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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is July the 13th 2019 strong hand uncon for bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is new counterculture the furrow of gratification conviction avoid mediocrity people ok remember we don't talk that much about Bitcoin on the beyond Bitcoin show I might bring up some cryptocurrency stuff if you have questions pertaining to the show or maybe even cryptocurrency Bitcoin related questions type in bitcoin meister in the chat i will answer them of course check out all the links below and you've got to check out Friday's show this weekend Bitcoin uh the great Giacomo Zuko was on it I only needed one guest he one man Giacomo Zuko equals 3 what guest ok it was a legendary show check it out tech ball combo me on twitter te CH b alt and of course check out those archives where you can see all of this freaking pickle shows all the beyond Bitcoin shows every show I do every day of the week I have a lot of ammo over 1,350 disrupt meister comm let's start out with your own Brooke who I like a lot he's a follower of mine Rand and sometimes I don't agree with the guy on everything but he's got a video is pretty short I think it's his greatest one of his greatest so far it's very positive I like he'd have a very positive attitude sometimes so it's linked to below and he talks about the robots are coming and that's a good thing how are you going to prepare for the robots for the automation in society you we aren't you know this is on horizon okay you can sit here you can complain and complain and get say it's a bad thing or you can position yourself you can learn new skills you can reinvent yourself and be ready for this revolution and be ready to live comfortably when it happens because the robots are here to make things easier for us okay it will make life easier we're we're in a time of incredible technology we're going to talk about the four-day workweek in a second but the robots are coming yeah don't be afraid prepare prepare be positive innovation is a great thing you can of the future you can do it don't rely on others to solve your problem personal responsibility is the new counterculture so just take some initiative and you you will be in great shape for the future economy and I mean and if you wait around for the government to solve your problems you're gonna be into bigger and bigger problems trust me and he talks about Jeff Bezos who you know people love to hate that key was trying to send people to different to the moon to different planets to whatever he's in motion here on Brooks set and you know like some billionaires just they promise just to give away all their money he is not giving it away he is spending it well he's been forcing your way half of it isn't he because of his ex-wife found that like button but he didn't make that one mistake but he is spending his money okay on aiming for tremendous tremendous accomplishments that people are saying all it's impossible to do that it's impossible to go to Mars it's impossible space agency private space company and he's proving them wrong and that is an admirable quality someone who wants to go what everyone says can be done and use their own money for it okay use their wealth their knowledge and their skills to change this world in incredible ways and to bring the future that much closer to the present so it's amazing it's amazing what initiative can create so have initiative and rely on yourself for life he relies on himself you can rely on yourself also and I know you're on Brook believes that people people can produce all sorts of things if they offer some great accomplishments if they rely on their self and they're now and they're being rational not getting emotional and he goes into that into the video so it's a very inspiring video check it out sometimes your mind could be negative because he gets I think it gets too into government policy sometimes you know that that could be night there's a lot of negative stuff thrown in the government don't worry about the company control your own destiny and that's what he talks about in this video and you know what else I have to say coun that like but Sir watch Ted let's see e let's talk about little politics here oh we're going to talk about reparations is a second because you're hearing about them but let's talk about mayor Pete brewer chains of South Bend did the actor who's running for president president United States now it's clear there are a lot of men without kids with a lot of disposable income out there that are living vicariously through Pete Buddha chains but he has raised an incredible amount of money and I'm willing to bet that a lot of it is for men in San Francisco and in West Hollywood and San Diego in New York who don't have kids who've gone their own way so to speak have a lot of disposable income and you know they they feel very close with Pete like he's one of them okay and to see him win he's great so let's give $4,000 to his camp dudes guys you're throwing your money away I mean it means that much to you that that a guy who who also likes men becomes vice president of the United States but he's not gonna present United States I think I think he at this point he's running to become vice president if a woman or if a woman becomes uh the nominee for the Democrats he you think a nice choice for Vice President I guess one me I think that's what he's got his intersectional calling card because he's gay and everything again I understand gay men you have a lot of disposable income out there I'm talking to you right now and I know some of your gay dudes love the Bitcoin and I've met you and you love the Bitcoin and you can still love the men and everything and you can feel accomplished by studying more Bitcoin your throw your money away helping that do down in Indiana okay it's if he becomes vice president or president is that you dude it's not you and he's probably not gonna help you at all if you're a man that has that much disposable money disposable income you think he's gonna help you he's gonna tax you to kingdom come come on now so you're not really if you've got that much money to give the mare Pete all right again there are a lot of men he has so that this article that that's what I forgot to even say the title of this article it's linked to below facing stagnant poll numbers but flush with paint – Buddha check valves to build winning team so he has he has raised a lot of money he really an impressive amount of money for a guy who's only the mayor of South Bend in the end okay and so anybody he it's not he's not resonating and he is very smart he's a great speaker it's not working for him at this point it really doesn't look like they're gonna go for a woman nominee unless binding can somehow you know it seems like the Democratic Party wants to go real radical and the women provide that very nicely with all their policies we're gonna get to that in a second but Biden who is very liberal is now considered not so liberal so and he's old and he's they're attacking him so that money he's gonna be losing is gonna be a woman and but but so Buddha Chang is the man man he's a gay man that's not good enough I guess so dude office intersectionality something so I'm so happy about a dollar politics for why do you guys want to be in you guys are giving money to this guy so you're being involved in policies you're and you're adding to the Beast okay you're making it bigger than it has to be so just possibly income you're free to do what you want to do personal response Lee is a new counterculture I gotta say if you're if you're a guy with that much disposable income get some big dick don't throw away on on mayor Pete okay he pees he's gonna do fine without your money and he's very he's very smart he's able to get a real job I'm sure and don't live vicariously through through okay guys stressing work guys all right Roman Q says please make your sewers moat more epic than yesterday it would I wouldn't be able to handle it found that like one yeah it was epic jacquimo is a smart dude at the very end it came out he majored in theoretical physics I had no idea maybe that's that's just awesome and he's going to try to he's gonna have a speech where he attacks the was the the final Bitcoin the quantum file a Bitcoin and he's like qualified to do it I'm really looking forward to it I'm gonna talk about that in the next show but okay there you got a little taste of Bitcoin so let's talk about slavery reparations are in the United States of America some panics are in 2020 it's clearly a way to try to to buy the black vote and again again the fur come on Harris I talked about this on video earlier this week talked about giving housing assistance for for mortgages for black people okay basically it's discrimination against white people in housing and that's that's once that's one way of doing it and again that won't help black people to get them into debt to get them in the mortgage debt it always it's a complete quick fix way to buy boats and she probably understands that it's a way to help banks really but okay if that and that's being taken very seriously of course um so but we're not at the point yet in 2020 where our slavery reparations will be just ready to be done reading the put out there but but be ready it's gonna happen 2024 this will be a big issue it will be a lot so let's prepare right now so but whatever things you could personally do to prepare is just buy Bitcoin okay because in order to for the United States to get out a slavery reparations the United States dollar is gonna have to be print there's gonna be some inflation there's gonna be some noticeable inflation there got at the printed but it will cost trillions of dollars to do this even even my idea here for the slavery reparations so so Kamala has taken the first step with his banking thing but let let me uh so yeah us bye-bye big boy something you can do alright and also getting calm with the fact that in 2024 this is going to be an issue so don't be like oh my god this is such a how this is so radical no we're going down this path okay we're going down this path of B be prepared for this just be financially prepared I think bitcoin is the best way to do it but what I say should be done is this I I wrote it all out here so let me make sure I get this right right okay all black people before born before a certain date in the future in the USA can opt into it so okay they're gonna you're gonna set a date in the future say so all all black implied by this date we'll be able to sign up for slavery reparations which will give some black people time to have more kids in order for those kids to be born before that date so there will be a baby boom for them to claim the reparations also the new the new children but their real real cut out date cutoff date it will be made clear so no one can keep on having extra children just to get more rubber but a few people will be able to do it I mean that's just that's the way you have to deal with it so they won't sign a sworn affidavit saying my ancestors slaves in the USA and we'll have one proof of race issued by a government you know the only birth certificate and says what race you are whatever I don't know I'm not too much in the race or anything like that but I know its own official government documents you have to include it if you had a miner that you were signing up for it you would include that their birth certificate or whatever and again you're opting in because this is part of the deal once you opt into this or you opting your children to this day or you can never receive any federal assistance of any sort ever again and you will never be and you will no longer be considered a minority contractor or eligible for federal or minorities federal minority set asides for your company you will no longer be consider a minority when applying to college you will no longer be considered a minority when applying to anything to do with the government any government involvement once you have signed up and admitted and said my ancestors were slaves and item I am taking this pain you will no longer be a minority at all in terms of the eyes of the United States federal government that is it no more federal no more benefits whatsoever for so okay you won't be consider minority anymore and you'll be eligible for no benefits and there's benefits worth because you're a minority in the first place it was because you were poor now I mean the reason for this is if you don't opt-in then you've all these benefits that are getting from the federal government they are ways of paying you back for the discrimination that you got in the past I mean that's a way of interpreting it okay so once you've opted once you're signing it and saying you're racist saying I am no longer going to take any more federal assistance I am taking my payment for what the United States has done wrong to me and it will boost me to a level where I will be happy with my life and I will forgive the United States government for enslaving my ancestors in the past and I will be and it will be paid I know I haven't figured this part out yet and it can be paid either over one year or two years or three years who knows they can figure that out how long how much is paid over it will have to be at least two hundred eighty thousand dollars per person because and the reason this visit is is because right now the United States I believe that if you have two hundred eighty thousand dollars worth of wealth in your house household wealth $280,000 means you're in the top thirty percent okay you are wealthier than 70 percent of the nation this would make each individual black person who signed up for this wealthier than seventy percent of all the households in America okay so does that sound fair is that is that I mean that sounds that's a one-time thing and that's a that to boost you to that level as an individual black person that you're wealthier does 70 percent of the households in all America that sounds like a good deal okay and again one thing I want to say is that states are free to consider and still give welfare payments to people that sign up for this if California still wants to give welfare to people who who have got reparations that's fun I mean that's the state's decision and it's not a very I think it would be krei states can also tax these payments so there gonna be some states like California probably like no no we want we want tax these we want everyone to be happy we don't need any more money even though California needs money more to the nice they know we won't do this but there'll be other states maybe like North Dakota or something that says no we're going to tax this so then you as an individual can choose it beforehand like well should I still live in North Dakota or should I move to California and again it eats this is the point of having the United States of America every state can do things a little bit differently so states can tax this payment if they want in states can also if they want to still give out state aid and state minority benefits took to people who get this two hundred eighty thousand dollars worth of federal uh reparation money okay and yeah I said people can choose to where they want to live so they can plan ahead again this is a one-time program and there needs to be a provision in a program that says if for some reason the federal government somehow sets up a situation where there's another reparations program to to black people that states will have the automatic right to immediately secede from the United States of America I mean that's going to be like the kill switch so prevent this from happening this is this is seriously a one-time thing why that's the way I see it it's it you're gonna get your $280,000 you're not gonna be eligible for any federal assistance anymore that is it there will not be another reparations program it's over your payback you've signed something he says you know United States government I accept this for the payments of what you did to my ancestors in the past and I am a black person bye-bye that's it anyway so there are going to be some unintended consequences to this that are easily predictable what's I think I think some of the money will I will be spent immediately and I think probably how housing prices will go up a little bit in certain areas some people will someday we're going to blow it on wasteful things I think it would be great if other black people who got the money has some Bitcoin that would be awesome but I doubt that happens because again most people are 80 percenters and they're not gonna want to make it they're just gonna party on not make wise investments but another thing I see is that abortions will decrease at first premises real increase dead bodies found mummified in apartments receiving checks will increase also because again if you have an older relative who signed up for it the $280,000 and they they died beforehand you you will just do whatever it takes to make it seem like they were still alive so I would predict people leave bodies mummified in in apartments and just crazy things like that but again once it's over it will be over okay so yeah some people are gonna have kids just the ex or their little kids will have $200,000 some people will pretend to have dead people alive just to get a little extra to 80,000 okay the fine it will happen there will be unintended consequences and so will the dollar think the question that pertains to you know this is a financial Channel right no this is beyond Bitcoin baby but financially well the dollar be hurt in relation to other currencies since so much of it will have to be printed well in relation to other currencies I don't know I think first of all Canada and Australia will also immediately implement similar programs for maybe the Aborigines in Australia from Canada who know to in England they might do it for some minority other Western countries will immediately a copy United States of the United States does this so those currencies will be inflated China of course will not do this for their minorities at all but China will probably use it as an excuse to compete in the money printing business with the United States so I don't know if it will hurt the dollar that much in comparison to other currencies your dollar won't be able to get you as much anymore and again get the Bitcoin so I I'm not a big fan of reparations or anything like that you know not only the person responsibility I mean to just moving on and in lift let's just make our lives better but I understand a realist and I see the direction country United States is going okay and 2024 this a real thing now will they take my advice now probably not it would probably be a much more disastrous than when I talked about it won't be like an opt-in thing you'll still be able to get welfare program payments other now you know I like my idea better so maybe hey thrown it out on the table there what do you think found that like move along from this is second but I do want to see what people people were putting stuff out there Freebird j-turns and play some more Skinner thank you guys any diabetic I have relatives that fought for the Union what can I expect to gain here absolutely nothing from this that this just this is just to take you know this is just to take it off the table this is just to just end it to just end it finally because it's gonna be it's gonna be brought up it's gonna be very contentious but again and so some states are going to go in the direction where clearly they will not be friendly toward this and so you could this do you want to be in a state that is you have the choice to move to if you want to be in a state that's friendly toward this or unfriendly toward this so again there's gonna be some federal pain but then on the state level there's going to be some freedom here and people who don't like this this reparation stuff can move the states that are not very favorable toward it and uh yeah we shall see how with demographic trends uh lead into the error or in our future if these steps are taken alright so son Trust goes social justice warrior here this is an article for ruder writers Reuters and everyone say SunTrust Bank Inc will stop financing operations of private prisons and immigration holding facilities it's set on Monday becoming the latest lender to distance itself from a sector associated with the Trump administration's policies so banks and again banks can do this if they know one of it I'm just warning you people they can disassociate themselves from sectors associated with political policies with Trump's political policies so maybe bats will disassociate themselves with people associated with certain political policies that they don't like who knows this is this is something to prepare for okay so now you might not like lending to private prisons you might not like that at all and but do you think that they should be banks to just cut them off because Trump likes that because eventually they might decide we're gonna cut off on people who like Trump or in the future some other leader okay so you as a as a customer of a bank you don't know when you will be an outcast like like these people are the outcast right now and again this is being done for the social justice warriors this is being done because they think they're gonna get more customers if they're against the big bad prison industrial complex if they convert you single we're against the prison-industrial called well how about if they convert you're single in the future and they're against whatever you're for we're against the Bitcoin people or you know we're against the guys who make YouTube video people all right this is where why you prepare you cannot rely on these banks at all in the future I mean you should be relying them at all this is why you need to get into Bitcoin we've discussed this it has it's becoming a slow reality though we're beds which are private with their private companies they are discriminating against people they don't like people who social justice warriors don't want to be associated with and soon you're going to be one of those people possibly so getting the Bitcoin it's insurance against that type of thing so what a time we live in today we're in Europe they are talking if this is linked to below thank God it's Thursday the four-day work week people are talking about four-day one week so I mean we've got all these people that say it's the end of the world we live in such a horrible nation oh people are so discriminated against but in Europe they are talking about the four-day workweek and of course in 89 states we talked about it also but here's an article about a Europeans experimenting with the four-day workweek now again I don't think governments should force 4-day workweeks on the private corporations but if you can get your company working at a productive in a productive manner four-day workweek are you as the visual can set yourself up with saving and defer over gratification with a four-day workweek The Dude's just go for it that is that that's what people are arguing over for how we're gonna implement the four-day workweek and what a time to be alive dudes so that I there's all those negative people out there that are always looking oh the woe is me the world is anything everyone is poor or everyone I get it takes a person responsibility you can get to the 4-day workweeks level but we first world problems are a great thing to have pound that like button and you just got a smile sometimes and just again when you're on Brooke was talking about this the technology that these wealthy people are bringing to us Jeff Bezos you know you can you can hate him if you want to you can hate the wincle by if you want to but or you can be in motion and strive to be them strive to get your four-day work week on pound that like button alright so credit card lifestyle you know it's very good for some people many people are very happy with it now again I advise against it but a lot of people just want a frivolous stuff they want stuff they can show off to that they're keeping they're keeping up with the Joneses and and long term well long term isn't gonna help okay yeah who knows they might end up really dependent on the government but his personal responsibilities a new counterculture but remember the credit card lifestyle keeps people dopamine and Fiat Fiat has evolved into this okay is it Fiat isn't the same thing it was in 1913 or 1950 or whatever it is because of credit cards because the credit system it is you know the happy jewelry world of 80 percenters and it keeps the system going and people are always gonna want more stuff and by the way that doesn't again an alternative like Bitcoin is better he's better but most people are gonna realize that but that doesn't mean that that system is gonna go away any time because plenty of people although on the long run it's going to hurt them they are very happy with the in the short run so again for all you people say fiat systems gonna die dollars gonna die it's not even if they do the preparations nothing will do the restoration at one point some for another it's like I think it's not gonna die it is not the fiat united states not our isn't gonna die there's people more more and more stuff and guys like be Zoe's keep on bringing technology to the world and making things easier for everyone making things work comfortable for everyone so they can deal with this stuff and they'll deal with the sickness and illness in the future and the deal with relying on the government in the future just again the system the system will carry on it will carry on so heymy personal responsibility if you want to live in the credit card lifestyle you can or you cannot defer gratification and see what the future will bring and know what savings is and just live an outside-the-box lifestyle again credit card lifestyle here you're pretty much stuck in the nine-to-five job sending the kids to public school having to buy the big house being a mortgage debt a little bit of pressure from the wife all the time the kids etc etc make the choice alright pound that like button 615 now we're fast just to update all you guys when I traveled from Baltimore to Tel Aviv I'm in Tel Aviv now it is beautiful here of course a lot of it was on the plane and I want to the health tip of the day is again if you're trying to experiment with your first best just do it on a day you're going on a long flight and good movies on flight by the way this time around when you're on a plane though I like to sit on the aisle seat so I can walk around I always get up sitting is not good for you especially you want to plane people you get blood clots and stuff so always dudes if you're on a plane try to walk around a few times keep on getting up just don't sit there the entire time you can watch a movie for a little bit but get up sit up hurts I see some people just plastered in their chair the whole time I could never sit in theirs middle seats some of those are these you don't get out walk around and you know go to the bathroom and everything and it's better for you trust me again if you right now to shave guy looking 60s and stuff and God forbid that you are if you do not get up you actually can get a blood clot and that's that's not a cool thing all right again but don't get into that situation if you're in the 20s now eat healthy don't become a 60 year old man that I can get up like on a plane right but always I walk around the plane ride to that there's your health tip of the day and yeah the fast was easy again I've so far this year for the update for all of you I have skipped 26 days of eating during my longer fast of course most of you know I've passed 22 hours every single day and the way that's called intermittent fasting all right so let's talk about inflation real quick inflation is you know it is something to think about and I know a lot of people love to complain about it and worry about it and scream about it and you can scare people about it but then there are people that recommend in motion items action items when they talk about issues like that so then that's the way I like to go down yeah inflation is a real thing you can do man gloom about it and just say oh it's unfair it's wrong it's they should be allowed to print money oh woe is me all you could say okay this is a fact of life how am I gonna make the most of this fact of life and then when you talk about to others tell them okay this is a fact of life it sounds bad but you know what you buy some Bitcoin it's gonna protect you from this inflation okay spreading the word with action items is best ever whatever issue is out there and that can seem net and if yes sure tell more people about it but give some action items give some in motion advice to uh the there's a guy named real Chamberlain out there who has periscopes and of course I don't have a phone I know I can't do periscopes but it's on YouTube okay well and I didn't link to him below I guess I'll link to it below after the show he's a pretty interesting guy and he was talking about how he's tired of all these conspiracy theories also as I am just that there's there's always gonna be some conniving aspect behind these conspiracies theories I mean he doesn't believe it or not it just see there there's almost a dark dark force conniving evil but behind these uh these things and people just get obsessed with it that they have to fuck find some conniving excuse behind everything bad that goes that happens to them or that happens on a on a national level and it says something about the person coming up with the theory or the person who's spreading the theory that they have to wrap themselves in such negativity and these conniving and they have to propagate these theories I don't I don't get it I really don't get it it's it's this again there's some people that are stuck on doom and just take a darker outlook on life and they like like to spread these type of but can I sit not everyone's a conniving evil dude and not every they're just so bad things that happen and there doesn't have to be some conniving dark reason behind it a nefarious group of people making up some plan to to create this horrible thing that it creates a disaster but that we can move on from okay this disasters happen sometimes one thing leads to another it's not always a good night you know there can be some bad people that create some evil plans and then they get them out there but we figure it out there isn't a conniving reason but behind everything that happens and it just makes me wonder about the people that are always looking for these of the conniving aspects of life all right you know I've talked about a sports teams before and how you can how in my day I really was getting way he spent so you know a lot of young guys growing up in America love to talk about sports it love to have sports knowledge and again it's it's nice to have numerical I don't think it hurts to have a sense of statistics a knowledge of statistics to get yourself into a statistical mathematical mindset where you able to understand charts and follow numbers that helps you with Bitcoin and other financial aspects of your life but I mean if you start worshiping these guys and taking their advice and following every move and every single story it's a waste of time okay and so I say if you are sports fanatic maybe to slowly transition yourself away from sports and into something more productive but treat Bitcoin like I'm like a sports team like you're a fan of it okay so let's compare Bitcoin as a sports – hum – sports teams your fanship being okay so you control the team when you own Bitcoin okay you can own a part of it of its profits when you're a fan of an NFL team you just hand over money to it and you don't you don't own an NFL team we did the Bitcoin team yeah I mean you own a part a team like I said the more you spend the Richard you can become in pro sports the more you spend that the poorer you become the following the price of Bitcoin and that don't be too much of a feel free but again transitioning over from sports to being a bit quick man if you follow the price it's like following the scores in in the sports and following the standings now again don't treat don't take treating Bitcoin like a sports team too far because eventually people will get into all coins and then you try to come have their altcoin team compete against the big coin team and that's not where I'm trying to get you here that's consider it as an alternative use of your time and your rabid sports fandom a way to transition rabid sports fan them into something more productive so treat Bitcoin kinda like a sports team get into that mindsets you get away from like being addicted to LeBron James and the NFL and whatever else you are addicted to I mean you can still be fan you know I know everyone's gonna have the pastime mine's the Baltimore Orioles yeah they actually won the first game with doubleheader today so weird it's like after midnight here in Israel but in Baltimore they're starting the second game of a doubleheader still oh it's awesome to being this times down it is awesome to be inglorious Israel pound that like button for the Land of Israel all right do we have any more any more comments no no one says bitcoinmeister all right dudes that is it that is the beyond Bitcoin show remember follow me on Steam in at bitcoinmeister it's live there right now on twitter tch be LT pal mad like button bang at Bell button I'll see you tomorrow after I hang out at the Bitcoin Embassy in Tel Aviv I'm so looking forward to see everyone there it will be a fun time friends and fans of Bitcoin i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister subscribes channel like the video bang that beltline click on those squares see you tomorrow