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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is July the 15th 2019 strong hand be a unique beast Val your wealthy big coin bit coin having hype i'm confiscate about one bitcoin equals one bitcoin it does say strong hand on this shirt doesn't it i think it does you get shirts like this they're linked to below five digit realm oh yeah get used to it yes sometimes anyway one bitcoin equals one bitcoin personal responsibility is a new counterculture okay dudes where's everybody at I'm in Tel Aviv Israel everybody in the chat if you got a question type in bitcoinmeister if you want me to visit your city in 20 20 or 20 21 or 20 22 put in your city with big Corbin Meister I'll give your city a shout-out and I'll consider coming there in the future and let's sit some like really back anyway guys I'll consider so let let us start the show but remember you can follow me on Twitter te CH be ELT check out all the archives sports meister comm is where all my podcasts are if you don't want to see this face you just want to hear I don't blame you se I mean why do you want to see my face you want to hear the show learn from the show it's not about fancy sets and graphics learn from the show disrupt meister comm tech ball calm this weekend bitcoin was great with giacomo on friday check that out I'm working on another good one coming up so I want to make it very clear that I think any entity on this planet they should have the freedom to print their own money out of thin air why not let the market decide this is where the big boys play and now that is what cryptocurrency gave the world the gift to the world so any any Joe Schmo cannot praise own money out of thin air and let the market decide now we have au visa government individuals who wanna regulate who want a monopoly on money and that's what the hearing is gonna be about tomorrow okay yes the long-awaited United States said it Congress whatever you want to say hearing on Libre is tomorrow we're on it's hearing Eve Libre Eve here and they don't want Facebook to be able to print their own money they already know is cryptocurrency thing is out of the box and they can't stop it they can't stop the decentralized ones and they're gonna try to do they're gonna try to smack down the decentralized ones but they want nation-states to have a monopoly on money and cryptocurrency this is saying a big no-no and now these huge corporations which in many ways are already as powerful as nation-states they want that last power that last jewel of the money per of the printing press and so these senators and congressmen and president are going to say all sorts of things are going to talk about national security threats and then there's some that are just going to virtue signal and say oh you're making a rich richer and what about the poor people what about the children what about the drug dealers what about the children oh it's it's horrible the black market just anyway most of the people won't make any sense at all but the 80 percenters will think they're making a lot of sense and so there'll be some entertainment value I'm warning you all though because it probably the Fiat price of Bitcoin is gonna be all over the place during the next two days just bunches of speculators playing on people's fears and hopes on what what's when what Center have said what another Center said trying to interpret it one way or the other icon that like button Brian he says he's in beautiful Wiltshire UK and yeah I want to visit there one day I've only been to the UK once heywhat excluding the time the many times in the airport just set foot in the regular part of England other than the airports once so yeah I guess don't waste you I'm not gonna watch the hearings I'll just get the cliff notes but I'm giving you a little bit of a preview there so Bloomberg article here minuchin plans briefing on cryptocurrency regulatory issues Treasury secretary Stephen Venusian said the Trump administration has very serious concerns about Facebook Inc's proposed cryptocurrency Libre which has already drawn the ire of President Donald Trump and Democratic lawmakers this is indeed a national security issue Minuten said in a briefing the reporters at the white hat to reporters at the right White House we will not allow digital assets service providers to operate in the shadows okay so that's some pretty great broad statements there they're gonna try to regulate cryptocurrency they're not gonna be di2 friendly toward Facebook coin the Facebook people are gonna get smacked around a lot tomorrow so if you're a big hater Facebook a Facebook then I guess you'll get some pleasure from that but me personally I want this Libre thing to happen I am the more the merrier this is where the big boys play it will get more people into Bitcoin but again I'm not an investor in facebook so whatever happens happens but I'm a long-term thinker and I know it will eventually happen that these tremendous corporations the United States of America will have their own currencies whether they be very much like PayPal or getting toward Bitcoin now manoosh ins briefing is actually linked to below you can watch the whole thing for yourself Matt Odell gave a very nice son expect them to use illicit activity playbook terrorism drugs etc expect a push for KY CML everywhere they can force it in Bitcoin ban unlikely for the foreseeable future feels like Steve has been stacking SATs pound that like button yeah he probably hats I mean he's no no he's not a fool yeah he isn't buying gold I'll tell you that 133 no script says I'm starting to think the announcement of Libre was the shot heard around the world uh that's interesting take on it it woke people up I wanted to wake even more people up dude Johnny and Weiss is Bighorn Meister he says this is San Francisco I mean I've been there many but I don't want you to come here because there's too many crackheads crazy weird bull here it's not safe dude I'm from Baltimore and it's much there was a methadone clinic got shot up in Baltimore today it's worse than San Francisco trust me I'm I love saying I love San Francisco I love I think it's awesome uh-huh this hill those hills are amazing now was it what it once was no probably not but it's still great it's still better than Boston Walker but I love the Baltimore that's where I'm from people born and raised Baltimore huh you know what a white person says they're born and raised in Baltimore Maryland of a certain age they mean they were raised in the county and that's me so those no no there's a difference between Baltimore County Baltimore City anyway we won't get into all of that okay so there should we talked about that and toward the Meester's take on the new chin just told when you should just told baby boomers that it's okay to buy bitcoins since it will be regulated since if we regulated well and it's akin to money gram PayPal etc you know I mean that's a positive way of looking at it that the the the regulation seal of approval that might come out of all these congressional hearings eventually might make baby boomers very comfortable with getting in the cryptocurrency now and they'll be all this retail interest all these newbies are gonna flock the coin base all of a sudden after these hearings is they're gonna feel safe about the situation who knows maybe that maybe that's a long-term benefit of all of this also we shall see I'm not a fan of regulation this is where the big boys play we I can I don't need anyone to protect me from my Bitcoin yeah protect me yeah so big coat here is another of a classic tweet a new tweet but it's classic already instant classic that basically says bitcoin is living Gold's dream this is for Barry Silbert who apparently is a pretty big player in cryptocurrency found that like button gold bugs right now where's our White House press conference that really sums up the gold situation all these years gold everyone's gonna run in the gold gold gonna shake up the whole system gold is gonna bring the dollar down Gold's gonna bring the government down didn't they ever have hearings about gold no they don't give a darn about gold not at all what's goal is gonna do a good house that threaten house that threaten the United States of America is monopoly on money okay or on nation-states off printing their own money no cryptocurrency gives every Joe Blow out there and every tremendous powerful corporation the ability to print their own money that's why they're having a hearing on it that's why bitcoin is living goals dream that's why we're living in the future right now and this is what if this is what money has evolved into and it is very exciting and it's very interesting to see the government how they try to weasel out of this thing how they try to have they attempt to mess it up but they're not gonna mess it up and Facebook will be more powerful than most nations on this planet and we were entering a new post national realm now again the United States of America will still be the most powerful entity in the world for the foreseeable future hey but we're have companies and coins and colonization of power there because all the power has always been for those of you obsessed with power and you shouldn't the assessment power but it's all being concentrated in the nation-state it's for for this era of the modern era should we say now it's a nice congressman tomorrow and they think they won't be able to do nothing about it they it's maybe slow it down here and there and have their little tape so they can get some bribes from certain people but the work it's changing it's exciting and I know a lot of you hates Facebook but you should be cheering Libre on you should be tearing libro on butter cookies again it's they're not going to be able to fight Libre and all the altcoins and Bitcoin at the same time they're gonna have to pick their poison and right now they're clearly picking rerun to pick on and eventually they'll start hitting on some of these centralized altcoins well what that what's that lead out in the open that won't be hit on it all Bitcoin and dump them take little shots in it but it's easier to hit on Libre and ripple and whatever else is out there for as long as ripples out there at least so and let's talk about tether real quick because again a my fan and tether in terms of that it encourages people to do reckless trading no I don't like that I don't like the back any of their wealth in dollars and thus they value their wealth and tether and they feel the need to sell their Bitcoin but I'm afraid I'm frickin offended by selling if you're doing it as a trader okay totally offended by selling it's not just the line it's a way of Lex okay and but but the one thing that tenders got going for it right now it already is it's already got power beyond that of certain nations because yes it's been able to print its own money and a lot of T's are really really frustrated with that because they printing their own money and they let the market decide and the market of 80 percenter trader had said almost unanimously that these guys can printers Heather as they want and it's worth one us

dollar now somebody who that makes no sense it's gonna they're just pretty enough in there but that sounds fair no it is fair the markets decided a bunch of 80 percenters who trade who value their wealth in dollars say that what tether is equal to one dollar deal with it deal with it deal with it and that's why it sued by the state of New York because of some company has come out of nowhere and become more powerful than countries on this planet okay because they could say we can print this thing called tether and it's equal to a dollar and it is equal to a dollar that's like dudes that's like they printed it out of thin air it serves a purpose for trading Bitcoin trading all coins and a bunch of people are sending over and over and over again we believe once Heather equals one dollar and that's the revolution that's going on right now and that's why they're gonna be trying to take down believe and that's why their attempts to take down tether have been tremendous and let's cheer together on for that for that one thing that they're doing I don't like that it's all about training and whatnot but but what they have done is revolutionized currency in people's minds have gotten people out of it it doesn't have to be a nation state that says this is worth this no it can be a company that says yes we're creating something it is worth a dollar now in the parasite was a little mistaken I said Panama did something very similar where Panama does is you need US dollar basically in Panama they have a currency called the Balboa though which is only in coin in the third form of coins so they just can't print up a bunch of Balboa's and say they're equal to a dollar they have made some Val boa coins and said they're equal to $100 so on a smaller scale they have printed money out of thin air they've coined money out of thin air and said it's equal to a dollar and everyone is says it is stage those coins in Panama just like they accept the US dollar now a better example which I also brought up in past that shows that the power of tether is in Namibia then the million dollar is printed out of the blue and they say it is equal to one South African Rand and indeed and I have seen this in person because I was in the maybe a in November 2016 you can use random or you can use the million dollars okay and they're equal now if you go outside of Namibia and go to South Africa and try to sell your Namibian dollars they give you a 25 percent they're not gonna give you as much South Africa gram okay 25% less South African man huh so there and you can't use Namibian dollars anywhere else on earth but in the maybe and maybe in South Africa for that where they will it will be worth twenty twenty-five percent thus just going back to my main point again tether and Facebook are more powerful than Namibia okay that's we're already we're already there okay we're basically already there maybe that Heather because again it it's only a it's only cryptocurrency people are using tether right now maybe that's a little bit of a exaggeration but and when Facebook gets this this Libre thing going there'll be no doubt in your mind that Facebook could Bob I'm the maybe yeah okay control I'm him it'll be more powerful than the maybe if it already is alright I think that was all the stuff I had on my uh yeah so again this is the power this is the this is what cryptocurrency has brought to this role the true revolution the ability to print your own money and let the market decide and as a market decides it's worth a dollar then it's worth a dollar and it's gonna threaten a lot a company a lot of countries a lot of these numbskull countries that deal it they just print keep on printing and printing their their their lunar currencies they're gonna fall what they behind the these cryptocurrency in these countries and these companies because these companies actually have a product and a service to sell that they're gonna base their coin around and again Facebook coin is gonna say we are worth we are worth a basket of currencies whatever that means I mean it's gonna it's gonna be a dollar amount is where it's gonna boil down to and guess what the market is and then it's going to be very threatening to the the nation-state based world economy you know the United States should really have to worry about hate States Senate and Congress is doing what all these other minor country should be worth we don't think Unites States now has nothing to worry about it's all the third world countries think I don't look not too worried about the United States of America they should be bowing down to the congressman tomorrow saying you know what you're actually saving us a little bit of time here we get our act together there you're gonna delay this Facebook coin thing before they totally make our coins obsolete but of course they're all haters they're not going to care at all the United States is doing the dirty work for them and they're not going to change and they're all going to go down the toilet and they deserve to go down the toilet if they can't see this coming and yeah they'll be yeah but don't worry they'll have a mix of Chinese control grid controlling them and the they'll still be hating on the unite it's good for that good for that but anyway personal responsibility is a new counterculture if you're in one of those countries right now watching this show with one of those third world currencies get out of that third world currency find a way to get big point I'm assuming you're watching to show you already have and make it real easy for yourself so when the Chinese implement the control grid on your country because your corrupt leader already saw that the Chinese he already every African state has artis has already taken loans and the Chinese don't give away loans for free they're gonna come back for the collateral and you're the collateral so since you're the collateral better have your big point so when the time comes for the Chinese to claim their collateral you can get out of there or you can live under the control red and if you enjoy there's some people in control codes I tell you that's your choice all right so and again it's not like the Chinese are hiding anything I'm not do I'm not talking any conspiracy stuff out here it made alone with your country there's collateral they're gonna want something when your corrupt leader who stole all the money and is not gonna be able to pay them back it's hey that's business dudes welcome to the burger the big boys play and the Chinese are big boys and they don't have feelings like Americans do okay thank you facts the fact is your corrupt leader made a deal with the Chinese they're gonna come back eventually might not be the 2020s might not be the 2030s they're gonna come back for that and for this for you and the implementation of the control grid so that so that it'll be too crowded in China by then so they'll be able to live among the natives of the countries that are the money okay that was unplanned so maybe that should be on Bitcoin but whatever if you're a big coin dude you don't need to worry about that kind stuff if you're in a country that gets control grid you can leave your outside that system they can't confiscate it they won't bother you someone once you three knows kept said there's really no difference between tether and the Fed printing let the market decide yeah no there is no there is no difference no there's no difference what the Fed printing says we're printing this dollar for the most powerful country in the history of mankind thus it is worth what it's worth tether is thing we're printing this coin it's used for trading Bitcoin in all corn and there's no kyc involved it's worth what the market says it's worth alright so moving on talked about in the midea the maybe it was I joined my time in the media I enjoyed it what was that what was it was listen to me it's City there I can't I can't forget it's got the German name and there's there's Germans there there a few Germans like to go on vacations in uh I'm so sorry I can't I can't remember the capital of the MIDI his name that's that's where I was and somewhat someone in the chat say the capital of Namibia for me right and I'm sorry I cannot forget that glorious city's name but it has some it has some nice European architecture in it some old German churches and such yeah I'm just I'm trying to jog my memory moving on uh-oh here so enough of Facebook coin I think you guys get the get the take on it we it will be interesting tomorrow and it's all part of a bigger picture and it is all good for a Bitcoin in the long run now speaking of the long run here are some charts by Martin DVD the current multi-month rally in digital assets is different than 2017 with all coins trailing and relative performance yet all coins you're learning at the Hartley CME Group futures volume surging and a relative lag in retail interest all pointing toward increasing institutionalization of the asset class yet dude the the people out there I don't know what they're waiting for they're not buying it for themselves retail hasn't grown it hasn't been going up but guess what the institutions are buying the Bitcoin and guess what the 80 percenters will be crying real soon oh it's on family history currents gotta be in it before me dude you can get it in it now there's no one stopping you you can get on coinbase and buy it but no at the chart show that people aren't following on all coins like last time and it's not a bunch of newbies coming in buying it it's a bunch of institutions that are helping pop up this up Bitcoin price and I believe also people throwing in the towel on those all up coins alright win hook of course how could I forget win hook oh my god I'm sorry we milk perhaps I shall return what I couldn't find anything Bitcoin related they're the first namibian Bitcoin related thing I encountered wasn't until about two years later when I was in South Africa at the conference and I met a guy from Namibia it's a small country very it's a desert country very small population and that's part of the reason they're able to get away from just printing out this Namibian dollar I'm saying it's worth around and it is okay to pound that like a button though dudes tour de Maistre has a great tweet out there alright alright this is the skank controversy or a little bit of italic here the talaq proposes to store aetherium blockchain data and this is only a temporary solution by the way I read data on Bitcoin be cash terrible idea in my opinion nobody uses be cash and it has the same mining algorithm is Bitcoin making it extremely vulnerable to 51% attacks okay that is what Tour de Meester said about that apparent proposal but then Vitalik said I think if you're in classic could could be a great choice for this and better than be cash due to its short block times if it adds flaw ID client support and call data gas cost reduction okay don't even know what that second thing means don't even care what's going on here is that the etherium blockchain is getting crowded and he's the body some plan or suggested a plan to use the space that's on the be cash chain or they use the space that's only a theorem classic chain here you go guys this is why things cannot this is why all coins can randomly pump if this actually happened and I don't know if that's even really up that's fine I'm the positive thing but again I talked about in the I talked about in the past I'll talk about in the future all coins are gonna partner up there are going to be all coins that partner up perhaps this is a foreshadow of this perhaps this is the first major partner a top-tier altcoin partnership that would be pretty big right there that would that would make a lot of 80 percenters say all of this is not important that I buy better by aetherium better by be cash better by etherion classic who knows just the thing to remember is Bitcoin doesn't company to partner with anyone because bitcoin is the next Bitcoin and one big point equals one big point and remember hold your own Bitcoin you get crypto dividends you get interest on your Bitcoin you get these Forks like be cash why buy be cash when you can get it for free when if yet what I had a Bitcoin at the time the fork and of course the member win will coin airdrop is coming the last it registers in the 19th check out past shows or just go to w MW c MW and you can ask chris all the questions in the world about that airdrop if you haven't registered and of course i've registered of course i get i want to get my free my free crypt of dividend and turn in the big point of course of course value your wealth in bitcoin baby so let's talk about top tier coins but let's talk about marketing because when you are a centralized top to your coin you can market yourself by partnering with NFL teams oh my lord Miami Dolphins select litecoin as the official cryptocurrency the Miami Dolphins and NFL team for those of you who don't know has settled has selected litecoin as the official cryptocurrency of the team like coin I'm gonna help be able to advertise directly to fans at Hard Rock Stadium formerly known as Joe Robbie Stadium I added that because I remember that in Miami according to a press release oh wow oh wow so yeah just Joe IV hey if you're gonna remain atop to your knee you're gonna have to do marketing gimmicks like that they're gonna get a lot of attention will this help litecoin will people in Miami actually start buying like home because of this probably not probably not not to make a substantial difference but it makes a noise it makes some noise it gets the litecoin brand out there some more in the future when people in the Miami region really wake up to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency they'll probably remember this and this might help like point day and again there are a lot of good eyes in the Miami area that I met over a year ago that were so kind to me that came to my speaking event that let me stay at their place and hook me up with another place you guys saw a rock perhaps you're uh you're watching right now and I hope your hands are as strong as ever and that is it wait some people did say some stuff in the chat shout out from Logan Utah says Lance Robinson dude I have only been in Utah or other than the airport once I camped out there when I drove across the country as a youth and it is so beautiful we camped in a stand Utah State Park just east of Salt Lake City and I think that part of the country is beautiful and there are a lot of good people out there don't hear much about cryptocurrency from Utah I think you're one of the first people ever to shout out from Utah in all the chats that I've ever seen and I've done many of these shows so Lance thank you for that and I do hope to visit Utah one day he said Ann also Lance says I got registered and my coins off coinbase thanks to you dude that is awesome that is awesome Lance that that that MWC helped you get your coins up like any gay this should be getting airdrops that's it that should be a catalyst for you to get your coins off accordingly like it was for Lance all right Lance you're awesome up in Utah UK big my master says thanks again bitcoinmeister and I say everyone check out Bryan the UK big coin master show he had a good one today I just you find him UK big coin a star on YouTube it's easy I didn't link to below because I forgot to link to it but I will talk more about another one of his shows very very soon he's gonna get a special shout out on this show we had to delay the shout out now explain why all the nice – alright kind of like when bang that bail bond I'm Adam I seen before mushroom disrupt meister remember subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out all the links below I will say hi to you all in the chat right now if you're watching this tape click on those squares to watch the most recent shows