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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is July the 27th 2019 strong hand I'm confiscating all bitcoin is next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture the furrow of gratification conviction avoid mediocrity and yes offended by selling ok people check out all the links below including disrupt meister calm and Tech ball calm this weekend bitcoin was great on a Friday ties Dan who was on the show and Sam you know arms a new guest we can only handle true guests because no time talk so watch I be that's the truth but it was fun and he had a very memorable quote at the 42 minute mark you guys will have to check it out its link to below and I do want to stress to everyone this Twitter thing for me I I learned a lot from reading other tweets from reading tweets I sort through all the nonsense I truly tweeted for you so follow me at Tech ball tch be alt if you're watching these videos you're only getting half the story because at my Tech Balt Twitter account I'm tweeting on my podcast and I've started to do some extra audio only podcast that you'll only get at sports meister calm or if you are on twitter and you click on the links to my podcast that i tweet out on twitter and of course i've been doing these flashback little clips of old videos on twitter it is a ball of fun tech Balt tec HP alt and of course this is the beyond bitcoin show if you have questions you can ask about bitcoin but again we're talking about subjects way beyond bitcoin type in bitcoin meister in the chat and i will see it and i will answer your questions and if you do a super chat I'll definitely see it pound that like button now before we get into the beyond Bitcoin topics first thing I noticed in the chat someone said what's this about the IRS Adam what's this about the IRS letters well first of all tomorrow show I already have the notes ready for the IRS subject matter and I'm a little surprised that people are uh panicked about it because again all along we've does I've discussed that if you bought from coinbase day we're telling the IRS everything again any any exchange where you eat gay in America that you gave your social security number to they reported it to the IRS the IRS knows you own cryptocurrency so they're sending out a letter to all the social security numbers that they coinbase is shared with them and I guess other other exchanges and just saying hey we know you own cryptocurrency these are the rules now and this isn't this actually was announced I I think the accounting firms knew it last week I guess there was an article today about it and again I'm gonna cover this on Sunday but real quick I go if you have questions you can wait until Sunday or there is a link below okay it's it's an accounting firm PG cocom and I'll read you something they said starting next week that's next week and through the month of August the IRS will be sending virtual currency soft letters to over 10,000 taxpayers there are three different letters intended to be educational to those receiving the information and again one of the letters is a little bit more serious than the other two but check it out so there's three different letters if you haven't sold any Bitcoin dude yeah again if you're a trader who's been going back and forth back and forth well here's the moment you've been waiting for right I mean it's I mean you planned your long term thinker you were you were trading and trading and trading i I assumed you were reporting to the IRS now you're getting the letter reminding you that hey they know there you go all right this should come as no surprise but again I'm sure the weak handed short-term traders they're just they're probably defecating right now I guess and and here we go element of free drive says if you sit if they send you a letter and they tell you you must reply back with your holdings what are you going to do there are three different letters dude read what they say okay there's that's not what they're asking in the three letters that they sent don't create lies okay dude I know you're worried about it I can tell this is your second question about it and I'm sorry I'm raising my voice at you but dude just read the article that's linked to below they're sending three different types of letters they're not there's no there's only one that's asking that that's asking you to do something specific okay all right they're not it's it's not asking you for your specific Holdings that's not what it is I mean that's not what they're asking if you were to step they want to know about your profits all right that's what they want to know about it date I mean and that's what the IRS is all about anyway so there this isn't some thing where they're asking about your holdings because guess what they already know your holdings they know everything you've bought at coinbase that's not the point of this dude all right I'm just wasting way too much time on this stupid topic because this is for tomorrow's show for today it's a stupid topic it's for tomorrow it'll be fine this is the beyond Bitcoin show stupid is over bloom word there but you're you really pissed me off on that one do they even ask this question in the first place and I shouldn't get pissed off about it alright moving on beyond Big Boy let's go beyond Bitcoin let's talk about something something it's mostly noise that's out there because again I know that even tomorrow I'm gonna get these questions from all these 80% oh I didn't know coinbase was good Oh what are they gonna ask me what I can ask where they can ask they already know there's three specific letters they're linked to below reading comprehension all right let's see this is from the Baltimore Sun this has been all over the news today apparently I first saw it when I checked the Fox news

com Trump calls Baltimore disgusting Brody infested mess and everyone knows I'm from Baltimore I am from I grew up in the suburbs but he's talking about Elijah car rips represent evil I measure Cummings over border criticism Trump also questioned the amount of money being sent to the Maryland's seventh District to Maryland some district when it's considered the worst run and most dangerous anywhere in the United States any question where all this money is going and how much is stolen he demanded an investigation into this corrupt mess immediately all right so Trump is actually right about ball about the where Elijah Cummings represents the uh which is a lot of West Baltimore it is wrote it infested it is a mess and how much is being stolen of the federal money that they're giving them out all of it I mean basically all of it yeah I mean that's it's known it didn't no need for an investigation really it's it's all being stopped and that's just take the Braddock truck but here you go um he's trying to blame it on Elijah Cummings it's not Elijah Cummings fault that Baltimore West Bombers Robin infested and is falling apart and it is Mark and his ne and Trump said it's more dangerous than the border yes yes it is more dangerous than the border of course it's more T East Co because Elijah Cummings is ripping on the border centers the centers they have set up for the illegal immigrants as they get beds they get nintendo's and all this nice stuff they're mean all sorts of good stuff up there but Baltimore's no no it's not that nice it's it's bad okay there's you can get shot there's bad stuff going on there's no one looking over your shoulder there's not a bunch of border guards protecting you or no it is a mess but again it's not a lot of Cummings fault that it's it's a mess all right people shouldn't look for Elijah for solutions the people who live there's personal responsibility is the new counterculture okay they got to take personal responsibility I lived right where Elijah Cummings claims that he lives on Madison Avenue okay and there's plenty of questions about that I lived about on Linden Avenue about five blocks away from where he lived okay so I've seen it for myself and it's the people it's not his fault does he pray doesn't even live there easily paralyzed thumbs address most politicians in the Baltimore area lie about many issues I should say most but many lie about their addresses and apparently there's some loophole that you can you can actually get away with this or maybe he's what he's doing is totally cool I don't know and you know who knows if he's doing it or not a bit but again he claims he lives on Madison Avenue right near where I live when I lived on within Avenue when I did the buyer block project and it's a total mess I mean there was a riot a live the riot started up right a few blocks away from where Elijah Cummings lives and it's not him it's the people's fault you didn't make him right you didn't doesn't people just throw trash on the ground major dumping going on it's the people so Trump can grip on did you know he's trying to like paint it as Elijah Cummings fault but it's not Elijah Cummings fault it's the people's fault it's the people's fault okay the guy the guy take responsibility there is just the behavior is it's unprecedented in a bad way in a real bad way and so when when Trump tries to blame Elijah comes from he's again making it seem like that the government including Trump can solve individual problems and that Trump can't solve your pot problems and neither can Elijah Cummings us solve your problems but it is nonetheless entertaining it is it's a bunch of noise them fighting back and forth you know saying you're wrote infested and you're putting Mexicans in cages again personal responsibility you don't have to you don't have to legally cross into America and you don't have to throw all your trash in your backyard or in other people's backyards and dump on the streets and not use trash cans properly and yes there is a terrible road problem 8 horrifying I mean many of you would you wouldn't be able to believe it if you saw these threats it's just a commonplace thing including in the Met I'm sure in the Matt where Elijah Cummings says he lives there's many rats it's just it's just the fact of life but he gets real nasty like the Cummings claims he's the 2000 block of Madison 1700 block of Madison is real bad it gets real bad over there real quick anyway but I mean he's Elijah he's not Elijah the Prophet he's not there to solve your problems you gotta solve your own problems all right but yeah Baltimore is a mess Trump is correct about that he is correct so let's move on here no no that's for Sunday show eggs last week I was talking about eggs and one thing I forgot to say about eggs when I first visited South Africa and I was in the supermarket all the the eggs weren't in the refrigerator and as an American I had never I'd never seen that before so this is a I want to explain something to everyone out there about Americans Americans are paranoid about eggs okay you if you're an a the egg is out of the refrigerator for like ten minutes is it's bad they throw it away the housewife in the suburban East Coast City that no they're not gonna if they forget if they leave the egg in the car for ten minutes by accident and they throw my exit that's the end of it all so in many countries they don't have refrigerating so America that people would just just like vomit from thinking about that even so yeah that that's part of seeing the world know so I am I'm really laid back about my eggs I don't I don't give a darn I know they're not you're not going to get Salmonella if it's uh if they're not refrigerated I understand but in America oh no oh no no that is complete opposite you freak out sitting there and all just missed me about what what do I do during my fast days where the things I like to do I just go about my regular business I go running I go running I my regular workouts I do my regular shows so there's nothing I specifically like to do that's different than my everyday what I do on days that I don't fast so and again I you know if I don't have to right you know sometimes if you're doing like a five day fast in my record I won't run every day because my rule in life I try run every other day basically in some days I run a few days in row again my goal for a week and this is the regularly without fasting or whatever again I fast every day 22 hours over David I do intermittent fasting but my whole running a thing is I run 20 miles every week and I also do my sprints my interval training once a week so I try to set it up if I know I'm gonna have a big fast so that I will have a day off during the fast but if it care a day or two off but it's like I can't then yeah I run a few days during out a long fast and you know over it's easy I've done my uh I'm not gonna recommend this for everyone at home to do this but I've done my interval training on my Sprint's on about 48 hours of fasting or 47 hours of fasting again don't try that at home I don't want anybody getting hurt but it has no effect on me whatsoever it's it's very normal for me to I guess I fast 22 hours every day what's it you know going uh going over 44 hours I mean you start to feel a little bit after 72 and everything is that special that's when you they say your your system is rejuvenating itself your butts cereal I came to think about it Oh God alright so I said that 80 percenters 80 percenters are not 80 percent of the time they don't speak they don't think like rational adults and they don't act like rational adults and that's why the dollar will continue and so stop trying to force rational thoughts adult rational thoughts or 80 percenters okay they like being taken care of by the government they they don't need they don't worry about inflation and things like that so don't don't worry about the people who don't worry about that you go into the big point over let you take care of yourself the the inflationary system is going to continue because most of the time the 80 percenters they don't want to be adults they don't want to think like adults that's I did link to below is again a video about well an audit my podcast my podcasts that deal with the subjects of this matter I have one that's coming out tomorrow that talks about that a little bit more so check it out tomorrow but there is one that is linked to below that is of similar matters you should check out the podcast they're real short all right like this is gonna be long it does not take a village how about that how about that as a saying there are so many people out there who are always saying it takes a village it takes a dude just take have a mother a father for God's sakes that's who raises the kids okay mother a father that's how I was raised it was it was they did a good job my dad my mom raised raised more than again I've said numerous times I had siblings and I at least have one of each sex so they my parents raised quite a few children and yeah you just need you need kids you need you need you need parents you don't need a village let's let's get rid of this personal responsibility take care of your own kids don't try to live I mean that's the thing if you're an adult you take care of what you produce okay that's adult responsibility that's what I'm talking about them that's rational adult but people don't wanna be rational oh well let the government take care of the kids and it seem it's fine it's not logical because they don't want to think logically I almost think like adults all right reset your immune system is what I was thinking I couldn't think of the word immune system before 72 hours fast supposedly restarts your immune system try try to hit that do that twice a year but over 72 hour fast I think I already did two of them this year didn't I I got it I got it all written down over there yeah so I just had that I just had like a forty some hour fast so that's 27 days I've skipped of eating in this year the goal is 31 baby pound that like button moving on hacking humans a video taught by Yuval Noah Harare now I've talked about this Israel a dude before I don't agree with him on everything I think I find him interesting he's a statist he well he trends toward being a status and this video a lot of you are not going to be able to take a lot of it because they're they're definitely some just blindly hating Trump people and just the Trump Trump derangement people that's new you can you can hate who you want or whatever but when you're deranged and you're not making you're not being logical anymore it's yeah it's distracting and so it's noise so there's some noise in this video too but it's a 16-minute mark he does bring up that the political struggle used to be over control of land and then machines and factories and now it's going to be over data and I think he thinks too much in a political realm he puts he puts too much power in the government again we were talking about Cummings and in Trump before and again we can't put too much power on them and let that and let them lead the way in terms of what is going to happen to all the information he was the government to come up with a solution to all of the information is out there I'm a guy who says let the free market do it don't try to you know don't don't try to have a hand in this and and say who can control the information who can cuz then you're like you're gonna bite us it toward your people in the government to the people who pay you off and whatnot so he is kind of a control freak he's got a control for the attitude but he does have he does have some interesting thoughts in terms of the future and he talks about that because of the great innovations that are coming and we're going to talk about this in a second there's so many innovations out there that are coming our way in the next ten years and he wants the government to have a handy deciding on how to limit them and I don't I think that's bad again I say let the free market let the let let the people you know he he wants to be centralized control it seems like but he says in the future you know the very near future soon the wealthy are going to be able to afford biological superiority okay that in the past the wealthy they might they might have grown a little taller because the support is super poor we're eating really poorly but otherwise they're there especially now in the modern times there's not a biological superiority between some like Donald Trump who was a billionaire and just you know some average Joe on the street I mean each one they're the same thing they didn't get he doesn't have some like super intelligence that he got because it was rich but now we're getting to a point where there are innovations where the you're gonna be able to change doing beings in the womb or maybe even afterwards and wealthy people are going to be able to afford this and I don't think he thinks that's right Yuval and he wants the government to intervene all the government's to not get an arms race over this here's what I got to say about it okay look it's it's gonna get out there anyway let the free market you know wealthy people work for for their money okay if they want to buy bio and Fund biological experimentation and then do it to themselves a big guinea people be my god you're going to do dudes dude I mean this isn't like it's proven it's not like it's gonna solve anyone's problems I mean let let let the free money because again you're not gonna be able to stop it and if it becomes black market I mean look what happens whenever black market so I have no problem with I want technology to advance and I want there to be you know people be able to hack the human genome and human be out biology and make people healthier and if rich people are the first ones who can afford it and they funded it well then let them have it let them be superior and then the price will come down and everyone will be able to get it and then you'll say what's unfair they they might be able to rule over us and maybe they won't share it it will get out there okay it will get once it's out there it's out there they're not all they're not all you that's on the premise that the people who are going to be buying this are all not so nice and that they're gonna want to do something bad with this technology no there are gonna be some that want to share the technology again the rich people who fund the businesses that come up with this they're gonna want to bring it to the people because it's gonna be a trillion dollar business again that's why I say let the market decide and if the government's start saying well you can't do this you can't do this you can't do this well then some rich people are just gonna go to China to buy it okay and I mentioned this before life extension technologies this is a reason to save your Bitcoin there's a peeler why don't you just blow it all down out of get a nice car we this Golden Age if we're about to enter we can't even fathom some of the technologies that are gonna come out of it and I mean maybe maybe well people alive today will be able to live to be 200 years old but only if they have five million dollars to pay in 2025 so let's take your time with this and then you know then they they'll be done it'll be distributed to the people eventually in 2040 it only cost ten thousand dollars or something but but we shall see but he did so it's an interesting video it's linked to below everything I talked about is linked to into below alright so I'm gonna give so I want to say something else about the government the government rarely gives good solutions they rarely rarely give solutions at all the solutions are usually horrible if they're what most of time people go to complain to the government and the government official or just give them sympathy and that satisfies so many people are there so many people just want to your sympathy they don't even want solutions they're not even brave enough for the solutions solutions over sympathy pound that like button keep that in mind people if you've got an issue you've got it you've got to find a solution to it if people are going giving you sympathy on Twitter and your virtue signalling and all of a sudden you get your 15 minutes of fame that's not solving your problem dude at all okay so government is mostly about giving sympathy when they give solutions the solutions are you pretty bad so come up with your own solutions purse responsibility is new counterculture but remember that remember that and hey if you got an issue and you only want sympathy don't don't come to me because I'm giving you solutions dude youyou need solutions sympathy isn't gonna simply isn't gonna save your life baby all right and so yeah some of my podcast videos are gonna be about that or they've already been about that or podcast audio sorry our gym said don't okay first of all I just want to remind everyone on Twitter it is it can be a great learning tool don't let the algorithms guide you okay pick your own people treat them like pages okay just like go to my page go to origins page go to Jeets page don't just like see what pops up on your feed because who knows what supposedly follow some people but then I'm not going to show you everything it's only going to show you the lowest common denominator of like the people that you follow that you just follow that out of sympathy or because someone told you to so he said this this is a reminder Twitter is a tool for entertainment marketing and networking I say for the 80 percenters to this it's easy to see why people believe it's useful for information consumption but engagement algorithms have skewed the platform to the lowest common denominator of shallow takes rather than deep insight again if you don't let the algorithm guide you you can get deep insight from that but he's right if it dug for the 80 percenters using it and tweeting on it they just get into a whole of shallow takes alright so yeah there's so many people out there that love the great hunters of the world that love the boomers of the world and you can get yourself into such a doom hole the people I've linked to like Robert Zubrin who was interviewed on event horizon that is linked to below the people like Scott Adams they actually use the term Golden Age and what you know some of stuff I just talked about people can say oh this biotechnology is coming out the nanotechnology it's going to end the world I say it's going to bring them out such an age of Awesome technology a golden age and is that we're already living in this comfortable we've already entered this golden age there's so much so much food out there people don't starve anymore at least in the Western nations okay we're living in a very comfortable time of abundance okay and that's that's what I like to look at we're living in a time where we can opt out of the dollar system we don't have to deal with inflation because it's still gonna be there we can with this technological new Bitcoin money it's so exciting so I talked about these dimmers a lot I'd like to term golden ages for the positive people and I'm definitely one of those people a gold Golden Age guy looking forward to it there Reuben Dave Rubin yeah he likes noise a little bit he likes to get into politics a lot he's a youtuber but whatever he doesn't make this pretty well but he does and he had a guy named clay Travis on and clay Travis is a sports host guy but he says some interesting stuff you know about the man being a man and a woman being a woman and cetera you know it seems kind of basic to me but he says he came up with the term canceled culture I believe clay Travis came he at least he said it a lot canceled culture and yeah a lot of people instead of being in motion they're envious they're envious of others so they want a king they want to punish everyone and get them cancelled they want to cancel you from your job cancel you from your wife cancel you from your friends cancel you from being well-known and being popular and fitting in again fitting in is overrated but those people in cancel holds they in fitting in is everything so if they get you fired from their job and they get you divorced from wife or they get everyone to dislike you and the 80% then they feel like they've accomplished something again you've got to be on a level where fitting in doesn't even matter and uh and where you don't rely on jobs for your for your livelihood are working for someone else where you can be fired for your livelihood you were in the Bitcoin overlay where you have true freedom and independence so but I do I I think cancel culture really sums it all up I think it's an easy way to explain that the mindset that is out there the sickening is a sickening mindset and when we're living in such a world of abundance and being so comfortable the people feel with me that they need to ruin other people's lives why just enjoy your own life okay you're living a good life you live in the United States it's it's it's great to be alive now it's so great to be alive it's just productive and emotion but just some people I mean as I said in other videos a third of the people out there are gonna hate you I mean I guess there's a third of the people out there are just always gonna be envious or hate I mean I wish it wasn't like that I hope it's not like that I'm not gonna worry about those people I'm staying in motion I'm pounding that like button all right there's a link to my podcast hello I said that four times there's some people out there and I guess some of these people in the cancel culture there's such control fries and I almost think in that you vowel video some of the people might be to this level of control freakiness some people want to police what's in your head like if some dude doesn't like me because I'm Jewish I mean and he just keeps it to himself and keeps it into his head why can't he think that what's wrong with him thinking that and just he doesn't take any action like that in his whole life in his whole life he just he doesn't like me because I'm Jewish why can't he think that why why must we police was in his head and again that's to an extreme level right there but there's just some people that think you you cannot hold certain thoughts and that's that so it's their personal business they can hold whatever thought they want to do if they're not inflicting any force on you then why can't they just think things in their heads and they just like being with their own kind and let them be with their own kind let them think what they're gonna think just it seems like we there's comfortable out there they just want to rearrange people's brains then they think like them dude if you're sway of thinking is so great then be happy about it you you do you're not the force your way of thinking onto anybody else and into mess with someone's private thoughts that you're that much for control freak ah I don't know what's up in your head dude but that's if there that's force right there when you wanna when you think you've got to put someone in the position where their thoughts are now controlled by you alright so don't mess with other people's freedom don't mess with other people's freedom and that's fine dad doesn't everyone should live don't mess with other people's freedom worry about yourself be in motion alright there's an article out there about some vacation spots that are complaining that there's just too many people taking vacations it's too crowded now tourism is up everyone is a tourist now the Chinese now have enough money where they all can beat or not all but many of them they're just traveling around I see him here in Israel too and I say yay I'm glad that their Airbnb is out there that'll bring down the price of the Airbnb if if if they're not regulated by the by the various countries like the United States in Los Angeles they're heavily taxed and stuff but again then I'll avoid the ones in Los Angeles but here's a quote the perception of going on holiday has shifted from being pretty much a privileged to becoming very much Right Said marina Novelli professor of tourism and international development at the University of brain so yeah we're living in this world where everyone's got a credit card and everything's being inflated away and people are spending lavishly and that's great if they want to do that so everyone's going on vacation and everyone thinks it is their right to go on vacation so that's the word I mean that is the world we're living now again they can do that or they can actually have real assets and save so in the future they can get who knows what and really be wealthy and not lived it in a day but again so what is ah we're living in such a world of abundance where everyone it's a right to go on a vacation we're talking about 4-day workweeks already okay what a golden age were living in and still we got people saying it's unfair that Bill Gates is that rich we got to do something we get afford it's it's wrong that someone thinks a certain way my god can't you enjoy just can't you enjoy the abundance go on a vacation you can afford it now apparently everyone goes on up okay that's why I joke around about the 80 percenters that just spend lavishly buy fast cars buy this but if they're not hurting anyone then that's great for them they're much better I consider them much better than the 80 percenters who are just like we must take away from people who are successful or we must make wealthy people the enemy they are the enemy we must use force against them we must encourage others to attack the wealthier the ones who don't think like us all right scott adams says that most people out there he now i disagree with him well he says this was just looking of course statement for him what i'm about to say then most people if they leave the house without their phone they feel uncomfortable and they've got to go back and get their phone their smartphone and so he says most people think like that I don't know nurse Martha I don't know her phone so I don't think I don't feel like that I don't feel like that I'm everyday I leave the house I feel quite comfortable without a smartphone or a phone so if you're in that situation where you house and you feel uncomfortable you don't have your smartphone I mean it's not I'm you're on the wrong track I'm saying there I know I think it just shows an addiction you should not be addicted to that you should make that your life that's not reality that's not reality you don't need that oh you don't need it all the time you don't need it all the time it seems like a lot of people becoming addicted to it and I know it is a very useful tool I'm not saying not to own one like me I don't own one but to like like have a heroin fix or something when you leave the house without it that to me it seems like your weight you're you're relying it on it too much and you know you need to rely on yourself you need to rely on yourself so I I've been pretty night before hand I'm talking about don't rely on Elijah Cummings don't rely on Donald Trump well the same thing as you can't pedestal you can't put your smartphone in pedestal to like where you can't get around without that thing okay you've got to be able to walk the streets or that you don't need a map all the darn time do you you don't need to answer all your questions all the time yeah I mean if you get bored you don't think think use your brain use your brain meditate I guess still you there's some things you can do without looking at that thing dukedom everyone is bent down looking at those things all the darn time and again there is a time to read your computer and be on the internet it's not a hundred percent of the time though and that's what scott adams the same people or freaking out if they leave the house with that's a smartphone all right what's this here I'm more about Scott Adams this there's a guy out there who were an article about systems over goals Scott Adams has this concept where instead of setting a goal for yourself I you develop a system and you don't fixate on that goal now I think it's you know some people just say I want to be rich and then okay that is a nice goal but you do have to set up a system is good at that point but it's still nice to be rich I think to have an overall goal of success and you can define success in many different ways is good okay and so maybe you can come up with like I want to be successful I don't exactly know how I want to be successful yet but I gots a pretty good idea so let me set up a system of conviction of repetitive doing similar things every day that are going to get me in motion and get me toward a successful goal and get me toward successful people and then I'll I'll figure it out on the way like yeah this is the direction I want to go in and this is this is what I want so here's the guy says summer I and this is a good article read the article was his sums as a whole system up by choosing the system over a goal those are who are seeking to achieve better ready themselves for when luck strikes systems are about the day-to-day determination the grind okay so I want to I don't believe it's luck when luck strikes I believe if you set up a good system and you're seeking to achieve better through this system I know that's a pretty broad nebulous statement there but you just you set up a system where you're setting you're gonna you're gonna have an achievement you're going to get into habits that are going to make you successful and going to lead you down successful paths and you're going to discover successful end games that you can then aim for and you're gonna meet other successful people that influenced you to get into other activities it's all about being in motion and developing a system not just a goal but a system you're going to be in motion and so I mean you can say well what's your system Adam well I mean here's my system is make videos every single day I make videos every single day about strong hand Bitcoin okay and that gets me gives me more and more success whether it gives me the ability to buy more Bitcoin to get in Iowa if more interesting people it gets the places to travel around the world people offer me places to say I get it it brings about things that maybe would never have been brought about having least doing the show every single day and meeting the people that I met one thing that came about is MWC that MWC crypto dividend if I didn't make truth is every day it would not it I just found out about crook of dividends through me and he thought it was an interesting thing through me and I and he told me about his MWC idea I said that's an awesome idea he ran with it he talked and he it this is the type of thing other when you've got a system you're benefiting from it other people were betting for the other there's just a whole big emotion web so read that I really started thinking about the whole system again I didn't construct that system it came about naturally over time but now I realized I have a system the atom ice and I hacked again I've already achieved done well for myself and but I still so I don't have this I do have a goal in mind how much Bitcoin I want but I'm not fixating on because every day is another achievement every day I do a new show that is that is an achievement every day and so what you see what's katanas points out is like most every day you're not getting to your goal if you're trying to get 20 Bitcoin in your life most every day of your life you're not at 20 Bitcoin yet like you're only at one you're only a two or three but if you're following the system whatever system you created that's gonna get to that 20 Bitcoin every day you're achieving it every day you're doing and it takes conviction you do that thing every day you do you follow the system every day that is conviction that is long-term thinking okay the article is really good that explains the Scott ABS so I have a newfound respect for Scott Adams and the entire system over goals mentality really sir Zero Hedge and i-i-i was talking about this before envy and network why are people so envious when we're living in a golden age well here here's Zero Hedge this article is all about fermenting from heading mainstream envy our ruling elites have no idea how much we want to see them all in prison jumpsuits who's that why do you want to see ruling elites in prison jumpsuits who are these ruling elites anyway what's to say that they're all they're all criminals everyone who's successful everyone houdin's who and an elite here dude they they all belong dr burr belongs in jail you're saying all these people have brought good things to this world this enemy is pure and I don't see anybody and I don't see anybody in jail ruling elites I don't care if wealthy people are billionaires are truly trillionaires let them be I don't care if the wealth gap is increasing you worry about yourself why seek revenge what is up with this envious wait so he has Zero Hedge is a completely doomed conspiracy site and this is the mentality yeah man ruling elites oh how much we want to see the Pope and he starts talking about the 1% and the point 1 percent dude I want to be point the point 1 percent I want to be at the point what's wrong with that what's wrong I would be successful as possible it's aimed to be 01% aim to be a one percenter I mean we're vilifying success they are vilifying success so no I'm not participating in that null at all and I'm gonna call it out I'm gonna call it out when I see it there all right so yeah yeah we live in a where everyone has got to be the victim or victim where virtue signaling and getting sympathy sympathy it's all about getting sympathy when it should be all about getting results and solving problems and being productive being in motion systems all right Jeet what does Jeet have to say here he's got a Bernie Sanders quote let me get here what do we got as silly as this comes across there's an important lesson in here that artificial price controls are great a great rallying cry but create far more problems than they solve if your economic policies make your campaign financially unsustainable why would anyone take you seriously so this is a Bernie Sanders is called for a $15 minimum wage and he wasn't paying his own workers a $15 minimum wage so he had to cut hours and able to in order to afford to pay them a $15 minimum wage but still he says that there should be a force every business in the country to pay a $15 minimum wage even though he you know so why would anyone take you seriously if you appear that hypocritical well gee I gotta tell you most people don't think that logically and they don't think like logical grownups and it sounds real awesome and real flowery and you give people a lot of sympathy when they're almost media I'm not making $15 hours I should make $15 an hour everyone just blindly follows that there's no logic that's 80 percenter right there so that's why that's why it works dude why would extra that's why people take Bernie Sanders seriously that's why he's got huge support this people don't think like grown-ups 80 percenters aren't going to think like grown-ups they're not gonna think that's hip hypocritical they're gonna they're gonna say well why isn't $20 great I love this guy he's giving us free stuff okay so there's your answer right there and there's always gonna be people like that and there's always gonna be people like Bernie Sanders that appeal to them so just let them do what they're gonna do you do what's best for you you and you're the big point over there I know you're in the big point overlay and again it's true all right so another we a lot of people like to I don't understand this but they will fall for so many marketing gimmicks and they'll be like well they lied what they said it was the best product it wasn't the best price so sheet says trusted third parties are security holes oracle's can't be trusted and he gives an example he shows a Snickers bar next to a 2x Snickers bar so that's the big marketing on it you know the big 2x thing better by the tip it's only when you measure it it's only 15 X so you trusted that third party you trusted the marketing you got to measure it for yourself sometimes there so that there we go that's an another reason for Bitcoin you don't need those you don't need those third party or Oracle's but again this is this is putting into the real world a little bit in terms of the people that try to blame the advertisements for them buying something well I can't believe it I mean you should expect there to be when there's third parties involved if there's going to be exaggeration that there's going to be lies that's the weakness of a third party that's why you want to avoid for third parties that's its bureaucracy the a bureaucracy they can add lies they can add exaggerations and so don't rely on those banks don't for your money rely on yourself for your money control your own private key you wanna you won't have any yeah lying issues when it comes to finance here we got what to to last subject matters this is from Zach Bandera he says Adam a great example of 80 percenters in action Adrian Peterson who is an NFL player is deep in debt after earning over a hundred million dollars during his career yeah man some people are just gonna splenda spend themselves to oblivion and save nothing I mean there's no excuse for that I mean you have fun I guess guess he had fun blown $109 and all his so-called friends had a fun blowing his money too was I doubt only he could do it by himself but yeah you you can have success a me and a lot of alt corners and I SEOs guys who valued their wealth and dollars and then they bought all these Lambos now would they have they blew all their month they're in debt like ain't no different than Adrian Peterson so you know that there's something to savings there's something – we're making savings cool again here in Bitcoin long-term thinking defer all gratification so finally do any of you guys have some guy friends who've gotten married and now you know they they maybe they just want I want to trip to Chicago or something like that and they'll tell you like yeah we were just in Chicago we were just in New Orleans we went out to dinner we I mean I'm talking to you who the heck's we meet you we've been you and I been friends since uh sixth grade who are you talking about we we went here we went there we went so if you don't have to when you get married they're just some guys that are so weak then it just becomes it becomes we immediately it's up there not individualĂ­s anymore they didn't go any I mean I understand if you went on trip to Chicago you brought your wife with you and you brought your kids with you and everything we this we that ASIS am i blowing this better for me this is a typical urban knowing to me in certain situations like dude I want you to be independent like you were back in twelfth grade or back in college why do you have to refer to yourself as we now you're an individual still you are still the person I knew so I don't know everybody again women did I do this a lot more often in that that's their business that that doesn't seem to annoy me I mean I get I don't have as many yo female friends from college to I just I mean it's just the whip they look like as you have more friends of your sex you know the person of the opposite sex then you know you you rarely can have just a pure friendship with them especially when you're younger there's always some other thoughts in mind but that's for another show again I do have some female friends again and as you mature it becomes easier to have female friends but in your younger days I yeah we're just friends sure that that's why you like but-but-but-but guy friends have been friends for so many years that we've had this bond for somebody else you're talking about we you're not any individual anymore you're part of this machine this cog and your wife husband miss you come on dude okay leave comments in the comment section if you think I'm blowing that one out of proportion that that maybe I'm misinterpreting when they're saying we that maybe they are still in the Pannell that these guys are whipped I think not all my guy friends say it not all my guy friends say we some of them still say yeah I was in Chicago this week I get I get there I was in Seattle this week or whatever so anyway i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links below pound that like button banghak bell button tomorrow show i will talk about the IRS tax thing and yes so if anyone I didn't mean to get angry and anyone about that before I know there are some oil that I shouldn't have used the word stupid I can do regret saying we're stupid so I will correct that but be patient everyone we will talk about the IRS thing it's just again to me I have been talking about the IRS for so long and then when I start to hear these questions that are leaning toward the 80 % of things I'm like how could you have missed this all along but again maybe maybe a little bit too critical of the comments and in thinking they're a little bit too 80 percenter when they're not and anyway we'll talk about it more tomorrow time that like button bang that Bell button and you like any R and so Robert says you like any R and do I like and you might Robert you might mean do I like and I'm Rand oh if I mean yeah I do like I'm I'm Ren I like she's a bearish that was a very smart woman very smart the Jewish woman all right found out like button