Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is April the 28th 2019 strong hand this is where the big boys play offended by selling value your wealth in Bitcoin I'm confiscating well one Bitcoin equals one Bitcoin bitcoin is the next Bitcoin in motion ok everyone check out the links below everything I talk about in this video is linked below disrupt meister calm tech balkan follow me on twitter at Tech ball tch be alt check out Friday's show it was awesome this week in Bitcoin and yesterday's be on Bitcoin was a lot of fun also now of course on Friday we were talking about be tether and big fin X story and I think we really covered everything but I will bring it up again here today one final thought time to calm everyone down it was a fun day Oh Friday the world people were trying to fight on Bitcoin but it failed you know we've had these fun Fridays in the past it was the failure of the FUD so yeah special gasps max Hillebrand made his debut on Friday on the show you you guys know him so something that I was thinking about the the other day and today how many new Bitcoin are produced are mined every day through Bitcoin mining and at this juncture there are 1800 new a Bitcoin mined every day starting in 2020 there will be 900 then after the 2024 having 450 new Bitcoin again a day or mind starting at the 2024 having 4 deny I'm pointing at me because there are people out there that you maybe you've I mean there are people out there I definitely have 450 Bitcoin and to be a per I mean that should be your goal to get I mean if you're a person that's got a lot of Bitcoin or if you're a high net worth individual that can spend a lot of money now you want to be able to claim after the Year 2024 you know what I have more Bitcoin that's being then that then it's being produced in one day and I think that is going to be it's going to be quite valuable during every having period you will be part of the true elite if you have more Bitcoin then being produced in one day okay so let's go 2028 there will only be two hundred twenty five new Bitcoin mind per day starting with the 2028 having twenty thirty to a hundred and twelve point five Bitcoin mined every day and now let's get to the very important point of the 2036 having okay now that is less than seventeen years away is 2036 I know it sounds very futuristic and at that point there will only be 56 point two five new Bitcoin mined every day so here we are 17 years before then you can own 57 Bitcoin you can you can get to that point instead of buying some property for like instead of buying a rental property for two hundred ninety six thousand dollars you should get fifty seven Bitcoin and then there are no there's no maintenance cost on that fifty-seven Bitcoin you got to get a trace or obviously and look after it but if you bought a 220 96 thousand dollar house there's a lot of maintenance that has to go into it over the next 17 years okay and again I might be I'm trying to talk to regular people out there but again I'm talking about too high net worth individuals also I mean they might be thinking even they don't want to wait 17 years they want to get 112 Bitcoin now or two are the 25 Bitcoin now you're getting you're getting my point here okay so any if you're a young person or someone who's sitting about buying a house even maybe you want to put that off a little bit get your spend your $300,000 on fifty seven Bitcoin right now maybe you already have because you didn't have to spend that much but I'm telling you if you have 57 Bitcoin in the people have always asked the Adam guide will tell me what numbers I need tell you how many Bitcoin do I need well here I'm not gonna tell you what you need I'm just going to tell you some facts and after the 2036 bit called 2036 Bitcoin having and everyday they're only going to be fifty six point two five Bitcoin mind every day so if you have fifty seven you're gonna have more than our mind every day okay so I mean that that's quite a claim and I think that is going to put you in at least I I would say this if you if you're ahead of the game in terms of owning more Bitcoin during a having period then then is mine in a day then I think you're gonna be in the top ten percent of net worth in the United States at least if not the top five percent or the top two percent of top 1% okay it depends I mean I can't make exact predictions but like right now if you have 1800 Bitcoin you're in you're doing you're at least the top 5% in net worth in the United States okay and of course top 10% in terms of net worth you're vilified in the United States you're a villain you want to be a villain pound that like button okay and also I I've told people you know you know you guys start with one Bitcoin then move to Bitcoin three Bitcoin 16 Bitcoin 21 Bitcoin well 21 times 3 is 63 that's a little bit more than 57 so there you go again if you want to think of it in terms of twenty ones I know a lot of people like to think about but there's only gonna be able to be 21 million bitcoins so if you own 21 that's one millionth of the supply you get you get the you get the point but again this is a this is a practice you know something like 17 years I got at least 70 it's probably gonna you're probably in great shape before that seventeen year mark but I'm just putting in four in perspective for you right now to think to you know to set your goals that in 17 years at that 2030 to 2036 having there's only going to be 62 excuse me 50 625 Bitcoin mine's a day and then again in the title I said 57 because I rounded it up and I want you to have 57 I want you to have more and in the amount that is mine per day after the Year 2036 after the 2036 having alright so there's your little Colonel swans you you're just in 20 bucks thank you very much bitcoin bitcoin rules with no rulers pound that like button baby you know it Colonel Swan jr
rule there are rules in Bitcoin there are rules there only be 21 million of them but there there are no rulers despite what uh some whack jobs out there try to claim again you can claim to be king a Bitcoin if you want to but you're not the ruler a Bitcoin you're not you're just calling yourself you're just naming yourself something and people are free to make any claims they want to you can't beat math the rules are based on mathematics okay you can't you can't beat that alright so moving on let's let's move to this so since I talked about something that I really like to talk about a lot I think people love know that I love to talk about future having's and holding on to your Bitcoin and you know numerical reasons to hang on to your Bitcoin and and again I think I'm their net worth individuals now they should know that information that's something is pretty simple to understand what I just said okay it's simple to understand what that means to own more Bitcoin than being produced in one day I mean that that is a that's an accomplishment that means something and if you if some high net worth individuals they can they can afford it right now to buy it well after the year 2020 they can afford to buy 900 Bitcoin right now they probably can afford to buy 1800 Bitcoin if they wanted again 1800 new Bitcoin produced a day mind a day as of right now but after 2020 having its 900 and then after 2024 were getting into real reality they are 450 all right and 2024 is not long what is five years away man time flies so Aaron Vaughn weird um has this about big Phenix so we're gonna talk about 15 X and tether and again I just want to remind everybody this really shouldn't matter to anyone BitFenix is oneexchange Heather is not Bitcoin okay so even if it's like worst case scenario over there what's it matter it's a private company and it's or do you I mean you shouldn't be trading you shouldn't be keeping your Bitcoin there you shouldn't be holding your wealth and tether you're completely insane after all of the rumors after all the years after BitFenix was hacked in 2016 yeah it was how anyone could keep a penny there is beyond my understanding but it's not really as bad I believe it's not as bad as people were making it out to be so this would Aaron VAM and Ron weird him summed it up this way and this is linked to below so the underlying issue is not that big Fed Ex less tether was printing money that was fun it's that it had to resort to questionable fiat payment processors this has been a problem for Bitcoin companies since forever eg Tradehill it also shows why permissionless finance matters yes it does show again they are using a bank or a payment processor whatever you want to say that is giving them a very hard time that's not allowing them access to their money I mean that's that's an issue obviously that's an issue maybe they're gonna let them have access to their money it's not this Bank this payment processor I forgot their name I don't even care what their darn name is they're lame they maybe they lost all the money okay what's that have to do with Bitcoin really what say that so again the big the market has responded the Bitcoin price is basically what it's been in terms of Fiat for the last week it went down a little bit again I'm happy to see that issues like this that people like BitFenix and other funsters out there like to blow out of proportion just they don't crash the market anymore and that's a sign of maturity for that for the big for the cryptocurrency market for the Bitcoin market but again tether is not Bitcoin BitFenix is one exchange why you would keep any of your Bitcoin on that exchange is beyond my understanding why people Trey is I I don't know I think it's impulsive I bet we've gone over this many many times here but but there are rumors out there that people have tried to happen withdrawing money from BitFenix because they are scared because they don't fully understand this situation well I mean and that's fine that's fine they shouldn't have kept their money down in the first place so we could have a big Phenix bank run it has not happened though as of today I mean it's just proof of keys that's all it is I mean this is Trace Manor and encourage this and he will encourage it again for January 3rd of a of 2020 for everyone to get their Bitcoin off of an exchange not because there's some rumor out there just was you shouldn't be should be keeping your stuff there so there are rumors that people are trying to get their bin there was an address associated with BitFenix that just moved a lot of etherium and there was one that is another address that moves a lot of Bitcoin all right all right strong hands that doesn't matter to us because we we have our Bitcoin on our treasure or a ledger or whatever not your keys not your Bitcoin that's just what this is just a reminder of now so I just want to go back to the guy bit Finn xed who for years has been just I mean relishing in any new bad news about tether and BitFenix it seems like he is a guy that sold his Bitcoin for cheap once I don't know what the guy's issue is maybe he works for a competitor but and I think a lot of people out there that's what they consume when they hear about BitFenix and tether they get the bit finnex side of the story well Alastair Milne is a guy I quote a lot on this on this channel and I I I follow him on Twitter he's a smart guy and he has the other side of the story okay he is not a hater a bit finicky and he's a traitor and that's his business whatever but here's a tweet from him it is the weekend your bank is closed you cannot move your money does this mean you are insolvent if you tell people that you have money with the bank and are good for it are you committing fraud if you borrow funds until Monday to meet obligations are you committing fraud and again these companies that that story it represents the situation that he feels is going on with the finnex now they just can't access their money their bank is not letting them access their money so they borrowed it from tether ok great but again Alistair Milne he's linked to below that tweets link to below but if you care about this story at all and frankly you really shouldn't care about this story very much I've given it way too much time hopefully I will never talk about it again but if you for some reason care about this story that there's the other side of the story he gives a another and you know wale panda also sort of does give another side of the story and Aaron BAM we're done that tweet I shared below he's pretty impartial about the whole situation – yeah on Thursday I was talking about different cults within the Bitcoin community and again so you can get some pretty some people in Bitcoin just go a little too wild I think they call everything a scam that that's like a cult almost that's a that's a it's a little corner a Bitcoin you don't want to become too obsessed with that corner a Bitcoin where you get into like calling every single thing a scam because eventually you're just not very productive you're just like paranoid about everything but these little cultish corners cult is probably the wrong word pop up in Bitcoin a lot and I was talking about them on Thursday's show link to below of course but the thing I forgot is that I think another another and again we have guys that are that are going crazy about you know eating only meat and again that's healthy know you'd only meet but I think some people might take it to a whole new level I mean that's not as that's as bad as calling people scammers and there's gonna be these little cliques that develop in Bitcoin some are more productive than others let's say next one that I predict is gonna happen is like the yanggaengie Bitcoin just people that are gonna be really Pro yang the guy running for president and again they're gonna have the reasons they think that if he does this ubi thing it'll inflate the United States currency out of existence and so everyone the big coin so yeah that's that's a look that's a little prediction there gonna be a lot of yang gangers in the Bitcoin space that'll be a little click of the Bitcoin space and it would be mostly a waste of time because you shouldn't worry about who's president you shouldn't you shouldn't get too deep into that stuff if you care about that kind of stuff though check out my Saturday show I that's the really the only time I mentioned that such things and I and I've course encourage people not to not to get into the politics side of things it's a big waste of time learn about Bitcoin learn about Bitcoin and just hold on that Bitcoin don't get don't don't get distracted sports meister comm my podcast right area maybe you're listening right now to some of my podcast nathaniel popper has a rumor and i haven't heard about this since he first posted this on it i think he posted this on friday in wake of TD america quietly opening bitcoin trading for some of its customers which i don't know if that is fully true yet i was just told that a trade is preparing to begin offering both bitcoin and ether trading to its five million or so customers and is just finalizing a third party to actually hold the coins okay i'm just throwing that out there I haven't heard anything else about that since that dude Nathaniel put it out there but yeah again it's just a matter of time before this kind of stuff is on e trade and and Ameritrade and all that my advice to you is to actually like own it before it's actually to it before it actually happens but again it is possible that these uh financial organizations are trying to do this before the Twenty twenty having so that you know this might actually happen in the next 12 months or next ten months or something like that and if this if those things actually happen in the next ten months it's like dudes that trade on e trade in America trade or suddenly don't have to go over to coinbase to buy Bitcoin it could make a big difference and could make you very regretful that you didn't know in Bitcoin all right here is a post from Ben Davenport it says why Uncle Sam loves proof of steak now I've read the article it talks about taxes and it reminded me of a coin desk article that I talked about a while back and that says coin base moves into proof of stake all right and experts in the space or are pondering okay the recent announcement that coin based custody will offer staking support for maker Tasos and cosmos the move means institutional investors will be able to vote on blockchain governance matters directly through their coinbase accounts okay so I'm not a fan of proof of stake or anything like that I'm not a fan of people thinking they own a crypto when a when in exchange when coinbase owns it for them but another catch to this that this guy Ben Davenport's article will be up to was that if you stake some coin through coinbase okay and you start earning that coin at coinbase okay you know you stake a hundred pesos and you start and I don't know what the numbers are I'm just making this up you start earning one tazers a day through staking and coinbase you know they give you an A and they credit you you're one Tazo severy time you you earn a tazers pesos through your staking Tasos because coinbase is staking it through them well guess what dude guess what at the end of that year coinbase will tell the United States government how many Tasos you earned okay through them and you will have to pay taxes on those Tasers you will you will that that is so that is why the United States government loves coinbase and probably likes proof of stake and encourages companies like coinbase to do to do this and keep complete track of it so it's completely reported so there's no doubt about it and you will get a you will get a tax bill in terms of United States dollars because of that and again it's talking about institutional impact Oh he'll be set up cleanly for anyone you might be an individual you might be an institution don't worry if you do it through someone my coinbase uh-huh they manage your tasers private key and you earn pesos it go nope they'll tell they won't that's again they're not and they're not gonna hide it either but I don't think a lot a lot of people aren't gonna realize that when they get into this thing okay thank you I'm gonna earn free Tasos and I'm not gonna have to do anything chorong base is gonna do everything for me and that's true they'll also report everything to the United States government and help help you get your tax bill which will be you will have to pay in United States Dollars and you'll have to figure out how to do that all right so that was it Ben Davenport thank you for that article which made me extrapolate it and put it back on top of that past article about coinbase so must-stop Marad the great one he's a good guy he's a good guy he hasn't done the show for a little while we were trying to get him back on he's very busy the essence he says this the essence of investing and trading is the intelligent and patient preying on the greed fear impatience addiction and ignorance of the majority it's definitely Darwinian yes so the essence of investing is the intelligent and patient preying on the greed fear impatience addiction and ignorance of the majority so the 80 percenters being impulsive making the patient 20 percenters wealthy that's just the way it works it is definitely Darwinian thank you for putting it in that in those words Marad and oh two more things here Jeet he Cecily is very interesting interesting to see that bit Maine is listed as one of the more efficient new mining Asics this is contrarian to crypto Twitter and this is an interesting point now is this what he's referring to is it true is it true that bit Maine Tech is bit Maine one of the more efficient new mining Asics I don't know I'm not an expert in those things I'm not a miner and I really don't care but what the point that he does bring up is that everyone hates on bit main oh I mean that is a theme on crypto Twitter hitting on hating hating on Bateman bit main saying that it's dead well here's one of those and I've said this before I don't think that means dead and they were quite a powerful company innovative company why should they just disappear because they didn't have an IPO why can't they make a comeback just because you hate just because you dislike a rocket man whoo just because he was involved with B cash doesn't mean that they can't come back and create a good mining chip there so hey we will we will see interesting you can't sometimes crypto Twitter it just piles on a lot and just it can be wrong it can be wrong the majority can be wrong at time so you got it you got to read things you got to be thoughtful and be careful not that that's that important of a thing but again for some people some people might be deep into that stuff where it is important to them now uh moving on I think this is the final thing all right final part final part of the show very good there's that movie that came out called crypto and it's supposedly not very good I guess it's not playing in a lot of places I thought you know it can't hurt at least it might not be the best movie but people maybe they'll get into interested in crypto currency in Bitcoin because of it you know it's an adventure movie of some sort again I don't go watch movies maybe if it's free or if it's on a on a plane ride in the future maybe it'll be on there and I'll be able to watch it for free although I mean I'm paying for the plane ticket but I I was notified by someone of an article in of all places the bottom were Jewish times now again as everyone knows I am Jewish and I am from Baltimore originally and I'm in Baltimore right now well partially because of the Jewish holidays and I have a high school reunion coming up very very soon and the Saturday to be specific and here's the title you should know Zack Weinstein and so this guy Zack Weinstein now let me let me preface this by saying the Baltimore Jewish Times is a completely fluff publication ok it's not real news in it it's it's maybe it was a long time ago I have no idea but it's just you know it writes about people that do things I mean they're really fluffy not not newsworthy type of stuff stuff that moms and grandmas might like to read about their grandkids and probably the average reader is like 80 years old now I have no I have no idea it's fuck it's it's not even mainstream media it's like totally fluff but this guy Zach Weinstein is from he's 28 years old he's from owns Mills which is a suburb of Baltimore basically the same suburb that I am from originally okay a Jewish suburb of Baltimore he moved out to Hollywood he's and he ended up helping to Purdue he's an executive producer and he's also in this film crypto and and I linked to the the credits for the film also so you can see he's really in it I mean he really isn't executive producer in it I don't know and I think the article might exaggerate his role the article itself doesn't really mention the movie at all it doesn't say what the movie is about it just notifies you that oddly enough this movie Krypto has a dude that's like I mean similar very similar background to me in it plays a role in this movie he's in it and he is and he helps produce it does he have any Bitcoin I have no idea and I don't know the guy at all but it is it is weird because he's from you know I don't hear about input and I mentioned this before more crypto bitcoin is not big at all it's not big at all so to have this connection to someone who is again he's not me but if you gave a description of who adam meister adam meister is a jewish guy from the northwest suburbs of Baltimore well yeah there's a Jewish guy from worthless suburbs of Baltimore that made this movie as in this movie it's not very good apparently but it feels a big coin so I thought that was very interesting that there's a sign of the crypto movie you're not gonna hear that story about the crypto movie anywhere else so i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister maybe i'll find this dude one day yeah yeah i'm going out to LA again starting a mail was it may 12th i'll be back in LA for like two months so maybe i'll find Zack weinstein and no he's not ready I don't think he's related to Harvey Weinstein young similar that same last name not related all right I've had advice a Bitcoin ledger disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links section below pound that like button bang that bell button and I click on the squares I'll see you guys in the chat right now Bitcoin to the moon calm
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