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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 16th 2018 strong hand this is where the big boys play offended by selling value your wealth and bitcoin uncomf– escapable one bitcoin equals one bitcoin deferral of gratification don't FOMO on all coins okay everyone remember check out this week in Bitcoin on Friday Bitcoin and Bitcoin Rev I was on the show on Saturday but on and you can check out that below too but on Friday we had one GALT BTC Benny and Bitcoin Tina we're on the show you can check that out this rotmeister calm or kickball calm follow me on twitter at Tec HB alt now in the comment section yesterday CP cent left a very nice comment and I left a reply and I'm going to discuss it I'm excited for all US beat Bitcoin holders but I cannot wait to see you living the life post-2020 you deserve great things and I said thanks and thanks so that was a very nice thing to say I won't be close to being satisfied until two hundred and ten thousand blocks after the December 2017 all time fiat hi that should be around November of 2021 so yeah I've always talked about you know the earliest I'd ever sell buy Bitcoin is any Bitcoin for fiat would be after the 2020 having well now I I can't I can't say that any longer I just can't I can't because I'm not I'm not sellin a ting my Bitcoin in the year 2020 I'm just not uh I gotta I gotta wait until 2021 I gotta wait until two hundred ten thousand blocks after after the the previous all-time high i-i have to see if this 210,000 block theory is true and that a and who and i and it will be in about it will probably be in november of 2021 will be two hundred ten thousand blocks after the December 2017 all-time high and if it's worth more then I am going to be dude I'm gonna be busted through the roof now it it is theoretically possible then uh I guess before then it'll become blatantly obvious that by November of 2021 the price will be higher in terms of Fiat than it was in December of 2017 so maybe maybe I'll alter my you know I don't know what would I even want what do I want to buy I don't I don't even know I so know uh again you guys can all make up your own decisions on this but I want to see how this whole 210,000 fear – or 10,000 block Theory plays out in regard to the the previous all time have hi we experience in terms of fiat in december of twenty of 2017 and we're not gonna know that until november of 2021 so i mean some of you might be really i mean i can't make predictions on what the fiat price is gonna be but some of you might be in situations right after the having where you're doing really well fiat wise and you're gonna sell some that's your personal business again but if it's if it's if in november of 2021 it's higher than in December of 2017 then then the pattern continues and it just a make my hand even stronger like what's it going to be in 2025 how many do I really need to sell to live anyway so I mean I'm gonna try to hold on as sure as much as possible for as long as possible because I mean just just imagine if it's actually worth like in the six digits at some point in in 2021 I mean I'm gonna then then you're gonna start thinking well it can't really get to seven digits to get to a half-a-million-dollar who knows uh but anyway let's take it one day at a time the future is obviously bright value your time in having's and yeah I again I I for those of you with week and so yet your first step should be live past the 20/20 having just that should be your first step then you can build up to two hundred ten thousand blocks after the previous all-time high how about that pound that like button but Josh Kohath said two hundred ten thousand strong hand appreciate you Adam well Josh I I appreciate the dollar ninety-nine in in support and all the support you've always given me and you know our talks over a DM on Twitter and everybody out there it's always it's always fun to talk to everyone over the Internet and by the way I went to sleep at about I think two o'clock last night and I had to get up at about 6:00 today so I did not I did not check out my laptop until 8:00 pm

today so that was good I was I was in the real world the whole you checked the price on another computer I did check the prices sometime I admit that but I really stayed out of crypto most of the day but tomorrow tomorrow you're that and that won't be happening because Andy Hoffman will be on the show at 4:15 pm New York time tomorrow so uh to tune in then tune in then all right so I I hope I made everybody's hand a little stronger talking you know I don't like to talk fee up prices at all you got a value your wealth in Bitcoin try to keep on getting more Bitcoin and then you'll see what's going on in November of 2021 or July of 2020 whatever you want to whenever you want to decide but but again if it's why would you want to get rid of most but I would want to hang on to most of it the great majority of it you know if if I'm comfortable if I'm comfortable my family is comfortable and we have a new all-time high whether if the all-time high is definitely surpassed in 20 November 2021 I mean I wouldn't want to rolling the dice you hold that role in that Stanley no I'm gonna keep on hanging on to it because you know what will 2025 bring and yet four years can cope by so fast I mean it doesn't feel like 2015 was that long ago in a certain respect it doesn't feel like it was that long ago and in other ways yeah it just it feels like but it wasn't that long ago the world has changed a lot since 2015 but it's not that long it's not that long a sure deferred gratification people beat in this game you got to be able to take take four years easy you got to be able to hang on to your stash for at least four years that's what this I think we're gonna learn from this 210 thousand block theory alright so another announcement besides that auntie Hoffman gonna be on the show on tomorrow at 4:15 pm pleat please – we'll talk some nimble limbo we'll talk I'll talk everything I asked him you could tell me what to ask him you can leave Scott you can tell in the chat tomorrow you can say things they asked Andy will try to address them but Friday at 2:30 p

m New York time is this week in Bitcoin it's right before Passover starts we're gonna have a Zakk Bowl be on the show Jeff bandru jr he's been on the show before he'll be on the show again and a new guy Tony sanic will be on the show I linked to Tony's Twitter below so you can get familiar with him he does some videos he his technical advice I talked about the Raspberry Pi thing that he did there was a video about that I linked to the other day check him out he should be a very interesting guest Friday this weekend Bitcoin tune in on this very channel we do a new show here every day but this coming Saturday there will be no show because it will be the second night of Passover and that is one of the two days of the year I take off second second night of Passover and then the second day of Rosh Hashanah also shall be in September or October but yeah we're we're getting in a show right before Passover starts on Friday moving on uh eight week from yesterday I was thinking about when I was today I'm gonna repeat it is by Alistair Milne should coin founder slash developer slash leaders be afraid of being delisted absolutely and again for me this reminded me of the glory of Bitcoin because there is no centralized authority that can speak insanity and get Bitcoin and into trouble and but it made me think about fluffy pony and it brought me back to some events I believe they were really earning 2016 or 2017 or maybe warmer one was when fluffy pony appeared on tone basis crypto scam show and just went off on – that that was the – guest was fluffy pony and I didn't I didn't think it was that great of an idea because of you I mean it's it it painted Manero in a certain light but but worse than that worse than that was when fluffy Pony City was gonna have a big announcement and then the announcement was just a total joke and the price of Manero i going up and then it went down oh my god it was people were really angry now again is this comparable that to what has been going on lately with another altcoin no it's it's not on the same level obviously it's it's not it's not done out of out of you know someone being a psychopath or a sociopath fluffy pony has a certain personality but again he is the he is the face behind Manero there's no doubt about that so he he's in fact a weak point in the Monaro ecosystem I mean he might he may be a great guy or whatever but when he does things like that you can get de listed you could who knows what can happen and Bitcoin does not have that so I I just I was reminded of that when I was running today and I was thinking about that tweet from yesterday and again it's not the same thing that's been going on with the other situation but it is it does bring back memories and there are a lot of there are a lot of other fluffy ponies out there a lot of other guys behind coins that are associated with coins and they make one mistake or they go insane for a second it can really cause some problems for their altcoins for their and it just shows when we're talking about the decentralization of Bitcoin they all can claim to have a certain level of decentralization but they cannot claim the same level of decentralization that Bitcoin has because Bitcoin does not have a fluffy pony Bitcoin does not have a Satoshi liked my buddy Charlie Lee now and Charlie's a great guy too but you know he could make a mistake one day I mean he's uh he's associated with that uh I don't even know what that thing is called that he tried to that litecoin tried to partner up with or whatever token pay again so that can't happen with Bitcoin that can't happen with but again to compare the fluffy pony and uh is a total totally different beast than than Charlie Lee and it's stressing the word beast there all right pound that like button so uh moving on robert gross left a very interesting comment and i and do any of have you guys been around long enough to even remember those two situations with fluffy pony i don't think most people in the in the Bitcoin space and the crypto space in the all koi space they have no idea what I'm gonna talk about with that when fluffy pony was on tone show talking about – or when he made that announcement that wasn't even an announcement that that mineiro and manera went down in terms of fiat and in terms of Bitcoin and I just showed a I mean welcome newbies it's it's always good to get new blood into the space and I'm glad I have the archives at disrupt meister comm you can watch the old shows where i talked about these things i should i should have found those shows where i talked about about the flutter ponies in his antics so robert gross said this in my comment section and it's an interesting theory just a thought we got about ten percent on be cash two point five percent on beagle old 7% on B rhodium or whatever at the time Bitcoin inflation was 4% I wonder what effect airdrops will have going forward as Bitcoin inflation drops especially as airdrop participation increases at some point the dumping of air drops alone will exceed annual inflation you would expect B cash to have consumed all Bitcoin inflation but not everyone claimed it not everybody sold it in a world where air drops are a matter of course and there is mass participation from the very start there is a possibility they could consume all new Bitcoin supply might future air drops be as impactful or or more so than having x' okay now that is you're making a really big assumption there a very very big assumption there that when everybody gets their airdrop coin whether it be member Wimble coin the rhodium are a crypto dividend like B cash that they they turn it in the Bitcoin that they turn it into Bitcoin because not everybody does that not everybody does that at all they might turn it into another off coin they might turn it into fiat so and there there comes a point with in theory when people what people won't give up Bitcoin for these air drops in theory they shouldn't why would anyone pay for something they get for free I still I mean I haven't said that in a long time I mean it's like with people saying to buy steam why buy it when you get it for free what it just amazes me and to go with the member wynnmalone we're all gonna get it for free and then by fall people are like how can i buy member will coin what why you buy it you could've got it for free so your theory is very interesting and so I mean people buy so yeah people do buy things that they get for free so in theory yeah people look will people buying every single airdrop for will give people even minut amounts a Bitcoin for these air drops is still giving away precious Bitcoin for these air drops so there's only so much new Bitcoin being produced after the year after the 2020 having should be interesting it should be interesting if people are so if people are still willing to give up their Bitcoin then I mean and we as holders if we're still getting our air drops and our crypto dividends and we're turning them into big we should be definitely turning them into Bitcoin we should be definitely turning them into Bitcoin because Bitcoin will be a lot scarce ER and yeah there'll be a lot less new Bitcoin produced and if the air drops keep on eating up more and more Bitcoin that's great that's great for the people who get him for free it's not good for the people who are giving up their precious Bitcoin for these air drops but hey people are going to do what they're gonna do but again your theory against some people who get these air drops will be giving up their their crypt of dividends for fiat for other crypto divins for who knows what I don't know I don't know why all right so an interesting theory you guys review it tell me what you think it's it's below two days ago videos or just play play this a2/ad again play all my shows at 2x but you can review what I just said all right Matt Odell has a tweet upcoming Hardware while integration for wasabi wallet is a really big deal will make using Bitcoin privately easier than ever before well it's not it's it's coming up with open dying but apparently they're gonna work on it for the the other classic hardware while it's also so yeah when it's uh when there's traceur integration or what's what's the other one that other ones i have the bid box and ledger when that's when those are integrated into it and I actually have uh I haven't opened I'm too yeah but but that but when it's when it's when it's integrated with the other ones yeah I guess I'm gonna have to try out this wasabi mod have no excuse now because I've got the the opened I'm also to play around with the nice just but yeah the wasabi while it apparently privatizes everything for you or sort of does and matters I'll often talk about it and if it's integrated with your hardware wallet then well that's it that's just you know I encourage everyone to keep their their their Bitcoin on hardware wallets so why not why not see what this is all about when the integration integration comes your hardware wallet or maybe I should at least play around a little bit in the future alright so that that's good that that integration is being worked upon something else that I so mentioned a couple places be it from the Amazon of Japan it's called a Roku 10 is like the amazoncom of Japan here it is what's it say here Japan Rakuten Bank now allows millions of customers to buy crypto well ok it's not exactly the case apparently well first of all racket on is like Amazon but you can you can open an account there and eventually they're gonna have an exchange they're gonna have a cryptocurrency exchange through this company and in June apparently his customers will be able to buy crypto I think now you can set up your account hey this is this is good stuff though ok imagine if amazoncom opened up in an exchange a crypto exchange that would be great that would be great so again I still think Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is centered around the United States I know a lot is going on in Japan so it would be great if Japan really surpassed the United States in a crypto adoption and crypto usage I mean I've heard a lot of good stuff and this is some good stuff too but again it's just I've traveled around a lot and then I see some of these numbers on exchanges the real exchanges are all seem to be u

s regulated or US base so hey but good luck that daddy's news dat is positive news it's just a matter of time before you know one day some somebody like Amazon in the United States will open an exchange and that'll be big big that'll be great that'll be great so if if it's really this big in Japan if it's rocket on is really the Amazon of Japan and they really get rolling with this thing great um finally I learned about something called lightning scratch card lightning scratch card dot IO I'll link to it below it says enter lightning scratch card content writers write an article and publish it it starts as totally hidden users can contribute tiny amounts to scratch some letters once a letter is scratched it is revealed to everybody money goes to content writer write write write content get paid in Bitcoin readers can contribute as little as one Satoshi to reveal one letter and again the money goes to the content writer and if you go to the site they have some posts there so this is a very interesting use case of the Lightning Network ok you you write an article it's totally hitting and people pay Satoshi's to reveal different parts of the article now we've seen this done with pictures before but now we're seeing it done with articles so and maybe this can get a little bit more complex I see this as the base layer of something big and it seems it seems it seems like a very simple concept but a good concept in a way for all so right now if you're writing articles go over there post your article over there see what happens maybe someone will start paying Satoshi's to reveal parts of your articles and i guess the idea is that a few people will play some Satoshi's here there and then eventually someone will find it and say like oh wow this seems like a really interesting article i got to pay for the whole thing i'm gonna pay for the whole thing now and the whole thing will be revealed so it's an interesting concept the guy is in motion very good dude he's a French guy who lives in Southeast Asia somewhere I forgot now I don't want to maybe Thailand but check it check it out below Lightning scratchcard on Io it's linked to below be in motion people pound that like button bang that bell button I'm Anna meister bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister tune in tomorrow we'll be back pretty soon at 4:15 pm New York time click on those squares to see the old shows that I recently did and I will say hi to everybody in the chat bye-bye