Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is December the 29th 2018 was it 367 days from 2020 strong hand buy-and-hold like this chart says long term thinking unn confiscate able offended by selling value your wealth in big coin oh yeah strong hand shirt get stuff like this below there's all sorts of affiliate links and whatnot down there yeah there's not that many anymore who cares whatever you would support the show anyway you want to hey somebody want to give me Z cash I did list a Z cash address right below the video just for that one dude if he's paying attention I forgot who it was alright so check out this weekend Bitcoin that was Friday's show two great guests has McCook and Boris from game kings and really a great last last this week in big coin of the Year show Boris you talked about the combination of gaming and cryptocurrency it's a beautiful combo the younger the people of above gaming again the crypto I've said this many times barse is an expert on this so check that out and has spurred up a great point about how people donate their fiat to something like Greenpeace let's just say but they want to save the environment if you want freedom then donate your donate your Fiat to Bitcoin and the coolest thing with this charity is that you're benefiting yourself it's the only charity you can give to where you're benefiting your he put it all out there really nicely I think it was toward the end of the show anyway it was a great show and many of you here on a Saturday night you're expecting the Beyond Bitcoin show I had to do that on Thursday night because the internet was out here I'm in Tel Aviv Israel it was very weird that that happened so I had to rearrange things so I'm doing Thursday show now this is just a regular one Bitcoin show but if you want if you love beyond Bitcoin type of stuff please check out Thursday's show they're all linked to below disrupt meister comm tech ball comm tch be alt on Twitter I've been all over that and today's been a weird day in tel-aviv it was pouring rain and the Power has been going off here about three hours ago two hours ago so I'm trying to get through this thing as quick as possible the power goes off that would be bad I was going to tape this thing but I want to do it live for all you chat people so you can give me a favor dudes I'm chat people on this Saturday night Shabbat is over obviously if I'm doing the show here in Israel pound that like button for the chat if you're there because I'm doing this especially for you as I could have just taped it and uploaded it but yeah I'm going to give you a special December 29th treat there right this is your end-of-the-year treat for all you cesspool dwellers in the Czech just kidding just kidding it's not always a cesspool but a lot of times okay so let's let's talk about Time magazine Time magazine came out with a a pro Bitcoin article and around the time it came out I think that the price of Bitcoin pumped someone said that dude don't overreact don't overreact to good news just like you can't overreact to bad news don't put Time magazine or pedestal all the mainstream publications that will eventually have their pro Bitcoin stories again they had some in the past and they'll go around they don't let them be your validator bitcoin is valid on its own baby uncomplicated ball but let's say this the guy summarizes his time column or is this do I know the guys name who cares he says my time column on Bitcoin matters for freedom for billions living under authoritarianism it can be an alternate alternative issue the money system and an escape from economic control and for all of us it preserves the peer-to-peer use of cash in an increasingly digital financial world well that's good dude I'm glad you discover that I'm glad the mainstream is waking up to it temporarily don't worry you'll be funding it again soon enough I'm not blowing it out for some people on owns like this is the best mainstream media article ever about Bitcoin maybe it is who cares don't let it if this is the reason you're going to buy Bitcoin you got a lot to learn don't buy a Bitcoin because of this buy it because you know about what the 20/20 having is buy because it son confiscate Apple not because it got a good review in in Time magazine okay and now all the 80 percenters are gonna buy it because they're not they're not yet you know like 20 more stories like that yeah maybe all right the now here's something you this is some legit stuff here for all you tech heads out here the bitcoin optech 2018 Year in Review summary is here we rounded up the most important technical developments of the year in one newsletter this newsletter contains lots of graphics and tables so it is best viewed on the website on the website with a larger screen okay so don't look at it on your phone again this is all the technical developments of Bitcoin and the last year it's for all you tech heads out there that like to read about you don't want to hear about the money you don't want to hear about how much bitcoins worth you don't wanna hear about Time magazine saying something good you want the technical you've got one of those technical brains and you want to hear all about lightning and all the other complexities being built around and on top of Bitcoin so check that out so here we go let's talk about crypt of dividends again now this is let's go back a little bit here I want to just put this in perspective so because some people get very emotional when you talk about certain crypto dividends okay I'm going to give you the cold hard truth about these crypto dividends okay back I mean it was and I whenever I coined the phrase in August or September of 2017 I thought oh my god all these for and airdrops are coming out now using the bitcoin name it's rewarding people who hold their Bitcoin it is encouraging holding it is a one-time dividend on your Bitcoin okay your and because so many people out there back then and more so even now unfortunately are so tempted to trade their Bitcoin use their precious Bitcoin on some point up to that and then hope to sell that all going to get more Bitcoin doing very risky things keeping their Bitcoin on exchanges in order to do risky things like that when if you just do the safest of things and hold your Bitcoin and control your private key you sit there you get these crypto dividends now sometimes they're harder to get than other other times sometimes they're air drops sometimes they're just Forks okay there is some complexity to it but but it's in current in the end of the day it's encouraging holding it is encouraging holding any of it and they could be that they could have the most wack gimmicks out there okay first one when trace mare was on my show he said he gets them all he gets them all but he I mean he's like a technical wizard and he's got confidence when he's messing around with his a private key he didn't get Bitcoin interest Bitcoin Adam all these weak ones that you never even heard of excuse he be Adam be interest excuse me I should never have called them this horror there's names because they they they desecrate the Bitcoin name obviously then that's why I call them be something or whatever okay but but but and again they're living off up the glory of Bitcoin they're they're showing the world that Bitcoin is the rock Bitcoin is the real one that's the one who gets the crypt of dividends okay so we got this two one Kobe rhodium out there and again back in January and assemble right you know I briefly mentioned in obviously Andy Hoffman got like he got the Big B rhodium disease I mean it's like flop flowing through his frickin veins and stuff okay so he he loves it that's his thing okay that's that he keeps talking about it great that you could you do what you want to do if you don't like that he does that the don't palm anymore or whatever but here here here's the deal here's the truth about the thing if you just signed up for it okay back in the day and you got it for free and you didn't but there's a lot of people out there that are silent about this there that didn't do exactly this they signed up for it they got it and now I mean this it is it's on this bisque this got me to check out bisque okay these decentralized exchange and this doesn't has been doesn't have very much volume on it okay it's biggest coin there is Manero and I think it makes sense why the biggest coin there's madero because it's people trying to be as anonymous as possible trying to get Manero okay but um it appears they have a set thinking the volume isn't that big it's a I mean I think the be rhodium is second now some Manero which is kind of strange and I mean it's like whatever the the volume is I think it would've been like 10 Bitcoin of this be rhodium but the again the point is is that there are people back in the day and it wasn't that long ago a year ago Bitcoin holders who understood the importance of holding some of these guys had 20 Bitcoin thus they got 200 of these B rhodium and for whatever reason I mean I don't care what the reason is I don't know what the reason is okay the gimmick or B rhodium is you know is there not many of them it's like unobtainium there's they're sick they're this scarcity coin okay let it be the scarcity crypto dividend I don't give a darn if it if it works for them it works for them a lot of people are saying why it doesn't work okay maybe it won't work I don't know I got it for free there's people back in the day who had 20 Bitcoin there was there are people like this I mean I at least everyone knows I at least have 20 Bitcoin right so I got 200 I at least have 200 of these B rhodium in the last 24 hours people have been able to sell their 200 and a music Sevilla 20 Bitcoin you got 200 B rhodium they gave you ten for one okay great but for whatever reason the brain all the wrong that bisque and I'll link to it below and I linked to other links about bisque below and you know don't be emotional about it people these are just the cold hard facts there were people willing to pay one whole Bitcoin for 200 biro diems there are possibly holders who had 20 Bitcoin back in the day who now have 21 Bitcoin because of whatever the heck is going on at bisque okay because they didn't do anything with their Bitcoin they sat there they signed up for some airdrop and now they had 20 Bitcoin now they have 21 Bitcoin you can't go right now to that bisque site okay and I'd link to it below there is someone there right now willing to give one whole Bitcoin for a hundred sixty six point six seven of those be rhodium okay they're willing to pay point point six percent of a Bitcoin for one B rhodium so I mean again so back in the day if you had seventeen Bitcoin and you got you're a hundred seventy B rhodium you didn't do it again you didn't do anything fancy you could go there right this second as a holder a Bitcoin as a proud frickin holder a big coin and get your 18th Bitcoin for free it's for free because all you did was sign up her and that is what the Crypt of dividend the beauty of these things and again is it always this easy no is this gonna last forever I have no idea but I'm just saying right this second you can go to that bisque and you could turn 167 of those freaking be rhodium into one Bitcoin I mean I don't know what to say I mean so I mean I I encourage other altcoin people out there to do this same thing to go do air drops give me your thing for free give us your free give us holders your thing for free and then if people want to give us you know you give us a hundred sixty-seven in your coins and if people want to give us one Bitcoin for a hundred sixty-seven or your coins that you gave me for free then that's their that's their prerogative I'm gonna take the free Bitcoin I'm gonna be holding my Bitcoin and turn them out my again I still have that I actually still have the b2b rhodium actually I still have the B rhodium so I haven't played around bisque that much but I did I did look at it and again all I'm saying and again get to take away the emotion here people because you know the thing with Andy here's the thing Andy is from New York and I have said this many times and he presents himself in a New York way and he's very bold in his statements and he's in your face with his that's him have you gotten me have you gotten you stated yet you're not gonna get used to it I mean he's been around he's been around the inner I mean in precious metals before and he had the same he was the same way back then that's his way he made New Yorkers talk big I mean just like tone is from Russia and he talks the press because he's from freaking Russia I mean that's you know he's cut the dark everyone's got their own style I'm for Baltimore I talk like I'm on crack like that's how you poke fun of yourself but seriously seriously everyone's kind of a different style everyone's got everyone's got a different style if you know so wipe away the emotion if you me personally I'm not saying I you all know I have said this a million times if you get something I don't know why people pay money pay to get things that you get for free okay I've never told people to buy steam I've never told people to buy big old ba-baby anything I've never totally buddy anything you just stuff you get for free you don't you just turn out in the Bitcoin that's the beauty so good luck to to all the future crypto difference in the world will they all I mean this one you know it's the wild wild west out there they got a guy like Andy to talk about him all the time I didn't I believe it it looks like it's help them it looks like it's up again how long that will it last I don't know I don't know but again you can't deny the cold hard facts that you can go on that bisque right now I turn a hundred and sixty seven of those things into one big somebody wants it I don't know who wants it I don't know I'm not I'm not I look at it from that side I look at it from being a Bitcoin holder how the stuff I got for free if somebody wants it then give me your Bitcoin for it that's beautiful that's beautiful so I have a strong and people hold on repre corn will crook the dividends go wild again I don't know but this looks pretty darn wild at his current juncture could it all fall apart once again sure could it go higher sure I don't know I got it for free you don't get you got it for free too if you did if he again there I'm sure there's some guy watching this right now who had 16 Bitcoin back in the day and it's just laughing his butt off as he is 17 now all right so uh treasurer let's listen from the treads or they put out this tweet okay so if you watched this weekend big coin show you will have noticed that we the first thing we talked about was a group of well there was a presentation that pointed out a weakness in traceur and ledger where if you physically got them and they did not have the passphrase on them that if you knew what you were doing you could get the Bitcoin off of them okay there's a lot of ifs there again always use a passphrase people there you go that's one of the solutions to this process regarding the presentation at 35 c3 we were not informed ahead of time about the details of the disclosure we are working with the info as it arrives we will address the vulnerability in new time as soon as possible please keep in mind that this is a physical vulnerability and an attacker would need physical access to your device specifically to the board breaking to the board breaking the case if you have physical control over your treasurer you can keep on using it and this vulnerability is not a threat to you so these guys who found this they do not properly disclose they shouldn't usually when you find something like this you tell the companies beforehand and then they will issue a statement and and say it's been corrected but they didn't do it this wasn't the proper way of doing it but whatever I think treszura's handle you well I get don't lose your freaking traceur and have a passphrase how about that how about that right they're going back to Krypton villains room before I I learned today that the the the the BSB their addresses still have the some of their addresses at least still have the big coin on fry gotta say this work well there's a prefix of the of the be cash addresses it doesn't say be cash it says the full word but I'm not gonna say the fool the full phrase the full term that they use the describe be cash but it's also in bsv so you got bsv describing themselves as the real bitcoin but it says be cash and all their addresses it's ridiculous it's right it's at its it what's confusing Italy I'm sure it's going to confuse more than a few people like because you can't people are going to send there be cash to be SV addresses by accident I mean that that's what we've we've come to they're in that realm now I don't know do people actually use this stuff probably not but they might they might buy it and then send it to the wrong address and it's still quite confusing but it the PSV has the be cash prefix in it the actual whole word that's you know the word I'm like I say all right so uh Jordan Easter has a mega Twitter thread out there was a tweet storm he's got a crazy tweet storm that is just about aetherium so if you've liked to read about aetherium from a tour the Meester perspective if he's ripping on it you can check it out i have linked to a site that just puts the whole tweet storm together you don't have to like follow you know through twitter you could just read it as it as a oh all right when Hass was on the show yesterday and he's great he's in Australia he's a great dude he is a Bitcoin guy he by accidentally said litecoin at one point and I actually pointed out and he said he said lightning Network but somebody went back I didn't watch the take in but someone went back and said he said like who cares what he said it doesn't matter when what was very interesting is that that led me to huh to see that there's a litecoin podcast out there that I'd link to below and what does this all and a Twitter what is this Twitter account the light school like they teach about litecoin they encourage use of litecoin I don't even know about this stuff so yeah light closet top-tier altcoin when you got your own podcast you're doing pretty well there so again unless people like to hear about litecoin and I thought I thought I thought Hass was about to start talking about because no I said lightning Network so we didn't get to talk about straw you like coin freaks and you are freaks they're your links below if you want to uh I I'm no fan of it I just think it's the top you know it's going to be one that survives clearly clearly it does have a real fan base they hide out an event they've got a podcast they've got the school so I liked it I'm going through those below for all you dudes but again just because I say the word like coin just because I say the word B rhodium just because I say the word Z cash does it mean it definitely doesn't mean I'm saying the Biden I'm saying not to buy him I did why but I always see because I only say to buy Bitcoin that's the only you think I say to buy I know it's boring but again dude defer defer gratification again you had that Bitcoin back in December you did all the right little technicalities with your sign it up for the crypto dividend now you got more Bitcoin it's the beauty of holding the beauty of Hold'em all right what is this torna meter we talked about we talked about litecoin where's this one oh did the four Satoshi's they sent me a poll on Twitter I've retweeted it is linked to below if you're a shirt a short term thinker big quantity they're in motion so I gotta you know I got I got a shout out to my boys the for Satoshi Bitcoin is currently down 80 percent from its December 2017 high if you're a long-term thinker bitcoin is currently up eight thousand five hundred thirty percent from its 2015 low I don't know if that turn I don't know if that's the correct number by the way 8500 30% it's a lot though okay and then you can vote if you think it's up 8500 30% or if you think it's down 80% you know and they are talking about Fiat and I know they value their wealth in Bitcoin but I say one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin that's the way I see it and Jaycee from South Africa actually pointed that out in that thread guy Bennet just sent five euro and he says and thank you dude and this is super jet your thoughts on the analogy that the Lightning Network is the big coin that the internet was two languages ie it will consolidate into one that's not lightning networkers the Bitcoin that the internet was the languages but the Internet yeah no I mean there some people were saying that lightning Network is that are you saying okay there's a bunch of languages out there because of the internet we all speak one language now sort of there are a lot of crypto is out there because of the Lightning Network it will kill all other all coins and everyone will be on Bitcoin I mean did I'm trying to kind of put it in line with what people are saying about the Lightning Network in turn terms of all coins I mean I don't know that's what you're going for there I don't think so I don't think the Lightning Network is going to destroy all all coins so there I mean oh my oh my show the other day I know I I don't I don't think like never will they're there a lot of people now saying I'd like network will destroy all all coins I don't I think that's pretty extreme there it'll get rid of a law I mean I don't make a lot of them useless but just because something's useless this means gonna die I mean we still have a whole altcoin bubble to go there's gonna be like the dot-com bubble you thought we had just had an altcoin bubble there's gonna be another one they're running all these newbies coming in wanting they're going to be the next Bitcoin so yeah like lightning that will make all the other it'll solidify that all the all coins or most of them are totally unit useless but we already know that but people aren't going to wake up to that for quite some time and I don't know if you were going for that exact that exact interpretation there someone just said these bsv is the next XRP no I god that's it that's interesting that that's real interesting because and Roman what's up dude roaming Q and one level it is but it's it's it's actually not as centralized as XRP is it's not it's not but unfortunately bsv does have a it's got it's it's a different kind of monster man it's a different kind of moss really ignore them all ignore didn't let them do what they're gonna do it doesn't hurt Bitcoin it does it doesn't but hey man you're in the chat you're talking some smack whatever this show is from you man alright we're not that we talked about the poll for my buddies it's rotmeister calm it's okay I didn't erase that but hey maybe I'll keep that for another show look at this I'm editing my next show okay we'll talk about that next show we'll talk about that one that showed – who's running on time I got a shave like this dirty look okay yeah because the power I was gonna shower before this is a power kept going off I'm not gonna do a shower in the dark that would kind of suck the hot water might go off – all right here here's one of things like title I gotta talk about this right before I went live so dude over the Twitter remember he knows he's following me a tech ball TCP alt Tec Tec be alt that's like technology in Baltimore yo because we're really advanced in Baltimore now uh-huh so Peter hair Peter Shiff at he's on the Alex Jones Show okay so he uploaded the Alex Jones Show to his channel at the 10:15 mark Alex Jones starts ranting you know Schiff was ranting against was talking bad about Trump so Alex Jones wants to change the subject matter so he knows what's in the ship's wheelhouse so he turns with the crypto currency and Alex Jones shows how confused he is about this stuff but he says he could have made three hundred million dollars promoting Bitcoin but I think what he's talking about is that a lot of icos and dye and other crypto related sketchy companies came to him and offered him money and Alex Jones refused and he said I refused pot stocks also because he knows he compared crypto to pot stocks and then you know Peter Schiff he gets a big kick out of this and he says he's he's glad that Alex Jones went in uh wouldn't promote them that's good and he actually says the pot stocks are better than in crypto currency and then crypt you know crypto is a Ponzi and well anyway the whole exchange shows that Alex Jones doesn't know very much about Bitcoin and then Alex Jones who's been kicked off of edits everything we've been censored by everything should be the one guy who's embracing Bitcoin the wit but instead he oh he brags he's like at one point I was you know I saw it once hot so high and then he's like now it's it's all it's going all the way down and he's confidently saying that he's proud that he did not tell his audience to buy Bitcoin he's proud of that he's proud that he didn't tell him to buy Bitcoin but the review of other people were saying the bye-bye Bitcoin but he didn't he didn't get on that bandwagon hand tell dude this video is not gonna this this sucks this part when they're talking about Bitcoin that you can link to it's not going to age very well it's not gonna age very well he's uh he said he's proud alle but he didn't tell people it's a very short-term approach to life it's very short yeah so what's gone down Alex yeah so it's ever so any wouldn't a helped you because he starts saying you know it was two years ago that people started coming to me and talking me about Bitcoin well it's very interesting there two years ago Bitcoin in terms of fiat was worth a lot less than it is now so have you told your frickin audience about it a lot of them would be better shape but you know they like their doom they like buying your other products that you think are very great I mean Alex Jones is a he's got a standard a products on his show I mean for real yes I would ever do anything with Bitcoin again I am sure there were some really sketchy things that contacted Alex Jones but they weren't I mean the ICO is our big point he's conflating them he's confusing them but at the same time he's very confused does this all matter no not at all it doesn't really matter but I'm putting this out there to show that Alex Jones is he's got no one to blame but himself for the predicament that he's in okay he's got to take some personal responsibility he's he's blasting Bitcoin he's telling people he's proud you know bitcoin could save his butt right now it really could but he got himself into this boat and that's I mean that's one of the things that I preach personal responsibilities a new counterculture he's out there you know you know blaming the Illuminati or whatever defending Trump doing this doing that do whatever you know why why did for you to take me down why did this the first day when I got these all the this was all I mean this is all very predictable stuff dude and had you gotten into cryptocurrency when Molyneux did you probably would even have to have a show anymore and you wouldn't have to be you know I'm Sal Malin Hansen's products or whatever whatever he does on I don't know what he I know I don't see how expose anymore is the first time I'd seen it because you know he's that on the youtubes anymore I don't know woody you know no no no really I know there was a big fan he's good on the Second Amendment but yeah he's a little bit of a he's an interesting predicament right now and had he had he told his viewers to buy a Bitcoin had he learned about Bitcoin and then someone told me that uh Mac Max Keiser game 1000 bitcoins or something I don't even know if that's I don't or Heat Alex Jones said that Max Keiser game 1000 big don't know the validity of that one but uh yeah Alex Jones would be embracing Bitcoin Astrid the the other people who are going to get kicked off of youtube and patreon and all that so but again maybe Alex Jones just likes playing the victim card all the time maybe that that's just history I mean he gets a lot he's got a lot of people a lot of fellow victims out there watching him oh it's X Y Z who is a kid's it's a cover in this against this is all the how can we overcome them oh they're against us they're against us you know blaming blaming blaming blaming when there's no one to blame but himself for not getting in the big all right Reuters speaking about you know taking a short-term approach here's a Reuters article that's about the dollar and you know the dollar might mean that obviously the dollars being inflated away but but the wheels have come off that investor bandwagon in recent years as big bets have misfired on Bitcoin tech and the dollar which markets have heavily bet against in late 2017 okay so so my point even just saying that line is uh that this is not going to age very well either what they just said that you know bitcoin is a missing no people have not misfired on their Bitcoin bets okay it long-term thinking dudes long again they they're all about the short term they're short what's going on in the short term you know bitcoin looks bad now but some people paid 20,000 eine teen thousand dollars for it oh it's bad it was clearly a bad event no dudes learned rather 20/20 having an investment where the wheels have come off the investor bandwidth yeah you're all about yesBut bandwagon yeah exactly it's it if you're if you're a bandwagon person you you you don't you're not gonna like Bitcoin but you're only gonna be on the things that are hot all the time or you're all something is hot then you're gonna jump off of it the second it gets mildly cold okay logged real investing is about the long run okay the long race and in the long run this is uh this is changing the world dudes this isn't just some pot stock okay but hey you know personal responsibility if you want to just jump on every trend and jump off of it and again the route writers is like encouraging this type of behavior here just these all these short-term reactions think long term defer gratification are a coin base point base has a they sent an email to me and I linked to the annual privacy notice and user agreement update they straight up say coin basis responds to any material operating change is subject to its sole discretion and includes deciding not to support any new digital currency fork or other actions so this is part of a larger paragraph no they don't have to give you your be gold basically they're saying I don't have to support its it's out there again so if you want your a crypt of dividends if you don't want to play by their rules here and they've got it's a long it's a long privacy agreement notice whatever User Agreement thing that you get into with them if you want to do there is no User Agreement when you control your own private key how about that pound pound on that like button but now then they specifically say Forks you're not and again you can't even get they don't have to say airdrop because an airdrop you sign up for well okay they don't mention let's yeah you don't worry about that the point of me even bringing that up is if you got your you've got your coins at coinbase if you get your big pointy Columbia so you're not getting anything you're not getting anything but what they say you're getting okay you might not even get your your Bitcoin back in the long run but no you're not getting any sort of crypto dividend over there unless they feel like it one day it took them a while to give you that many cash and they will eventually give the be gold I think was I think they're gonna list be gold one day but who knows when that's gonna be 2020 I don't know again you'd have your be gold already if you were keeping it on if you kept your Bitcoin treszura in freaking October of 2017 you would have had your be gold you wouldn't be able to turn it into Bitcoin back in the day all right reminder be and some of this stuff isn't linked below yet because I got a I was in a rush to get this thing off hoping to beat the power outage which thank Hashem I have join us at the Bitcoin 10th anniversary blowout party here in Tel Aviv January 3rd you can wash it here on this very channel if all goes well the links are below and again I tomorrow's Sunday and I will be at the Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy if you're in town and you want to hang out I'm there every Sunday night around 8:00 pm
and uh is Yanni watching this show Yanni you'll be meeting the big party sometimes he's in the chat what's up Yanni young exhausting crypto potato dude if you know what that is crypto potato that's what Yanni always wants me to say ah you got a flag there man and remember on bit backer on Bitcoin Meister and I can answer questions there now people ask me some questions and I answered them there's like a little I say I can answer questions here so post free question they're free if you if you post them under where I said I answer questions I mentioned the Z cache the positive thing for the dude or maybe musique – alright so I mentioned how on Thursday night the internet wasn't working here and it was raining and it was I was frustrated because I couldn't do my show live here so I take and I knew and I don't have any notes for a proper one big coin show but I had the notes for what the show I would have done tonight the beyond Bitcoin show so I've recorded a be on Bitcoin show I went over to the bit will walked over to the Bitcoin embassy and someone was there one person was there it was nighttime and he let me in there very graciously and he let me upload the video and that's why you guys got to see beyond Bitcoin on Thursday but I want to tell you about this guy I was it was a very interesting story and it just shows the people you meet when you when you travel around the world or when you're going to Bitcoin events when you go when you're meeting real Bitcoin people which I do encourage people you gotta be social you know you don't have to be social but it's night you can help some people it can make people but in the Bitcoin world people are very kind the the hardcore people who really are they really love it and are in it for the tech entering it for the money those two sometimes they can be very kind well anyway this guy he was asking about my channel and I was I was so I said you know how do you get in the Bitcoin and he said that when he was in he's a very smart guy very smart young guy in I guess he was I didn't know I don't know if you went to college eventually he probably been a math major in college has he had he attended college but he's doing well with his brain anyway but he went to boarding school United States Exeter and he heard about Bitcoin in February of 2010 okay in February of 2010 as a high school student he was interested in some of the mathematical aspects of Bitcoin he said that's how his mind is wired I have never met a person who was in the Bitcoin that early because remember people the parties January 3rd this is ten year anniversary January 3rd 2010 no shoes me well issue with Jerry so he was in super it was jammer32 on ok mm I so he was in a year in I haven't met I haven't met someone that was in that or got confused there sorry it's not 2010 yet the big boy starting January 2009 he was in like 13 months later 13 months later he was in February 2010 I believe I hope I'm not totally butchering aim I've never met anybody that was in that darn early okay I may be later but not not not that that early and he he had some regret I you know I tell people not to have any regrets he sort of had some regrets because he had the chance back then to like mine it for free and he was a little bit cloudy on if he had set up something that might have been mining it and unfortunately he left the computer back in 2010 at Exeter he left Exeter and that's it so I found the story to be fascinating and it's just it's an example of the kind of people you meet out there in terms of Bitcoin so maybe he's but I'm not gonna say his name or anything like that hope I hope to see him at the party on and maybe I can clarify that story a little bit more the exact exact date February 20 it was February was 2010 it was very good 2010 for a second I thought was favorite 2009 that would be even uh that'd be even crazier but still that that's really does anybody do any do any of you out there know someone who like have met a real person just a random do not wanted not one of the people you read on Twitter or whatever but like met some not famous dude that was in it in 2009 that would be very impressive that this was very present to you that did a high school kid it found the bad found out about it in February of 2010 all right there bang that Bell button subscribe to the channel click on the squares that you see at the end of the show I'm Adam I should become a nicer disrupt meister down that like button i'll see you in the chat right now and i'll have a show on Sunday see you later bye
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