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Hello and everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is February the 17th 2019 straw hand offended by selling value your wealth in Bitcoin encompass skateable personal responsibilities new counterculture ok people check out the links below everything I talked about this video is linked to below and check out tech ball calm that is a this week in Bitcoin was great on Friday and check out this rotmeister I come watch all my Shultz shows including yesterday's beyond Bitcoin show but going back to Friday's show to 1thek embo was on from Zimbabwe and crypto Shrugged he's got a book crypto Shrugged author is his official name you buy his book it's it's linked to on on Fridays show also he's in a he's traveling all over the world an IDI beagle dad was on but I just want to mention Towanda there's a lot of stuff going on is in Bob way and if you watch the video I just he he couldn't answer one question and it just shows you just you know how wild the situation is in Zimbabwe so I said this on yesterday's show also let us think of tawanda and hopefully everything will get straightened out in Zimbabwe and this is why you need Bitcoin you know when you're in a situation like he's in where you know you got to be careful what you even say on on a video that a bunch of Americans are watching and it's not only Americans watching this of course I know people all around the world but smoke it is mostly Americans but hey I I love you guys worldwide England I'm in Israel right now we got people watching all over maybe Zimbabwe to probably not though but they turn the internet offensive popping one point that was also mentioned on the show watch the show yes you need you need a big coin when your country turns the internet off on you and yet people have died in sabab way anyway because the government the government has killed people they're been street battles and sizesi and people don't know about this I'm I'm glad I can have people on from Venezuela and does in Bob way again you know you can come to a channel where you know their guests from places where people really need Bitcoin or you can go just to a channel with a fancy set sir grant sets and graphics that just talk about nonsense choice is yours pressure responsibilities in new counterculture pound that like button I like the rough-and-tumble world of the bitcoinmeister of course I am the bitcoinmeister so yeah I'm gonna like my channel best one out there baby and company in terms of original content you can't beat this thing alright so we talked about tawanda lota let's talk about this tweet which I I should have put this in the title but again I'm not a clickbait ster so I put whatever I feel like in the turn title but this is a it is a tweet it's disturbed it's not a disturbing black mirror episode it's IMF task planning a global monetary policy abuse to enforce a dystopian future we have Bitcoin they've already lost their the war but I'm afraid there might be blood okay during the blood part and I linked to this IMF blog post hashing in how to make negative interest rates work so it's all about how they would uh you know how could negative interest rates work and you get rid of basically you get rid of cash in a country and people if they keep their money in the bank they're a money in the bank they're charging negative interest rate so they are encouraged to you know if they keep their money in the bank they're going to lose it's going to lose value it's going to you're gonna catch you're encouraged to spend it on nonsense and they talk about a where cash Rebecca and especially that cashless are you that seems pretty likely and again the IMF is writing about this openly hey no we can have negative interest rates this is also so how do you get around that well you value your relative bitcoin you get you you think to yourself now well you know I don't want to get into a situation in if my country becomes cashless and the my my money is disappearing when it's in the bank so I'm gonna get a big coin now they can't control that at all and I'll be able to use Bitcoin alternatively to the instead of the DBE money that will be I don't have a negative interest rate when it's kept in the in the bank that's it's unbelievable but read it for yourself it's it's true it's true okay you can you can then you can see there's a the global elites oh I hate them Oh what shall we do woe is me there's a conspiracy Rothschild or you end up with they can do whatever those succeed but I'll be fine and it's just a bunch of bankers trying to make a lot of my works people trying to make money and they're in whoever's in power is in power and the IMF they think that's a great idea great it's not conspiracy it's out there you can you can complain about it or you can actually do something and be in motion I choose to be in motion I've been in motion for quite some time getting that big coin and I didn't know there was gonna be MIT the negative interest rates were on the table and in that manner or you're forced into it right Lord all right okay it's not here yet so maybe it won't happen but whatever you want insurance against that don't you don't you think ahead be in motion all right so in what is happening though which is definitely going on right now he's coin this is a tweet from whatever it's linked to below coin mama exchange suffer security breach with 450,000 users data compromised okay this is why exchanges collecting kyc put their users personal data at risk for the same way being Bitcoin custodians put their funds at risk so yeah by the way so why I'm sharing this is yeah this exchange didn't lose any Bitcoin but they they've lost all their users personal data so even if you didn't have any Bitcoin on there if you were doing the right thing George your Bitcoin on your treasure and everything but you you had been a traitor you had been trading you know your your your uh what's unclaimed came to think your ripple for Bitcoin and Bitcoin for ripple or some nonsense they have all so the hacker gets your personal information he and uh you can steal your ID and then do who knows what with it so yeah there are car there they're all source of cost for using these exchanges even if you think you're doing the right thing if you if you're using a kyc exchange and you have no Bitcoin there it's you've already given you up here became I see information that's terrible so one of these ludicrous exchange I mean coin mama you'd give up your personal information to coin mama so you could trade some iota okay that's what happens these things are all gonna get hacked so I had a guy in Argentina who's in motion and I was thinking I'm talking about a lot of countries that I'm gonna talk about Norway I'm gonna talk about Israel Assam Bob way Argentina I had been to all these countries I know I know Bitcoin people in all these countries and I you know four years ago in 2015 I had been the Israel in Argentina but I you know I didn't know Bitcoin people I had no Bitcoin connections in all these countries it just shows you at four years now if you're a motion man you can get you can get contacts and all sorts of cut you can go to all sorts of countries so since 25 26 2015 I've traveled all those countries I made Bitcoin friends in all those countries and I mean I get Bitcoin tips news from people from all those countries including what I'm about to tell you so here's a dude this guy it's linked to below it's an Airbnb link he gives a tour we will visit the Central Bank it's a $25 tour hey so if you're in Blaine sorry's take this it seems like it's fun or me we will visit the central bank Museum where we will go through the history of money in general then up to Argentina particular particular money issues like monetary politics and their results in our country later we will walk through the financial district to finally sit down to have coffee where we can start learning about Bitcoin learn how to configure your wallet and how to protect your Bitcoin in the most secure way next step will be walk to Florida Street surrounded by our belittles to find the Bitcoin ATM and learn how to buy and sell the currency the place where you can have your first Satoshi it's ok maybe me if you are any whole Bitcoin this isn't this tour is it for you but maybe it is and you just want to learn about the you know is Argentina definitely has a financial history I like what this guy is doing he's a lot of you know all sorts of tourists like to go on all sorts of Tours in Argentina they understand it's under some financial craziness right now and some of them might just go this tour that ended up getting some big point through it so this guy's in motion good job dude it's linked to below you can tell your relatives were going down the Argentina and maybe they don't know about bitcoins paper tool or learn about the history and they get at some Bitcoin when they're there it's it's a creative idea good for this guy good for this guy he's it he's in motion and I like people that are emotion by the way thank you so it's sent me some Bitcoin recently thank you very much for the person who sent me some Bitcoin I haven't checked my you know I've got all coins listed down there also I haven't checked those for a while those addresses but I do appreciate everybody who contributes to the show whether through the super chat or through the all coins or through bit backer vote me on Steam it I'm bitcoinmeister there and by pounding that like button and spreading this on ticked on Twitter you know I tweet all these shows out you can retweet that's fine that's a way to support the show to retweet my tweets that's always fun okay Aaron vine weird um he has a tweet out there I haven't listened to this yet but he tells epic Bitcoin journalism tales on trace mayor's Bitcoin knowledge podcast so that is linked to below trace when he does produce his podcast are very very good and of course Aaron and tres have both been on the show before so someone who has been on the show is Andreas Antonopoulos he has a great video out there I link to it below Bitcoin question is that questions and answers the absolution absolutely okay making the legacy system obsolete basically and he thinks the legacy system will become absolutely and eventually that's not the interesting part of the video what I really like is him saying you don't have to run a full node if you if you technically they can't do it okay if you're not comfortable doing that you can contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem by just holding your Bitcoin on your trees or valuing your wealth and Bitcoin by charging people in Bitcoin and by uh he says by spending Bitcoin again I'm offended by selling but whatever if you're spending your Bitcoin and that is contributing to the ecosystem and as he puts it he says just make sure you don't you know the best thing you can do to contribute to the ecosystem is not hold your bat let a third party hold your Bitcoin okay hold it yourself but and I mean basically he agrees with me get your mind into the value your wealth in Bitcoin mindset so get and live your life the way I do I value my life I'm just trying to earn Bitcoin I'm saving Bitcoin I don't let us that I control my Bitcoin it is my savings I don't have to worry about the IMF and negative interest rates whatever is gonna happen in the future don't so yeah it's great video though it's it is a very good all his videos are good okay so tonight you know speaking about traveling around I was at the Bitcoin embassy here in Tel Aviv and everyone knows I do enjoy meeting people in person and I enjoy interacting with everyone online here too but if there's a there's a certain awesomeness when you get to meet the people who have watched you online and you they already feel like they know you and you know them because they know so much about you and so yeah it was good hanging out yeah and again I meant to Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy every Sunday and I'm gonna be here until I leave Tel Aviv on March 12 so there's still a plenty of time to hang out but even when I'm not here usually anyone who visits Tel Aviv should hang out the Bitcoin embassy on Sunday nights and well I was I was talking to someone and and she was she was just telling me you know how we've got to make Bitcoin a little less technical so more people or feel comfortable and I I agreed and she says she likes my videos because it there's not a technical spin to it you know it's it's you know speaking real easy to understand Bitcoin concepts just savings a long-term the furrow of gratification you know very basic things that anyone can understand but are really some of the you know base layers of Bitcoin it's this deflationary currency if they're what's not inflationary and it's you know personal responsibilities actually control he's not relying on a third party bank and so I also shared that Inge and she agreed and there are other people talking also you know this guy Brett who's I visually from Virginia who was there also and or or is the name of the lady I can't I was I was trying to keep her private unless she hasn't care about being private or not she's had I've linked her she had a channel once and but she was just talking about ways of being in motion we were all talking about weight of how to be in motion in the Bitcoin world but one thing that I brought up and I set up as gonna bring it up tonight on the show is that you know the language said that some people are using you know I don't curse on the show and I trying to lead by example just some people have gotten so foul-mouthed on social media when they're talking about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency it's just it appears a cryptocurrency is not ready coins not-ready-for-prime-time if you're not if you're gonna talk like that you could talk like that if you want to but then just don't be shocked that you know the Bitcoin adoption people don't want to be a part of Bitcoin because they most people do when they're talking about finances it imagines you went up to the bank teller and she started talking about s coins with you you know and I'm not gonna say the word and started using the word s and F and in all the words and being using foul language what the heck I'm liking my money here the teller is talking like this what's going on so and so I'm doing what I think is right here you can do what you think is right but yeah there's a certain maturity level you have to have I think when you're doing the finances if people are going to get into this new form of money they're gonna have to feel comfortable and they're not going to be won they're not gonna be won they're not gonna want to be involved in a currency that they think is dominated by a bunch of kids cursing at each other and it easy and it isn't a bunch of kids cursing at each other it's just daddy said there's some high-profile kids Kherson so you think about it just think about it I'm throwing it out there you know cut down cut down on the cursing a little bit baby all right what else yes and why bitcoin is ready for primetime it is ready for primetime baby but yeah there are ways to slow it down there are ways to to make things a little too delet to stretch things out a little longer than necessary again it's gonna take some time things are gonna take time but there are things that we can avoid that those print perhaps speed up the process all right caso 20% are said in the chat the other day and he made a very good point people have time and money for suing but haven't the type of money to buy and learn how a hardware while it works so what he was talking about was during the show I I mentioned how people had kept their big coin on coin base and they're very disappointed that almost a year and a half later coinbase hasn't credited them with their be gold crypto divot and uh and that they might want to sue so yeah he's absolutely right it would have been a lot easier just to not keep your Bitcoin on on coinbase it would've been cheaper to buy a Tresor and just then you wouldn't have to work in certain yeah people do not seem to have time to sue but they didn't have time in the past to to buy that Tresor so think about it you know said you could take some you make some moves early on that will save you a lot of time and money in the future and a lot of frustration so the concept of controlling your private key is is very basic and very fundamental to Bitcoin and it avoids a lot of the things we don't want to deal with lawsuits confiscations banks okay now in the email that was recently sent to me I'm sharing this we talked about a information hack of an exchange stealing kyc information well here's a guy it contacts me and his buddy is high up in a company I don't know what this company deals with but they've been hacked and the hacker has frozen everything and he is demanding over a million dollars worth a Bitcoin and it got in there trying to get a million dollars with a big over a million dollars worth a Bitcoin so I mean this is this is some real thing this is some real-life people this is it's it's being used all right it's being you so regret it we're gonna have to deal with story no one's writing about this this was something was related to me but it's a true story it's true story the person just trying the person is trying to acquire was asking me how to acquire over a million dollars with a big and III I mean I said well are you sure there's no way to negotiate it down some and maybe you can hire a person to unhak things I don't know I don't exactly know what has happened in this situation but yeah that I guess they're they're files have been taken over by this person that's demanding Bitcoin well hear more about this in the future there'll be more or more of this but again it's it shows you that it's when people say oh that's not real money it's not no it's it is real money if if the bad guys want it unfortunately it's real money and yeah don't don't be a bad guy don't do things like that but more way okay so we had a friend from Norway in the other day during the chat send the super chat saying well here III have the article the it's in Norwegian but you can translate it Nord is spanked is considering it and I guess as a centre-back inori is considering issuing electronic money central bank governor øystein Olson and he spells that øystein with that special type of over the line through a pound that like button for four letters that don't exist in the English language look Austin Olson looks at the opportunity to launch digital money based on blockchain technology but is highly critical of Bitcoin so so they're not so I everything I thought like oh wait the Norwegian central bank is issuing its own cryptocurrency wow that's big news they're thinking about it they're considering it but they are highly critical of Bitcoin I don't have any news stories about this in the English language so you're hearing about it here first they're considering it in Norway but of course at the city and so what they might end up is with that cashless society thing that I was just talking about beforehand and negative interest rates maybe that's the direc and so yeah of course they don't want you getting either Bitcoin is that that's the only way to opt out of such a system Norway is a very modern and wealthy country shoutouts to them but know they can do something like this and the people will they'll accept it there are plenty of some more people there so some of them will get it but still accept the smart people even accept it but they delete the 20 percenters the ones who have the long-term thinking don't plan ahead hopefully and there are there are Norwegian guys that I met with in in Oslo and inna Bergen that know plenty about cryptocurrency Bitcoin so you got all my Norwegian uh Watchers of the show read that art and and people who could translate it there's we just translated now here is an article from Bitcoin magazine Aaron bond weird um and he specifically warns people don't read this article if you suffer from blocks the block size debate fatigue and it's uh it is time to take an initiative to decrease bitcoins block size seriously yeah so there are people who want to decrease the size of a good coin of the block size the Bitcoin black sites and you know I don't I say if it's not broke you know don't fix it some people are kind of saying that it is broke that it's uh that if you make the block size smaller it'll be easier to run a your own node and not enough people running a full node now because it can take up a lot of space on your life your laptop and take a while take take time and maybe what's needed is just the more you know an easier way to run a full note a more efficient rated one I you know I I want to mess with and the Oracle itself says that this isn't gonna probably pick up momentum reading the article read it I don't want to give it too much attention I don't wanna I think a lot of people give an attention just to create fun in the Bitcoin world oh now they're saying they gotta make the block block uh size smaller no there's just a few people saying yet and it's it isn't it doesn't seem to be an end-of-the-world type us an area or anything like that but i thought i would mention it because you know people are thudding about it and Aaron Aaron writes good articles he's a good he is a good writer alright that it that's the end of show for today thank you everybody remember bang that Bell button if you need a reminder when the show goes live even though YouTube doesn't send me reminders of when the show goes live you know I bang the Bell button but whatever pound that like button click on all the squares that you see at the end of the show so you can see all the recent Oh's and check out the links below just watch the recent shows I do a new show here everyday baby you know I'm consistent you know I got that conviction you know I love that Bitcoin keep that strong hand people baby you gotta have some energy here at almost me it is midnight now see you guys in the chat