Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is May the 6th 2019 strong hand offended by selling value your wealth and bitcoin I'm confiscating all I'm not going anywhere you know a new show here every single day no fancy sensor graphics personal responsibility is a new counterculture play this show at 2x if you're watching at 8 this game is not rigged and we're gonna talk about that in a second and we're gonna talk about being in motion all right check out disrupt meister calm tech ball calm that this week at bitcoin show on friday was awesome talking venezuela there were some people there were people raising their voices if you like that kind of thing and today for this show we're gonna do a question and answer so if you guys have questions type in bitcoin meister and it'll turn orange and then i'll see that you had a question and I'll answer your question so just want to toss that out there first oh right before I went live for all you Fiat freaks out there I had a Fiat freaked realization and April first last month that was the first Monday of the month and the show we did the show that night real late I mean it was it was later than this maybe an hour and a half later than this and when I was on the air on that first Monday of April the Fiat price a Bitcoin started surging now I noticed as I go on air tonight the first Monday in May around the same time it again Val you're wealthy Bitcoin but it did it busted over 800 they could be totally coincidental don't bet on it don't bet on it being anything okay it probably is coincidental so don't don't you know try to sell and then buy and do all that nonsense that's what I say that's what I mean by don't bet on it you buy and you hold and you already did that you don't play games when it starts surging and or you know come up with weird theories well it'll be 6200 soon and then I'll sell then don't don't gamble that's what I mean okay so that's your Fiat freak gun note of the day very interesting and hey time will tell if this will be this Monday night will be like the first Monday night of last month it would be funny funny okay Matt Odell has he tweet about Fidel fidelity investments which began a custody service to store Bitcoin earlier this year we'll buy and sell the world's most popular digital asset for institutional customers within a few weeks according to a person familiar with the matter well I'll believe it when I see it I'm een that would be nice buy and sell the world's most popular digital asset for institutional customers within a few weeks of court okay well I want to toss it out there but is newsworthy yeah we can hike these it's gonna happen eventually I it'll be a happy day when it actually does happen can't predict when it's gonna be but there's a rumor for all you rumour mongers pound that like button the block crypto has a article it's about be cash and this was a single be cash address is responsible for nearly 50 percent of the network's transactions in the past month hey so you draw your own conclusions from that okay there people are saying different things about that it's for me it's another reason why you don't buy something that you get for free I got B cash for free because I bitcoins a crypto dividend a Bitcoin and now someone something is uh messing around with what address over there at the very least hey again be cash they're having some upgrade fork on 15th that's why it's prices uh pumping and we'll be pumping more just want to point that out definitely not endorsing it now again if you've got I know there's a lot of you out there that really put a lot of time into not liking be cash and that's a total waste of your time but there is a guy out there money Triggs and I've had him the show before and he really just likes be cash so if you really dislike be cash and you can control yourself and not become obsessed with disliking be cash you should follow uh money Triggs and he becomes almost obsessed with it at times also so what can I say I'm putting that out there ed es says bitcoinmeister any tip any trips plan to Latin America nope because uh my father passing away I have to for at least until October I have to stay be in cities where I can go to a synagogue every single day where there will be ten men that I can say the Kaddish with and thus my only plans are to go to Los Angeles on in a few days and then I will go to Tel Aviv until Rosh Hashanah and I'll be Baltimore for a short period in between those two cities so and yeah for all you people I was going to mention this at the end of the show but thank you for the question Eddie and hopefully in 2020 I will return to some Latin American country fer the Uruguay and Chile and Argentina I like those type of countries in Latin America sorry and I'd like the ones that are like Europe hey everyone's got everyone's got an opinion but yes I will be returned to Israel I know that some terrorists are launching rockets into civilian areas into in Bear Sheva a city that I have actually done a show from before and I've stayed in before but I will be going the Israel no matter what I will be there that's a strong hand that's conviction baby and the people who try to destroy the Jews they really don't understand our conviction yet we don't go away alright pound that like button so and Israel will never go away come that like button and you'll be great to be back it'll be great to be back in in July in Israel so that's something obviously I'm very excited about it and I know some of you all too dangerous a stop a jurist don't worry some dangerous there that the this issue will be corrected soon enough now there are people people who worry about exchanges going down and what was the tether remember when big connect went down people big connect had nothing to do a Bitcoin big connect was just something that people gamblers messed around with it went down it didn't destroy the price of Bitcoin it had nothing to do with Bitcoin just remember that the Bitcoin is strong enough they even dope and people did mainstream people did try to rip on Bitcoin because bit connect went down because bit connect was a scam people try to say you know that means Bitcoin is bad did you have something to do nothing to do with one another but still people try to conflate the two and in the long run there will be big implosions of stable coins of exchanges has nothing to do with Bitcoin Bitcoin will be fine I was alerted of the following to the following news by a a greet a great washer of the show it's about gold money you guys have heard about gold money before right Peter Schiff saying gold money is a that's better than cryptocurrency you just buy your gold through gold money and then you can you could actually by somehow turn your gold that they were storing for you in the cryptocurrency there I don't know some unnecessary complex way that it's somehow dealt with cryptocurrency I don't know how he finagled it okay I didn't even look into it because I know not your keys not your coin well here we go here we go gold money sent this out well first of all the person for me I had two bitcoins with gold money after converting my silver there they charged me a monthly storage fee note they are liquidating everyone's Bitcoin tonight and that's in one hour you've got people and you've got notices of this so if you–if you foolishly deal with gold money you've got notice of this apparently after converting my silver there they charged me a monthly storage fee note they are liquidating everyone's Bitcoin tonight if not withdrawn alright and here is the letter dear valued clients as previously announced Gold money is exiting the cryptocurrency business in less than 24 hours to reiterate your option do you may one sell your cryptocurrency you may sell your cryptocurrency at the time of your choosing up until midnight Eastern Time today withdraw your cryptocurrency gold money we'll provide you with a tool after today to enter your private wallet address and initiate the delivery process we urge you to log into your holding to indicate which of the above two options is your preferred method before midnight dude I hope you can get your I hope they don't automatically liquidate your or your Bitcoin for you and I hope they make this easy for you and I hope you all learn a lesson to keep your Bitcoin on your treasurer and I don't even know why oh you gold freaks here is a and again golden holders gold and holders you guys are going to transition from gold 10 to gold 2
0 okay and I respect the people who held gold all these years but it's over dude it's over you goals and holders time to give it up this is this is just another sign and crypto-jew says Peter Schiff gold money have proven this month a perfect example of why bitcoin is better than gold third parties are essential to storing your goal unless you have a vault and guns this is not true for Bitcoin gold money is he fraud and a scam and should not be trusted I don't know about that last line gold money as a further scam and should not be trusted that's what that dude said I I'm I'm not saying that he's saying that but I don't know why anyone was doing bitch anybody in our little realm where Peter Schiff I mean he has a lovely had a lovely habit of just riffing on Bitcoin and why anyone in our space would want to do business with a dude at this point but hey there's some of you who thought hey this must be it must be a great thing must be great and yeah I in the end I'll get into my history Peter Schiff on a nut on another show on another show and it's it's uh anyway let's move on the Pope Paul Joseph Watson here Paul Joseph Watson has another video and I mentioned this will be on Bitcoin on Saturday check out the beyond Bitcoin show we talk about subjects go away beyond Bitcoin and cryptocurrency but Paul Joseph Watson a conservative whatever you want to call him makes political videos okay he has a new video and it seems like he's getting so close to the point of like under like saying you should get in the Bitcoin but I know he doesn't know understanding it I know he doesn't understand it yet he is complaining and he really is complaining at this point like oh they was me the government needs to do something because to Facebook into social media platforms to make them follow the rules and so that they can't censor us they can't kick us off and he's and he's yelling about how sure the bags will be censoring people or there are they already are censoring people yeah dude it's an opportunity this isn't a bad thing why are you revert you're going backwards when you're saying the government should solve this problem you're going backwards okay the next step that you do you haven't realized that you have to take yet is get into the Bitcoin realm get your adult so you don't have to worry about banks censoring you okay work get your wealth in the Bitcoin okay start projects that involve social media and Bitcoin get everybody out of this realm we're at the end of the day everybody it depends on the government to fix things if you get in the Bitcoin you're not gonna you're not gonna have the same mentality anymore man you're not gonna be like oh government needs to fix this thing the government no the comer it doesn't need to fix the thing okay who cares about Facebook kicking you off who cares about YouTube kicking if they don't like you they don't like you you talk about civil rights civil this civil that you don't happen again in the Bitcoin ground we don't have to worry about this stuff you can create your own little circle do business with people that are in Bitcoin again he says you know they get people in the United States private businesses can't can't they they have to do business with you they can't say oh I don't like you because of your religion you know what I don't I I'd be perfectly happy if a business said to me Adam no you're not allowed to enter our business because of your religion is you're Jewish I feel like following good I'm glad you're honest with me that's great that's great and you know and then I would do business repeat do business with people I uh that that like me but again we live in this the realm the government realm that didn't the statist realm is to depend on the government to solve everything to make these rules these rules that everybody gets around all the time Facebook can get around whenever everybody can get around these rules so again he's complaining and saying that the government needs to do this the government needs to do that it isn't going to solve the problem get in the Bitcoin that will solve your problem okay your work because he's saying there there next step is to keep banks to keep people out of off of them it's already happening yeah Julian Assange well but and I don't give a darn because I wanted to happen I wanted to have it there's people like you why I want your back and I want you to lose your bank account apologize of Boston I actually do so then you'll know then you'll understand what bitcoin is and you'll be on Bitcoin you'll have you get your donations in bitcoin all right you'll have your wealth you'll be doing great the faster the sooner that happens the better for you i it's a tough lesson to learn it's a tough it's gonna be a tough way to learn it when your bank does the banks you like that maybe that'll wake you up man yeah but hopefully maybe you'll watch this video maybe some people are telling you like dude you've I know you've ripped on Bitcoin before Paul Joseph Watson you said it something like the hipster hipsters your pets does use its hex does you lose the bet time now okay great yeah they do anyone can use the Bitcoin people who hate me can farrakhan can use the Bitcoin you can use the Bitcoin that's the beauty of Bitcoin you can't be kicked off the Bitcoin just like you got kicked off a Facebook or whatever you're complaining about so there you go people there there's there's a little connection tell them again the Bitcoin Jeff says big home ace Meister hey did you hear that Milo Milo got banned three minutes into making coinbase account Jeff I did hear that and everything that I just said the poet Paul Joseph Watson applied uh Milo everything I just said and that's that's great that's awesome that coinbase kicked him off maybe he'll learn to just buy Bitcoin list the Bitcoin address on everything that he does and he'll keep it on his trésor and then he'll get Bitcoin that way so good I'm glad point base to discriminate against anybody they want you good for them good for them that then people will learn that it's not your keys not your people okay if you if somebody else has your keys like for don't know what that really means so good Milo maybe learned uh maybe learned a lesson there all right so it's a nice t-shirt thank you uh Jordan Scott says bitcoinmeister what was your accumulation strategy when you're buying most of your Bitcoin like how often were you buying and how much of your percent income were you using to buy alright so it was before the 2016 having ice vini lingham wrote an article about predicting that Bitcoin would be worth $3,000 in by the end of 2017 that was I guess that was in March of 2016 I had already I had already was slowly buying Bitcoin at that point because I gotten I gotten some you know around two hundred three hundred four hundred I my first two were around six hundred and if some I got for more than that actually but at that point I got extreme with buying I got it I was reaching the maximum amount you could buy a day on coinbase for a time that that's I just just I went there all of my savings I can burn the Bitcoin at that point that is what I did at that point there's been he was very convincing article Benny lingham talked about how something I had not realized at that point that's you know eventually countries will start buying Bitcoin or they might they'll buy it secretly and then once everyone realized the first country that bought it for their reserves there would be a massive competition for all the other countries to get into it and it was a good article and it just that's what something snapped inside of me and if you're even watching my videos from around then and I there about having hype videos I thought people should promote the the upcoming 2016 having by using that hashtag and you can see I'm getting I used to talk about these the Fiat value of Bitcoin in everyday you know as almost 500 now it's 600 now 700 you could tell how excited I was it was because like every day I was buying glitch so a lot of it like on coinbase like draining my savings and buying a Bitcoin on coinbase the doric during that period up to the halving and then there was a point I was spending $700 and then at the halving or the BitFenix got hacked then there was a happy and he went down it went down to like 500 again and people were screaming all those fools who bought it for $700 so that was my strategy dude all right and yeah it was uh obviously I'm very happy with uh with with the results of the debye and all those bitcoins that I bought back then I have never sold any of them and so actually and I bought a few more when it did go down after they having I bought a few more and then like a couple more after that and I have never I've never bought another Bitcoin since then and you say you can draw your own conclusions now um but again we we know there are other ways to get Bitcoin you get through you earn it through Steam if people send you Bitcoin be all sorry there's other you know you get these crypto dividends they'd turn the Bitcoin all sorts of things now moving on so we're talking about and back onto the Paul Joseph Watson thing this is related this is from CNBC which is you know mainstream media up the ying-yang Joseph still gets a Nobel prize-winning economist says cryptocurrencies should be shut down he worries that they enable illicit activity making money transactions less transparent still he sees the value in digital payment systems and supports electronic use of government backed currencies like the dollar cool dude but guess what you can't shut Bitcoin down and that is what all these people out there that are complaining about their favorite platform being shut down or their bank kicking them off that's what they need to realize that this Joseph Stiglitz his dream it's not coming true although many people will be joined in the chorus and be like yes get rid of Bitcoin get into the Fed coin I mean that's what he's saying there don't fall for that um pound that like button though now I just thought I just read somebody's comment in the chat and I'm not gonna read it out loud because it said it's just you know it's such a no pointer thing it's it's an excuse it's an excuse for Bitcoin you know oh this this entity is is really this entity is really behind bitcoins no pointers are so funny so I want to remind everyone you know to be in motion where is that book III starvin ready yet crypto shrugged crypto shrug the crypto giant wrote this he's been on the show before I just I wanted to say give him a shout out it's linked to up below if you want to buy it it's a good book from what I've been told alright I gotta I'll read it one of these days so let's move to the crypto comedy section of the show and that back tweet that I'm not that tweet that comments and I'm not gonna read that's definitely a trip though comedy it's definitely some crypto comedy and here's some more crit these are real tweets from real 80 percenters like the guy in the chat that was talking about you know ridiculous conspiracy theories it just as funny as him are these real 80% are tweets this is from the cool guy I don't know I want to believe but since this is a manipulated market I have my doubts that is such a classic comedy gold under that was under like a legitimate uh someone do some price predictions or whatever you see this everyday people just say oh the market is rigged it's a manipulated manipulated market is that it's a manipulated market and again guys this is where the big boys play this game is not rigged but people like that they come the no corners come up with all excuses all sorts of excuses so that was that was comedy gold here's some more comedy gold here um this is a this is a person who does it clearly doesn't values well wealth in Bitcoin and he watches Bitcoin related videos for other reasons in his buck he's a total eighty percent or comment but so many people who watch certain videos this is this is why they watch it here is a real comment from Twitter its link to below dang leah is cute seriously highly up that is worse than the previous tweet that I shared with you my god guys guys stressing the word guys tell your wealth in Bitcoin not in women that you'll never ever get so um ran of CNBC this is more comedy gold comedy gold section of the show ran I'm CPC NBC Africa he's been on the show before you know him he posts that he now has over a hundred thousand followers on Twitter and all these the 80 percenters are congratulating him you know because he he talks about a new altcoin flavor the month every single day love him they love him uh and they're congratulating him and you know of course they're following him and but and then there's one tweet below that which I linked to and it's by Peter McCormick who has also been on the show and it's in response to you know ran being very proud of his 100 followers Peter McCormick just post the picture of sheep walking off to be slaughtered not that many people got that though I thought it was hilarious pal that leg fun all right on top of the comedy gold moving on I mean Twitter has a lot of crypto comedy gold about 80 percenters I mean hey eighty percent are gonna do what they're gonna do and it's funny to laugh at them sometimes you got to have some comedy on Twitter I guess and you learn you learn from that kind of stuff too if you are some sheep that follows up coin gurus or if you saw a few some or if you are some thirsty guy who just drools at his computer all day or or if you're someone who believes in conspiracies about rigged markets and everything like that you can learn from those tweets and not not be those people Alistair Milne now let's say we're gonna say before I do Alistair know these because uh this is the last uh this is the last one of the day this is the last part of the show okay no more no one has any other questions I see so well share out we'll leave it on a high note here Alice or Milne every setback bud article or attack from one of the arrivals only makes Bitcoin stronger and more resilient proving its value from mount GOx to Hearns ragequit china bands to etf rejection for fake bitcoins Bitcoin is approaching unbreakable yeah dude it's already unbreakable but I like reminiscing about FUD past that the newbies Oni I've never even heard of Hearn and and all those people so uh yeah Bitcoin gets stronger with all those attacks and he's funny too uh reminisce about some of those people thought Bitcoin was dead the Hearn rage quit I'll never forget I was in Australia and Bitcoin light went down from 400 to 300 and all people are like oh look what Mike Hearn did and now we just laughed at that and I and I born and I the one thing I made a mistake back then I should have bought a lot again instead of doing it like four months later I did buy a bit Dan but not as much I should have but a whatever no regrets dude I am pleased with my stash all right pound that like button bang that Bell button i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister this problem nice to remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links below click on the square sports moisture calm for my podcast version of this and i will say hi to you dudes in the chat right now
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