Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt of Meister welcome to the one Bitcoin show today is February the 5th 2019 Val your wealth in Bitcoin strong hand offended by selling be a unique beast unconscious be a table holder of last resort check out the links below people just rotmeister calm tech ball tch blt calm and yeah you found me down Twitter so Friday's show is this weekend Bitcoin you can watch the last Friday's this weekend Bitcoin show of course listed below so it'll be on at 1 pm
London time which I've been doing for the last few weeks since I've been in Israel and I have one guest booked so far hopefully we'll have three but Sarah from Israel you saw her at the 10-year party briefly while she's going to make an appearance on the show if all goes well I know a few of you know her and are probably excited that Sarah will be on the show on Friday with at leat hopefully two other guests so tune in on Friday at 1 pm London time that is 8 am in York and yesterday I was wearing that honey badger shirt I got at the party and I forgot to mention my honey badger hoodie that sarah has and a lot of people that Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy have it because they put on the party and they're great and Tel Aviv's a blast for Bitcoin people but it's just a great community I mean they got a headquarters they got a place to meet and oh yeah on Thursday I was just informed that Brian the UK Bitcoin master it's going to add to his first live show ever you know he has a channel UK big high master but all of his shows have been taped now he's going to do a live stream so welcome to the world of live stream come on he's in motion go check him out follow him of course watch his videos especially if you're new to the space he's good he's good with keeping it real for the newbies out there now let's let's move on to the news of the day SC this is linked to below of course like everything else I talked about in this video always check out those links because you know this me just talking about it it's not enough you got to read in order to learn so SEC Commissioner Jackson in an interview to be published next week is optimistic that a fund based in Bitcoin will eventually be approved expresses concern about the proposed ETF submitted to date uh-oh well there you go that you're getting a little taste of something it's going to be revealed soon about something we know is gonna eventually happy so yeah he's saying eventually there will be a fun based on Bitcoin we all know that already but hey if you need reassurance mister SEC is gonna reassure you in a few days they're gonna publish that but if you need fun the Express is concerned about the proposed ETFs so obviously it'll happen one day but they're gonna take their time and they're gonna they're gonna approve it when they darn feel like it and that ETF is just just the way they want it or maybe at the point when they've acquired so much Bitcoin personally that they don't care anymore Oh found that like button because remember and I think Narad pointed this out or someone we're at I'm just going from memory here I think he retweeted this cuz you know some of these individuals that these organizations these are regulatory organizations in regulatory organizations they're they take their time but the people that work at these organizations they have a lot of incentive to buy Bitcoin and to be involved in Bitcoin so there's some should we see some conflict of interest there individuals are going to look out for themselves and then they'll take care of everybody else so why don't you act as an individual as some of these employees that the SEC probably are and you know hold your Bitcoin get your Bitcoin and don't worry about when the SEC will give it the stamp of approval for a fund based in Bitcoin okay that's for all you SEC freaks out there someone else would have mentioned it so why not why not bring it up here okay so what's this oh this is really strange nah this is from yesterday but I haven't heard that many I only heard this mentioned in a few different play one place or a couple places on Twitter and bsv the crypto dividend of be cash the one with the big blocks the really big blocks here's a quote from an article linked to below I'm going to be careful with my words here a change to the big coin to be SVS protocol has inadvertently led to child exploitation material being posted to its blockchain forcing apps and block explorers into actively monitoring the network for illegal content this was made possible after community members increased the amount of data accepted in transactions by 450 times to 100 Kb allowing for images video and audio to be stored in B SVS block King well well you know faceit oh she's all into like the law and following the law and now he's because he allowed set up the bsv in a way where he can post stuff photos and image and videos on there I don't maybe says he's the figurehead behind there since it is centralized he's going to be in trouble for this kind of thing I mean he is this stickler for law apparently you know remember some of his raving tweets all about following the law well now he's got a law issue there it looks like with his uh with his bsv I I'm just sharing this news I don't much to say about it I think sickening but you can read the article below Colonel Swann jr
just he sent $500 again just like he did yesterday in the super chat Thank You Colonel Swann jr and he says just sent you whoa point three four four light light coin because I hold my precious Bitcoin which is like a precious Black Swan did well thank you for holding your big coin first of all and thank you for setting to be light coin again and thank you for everyone who supports this channel and you know Colonel Swan jr set like on yesterday today and someone else has sent it recently so thank dad thank you to everyone who sent me light coin you get somebody Bitcoin litecoin whatever I have listed below I have I have things listed below and yeah I'm holding my Bitcoin you know I value my wealth and Bitcoin Thank You Colonel Swan jr for the support okay we've talked about bsv and that sickening news and now what else oh remember this is your daily dose of strong hand yeah so take that strong hand a pound that like button okay this o cyclical some new crypto noise well it's not new this crypto noise is becoming out a bit lately and I just said you know what you're gonna have to add this to the REC regular cycle of crypto noise every three to four to six months or every year who knows what the exact cycle will be it will vary you're gonna hear this Fudd over and over and this the dude who posted this tweet he's clearly just trying to trigger people so with crypto noise with Fudd and you can't fall for it you got a cult you gotta say hey dude walk the walk instead of just talking to talk so what am I talking about here this is from MH lingo and apparently he was at some very important meeting and he says I was the guy that said we might have to one day raise the Bitcoin supply cap fight me fight me oh go ahead and so what I say to this is yeah obviously he's starting I mean he's bored he's trolling I don't know whitey does he really care about how much bitcoins out there but so dude you you think that the Bitcoin supply cap should be raised there shouldn't you be more 21 million I think a lot of people don't think I know a lot of people don't think that I mean that's why they got into this thing that's for a very important aspect but if you don't think that's important aspect go ahead and fork it dude come on man you're talking the talk walk the walk if you think this is so important go for Bitcoin have a Bitcoin that's has 210 million or 42 million or 63 million you know picked your number 69 million yeah that was immature wasn't it and it's a yeah yeah yes why not 69 million you seem like you you know someone who would you know it's just once the like get get some laughs and stuff so come on dude but no all these people who are gonna keep on talking about this increasing the supply cap I think they're doing it to troll because if they weren't they could they could do it if it was so important and they thought you know this is this is the real Bitcoin they could fork it off and then everyone would join their Bitcoin because they are so smart they know that you've been question of 69 million Bitcoin that's what he one million and everyone will be is it be very popular right good know so you know these so that's the thing if you get if you're on Twitter and you want to reply to someone like this I say just ignore them just say yeah that's cool you should you should increase the supply cap make your own Bitcoin see how it goes anyone can you know give me your free Bitcoin great you're 69 you can call it Bitcoin 69 and then I can sell your Bitcoin 69 for 69 cents or whatever it's worth all right so yeah but that that line of crypto noise you know this guy will come and go okay there'll be other dudes like this in the future we're gonna actually have to deal with this for the next 120 years I would say I mean because that's it's gonna be it's gonna be like 120 years until the last Bitcoin is produced so we're gonna hear this for 120 years God willing we all live that long all right found that like button for increased technology that allows us to live until past 120 years that would be so great one day oh no heat let's oh great coin means today just sent uh I think it's 20 uh Norwegian krone uh four hundred seventy four days until the twenty twenty having the rarity doubles alright dude yeah I I guess it is four hundred seventy four days or away um um you know taking it one day at a time I'm trying to enjoy my 2019 I know 2020 now we're gonna be in a new decade that's gonna be wild stuff but thank you for the reminder and thank you for the twenty Norwegian kroner and you know I do like Norway I like my Bergen Norway pound that like button and you know what you can value your wealth and Bitcoin but when you're jogging around Bergen Norway or Oslo and it just happens to be June and it happens to be the biggest three-week heatwave like in a decade you can admire some other things that you used to value your wealth but they're laying out there in in the parks because it's dark and rainy in Norway most of time so all the certain fairer people come out to get Sun tans they put on their bikinis it's quite a sight to see makes you run faster but you still are valuing your wealth in Bitcoin anyway I'd like Norway had fun up there because I value my love's in Bitcoin but there were some nice scenes also cut in a minute okie-dokie stable coin news here oh no oh no I almost skipped a story Alice kisses sibbeston walk stream they have a tweet out there regarding the recent discussion around the exchange distrust we think it's time for the industry to settle a standard for approving Bitcoin holdings so we published a new open source proof of reserve tool don't trust verify okay that's cool that you know these obviously so many of these exchanges or maybe all of them are lying about what they have so you want them to prove their reserves you know this is and this is on the same line of thinking of proof of keys that trace came up with the threat of everybody removing their Bitcoin from these exchanges might make might make them consider this proof of reserves tool or you can just use bisk where they don't keep any coins on any exchange it's decentralized it's fun to play around with you can experiment and I really think there's this thing for first of all you can't be a newbie to use it but if you if you build up your skill level and it's gonna become easier soon I think Sarah on actually Sarah knows about this best thing maybe I'll ask for about it on Friday was Agia Tel Aviv Bitcoin a Bitcoin embassy I met a guy from Sweden their you know their visitors come all the time they're on Sunday night and he was telling me about bisque how he loves bisque and how some improvement is coming to this soon so yeah with an exchange like this you know the worry about uh funds there that's great I mean if you choose to well first of all well I'm only I would never imagine I'm offended by selling so I don't think you'd be selling your Bitcoin there I would think you would be selling one of your crypt of dividends there and it's I'm all coin whatever random all coin somebody gave you there and so you don't have to worry about what what proof of reserves that this was there's there's no reserves there it's not where it's decentralized it works a completely different way and but I do think bisque is gonna become bigger soon enough and I might I might step ammonium or I might have some ideas with it you know some I've talked about some different things I'm working on some things working on some ideas here alright but again it's all to get more Bitcoin baby were offended by selling strong hand defer gratification comment like now coin desk now I don't I don't usually talk about coin desk articles because well they're pretty lame and everybody else talks about it but this one jumped out at me what does this exchange Winklevoss exchange Gemini shuts down accounts over stable coin redemptions now we heard about this before there were rumors about this maybe it's a little bit more official now that people who were using the Gemini stable coin for training you know they were they were earning their stable coin well they wanted real money for it and the Gemini found the reason not to uh to say we don't do business with you anymore so again this is what you get into when you're a trader and when you're dealing with a centralized coin and a centralized exchange your play by their rules and you can complain but this is where the big boys play my advice is just you know Val your wealth and bitcoin and you know stuff trying to you're trying to gain more dollars so you're you're trying to get around it by playing with stable cause you thought that made it easier and now you don't even have an account with them anymore and are you gonna get your dollars in the long run I have no idea but that's the rules of their game that you enter to play with them because you were you were valuing your wealth and yeah so you're playing for some stable coin what can I say Val your wealth in Bitcoin and you know you know what I can curse at the Winklevoss but I'm not I'm not if people enter do their agreements with them you should have known better we've been saying this for a while the big rumors of this for a while they can just turn you off whenever they want to but again if you valued wealth in Bitcoin if we were accumulating Bitcoin and putting it into your treasurer and then one can take that away from you no one can reverse that shut you off there anything here's a tweet from oh this is a good one if the quadriga guy is actually dead and not scamming he just burned pointed to 5% of the Bitcoin supply now it actually isn't that much but if he is really dead yeah it's quite a few Bitcoin that no one's ever going to get their whole the hands on so it's a it's a present to the rest of us I guess and again I hope the guy isn't dead but I hope I hope everyone can get their their Bitcoin back and that he's not dead but yeah who knows now another another controversial figure Ross Ulbricht there's a story about his mother in breaker magazine and I link to it below and I think she wants President Trump to forgive her son to get him out of jail I haven't read the whole article it's you know a lot of people want a freer us and everything so I'm sharing that you can do your own research and and read that article Peter todd has a tweet out there oh for hell to the Zeke ass section of the show I guess he says fixed Z cash counterfeiting vulnerability this one er ability is so subtle that it evaded years of analysis by expert Kitab cryptographers focused on zero knowledge proving systems reality is bleeding edge crypto is risky second inflation bug they've had okay a man I value my wealth of Bitcoin so I want to be holding that nonsense but let them experiment let me people got to know that you know one of these days one of these inflation bugs isn't going to get caught and it's good that'll be pretty nasty if someone's able to inflate one of these coins just out of the blue now I don't know if that this situation this this inflation bug which has been caught which is you know it's the counterfeiting vulnerability is gone if this inspired the following tweet but Edward Snowden of all people who a lot of people put up on a worshipping pedestal for various reasons and think he's he think he's got a lot of insider information you know I was he's done he's been involved in he's never been involved in some behind the scene things I don't know what he news about crook and if I should if people should be blowing their minds over what he says about cryptocurrency but he has something say about Z cache and why the way this ship Disher calls a lot of conspiracy theorists to go insane also like oh he mentions e-cash clearly it's a government front well holy see what I don't know what the stories people come up from this little tweet here but let's say a lot of people wonder why I like Z cache despite the founders reward here's a reason that tax funds a quality team that catches and killed serious bugs in-house before they get exploited some other projects learn about thing about bugs like this only after people have lost money so I mean he must have put this out there because of either saying well they found this problem and the reason they found this problem is because the founders are paid with the tax hey guys don't put the man on a pedestal this isn't some people are going to say oh if Snowden like Z cash it must be the best crypto out there we put we put no-one on a pedestal bitcoin is the next Bitcoin and we're starting to say what he's gonna say and you know it's uh if you take it too seriously I mean maybe he'll start tweeting a lot about crypto it'll become a bunch of crypto noise you'll you'll become a we can if you like Oh better get me some Snowden Z cash coin anyway don't do that you value your wealth in Bitcoin start with that one Bitcoin from there to Bitcoin three ten one hundred three hundred a thousand who knows what's next but uh this is the one Bitcoin show I do this show every I do a show here every day of the week it's not always the one Bitcoin show during the other than Friday and Saturday it usually is though so pound that but like button bang a bell button click on those squares that you see if you're watching this tape check out all the links below I'm Adam I should pick one much to disrupt meister remember subscribe the channel and like the video and share the video I will and I'm tech ball tch be alt on Twitter and watch Brian's channel also on Thursday which I guess is in two days so maybe I can remind you again I'll say hi to the you and the chat right now
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