Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is December the 15th 2018 strong hand on confiscate about bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counter cultural culture the furrow of gratification alright everybody I'm in Tel Aviv Israel got a lot of energy tonight this is going to be a great show we're going to talk about so many more subjects that are way beyond Bitcoin both talked a little bit about Bitcoin if you want to hear about Bitcoin check out yesterday's this week in Bitcoin show Simon Dixon was my only guest he made up all the panel because he's the apex predator of guest it was a great time my shows are going to be a little bit earlier now for everybody in United States and some in Israel that whole time thing is messed up it's midnight where I am it's 5:00 pm
back in New York and Baltimore in DC and Los Angeles it's 2 pm and I kind of feel like it's 2 pm still I haven't gotten used to the time yet the jet I'll explain that in a second anyway also watched Thursday's show it was it was a good show but not many people got to watch it because the Friday show like came on only a few hours after it alright so and always check out the links below you get t-shirts all sorts of good stuff link to below and everything I talk about in this video is linked to below disrupt meister comm all my old shows alright so we'll start with what the great a human human is a a guy who makes videos that pertain to men and won't pertain to everyone and he says but muslim says when you are when you're out on the internet okay all you people going out in the internet in the comments section on twitter whether you're reading or you're posting et cetera don't go out there with your sword out okay like you're looking for a fight you're looking the troll it's it's much more productive to go out there and you want to learn don't look for a fight don't be out there with your sword poking and to sue what younger guys tend to want to argue on the Internet they use it and now you can understand they got a lot of excess energy testosterone run wild like Hulk Hogan 26 24 inch pythons running wild bow that like button but no go ahead going back to the subject at hand not Hulk Hogan is steroid use but yes yes so you wanna you want to be calm when you're out on the internet because if you're looking for a fight it's gonna waste your time when I was younger I used to get into all these football discussions about the Ravens and I would spend hours debating people about the Ravens I look back on that now and it's so silly what I answer my sword was out there I was looking to battle a battle for my team against the the Steeler fans or the brown fans or whatever it's ridiculous but a lot of people that do that in the Bitcoin world – they're looking for a fight they're looking to argue with B – people look in the argue with Ripple PR or ripple people are looking to argue in Bitcoin it's a waste of your time go out there trying to learn don't go out there trying to fight in any aspect of your internet life because you're a lot more efficient when you're going out there trying to learn because I trying might be fun for some people in the end of the day it is a waste of time all right so let's talk about asset classes here I talked about real estate in the past because I've had experience with real estate in the past specifically in Baltimore City oh and here is a story it's another reason why you shouldn't own a house why owning a house isn't that great whether you live in it or you don't live in it that there are hidden taxes Neverending costs in in any depends on what jurisdiction you're in so first off let me remind you that if you own Bitcoin Bitcoin doesn't send you a water bill every month okay but in Baltimore City you can get sent the water bill every month and is it the correct water bill who knows for years they haven't been able to measure the amount of water usage properly that most people are involved with at their homes whether they live in their homes or they don't live in their home and if you make the renters pay that the renters don't have to pay the water bill they don't pay the water bill if the renders don't pay one row they'll the city will take the house from you so that's not an option either okay if you do own a house and borrow more pay your own water bill and then deal with these horrible consequences so here's the thing the politicians in Baltimore right now they're always looking for a way to get around the main issue which is that D that they don't measure the water bills correctly that the meters are all broken or most of them are but the whole system is broken if they just corrected it and people would get correct water bills it would be okay but if you've lived in Baltimore owned a home in Baltimore oh you've gone through the the hazing period at least once where you receive that one $400 water bill out of the blue you know you've been getting $89 water but all of a sudden you get a $400 one you don't know why they make up lies why it's because the things broken it's not because you have a leak they have all these sometimes a person will have a leak very rarely but anyway it is and so many people think I'm exaggerating this like how can the entire system be broke are you saying that they just your people's water bills are random yes yes they are usually you'll get the same water bill month after when they used to do it quarterly you would get the same one over and over and over again every quarter you're not using that Ahmet you're not using the exact same amount of water every quarter trust me you're you're pretty good and then they've added extra water bill taxes on to the water bill now that that's something that's solid like everybody everybody gets paid that everybody gets charged that extra 35 a month okay that at least that makes sense it's horrifying is it's a hidden tax the whole water bill system is a horrible hidden tax no real estate agents gonna tell you about that if you own a house in Carroll County which is a couple counties over in Maryland you don't have to worry about this nonsense you don't get that hidden baltimore city water bill tax their water bill system is correct they don't they actually measure how much water you use or you have a well and whatever the system anyway so Jack Young who's the president of the City Council he his proposal offering income based billing comes in the wake of another plan Drake height okay so since they can't figure out how to properly measure your water usage they're just gonna the Communist Jack Young who's a the city council president or wherever he is he had I know a shame comma cop who knows what he is the guy the the the sociopathic bureaucrat who makes tons of money by working by being city council president doing who knows what this man proposes why don't we just everyone's water bill is based on how much money they make that that sounds fair right you know you can use as much water as you want to but if you're if you're poor anything you don't get you don't have to pay the rich pay people will pay for your water for the middle-class people it's been obviously a nonsense solution the solution is to properly measure how much everyone uses okay that that's the fair thing but of course and he wants to come up with a new a new I think a new city uh bureaucracy a new city department that that deals with water bill issues I mean there's already people who dealing with water bill it's not it is nonsense um read the article these are the joys of real estate and the joys of dealing with sociopathic politicians that are just trying to get more and more votes of course because the poor people complain when they get when they're getting these high water bills so why not they're more them than the wealthy people have longer City so why not just make an income base so they don't have to worry about their water bills anymore and they'll vote for Jack Young over and they already both protect him blindly over and over and you know what's up Jack Young if you're watching this you know Joe I know jack I met him in person and stuff I actually tried when I cared about politics I actually I got in the argument with him on the streets of Baltimore in the year 2011 and Artscape actually an orange day by I was raising raising my voice and that's not the solution to the problem the solution is selling your door in house and barn were buying Bitcoin and becoming a wealthy person traveling around the whole world and let Jack Young rot with everybody else over there in the water department anyway so I mean you got to take care of yourself you got you gotta take care of yourself here but I'm just putting it out there hmm what what you deal with with owning a home for all of you people who sell real estates great real estate real estate you got a deal with the bureaucrats all their rules with the Jack Young's of the world with the water bill based on income it's just nonsense out there so again upgrade opt out into the Bitcoin overlay okay turn your house in the Bitcoin like I did I don't get up my Bitcoin doesn't send me your water bill my bit Bitcoin doesn't get me talking to Jack Young in the water department all right whatever the darn Department is down and to go down to the bomb when I had that $400 water bill I had to go down there and then make a present and I had to talk to some I forgot the whole thing the people you have to deal with down there it's horrifying anyway I don't even let any I'm in Baltimore four times a year now it's great it's great visit see the family I don't have that I only have to deal with his realistic and and believe you me if you do research into my background you'll see I was a big Baltimore you know housing type of uh you know we did a lot of fun things in Reservoir Hill I'll tell you it was it was an experience but that's for another show and another day alright so let's talk about my plane ride over from so I started out in Los Angeles there was a layover in Newark and then I ended up in Tel Aviv so that's pretty that's pretty long on a plane and you need it's a ten hour difference between Los Angeles and Tel Aviv so keep that in mind for the rest of the show and what's what's been going on here so what many of you know that when I'm out of a long plane ride I'll just best that's it I'm not I do not eat on planes it's discuss the theaters discuss I would never eat their food first of all it was United Airlines and that's why I got a breakdown something here never mind yeah I'm writing something I'm going to talk to you guys about it in a second I don't want to forget this wasn't right all right so yeah on the plane ride I fast and it ended up being a sixty two hour fast okay from Los Angeles to find one when I finally ate in Tel Aviv I like I ate the night before I left Los Angeles and then I ate the afternoon the Friday after the Simon Dixon yeah after the Simon Dixon's show shortly I actually ran and I ran like with sixty hours fast and then I ate when I got back so but the point of me even mentioning it you know this this type of thing is that everyone here I think knows that I fast twenty two hours every day I I space my meals out I'll have a meal than 22 hours later I'll have another meal okay so at least sometimes it's 23 sometimes 24 hours so lately I've been eating around you know 5:00 p
m her this 3 pm 2 pm
depend depends what but I always for now since well since 2013 it's been at least 20 hours between a meal but since I think 2015 has been 22 hours whatever the case I'm a big intermittent faster guy but then there are other times during the year when I'm going on a plane it turns into at least like a 41 hour fast ok which means you totally skip a day of eating so you stop you know you eat on a Sunday night you go on a plane on Monday then on Tuesday you eat again so you've skipped Tuesday you skip Monday completely you didn't eat a thing so that day 365 days a year that's one day you did not eat during the whole year well with my whole schedule then you got it I've done too many 40-something fifties something 60 something mostly around the 40s a fast but I also did a 73 hour fast this year over 73 hour and then I did my record 120 hour fast all right now those two are very important because supposedly you can restart again this is not proven stuff restart your immune system after 72 hours of fasting around 120 hours you're maybe you're finding cancer supposedly so I aim for these goals it's good to do it at a 72 hour fast that twice a year people say okay so I definitely did miss 92 hour fast twice a year but with all of these fast okaying with all of the not including the 22 hour fast again but with these 41 and over hour fast where you skip a day where you skip a day for the year 2018 because I'm not doing another one now there's there's only 15 days left in the year right I skipped 30 days of eating in 2018 there are 30 days in the year 2018 that I did not have any food any food at all so that is a month I went a month without eating and again it wasn't a consecutive month but you think about it 11 months of the year I ate then one month here I did not eat so that takes a lot of discipline it takes some long-term thinking but you're believing this is going to do something good for you for the long term that you're resting your that you're definitely wrestling your digestive system so your body can work on other issues in your body you know trying to heal other aspects of your body and I am a pretty healthy guy and I'm able to run 20 miles a week and everything and obviously I have a high energy level I always so we'll see how long is you know what in the when will I notice the results well if I how long will I live I mean that that's probably the that's the thing but it is there definitely some medium term benefits – I mean I'm healthy right I mean there's a lot of energy and stuff so there's my fasting a lot of you have questions about the fasting routine why it's all done again I mean the basic concept is if you're not digesting all the time your body can heal itself okay it's not focus there's again if you're eating all the time your body's constantly digested constantly dealing with the issues and again I eat a very healthy healthy foods – no bread no candy that just dog natural food like here banana banana tomorrow the more banana but yeah I have animals salmon I mean but again nothing I don't have oils added to it I don't have things fried its ceramic and I'll have meat there's nothing like there's nothing wrong with just having some meat okay it's not gonna kill you but if it's meat that's fried in some horrific natural Panola unnatural canola oil or it's bread it no that's not good that's not good that keep it simple I keep my crypto holdings simple with the Bitcoin and you know buy and hold and I keep my food simple just you don't put ketchup in all this nonsense because it's poison ketchup is poison I mean it's it's got all sorts of oils and chemicals in it I don't have that on my I don't need prepackaged foods or anything like that just my ingredients are very simple if it's peanut butter it'll say peanuts that's it not the other mono and diglycerides involving palnet freaking like buddies all right let's talk about here it is now Saturday night or eternity but Sunday morning I guess in in Tel Aviv and Tel Aviv is what it would have very interesting to the city you know a lot of people even if you're Jewish you're going to get thrown off by it a little bit so on Friday people start to not work on Friday I think some people will work half a day on Friday but when Shabbat starts on Friday when Shabbat starts on Friday everything really starts to shut down if you're out on the streets when Shabbat has started on Friday night they're not there's some people at bars and stuff a few but it's very quiet very few cars and then Saturday during the Sabbath they're very and again Tel Aviv is not a religious city at all it is like a world class secular looking city okay it's not like in Jerusalem or anything like that because looks great and it's obviously a world class study but it's a very religious city no doubt about it but but in Tel Aviv was just like Los Angeles see kind of the Los Angeles of Israel I don't know but what I'm saying is you don't you don't see mixed you see people with tattoos you see gay people out there you see all sorts of things you wouldn't expect in a religious place okay it is not a little it's a secular city the point is though is that no matter how secular people have become the Jewish people have become in Tel Aviv they still like to spend time with their families during the Sabbath there is no doubt about that there is no doubt about that because people and then so when it gets on Saturday night when it gets dark again the Sabbath ends all of a sudden all these cars on the street people are walking around like it's daytime again so and then on Sunday people work tomorrow people who work like it is a work day I will go to the Bitcoin embassy tomorrow at 7 pm people will have worked and I can't wait to go to the Bitcoin embassy to see everybody there has been a while some people are expecting me there I think some people will be surprised and I'm gonna be there then I'm back but um I didn't make a big announcement there need to do something it's great it'll be great but but the point is it's a very interesting environment here very intern and then should you go I'm walking around because well first one of the reason I started walking around tonight is I went to synagogue this morning now I have and we're gonna go in this detail why I'd be going to synagogue lately but I went to send a guy this morning and when I came back I fell asleep I just fell asleep for like four hours basically because part of my body is still in LA time and I since my father passed away since the the mourning period began I have gone to City got every single day every single day and said the say the Koch for your father for your you know for almost a year you're supposed to be mourning and that in that way so I'm doing that I am doing that and that has taken me away from being able to reply to everybody mostly it's rearranged my schedule in many different movies I had to get up early often often to go to synagogue would you take care of it in the morning you try to take care it's easier to take care of them Saturday but I have not been able to reply to everybody's emails that's a that's mmm the biggest shake-up that that's going on but anyway so I fell asleep I fell asleep others because my sleeping pattern is is messed up I mean you know my body isn't used to Tel Aviv yeah and I keep on getting up early so then I walked around outside and I see this just this whole world is the everything's going wild after uh you know once the Sun has gone down everyone is out there and each wore masks it's so nice out there tonight it is just great and you're so safe out there in this in this city in this country you're so safe it's not like walking around every I like walking around Baltimore I mean show when are running around and then you have women you have women that are like noon or nineteen years old that are back from the army and there were walking around these tremendous guns and you know there's things you're not gonna start shooting if anything happened nothing happens and you said people have these you know rumors about Israel holla dangerous I mean again it's it is so safe and it is beautiful and again this is winter this is their winter it is a you know they're right by the sea and is it's a great place to be it really is a great place to me I'm already you can tell them I'm very much enjoying myself I'm getting this sleeping pattern back tonight hopefully I got to wake up at 6:45 in the morning no to go to synagogue um and so I I'm I'm stayin at Airbnb the Airbnb is its small its I mean I obviously I'm a guy of a certain age and a certain wealth that I'm I'm always going to have Airbnb share type of thing I get my own place when I go to when I when I go somewhere I get my own place at my own bathroom I have my own kitchen I have my own bed that's it I'm all by myself I don't mean no one bothers me I don't see any one's my own apartment but it's small it's very small and that's the thing in life if you can it's so many people are obsessed with size they'd have a big house a big dissipate this place I am in the heart of Tel Aviv I am right near the the grand synagogue of Tel Aviv where I've been going to the Scholl and I am right near the Bitcoin Embassy – I mean blocks away I can tell you where I am because I know no one's gonna come here and try to jack me that's how safe this place is although all the haters of Israel they're not gonna ever gonna come they don't hate me that much first of all but I'm nothing to be hated that much but I can in a country like this I can tell you my exact location I know I'm gonna be saved because there's no criminals here basically well not anyway so it's a safe place what I'm trying to say here but this this Airbnb is a great deal to be in a world-class City and to be paying what I'm paying and again my internet is free it's all including like my mind cooking is free my bathroom everything everything it's just not big but do I need a big place do I need a big place do I have an ego where I got to brag to someone yeah I got a one-bedroom no I got a studio that's what I got so freaking it's a studio here's the bed the beds behind you don't see the bed there's the front door there's the bathrooms and the here's the kitchen is right here and cooked right right here so I pulled out of the banana any of these great so for those of you who think like oh my stars living this extravagant lifestyles of the rich and famous no I save money this is great this is how I can do this you can do this too you can get a taste of a world-class city by doing it just I am in the heart of Tel Aviv where and many people complain about how expensive it is to live in Tel Aviv for me it's not I mean it's nothing tips I whatever I got my own studio here at this dude this dude made a extra studio out of this place I'm out I don't know I don't see him he's somewhere and uh you know you know he's I I get I give these Airbnb guys credit that that make place somehow for form another apartment off of their main building and there's many creative ways I've I've been in garages that have been turned into apartments it's great this creativity and so Airbnb great first for something like this and yeah it's a modern safe city and it's it I think many Americans would be freaked out seeing so that I seem you sold your girls walking around guys with guns and people can carry here too so you'll see a dude just like with a gun in the back of his pocket and stuff but no one ever used I mean so I what I wanted what I thought of earlier in the show so I had to say the cottage every day so maybe something you're asking like well how did you when you're coming you prayed on Wednesday in Los Angeles and by the way I want to give shoutouts to the Los Feliz Habad in in Los Angeles that's where I did most of my praying if you're Jewish and you want to become more Jewish I guess go to go to the Los Feliz Habad it's right near East Hollywood is right near Hollywood the rabbi there is great he's I and again in Baltimore area the Owings mill Chabad that's Mike my rabbi rabbi K of course and he's friends with the rabbi at the coincidentally friends with the rabbi Ethel Los Feliz Ichabod in in Los Angeles but um the Los Feliz Chabad did not have services every day so the last two days when including Wednesday the day I had to get to LAX to get to Tel Aviv I had to take a bus to LA Bria and go to some schools there which is a very interesting story I mean I don't think a lot of a lot of people can envision you and your work walking on LaBrea south of Santa Monica Boulevard and what most people think of Santa Monica Boulevard you can see the Hollywood Hills you don't think about see these Orthodox Jewish people walk it up and down go to the synagogue or go to school at 7:00 am it is quite a Los Angeles site I got it I gotta say it it's quite and then you see the Hollywood Hills you see the Hollywood sign you see I mean it's it is wacky out there it is but I was but anyway so I prayed Wednesday morning in Los Angeles so then but by the time I get to Tel Aviv it's like Thursday night so people pay how did you pray what happened with the prayer or where were you able to pray on Thursday well let me tell you on my United flight from Newark first of all you get all sorts of Satmar and other really ultra-orthodox people knowing in new work okay now I'm not gonna get in the Satmar right now I've gotten into them into other other videos we're not gonna get into them that they're even going to Israel is a little strange since they don't recognize Israel as existing but anyway that's for Satmar to worry about today the point is when you're on the plane going over the ocean you're going over the Atlantic Ocean and the Sun starts to come up in the plane we're probably like near Iceland or near England who knows where we were at this time all of a sudden all the religious people and not so religious people start putting on there to fill in put me on their Tallis's putting on where they have the yarmulke on of course already and they start praying so of course I did oh and I got all my stuff I put my gear on you should have seen me I'm only a United flight totally disoriented because I'm not getting a good night's sleep on a flight obviously you don't know what really time it is you start that's where I did my ascend my cottage right there with you all these other guys are praying around you another sight to see I'm in another strange sight I don't know if any of you have ever been on an airplane where all of a sudden bunch of Jewish people start praying and they're standing near the bathrooms they're standing in the aisles are standing not in the bathrooms near the bathrooms you can't bring your Tallis or your to filling into a bathroom all right so there's my little story today and again so you're getting a little I mean this is beyond Bitcoin sure you want to hear about that so with all this coordinating going to these synagogues there's a lot of there's a lot of travel time like there's last two days in Los Angeles I had to get on the bus and it wasn't that quick of a processed and then to get to Los Feliz I would have to walk up the loose police so I've had up when you're in this mourning period and you're going to synagogue every day and then you you can't just leave the synagogue once you've said your prayer and everything I mean if the rabbi invites you to do something else you see you're polite you stick around for the police I stuck around for other activities and stuff you just don't leave you want to be you know they're very welcoming to you they did something in return you're welcoming to them you know there's a give-and-take to all this you want to be polite in life but there's been all I've had a lot of time to think you know you get a lot of time to think about spear so issues I'll just throw that out there to people when you when you put yourself into the and again UI people were saying well you don't have to go to synagogue every day you don't have to go this day now I mean I'm doing this my father went to synagogue every day when his mother died so I mean there he tried to I mean from what I know he whenever he tried his best he was in Baltimore though he was in Baltimore and that was you know he had to deal with he had children who take care of him stop touring I don't have children I have a wife or anything like that so for me that the hard part is just getting the logistics getting the legit you know I'm going for City the city I got to find a place in Israel obviously it's easier to find places to pray I guess so but you know you definitely have time to think about a lot of spiritual existential existential issues when you're when you're doing this so this is part of my life now for the next year I guess or a little less than a year and it's an unexpected jolt to my usual schedule but this is what happens this is life you gotta you gotta take it like this and they're gonna oh they're gonna be unexpected things you gonna roll with the punches and it's been an interesting experience I've met some interesting people with at these synagogues and seeing some things I didn't expect and in some times of it I can't tell my dad about this you know why I want but I can't but he's gone and everything buddy I'll tell other people but she would love some of these stories that I I've encountered he would be very interested in some of the things I've ever seen so here got going okay so now enough of the religious stop enough of these the prayer the the the personal Meister info there here is something who said this well this is for 80 percenters this isn't a constant 80% theme I think I think human also said this people don't want to hear your opinion they want to hear their opinion coming out of your mouth so when you're on YouTube you get this a lot from from 80 percenters they'll be like I'm on I'm on subscribing because you said something I didn't like do what you're going to do do that doesn't they think they're it's some passive-aggressive move there I'm subscribing that's like that's sorting that's that's using my sword to hurt him not really you don't really notice that too much when someone else's scribes and I definitely considered a passive-aggressive move when someone like informs me that they did but the point is why they do that is people don't want to hear your opinion they want to hear their opinion coming out of their mouth and lean out of your mouth at least 80 percenters 80 that's the 80% of mentality there they would have you their opinion out of your mouth if you're a 20% or your your willing to hear other opinions okay you you know that you're not gonna agree with me every time or you're not gonna agree with whoever every time and you're gonna you're gonna deal with it you're gonna learn you're not out there looking for a fight you're out there looking to learn so there's some advice there jeet a great GQ i usually quote on my other or my other shows if you a Bitcoin there's nothing by the way people if he made it there's gonna be some political talk okay we're gonna talk about buying in and and be dough in a second I mean I mean some primary some of your piling on what's all this religious stuff hey it's to be out big going show you never know where you're gonna get the religion stuff is first today the political stuff will be toward the end so bear with me you can always fast forward there's nothing that jeet said there's nothing shameful about living with your parents if you're poor our society misleads people into debt that's true wasting time on low probability careers portable careers and throws children to the rules parents who support their children and show them who take care of their elders are honorable there are a lot of good points in that statement Jeet I Lou to it below everybody check that out but yeah man don't try to rush into some job and get into debt because you can't afford the lifestyle you're trying to fit in take it easy if you got to live with your parents for a little longer living even but get you it's it's good it's better to live with your parents and figure out how to be totally independent not working for anybody but yourself then working for some corporation going into debt and being a tax slave and then who knows what ending up and the up and what sort of situation in the long term when you're when you're older so take a long-term approach and yes it is it is honorable to take care of your parents if they need if they need help and they've been good to you and if they're good people yes of course and there's you know sticker what them is great but we live in this tech where you got to be mr
cool guy and get your sports car and go into debt and that doesn't you know end up in a good situation so Ben Shapiro pointing out you know the they're threatening a government shutdown and I love government shutdowns I think they're great it seems so it seems some money why pay these people but we don't we don't but Ben Shapiro says that that when there's a government shutdown only non-essential employees are they they're the ones are not working and he points out that in his private business he only has essential employees so that's it that's a great point why does the government even have non-essential employees I mean they this is total waste of taxpayer money they're just there for decoration non-essential you only hire people who are essential that's how it works in the private world you don't you don't hire extra people for decoration I mean it's ridiculous it's reduces it again the whole non-essential employee term is shouldn't even exist not a central government there shouldn't be such thing as a non-essential government employee tamiya by me not I would say not a more essential we don't really need a government but let's say we need a government with 10 percent or essential maybe to run the whole thing I don't know so yeah I don't care when there's a government shutdown I think oh that's great good they're saving some money there that's also but the way the media twisted around they always try to vilify the the person who's shutting it down or who cause – I know whatever it's it's it's just a word it's it's the trigger you the word triggers you it sounds like something bad government shutdown no it's something good it's something good all right follow me on twitter a tech ball eech be alt a lot of people are saying that this pence rule thing is getting bigger in the corporate world that men now are like not meeting with women anymore because they don't want to be in private situations or they're taping it because they didn't want to be accused of sexual harassment in 30 years and you know the way I see it is why even why even deal in that game man why even play in that world in the corporate space where you're gonna have to have pense rules and stuff get into a situation we're gonna work for yourself okay and you no one's gonna go you're not gonna have any employees that can go sue you for anything ridiculous or accuse you of things you didn't do or not even have that thread over your head where you have to have ridiculous things where you have to tape where you have meetings with people of the opposite sex I mean so yeah Bitcoin overlayed don't worry about the pence rule and we don't worry about the petrel and Bitcoin overlay but it is interesting that we're living in an environment now where people are laughing at Mike Pence and now there are wealthy men that you know are in situations where they could lose a lot were there they're getting very serious about not meeting with women in private situations and it's it's really unfortunate that has come to this Bell the thinking ape he's got a video channel out there you all know him and I link to his video below and he talks about if you're a guy and you're going your own way that changes you're changing yourself and you shouldn't really think like well I'm opting out of the system so it's gonna bring the whole system down no you're just you're just a regular person now if everybody opted out of the system thing yeah the system would change but not everybody's opting out of the system yeah he says it's not a this is not a going golf type of thing when you change your lifestyle to fit you know you're living an alternative lifestyle maybe where you don't get married or where you don't work for a big corporation or where you travel around you know you do something that's not accepted by the 80% but mainstream society you're not really starting a revolution you're not the world mainstream society isn't going to miss you Society does not need you but you don't need them either you don't need their acceptance you don't need to play their game now I think in Atlas Shrugged the guide and I have not read it but when those guys who went Gault they were very powerful wealthy men so society was going to miss them okay now all these rich guys disappeared and then the society fell apart but where why not maybe you are a super rich guy I don't know I doubt if you're watching this show if you're some you're a guy who owns a tremendous corporation that would be missed okay but again think of it think of it this way you don't need to you don't need to shatter the world you know need to go golf in that in that way where you being gone it's gonna change the whole world because you don't need to fit into society you're improving yourself you're improving yourself by going your own way if society falls apart because you're gone okay whatever but it shouldn't be your goal to bring down society your goal should be to help yourself in this this applies to Bitcoin also there's a lot of people who think well man we're all going to get the Bitcoin it's gonna change the whole financial paradigm it's going to change the whole entire world it get into Bitcoin because you're gonna it could do that yeah in theory but in the immediate results are you're bettering yourself you're getting more freedom you're not depending on these third parties anymore and so if if for some reason most of society got into Bitcoin then great but don't expect it to happen because you know opting out sounds so easy it sounds really easy and for me it's been really easy I don't live a traditional lifestyle I live in the Bitcoin overlay definitely it's been very but for most people I think it's I think it's the peer pressure to fit in they can't opt out of a financial system they can opt out the social system most people do not really care about their true happiness they want to fit in they would rather fit in then figure out what really is making them happy what really makes it gives them a spark in life and that's that's unfortunate so you know they don't they want don't want to be embarrassed by Bitcoin all or they don't wanna be embarrassed by not but not owning a house if they ranked or something it's ridiculous so that inspired me that making a video and I'll know if you wanted to go that beat down and does a Bitcoin t800 Bitcoin I did all right so let's talk about politics here let me preface this by saying if you know and care about the 2020 having more so than the 2020 Democrats running for president then you are in great shape okay and that's that's the way I would advise you to position your life understand Bitcoin in the 2020 having and more so than you do the whole 2020 and spend more time on Bitcoin in the 2020 having than you do on the worrying about the 2020 election you are going to be in great shape okay but let's talk about what the 80 percenters are going to be talking their time on shortly which is the 2020 election and I brand I bring this off also because of how predictable 80% Society and 80% mainstream media is and I have been bringing up the same person since the beginning of September when hardly anybody knew about it so it's been as Vado o'rourke again beta O'Rourke again is this gonna be a few articles linked to him about about him listed below so when I was posting for someone I was posting this on Twitter I decided well wait a second I wonder if this subject is already like baked in for the cake on Twitter so I did hashtag bide him and sure enough it came out Biden Beto 2020 naturally on Twitter so many people are already tweeting about this maybe Twitter um purposely rigged it so that would come up I don't know I don't care but now it is so we're gonna get into the in a second but here first off cnncom has article that says CNN poll looking to 2020 beta O'Rourke on the horizon and by name is ranked number one against among the Democrats in this poll then Sanders then bado well what's the difference between those three three people the first two were very old men irrelevant well not not anymore to be in your 70s you're not very old I mean that's like common yeah but they're older guys they're gonna like they'll eventually turn 80 in office okay we're talking and again we're life extension technology is getting better and better I mean there's there's no doubt they if you're seventies now you're much physically much better shape than a guy in the 70s and 1940s 70 is the new 50 but but the point is is that beta is much more you know you stand bado or ork beedo whatever his name is next to Sanders just like crunched over and buying in with his hair plugs and everything that I mean if you want to get hair plugs get hair plugs I don't care but he's just just a in the long run he will catch up to that because so many people vote superficially anyway he won't be ranked number third monsters three guys for and he was not even ranked in the top three a few months ago he's just come to this level now because the media is hyping him rfk 20 they say he's Obama 20 it's so predictable he's so good-looking he's from Texas he pretends to be Hispanic when he's Irish and still even to on Election Day 2020 if he's running people will still think he's Hispanic even though he's not Hispanic and it's he doesn't it's clear he's not Hispanic but he's got this name that's Hispanic he'll still attract okay I know it sounds like nonsense that I'm rambling on about that but it's just so insane that people get tricked by a name like bado I mean that's one of his uh that's one of his qualities why he is ranked high amongst Democrats because he is this panic nickname I mean that's how ridiculous politics is I mean you guys can play in that game I'm playing the big point game anyway you don't have to worry about what your nickname is if it's Hispanic or Irish or whatever you are so NBC News also had a link to a pole bait O'Rourke narrowly tops the move on 2020 presidential straw poll now a straw poll is not scientific like the poll that I just previously mentioned but but they use straw polls to from when you win a struggle they use it as a marketing okay so he he can pivot off of that but the main story here the main story and then again you love straw polls for people that they like they'll go they'll blow him way out of proportion like for him um so this is an article from AP news past and Kurt and this is very important and very interesting if you care about politics past and current advisors to Biden have held frequent conversations about options to alleviate concerns about age including teaming him with a young a younger running mate one option that has been floated according to a source with knowledge of the talks is outgoing Texas rep beta O'Rourke who had 46 has become the subject of intense 2020 speculation after nearly beating GOP senator Ted Cruz of Texas okay so usually when the Democrats are running in the primary they don't you don't name your frickin VP die until after you've won the nomination but the I believe that he that the the binding guys are talking to the I have no doubt of that III I've heard that they have things that are floating around this is not the only story about this I think it would be a smart move to for this old geezer to say okay we're going to try something different here I'm so modern but old I want to pick my VP candidate right now two years before the frickin election okay I'm picking my VP tani now it'll take him off the table forever and thus I've got this great I might be old but I've got this young energy with me and it takes out his main from one of his main competitors and he'll Biden will win invited is able to do that if Biden is able to convince this guy hey dude you you know join my ticket you'll be the vice president in United States and you won't even be 50 years old yet he will he'll win they look W&B Trump well though they'll have a great shot of beating Trump it will force it will also force trunk to do something it will force Trump to duck what let me go back again if he again if he picks bado early I mean does this unprecedented move it makes a tag team with bado then some of the other debt maybe then Bernie Sanders will pick some communist woman to be his running mate or something and then instead of having 40 people running for Democratic nomination there'll be a few tag teams or something like that which would be in there would be a totally new way of going about things that's not how things usually work they don't you don't pick your VP until after the nomination usually you don't have a tag team beforehand but I think things like this might change which is a very interesting thing but yeah that CAD team would beat all other tag teams immediately that that would win right there because baigan does have some appeal with working-class men and whenever I think it's a joke but that doesn't doesn't matter what I think all these people in the 80 percenter and 80 percenters get you but it would force Trump then too he would he could not have pence as his running game anymore he would have to pick nikki Haley as his running mate at that point he would they would figure out some way to get rid of pence and then bringing a woman because we need a woman because this is how it works the current strategy in for the Democrats let's go over what the current strategy is does this is all 80% are stuff you can apply this to to whatever you do in life okay to avoid this type of stuff the the Democrats strategy is to have these investigations into Trump that are going on and just attack like simple bad words to him through these investigations whether these investigations come up with anything legitimate or not just make these investigations as complicated and bureaucratic as possible and attach one negative word to Trump which is criminal so all these investigations the whole point of them from a baby who knows he'll it won't go to they won't have maybe they'll have an impeachment to or but everybody won't get convicted it'll just be too so they could all say the word criminal criminal criminal they've only got it you know Nancy Pelosi all these people they just say when they talk about Trump to say criminal criminal crime so that is their talking point criminal and this works to influence 80 percenters eight of her centers are influenced by one simple word they don't want to think they want to think they're like well there's some investigation going on he's criminal the key I keep here the word Creek he's criminal so they're going with that tactic so they're just and then if they do this by in dado tag team they can say young they'll say we are young and experienced versus criminal so young experienced versus criminal and it seems like I'm just talking to a very simple child but that's the way they talk to voters because many voters have the minds of simple children some of these 80 percenters so um but again so and Trump will fight back with woman I have woman so women vote for me now so that that's what it'll probably be surprised if it boils down to that so they'll be sick criminal you are criminal I have woman we have youth and experience and then eighty percent of you I like women or I like there's any experience I like pretty man like RFK I like I like Indian woman from South Carolina and show you know see that so that's politics it's gonna boil down to that that'll be very interesting you know I mean I don't waste your time in that world people that's what it all boils down to for you those who enjoy that type of thing there's my not my take know about the 20/20 having don't work don't have to worry about woman versus young man experience alright bang that Bell click on the squares up there to watch my old shows found that like when i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video shows and you check out the links section below i will talk to you dudes in the chat see
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