you need a really strong hand and you need to be you need to defer gratification if this is the best thing ever if this is the most important invention in human history and you get impatient for some superficial reason because it's not easy to use some things need to be straightened out then oh my god are you just I mean you're not a long-term thinker I mean if our or you don't truly believe this is as big as it really is but there are some people that talk a big game to see yeah this is huge this is huge and then maybe their actions don't exactly support that and so again you should be able this is way more than a new financial instrument okay way more than that so what would you think let me let me make sure I'm not skipping anything yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry the furrow gratification yeah it's more than a new financial instrument slash mechanism it is a new paradigm Bitcoin changes the financial game for those who opt in the Bitcoin okay so we have this whole tremendous financial system out there Bitcoin changes that entire game it also gets you into all sorts of other games okay this is an earth changing life-changing type of technology okay it's a new paradigm it's it's beyond the scope of the way we see financial instruments currently I mean this is beyond financial instruments so you don't it is you know there are a lot of people just say you know jump this isn't this I mean there's just a lot of people saying it's treated like a financial instrument treat it like the best financial instrument it's more than that okay it is it is like the Internet so let's make some comparisons to the internet back in the day because back in the day there were many people who were very impatient with the internet just like they're very impatient with Bitcoin today the same type of things were going on back in the day what would you think of people that said the Internet is just like Atari it's it's just like Atari it's a new tech fad this internet thing is it's just like Atari was a couple year and a few years ago less in the 80s we had a tot re and we could play games with our Atari and then it was a fad and then we moved on the Nintendo we did other and now we are onto the Internet the Internet is this new Atari ok it's it's a new it's a it's better texting the Atari clearly but it's it's it's an Atari yeah it's just a newfangled Atari and we could play and we could do a little bit more than games with this new Atari ok I mean there were people like that back in the day they didn't realize it was a permanent fixture that it wasn't some evolution from Atari to Nintendo I mean and it wasn't like the fax machine there were some people that thought it's just a better fax machine just a better fax machine cooler fax machine look how the fact so she has evolved they were saying the internet changed everything ok it's a Wii laughs you're laughing at me right now when I'm talking about fax machines and Ataris I mean there's no comparison the internet changed every aspect of life um anyway so I mean back but again back in the day you could compare the Internet to a fax machine if you're saying well now I can e-mail this email is a better fax machine and this email is better than getting on the phone ok yeah that's what this email it's a better phone but anyway that was only a small sliver of what the internet could even do we could not even dream of what social media was at the time that could not even be fathom at the time you couldn't even think about that and so my conviction with Bitcoin here comes from knowing how life-changing Internet was and how it was beyond it was beyond just an innovation in technology or communication it was a cat it was it really defined the way we lived and and and I and how like most people did not understand that right away they did not get it get it I can tell you as a very young person I I was a fan of talk radio of sports talk radio and right when this did when the internet stuff started getting bigger and bigger and bigger I was like but what's the point of that now what's the point I made I could tell this thing was gonna change so my I was as a kid basically and I could check and but again I have said this a few times as a kid I I could not really fully benefit from what I saw as the upcoming internet revolution I mean I saw it and so now I ever I can remember all that stuff and I know we're going through all that stuff we're going through it all again with this Bitcoin thing here there are all these naysayers comparing it to all this nonsense that shouldn't be compared to that this is like the internet again it is gonna change the way we all live this is not just finance it's not going and it's not going away and you just gotta have a strong hand and if you don't have a strong gamble then you're gonna end up with some fiat and you can use that Fiat to buy an Atari town that like button all right so we've got what is this here the et Cie dev that's I guess the etherion classic development team they have a tweet that's out there and again follow me a tech ball on Twitter te CH B alt I'm reminding you because I'm quoting a tweet from the e TC dev tweet account and they say unfortunately e TC dev cannot continue to work in the current situation and has to announce a shutdown of current activities so ethereal classics are pretty big it's a top-tier type of off coin and if some of their developers aren't working anymore that's not the best sign for them but you these development teams for altcoins they're gonna have to find ways of uh of coping they're not they're not they can't rely on these pumps anymore and I'm sure some of them will innovate but we're gonna see more announcements like this and maybe there have been other ones that I just don't know about because I don't follow every single altcoin on earth and again this is uh this is the big difference between Bitcoin and these other coins I mean bitcoins got all sorts of developers while there's not just one team and there might be more than one etherium classic development team I don't know but but Bitcoin it is you're not gonna oh this is not gonna be a tweet one day that says all the people that were working on Bitcoin development are gone now no it's big with these alt coins you get sometimes you have development teams there maybe they had a pre mine payment maybe they have other ways they're getting paid who knows and they just quit like this so I'm not saying they're I'm saying there's some all coins are gonna find innovative ways around the current situation their current bad financial situations what I mean and I don't know you know there's various reasons why some have fallen into the current situations they're in and there's various levels of centralization involved uh hang on we just got as I see a super chat from mentioned pension says he feels like December 2014 just at the end of the bear whale we bottomed in January yeah it does it's similar to that and it's similar again back then and Thank You Benjamin for the five bucks um that time they were there were a lot more people that were that thought Bitcoin could go to zero like now you really don't run into that I mean those are just super fun stirs that scream stuff like that I haven't really read that lately anyone's anyone worried about Bitcoin doing is he but know there were people back then I thought Bitcoin could just totally fail and I I don't think anyone legitimately thinks that anymore who anyone who legitimately understands what's going on here doesn't doesn't think that it's a good big home to Vale and all cryptocurrency will disappear and it'll be just an Atari or something all right but thank you mention McDow um here we go here's an in motion person out there top roller top rollers sent me a video he made and I always love to see new new YouTube creators out there guys who I've seen in my chat for a while in my comment section and then they make videos and so top rollers got a video out there and it's called Ken Bitcoin compete directly against gold I link to it below it's pretty good he he actually brings up some of Caitlin Long's uh points and he makes them easier to understand for regular people which is great which is great thing I mean and again he gives it gives some reasons to be excited when thinking of Bitcoin in terms of gold and I know there are a lot of golden holders out there who are transitioning from gold to Bitcoin so that that type of video I think bait they would definitely enjoy so good job top roller check him out subscribe to his channel alright now a lame I feel if I skip something here I know I did alright so here we got oh yeah because this be rhodium thing Andy Hoffman links to I linked in handy Hoffman update about that and the actual be rhodium site and one thing well anyway they have a strong hand program and I guy I gotta mention something that's using the term strong hand it's encouraging people to hold on to be rhodium now I'm not encouraging people again just because I say I said a theme classical for some people were oh you like aetherium classic ya know so I'm saying people know I I'm saying that I'm mentioning news stories about them that doesn't mean I'm saying to buy them I'm not saying to buy them I only tell people I only buy Bitcoin baby but I get for free you know be roading was a crypto dividend so yeah rhodium is encouraging people to hold that you can check that out but one thing that I found very interesting and I mentioned it yesterday I had no idea what it was yesterday and this is going to apply to other altcoins also this is more of an altcoin type of topic they brought up something called the crypto Trinity I'm like what the heck is encrypted Trinity so they're aligning themselves with bitcoin and litecoin all right they're associating themselves so they analyse and allegiance with these coins out this is the thing any coin can have an allegiance with Bitcoin they can be friendly because again all coins have some level of centralization to it they have founders they have whatever then maybe a marketing team so they can say anything they want to say nothing just like what I had a man that Johnson on the on the show over a year ago and she's like challenging Bitcoin and back then I was like you know how can you say to how you you can say – is a competitor or a Bitcoin and yeah sure she could actually why not there's nothing stopping there's no rules – in all this you can compare your coin to Bitcoin but that was on a negative level that she was attacking Bitcoin she was competing with big I mean not negative but competing with her but she was kind of being negative she was she was insulting Bitcoin but that's neither here nor there this allegiance thing is very interesting it's very interesting you know some of these off points in order to survive I would I would advise them yeah be friendly toward Bitcoin say you have an allegiance to them make up terms like the crypto Trinity and try to affiliate yourselves with these other bigger coins to make yourself seem more legitimate cuz no one can stop you when that no one Bitcoin can stop you now with these other all coins if you align with another off point it has a central is it you know have it has a leadership team they can reject you now like pointing doesn't have a leadership team anymore really because Charlie lys soul ball is like I mean he could say I mean he can make a statement you can make a statement if you know if he if he hears about this be rhodium things say I have no trinity with them there's Trinity but no but see I mean all seriousness I think that altcoins you know you could take the dash route or that Amanda took on my show and just be like we're you know we're better than Bitcoin where we're out to get Bitcoin or you can try to align yourself you can have an allegiance with Bitcoin like these are be rhodium people seem to seem to want to do so I mean we can have a yeah i-i've said friendly Forks before we get friendly like super friendly offs now another thing and I I said in the past that relates to this subject is that I thought that certain crypto dividends that were out there should form like alliances like bi I think I specifically said be private and be gold should get together and form some type of team some sort of joint promotional operation I don't know it's just it's an idea you can go in any direction in this space it's very experimental that's that's the interesting thing about all coins like they can they can do things like this you know and again I'm all for productivity those are productive measures it's not about killing the other all coin like some people want to do I think that's nasty stuff and doesn't this shed a good light on on the space but hey it's personal responsibilities in your case you can do whatever you want to do you can think whatever you want to think this is what I think this is my show so um but another thing and I don't know if I've ever talked about this before but some of you know there's so many all coins out there that you know another gimmick they could do instead of you trying to have allegiances with other coins is actually merging with another I don't know how you would really do this but if there are two like meandering alt coins out there like on the second page of coin market cap like 60 or all cones they could make some announcement like we're combining coins now we're going to turn to coins into one who knows what that could do I don't know how that could really even be done it could be done anything can be done in this dorm space I don't know what you would call that a merger a crypto merger or something but we could see some stuff like that happening to so so you're like Luke I think it's exciting I think I'd like to see that experiment play out and I bet it will one day a friendly crypto merger so yeah the this whole Trinity thing that they're doing over there at B rhodium got me thinking about all that stuff and I'm sure most people you know or we hear about this B rhodium thing are gonna more focus on this strong hand gimmick that they have and of course I'd like the name strong hand who what but again you have a strong hand with your Bitcoin people and you got to value your wealth in Bitcoin so if you're if you're playing around in any all coin even if you got it for free you better be valuing your wealth in Bitcoin yeah I I would advise about your wealth a Bitcoin they're trying to obviously tell you they want you to value if you're a holder of B rhodium they want you to hold on to it they're giving you incentive to value your wealth and be roti I'm not saying to do that I'm just telling you can check out that links below anyway anyway very interesting stuff over in the off coin space but it's just a reminder you know we're talking about all these gimmicks yeah they're basically gimmicks with Bitcoin there is no gimmick Bitcoin is the next Bitcoin one big point he was one Bitcoin have a strong hand people i am adam meister and keep it on the positive baby i think you could take that from today's show definitely i got to update the links below right now so i'm adam i should they call measure to disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video pound that freaking like button bang that bell button to get reminders when we go live and click on those squares that you see on the screen right now if you're watching this tape i will say hi to you in the chat bye bye