Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is March the 9th 2019 strong hand be a unique beast uncompensated bull bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture deferral of gratification conviction all right everyone check out the links below especially check out yesterday's this weekend Bitcoin Boris was on there who else well mu rad made an appearance for he got cut off y'all be back don't worry people and of course judy was on there so it was a good one check that out also all my shows are gonna be available starting last week on anchor FM / bitcoinmeister podcast audio form yeah you guys demanded it and you got it I mean Potkin said somewhere else – they're going to distribute it to a lot of other places but right for now I'll talk more about it tomorrow anchor FM / bitcoin meister of course i do a new show here every day so tune back in on Sunday for the regular one Bitcoin show this is the beyond Bitcoin show I hope I said that I mean you know if that's somebody's show names I don't know what I'm saying at the time alright let's talk quickly before we go beyond Bitcoin I think crypto currencies they can be the innovation that will create wealth that will perhaps prevent delay lessen the upcoming economic turmoil that the United States and perhaps a lot of other Western countries are expecting because of debt obligations and all these social programs you know we were bailed out by the internet in the 90s and 2000's I think that made things a lot better innovation thank God for innovation and for the people who do strive for greater things and they are rewarded with great salaries and great financial reward so we we would never want to create a situation where no you can't be a billionaire any more than some great minds probably would stop striving for greatness and all of these awesome technical discoveries and innovations that bail out the masses so I really think and I think I'll start to talk about this more my show is just ideas that I have that you know go beyond Bitcoin get in the crypt of dividends and getting them into regular people's hands and you know I don't like to use the word empower I think it's just a cake it's part of a catchphrase that sjw's use but cryptocurrencies could give people some freedom they don't realize that they don't have now and that could make things better and that could get people less dependent on the government make them more independent again I really do think this is cryptocurrency thing that we're all involved in is is such a earth-shattering awesome endeavor and it's so great to be alive during this time it it really it was there all these doom and gloom errs out there yeah definitely we're heading for a terrible recession it's going to be worse than 2008 and mathematically yeah in 2024 there gonna be some government programs we're not gonna be able to fund anymore but you never know with these crypto currencies couldn't bring it out again I talked about private universal basic income not the government paying for it but somehow cryptocurrency is paying for it you never know where hey let's think beyond Bitcoin here let's think this is space is about innovation it's about it's not and I want to talk Andreas has a video about that I'm going to talk about it tomorrow actually so there'll be more about this on tomorrow's the one Bitcoin show okay moving on life is not a zero-sum game now it's so funny I heard that I don't know where I heard that recently but then I heard it on Andreas his video today when he was talking about that the Bitcoin space the cryptocurrency space is not a zero-sum game but life is not a zero-sum game either you know people are like well there's either gonna be a winner you're gonna be a loser no no they everyone can win everyone can win you shouldn't think that because someone's a billionaire you're a loser that you're not you're not a winner you know there's there's a lot of ideas out there we can call that the the world's creative commons there are a lot of ideas that we were exposed to okay they're free they're out there and we can adopt some of those ideas change some of those ideas if someone is is some if someone you think out there is a winner and you think you're a loser and you're not you're not a loser I mean you can I mean if you just live it if you've got that attitude then yeah you will you will not succeed you will not be happy and I think if you're not happy then you can have a loser mentality but if you are if you're if you're trying to strive for happiness emulate and you think someone's happier than you someone's a winner try to emulate what they're doing don't be jealous don't be a hater don't be envious because their creative ideas are out there they three do we know what again we have all these people that are like oh it's it's unfair that this sob this social media platform is so dominant okay well then start your own start your own start it's out there you there's nothing stopping you there's nothing stopping you from doing that you shouldn't like being so sad and let it get you down and again some someone you say what YouTube is censoring me I can't make money this way well find a way around it find a way around it start go to another platform or you know innovate and try to get into another another line of work if rules of the game if you're getting into their game okay but but again make your own game and be a winner in that game there's a lot of games out there there's a lot of games out there so you know when you fit when you when you think you've hit a dead end you have there are opportunities out there just just keep them that keep that in mind and life is not a zero-sum game it is everyone can be successful every there so keep on making new pies new pies my buddy said that in the comment section the other day whether Marber alright so moving on Dave Rubin on his show what is this would he have here oh yeah he had some and ran and I ran people in there Objectivist and it's the last ten minutes are good at this show um and on it the lady says only you can make yourself happy baking things does not change things that's so true that's so true only you can make yourself you can't live through other people there's so many people through social media who try to they see the adventures of one person and then and they're living through them and but they're not living their own lives and that doesn't make you happy and you know they're seeing people argue for them you know attack their political enemy you see your political enemy get attacked by your your social media hero and then you're like living vicariously through them but now you've got a you got to make yourself happy okay now maybe that's I mean III could see how that could bring you well I don't know I don't know if that could be totally fulfilling but no don't seek out the approval of others how about that how about that right there there's a lot of people that want female validation you need to validate yourself you need you don't let anyone else validate you or validate validate your ear opinions you you got to be yourself you got to look internally am I happy with the direction I'm going I am I happy that I'm able to say what I want to say or am I have to be that I can't say what I want to say man I don't think people are happy when they when they can't say what they want to say so only you can make yourself only you or the judge of your own happiness okay but no one else is going to come the politicians aren't going to make you happy by giving you things okay you you've got to do it your own personal responsibility is the new new counterculture so you know think you think about that for a second second I mean I think I've there a lot of people are happy a lot of people are going their own way and doing what they want to do and some of it is very traditional stuff but it brings them joy it brings them happiness they had a kid a family that brings them happiness but are you are you just trying to have a family to make your mom happy make your grandmother happy who ever are you doing things a certain way to make another person happy is that really making you happy only you can make yourself happy all right pound that like button so in interests when you're striving for this internal happiness the ultimate thing that you should keep in mind and you'll never really attain this I am the perfect version of me I saw a tweet that said that I am the perfect version of me strive to be the perfect version of yourself not the perfect version of some Dave Rubin Andreas Antonopoulos Adam Meister no you yourself yourself and then you will attain happiness now you're never having a perfect version of you but you know don't try to be other people now I said you can emulate other people take their ideas and make better ideas out of them make get your own twist on them but they're in the in the end they're yours you've you've borrowed from the Creative Commons of life and you've made a new innovation which is you and in the end of the day you're trying to be the best you that you could possibly be the perfect version of me I am the perfect and you'll never be no one is perfect no one's the perfect version of themselves but they are but if you're on the road to being a unique beast if you are your own unique Beast that's awesome that's tough that's totally awesome but if you're trying to like again I say fitting in is overrated if you're just trying to be part of it if you're not in if you just try not to speak up be quiet just move along get along to get along or go along to get along whatever it is I don't think that's striving for the perfect version of you maybe maybe that if the perfect version of you is just being part of the Machine then god I don't know and I don't think that I don't know I think thinking for thinking people that that's impossible if you are a real thinking person if you've if you've gotten to this point where you're thinking for yourself and you realize what's going on around you and you see that your situation isn't perfect that you can improve then you you know that you want to be yourself but a perfect version of me a perfect version of yourself so strive for that keep that little saying in mind I am the perfect version of me I'd like that all right follow me on Twitter at Tech ball tch blt now if you're a person and you find yourself talking about they a lot well they did this and it's because they did that that I am in the situation take a few because I noticed a lot of semi prominent people on YouTube and Twitter always saying what they did this they they they it's always they and you take a few steps back and just see are you taking personal responsibility are you blaming issues on somebody man out there because usually the day that they're talking about the Veda there the day that these individuals that I am alerting to on Twitter or talking about they can't even identify who they are and I think you get my point if you're if you're scapegoating a mysterious is vague and take a few steps back and see if they is really you and and I think most of time it is that it whatever they are holding you back from you're holding yourself back that no one is stopped and you know no sinister group is stopping you you as an individual or stopping yourself from from from progressing or from attaining whatever you wanted to attain from being happy happiness is not determined by by other people remember you make yourself happy and so there they mysterious they are not making you unhappy they are not taking away your happiness it's it's you who are not being happy just get away from that blaming day get internal and you will improve internally now what do we have out here so it take you sometimes you got to take a few steps back where we're all going we're all going you know 100 miles per hour sometimes and we don't realize that we're starting to make excuses and instead of looking inwards were going outwards and blaming others for for what's going on in our lives personal responsibility is near counterculture as I say and again in it so I mean most the people you encounter are going to blame day oh it's the Republicans fault is the Democrats fault let them do what they're gonna do you do what you're gonna do so the center I mentioned this in another video the center comm is by gab it allows you to and I haven't tried hit it out hit but it seems so cool it's one of those innovations and I think is gonna make a big difference on the internet you using the center you type in a site's URL and then you can see the comments people left about that site so there's a lot of news articles now you kick there's no comment section anymore this provides a comment section for every news article on earth so there's some controversial news article out there I want to leave a comment now again sometimes is a completely waste of time to do such a thing but if you mean again sometimes it is it's interesting this tear it is interesting to read other people's opinions on comment on on controversial issues and so you just type it into the center and you'll see other people have left the comments on there and and you know the more people that hear about this that's not I'm spreading the word because I think it'll be awesome one day when they'll be this alternative universe of comment sections on top of every article out there you'll just go to the center then you'll see but but then what it actually might just call some of these sites just to reinstate their comment sections again – we shall see it is it is a it's an interesting innovation that that's out there so good job the people at gab and again for all the people who are like Oh Facebook and Twitter dominate well here these are guys a gab who are competing with those two platforms who have come up with something it's that's it definitely it's a big innovation it's a big change is something different that will attract people who their platform so speaking of YouTube your own Brooke I mentioned him before he's got a lot of videos on there he's an object Objectivist and i9r and fan Objectivist objectiveness right yeah yeah and he's got a uh he's got a long video out there but he you know since I'm in Israel I'm only in Israel now until I've been here for almost three months and I'm leaving on Tuesday morning and then I'm gonna be Los Angeles for two weeks and that Baltimore for all of April and from there who knows I'll be wherever makes me happy how about that town that like button but no you're wrong Brooke has this in the video that I linked below from the 20 minute mark to the 32 minute mark now again he lived in his he was in his he was born in Israel but he's an American citizen now and he comments on Israeli politics from the 20 minute to the 32 minute mark he mentions this is a hoot party which I have mentioned before and it's very interesting was he is young Brooke does not believe in God at all and he believes in free markets and he likes to say who party cuz he says is the closest thing to a free-market party out there and he his end like the number 5 person on the list is an Objectivist and I I really hadn't heard like a pure secular take on the say who party because their leader he doesn't believe in God and their there are some religious views definitely in their in their platform and so I was very surprised to hear your own even it endorsed them he endorsed them so I would say I endorse them too I endorsed them I think if you're an Israel vote for them vote for them their free market there they're the one party that I think would promote cryptocurrency and and be very friendly toward cryptocurrency you know again there's you know when in Israel and the parties deal with a lot of different issues a lot of it and then some are some ignore certain things some are very focused on other things they just aspect the also the you know there's so there's a communist party oh god there's a they're very minor they're they're very mind the Communist Party is uh what's forgot their name they always may get it in there it's very interesting the way the Israel does it because they they have many parties in their Parliament so I it's kind of cool they do it the way they do everyone's gonna do a live there anyway the point is check out his video from twenty minutes to thirty two minutes I don't agree with everything the dude says all the time but I did find it fascinating and you know when I first heard about this party I thought it was like a fringe little party it seems like they're gaining momentum here you know a secular guy like him is talking about it and you know I saw signs when I was in Samaria I saw the hoot signs there and some people were secular there but some art all right moving on oh talking about religious talking about Israel let's talk about well first of all hang on mention me tell sent a five-dollar super chat thank you they he says in quotes print money and impoverished the world I blame bad for that and that's why I buy bitcoins well that's it you know again in talking III wouldn't work again you don't have anything to worry about about the the central bank's and that sort I would not I really wouldn't worry about them because we do have you have the option to totally opt out into the Bitcoin overlay yeah and so a lot of people who start to start talking about that stuff they think it's low as me the world is o ending the central bank's control everything control everything they don't control I mean again you opt in it just like you said they get you getting the big coin you don't have to worry about your dollars being inflated away and then there are other ways that there were more complicated ways in the past to avoid inflation also but we want house you could say certain housings land but this is much easier this is anybody anybody can avoid the inflation caused by money printing by just getting in the Bitcoin or probably a lot of a but I said this is another video I'd rather a life coin then be stuck in Malawi and owning whatever their currency is you know there's there's gonna be in the future world many top tier all coins will be much better to hold then a lot of regular currencies of developing world countries I mean some of these leaders are just very unpredictable you don't know when they're gonna start printing money in some of these countries all right so yeah that that shows you that focus on you got me talking about all coins now it's the beyond Bitcoin show that's why okay so yeah we're gonna talk about the Israel here and everybody knows who I'm about to talk about because she's been in the news lately it's a lovely congresswoman from the Minneapolis area Ilhan Omar so yet you couldn't avoid that name recently and you know she did say what she wants to say you know you can you can judge you can agree with that if you want you can agree with that stuff but again you know there's certain people out there blindly in a vote for me voting is whatever but if you really think you're making a difference for voting that and I know if if you are but there's so many people that just blindly vote for the the Democrats and it's amazing I I would say so many Jewish people on Jewish they just blindly vote for the Democrats blood don't even think these are supposed to be high IQ individuals don't even think about who in their whatever they don't check out the platform they don't they don't know again a lot of Jewish people have owned high incomes and they don't realize well I'm voting for someone that's going to tax me I mean it makes complete it makes its no sense it makes no sense at all so all these people say Jewish people have such high IQs I don't know how you can see they don't really demo way they vote I think 70% some again so a lot of people would still all Jews only vote for Democrats no it's something like 70% which is awfully it is awfully high but that's not all so again this is where we get into these these radical generalizations that just deteriorate into conspiracy theories so I would say if you're if you're Jewish and you know you like how the Democrats handled this thing okay that's whatever hey see how you can light like like this situation but yeah you can do what you do what you're gonna do you know take personal responsibility and so um she said what she said and somehow it's not being turned you know she's been turned into the victim here and I have anything it just goes to show you no one can take personal responsibility you say what you say about Jews or Israel or whatever you know take it take it don't turn yourself into the victim you said it you said it you could take it I mean that and I've been in this world then you got people out there making extra is the big them she's from Somalia you know you can't no she said it and again so maybe you like what she said then you know publicly to say probably agree with her say you know you like you like what she said I want to talk about political influence in this country that says it's okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country allegiance to a foreign car this is what we've heard for generations over this mysterious people they're dating they're not loyal to your country they're loyal to another country they its they they are loyal to someone else and they are bribing everyone to be loyal to just like that into you know I don't like them but they're not loyal to us they're not loyal to this current get we get into these it's amazing these situations of Allegiance and these accusations that they're through the centuries that the Jews have always had no no those because they stick together they they're they're they're not people of this they don't belong here don't belong here they have no allegiance to us they have a legion somewhere else some mr so again she's you know bringing out this the age-old trope of you know the juicer we have an allegiance a mysterious allegiance somewhere else so this is and that was her quote what I read there before and so this is uh by suggesting that pro-israel lobbying constituents constituents push for an allegiance to a foreign country while suggesting suggesting that an activity disproportionately conducted by Jews is essentially disloyal making a fundamental Lee anti-semitic idea more acceptable to voice on the left so yeah yeah that's what she's doing um so maybe she I mean she doesn't like his room we all know she doesn't like Israel I mean but she's stating you know that there's this people the allegiance upstairs uh there's a group out there pushing for an allegiance to somewhere else you know is Rea that they Israel first that the United States is a Zionist occupied government it's the same the same thing and again you could believe that if you want to believe that believe it if you want to believe it I mean if you want to get obsessed with that type of thing and worried about that type of thing you don't be with Johann do you be with Elon be with you know she learned I guess this is what they talk about in Somalia and smile yeah she go check out Somalia go check it out see where see where she learned it but you know to to make again but she's saying it so she should accept the criticism she should accept that she's gonna be called an anti-semite for what she said because she's again it's just the same thing from the centuries now again Jews we're not we're not victims do say your stuff say whatever you want to say say it all say it oh I don't care but you the people out there should realize who accepts it who who who's and they don't do business with them you don't do business if you don't like what they're saying about the Jews if you don't like the tone she's setting it's for obvious where she's coming from here she's not hiding it she's not hiding it give her credit she's not hiding it she's straight-out said would she would she believe so again you could be with her keep voting for I mean them if hurt theirs she's from a highly somali area they'd like this obviously they voted for her good good I mean so and if you if you like what she said give to her campaign if you don't you know give this the campaign of people that are running against her but again you can't waste you can't waste too much time on this stuff but again if you're into the party politics you can see what party mix the excuses says that she's that she's the victim she's you know she started she says these things she's the victim all of a sudden I mean again no one could take personal responsibility for what they said anymore she should notice it said well she's no victim trust me she's no victim you come to the country this country from that hole over there in Africa and you become a congresswoman to say that you're a victim you've attained wealth beyond compare compared to where you came from and you get to say things like this about your your fellow countrymen I mean it what would would us in Somalia if you said something that was against the local warlord what would happen to you what would happen in Somalia if you said something against your local warlord you know that they defended him what would happen no but so I mean to say she's if you were living there and you got you know your hand chopped off for that yeah then you would be a victim you would be a victim of getting your hand chopped off for freedom of speech but here no you your freedom of speech you say what you want to say you take it you take the repercussions your hand isn't getting cut off here or any other part you what are you getting cut off here for for such things but here from the Federalists they say and this is just great representative James Clybourn of a Democrat of South Carolina said he said he once also share the stage with Farrakhan just like Omar has noted Omar should be given a free pass because she fled Somalia there okay she can't say that that was a paraphrase oh I should be given a free pass because she fled mahlia there are people who tell me well my parents are Holocaust survivors my parents did this it's more personal with her he explained it's perfect and then the author goes on it's personal hey Jews when you fled some I think the number of people defending Omar on the risible grounds that Muslims should be immune from criticism isn't surprising when you realize that identity politics demands strict adherence to the hierarchy of victimhood so never to the hierarchy of victimhood identity politics is the hierarchy of victimhood it's it's really not worth it to play around but as you can see if you're if you're in that hierarchy of victimhood then people are going to make it people going to make excuses from you so if you're a female Muslim that's pretty high up there in the United States that's pretty high up there in the hierarchy and victim why anyone we're going to be part of this hierarchy of victimhood and use it for their benefit is beyond is beyond me but again that is the culture that we live in today that everybody wants to be a victim and everybody wants to be the highest one up on the hierarchy so that they can you know they can gain power that way and you know rip on other people and gain support I don't know it seems like a sickness to me it seems like a real sickness to me but again you don't you don't have to get caught up in it but it is in the news I wanted to give my my thoughts on the situation and I think it is up and for Jewish people let me just realize I mean this is it's good that someone like to think there's there's a lot of cowards out on the internet that say it like in their faceless people they just hide they leave it in the comments section they leave it on Twitter you know they don't they don't connect their real cells to these than the various oh my god you know the Jews controlled the world the Jews control this country that country the other country the Jews are cause of all my problems except the Jews because of all the problems on earth they bail at you you got to give her credit she's not a coward about it she stretched she's straight up singing so for all night you know for all the Jews out there United States of America or wherever you know it's personal responsibility you can live in a country like that which I mean it's a great you know it's a great country um but I think more so now there'll be more and more people like her that it is straight up saying it to your face so let them shout I mean you can you take that as a positive you can take that as very positive like well you know who you're at you know who doesn't like you I think that's a good thing you know who doesn't like you but at the same time there's many people that are like her that are just you know they think that and they're they're just waiting for a even more comfortable time for them to to shout out their opinions and so live where you want to live you can live in the United States you can you can live in Israel I will say and so yeah that's the thing if you if you don't want to deal with stuff like that you just move to Israel yeah all I have to deal with that here I'll tell you that they don't even I don't think are you talking about this woman I mean she's a complete joke to people here I mean they got their oh they got their own issues here to deal with it's very funny I mean you you've got so many people these reels this major power in the world and then when you're in Israel you see local I mean this they had probably hardly control themselves here there's a lot of internal issues they don't have the they got other concerns I mean how could they control the whole world it's a joke when we need when you're when you're walking around here you see and when you see what you got going on here it's they're not it's not some mysterious entity the long-awaited world world government control based in Israel it's it's it's it's hilarious you know the seat took the walk around here to think oh my god these these politicians can control the world it's a joke it's hilarious and you know a little country with no resources I mean but everybody worries about it every you know there's a people gotta playing somebody so you know but again you know here the cool thing about being here if you're Jewish you know whatever there's no there's no scapegoating if you're bothered by scapegoating if you're bothered by you know being the scapegoat you if you're here it's fine you're the majority here and uh it's but yes I'm an American citizen I'm going back to America and everything like that and for me as you can tell I'm just like let them say what they're gonna say let them say what they're gonna say but you know in the past it's uh it's usually degenerating into you know physical attacks it always has it always has except to the United States so why should the United States be different we shall see we shall see if it is different if it will degenerate to uh as it has in all countries in the past but uh whatever one day if the United States kicks us all out well that's whatever we got a place to go to it's pretty cool um so I mean that's at the end of the world it's at the end of the world it's not the end of the world if we get K is that is that right T in the United States a country that's supposed to be free for everyone to kick out people because they're of a different religion yeah it doesn't it doesn't go with us values but it can degenerating to that one day it could and so I guess that's why this is a little newsworthy because you can see you can see the spark coming out there and it's not just uh and the excuses that come out there but whatever I think but for I mean for all you Jews that hate Israel maybe you'll think twice now all right found that like button so let's talk about there's a lot of people out there well they don't like the rich people they the rich they it's it's the billionaires air-con well the thing you gotta remember of rich people if someone is wealthy already they can spend on nonsense stuff because they're wealthy they can spend on cars to impress women or press partners and press their neighbors okay and and this is a big big ahead at the same time they can invest they they've got a lot of disposable income okay they thought they got a lot of wealth they can distribute in many different ways they can waste some of their wealth but at the same time they're still investing some of their well which is producing them even more wealth now so if you're a regular Joe Sixpack out there you can see the rich and you see them spending and then you're gonna try to spend – that's the mistake don't be like the rich in that way be like the rich in the other way in the unseen way you don't see Rick you don't actually see them physically investing in businesses physically buying Bitcoin or buying real estate you don't see them doing you see them driving around Lamborghini so you want a Lamborghini and so you you go down there there's two best you can either the bridge can do both they can spend they can wastefully spend and they can invest at the same time when you're a regular Joe you've got to pick one or the other okay and if you want to end up like that now if you don't want to end up rich if you're satisfied if you're just happy with frivolous things all the time constantly and being broke and being in debt maybe that makes you happy maybe you're not jealous of the rich and you just like having nice things for a while and you're living the high life and you don't want to live beyond 40 ok that's your choice and you know life in the fast lane if you want to do life in the fast lane to you but realize that if you want to do the life in the fast lane for a while but then you want to be rich well you just wasted a lot of darn time because you're gonna have to invest eventually you're going to have to save eventually and you have to realize they're not doing something magical over there okay they at one time had to build up the wealth – or their ancestor data at least before they passed on the wealth to them but again there's some people there so other things pass them about to their kids and their kids spend a lot of their kids also invest a lot so again don't hate the rich slave late safely simply take into consideration your financial situation now okay and try to save and invest as much as possible so then eventually you will be rich and you will be able to continue to invest and save and at the same time you will be able to spend and get your cars and impress your women or impress your kids or impress your neighbor or whatever you know but you again now again you can never go fee spent you can never go full spend if you go a hundred percents then and you stop investing okay it's it'll it you can waste it all away look at the NFL stars okay look at the NFL stars they're given millions of dollars millions of dollars they go full spend and by the time they're 38 years old they are broke was they didn't do any investment and if they did do something they thought was investment like oh I'm gonna learn my buddy $100,000 so we can start his shoe business no that's not real investing that's just throwing your money away we're talking about real investment here so again you look at the look at the rich realize there's two sides to the story there are two sides of story there they are living the high life they got a mansion out there that really Hills or whatever but at the same time they are still maintaining that wealth by saving and investing so you have to also do that to get to that level in the first place so don't be a hater get it and again bitcoin is a thing that is an investment right there that's what I talk you know buy and hold there and again people are always glad when you're gonna spend the Bitcoin money this I just gave you the reason why why it's it's I don't worry about when I'm gonna spend the day I have been saying since freakin 2016 I'm not spending one darn Bitcoin I'm not turning any Bitcoin into fiat until after the 2020 having and now we're mean time flies dudes now we're getting close to there I still don't see a time I'm not comfortable yet with spending any my Bitcoin not at all no no but again I I'm so I'm still maintaining my investment I'm still getting more Bitcoin building my investment but I'm still living a happy life oh no I I don't need four listings this you gotta get your mindset out of that you've got to stop looking at the rich for all the frivolous things that they have but looking at the behind the scenes smart things that they have done which will you know it's all abuse all about patience and deferral of gratification people eventually if you if you save enough if you defer gratification enough you are going to have a lot of a lot of wealth to prefer to do frivolous things with but you might not want to then like I again I don't think I'll feel I don't think I'll have the need when it comes time to spend the Bitcoin I don't think I'll have the need to get insanely big things I'm not gonna I'm not gonna want it it's gonna be what makes me happy I'm not gonna try and impress the neighbor I'm not gonna try to impress the women I'm not again I value my wealth and big I'm gonna try to make me happy and that's tying it back to the the top of the show okay finally Oh an intervention said he said a notified box thank you do it thanks to everyone who sent support and just you know social media retweets that support to one will tech ball tch BLT on Twitter when I'm Bitcoin retired I plan to only cash in 38,000 a year that way I will pay always give that way I will pay zero income tax according to IRS long-term capital gains rules well mention and I are both not tax advisers but they're and this show is not tax advice but thank you for that information there and he is in the state of Washington – so that might I mean again it depends what he's taught about federal there too so it doesn't anyway um I plan the cash in 38 year that way I would pay zero income okay I'm not giving tax advice here I like that Ben she has a plan though he has a plan I love that and have a plan have a plan what's gonna make you happy what's gonna what's gonna be give you the ability to save the most and to have the most happiness do the least work time is money people to give what will give you the most free time or the most happy time okay so here for all you traditional people who value your wealth in dollars or who complain about the top 1% or complain about the top 10% I have linked to two links below they are calculators they are net worth calculators and they're pretty funny they're pretty fun you can fit you can type in your net worth and see where you would be in the United States I think you could do this in other countries also I mean it's it's linked to below have fun with it you can see by age what percent you percentile you were in by networth like if you're if you're between 20 and 30 and you have $50,000 of net worth what what percent how are you in now it's funny the percentiles start in the negatives because there are people many people have are worth negative they're worth nothing they're in great debt so it's time you know that's like the first that's the first 10% right there maybe that's even the first quintile I don't even know if it's the first 20% but it's it's fun to play around with so uh hey hey it might also it might also help you set some goals there you can say you know Adams always talking about the top 10% what would it take for me to be in the top 10% in terms of net worth how many how many Bitcoin am I going to need to be in the top 10% now again this is not Bitcoin base but you can make your own assumptions like well how much does Bitcoin gonna be worth and fiat in the year 2021 so how many Bitcoin do I need now so that I'll be in the top 1% of net worth individuals in the United States by then again I think there are a lot of people you know I made my long ago 2015 I said guys get 10 Bitcoin now pay $4,000 and I think eventually well yeah we'll see eventually those people will definitely be in the top top 20% if they only did that who knows we shall see they maybe they'll be in the top ten I don't wanna make you know that people gonna say oh you just made a prediction on how much Bitcoin is gonna be worth and Fiat I don't want to do it I know I don't make predictions about how much Bitcoin people ask no is it gonna be worth a million dollars I don't know I think all I know is gonna be very darn good to have it in the 2020s baby 2020s person responsibility is a new counterculture well people are going to be speaking their minds and yeah it'll be good to have a crypto currency crypto cursor is gonna be bailing out the American citizens maybe who knows it's gonna be exciting time these this upcoming decade all right be happy you're alive I sure AM pound that like button bang that Bell button i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this like this we share this video check out the links below this was beyond Bitcoin show we talk about subjects that go way beyond Bitcoin every other day of the week its Bitcoin and cryptocurrency news I get you a new show every day I'll say hi to everybody in the chat right now oh yeah all good lab check them out they're linked to below get t-shirts there they gave me this one New York hipsters they are
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