Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is July the 7th 2019 yeah wasn't J Gibbons no was he born July 7th 1977 I don't know he was a player for the Orioles he might have been more and more 2nd 1977 anyway strong had long term think it'd be cool to be born on July 7 1977 though wasn't it someone someone was once I'm anyway anyway I'm getting a lot of baseball players confused it's really a baseball look at this thing this is in like or any original Florida Marlins fans out there echo echo echo do you can even exist well if they did they would remember this color from the 90s look at this shirt it's bleak Tupelo strong hand long-term thinking buy it hold now your melted Bitcoin one Bitcoin he goes from having hype I kept the lights all today for some reason so you could see oh see the Florida Marlins come again I'm not promoting any Florida Marlins here just because I say the name doesn't mean I like them as you know what I like Bitcoin and the Baltimore Orioles so and that's where I am today Baltimore but I'm gonna be in Israel in Tel Aviv really soon so everybody check out the links below disrupt meister calm te CH ba ba LT tech ball on twitter and you could see that this weekend bitcoin was great with wine god thoughtful geiger and chris black there was some all coin controversy everything you guys love yes these shirts are at lightning hood calm and they sent me a lot of them and again the hat too we got he sent me these uh pins kins let's say big coin I mean really thanks Lightning hold you guys are awesome now he didn't send me this but I just want to show you that that's my buddies in Australia anyway where we going with this Oh yesterday's be on Bitcoin show was awesome remember guys if you have questions type in bitcoinmeister in there Anthony menorah menorah I haven't seen him for a while cent 229 euros Thank You Anthony thank you very much for the support guys everything is linked to below all my crypto addresses and Peter shifts crypto addresses are listed below yeah he's got one Bitcoin address okay we're gonna get into that in one second let me just make sure I'm not skipping any young yesterday's show Saturday's show I was talking about fasting my 90 hour fast and I forgot that I said someone was telling me agreed with me the fasting on planes was a great idea and that's my friend ray I wanted to give ray a shout-out ray is actually in Baltimore and he might be on the show one day he actually is he's blind and so he uses Bitcoin though so he's got a very interesting perspective on this and I do I do want to get him on the show I've known him since I descend yeah hopefully he'll be on the show soon but he he fasted on a plane he agreed that was a good way to start fasting okay so ray you'll be on the show in the future I know you're watching this now shout out my friend alright moving on I get up on a Baltimore Bitcoin er besides me that's also town that like button oh yeah I mean you can't get better than that he's actually moving to Austin people if my ray of Baltimore moving to Austin if you want a new Bitcoin friend in Austin and you want to meet ray you know contact me I'll put you guys in touch all right because Austin huge Bitcoin community down there I know a lot of people in Austin watch this show actually so let's talk about Peter chef oh my lord so not much is going on is is it when people start giving away their Bitcoin the Peter shift I mean think about that take you know there's plenty going on people why do you have to you're gonna have a strong hand and you think giving Bitcoin to Peter Schiff is gonna make a difference to he's laughing all the way to the bank you're not converting Peter Schiff from gold you see Peter Schiff has something I talked about on this show keith has conviction with gold he is stubborn he's not changing his mind but you're giving him Bitcoin yes link to below is the Bitcoin address that he tweeted out that everyone started retweeting and a hundred and seven people have sent him Bitcoin he has raised over point to Bitcoin that's worth for you Fiat freaks over two thousand dollars and it's getting him more attention for his gold business he says he wants to raise one Bitcoin he's not going to sell that Bitcoin he'll be a holder and then so everyone in the future of course will see will point to house how foolish Peter was not to buy Bitcoin look how much is one Bitcoin is worth now yeah look how much his one bitcoin is worth now in 2023 that you gave him and that he will eventually sell and you know he he was in Puerto Rico it's kind of funny so one day he will saw that one Bitcoin he will sell it one day maybe you know the point where we prove it oh he lost we beat him didn't we and then he will saw that one Bitcoin for more than what one person in San Juan makes in the year and he will have done and his business will have been promoted by all of you guys handy put him over Bitcoin thinking you're making a point do not me you're not changing his mind he has conviction if you truly had Bitcoin conviction you wouldn't need to send him a darn thing you wouldn't need his approval at all he isn't making a difference in Bitcoin dudes he's not at all it's out you're throwing your Bitcoin your precious Bitcoin down the garbage disposal unbelievable so again if you're a person who sends him Bitcoin he has he is a person of more conviction than you are okay because you've got a little bit of worry like oh I got it I gotta convince this guy I gotta come visit no you don't have to ignore him ignore him totally ignore the dude he believes in gold so much do not change his mind you should have that type of conviction in Bitcoin the type of conviction that Peter Schiff has in gold okay and a lot of people are gonna like to hear you know saying that you're Peter ship's gonna win on this he's gonna win on this he's gonna win on this but in the long run Bitcoin doesn't care but you since Bitcoin doesn't care you should be giving up that assets to him okay alright so we talking about his conviction so a very important thing when he does sell it by the way when he does or when he moves it maybe he'll attempt to move it before then okay a hundred seven inputs on that freaking thing all right and it's a noise I'm not a seg would address it's a regular address with the one so when he tries to move it the the the fee the transaction fee will be so high that he will start fighting again okay he will he will point it out he's like oh this thing is worth but I mean look how it cost me a hundred dollars to send this darn thing and again the reason it will cost quite a bit to send it because he will no he he'll he'll do it at some walk wherever he's got it stored he'll just do the automatic a fee that comes up he won't try to change it but again there's a hundred seven in inputs into the darn thing it cost a lot that that makes a big difference and it's not a sacred address so it will cost a bit more than you usually pay to send that thing and he will fund so again you're giving away your Bitcoin to him you're giving him Fudd ammunition and it's it's it's ridiculous it's and you're you you're proving that your conviction level on your asset is lower than his conviction level on his asset which is gold and yours is Bitcoin Bitcoin is living Gold's dream but you're giving a Peter Schiff to dream of the regular Puerto Rican citizen because he will have up the amount of Bitcoin that will be worth more than the average per Rican citizens yearly income quite quite Prabhu knows when but eventually it will pound that like button you Fiat freaks and I enjoyed my time in a San Juan that's where I met Chris of the MWC crypto dividend remember signed up before July the 19th if you want to get a crypt of dividend by the way crypto dividends for you that those of you who are not familiar they're Forks and air arrow drops if you control your own Bitcoin when a trace or whatever way you get interest from your big point through the crypto dividend process through air drops which WCS coming up and of course we've had Forks both friendly Forks unfriendly Forks doesn't matter they're making you rich wealthier in terms of Bitcoin yeah you want to get more Bitcoin turning the Bitcoin value or else in Bitcoin one two three no skips it pick one Meister I actually believe that Peter won't sell his one BTC he's already extremely wealthy I won't need that money even when BTC hits the market cap of gold yeah well who knows you're right he's already incredibly he's already very wealthy that's an excellent point so why are people who were my I'm not as wealthy as Peter Schiff giving away their precious Bitcoin to him these people are too safe you know all these billionaires they became rich it was so unfair how they became bridge and your giving you you're giving away Bitcoin to the people you complain about he's alter wealthy of course he's ultra wealthy he's smart he lives in attacks a jurisdiction where he's saving money on check taxes and you're making him wealthy and some of you are complaining oh oh it's a conspiracy and only the banksters made it rich and you're handing over to big going to him to say people who complain about the conspiracies and the rich of the elite and the shifts and the Meister's and the people that the religion that Schiff and I have in common you are and you're handing over stuff there very interesting very interesting stuff it's it's stupidity I mean I I just saw the people that are doing is if they have good intentions you're soccers you're suckers like the title says you're totally suckers and yeah you're and you clearly or do not have a conviction level for your asset as Peter Schiff has for his for gold all right so I I was on the site of Bitcoin fees earned calm because I was looking at I had to send some Bitcoin I had to move some Bitcoin around and uh that the fee that came up automatically on the trésor was like sixty satoshis provide or something like that what am i paying what's going on with this thing so I see that's a very interesting chart I'll link to it below the distribution of fees is so interesting because you can see there's some there's some people that clearly just automatically pay the fee that their wallet generates and some wallets generate high fees automatically but then you see some people try a few try at satoshi per bite III did it in like 20 or something it immediately did it it's scented no fast and I was in a rush or anything but I I wanted to make sure it got sent let's leave it at that there's some times you want to make sure if you're moving stuff around daddy gets sent to your other address you would have want this if you Val you're wealthy Bitcoin you want to want your wealth getting stuck so uh but but I think it's an interesting distribution chart it's an interesting chart is the distribution is all over the place which again meat to me it shows that people blindly they don't try to edit they don't try to change the defeat at all and they couldn't they can lower the fee you can do a custom fee on your tresor i mean i was using a tresor actually so i was experimenting around with it so it's it's it's linked to below check that out uh i thought this was a a good title that coin desk had for this libre article libre isn't a cryptocurrency it's a glimpse of a new asset class now again they go into some nonsense about this new asset class kind of nebulous about it too but for me when i when i read the headline at least i thought yeah it is a new app because it really isn't a cryptocurrency it's a virtual country currency facebook is a virtual cup that country and there are other virtual countries out there also google amazon and they are gonna all have their own currencies one day and prove to the show to the world that you don't have to be an official country a physical country to have your own currency where we're moving in it and i think that's a good thing i think that's a good thing so there will be a new asset class of currencies for virtual countries and you can invest in them foolishly again you should be valuing your wealth and bitcoin not in libra or google coin your amazon coin whatever is down the path i'm sure the people watching this in 2024 are laughing say oh yeah I had a predicted Amazon coin pound that like button well whatever we have here we talked about that oh yeah Bitcoin apps you out of monetary tyranny or tyranny whichever way you want to pronounce it because I was uh I saw so much mission monetary tyranny and I thought to myself yeah that's a good way of describing me the system that you want to not not have to worry about it all you know uh banks can close down your account your if you're storing all your your dollars in your bank account and they don't shut it down well then the United States can just print a lot of dollars and inflate away your the value of your currency and there's there's many other tyrannical type of moves that those in the traditional fiat marketplace can can pull and you can complain about them or you can opt out you can just opt out of it out of the monetary tyranny and I know it sounds kind of harsh that word and I'm but but it's a it's a good way of describing uh the the regular financial system that's out there there could be bailouts just you know one tyrant can can just change the rules all of a sudden or a group of people could just change the law or country can change the rules that you thought oh oh wait I just had a bank bail in but that's not there that's too radical well don't don't have to worry about those things if you control your own private key with Bitcoin baby because again they're gonna be big coin banks also out there and there will be some tyrants that control it they can have that they can have a bank bail in then they real some will call it a hack some will call it a Bitcoin bank balance yeah if you keep your Bitcoin at a third party they could they could decide to have about but you don't really control your Bitcoin yeah it's keep it on your trays or people you'll you'll you'll understand you'll understand the difference between controlling your private key and third parties hey and and Maher is in the house he says looking great at him you must like the Florida Marlins or something like this colors sure these guys you dudes have sent me some wacky colored shirts you sent me so wacky shirts man you should have set the orange in the black man you know you know when about Baltimore Orioles baby oh man Marlins colors are old Florida Marlins again any old Florida Marlins fans out there you know like from 1993 alright so moving on moving on let's go where am I here Abbi you're getting distracted with baseball stuff and yeah the Baltimore Orioles right now are the worst team in baseball but I've got conviction baby town that like button so this is a tweet from BTC macro now again he's kind of harsh in this tweet but I thought it was funny some people will still be skeptical about Bitcoin at $40,000 these people are called morons that was a good one there yeah it's harsh like that's mean they call people morons but I I think you guys get the point that yeah if it does hit the when when it does hit $40,000 one day not saying when that happens yeah some people will still be skeptical about it I mean it's just it's part of the process guys it's product it's part of the process there's always gonna be the naysayers the flood stirs out there Oh shift shift will still be uh he'll still be skeptical about Bitcoin at forty thousand dollars trust me except that he'll have one Bitcoin worth $40,000 and some of you dudes won't of eighty person all day the no pointers wrong which is hilarious the rich get richer again worry about yourself don't worry about the income inequality again they're probably people who complain about income inequality that are giving Bitcoin to Peter Schiff and making him richer than them but again you gotta worry about yourself and if you truly worry about yourself you won't give away your big going to someone who doesn't like big unbelievable the world we live in I mean yeah just do the simple logical things don't give away your big I don't see how that's pretty easy living right there alright dudes I think that's the end the show I didn't have that much to say night any any other questions oh yeah win whoa TM said have you seen the Bitcoin show if so what do you think about it the big it's just called the Bitcoin show is there no no I I've not heard of that it's a pretty generic name it's usually more generic than the one Bitcoin show pal that like but but remember guys I call it the one Bitcoin show because you're supposed to aim if you don't have any Bitcoin try to get one and try to get to but don't give some away to Peter Schiff delaying your getting that one Bitcoin it's funny he's trying to eat maybe he watches the show he knows that you need to get one Bitcoin except he's gonna get it for free even though he's a multimillionaire okay Bitcoin and friends Bitcoin and friends but there's the UH there's like the show with Charlie Lee that's like like stuffed animals in fact no I don't know Bitcoin of friends either um okay dude dude okay the hey hotspot stock fly you know you you are really an ignorant fool I want to say something right here you're an ignorant person you sent me an email asking me what you're asking me right now you you said you watch every one of my shows dude you said you watched every one of my shows the whole spot for you to put that lie in an email to me the stay you watch all my shows and to ask me such an ignorant question you know you didn't have to say that you could have just and you could have been polite about it too he says do you trust MWC know named EV and andy hoffman not to hack or steal when you sign for the MWC air drop dude if you actually watched all these shows you wouldn't ask me that ignorant question now or in the email that you sent me okay because the no-name dev he's been on this show before you think I'll trust my freaking friend who I mentioned it at the top of this show Chris his name's Chris you ignorant that you you say you watch all these shows you haven't seen him on my show and you just Andy Hoffman who's like friend also that's how you ask a question of me in an email dude you piss a crud all right and you said aren't you actually claiming the MWC you a listening comprehension problem you ignorant piece of dung I said it so many times on this show you said you watch all my shows I said it and I've done it I claimed it of course I have of course I trust my friend he's spreading this flood just nonsense nonsense that you sent me that email and I wrote you back you Jack all right and then you forwarded me again you didn't get the reply that I sent you learn how to use email learn listening comprehension okay I don't lie and say you watched every one of these darn shows and ask me such a question about a friend of mine that I have on this show okay friends of mine that I have on this show you're not paying attention at all you don't watch the darn show all right I just I just wanted to point that big that this guy I guess it's a period of chat after he sends me that email and I he replied to the email learn how to check your email dude my god but again if you guys if people who watch the show every day don't don't get it dad I trust Chris and that I met I just at the beginning the show I said I met Chris in Puerto Rico over a year ago I mention I was talking about MWC and and that you had I've specifically said on the show I've claimed a thing before it's safe I'm doing it if I'm do I don't still talk the talk I walk the walk so if I'm doing it obviously I think it's safe all right there you go Bitcoin and friends is a cartoon you would love it all right I it is that the one with Charlie Lee I don't know I love Charlie Lee I've had him on the show too all right that is it we had a little little extra thing there that's very nice but again do check check your email I said the same thing in the darn email to the guy that's here all right i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links below pound that freaking like but you never know what you're gonna get out of this show i'll see you guys in the chat thanks bye
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