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what's up everybody Kellen from action backers here today I just want to teach you how to quickly buy Bitcoin as a beginner if you're interested in playing on Bitcoin only sports books or depositing buy a cryptocurrency than purchasing Bitcoin or aetherium is a need-to-know fact so there are lots of ways you can do this but a fast and easy way is to just use coinbase so I've left a link in the description below and actually if you go through my link you'll get $10 free worth of Bitcoin when you sign up so you'll just want to sign up I'm already signed into my account here but it'll just ask you a few questions and then all you want to do is come to buy and sell from here it's really simple so you'll just want to buy and you'll choose what you're looking to purchase so whether it's Bitcoin Bitcoin cash aetherium or a number of other different crypto currencies for today I'm just gonna stick with plain old Bitcoin and then your payment method so I already have a payment method set up if you haven't set up a payment method yet you'll need to do that and then all you'll want to do is enter the the amount you want to buy so you can either enter the the amount of bitcoin you want to buy and it will automatically update the price now obviously bitcoin is expensive right now so it's it's actually I can't purchase an entire Bitcoin because I have a $1,500 weekly limit but that's okay I didn't want to purchase that much anyways or you can just purchase the amount in your currency so I'm in Canada says Canadian so if I just want to purchase a hundred dollars I'll just type in a hundred and it would show me the conversion right now and then all I would need to do is just click buy Bitcoin instantly so I'll click that and now I'm just going to confirm my payments processing and my purchase was successful so I've just bought Bitcoin so now when I go home it will show my portfolio value and how much Bitcoin I have there so they do take some fees when you when you purchase again Bitcoin can be purchased in a number of different ways coin base is just one easy way to do it that you can do it quickly it's also a trusted source there have been a lot of different scams over the years I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2013 and there have been you know exchanges that sort of come and you think they're trusted and they disappear overnight coin base is really trusted they they have backing from tons of reputable sources I've never had an issue with them so now that we have the Bitcoin in our account I just need to go to account because you actually need to send it to its final destination now a word of warning if you are using Bitcoin or cryptocurrency to gamble with do not send it to the sports book directly from coinbase your account will get shut down potentially and they can seize your funds they don't like when you do that so what you need to do is send it to an intermediary wallet I prefer just using blockchain comm you can get a free wallet here and and sign up it's easy to do and all you need to do when you sign up is just collect your your wallet address and it will show in blockchain calm your your wallet address you'll just want to copy it and then come back to coin base and click send and when you click send you're just gonna enter in your wallet address that you've created in blockchain comm and then you can choose the amount so if you want to send the entire thing you'll just enter it in here and you can see here how much you have in your wallet and then you'll just click continue I'm not going to do that this second just because I'm not logged into my other wallet but that's how you would go about it and then once it gets to your your wallet and blockchain comm or wherever you open your other wallet up with then you can send it on to the sports books if you have your phone handy you can actually just scan a QR code which makes it really simple and that's another method too so this was just a quick video to show you how you can quickly and easily purchase Bitcoin if you have questions hit me up on Twitter add action backers or send us an email I hope you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe check out some of our other reviews on different sports books and remember to click the link and you'll get free money awesome ok I'll see in the next one