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Bitcoin BTC Pumps!? Davincij15 To Reveal “Next Big” Cryptocurrency!? (Price + Trading + News 2019)

what's going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new videotape we got another killer video for you guys full of information today we're gonna be looking at the Bitcoin breakout and why bitcoin is at a very important level right now we're also be looking at DaVinci j15 set to reveal his new favorite all coin as well as tons of other news that went on in the cryptocurrency space but guys before we could start with that if you want to enter chance to win some free Bitcoin all you guys have to do is number one be subscribe the channel and happy notifications turn on number two give this video thumbs up in number three leave a comment down below saying something related to the video almost be guys are interested in making money trading cryptocurrencies even while the market is down make sure you check out the first link in the description or the first thing in the comments for the cryptocurrency trade alert group so far I've had over 90% success rate and I post every single one of the trades that brought me to a six-figure portfolio in the group showing my entries my exes my stop bus and so forth so if you are a complete beginner if you don't have time to do technical analysis or you don't know how to do technical analysis you can copy my exact trades I have step-by-step videos I'll show you exactly how to set everything up takes 2 to 3 minutes per trade and after that profits are taken automatically for you so if that sounds interesting to you guys and you guys want to make more money trading cryptos make sure you do check out the link down below we've had people make up to 500 to a thousand extra dollars with one single trade which is insane the most recent trade that we had was cos where we managed to capitalize on a short using leverage trading which hit our first target in around 15 minutes and they hit our second target for almost 50% profit that is if you put a hundred dollars in you've got almost $50 profit back that would have given you 150 total dollars instead of 100 absolutely insane in less than one hour now moving on and talking about Bitcoin because like I said we broke a very important pattern we are seeing a breakout right now and well we are facing a very important level of resistance so if we look at the chart something we've been following for some time and again I'm sorry this does get a little bit repetitive but I know several people do like seeing the technical analysis and what's going on with the charts so we've been trading in this wedge for a very long period of time for very long I mean at least a couple of days well before the new year around 27th of December it looks like on my chart is where we started so a few days back a few weeks back we started trading within this way and we also noticed that we were potentially using the redline of the yellow line up here as the resistance trading in an ascending triangle which is a bullish pattern now the last few days I've mentioned that I thought bitcoin was looking a little more bullish in the short term rather than in the big picture we obviously are still in a bear market and we would need to break several several resistive resistances before I think in the long run we are going to finally see the bull run coming soon as of right now we are still in a bear market but this is a very positive sign one of the few bullish signs that we've seen Bitcoin to have one of the few bullish patterns we've seen Bitcoin have in the last few months in the whole of 2018 basically we had one previously over here and now we're seeing one we saw potentially the ascending triangle again which more often than not is a bullish pattern does see am bullish break now well we see this huge spike that came a huge breakout that came only a few hours before I recorded this video which again was sort of predicted we all talked about Bitcoin being a little more bullish in the short term but this this range we've been in was very unpredictable the volume is very very low and you see the one massive volume spike being the weekend we usually see low volumes and we see these things happen a little easier than we would throughout the week usually a Sunday or Monday is the perfect opportunity for a breakout for a spike because of how low the volume is now what have we reached if you guys remember it over here the neckline of the inverse head and shoulder pattern that we've also been looking at for some time and that we've been in but potentially forming for weeks now the reason we don't know the reason I mentioned this before the reason we don't jump in and start you know buying in before we see a confirmed breakout because in order for us to see the breakout we would have to you know complete the neckline which it looks like we're trying to do and then start moving our way upwards have that upward have the upward breakout see prices hit you know potentially some very high targets and that could be very very cool for Bitcoin in the short term but as of right now all we've done is get close to completing the power but we have not seen the breakout so instead of trying to predict the breakout let's say over here predicting it to close predicting it to go up which works sometimes but you are also going to get it wrong oh you're gonna get it wrong sometimes as well so you're gonna look really smart sometimes and a really dumb sometimes and overall that's not the best way to make money in terms of trading but we're at a very crucial level right now like I said a very important point over here going to see if we do see a breakout above this pattern above this inverse Head & Shoulders neckline it's gonna take some time obviously not gonna happen in this video hopefully by tomorrow maybe we'll have some sort of indication with what's happening but I also wouldn't be surprised knowing Bitcoin if it just started to trade sideways again so we're gonna wait and see what happens on the bright side though we did see a little bit of bullish momentum like I said $200 roughly enter the market to see Bitcoin have a nice move up now in order to look bugs an offer to look for the market to look bullish this analyst says that we need to see Bitcoin rise above 4500 dollars so if you look back again that would be above that neckline meaning we wouldn't have broken out and hopefully seen the upper targets making a higher high which is something that we have not done in a very very long time with Bitcoin making a higher high so far we've just been making lower highs making a higher high would be very very cool to see happen so again he says he needs to break above 4500 dollars also mentioning that crypto is in still in the early phase and everything is still very volatile and very difficult to predict simply because the people either one completely forgot about it you know they heard about the end of 2017 they didn't get in they completely forgot about it or the opposite people have a very bad taste of crypto in their mouth and they wish they could forget about it and they wish they didn't get it because they bought it at the highs of 2017 it is very very few people I believe that had the had the strong hands that weren't weak hands had the strong hands had the willpower had the vision to see where things could go and truly proved to be smart investors so if you are still holding your crypto stand you did not sell obviously I'm not a financial adviser and I'm not telling you what to do but I would like to congratulate you for being able to hold through all this and showing that you do know a little bit about what investing is all about actually a little more than a little bit about what investing is all about and how it's a long-term game and how any investment should be looked at that way and if you invest for the right reasons if you invest with the technology behind it and where you could you can see it potentially going then you understand that you might have to hold through some volatility you might have to hold through a bear market because of how early are how early on it is still in this market if we do look at the overall market cap right here we see Bitcoin up five percent aetherium slowing down a little bit only up 053 percent in the last 24 hours still housing having its lead above X our peak on Quinn mark cap though if we know the people who know X are peas true market cap which is shown in other exchanges it isn't being hidden by corn market cap that XRP still is comfortably set at the number 2 spot before since we're looking at koi market cap we'll give it to a theory and for now doesn't really matter the price I think is what most people worry about I don't think people care about who's 2 to 3 if the price doesn't change either way we are seeing aetherium on here still at number 2 but a green day overall especially given what happened recently with a Bitcoin shooting up we're seeing a lot of old coins fall we are seeing some that have crazy pumps of 40% Odom I don't know what this crypto project is it's up 40% I'm assuming we might be at a pumpin dope we also see this point being one of the biggest movers a lot showing a ton of volatility again not a project that I'm invested in now hollow like coin Neo Raven coin are some more popular ones that are seeing some very very good gains as well in the double digits Raven coin almost in the double digits Nano another one of my favorites up almost 8 and a half percent and overall it's a beautiful day to be looking at your block folio compared to yesterday because it's probably up unless unfortunately you were invested in mobile go which is which is not up it is down 16 percent or if you invest it in repo or if you invested in dental yesterday it did have a nice run before that so we'll let dental coin slab overall like I said majority of crypto is in the green 90% seem to be in the green and that's a good day overall for investors if we look at Cardinal though good news one of the most popular Kryptos out there with one of the largest communities they have become particularly visible on Japanese TVs now I don't have a clue what this is doing but a da did recently or Cardona did recently appear on to national jab jab Japanese TV shows which is again I have no idea what they were about I have no idea what's going on with it but it is cool to see that Cardno is getting some exposure on TV also finance has support has announced support for the upcoming Constantinople aetherium hard fork so if you guys are interested in claiming that or how that's gonna work make sure you do go on to finance read their official support newsletter and how it's going to work what you have to do so that you can be up to date well that they did however confirm that they're going to be supporting it which is I don't think a surprise to anyone given how big etherium is and how you know committed by Nets is to these type of thing I don't think anyone surprised about it but I figured I would update you guys either way now DaVinci j15 I know there's people who love them there's people who hate him and that all comes with being a public figure in any space whatsoever personally I've talked to him a little bit and we are planning to get up on the channel for an interview very very soon and the topic is going to be big so I cannot wait for you guys to see that video as of right now though in the video again with mmm crypto which I'm going to link down below they have had a series of mmm crypto and DaVinci j15 series and basically they just go over a ton of different topics now this is DaVinci j-15 talking about the next big thing his next big old coin pick now although we did not get it announced officially in this video they did say that he's going to be revealing it he believes Tuesday on his channel so that's a perfect time if you're not subscribed yet to DaVinci j15 which I'll leave a link down in the comments section as well for you to go and subscribe to his YouTube channel and wait for the video I'm assuming is gonna happen either Tuesday or Wednesday to be uploaded and we can all see because I don't know what it is either his next big all point pick now I'm gonna be curious to see if this awkward has a huge pump because of him talking about it or not we're gonna have to wait and see with what happens and lastly talking about exchanges going down well Bitcoin shorts first of all are down over 20% in just three days speculations ahead of the BitFenix January 7th May now there is going to be a bit Phenix maintenance there's also going to be an ether Phenix maintenance going on and combine these to have maybe a little over 1% of the total crypto trade trade volume so I don't expect to see as big of a move as let's say when bit Mex went down for maintenance or in the same finance we're gonna go down for maintenance I don't think we're gonna see the same type of effect with that with BitFenix or Ethan X however we could see a little bit more volatility again not to the extent I think some people are comparing it to bit Mex and something like that I don't think it's going to be to that extent but it could cause as always a little bit more volatility now let's move on and do it the random giveaway winner for a video from this week for you guys let's see who wins the random giveaway I believe this video was the back to was officially cancelled video well Danny Danny won the Bitcoin giveaway congratulations Danny all you have to do to claim it is leave a comment down below so I know you're here to claim it and leave me your Bitcoin wallet address if you can send it to me on Instagram that'd be fantastic because it's a lot easier to get messages on there and respond directly to you guys if they don't claim me in the next 24 hours I'm gonna be picking a new winner from this video right here so make sure you guys are leaving tons of comments down below and you are liking the channel and you are checking back in to see if you do win a future giveaway guys thank you so much for watching and Happy New Year Danny sorry I do not read it happy new year I'll see you guys tomorrow for another video