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Hello every one yeah this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one Bitcoin show or should i say Shalom today is July the 11th 2019 strong hand being you need to beast beast value your wealth in Bitcoin I'm confiscating all having hiked what bitcoin he was one Bitcoin offended by selling okay guys I am in Tel Aviv I am exhausted I did not sleep very much on the plane or I didn't sleep very well on the plane Iran today I have eaten today it'll end up being a 60 hour fast tomorrow but I gotta tell ya I was in motion nonetheless the first thing I did got off well got got left the airport got on a train got to walk by my Airbnb it wasn't ready I walked straight to the Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy someone recognized me from a cafe I mean I'm like wow this is unbelievable Bitcoin embassy people I walked into the Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy there were a bunch of American kids who were on a tour of Israel and their tour guide brought them to the Bitcoin embassy where they were learning about Bitcoin and I was I said a few words to them and then another another guided tour of American youth came into the Tel Aviv Bitcoin embassy and they just they let me give the speech I gave his speech hardly any sleep no preparation I just happened to walk into big what all of a sudden I'm lecturing all these like six year old kid you know say because these are Americans some of them their fathers had it one of them had a had a wallet already somehow and Schmuel who was there gave them big gave some of the kids Bitcoin then that had wallets and set up wallets and we're asking really smart questions so it shows you there's a lot of lot of room to grow but there's a lot of interest because they weren't they and someone knew about etherium so again these are Americans visiting Israel going and they were they were the second group was really tired looking and I just I just pumped him up with energy level baby I I was on fire I mean they were like shocked they see how energetic I was what made me walk around it like though it was hot out there today and I said I just got off an airplane for Baltimore and it was a good time I was very pumped and I think I commend the Bitcoin Embassy in Tel Aviv for doing this outreach and whoever arranged this and I was asked a few weeks ago on the show you know what should I see when I'm in Israel and I said well if you go the typical tour guide you'll see the typical things but you got to do the Bitcoin embassy well looks looks like the Bitcoin embassies getting put on the tour guide list now so I encourage anyone it's between embassy and I'll talk to them get on all the tours not just the kids because these kids I think today they're Tel Aviv tour they were visiting different like technological places so they they business day and they were interested in Bitcoin so it's growing baby its gory and they were all like 16 and younger I think I didn't even asked about their what their what their exact ages were so yeah so that's how my day started Davis you're a big boy and I am totally exhausted this might be as tired as I've ever been when I when I've done this show and my mind's a little I have to go to sleep very soon it is 10:30 here but tomorrow at 11 am

jacquimo Zuko will be on this weekend big point I don't know who is the coordinator over Twitter when Twitter is down now pound that like button yeah Twitter is down for some reason I do have notes from cool thing learn of course on Twitter tech ball te CH BLT uh and uh what am I sports Meister calm you can listen to my podcast and disrupt meister da all my old vide yeah was Andy's plan for blockchain week which is around September 13th I will still be here I will be here for a while for all you Israel people who want to see me and I'll probably see a bunch of you on Sunday and again you could just walk into the Tel Aviv make one embassy like any day of the week it's not open on Saturday though and I think it's closed for part of Friday but any other day of the week you can walk in there alright so I want to get I mentioned this many times at Doug Casey has a free newsletter that I get over email I one of my old email addresses and sometimes he has ridiculous guys pumping ridiculous I see I was talking just talking a big game they have no idea what they're talking about they're throwing around the block chain turn I had Doug Casey on the show beginning of 2017 before he dumped in the big coin and it was really surprising how hardcore he got into the big point he saw it pump and I think he had regrets that he did because he could have gotten into it a lot earlier so he didn't to shift with still he still had his course he's still pumps cold Doug hazy but he jumped in the pretty hardcore to a point where he we got a little too far into it with some of these altcoins but that's not why I'm sharing saw this article if he actually has some great points that the those of us in the first world overlook he talks about the third world currencies here and I'm gonna read you and and why they need Bitcoin that's not just because people who own cryptocurrencies are curling make money they're saving an appreciating asset rather than a depreciation you're on a Sisyphean treadmill if you try to save a third world currency but 3/4 of humanity has no alternate nope but he wants to save the world with local currencies bylaw oh that their only option billions will try how to get into Bitcoin they can transfer wealth outside of the country which is very cool as pesos and such are worthless outside of the tech issue them and that is that last point is huge I forgot what it's called in Mozambique their their currency is worthless outside of Mozambique Angola their currency is worthless outside of Angola 8 but it was or for a second large badges that went belly-up so not only happy of the humiliation of being forced to save in this in this inflationary currency but they've been stolen you can we don't some people I think and I say they bother me these they're just different for everyone the things are like xx left all coins comparing to Bitcoin type of stuff all right they're terrible and he doesn't mix were mints world's words at all when he describes it in here and it's just it's just a reminder why these four SWAT and again a lot of people don't save in these countries anyway they so there's you yeah how's that is that better murder would have to admit there's a there's a big piece in the show here no dad did everyone just hear me curse unbelievable unbelievable alright yeah yeah and that's when it when did the untrue how I was talking about Doug Casey and let me yeah I'll get back to it someone said a planet must lock said what about having position I think that's good at all dude right there that do 60% 40% come upon that you're gonna ask that you should ask 90% 10% maybe he would have got me to say yes with that nobody wouldn't but it's not a good idea oh yeah everyone got to hear everyone got to hear me Kersten now I'm very great funny the one day I tell a bunch of kids a lot twice a day I curse that is just the way life is some sky larious that is it still the lie for us I had experimented yet with all the connections it's here and there's a bunch of different connection it should just get rid of my face here to save yeah alright still it's not under mmm-hmm hang on I actually can't hang on guys alright it's better if you don't see me how's the sound how's it how's it just uh how's it on my face it connections very aways the audio can you just hear the audio now you still can't understand me with the UH with the on oh it sounds better now better can you tow good sound good so far alright we're back we're back I'm good I go to complete the darn show oh my god alright so planet musk you asked if so much she goes 40 60 % whole theme or percent uh gambling ice that's that's not good at all why why gamble that much I said you should have ninety percent ten percent but still it's not worth it the gamble that much you've gone over many times my saving is so important here so no I I wouldn't say I know people want to be zero you want me to give a seal of approval the training I'm not going to give it a seal of approval of training all right never strong hand down that like button so I want to go back to Doug case I I don't know if everybody heard heard everything it did get a better connection here connection looks like it's good but it's not good for some reason all right and Kami's curse to that's that's good and casework days run that did these third world currencies are worth nothing and that it people in these third-world trees like Mozambique are forced to save in them and then bitcoin is a way out of that and that in the United States we that what's going on in these countries we think it's just they have a mini dollar or something these things aren't at all like a dollar and this is another reason why Facebook coin why Facebook coin will do well in these countries also because they are forced to save those countries and currencies and now they will have an option gets off that will be much more valuable than what they've been saving it now a lot of people don't know how to save already in those countries so that's not good but for those who want save in those countries and are forced to save in their watches whatever Doug Casey mentioned did the quote that I read that you might not have heard they now have the option in big coin and that's one of the reasons that that's one of the reasons that Doug Casey he likes it and I think it is a great point and are again here tomorrow 11 8 all goes well with this connection jacquimo Zuko will be on the show and who knows ripple ripple patty an amazing tweet from a rib ler said before I leave Twitter I just want to say a big due to all the xrp influencers miserably wrong every after your thought did I listen to you but I still and hope you all get hit by a bus ciao now again I did the guy admits that it was his football but he's pretty angry and this is the thing this is the influencers in altcoin land are those people who just these good marketers yeah they're gonna sell you the world dudes you cannot bid point is the next Bitcoin that's what you need to know maybe some of these alt coins are gonna have a little uh little developments that they bring to the table that are a little different but this isn't gonna be the next big point you're gonna end up disappointed you're into you're gonna end up cursing and being angry on Twitter like this guy but he does at least he admits that he made the mistake but then he you know he'd be point said the influence I don't I didn't know they were really XRP influence there I thought was just like a bunch of bots that someone set up and and the people who I thought were real and the XRP army I guess I I just can't even can actually fall for them but then yeah I watched I watched the movie on the plane today and you okay lot from it's called the inventor out for blood and splits about Elizabeth Holmes and the country and the company Thera knows which is which was a total scam but you hear her speaking about it was such confidence and convinced him Draper even the Bitcoin guy he was wearing the man in it which was ice of course uh all the confidence and they were there were plenty of people working as on stuff at her company but the pro that she says she had did not exist at all but and to this day she still talks with confidence of that she is just a liar people have the real by such P nothing in full and they claims with confidence available in the state lines about being served people and they get huge followings not nearly to the level of Elizabeth I mean Elizabeth Holmes was hanging out with George Shultz all these up politico's he had convinced and so I think everyone at bsv should definitely watch this and should try to understand how it applies to them because people people can't just cheat and she probably thought she was telling all mister I don't know it's a wacky stop I wouldn't I don't want to be in her head but a very confident way and she used every trick in the book she used her feminine ways to attract uh money from older Matt kid which again that that's part of the game I mean that's the least of what she was the least of the immorality that she was up to okay because she she was just straight-up lie but then I mean she she wouldn't she did target me she did target older dudes too but that that's not the bigger point of this whole thing the bigger but every sociopath is going to youth that they have to lie okay if they're good-looking if they're smarter she was born to she used her smart brain also to convince people but this is on a much smaller level this is what's going on it could be on a larger level in the altcoin land it'd be in the river lad definitely in the bsv land this is the kind of thing it's a good documentary to watch I recommend it to anyone if you're traveling a long distance all right on a plane that has such a thing and someone says fit deep voice female she might be faking that deep voice and she's so whack she is so wacky uh-huh that there might be some reason why she thought that was a good idea to do that and she also she was sleeping with her CFO or her the second-in-command it was it was unbelievable an unbelievable but again this is the strain of lines that she's still telling they just to look at her into to now know that she was lying you can see how you would how other people believe up certain live her space all right finally we were talking about aetherium develop developers and no I had not read big coin billionaires one two three knows I don't I don't really have any books with me my articles and stuff but mostly I die a hat I don't have time to read books and it would do it the way not valid reason book I would just read the parts that I was interested in something matters I would I was and then moved from book the book that they cover those subject matters so yeah maybe a bunch of big horn books but a few pages from each one I'd like that involve a protocol giving bookshops I love reading articles and that's my main main my main source of cryptocurrency and big point information blogs and articles and videos and such tonight I watch long videos so finally a theorem developers this is good to be tweeting about this when I was talking about a total coincidence he looked at the repositories and actually in 2018 there there was there was more stuff with related to a theory of the Bitcoin now in 2019 big again and he thought would make us you could translate that into the amount of people actually working on etherium versus Bitcoin so we've been talking about who's got more developer there's a theory not a theorem or big finding is about with the github numbers there all right that is it I hope I hope I made all my big points yeah we I hope everybody must have Doug Casey stuff in the and the Bitcoin embassy stop the kids the kids today were they were some of them were very interested in Bitcoin and it only tastes you know inspiring one or two or three and that can make a tremendous difference so kids do want to learn about this stuff and I even said the stuff you learned in school was probably not as important as if you get into this Bitcoin and crypto currency stuff now you'll be able to get jobs or be able to maybe getting the better colleges if that's the kind of thing you're interested in and those of you out there who run other Bitcoin embassies in tourist cities yeah get-get-get only on tour map get get people to take tours and here in Tel Aviv get other tour groups to come in this is a great way to spread the word of Bitcoin and I'm going out to help out a little bit today okay that was a pretty wacky show everyone sorry for the technical difficulties found that like but anyway I'm gonna wash this now i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel in this video share this video and of course what do we say here check out those links below I will see you guys in the chat thanks a lot for the super chat who sent in super child you want to I don't know if I said it it was a mosque planet must log sent that sip super Chester thank you for the 499 see ya