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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is june looketh 2019 one bitcoin equals one bitcoin value your wealth in bitcoin strong hand offended by selling be a unique beast on kompis capable holder of last resort world reserve crypto bitcoin is the apex predator alright everybody check out all the links below see all my old shows if disrupt meister calm its seriously you can learn a lot over 1,300 shows there and and there still you could still learn from today tech ball te CH be alt that's who I am that's where I am on Twitter I'm putting out stuff all day long depends on where you are if it's night or day okay a new show here every single day let us start out and remember if you have questions type in bitcoinmeister bitcoinmeister to the chat i will answer your questions during this show live i love to answer your questions and speaking about questions and commoners and and and acting i mean being in motion here and being part of the team anyway here's a guy in the comments section interacting with me that's the word I was looking for sitting in the sky said probably the best savings account ever devised by man I love that line sitting in the sky you left them in the comment section about bitcoin probably the best savings account ever devised by man 20 percenters need to wake up to this now okay so many people are enabled with defer gratification and they're not going to eight they're not gonna be able to appreciate such a lie the best savings account ever devised by man that is Bitcoin that is what we're sitting on right now that is you have a chance to be part of it right now so a lot of people that's not very glad to them they want the all coin flavor of the month they want you can do magical things they don't care about savings in deferral gratification they don't know they're not 20 percenters 20 percenters they think long-term they pound that like button they do what the shirt says buy and hold strong hand all right now on that same note Jason a batur in in a tweet says you forgot the part about the most secure form of wealth storage on the planet yeah a lot of people do forget that a lot of people don't care about it being the most secure form of wealth storage on the planet okay so it's it's the greatest the best savings account ever devised by man and a lot and it's the most secure form of wealth storage on the planet how can you avoid this if you were a long-term thinker how can you not be a part of it and he also points out you can move it across political boundaries seamlessly yeah that is also a bonus a lot of people do not understand that because a lot of people have only lived their entire life in the United States or some other country where they cannot even fathom having to flee with all your wealth and not having to worry about it being confiscated so transit 98 says bitcoinmeister I love you my goal is to buy 10 Bitcoin over the next year dollar price average or buy in a thousand dollar chunks any other advice well they're just a dollar cost average dollar cost average it why not I mean or do you have um I mean if you happen to have 90 if you have a seventy six thousand dollars sitting around you should just do it right now why not but if you don't then yeah you have to that's the only thing you can do is its dollar cost I say it my goal is to buy Tempe over the next year dollar price average or buy on a thousand dollar child yeah well well I mean that's a thousand dollar chunk if you bought a thousand dollar chunks that would take seventy six weeks well at this point it would but that is dollar cost averaging that's you're buying it's the same dollar karo dollar price averaging or buying of the just whatever you feel comfortable when I only compare it I'm thinking either you buy it in chunks over a spread out period of time you buy it all at once there's those are my two options right there okay so if you happen to have a seventy six thousand dollars laying around you should just do it now you know again I don't give financial advice I'm just saying theoretically type of stuff but what the heck pound that like button dude thank you for the thank you for the question and aunt who's this says and gummy bear says please define 20 percenters verse 80 percenters 20 percenters produce up most of what you see in the world 20 percenters are the ones that don't sit around complaining all day doing not eighty per eighty percent twenty percent the rough numbers are twenty percent of the people in any industry produce eighty percent of the products there's just in general in the population twenty the top twenty percent produce produced a heck of a lot control a lot of the wealth and that there are reasons for this and you want to be part of them you want to be in the productive class not in the eighty percent class that is sometimes not smart they don't do smart things they get 20 percenters make plenty of mistakes too they make plenty mistakes also but you just always want to be with that 20 percent mentality long-term thinker you know the ability to to to not be impulsive so there you go that's a rough thing and it's you can there's all there's all sorts of different theories about it minds a very simple one that people can get just try to be try to be in the top tier okay you want to be in the top tier of everything in life in terms of protective activity so you don't have to deal with some of the lower tier issues and again not in a it would be nice if the society was split up in a different ways thirty percent of the people produce the seventy percent you know because it's the top thirty percent was productive it's a the current top 20% but that's just that's just not the way it is the the top when you're the top 20% they're producing an incredible amount of the productivity in any industry in any society so and then even the top 20 of the 20% they're like uber productive those are the big corners right all right found that like button and I want to speaking about interacting here with everyone thanks for the people who try to get me on the Joe Rogan show that someone tweeted it out it's linked to below you can retweet it okay you know anyone can dream but I gotta say there's another atom that would really do the trick okay I mentioned the the boxer Adam Adam Cal Mackey who is a huge bitcoin fan well that dude just like the Joe Rogan fan show is on the border of mainstream 80% of society and the the 20% are society where people were long-term thinkers and make good investments he's he's definitely attract people from both because he's in the Bitcoin he would be a great guest on Joe Rogan show because he's gonna be talking about boxing and fighting which in all the 80 percenters just love that kind of stuff but he will bring up Bitcoin and he will introduce you know it'll help his career to I'm sure and Joe Rogan likes to talk about fighting and then Joe realize oh I got that Bitcoin so I nominate that guy as like the perfect dude for the Joe Rogan show to talk about Bitcoin no he's not a he's not a Bitcoin genius like Andreas but he can talk the talk with the 80 percenters who also watched the and get them enthused and maybe turn some of them in the 20% to nuts you never know but so yeah I like I just thought about that and moving on here the biggest supply shock in the history of financial markets that is the having that is coming up in 2020 and Tour de Meester has a tweet that is about one of my favorite subject matter script of dividends he he says someone pointed out also consider free dividends in the form of bitcoins forks BCH btg 20:17 indeed these should be added to bitcoins returns you see he's got that insider information he understands people were valuing their wealth and Fiat and they were saying well this this altcoin did better the Bitcoin during this time period but they were not factoring in that you get interest on your Bitcoin through crypto dividends and of course toward a Meester who is a genius who is I mean he knows what he other stands that he'd get crypto dividends in 2017 especially you got a lot of tripped of dividends a great return on just holding Bitcoin and again why do I love crypt of dividends so much because it encourages logical people the 20 percenters to hold to not fall into those tracks and to be impulsive they are it rewards all the important the savers the holders the holders of last resort they make them they are very important in the whole big Bitcoin ecosystem okay and a lot of people don't want to be it because there's no there's any glamour involved they don't think there's a they can't see the benefits there you go that's a very easy benefit to see crypto dividends interest so yeah you get that's your public service announcement of the day toward a mr understands what insight that this is the cryptos are reporting he know crypto dividends are important he knows the insider information I know the insider information do you understand insider information I hope you do by this point if you've been watching this show long enough you should know that grant it's great to see Tour de Montcalm Easter talking about crypto dividends he's you're talking about it more may be good insider because we don't talk about it enough the the the intellectual Bitcoin elite like Tour de Meester they should fish it bring it up more they don't but hey if personal responsibility is a new counterculture mentality it is out there sometimes the information does not come easy you got to do your own research you gotta find shows like this again if you want fancy stuffs and graphics you're never gonna find out about this guy and anyways that's your own thing you can end up complaining and being a no pointer for years later that's it's not my fault it's again personal responsibility is a new counterculture that's how we do it on this show baby anyone can go any way you want to there are long term consequences and it's your own fault if anyway a note and so speaking of Tirta Meester he has a great new report out there just just stop watching this show right now and we need the report it is it's good he's always got a note on the Bitcoin rally it's called in our previous update well I'm gonna read you a bunch of it now so maybe you don't have to stop the show yeah and again a lot of people can't read so maybe they'll understand this a little bit better if I read it to them in our previous update we suggested these medium term price drivers for the Bitcoin price accumulation by family offices and institutions yeah I think that's going on I think that's one non selling by Bitcoin miners as profit margins recover yeah I also think that is going on Jordan Easter and that non selling buy Bitcoin miners is going to increase as the having height comes closer as the heaven gets closer some minor fear of missing out from real retail investors that's probably going on I don't exactly know about that but a good good point and then he says however it appears I afraid skip something there he says it appears we underestimated one factor capital flight from China okay and maybe that's going on I've always thought the China thing has been hyped you're starting to think maybe it isn't again a lot of you always are look for reasons why why why is this happening well there there are some wise right there he gives some reasons why if you care about it again over time I'm gonna tell you right now the one thing that's unavoidable is the Lamont the non-selling by miners the accumulation of the big instead of just mine in a Bitcoin and then selling it right away just keeping more and more of it so less if it comes on the market so that is something that we saw leading up to the to be having in 2016 and we will see that again now another quote is from there is what we found is remarkable bitcoins current parabolic curve represents the fastest increase in unrealized profits since 20 2012 and again that's unrealized profit that's the interns talking about Fiat value he's talking about Fiat value it is uh let me read you that again I just lost my place we found is remarkable bitcoins current parabolic curve represents the fastest increase in unrealized profit since January 12 so yeah if you do a if you do one of those nice fancy graphs you see it's well it's it's the biggest slope or quickest biggest line just sudden upward movement since January of 2012 but hey and is that sustainable who knows but it is a it's a noteworthy observation on his point johnstrom eNOS says greetings from Malibu Malibu dude you're living the good life if you're Malibu I have never I've never been there before it's not far from where I am right now it's a good good life out there deep very very good for you but again value off the Bitcoin not in a beachfront property because that can always fall into the sea if there's ever god forbid an earthquake your Bitcoin will not if your bitcoin is earthquake resistant your property in Malibu is not pound that like button I just made that up and pulled that out of my all right now Monsieur Mahmoud oof he says when Bitcoin hits $20,000 soon and again value your wealth and Bitcoin not in dollars not in Malibu property but again he's talking to the basses here the world will wake because we're one day closer to 20k for all you free F freaks the world will wake up to the fact that bitcoin is here to stay many high-profile people will start being vocal about owning Bitcoin as everyone who ever bought Bitcoin will be in profit so yeah there's a lot of closet Bitcoin holders out there that might have bought like at 15,000 16,000 and they don't want to talk about it very much and they might be like popular people that you've heard of that in the mainstream again we know that uh it's all about the counterculture here that personal responsibility but still there's some mainstream got in the Bitcoin and they're probably silent but once it gets back to that all-time high terms of Fiat everyone will be a genius again and they'll be they'll be bragging about it and that will help fuel more people to get in and those people will complain that you know they bought it a hundred thousand and it fell down to forty thousand cetera cetera in the future we've been through the cycle many times look up the two hundred ten thousand block theory I talked about it on the show in the often so check out this runway show calm to see those old ones alright vention sent five dollars in a super test thank you very much Adam you should be fair about this and share your pics with the proletariat if you share you'll make eighty percent part of the one percent oh yeah I mean there's so many people that that want me to do something like that there's so many people and there's that that that that are envious of people who have made smart decisions and they're like no it's that's unfair that you're doing well you should have you should have to share with everyone else you should have to you should feel guilty about that you should be you should be guilted in shame because you're wealthy and you need to solve the poor people's problems it's your responsibility to do that even though they never listen to you and no it's yeah it's total it's total nonsense Fenster total nonsense and they're actually people in the Bitcoin space who think that way and that's awesome you know what because you the space does not discriminate you can you can bring ludicrous ideas here and it's may the best man win here if you got a little Chris idea be ready this is where the big boys play and it will be shot down and maybe you have to rethink your premise but now I encourage everyone to look out for yourself look out for yourself try to try to get more don't feel bad don't feel bad you're doing well if people aren't listening to you now and then you know four years later you're a millionaire that you their entitlement they have no claim against you they have nothing against all these people out there and what we'll talk all these gatekeepers the gatekeepers in the world say well you can't be accepted to our society unless you uh you pay the price you you you have to be guilted and shamed and you have to give up some of your wealth and then will like you sitting it is overrated totally they don't really that's how you become poor you you won't be a you won't be attorney for Senator long if you care about fitting in how about that alright thank you for uh again if you like these type of subject matters that vention has a brought out in me watch these Saturday beyond Bitcoin show I think we're gonna have a great one to Saturday I've got a lot of stuff written down it's always a fun time okay and we got to talk about gold we got to talk about gold right now before and the gold money is this shift Peter Schiff in charge of gold money they've got a tweet out there that Bitcoin is physically heavier than gold they're trying to fight back against Bitcoin with some really convey convoluted thought process you a link to it below everything I talked about is linked to below so check it out um anyway they're trying to fight back let them let me know and tour to Meester who I've mentioned a few times today he speaks up he likes bold still I mean that's his prerogative and he tries to calm these people down and he says in my opinion you guys are too reactionary this could hurt you I love gold as do many younger investors I don't know about that and I have a gold money I've had a gold money account since 2011 please give us reasons to continue loving gold without hating on Bitcoin that is probably a good advice I don't know good reasons to continue loving gold to tell you the truth and so let them try to hate on Bitcoin if people want to you know they want to have rocks still that's that's their that's their prerogative that's it no it's it's not heavy it's not physically heavier than gold but they okay they're trying to say it is so you can believe it if you want now you can also believe the world is flat its it's ever seven it's whatever you want whatever you want people now you it's just don't come complain to me in four years that you didn't understand now that you're poor and you that I owe you something I owe you nothing I owe you that's that's what you learn in life you don't know anything they if they're doing the wrong thing yo they ain't gonna fix personal responsibilities a new counterculture it's that simple all right Vitalik aetherium Vitalik has a comment about the bsv and I'm always sharing this he because I don't like the word he uses as a theory a metalic booter in slams Bitcoin Oh slams bsv I almost said something else obviously a complete scam alright so why I'm pointing this out is he is not scared of the lawsuit machine over there he and that is good for him not to be intimidated again he vowed he values his wealth partially in Bitcoin he has a Bitcoin he has he knows his wealth isn't gonna be taken away he knows that he can't be sued that if that if once it's that if Jim Jones tried to sue him if bsv tried to sue him he would laugh in their faces he's setting a good example there he's he's speaking his mind and he knows he's not gonna get – that would be great it would be hilarious if they tried to uh they tried what are they gonna take from vitalik and he he could fight it would be yeah that they would not bait they're bullies they don't pick on someone their own size they don't pick on someone that's that bigger than them that they they're gonna they're gonna try to make examples out of whoever to you know try to intimidate that they're the the lawsuit machine they're there they're compliant the compliant coins I don't know why anyone would even want to be a part of that they're like the tattletales of cryptocurrency you know this is a compliant this is going to this is going to go away you know you're not going we're government compliant this coin shouldn't exist because this is this is the bsp mentality it's so weird that people want to be like so compliant and follow I mean it's their prerogative to blindly follow what the government says there are the guys during world war ii who would report the people hiding jewish people there that that's that type of mentality that's what the mall is I got a report to the I gotta refer to the government we're gonna be compliant they were hiding Jews we have to we have to be compliance oh this is again and that meant there were people like that there there were people like that that's the rule let's report let's be compliant there's this this is it's amazing I can't understand I I don't understand the nature of compliance in some people and then uh yeah there's there some P and that's definitely taking it to an extreme the hair but it doesn't end well compliance all right we didn't go says did you see did you see vitalik rapping on Ed Khan I wonder he thought he no I saw people were trying to tweet about that it's just noise dude I don't care what those personal time you know that he's he's dorky he is dorky rap oh wow that's that's surprising that an incredible genius there's a dorky rap alright he's richer than everybody he gets the last laugh trust me that's III you know people try to pick on the metallic for like these totally frivolous reasons for less superficial reasons totally superficial reasons it's it's envy it's ten P of the guy I mean but I'm not the biggest etherion fan in the world but he's he's clearly a genius all these people are so maybe ik I mean that's your artists on an argument alright finally and I say you know speaking about altcoins real quick he answer yeah centralized ones like PSV but even more centralized like ripple now this might be better than brick bull the block crypto says let's see Facebook plans to create independent foundation to manage its cryptocurrency will charge members ten million dollar licensing fee for rights to operate node okay that will probably again that sounds they're straight up saying it obviously they're gonna be very centralized know this sounds a little bit better than ripple maybe it's Facebook and that will probably get them into a top ten a top ten coin even though they're like supposedly a stable coin there they want to be plans the to license out the right to operate nodes on its new Krypton Network currency network charging companies ten million dollars a piece for the privilege note operators will also be allowed to send a representative to the independent foundation so they're coming up with some foundation I guess that'll make governments happy that they're not that Center it's independent Israel it really is in Facebook printing their own money and hopes to launch its network with a hundred nodes generating a billion dollars in licensing fees be amazing amazing the firm then plans to use these fees to back its cryptocurrency with a basket of currencies and low-risk securities from different countries you know what part of this is gobbly gook I don't know they basically found a way to raise a billion dollars okay and they think they found the way to do raise a billion dollars it's going to have a lot of money it's going to be big it's going if they're able to pull this off if people are like oh I want a Facebook node whatever the heck that is of this private blockchain well it's off private is public cuz they say it's public this way cripple all right whatever they come about they'll be all they'll be people toss in millions of dollars at a time let them try let them try to do this I think it will be big from this space I think a lot of it is clearly nonsense and some of you might not even know what they're talking about but hey it will bring attention to cryptocurrency if they end up with the circulating cryptocurrency on their on their tremendous platform that can be changed into Bitcoin on other platforms on exchanges it will be good for the space if you want to buy a ten million dollar note node then hey yeah you can do that you'll be able to brag to your further might be rich people and I'll be like yes ten million dollar Facebook node whatever that is and romic you finally finally sees I hope that newcomers find this channel as opposed to the no coin hyper wavers who are telling people to sell their precious bitcoins but 80 percenters will be 80 percenters no yeah I hope people find my child too but they won't they will find all the 80 percenter channels before mine that's just that's the way it works that's they know how to they goat they clickbait titles that go with the YouTube algorithm I don't do this they do this I am a bit cleaner I am NOT a youtuber thus the new people 80 percenters they will find the youtubers before they find a big corner town that like button that's just the way it is you're lucky you're not lucky you're smart that you're here you're 20% of most likely well thanks a lot everybody i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links section below pound that like button bang that bell button click on those squares strong hand i will see you guys in the chat right now crip them dividends