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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoin meister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is May the 18th 2019 Preakness day back in Baltimore strong hand uncompensated bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counter curve culture deferral gratification avoid mediocrity conviction baby have that conviction alright check out yesterday's show this weekend Bitcoin Tech ball calm disrupt meister calm unbelievable show some people are saying it's one of the top three this wicked big coin shows ever Steffan Lovera was on oh it was a wild wacky time it went over an hour you will learn about gold and hold and my Bitcoin is better and all sorts of stuff so check it out and of course check out all my podcasts that sports monstercom follow me on twitter at tech vault-tec HP DLT this shirt says Satoshi on and get shirts like this Satoshi Nakamoto link to below and yes you can ask questions this show I see vention is in the chat I'm going to talk about you quite a bit mention in about a minute so hang on because this is the beyond Bitcoin show we're gonna go beyond Bitcoin so you're asking to ask a pickle any questions you can ask me beyond Bitcoin questions – that would be nice I'm going to be speaking Long Beach California on Thursday information about that is linked to below I'm looking forward to meeting some of you that are long-term Watchers it's gonna be a lot of fun 7 p

m and you'll get to see that this wild wacky guy you see on the internet is exactly the same in person alright so I noticed even though this is the bee on Bitcoin sure I'll start off with Bitcoin Shabbat ended and I checked the internet and I see oh well look at that Bitcoin price there and it just made me think it's surging again this has been happening at lately and if you were if you wanted to pay for it why is the price rising out of Y well less people more people think well they could sell it for more later people want it and so if you wanna if you were smart and you wanted to buy it when would you buy it you'd probably buy it on a Saturday night around midnight on the East Coast that would be a time to do it or you could just do it at night when it's night on the East Coast again if people who are you're biased in America you know I'm a realist most people buying Bitcoin here in America right okay most the action is affected is in America probably on the East Coast probably some in Silicon Valley but whatever so hey what is this a coincidence that all these surges go on at night I don't know I don't care but there's a theory for you right there and I just want to start to show with that but yeah if you hey if you were some person and you didn't have access to this legendary OTC market and you had the bionics changes you would do it at nighttime on on the East Coast and and such buys would start triggering other people to buy and what we've been seeing but hey you know what bear market we hit our load thirty one hundred was the low we've been through this before what Friday's show so let's now talk about health let's talk about something a new health technique of mine before we're getting the fasting which is an old type it's something I still do of course and been doing it for a while cold showers oh my god I think I've been you know after I work out now I've been jumping in the shower I just turn that thing on without the heat you put that on your spine oh man that wakes you up you put that on your whip it wakes you up okay but it really wakes you up more when it hits your spine then then down there it has an effect when it hits you down there but man you just hit but then over time I've gotten used to it now I've been doing this is the end of my stay in Baltimore okay now I've read some things about this it gets the blood flowing gets the heart moving faster it's rid of some type of fat on people I don't know it's healthy I can tell I can tell it's good I feel very invigorated after doing it and this is after I workout hey I mean I've been doing it more once now a day it's been uh it's been great now I do want to add I do want to add this I have been doing a variation of cold showers for quite some time I think for the last since the early part of this decade at the very least I can't remember how long I've been doing this for now I only washed my hair with cold water and the reason I do that is to preserve my hair so my hair won't fall out like my father was lost his hair I mean pretty early age and stuff I have a many male relatives that lost their and sometimes you just can't stop it guys okay but if you think about it if you're always washing your hair with warm weather what water and will drive your scalp out at the very least and that could damage your hair so for many years many years I have been washing my hair just with cold water water but that's not the same as like your whole naked body in there with cold water running on it and when I Lyle and get awake for a little bit and then I you know put the baking soda in and everything again only natural products and I have been able to preserve my hair pretty well I mean that could be diet it could just be my genetic makeup I don't think it's hurt it hasn't hurt my hair eating healthy and washing it with baking soda and just washing it in cold water and I could have gotten some genetics from my mother's side of the family or her father didn't his he kept his hair pretty pretty nicely I guess so similar to mine so maybe that's it but whatever dude cold enough of the hair stuff okay first of all again don't take that propecia I've said that many many times it make it makes your body think you're you're hermaphrodite it's it's not good I've heard nightmare stories about it bad guys their testosterone levels going down horribly and becoming very depressed and being very depressed is worse than losing your hair again I know a lot of young guys value their wealth and women and thus they think if they do lose their hair they're not gonna get any women there are plenty of women out there that don't care about hair trust try I have spoken to hot women who just like you know I like bald men I don't even know his hair all about you you hear this stuff you see on the internet that scares you superficial stuff okay now yeah now again obviously I thought in that manner I was worried about that I want that there's no doubt about it I did not want to lose my hair I did I do value my wealth in women and that is just something that young guys go through I mean it is I understand why some people think like that but hey Washington called watch your whole body in cold water for to extend who knows that's that's much better for long-term outlook then you know other by your wealth in women I know it's hard dier your wealth in Bitcoin that is the theme here always been the theme found that like button the having show he's uh I guess he's in Norway because he sends me 20 Norwegian kroner and I you know what I love I was in Norway a year ago I was in Bergen at this time last year I believe it was pretty nice day I was there by yeah anyway he says new video 028 Bitcoin share it with people you love okay so go to the having shows channel looking up him up the having show I'll try to link to him in a second alright so what else do we have here okay so vention vention is in the chat it's always good to see vention here now we're not gonna go over his whole situation but he does have he has cancer and he what he is trying out all sorts of different techniques okay he doesn't want to get the chemo and he's changed his lifestyle totally gotten healthy gotten rid of sugars and just just got rid of the bad things he's lost a lot of weight and it's great and they're people on his channel saying oh my god banks convention no you got to take this seriously you got to take this seriously you got to get chemo this that the other now again you can see the way people grow up in America in the Western world where you can understand where they're coming from the rules they're worried about benching he's he's not gonna get chemo right away at least and they think that he's he could die suddenly okay and again I understand their fears and you know what he is comfortable with what he is doing here okay but then I think there are some people there saying hey Ben she you got to get serious about some other aspects of it because to me it's eventually is trying like a mix-and-match of a lot of different things he's experimenting and that's good now there's only a certain amount of time you have to experiment okay there's only a certain amount I think some people were worried that he doesn't have that much time to experiment now now I want to add a little bit here so mention one of the things he wanted to do was faster was Fanti now it only a fasting is great in their math minute fasting is great if you want to be a healthy person I have done it for 22 hours every single day well since 2013 it's been 20 hours and eventually morphed into 22 hours every single day and it's been great for me it's been great for me now is that gonna fix your cancer no it is not going to fix your cancer I've never read anything that intermittent that intermittent fasting will fix we'll do anything to your cancer it'll make you a healthier person but you're still gonna have the cancer I linked to a video that I think everyone should watch if you know someone's cancer if you have cancer if you're worried about getting cancer I have mentioned this man before dr Thomas Seyfried he is the one who introduced me to longer fasting okay more than 24 hours basically more than three days and if you're gonna watch any part of this video watch at the hour and two minute and 30 second mark I again it's linked to below he said he says well one of the things he says is that at least try a 5 day fast if you're trying to think if you're trying to attack your cancer and and I think he recommends seven days okay there are people out there that say three days five days it restarts your immune system okay now that's that's different than killing your cancer restarting restarting your immune system and killing your cancer are different things now it is great to restart your immune system I do two at least two 72-hour fast every year my record is 120 hours at his five days now he was in the video dr Thomas Savery who is very much into fasting as a chore of cancer as and again like seven day fasting and he even admits it's hard for him to do he said if I had cancer I would stop eating and then maintain ketosis for a while just maintain ketosis with a high fat healthy diet this theory can help us take control of cancer via tactics such as nearly or more frequent 7-day watercress okay so the man behind fasting research says the first thing he would do if he found out he has cancer was fast that is also the first thing I would do if I were to if somehow I found out I had cancer I would immediately immediately stop eating immediately for at least 7 days there wouldn't be an if ands or buts about it and it you there are no shortcuts to it there are no shortcuts so something I mentioned has mentioned is that you know he'll take up do a something a bulletproof coffee and there'll be something I think he'll continue the fast that's not it that's not it you get to do a vest and this is not a rebel vention does not rip on anyone I'm just telling everyone you get results from this stuff with conviction there are no shortcuts it is total conviction you cannot eat a thing during the fast it's like there is no break during the fast it must be continuous because if you eat something it restarts everything and it's just like you didn't if that's it if it's after 3 days that's it and if you start fasting again you start a new fast there is no there's no magic shortcut you must do it to the end a water fast again you could drink water etc etc etc but again I just want to stress that to everyone there's a lot of people like have these like variations on their fast I had some this I had some that you don't put a thing in your body but water a period period if you're suffering or whatever you know it's working basically you just drink water that's the only thing you can do there no break story because it's a total waste of your time if you're doing some day fast and you eat after three days and then you after two more days and you eat after one more day that's not I mean you'll be healthier but we're talking about people with cancer here ok and in the end so it you don't really want to waste seven days you don't want to waste some of these you want to do it as hardcore as when everything I do is hardcore okay so when you are trying to fix something that is as serious as cancer or maybe some other health issue you cannot take any shortcut if you even bad on that you know maybe this is a shortcut don't do it do not do it at all just to the most hardcore way of doing it okay and that is just water the whole time for a fast perfect this again you hear these people like oh yeah I did a faster for my days and I drank this water to submit this aren't reduce it's nonsense if you're true it's not a fruit juice during a baby that's sugar in your body maybe that's just defeating the entire purpose of it nighttime so I'm tossing this out there because it is hard to do you read a lot of people saying they fasted they didn't even fast that's how hard this is to do that even some people say they s it didn't really fast they were putting stuff in their their water they were they their body you're giving your digestive system a complete break your body is not digesting anything so that your body can work on other parts of your your immune system whatever can fix other parts of your body imagine that you don't if you are eating all the time people if you give your body a break to work on other things in your body imagine what it can do it as a healing the body can heal itself but if it's too busy digesting it it's going to default to digest first okay so if you eat anything it's immediately gonna Swiss – worrying about digestion again instead of worrying about fixing some very important things in you so this is a serious way of looking at it but again look at watch this guy Thomas safe read it watch the whole video it is going to inspire you about fasting and not just if you have cancer for just just maintaining a regular health okay so we've got another so yeah comment like button and Ra 808 Jesus bitcoinmeister if women were sufficiently cheap would you buy one if so what's your magic number but I buy one no I I don't have to I thought I've never had the Bible always free I'm gonna pay for something I get for three pound that life they are pretty cheap I mean you can get women without without buying them um what I what I would like to have and I've said this before I would like to have a son I would like to have a son but I would not like to get married at this at this point definitely I'm rive had women around me for the majority of my life my my adult life I girlfriends I've heard this okay going from girl to girl and it really takes up a lot of time and it can be very distractive distracting and you know it's fun to have intercourse oh it is fun I mean I'm not gonna lie but it really isn't that great in the larger perspective of things if you've already experienced it plenty of times you could be you can satisfy yourself and have a lot of free time have a lot of free money but so yeah I think in the future as I become older and and much and much less attractive physically I mean because you know I would be willing to pay a woman to have my child and then I would have the child like that that I would be willing to do something like that but not to pay for the company of a woman no never never but you and you know there's some ethical things that go into this you pay a woman to have your son and then own and then the son is yours and then would she even know what the son and this that the other doesn't the son need a mother these are things to think about these are things to think about but so yeah I I would pay a woman um to have my son yeah dad and so we might get the technology in the future where you could be sure that she's gonna have a son for you and remodels do so in that say yeah I would I would like to have a son of a that is then something I have not denied but I don't the way marriage is today I don't want to be around though like I guess I'd be willing to you know be officially married but where she couldn't take my assets and where I wouldn't have to see her at all or hardly at all and where she wouldn't say you know you have to wear I would have to go to social events with the woman and everything like that again no commitments in terms of just ridiculous stuff that marriage brings but you know I'd be happy to help raise the kid and stuff like that and if it if it involve paying her large sum of money then that's great I get my solid she would get the glory of being Adam Meister's wife and having my money and having nice things I could get her nice things and stuff I guess she wanted nice things I mean I am you know what bite I'm 60 years old I'm gonna be yeah I mean the way big points going I'll be incredibly wealthy I assume and so yeah I mean there's a given a take there but at this point for the pay for the company of a woman no never never never never ever do to pay a woman to have my son yeah I would that that I would definitely do so I mean I know that sounds a some people don't get that they never everyone's a little different alright so vention sent five bucks thank you dude he says a great way to make fast and easier is to go low-carb first and get used to it then yeah well that is true then after a couple weeks of that do the fast and it's way easier yeah it yeah is there a lot of people that are hooked on sugar there are a lot of people who are just addicted to that high that they get so yeah I can if someone wants to ease their way into having a long term fast then um yeah you know go go low-carb that then go go intermittent fasting and then go have a long fast but the game I mean eventually you're taking this very calm you got a great attitude I get me personally and dr

C free if we found out we had cancer first thing we just drop through to me immediately IV I would just stop eating immediately immediately and just start the experimentation right then and there for that first some of they fast would be just like that but again not I guess not everybody can do that et cetera I mean I am in advance faster at this point so it's easy for me to say all this stuff to what are we gonna say all right okay now here's a person that says tries Evia drinks they are a good alternative to pop zero calories with stevia I mean why don't you just drink water instead of something with chemical I I don't get I've only drank water since 20:14 that's the only thing I've had to drink I don't I don't know why I don't I don't understand the concept of drinks and I really don't I don't I don't see the benefit of them at all because they got sugary alternatives sugar this this yeah I don't know again if you're drinking Zeb yeah when you're fasting you're not really fasting I'm sorry you're not yeah I don't it's not it's not pure water it's some chemical your body is gonna have to deal with that chemical in some way instead of focusing on healing other parts of the body it's just it's a shortcut it's a total shortcut you got to go you got to go hard now again if you just if you like if you like to just if you're not trying too fast or whatever and you're addicted to soda and this I guess that might be an alternative to wean yourself off these other things but uh alright alright Mike Stone said too much information dude no no it's not too much information if I told you the size of my ramp that be – probably too much information or if I showed you the hair on my bad side I mean they're guys out there who are gonna be wealthy dudes who can you know if you don't have to go the traditional way of life get married do X Y & Z there's a lot there's freedom out there I mean and if you don't mind I mean again you might want to fit into normal society and just you think that's you know what I'm talking about is too much information and yet for people in normal society some of the stuff I'm saying and I know you can't be you can't be unless but this is the big point overlay is the bigger so I can say whatever the heck I want to say it doesn't matter I can create I got wealth I can create my own path I can go my own way and if women don't like that that's great there are gonna be some women that would be really happy to do what I said and of course the big thing that I forgot to say in that I have to have a Jewish son so it has to be a Jewish woman that is the big thing here and that is a huge thing she's think that's right to this day I have to average it has to be a Jewish woman that would have my child it just no I would never ever ever ever not not I would never conceive a child with the side I would never it would I would be destroyed my life would be over if I had a child that was not Jewish she would I couldn't I wouldn't be able to go on I don't know I came and explained to you what it would mean to me personally just and I'm not gonna get into all that stuff right now but uh no it would have to be a Jewish one so uh no artificial sweeteners while fasting eventually over time will produce insulin responses no artificial sweeteners while fasting eventually over time that's what RA 803 G says they just dude I don't think fasting just water just water there's plenty plenty people will do it don't don't worry about barn official sweeteners etc etc just just water your body is is killing stuff is by its it's eating itself by giving it nothing giving it nothing it is eating itself it's eatin some nasty things in there it's taking care of some some nastiness all right so anything without sugar no no it's it's so anything without sure like bulletproof coffee is permitted during fasting no it's not it's not dude why we if you're trying if you're going to die of cancer okay and you're trying to fit fixed cancer why do you care if you're having taste in your mouth dude it's the end if you die that's it it's over dude why care you know why argue these points like it's fine to have some stevia in there it's fine to have xyc added in there it's fine you're still fasting when you're adding something bad nothing you're going to die you're going to die if you don't kill the cancer stuff like don't I know get it what time is he free he doesn't owe you you can mix this stevia stuff your cancer will still die apart no well why try this why I don't I don't understand I don't get it and I I mean it's nice to be comfortable but what you're going to die you better try you better get as hardcore as you can get get is hardcore as you can get so moving on no more fasting here College Board will use an undisclosed set of metrics to classify all takers of the SAT along a scale of privilege or disadvantage called the adversity score so okay now you're gonna take the SAT you're still into that college thing you're a kid you want to get into college and now they're gonna add up the adversity score so if you're from a minority group don't get a higher score they're not even hiding it anymore they're not even behind to get any more okay and so there are gonna be some kids out there that it seem like this is it man why do I want to get into college anymore I don't want to do this if the whole game is rigged so I mean they can do this the free mark it means the free world let them do what they're gonna do if you want to still play the college game and be discriminated against and hedgers you know if you come from a wealthy white family and you're not gonna get there you're not gonna get bonus points then whatever you can deal with it I mean that's it if you want to still play that game you could still play that game that's that's your thing but a lot of people are just gonna be like I'm out of this game I'm out of this game any month this type of this is so outrageous this adversity score did this really might lose might start seeing alternatives to college pop-up like online education and just just ways of I mean new new paths again this is a show beyond because we're about discussing new path thinking non-traditional ways so I hope this inspires some online educators say hey you don't want to deal with the adversity score come to my online college I'll teach you everything you need to know to be successful in life and Bitcoin blah blah blah blah but again it is hard for 17 year olds and 18 year olds and 19 year olds to not fit in and not go this traditional college route but hey maybe this is the scarf they dole up start something now I do want to say something if you are just so into going into college and you just want to party and go and let you with all the 18 year olds of 22 year olds do but you don't want to pay or you you want maybe you're not that smart or you know work that hard but you're an athlete let's say and maybe if you're a minority athlete you there's a lot of minority athletes they think will basketball in football man that's the key NASA key to get me into college and then I'm gonna be successful by buying it and just yours to get in college doesn't even be successful it doesn't you know if you're good at basketball you are going to get into college you'll get that college experience whatever that means now again football is gonna be a thing of the past soon for all the minority people that are in football right now and you should be looking with the white parents are doing that they're not letting their kids play football anymore because they don't whether kids brains to be injured so in you know 30 years if you've got brain damage don't don't it's no one's fault but your so you were fighting football the white kids already starting not to play football okay as the parents are saying no so I mean if you are a minority person any person this football thing is a serious thing you get concussions it seems like now it's being proven that over time it's not very good for your health and your intelligence but still there others fortunately basketball you know that's that's fine to play but there's a lot of competition in the past if you're a minority athlete if you're white athlete if you're whatever here's your if you want to go to a good college get a scholarship play lacrosse seriously play lacrosse it'll get you into all the good schools you can go to pan young good North Carolina you can go to Maryland where for free for free and there's not that you know they're not making that many kids that play lacrosse now it's a grudge it's the thing in the future so okay I'm not saying to be an athlete I'm not saying that you need the good of college but there's some people who like those type of things stop playing football flame across and right now lacrosse is mostly way overwhelmingly white so they're the the black kids I would say if you're a black kid don't play football play play lacrosse and be awesome at it if you can be awesome at it and you then you'll be able to go to some really good schools and if that's the thing you want to do and have a fun time at those really good schools but lacrosse is a definitely a way into these colleges that a lot of people don't think of and you know if your son if your dad and you like to play sports with your kid and you move on terrorist they threw your kid give him clear across instead of basketball and uh and and football I think our increases odds of getting to college if it values is what might fit and if his value is values is wealth in women also again the cross always seem to be a way to get some of those private school ladies if you're into that thing now I'm not saying it me into that it probably shouldn't be into those things being the big thing all right but seriously about that football head injuries yeah go for the crossover that pound that like button mmm what do we have here oh yeah this is from Jeb Andrew who's been on my show before these rage quits over the Game of Thrones finale or whatever our ludicrous don't let a TNT Time Warner Corp Corp control your emotions to point where you can literally to the point where it could literally upset you I watch TV although not Game of Thrones so I'm not even moralizing as some anti TV guy here well Jeff damn drew thank you very much yes the people are taking this game of Thrones thing way too seriously I've never watched it I have no idea what goes on on it don't let ATT Time Warner Corp control your emotions to the point where you where you literally we're literally upsets you think of it that way people if you're if you're getting too much into any TV show you were letting ATT Time Warner Corp or some other core control your emotions and that is freaking scary all right and by the way how many people know about what's going on in Game of Thrones and how many people know about Bitcoin there are so many more people that know about Game of Thrones dead and they're totally clueless about Bitcoin anyway his personal responsibility is a new counterculture you can sit there like a vegetable mush Game of Thrones or even be proactive and learn about Bitcoin and yeah it's out there everything is out there for you Robert Hardy Beck said bought some more on the dip feeling good great Robert and thank you for the $10 do thank you for all the support great stuff so I'll talk about this Joe Rogan thing next time there's a little there's a little sneak peek for everyone Preakness so today was the Preakness horse race in my hometown of Baltimore and it's it there have been issues the Prius is probably going to move from Baltimore which is sad in a way it's a tradition 140 years or something like that and it's all part of you know Baltimore is in is what we're gonna end up the first major city in the USA that hits like end stage where it's like taupe look right now Baltimore's being held hostage by a hacker who is basically once a lot of Bitcoin 13 Bitcoin to release Baltimore city's computers and phone systems and it's just Baltimore City governess totally it's not really functional anymore and there's a lot of problems on the streets of Baltimore and it's always to a point of an argument on a certain level any there's a lot of opportunity there I think and I'm gonna talk about that on future big punches but I'm just putting that question out there now like is Baltimore only the first end-stage US city some people like well maybe Detroit is already there I don't know maybe Baltimore is ahead of it now I don't know I've been to Detroit in six years and I actually again know this phrase last time I was in Detroit was like the day before I bought Bitcoin in November of for the first time November of 2013 I was in Detroit and then I came back to Baltimore and I bought Bitcoin cuz I didn't want to buy it at the place I was staying at in Detroit and that's a very interesting story about to itself so uh now so yeah Preakness is today and I'll just share a story of my youth how wild the Preakness used to be they'd be a big party on the infield there still is that's totally corporate now and in the neighborhood which is one side of Pimlico is in a very bad neighbor but one side is okay so if you know where to park and the okay neighborhood you're good but still you encounter all the kids with the shopping carts pushing your beer at least back then so people have grown so much beer into the previous it would be unbelievable so as a seventeen year old I went to the Prince okay so obviously you're too young to gamble but so then they would let you in it didn't it was crazy and yeah of course you're too young to drink but you would probably drink a beer or something I don't think I drank anyway but but one thing I would do that would show that we uh I guess foreshadow other aspects of my life in terms of savings in terms of not buying what you can get for free people would get so drunk at the Preakness so drunk besides you know showing their tops and that was nice to see as a youth and everything they were so drunk at they they couldn't take all their beer with them they would just leave so much beer there so you could come to Preakness with no beer and leave with like 20 beers that they 17-years awful so yeah definitely when I was under 21 I definitely left Preakness more beers that I came with so yeah that's a little foreshadow into the into the rest of my life always always making a profit not buying something that you can get for free and if you get a previous proof you could get a lot of beer for free so that's that's my little previous story for today and again there's all obviously there's 11 horse races that they are 12 horse races and one of them is the huge Triple Crown for this race hardly anyone the infield is paying attention though and some are gambling and gambling is not good and then we get a bunch of drunks gambling well Pimlico does pretty well with that pretty well all right Jen gotcha I'm Dorothy has a and it is sad in a way that probably after 2020 I mean it has changed over the years the previous it will go I mean life goes on the Baltimore get into Bitcoin instead of worrying about freeness how about that that's a positive spin turn Pimlico into a Bitcoin centric living facility I don't know Baltimore's reaches end stage so why not get into crypto a big point now why not why not all right so giant hey but let me add something even though former city is a total it's a it's a basket case the suburbs are pretty normal there's issues in the summers too but just like Detroit has a lot of nice suburb of Baltimore has a lot of nice suburbs and again just like Detroit it's not just white flight there's black flight too there are black suburbs in Detroit there are black suburbs in Baltimore it's just everybody tries to get out of Baltimore everybody so Geon Bhandari says that India is that he's got a new article about India I read it jihad is from India originally he is hardcore like really honest about big about India for those of you who like Giants articles he is a good guy at heart he sounds pretty brutal and some things he says but he is a guy he's a numbers guy so check that out unfortunately she got never had the big coin I would tell him about it for a while he's still in that gold realm so not everyone is he's not perfect to say the least all right uh here's a video and this saw this is from economic invincibility and it goes to what I was talking about before you know fitting in is overrated he says if you break from the pack be ready for people not to understand you and for them to shame you okay so it be ready for that the and he calls the video the importance of not caring and don't live vicariously through others hey it's a good video his videos aren't all great some are better than others so again I give him the benefit of the doubt on this one this you can learn from this one so yeah if you're gonna break for the pack bidding is overrated be ready not to fit in be ready for people to shame you and again you have to break through the pack you can live vicariously through other people but I trust me it's awesome to break from the pack go your own way don't live through people like me don't throw out my stress great he's doing XYZ he's buying Bitcoin he's traveling all right you do it too dude you do it too you don't have to fit in don't freedom is also so again I'll go to a stefan molyneux quote that I haven't said for a while live by principle not by popularity and individualism is the achievement collectivism is the default yeah so it's easy either being 80 percenter it's not easy to be a 20% but it is well worth it I came up with something called the Bitcoin Society I would love to to form like a social group online what do you guys think about this where everyone just who's in this society like it informal gathering just like up are the Bitcoin society I believe in personal responsibility the furrow of gratification where an end the people you have a message board or some troops and just the rules are you don't blame anyone there's no scapegoating and it's just don't answer way for D Bank people to form a network and the bank network it's connecting the financial rebels and the thought rebels oh yeah these they're all these people that are saying I can't survive without you too but I can't survive without Bank of America I can't survive without X Y & Z well how about why don't you all get together forms I like a Bitcoin society a group of group dissenter around big point of personal responsibility and not having to rely on these mega corporations and following the rules of YouTube and Facebook and you you guys network between yourselves and create your own businesses be on a financial rebel a thought rebel and by the way or is there anyone out there that's been d-bag that you guys know of that you would like to see on my show I would interview them on this show these is the beyond Bitcoin sure they could see why they were debate and maybe now they've got a Bitcoin address you can contribute to their calls etc etc hey there we go I would like to form some saw me there's only so much time in the day I don't know how much time I have to form the Bitcoin Society but I like that something I missed last Saturday bright when I was leaving Baltimore someone told me he's like did you hear about the no-hitter Adam what nothing I was no hair there was no hitter this week and sure enough there was a no-hitter last maybe Mike fiers of the Oakland A's threw a no-hitter and I had no idea and this is quite a change in my life I don't know the last time I didn't know there was a no-hitter I mean I'm I'm I'm up on baseball that's something that's always been around me I had no idea so that shows that I hadn't thought I'm moving away from that kind of distraction now again everyone can have their own hobbies and little distractions but I consider it a positive that I had no idea that there was no hitter lad that Mike fiers that was the first no-hitter this year thrown I had no idea it even happened not at all very weird and that that also might be a statement about espncom because I do try to check espncom once a day they are so fixated on appealing to minorities now and they don't think minorities care about baseball so the stuff they have on their head on their front page is like it's a bunch of nice stuff it doesn't mention baseball let's put it that way this is a lot of social justice stuff on there now so that could be a statement about ESPN they just don't care about us they don't care about hockey not that I care but they don't care about hockey and baseball as much as football and NBA my dogs ridiculous anyway but hey you shouldn't really care about sports that much anyway and you know checking ESPN comment every day maybe that's a total waste of time although I just try to do it for like you know 30 seconds or something like that uh but don't be obsessed about the NFL people don't make it your life don't live vicariously through that stuff all right again follow me on Twitter attack vault-tec HB alt I'm steaming at bitcoinmeister all right the reaction of the government of New Zealand following the attack in Christchurch says a lot about the condition of Western civilization thousands of people in New Zealand now get home visits for politte from police because they've criticized New Zealand immigration policy on social media and there's a quote from a Twitter a tweet and there's a video of a guy being visited by the new by the news dealing police because of statements he made on social media unbelievable the New Zealand this beautiful free country it's a very safe country I was there in 2015 may turn 2016 I was there I loved Auckland but this is insane this is like big brother I mean the guy says something on social media you can't speak about immigration and you get a visit from the police that it's shocking but dude the video is out there is it's below all right it feels like I skipped something hopefully I didn't thanks for the questions dude dudes we will be back to regular Bitcoin stuff tomorrow Sunday it'll be Sunday night probably and at least on the East Coast will be Sunday night i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links below pound that like button bang that bell button click on those squares satoshi nakamoto i will say hi to you guys in the chat now bye