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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is july 2:17 2019 strong ham beauty a unique beast offended by selling value or wealth in bitcoin unconfessed a table 1 bitcoin equals 1 bitcoin your home for bitcoin insider information no fancy sets or graphics authentic conviction alright everyone check out all the links below this week at bitcoin will be of course on Friday at 9:30 am

baltimore time that's East Coast time United States I'm in Tel Aviv Israel right now check out all the links below everything I talked about in this video is linked to below follow me on Twitter at Tec HB alt and you can watch all my old shows that disrupt meister comm and I'd like to thank the person who sent me some light coin dude I know who you are man thank you very much for that that contribution I'm glad I could help and also all my crypto addresses are below if you ever want to send me crypto like that dude did and also if you're watching this live type in bitcoinmeister if you want me to answer a question you can do a super chat also I'll answer the questions there also a little you type in bitcoinmeister tell me how much your monthly gas and electric power bill is and and where you are I'm very interested in this type of information and if someone actually does that I will talk about it at the end of the show and the barber he says you're the man homie thank you again thank you very much alright so where else I'm lost track here of where all these are all these notes I have about crypt of dividends oh we're going to talk about middle windmill coin for the last time before a final day of registration which is the 19th but we're gonna get to that in a second I want to clear up something from yesterday show and I mentioned some negative headlines that were in the mainstream media that we're ripping on Libra and it's yeah that's what people pick up on they read that and then they go oh man what was been their headlines kind of that means sell Bitcoin just wanted to put that out there that's why I read off those headlines just to show you how the weak hands are affected by people blowing the Facebook thing out of proportion and then taking it out on Bitcoin they get scared about Bitcoin because mainstream headlines and they were and they were some pretty bad headlines about Libra okay it was to be expected we're gonna get some more of them in the next 24 hours from and I'm gonna give you I'm gonna talk about the second day of the Libra hearings right now and this is gonna be it guys again I didn't watch it I got the summaries I'm gonna tell you I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense because I could tell you everything they were going to say and guess what at least one of the four victims got to get her piece of the pie in there today in terms of Libra and in terms of virtue singling so Bloomberg article AOC just compared Facebook Libra to company script okay now what's this mean she says so one of the four little victims name I mean and again she's very proud of being a victim and it just it some some politicians or most politicians just love to jump on the victim bandwagon okay and just show the world how big of a victim they are how they're gonna stand up for all the victims how bad these corporations are because they make everybody victims but on this show we stand up for the people who actually do things and are proud of success and want to change this world and want to create wealth and create new ways of thinking create intelligent increased intelligence for everyone increased knowledge people who are proud of six I'm proud of my success I'm proud of this channel I'm proud of Bitcoin I'm proud of the people who've done well I'm not I I the people who are victims I I can't stand talking about him the only reason I talk about him is so you guys can see what how back where they are and how you cannot beat how you should not be like them you should be an 80% or victim you should be a 20% or with a minute with the positive mentality of moving forward and be next success and being a saver and deferring gratification so Little Miss victim said Cinderella victim you seen the rigged a big thumb said what'd she say script was used by Appalachian coal corporations to control workers by controlling their money it was called cold cash okay so obviously you can see what she's doing here comparing it to the mean you know of the coal companies or the horrible coal companies who poisoned other people who work for them and control their lives and forced them to use coal script it was it was used by sugar plantation bosses in Puerto Rico also Facebook establishing its own currency and teaming up with eBay uber and company to do so has alarming precedent so again Cece compares Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook to plantation owners and to coal miners and to all the exploited people okay so I think this was very predictable and this is that's their line of thinking you know how can we twist this to make it seem evil and and something that creates a bunch of victims so someone in this thread and I linked to below there are some great replies and one that really sums it all up fortunately unlike the currency you're in charge of administrating administering the Libre is entirely voluntary baho imagine that yes so maybe is a little bit like company script yeah a company it's a it's uh it's creating its own currency but it's not forcing anyone to use that currency two billion people are on Facebook they can give it away to free for free to all those million people they don't have to use it they don't have to bank in it they don't have to do anything in it do they have a do you think a you'll see that these people don't have self-control they can't make up their own my obviously she doesn't think that she thinks that people could be manipulated very easy but she's manipulative people her own her entire life she knows through her good looks through her charm through through scaring people she's she's used to manipulating people so she I guess she thinks well Facebook will just force manipulate everybody into using their currency in people don't have free will no everyone's got free will no one's got to use this Facebook currency and guess what this Facebook currency is an option out of the dollar it gives people in don't you think people should have options they should should should countries have monopolies you're not a big fan of monopolies did you use the word monopoly today do you enjoy the view the United States government has a monopoly on its citizens in terms of money or he did before a big point of cryptocurrency came along did I mean do I mean you'd like to scare people with coal miners and plantations let's stop do you know I know you don't like monopolies do you like to break up the companies you like to get stick to your public stick the government knows in the private corporations business so uh how about how's it feel of being done uh that private businesses private companies are sticking their noses into the government and saying yeah you have this money thing going now we want to diversify we want to diversify the money situation shouldn't you be cheering on Facebook but they just want to diversify money instead of it being all controlled by you and your friends in government now if private people can do it no you see so private entities having uh creating their own projects not a bad thing government doesn't have to create everything just just stay in there I know some people think you call yourself a socialist I bet you if you're really a socialist you think yeah the government should have his hand in there the government can create anything yeah okay let let the government you become you can here we go you create your own currency called a dollar and let Facebook create their own currency called the Libre compete don't complain that like button alright so Oh what was a Oh see the worst of them well how about this guy representative Sherman's just said Lieber could be worse than 9/11 all right all right so yeah there you go there's taking it to the next level there in terms of fear-mongering very nice very nice yeah I guess some people are gonna fall for it obviously the 80 percenters and such but again people I'm sure and Facebook on let compete don't complain I know I don't have to get into Facebook coin I got in the Bitcoin I'm gonna stay in the Bitcoin and the more the merrier this is where the big boys play and don't be a victim to leave this move up move on all right and Brian says I'm in the UK I pay a hundred eighty month in electricity in the winter and around 70 a month and he's saying something pounds I can't translate that the dollars but but that was a good that was a good I'll translates of dollars in a second so I'm gonna just graduate from college strolling at home with my parents so though gas electric bill yes that's a great way to save money I'm gonna talk about that in a second Freebird lyrics by sledder Skinner j-turn Thank You guy Betty alright and steel horse said Atlanta area summer electric is a 300 350 month gas 8200 in the winter oh wow so I mean that those are incredible numbers right there I'm gonna get to that in a second though I'm gonna get to those numbers in a site so thank you for sharing that everyone this was this is all gonna make sense in a second uh actually else I answer that one later so we talked about now let's say let's see what a stop and decrypt said about this okay so here's a positive I'm gonna leave you with a positive well so not all of these Congress men are and ladies some who have some uh they're using their heads represented Patrick Henry McHenry I'm sorry the world that Satoshi Nakamoto envisioned and others are building is an unstoppable force we should not attempt to deter this innovation and governments cannot stop this innovation store hand you and those that have tried already failed pal that like button yes this is innovation don't try to stick your noses in it into it to try to stop innovation not cool not cool at all innovation is gonna rolling out over dude where you I don't even know where this dude is he for South Carolina good job dude and again I don't upon any of these dudes on pedestals they've all got their issues and stuff but hey at least one guy got it right today and so what's this here if you guys want a summary you can go to the Masari board link it says libre hearings all of the hot takes and useful insights from Facebook libras hearings in front of the US regulate regulators this week okay so that's linked to below enough again you all know my my take on this let entities print down money out of thin air and let the market decide keep on innovating people people being in motion compete don't complain don't be a freaking victim stop glorifying victimhood glorify innovation dude I just I don't get that mindset of I mean I guess when you're glorifying being a victim you get a lot of attention you got a lot of it that gets a lot of people like attention this is the world of attention we live in and everybody wants their piece wants the BS their 15 minutes of fame let me tell you that short-term thinking if you innovate if you freaking change this world you're gonna you're gonna be known forever alright that's long-term thing and that's a long innovation is for the long-term thinkers victim and being a victim and getting that quick little adrenaline hood hit everyone sees your picture for 15 minutes it's a short-term thing so we can see who's going to be for the regulation and is shutting down of innovation in cryptocurrency who's gonna be for Bitcoin and being patient using in a savings account so I wanted to bring up you know obviously you're talking about Bitcoin and Libra and Libra will again it is gonna be centralized they're gonna probably be able to confiscate your Libra and time and that's why you got to get into a real coin the Parsee which is Bitcoin where if you control it on your Tresor no one can take it away it is truly unconfessed a table and there are many benefits of controlling your benefit to you obviously the biggest one is it no we can take you them then we can steal from you that's that's the biggest one but another one is that you do get crypt of dividends okay you get the forks you get the air drops and a lot of people felt real comfortable with keeping their Bitcoin at coinbase and for a while and let's let us I wanna remind everyone of the be gold fork and just to show you have all you people who kept your Bitcoin at coinbase probably made coinbase a lot wealthier you just gave them like free money and this is the difference between controlling Europe and rely on a bank like coinbase and relying on yourself because when be gold came out when be gold came out and because corby still hasn't given people there be gold they still been given people their people but maybe coinbase maybe they sold off a bit gold they could have sold that be gold at 5% of a Bitcoin 4% of a big 43% 2% 1% 1/2 percent of a Bitcoin what it what is B gold worth now compared to a Bitcoin it's less than half a percent of a Bitcoin so even if at some point coin they sold all their be gold which is really your V gold they can now buy it back for so much cheaper and give it back to everyone and don't worry they will one day buy off back or there'd be gold maybe they still have in theory if they were if they were smart they would have sold it by now and a long time ago and it's not smart it's not very op it's not it's not the best thing to do it's not a it's not a moral thing to do to what they do okay it is it's morally it's not right okay morally is not right to sell someone else's coin and then buy it back much later and then give it to them when it's worth much much less but in terms of running a business just strictly all math and now facts and not public relations it is financially smart because again there no blowback at all on coinbase for this beat gold scandal they've really sure no one ever sued them no one because half the people or most the people who keep their point at coinbase they don't even know about crypto demons they have to clue to think that they're entitled to be gold in theory if they've really control their own private key but again so this is just just again this is a reminder one day you guys are gonna get your me gold what and don't be go might be worth a lot less than it is now even that and coinbase could have I mean if coin they saw that at like two percent of a Bitcoin I mean they make huge profits off this thing all for you guys keeping your Bitcoin there you did you do that for them if they did that so that that that is a reminder and we're and so I'm gonna jump to the MWC thing real fast cuz I want to talk about this Fang company thing in a second obviously on this channel you get insider information you guys heard about the middle Wimble coin crypto dividend before anybody and the last day to register is the 19th I'm not gonna talk about it anymore I've talked about it enough you you don't need hand-holding from me anymore if you got questions you haven't done it yet go to Chris now part of reasons I'm not going to talk about it anymore it is for my own benefit because the registrations have have really ramped up to last couple of days right before I went live yesterday Chris sent me that sixty two thousand four hundred forty three Bitcoin had been registered no sixty one thousand forty one had been registered and now right before I go live today seventy five thousand six hundred twenty one have been registered so yeah like in the last 24 hours fourteen thousand have been registered more big and so a lot of people have heard about this that's point four percent of all Bitcoin in existence has been registered for this for this crypt of dividend so it makes me happy that there are strong hand holders out there 20 percenters that somehow heard about this maybe for my show maybe just from going to a fork drop die die oh maybe from just doing their own research maybe because they are really smart people and truly understand that if you hold Bitcoin you got to know when you're gonna get your interesting you got to know when you're gonna get your cryptic dividend and you can't just be passive some of the times you just can't know it you got a register and in the last few days over the last 24 hours it is really because I predicted there'd only be 60,000 Bitcoin register ok and now we've got you know less than 48 hours to go and 75,000 621 so for every Bitcoin you register you're going to get at most like 80 MWC and the more people register the less their debt so of us I'm not speaking about it anymore until after registration ends and that I will talk about it more on Sunday I guess I'll get the final final numbers from Chris how many people registered but yeah there are a lot of people that realize what this is all about that holding Bitcoin has incredible benefits that you get crypto dividends for holding it and who knows what you will be able to turn your MWC into and clearly there are many many people or there are entities and individuals out there that hold 04% of all the Bitcoin in existence that are very interested in this in what's in the whole concept of crypto dividends and in this specific nimble Wimble coin crypto dividend that you you get insider information here found that like button you heard about it here first so yesterday I mentioned Bank and some of you might say what you're saying the same thing you said yesterday I just want to stress this because I was like thinking it out in my head yesterday these fan companies once Facebook gets this thing out there Facebook's coin Libre will be listed on coin market cap it will take away from the big corn dominance and then the other fan coins they know that 80 percenters are going to get into their coin if it is highly ranked coin market cap they know coin market cap is a way for them to market themselves so they're going to get their numbers you know once Google or Amazon comes up with their coin they're going to finagle the numbers in terms of you know the basket of currency they use to value their coin and how many coins they issue so that their coin is they're going to shoot for number one on corn market cap so you got to get ready for in the future for one of these coins that is a centralized coin created by a huge corporation like Google or Amazon to be number one on point market cap okay get ready or at least a bunch of them to be in the top ten and what this is going to do who's is going to hurt the most because everyone will still know that bitcoin is the real Bitcoin and that the other coins are centralized and then totally different etc etc and that this whole you know the value the the market capitalization really is not a legitimate measurement but it's going to hurt those second two your alt coins that dreams of getting into the top 15 in the top ten and that rely on being in the top ten in the top 15 just to get people just to get 80 percenters to buy them and just to get I mean once they drop that one second two years drop out of the top 20 top 15 because of uh because of all these fan companies being taking their place well they're not going to be included in portfolios as much you know positions are gonna be all these companies in the future that managed people's crypto portfolios and decide that oh I got a having a certain allotment I have to have three percent of the portfolio when the number twelve crypto and well if you're if your coin isn't the number twelve anymore it's not gonna be yellow it's gonna have that much less allotment in all these portfolio these ridiculous portfolios that are out there so keep an eye on that for the future you know this is we're gonna have to deal with this this was a big boys play so it's unfair they they're gonna manipulate their numbers and it's not real kryptos well guess what the seal has already been broken rip will already uh set the trend they're not a real crypto they're centralized they print they they made sure they got high on mark cap for marketing for marketing purposes they set the trend now these other companies which are much more powerful than ripple will follow that the lead of ripple and get boosted up there and manipulate their number say we're just you just got to deal with this is really big boys play you can't let you can't lose your up your Bitcoin understanding and your Bitcoin basics just because of a core market cap rankings I mean if yeah if that's kind of thing scares you you got quite a we can all right Marva says what do you say to people who are worried about using Bitcoin power they using Bitcoin during a power outage is hard currency always going to be necessary in your opinion no I mean wait for the power to get back on I mean no it's you could mean worst comes to worst you give some of your private key there's ways of a metal jealous tweeted about this there's there's all sorts of companies working around there's the satellite there's the was it that the gotengo thing the mesh network that gets you around power outages and stuff it's a minor that's a minor worry I mean I mean do you really need to say when is someone gonna really need to send their Bitcoin right now I mean it's gonna be done now I mean it's not that time-sensitive right now I mean in the future there might be reasons why it'll be a pain in the butt when the power goes off what's the pain about when the power goes off and you're in a bar and you can't pay with your credit card you pay with cash at that point so it's hard currency although I mean think queen is off it's hard currency always going to be necessary I mean I think it's always good to have bills but lots of countries don't want that didn't exist anymore so will it always be necessary no it won't always be necessary is Bitcoin bitcoins all you need think so rupee it won't be in this if you're in a Bitcoin you'll be fine you'll be fine and again it's like if you really need something like there was a time at my barber shop or whatever I forgot that and he said we'll just leave your shoe here and then you leave your shoe here I know you'll come back and you'll give me cash with the nd you can always borrow her you can you could give someone something your choose her episode though hard carts he always is it's not always going to be necessary you can always borrow with something about you and uh yeah alright so I'm sorry some other questions here alright so here is a awesome article by Nick Bhatia till I've had all the show before guy out of California real smart dude I wrote a bitcoin explainer without using any of the following words blockchain cryptocurrency mining decentralized Fiat inflation it's time the world realized that bitcoin is a human right so this is a very good article to give to beginners or he says pre coiners people who are like as interested and will eventually become bitcoiners and once they understand so one thing that he said my favorite part is he said bitcoin is a land grab as more people move from the world of British pounds Japanese yen and US dollars to the Bitcoin world Bitcoin land will only get more expensive and harder to find bitcoins price has risen over the long term because people are treating Bitcoin like prime real estate there is no single gatekeeper in the Bitcoin world making every human being a potential property owner ownership will become more difficult and expensive as Bitcoin world gets more crowded so that is a really awesome way of looking at it anyone can buy property in the Bitcoin world there's no gatekeeper that's stopping you but there is less and less property about available is becoming more crowded is becoming more exclusive it's becoming more like midtown Manhattan so I don't see why any logical person would try to flip this thing and pray to get it back to get back in later why would you give up with something that's so scarce that that's it this is I mean in a while Oh Bobby did they give up their uh their land and I mean that's sure there are people in the tent times of the UH the land grabs out west you know when you're buying land outside Los Angeles some people that weren't long-term thinkers are like yeah man I want to trade this instant for some whiskey now and don't worry I'll be able to get back the land soon so they got their whiskey they got drunk they had their fun and then they never got to land and again yeah well I don't need the land they said oh go back down a value that's gonna go back in value it's gonna go down at that and then you know 150 years later their ancestors are complaining say it was so unfair those people got to buy land before my father got to buy land and I had no land now but that you don't love property in Beverly Hills or where we use property and they voted for 150 years they should force the guy he or she should force them to give up their land so I can have hear that no dude your ancestor gave up that land for whiskey I mean but today a big one we have that going on all these people who value their wealth and Fiat like yeah yeah I would have I'm gonna sell down for Fiat going drink it up gonna party up go and get my Ferrari in my Lambo and then I'm gonna buy in later because you know it's just prime real estate it's just the land grab opportunity of the freakin millennium I could just flip in and flip out and its really easily yeah that mindsets gonna do you a lot of good but anyway purse responsibilities new counterculture you could be that person you could be have fun with your whisky I'm gonna have fun with my big point and my crypt of dividends because it is an interest-bearing asset town that like button alright Callens Jeremy had said never never I hate but never I hate bitcoinmeister why I guess you never hate the bitcoinmeister don't hate on the bike wait a min you can hate on the bitcoinmeister if you want to but never have you hit hate on the bitcoinmeister I I don't know never I hate em never I hate don't hate yeah hey hey this a wasteful it's wasteful it gets you down into a negative area but you know sometimes you do get angry but you don't waste time on hate that's a good thing someone said I love bitcoinmeister and then I just lost it aiyla Thera Terrace of men there is a man I love bitcoinmeister funny as heck I don't care if he's gay the man is a gem Jude I'm not gay gay I pounded a lot of ladies in my date pound that like button yeah if you stalk me on facebook you can see but anyway uh-huh though I don't now you my wealth in women anymore I value in Bitcoin there's much more to life than women as I've said if you watched my Saturday show you'll get some interesting stories but that's the thing you get a lot of women and stuff in your day you're a handsome man it all ends up just being a story that you tell in the future I can tell you those stories what are they now it's just they were just adrenaline hits and stuff dude I mean what's it what's it matter what do I mean it's just a story I can tell like what I'm gonna tell my nephew that story and we can laugh and I say oh I was a big man and everything or I can give my nephew 1 million dollars worth of Bitcoin I mean so I mean once you see the difference you see the difference decide we decide what you want you but we do we do have some gay guys here in the chat there's some awesome gay bitcoiners out there in Seattle and San Francisco so yeah dude maybe you're a fan of the gay dudes so uh yeah Val your wealth in Bitcoin not in a not in lady's it is it is tempting dude whatever have your fun so yeah but don't get carried away because again if you if you get carried away ballet your wealth and ladies you you're gonna end up with nothing dude I mean you gotta you gotta build up your fortune eventually all right and the best part is you know if you are doing if you're not one of those sad dudes or Ty Rome and and again everybody's looks fade over time dude your Bitcoin doesn't fade over time and there's plenty plenty of them plenty of those ladies that you can buy when you're I mean just look at the UH just look at fate Toshi and the am billionaire Calvin I mean they get themselves plenty of ladies and their their physical shape they're not a good physical shape at all but they're well one of them is wealthy and one of them pretends to be wealthy so I mean again if you there's different ways of looking at this type of thing so okay so why would he okay moving on this is oh speaking of bsv we had been researching the this is from coin metrics we have been researching the on shane activity of bitcoin be cash and bsv as part of an upcoming report on bitcoin Forks as part of that research we found that over 94 the daily bsv transactions as of July 14th are being generated by a weather app all right you know so the BSB people you know they're saying that they're the real Bitcoin but 94% of what's going on over there deals with a weather app could maybe be the weather app coin I mean maybe that's innovative good for them you guys are the weather app coin and yeah you go down your leaders go down to the Caribbean and party it up with the valuing their wealth and buying their wealth in questionably aged feminine products all right I'm assuming those are all women in those pictures that that guy posted on his Twitter feed that uh yeah Calvin don't eat our Calvin likes to post pictures on his a Twitter feed of what appears to be females and I'll just assume they are females of a legal age oh hopefully let's see steel horse says since we have our coins lined up for MWC are there any recent Forks or airdrops we should clean before it's time to move dice no there's none that are there's none that rely on that type of claiming mechanism where you have to keep it at it click you see they're there they're a snapshot hasn't happened yet all the other ones snapshots have happened so you can move it like we thus Iranian one that one snapshot already had so you can move so based on everything that's already come up the snapshots have already happened now uh what's his face ego ego heart keeps him saying he's gonna have the I don't know if he keeps him saying because I don't watch the show but people haven't mentioned to me so maybe he's forgotten about it now but be hacks supposedly he's going to have his ego coin be hacks come out and yeah then there'll be a uh W a snapshot date for that and you'll want to have your coins at a place for that snapshot date but I mean that's who knows when that's gonna happen so yeah do what you're gonna do with your coins now there's there's no snaps there's no pending snapshot after this snapshot happens on a 19 McAfee McAfee eat a I can't say the word he says bitcoinmeister is the king dude I you know you use a dirty word to describe McAfee but I'm glad you have no respect for him because that man deserves no respect I can't believe there are people that still consider his opinion logical I did someone ever visit maccaption producer you're putting that out there as a respectable opinion net McAfee makes a prediction about Bitcoin I mean he was smart once he created some nice software a long time ago what's he done since then just because he created some nice software in the 90s doesn't mean he can make logical predictions when it comes to Bitcoin especially since he's like he took all sorts of money for pumping all sorts of ridiculous I SEOs and all coins but 80 percenters are gonna do what they're gonna do they have no memories whatsoever dude McAfee eat you know what at least you have a memory do at least you comprehend the situation with that dude I mean again I don't get it and it's not my job to save everybody from these from people like McAfee it's just the it's just the just the way it is you guys yeah first response but it's the new counters you guys save yourselves from those type of people or you can you know you could take out the advice on McAfee in and them and just see where it takes you alright so he says big is okay that we we dingus says is Eugene Levy nephew is Eugene Levy my nephew no err you say is my nephew Jewish maybe of course of course oh my oh the offspring of my siblings our tuition oh it would be horrifying if otherwise oh and end of my first cousins all of their offspring her Jewish I wouldn't be sickened other otherwise if audit of something if it was any difference I would be very sick I would be very ill very ill I I would not be I would not want to be associated that sibling or cousin in the same manner I previously was anyway so bitcoinmeister bad brian says do you know why I don't often comment on your shows is because I'm too busy listening to who you're learning to watch rubbish in the chat that goes almost the time good good Brian I'm glad Brian I know you of all people you've got the listening comprehension dude all right barber says pound those love buttons do you steal horses I remember when the word day meant just meant happy I don't remember what it just that happy all the time that I've been alive gay is all meant being a homosexual but well a lot of people are talking about gay interesting that that's a ha ha ha look at this guy so yeah we got a lot of we got a lot of guys picking talking about you know again people are talking about Jews blacks and gays and you know that that type of uh you can talk about that but I mean you caused your own problems not the Jews the blacks is again easy take some personal responsibility there take some personal responsibility check it out it's not you know you you control your own destiny not the Jews or the blacks or the gays you know I see there's a lot of people who go and I don't know I don't do what you're gonna do in the chat the chat can be a cesspool sometimes we all know that justice all right all right so we've talked about Miami guys yesterday and here okay finally tone Bay's tweet here I just want to UM Oh No so you guys are saying but look at your electric bills and stuff for monthly so let's just say some of you dues they pay two hundred dollars a month two hundred dollars a month so that's twenty four hundred dollars a year a year I don't pay anything but so does telling you they're like how do you bid you go on these vacations well they're twenty four hundred dollars a year right there I do I don't I don't pay any electric er power bills I don't know the house do you know that's that's part of the thing you guys aren't all stuck in this mentality well I've got to have a permanent place to live I got to have a current a place to live and everybody but there's so many expenses that are involved with that I mean we could go into so that's just one little thing that's one little expense and some of you said $300 or whatever it is so that's $3,600 a month that I don't pay that is just so 3,600 I was a year excuse 3,600 hours a year did I so again this trip to Israel this entire you know q and a half months in Israel it's only gonna my total expenses are gonna be like going over five thousand dollars so I mean you starting to understand how all this works and I'm actually so Saturday videos before but I wanted to give a like a a real-life example there like some of you got somebody you have expenses that I just don't have at all I just don't have it I don't own a phone how much do you pay from US per month for your phone what's that over a year I mean how much do you pay for insurance on your car how much you pay for gas on your car how much are the monthly payments on your car I don't own a car so I don't have any of those expenses at all so again you know we're talking now we're into like tens of thousands of dollars per year and this so that's that's how you get to travel around the whole world and go go from place to place it's not it when you eliminate some gigantic expenses and really allocate it to a better usage of that money I mean you're living the good life and that's that's what I'm doing baby you do not have to have a full-time house you don't have to have an apartment on the side you go from put that is the modern world that we live in these Airbnb include is you pay one price that's it sure I guess some pay in the powered it's it user how much time I can be on the internet or or any if there's nothing there how much time how much food I could put in the fridge or anything there's no limitations it's just one sex feed that I paying you you can find good deals you can tell what's a good Airbnb placement that's how you live your life then you travel light you don't have to have a lot of stuff you don't have to check in a lot of suitcases on the plane pay a lot of money find the best tickets the cheapest tickets go to the cheapest places that's the lifestyle that's when you don't work for anyone when you're living in the Bitcoin overlay that's the way and so guess what I don't have to sell any Bitcoin either don't and I've said this many time never sold a Bitcoin for fiat ever and just because I saved I saved I stay what kind and I get money from what uh I get money from the YouTube thanks you know you get some side hustles and stuff that's what it is it everyone's stuck in the mentality that you know I kind of make I gotta make so much money in order to afford so many different things well if you don't have to have so many different things then you don't have to have so much money and you get to save more and you should save more in your newfangled savings account so people have a I mean that's a little bit of a Saturday show issue but another reason I bring this up is because tone base has a funny tweet he says true story from yesterday I was as I was explaining what bitcoin is and why it's important him so do you mind if I ask you how many Bitcoin you have me I am sitting next to you on a three dollar bus from city centre to Prague Airport so obviously not enough now that's kind of funny that you can never have enough big coin first of all I want to point that out and I always try and get more Bitcoin of course I have goals in my head how much Bitcoin I went a hat and I always if I get that goal that I set a new goal but he says he's trying to apply them yeah I don't have it I don't have a lot of Bitcoin or else I wouldn't be on a three dollar bus guys I've been on that same to be diagnosed and if I go back to Prague I'm gonna be on that same three dollar bus again there's no I don't pay I have I don't go goober and all that stuff unless I go a public transportation I walk places that's how you save money that's how you get to have these experiences and travel all around you figure out ways to cut down expenses instead of buying goobers and all this stuff I got in the Bitcoin I was travelling on $3 buses just like tones tones play there's no shade and I'm traveling on that $3 bus from the from the subway to the airport I remember doing it I remember doing it well back then that was only the second Bitcoin conference I was ever at back in crack Prague in 2015 oh the world has changed a lot I have a lot more Bitcoin but I'm still taking public transportation and that is success baby that's how you save that's how you don't have to spend your freakin Bitcoin and that's how you get to be in the Bitcoin overlay you don't have to have a boss you get to go around but hey man if you want to take a cab you wear whatever show off to the ladies you got a nice car man you go work for some corporation 9:00 to 5:00 pay the house mortgage whatever everyone can go their own way they're going to be more people doing it the traditional way in the way I'm doing it and because of that the dollar ain't going anywhere because they're penny of people suck in that credit card dollar system that want the big cars that won it that want to take the Cavs that value their wealth in the ladies let them do what they're gonna do I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do you guys get to choose what you're gonna do no one's forcing you to do anything and that is the beautiful thing and hey if you learn you learn if you don't you don't hopefully you learn the easy way instead of learning the hard way count that like one i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember the subscribe to this channel like this video share this video check out the links below pound that left button bang that bell button i will see you guys in the chat now and remember tune in tomorrow new show here every day