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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoin meister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is June the 8th 2018 in strong hand uncomplicated bitcoin is next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture deferral of gratification conviction avoid mediocrity people alright i love this show we go beyond bitcoin we talk about all types of subject matters health social issues how to get money no it's all here judaism will cover it so ask questions in the chat you can type in bitcoin meister I already have a question that I'm gonna answer in the middle of the show so this show takes 40 minutes sometimes so buckle up people I'll try to get through it as fast as possible first thing I want to bring out is a tweet by well naval bot there's this guy named naval out there I'm gonna talk about him towards the middle of the show and I mentioned him in other shows he was interviewed by Joe Rogan he's commenting on Bitcoin he's commenting the Bitcoin space before but the dude is smart he has life-changing thoughts to say the least so he's a person to follow on Twitter but there's a bot that just retweets some of his best quotes and here's one of his best quotes if you eat invest and think according to what the news advocates you'll end up nutritionally financially and morally bankrupt telnet like button people I love that yes do not go running to that to the mainstream points of authority to make your decisions to learn from you got a decentralized from those approval mechanisms you don't need to fit in and do all the things that you see on TV go your own way as we say now notice I didn't use the word corporate media there the word corporate is deaf a trigger word and I have used it inappropriately before many entities out there use the word corporate to get people angry and envious of a big business there's nothing wrong with corporations now they can engage in indecent behavior sure they can not all corporations are horrible the word is you know they try to throw it work it to make people emotional and to get on to win to win an argument with emotions without really getting into the issues so sometimes they can say well that corporation and you'll really cool it must be bad they said corporates it's terrible but no it's that's not always the case that's usually not the case when so be careful when someone tries to use corporate as an adjective okay or or starts to talk corporations think for yourself try to you know analyze the argument at hand okay now let's go back to Twitter for a second you can follow me on Twitter at Tech ball te CH B alt remember this Saturday show it's we're gonna talk a little bit of Bitcoin but it's beyond Bitcoin so hey if you're here for Bitcoin we'll talk a little bit about it but stay for some others people like to hear some beyond big boy stuff it's Saturday night not not that much is going on right all right from Twitter an unfortunate side effect of Twitter is having people who are really not qualified to be an authority on a subject become an authority on it simply by talking confidently about it whether what they're saying is right or wrong that is a great a great thought to take when you're when you're stepping back step back for a second and think about that when you're reading but again I stayed go on Twitter to learn about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency there are some great sources out there but there then there are some guys out there they talk a real big game there know what they're talking about they're convince you to do trading and they'll convince you to buy an altcoin those division do all sorts ridiculous things and since there's only 240 characters they can sound pretty darn smart and convincing so be careful there are a lot of fake experts on many subjects in Twitter on Twitter so you know try to follow us on for a while Paulo other people try to make your own decisions do use Twitter don't waste your time on Twitter arguing with people okay try it up to learn try to become a bit well-rounded individual from Twitter I think it is a unique source of information but do be careful of fake experts out there all right this is about South Africa this the next tweet and it's something we don't hear about too much oh yeah oh we got some more comments there hang on I'm gonna have to go that in a second rest in peace steep Stefan Schmitt in one day in South Africa my father on crushes is almost robbed of his phone and wallet my uncle is murdered on his farm in Stellenbosch which has been in the family since 1896 alright so the situation in the farmlands in South Africa it is nasty out there it is really nasty you can get murdered and of course there's the threat of land confiscation you know it's been a violent country for quite some time and again I remember being Darren 20 and it's a beautiful country at the same time in 2015 that was the first Bitcoin conference I ever attend it was in Cape Town if you're watching this show you're in South Africa if you don't have Bitcoin you better get it soon get it's just just it's insurance against things like this I know that this doesn't happen all the time in Johannesburg Cape Town but these are violent places there by even compared to America and again you you can say well I don't go to the townships and again don't go to don't go to those towns just you know they have talent ship tours that's ridiculous those are very dangerous parts of this world we've gone over on past shows about the xenophobic murders that took place there when I was there in 2015 but anyone I don't care what race you are in uh in South Africa by that Bitcoin use it as insurance things can get nap things have gotten pretty nasty dairy in some corners of the country so just bringing attention to that situation and then whatever country that you live in if it if it has in the past turned violent and if you fear it's going turn violent the government may confiscate your property get bitcoin as an insurance policy you should already gather this insurance policy if because you can leave your country with your Bitcoin and start anew and if things get you scary wherever you may be and your scary is uh that's that's what you decided is you decide what's scary is what you could if you've got kids things can become scary real quick if you're a single dude it's not as scary certain things all right here is a video by stefan molyneux I didn't get the to watch the entire thing but he's talking about in New York Times article that was ripping on the alternative media he was one of the people that was being ripped on you know just trying to vilify the people they're kicking off of YouTube and there was a line in it that said it was a story about a guy who says he got caught up in the youtube videos and regretted it and was it was a cult he called it a decentralized cult and that they quoted that that the New York Times used that term and of quote just get ready for the term decentralized to be vilified okay that that's that's going to be a bad thing now to be decentralized and thus what is what what if that the people that watch this show were you familiar with this decentralized Bitcoin and it's great that it's decentralized decentralized is great you don't have some authority dictating you what is good or bad well the media could easily easily write write many stories about what we need an authority to tell us what's bad and what's good the me this is what the media is for we're your the traditional media we are objective we are gonna tell you what's good what's bad we we can't let this thing it's it's Anarchy if everyone decides for themselves what is what is true and what is false we're we're the authority that and you're gonna have to come to us look to Authority here that is bad but so they're gonna bill up but they're I think but they're gonna say decentralization is bad making up your own making your own decisions is bad talking to you know not running to the central point of authority every time is is a bad thing they're saying they say they say to run to the central authority anyway they want to be the validating mechanism okay they want there to be centralized validating mechanisms mechanisms in the decentralized world in the Bitcoin overlay we don't have centralized validating mechanisms we have to validate ourselves okay we have nodes all over validating things no essential okay so you get the point get ready for decentralized to be to be vilified in by various media conglomerates who knows who knows it'll become a dirty word eventually but well we'll fight back I guess if we know in here in the big point overlay we don't want a centralized the point of authority we don't want a centralized validation mechanism okay central a success success what is success you have to define success for yourself a lot of people try to guilt you into saying that you're out altruism is success and sacrifice for the Borg said you know you you're successful so you've got to give up after salary so other people they they'll they'll also be successful if you don't if you don't give up after salary if you don't pay the taxes then you're a failure you're not fitting in you're not a success you you have to you have to support others that are not your family members support if someone if someone's I got a bad family life here you're in charge of them don't that's not success we need you've got a defined success for yourself that's part of the reasons I'm bringing I'm bringing this up now there are people out there people that I agree with all in certain matters that say that on YouTube that are on social media to say it's bad to depend on the state and it is it is bad to depend on the state you got to depend on yourself but then saw these same people on YouTube are so dependent that they they're just they're dependent on social media outlets for everything if they get kicked off the Facebook if they get kicked off of youtube they go wild because why because they were dependent on those centralized authorities okay so they are gonna make they're gonna say it's bad for people to depend on the government as a centralized authority okay which it is but for them it's not bad to depend on YouTube as their validation mechanism okay because that's the thing some of these YouTube people that are losing losing views it's destroying their egos they're still getting the same amount of money but some of them aren't getting the same amount of money anymore – so they're like they put everything in the YouTube and now they're just they're throwing up their hands in the air they have become too dependent on a centralized Authority and then again they critique people for being too depend on the government well they're to the Met pendant on YouTube this is an and again and then some of these people take it to the next step they're like well since I'm so dependent on YouTube I want Donald Trump to fix this so what does that make them in the long run it makes them dependent on the government to when they want Donald Trump to come in and fix this or whoever to come in another government official will come in and fix this no no that is there there's some hypocrisy in that if they've they become famous for saying you know and again I agree don't don't depend on the government but you can't depend on centralized private institutions either you got to depend on yourself you got to be able to pivot you've got to be able to start can you start over can you and you got to be able to read the fine what success is okay so you're not getting as many hits on YouTube anymore are you still can you raise money other ways can you just list the Bitcoin address on all your other media platforms can you start a new media platform these are these are times of opportunity these are not times to go running to the government and say you fix this because you people who get kicked off to these mainstream media outlets make mainstream media a mainstream social media outlets let's call Facebook Twitter you this is opportunity to grow other ones to redefine what success is for you and to prove that you can start over if you have the built the ability to start over you are a very successful person you're gonna find so much meaning in life okay and you will be you will be more successful in the long run you've got to you've got to believe that you've got to believe that so yeah don't don't run to the government is not the answer to this especially when you've been raging against people who are completely dependent on the government because you have made yourself completely dependent on YouTube if you need the government to come in there and solve your problem all right pound that like button people onto health real fast because we had a health question and I just want him I think again I talked about validating validate centralized validation mechanisms and I got to do a story on this soon I got a do I've got to do I've been planning on doing a video about some new theories that I have without centralized validating mechanisms but you're making YouTube into a centralized validating point of authority where everyone is trying to fit in where and what you're saying I need to fit in to YouTube and I'm gonna force YouTube to take second no just move on you don't need that type of validation you get validation from internal alright so I just completed another 44 hour fast I have and which means I skipped an entire day I skipped Friday I didn't eat it all on Friday I started fasting on Thursday night and didn't eat till tonight little earlier earlier tonight Saturday night and so that means I skipped a whole nother day of eating so far in the first half of this year I have skipped at least 20 days I haven't written down somewhere because there was one fast that was like 80 yeah if you're 70 some hours okay so that was a couple days that were skipped sorry I've skipped 20 days of eating and my goal that I had at the start of this year and again it's good to set numerical goals you feel good when you accomplish them is to skip an entire month of eating in turn I mean the days are scattered over the whole year but at least 31 days or 30 days of I I don't need so I eat for 11 months I know only one meal a day the days that I eat I only one meal a day someone asked me about my eating habits as part I do intermittent fasting everyday I fast at least 22 hours between every single meal shit I've been doing it for 20 hours since the summer of 2013 it turned into 22 I think at 20 14 or 15 I don't know so if you're what do you take a break there is no break it's a lifestyle I've been doing it since 2013 it's not ending that's just the way it is okay it's easy for me to do it takes self-discipline that's why that's why I preach in Bitcoin deferral of gratification self-discipline and if you if you apply self-discipline and defer gratification other aspects of your life like eating you'll easily be able to hold Bitcoin until after the 2020 having or after a 2020 for having you understand what savings is you know I apply you know the fertile ground of education to all aspects of my life and self self-control is freedom self discipline discipline you're more free that we know it controls you know one control you control yourself so yeah last year I think I skipped like 26 days I haven't ring down so I didn't get a month that wasn't my goal but I realized this year I'm gonna be able to do it easily because whenever I go on a plane and I go on a plane often I don't live anywhere I just travel from place to place I don't eat on those days so I'll definitely I mean I'll be on a plane in July twice so yeah and then I'll be yeah so I'll definitely get I'll get thirty days so I and again these are goals again if you're new to fasting if you're new to intermittent fasting just start by skipping breakfast then just having an eight-hour window of eating and you decide what you're gonna do how many hours a day you're gonna fast some people say it starts around 16 or 18 hours when your body uh you've gone through all your glucose or something like that look at them I do 20 at least 22 hours every single day for many years now and you know it is easy for me and maybe it can be easy for you too so someone asked me can you tell us about your diet I'm trying to I'm trying carnivore II and it's really tough it seems like your diet is much more reasonable advice appreciated yeah so I guess eating all meat we're just completely getting rid of fruit and vegetables that would be now I don't advise doing that but get I eat a lot of that they can be animal fats they can be from my what are those Allemands over there so yeah try to don't eat don't go crazy on carbs done no processed food I eat no processed food if the ingredients in everything I eat is just if it's an apple I eat an apple it's a banana it's a banana yeah and then they're all if I cook salmon I just cooked salmon they're all these other people that can understand but they gotta put all sorts of condiments it's ridiculous on your burger again I I don't eat bread at all no bread that's the processed food that's the promises food right there okay none at all the only thing I drink is water I haven't anything else to drink since 2014 okay you're 23 I was 2014 so yeah and it's definitely five years it was a May of 2014 was the last time I think I've had some wine or something like that but now and is easy again shortly fruit juices are terrible is just pure sugar eating the fruit it's fine he's fine there's some people that are really against fruits I'm not against fruits I'll have a fruit the day that I days that I do my interval training I'll only have one of very very few carbs at all I'll have like a little orange and some greens and then that'll be a lot of meat on those days and and that's just that's just the way I cycle through him up my week there's one there's one day a week where I do the interval training all right do these 15 sprints in a row as hard as I can and then the meal afterwards is very high in fat and you know there's some protein but just like at arms just that's the only carbs or or sugar that are there so I mean you don't have to be too pet for me at least at this point my like I am NOT super paranoid about fruits I mean people you know you can you can go wild on the fructose I can feel when I eaten a lot of fructose in fruits I mean you don't want to have like five bananas every day bananas or it but again it's it's if you're if you're healthy if you're active if you're you avoid processed foods and you do eat a lot of healthy fats and you do eat meat you'll be having fruit isn't it it'll be it's fine it's fine so don't do it vilify fruit too much but I mean I don't recommend going on an all fruit diet that's that's not a good idea that I would say is a bad idea actually you need teens and you definitely definitely need mostly mostly fats mostly fast it's fine and and the intermittent fasting and fasting takes care of some other things you know if you had some bad stuff it clears you out hopefully and again I recommend it twice or once a year at least the 72-hour fast or or or a five-day one I had a five death my record is 120 hours which is five days yeah and and the five day the ones that you try to go five days to seven days people theorize that could help prevent cancer in theory if you have cancer if again and I've said this on their shows if I was diagnosed with cancer I would immediately it may be the first thing I would do was stop eating at least for one week at least for one week god forbid god forbid it happens god forbid alright pound that like button so okay that's enough health thank you for the question let me see what these other questions our invention said don't worry about me brother I was mostly kidding when I was complaining when you were talking about food okay yeah that was another video vention was making some jokes about food hey Robert Harvick said someday I want to go to Israel any tips on cool things to do there oh yeah I'm gonna talk about Israel a little a little later in the show actually or I'm gonna talk about Judaism but you got to go to Tel Aviv I mean Robert I met him in person I know you would like Tel Aviv so I think that's a personalized recommendation for you and of course go to Jerusalem and see the Wailing Wall that's that's pretty cool to see and I did go to the Ramon Canyon that was fine but there's no when you go there's some common things everybody does on the tours take everybody basically to the same places it's good to do that tour once if you've never been there because they the tour does take you to select elevator takes you the market takes you to all the tourist traps and stuff which are if there are some really good ones it takes you that if you have a little bit of an expertise and you go to Samaria you know you know someone in Samaria that'll shown you the Sumerian Hills and it just shows you how the you know that the Israel can never give never give up that vital land because the only Hills you can see Tel Aviv you could shoot you set up something bad and send it into Tel Aviv which would be horrific so uh yeah you never give up the high ground but there is beautiful the high ground the Sumerian Hills are beautiful and yeah but I can't for nude for newbies is no-go on some of those tours and if you know someone there ask them to give you a tour but but the the tours that they give there that did the generic cores are pretty good it's a small State they'll show you everything this is a small country they can show you everything you need to see when you have more expertise expertise and more familiarity then you go to some other places all right like I I mean I've seen so much but remote canyon I don't know if that is on all the all the top tours so that that's something really cool to see all right um what is what's going on hey take it to the beach the beach is beautiful in Tel Aviv it's beautiful oh ok for all the people watching this obviously you guys are into Bitcoin go to the Bitcoin embassy on Tel Aviv in Tel Aviv that's not on the normal tour that is a must stop in place ok you say hello to Lou T and Sarah everybody that's over there that you've seen on this show before so and moving on and this on Sunday nights are the best nights to go to the Bitcoin Embassy in Tel Aviv moving on okay so the naval I'm going to talk about naval radicand that is his full name and I link to the Joe Rogan show where he was interviewed you guys got to watch that at 2x I watched the 2x I was able to understand every word they said naval is incredibly smart person and he explains things so that everyone can understand now he's not always right I think he said some things on Bitcoin that I don't agree with but he's got he's so thought-provoking if you don't come out with new ideas after watching him well maybe you don't come up with new ideas very I mean I came up with all sorts of new idea as an inspiration after watching this show so watch that show right now it's linked to below but one of the things he said is do you have the ability to start over alright to think about that do you have the ability to start over he was criticizing the the Andrew yang plan and by the way Andrew yang was just told a bourbon I haven't watched that yet I didn't want to watch that maybe that's interesting there's a lot on my to-do list to watch but he's talking about universal basic income he is not navel is not a fan of universal basic income and he thinks it's gonna say I agree with him he had some good critiques of universal basic income but he says that people should have the ability to start over because sometimes things come to end that the trucker jobs maybe they'll come tune in do you have the ability to start over think about that now before you're forced into a position where you have to start over and I I mean I started over in my life I started I mean I was in the housing and Baltimore Baltimore stuff Baltimore and trying to make autumn more a better place and then I got in the Bitcoin and I started you know from the bottom I started with it you have my first two Bitcoin and then from there I just that was my thing that was my my new thing totally doesn't have the ability to start over and I'd started over I guess other times in my life too I worked I worked in Silicon Valley for a short period of time and then I started my own business in Baltimore and it's just that was a that was a total start over too so I and we're gonna do this in the second working for yourself first working for a company was that that involves starting over – but if he talks about a the number of books people read is a vanity it's a vanity metric so many people try to brag about how many books they've read and I get if you're just reading books just to add numbers to your nice list he's totally right about that he's a man anyway he doesn't even read full books he has like 80 books open and it's at the same time and he's trying to learn from each one you should try it you should be trying to comprehend and understand and get ideas and once you comprehend – the book enough and you've gotten an idea and a concept down and you're tired of the book they'll leave the book move on to another book that's that's dealing with that same concept go from book to book you don't have to complete a book if you're interested in a concept go from book to book to book and he explains this is what he does and I think that's a great thing but again we live in a world – where not everybody has time to sit down the read a whole book to say oh I read a whole book you know and that that's the video of reading articles in the internet you can read one article real quick and is this things get boring I learned where I need you for this I'm going to get to another one now I would read oh I want to watch a video on the same subject matter you're trying to get a concept down you're trying to get a topic down so I love that I love that don't get don't fall for this filler I drew look at my bookshelves I've read every book in this book shop yeah well I mean do you understand a cock what have you so yeah you've got you've read a lot of books what have you done with your life have you applied the concepts that you learned in the books were you trying to pick up concepts quickly so you could apply them to your life and better yourselves or do you try to like just wanna have a nice book bookshelf and brag to your friends who you've read a lot of books alright social media and these are all points he brought up and I love all these social media makes celebrities out of all of us and I think that's something everyone has to remember and it makes you feel like a celebrity now everyone gets to feel like a celebrity and that's an empty field if you take it to their extreme celebrities they live these empty lifestyles and some of them get very sad and depressed and thus we have an academic epidemic in the country in the Western world that people be more sad and depressed because they're living on superficial things in approval from Facebook approval from the Borg you know they gotta fit in to this pattern that everybody all the other famous people they're famous friends are doing and you get you get out the unhappy sickness that that celebrity brings so don't strive to be a celebrity the social media celebrity because again even if sometimes you don't even realize it you've got all these followers I've got all I got everyone's watching me on Facebook I got a kid give them this image of myself and you become empty that way you so yeah it's social media definitely makes celebrities out of everyone and the the people behind these are like Facebook they know this they understand that it's giving people an adrenaline dopamine hit and that they need to they need to do something even more ridiculous on Facebook even more attention-getting on Facebook to maintain whatever celebrity status they have among their friends and it keeps coming back to Facebook don't fall for that it be humble no no you're not a celebrity you're not really a celebrity and if you're getting into that Sikh lifestyle find meaning within find meaning within get approval from yourself self approval now naval talks about he's touched the three wants in life that he has he wants to be happy healthy and that those all make sense and I talked about that kind of stuff here all the time how to be happy how to be a healthy and rich he says rich now I also good to be rich now it's good to be rich so you can be free and you don't have to worry so if you have a huge savings if you've got a lot of Bitcoin and thus you're on paper you're rich well you can say whatever you want to say you don't have to worry about getting fired from your job you don't have to worry about going bankrupt you don't have to worry about the government taking from you so yeah I think that is a good thing to want to be to want to be happy to want to be healthy and to want to be rich and you can control all those things you can control all those things that he goes into some depth about that one could watch the show eventually everyone would work for themselves he predicts and I think he's got a point there so guys get on the ball before you're forced to work for yourself work for yourself now okay this is going to be a trend in working for a corporation and again I'm not vilifying before I want to build by the corporation but working for someone else it's you gain a lot more meaning for working for yourself you get a lot more freedom you get a lot more happiness you don't worry is not much you can get a lot more wealth fitting in definitely today everyone's trying to get the best job possible the best job possible because that's what you're gonna prove oh look I'm a doctor at this hospital I'm a lawyer at this firm I'm a I'm at this real estate agency and you gain status and approval from everyone else from the centralized mechanism no no no no work for yourself you do something that you can't even if you can't explain it to other people that's fine they're not gonna understand what you do as long as you're happy you make your own schedule freedom is what this is about baby so I thought that was it and again we're going we're really going toward a world that eventual everyone will work for themselves and it may that may take like 40 years or something like that but it will be eventually people everyone will realize and and because of computers and technology it's just it's going to be a different setup eventually I mean I'm not I'm not saying in 10 years it's gonna happen again most people are stuck in that paradigm where they got out work for the best company get the best job and they're just used to getting a weekly paycheck the bimonthly paycheck or whatever it is break out of that break out of that redefine success redefined successfully though I can't can't don't go with it with what the majority says success is you decide with successes and he says and I think he's talked about political systems here a good system is one you can hand over to your enemies right away and so some of these new concepts out there the people are coming out with ask them well you're in charge would you let someone else be in charge of the system and I bet most of the time they would say no socialism they were to be in charge of people promoting socialism they want a communism they want to be in charge they would have hope handed over to their enemies now I believe truly that the family father's day the system making about what they they knew they were very much willing to hand it over to their enemies now what eventually happened the system slowly did get changed the way the Senate is that you know everyone couldn't vote at first and it's some people who that's what everyone kind of know they they were to property owners to be able to vote okay and I thought that that was a very good idea actually that wasn't good okay let's like in the politics here anything now banning people on their race or or based on their sex that that I do ideally I don't agree with that that needed some tweaking definitely but they in terms of owning real estate owning property I thought that that was a good twist because if you don't if you allow anybody to vote then eventually the mob will just tweet it just tax the real estate people out of existence and the prop that the producers out of existence and it'll become what it has become alright so but originally they did they did hand it over to their enemies but slowly the enemies I guess did morph it into something else still the system is alive the newest system is alive it is not it is definitely not perfect though let's not worry about that now here's something naval also brings up business meetings and having phone meetings you know and I get this often and I don't blame people for doing this people want to sit down have a meeting with me have a call with me and there are a lot of people that want to talk with me on the phone and he says he said he doesn't do that anymore he doesn't do business travel at all unless he's going to new travel to like an exotic location he must explore and I guess it's being paid by someone I mean time is money and he values his time and I got you my time quite expensively also I mean I charge quite a lot if you would have a if you want to have a point with me it's gonna cost you and people complain about ok complain about they don't have a meeting with me people who paid it before and again my I don't so I recommend the people I mean phone meetings it's sit-down means there's such a thing of the past ok you can't have them all the time but you're getting all this small talk and again maybe if someone's paying to have a consultation with you that's different it's a paid consultation but if you if people let's have a meeting let's have a sit-down do it over email do it over email so it can be done just look at me split so one key it's always to talk to you shortly they can explain everything they want to talk about with you in an email and you can read it at your own we have some free time and say yeah let's do this or no I don't think your idea is good let's move on bitcoin meister do you ever carry your nano or trek transwarp treasurer overseas if so do you get harassed at any port airports well I told a story of when I was uh detained in BWI Airport for a half an hour and I was questioned about my treasurer that I had with me at the time I believe the reason I was detained was because I was traveling to LA and then they googled my name and saw I was in the Bitcoin and the guys started asking me some questions and I foolishly said some things and definitely got uncomfortable they searched every uh every single inch of my luggage so to answer your question I don't do that anymore I know I don't I don't do that anymore I was coming back from Cyprus at the time through England to BWI Airport to Baltimore Washington International Airport and my father was waiting my father of blessed memory was waiting to pick me up and was wondering why I did not come out for like a half hour yeah he was really worried and it was at one point I was just thinking like I'm gonna have to get a lawyer it was pretty bad it was pretty bad what's going on nowaday the her act the the investigation they were they were they they thought I looked suspicious because I was a single guy I was coming from Cyprus they they get this jolly this guy was just they were trying to look for drugs they were because they started screaming at me at one point when they found something that looked looked like a mushroom and the guy really started screaming he said what is this cycle sideling is this a cycle or whatever it's called and they say you're a trouble now that's a federal offense bla bla bla and they are scream and me and then they they tested whatever it was and it was just it was a top of an arm just like the little the little thing that's on the top of an arm she had like bloated in some in a bag of mine where I had food at one point oh it was scanning I'm like I say it wasn't scary when they start screaming at you that you've committed a federal offense but it's so and again so he knew I had a treasurer and he was asking me comments about it as he did not fall back in 2017 it was the summer of 27 it was June of 2017 a lot has changed since then by God and he did not that border guy he worked for uh what's that horrible organization called the Homeland Security the guy that is a man guy screamy worked for homeless he definitely did not understand the Bitcoin fully then and he was actually asking me legitimate questions where he was trying to learn about it after they were screaming at me about the drugs and whatnot that I didn't have couldn't believe it so no I after that situation there's no more God that is that I'm not gonna read what that guy said that some guy who's totally an 80 percenter who's in the tweet in never gonna say it but no dude thanks for the question I don't travel with that stuff anymore and at that time of that of that situation at BWI at that moment I had there there was a good amount of big corn on that thing so I was I mean I hardly slept on the plane I probably looked quite the shoveled all right supple you feel again I had eaten for a while I fast when I go on the plane and everything all right so but I've told that story a couple of times in this show in the past all right oh and finally with a naval so that naval that naval interview by by Joe Rogan I learned so much there was so much useful information on there but something that's telling about the world today and it's sad it's sad about popular culture and about fitting in the most popular comment the most most uploaded comment under the video was both these guys looking like they're navigating ships for the matrix yeah so I mean again hatma a lot of people just looked at the look weren't comprehending a thing they were watching they were there for the fancy sets and graphics and yeah their biggest takeaway was the way that they were wearing shirts that look the same found that like button people if you don't fall into that trap and I know a lot of you still do but I mean I'm trying to I'm trying to get you out of it it's it's the content that matters when I watch these videos I believe it I never watched the videos even even you know Isaac authors in universe today's there's space videos which apparently have great graphics don't watch them at all I don't even know I don't I don't I listen I listen listing comprehension I'm trying to learn I don't care what the heck they what it looks like and again for the people you're so that's such an 80 percenter thing you're not going to get anywhere in life if you just drool it you're used to watching the TV basically these are people who are watching used to watch on TV who uploaded that comment as the most popular comment under such an educational video and yeah I'm slapping you guys around I'm trying to wake you dudes up it's nothing to be proud of if all you care about is fancy sets and graphics you're not gonna get anywhere in life you really gotta comprehend what you're watching or what you're trying to listen and again a lot of smart people are just moving the podcast a lot of people watch this show or listen to this show right now at sports moisture dot-com not right now well it'll be there in a second Sports Meister comm you can listen to all my shows in podcast form you don't have to see what I look like I don't see why any man would want to see what I look like at all unless he's is attractive man I guess I am an attractive man so I guess that if you get if you get a little jolly that way I guess it's okay but you're wasting it there's there's no point I mean y-you just if you want to see handsome men if you're a woman or a man go to those channels and just pleasure yourself or whatever that's not what this is about learning okay moving on pounding that like button and don't pound so here's a tweet by real real VJ who's been on my show before if you if you want to be a clear thinker you cannot pay attention to politics it will destroy your ability to think and that is a naval quote there don't make politics your life people it will destroy your ability you think it's a soap opera and soap operas on TV destroy your ability to think and the political soap operas also destroy you you can analyze it you can try to position yourself in life so this stuff won't matter at all all right oh here's something from Baltimore the National Association of black real estate brokers takes its fight for black home ownership to Congress its into congressional hearings all right so they think the writer of this article thinks that's a good thing thinks it's a good thing that that the the black realtors want to get more black people to to go in today and buy houses and again I can understand black realtors think well I'm not I'm not doing as well as I could I need more black more black people are gonna buy for me since I'm black okay so that's your your bias whatever black realtor you're already a realtor so you already on a certain level believe getting into debt is a good thing okay but okay so you're going to Congress trying just to figure out a way to get black people to own more houses even if they can't afford it to get more black people into debt slavery okay you because you want to do better at your real estate business all right and so everyone's guilt you want to guilt some cut congressmen into it and then there'll be some social justice warrior that that bring up statistics that black homer shipowner homeownership is lower than white homeownership and we've been through this before what happened in 2008 we got a bunch of minorities into into owning houses that they couldn't afford and then they went back they went bankrupt they they gave the houses back they got into horrible financial situation and white people got in to everybody got into it everybody should try to avoid getting into massive debt and trying to fit in and think you're part of this normalcy think success means buying a house that you cannot afford okay so let me put it to you this way let's say you you devise a new scheme out there for people to put to put eight thousand dollars down and they get a massive house all right yeah it doesn't and then they're gonna PUC monthly after that they're gonna make payments every month and they're gonna pay insurance every month and they're gonna pay taxes every month and then what's gonna happen half of them they think they'll lose at $8,000 they'll lose their house they'll become bankrupt very fast how about this if you're trying to help minority communities out there if you're trying to help any community out there instead of putting $8,000 down payments and becoming immediately in debt and and fitting in though you're gonna fit in because you get to say oh look I'm part of a part of society now I've gone as far as the white man and is gone now look I've got a house just like he does and then two months later you don't have a house anymore instead of spending eight thousand dollars on that you buy a big coin that's it that's the easy answer to that because you got so you got savings if you needed you can get rid of that Bitcoin in the future if God forbid if you need to if you go into debt again there's no taxes to pay on the Bitcoin there's no insurance to pay there's no down payment there's no monthly payments there's no there's no it doesn't fall apart people can't sue you because they tripped on you on your coin all right so we need to get and there are plenty of minorities in this space to play white people in this space too so bring that type of information to your communities who think that living the American Dream is all about going into debt and buying one of those houses and fitting in but it's not it's not you can get into trouble very easily and begging the government to get more people into this situation it's just a vicious cycle and they're becoming slaves the houses they really offer everybody's becoming a slave to their house a slave to debt you avoid that if bitcoin is freedom you're not when you own that's a real thing that you own right there okay it's not it's not taking money from you every month and it will teach your savings and that is how you become truly wealthy that is how you become truly free right there so that's what I would try if I was in Baltimore right now and I've contacted people about this quite informally though try to try to spread it in those community you know when I was down in Long Beach Gaston sister in um in Inglewood she set up something where they just they sell Bitcoin it's like a store you come in you buy a Bitcoin and that's getting people in those communities supposedly underserved communities instead of getting into buying houses and losing houses they're buying a real asset that no one could take away from them all right here's an Adams story people like the stories it's just uh something I was thinking of the other day I have not listened to music since my father passed away in November and it's because during the year long mourning period I'm in Judaism you you don't do certain things and one of those things I have been told is is not to listen to music so it's definitely an exercise in a discipline I look at it on a positive thing but again so I have not like turned on any music that's not to say that I haven't been somewhere and all the sudden I hear music in the back like when I was running the other day you hear a little bit of music blasting from some car on Santa Monica Boulevard and you remember oh god you know how sweet how sweet music was to hear but um yeah so that that's what's been going on my life in my life lately but again I've spent my on other things and so I I consider it a positive and I've been able to learn more from from videos you know there were times the past you know you want you listen to one song one leads up the song that you got whistlers do a whose song and before you know it a half-hour you've listened to some good class of rocks and that has not happened since before November 20th now the last song I heard was oddly enough was a wish you were here by Pink Floyd and it was wet you can the mourning period starts once they actually bury you your relatives so I listened to it when I was driving to one of my siblings house when we were about to drive to the funeral home so that was last song I really listened it was very very strange that was a song on the radio that day and it's a good song um Pink Floyd is pretty good pan out like but anyway what is this we've talked about the validation theory of mine I'm gonna go in the validation theory in another show but yeah you must eliminate all need for centralized validation to be free I think I've gone up going over that for a bit in this show so Orthodox Jews I've been hanging out with Ursula over the next year's a lot lately because I have to say Kaddish every day I have to go to God every single day since it's the mourning period so okay I've been going into the guying every single day since the November also and what I've learned again or Orthodox Jews you see him walking around someone got the black hats all on some of them wearing just suits they've got the Tallis is on it is some of them you can't tell her Orthodox but usually when you see a guy like me walking around and you say well he's Jewish he doesn't have a yarmulke on he's clearly like a a secular luck right lies Jew he doesn't you know keep all the laws and everything clear I mean when you see me but so I've been hanging out with a lot of Orthodox Jews and they definitely they give to their charities they do the tenth in the Bible it says you know give 10% to charity they do it they really do do I see a lot of charity and a lot of support for guys that are down on their luck okay and now I see on YouTube there's a lot of people that are returning to their religions there they're getting into religion but they're tired of the social degeneracy that's out there and the filthy lifestyles that are out there yeah I mean some of these people were the same people are like why are the Jews so rich why are they so insular why do they only support each other why are why this why that why the other and again it's family and and so now some of these people are returning to family values well I gotta say these Orthodox Jews they they have the family values they support it they'd eight children they support all eight of their children they take they make sure that they're safe they have family dinners all the time family going to this event to them they keep a really close social knit existence so I think a lot of people who are into have been into degeneracy into doing bad things evaluating their wealth and women and are moving back to and who used to make fun of religious people are now becoming religious and getting back to the Family Values so I mean there's something to be said about having Family Values and supporting I mean it and their their vow I'm not gay you should not be guilted into okay you don't have any obligation toward any you know random four-peat personal in the street but then more you have in common with them the more likely you are to want to support them and I don't think there's anything wrong you know there's there was something a Baltimore called associated black charities there's nothing wrong with that with black people's or invite people there's nothing wrong with that at all and I think there it's you know if someone wants to start their own community a you know a clean nice community Family Values come you let them do it and I think a lot of people are returning to that type of thing if you don't want to be in it they don't want then don't be in it but again if you're if you're vilifying that type of thing if you're just saying you know your wonder it's a conspiracy they are only successful because it can they only support each other and then all of a sudden you're becoming back into religion so yeah I if if some religion if they're not hurting and other people don't do what they're gonna do with the religion and I I do again and there are a lot of secular Jewish people that hate on Orthodox Jews they really do they really do there's so many second with Judaism Jews they're just Jews in name only they they have do it Judaism marry outside of religion they they're your kids aren't Jewish they they hate Israel they do all the crazy things that thank you and so I guess a lot of you or you've only encountered these type of Jewish people and again don't be don't make your death don't create stereotypes based on them just because you're metal you live in New York City and you met a lot of lesbian theory studying Jewish women or something like that now that's that's there's a lot of diversity in amongst Jews you know don't uh don't blame it for all your problems take personal responsibility how about that but identity then again understand if you if you think these people are mysterious they'll talk to where the guys choose I'll talk to anybody most sex will at least their stuff there's some that are totally secular we won't talk to anyone I mean that's ridiculous but did ten percent my main thing was I've really seen it it's in my face they really do give the charity a lot to their to their charities and support one another so that's their thing all right today so let's let's go to social justice warriors real quick box this is a tweet from Vox when after YouTube's not number one independent creator pudy pie for years when they failed they came after everyone all right so you notice that there have been a lot of more mainstream media outlets that have now they just have people crying and screaming you have to take YouTube you must remove these people you must do this YouTube you MA so again if these people get removed then they're gonna have to start over which is something they're gonna have to deal with okay but the other end the side of things is all these people social justice warriors the way they win arguments is they just try to silence you and they say no just you we don't like what these people are saying get rid of them get rid of them and that is not the way they felt that that's that's failure right there okay that's not the way you do it that's so it's it's disgraceful what they're doing and but that's what mainstream society is about today if you're offended you don't ignore the person you don't try to debate the you try to eliminate the person get them fired from their job take away their livelihood so that's why you again you want to get into the Bitcoin overlay because they can't take away your big they can't so with me I say what I want to say they shut down my youtube channel whatever I'll go so uh let's start anew I'll still have my savings I'm so I don't value my wealth in the acceptance by the mainstream I don't need that centralized validation from me fitting in is overrated I'm living it so again today's make it the counterculture obviously is is that is not fitting it is the personal responsibility I am I'm saying personal responsibility is the new counterculture that'sthat's the Adam Meister saying again so taking care of yourself but the main culture is is like let's let's get the board to take care of everyone else and to eliminate anyone that goes against what the board says so that that's what we're going on this week in YouTube and it's it's disgraceful that the people stoop to that level but again it's another reason why you want to become independent getting the Bitcoin overlay and understand what personal responsibility is all about all right we got no more questions here good and oh by the way the guy – asked it about do I carry one of my devices with me something that here's a guy's I own a lot of different types of devices Tresor is the best device okay I've said this on other shows and people may ask again it's easy for the Crypt of dividends for the air drops it's for the eight for me for the MWC that MW airdrop that's coming up July 19th has last day registration I mean I think that's the only one that it really works for right there so again the other ones are I mean they're fine now keep your stuff safe but if you want to take it to the next level with these crypto dividends and stuff it's the treszura's is the answer so I mean I've tried out I have got a lot of different things okay I'm not I don't just have one trade or whatever I got a lot of things but I saw I've experimented and I've talked to lots of people about this and the least amount of complaints are also with the treasurer that's just just the way it's been okay so pound that like button if you like that little mention of God this show has been an hour now I'm gonna have to leave off that oh my god oh my god if someone's I'm gonna have to leave off here okay uh Wow this shows went way too long so I'm gonna I'm coming out a lot of stuff James clear says a simple question with potentially wide-ranging implications can my current habits carry me to my desired future yeah I mean do you have healthy habits now I mean you if you want a little long time are you living a healthy lifestyle your your habits maintaining your health are you just getting sicker and sicker every day do you want to be wealthy one day or you work at a dead-end job yeah and then when you go home just playing video games that habit is not getting you to your long-term goal so that is a that's a very important thing to think about there can my current habits carry me to my desired future um god this is keeps going and going here Oh hard not to be skeptical of happiness experts who tell you what should make you happy why must there be a science of happiness can the things that make us happy really be quantified there you go I agree with that there's all these people that try to define what happiness is you have to read the finding success for yourself don't go to the happiness expert because their happiness might be different than yours and most of those define the time their happiness of these experts is fitting in the mainstream society is defining success as you getting that house getting get egg you know getting that white getting that car getting that everything you've got to define it yourself you've got to be an expert on happiness for yourself redefine happiness redefine success right there redefine freedom so yeah I'd like that I don't think there is a science of happiness and a science of success you have to you have to define these things for yourself alright finally I'm gonna leave you with a religious thing so you can leave if you now if you want to and I got a lot of topics for next week it looks like even go the the links below and see some of the things that I was going to talk about and I guess I'll talk about next week here this is about a guy named rabbi Lev levy it's cock who lived a long time ago but I see there a lot of synagogues that are named after him and I'm like who is this rabbi levy levi yitzhak anyway he was he was and he was always judging people in a positive light okay it is uh it is related that on one Shabbat rabbi levi yitzhak met a Jew smoking in the street the Rebbe I asked the young man if he'd forgotten that such an act is forbidden on Shabbat the young man replied that no he hadn't forgotten rabbi levy Yitzhak asked if there was some circumstance causing him the sin the young man replied that no he was knowingly and voluntarily sinning Rebbe Rabbi Levi hits cock looked up at the sky and said Lord of the universe see the holiness of your people they'd rather declare themselves sinners and utter a lie so this dude he he was not judging others he was always looking in a positive light at every situation he saw a guy that was singing and he he was able to twist it around and say and turn into a good thing you know they'd rather to declare themselves sinners than utter a lie so that guy had a really positive outlook on life clearly clearly so take that as advice try to have a positive outlook on life I try to have a positive outlook on life you can see some bad things you can always look on the bright side and that's another thing you know when the price of Bitcoin gets down it turns a fiat you're like that is just part of the whole things is the whole process this is just getting rid of weak hands and making strong hands stronger always looking upon the side of things like rib eye in that extreme situation there that I live I live a yes Kaka that little story there that was a good one all right check it out it's linked to him low pound that like button bang bat dalbong i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister we do this beyond bitcoin show every Saturday obviously this weekend Bitcoin was awesome on Friday make sure he watched that yeah JW weather members on and Boris were on and it went pretty long too but there's a lot of awesome information I will see you guys in the chat right now