Hello everyone and this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is July the 31st 2019 strong Hamby unique beast value your wealth in bitcoin uncommon skateable offended by selling uh no fancy sets or graphics five-digit realm of course hey there someone in the chat just said you're a motley crew of holders no man you're an elite crew of holders yes this is where the elite hang ok elite elite where the elite may be big coin holders be proud of your success in this world where victimhood is glorified be happy they you're a successful person you are the elite pound that like button alright I hope everybody likes this shirt yeah today is July the 31st a major principle trade deadline you know growing up as a kid you know July 31st you know to life I think the deadline is in 20 minutes for those of you who waste time with that and again he could be entertaining we all have to have a little bit of a pastime but let's focus on Bitcoin ok ok let's just jump right into it you know some people like to play Nintendo or whatever you like this shirt people it's linked to below you get you can get all sorts of shirts link to below remember follow me on Twitter at Tech ball Tec HBA LTE and all of my almost 1,400 Bitcoin or ladies shows at disrupt meister comm so ok we had some a little bit of a little bit of noise coming out of that hearing from yesterday that's Senate hearing on cryptocurrency the senator I hope he's say either a senator or congressman from a Hawaii I believe it was only a Senate hearing yesterday rice up brian schatz brian schatz had a interesting comment it is i link to the article this article actually I don't think you've persuaded anyone that crypto creates financial inclusion so he's worried about something called Financial Inclusion that's like it's one of those terms like income inequality it's supposed to trigger you it's supposed to make you angry and emotional and feel bad for people who are just not in motion because again Financial Inclusion you don't you show you can't get a bank account maybe that's what it means you can't get a bank account well and he's saying that Bitcoin there and crypto doesn't help with that you get if you all you need for your crypto bank account you just get a Bitcoin address that's it anyone can get that no no filling out an application or anything like so you're included right away you have your own savings account and you don't have to deal with a bank now it's very interesting that a guy from Hawaii of all places in the United States is sized companies concerned about Financial Inclusion when it comes to cryptocurrency okay and doesn't get it and I think he has to get it because in terms of the banking system Hawaii is the most remote outpost of the United States okay there are no major none of the major banks are in Hawaii okay so the people that live on that island they're a little a little restricted they're live restricted and Bitcoin opens them up to the world there are no Geographic restrictions with Bitcoin so one would think that especially in Hawaii they could they'd be very happy about Bitcoin and again I've heard in the past I've had they have people who watch the videos from Hawaii it wasn't a very friendly and I meant for a Bitcoin there originally and I mean you can see we can see why with guys like Brian Schatz who won a micromanage everything I guess and be a busybody and everybody's like me and just create these emotional slogans and whatnot but like again he should he should be embracing this in theory if he really cares about this nebulous term financial inclusion because his state of all states is a little bit cut off in terms of the banking system so of the major banking system of the United States of the major banks so this is something does not discriminate against Hawaii one bit and includes it in this worldwide system ok so there there my quick thoughts on Financial Inclusion and and brian schatz I guess just trying to get some newsprint so his name gets in the the newspaper the ball mind so people know to vote for him I I noticed that a coin base listed on one of their platforms Tasos and it pumped yeah classic coin based pump of a novel coin then it'll dump hey by the way people if you've got a question type in bitcoinmeister over there bitcoinmeister in the chat or you can do a super chat UK bitcoin master says missus UK bitcoin masters in the house remember Brian I did speak with her once before your show she said well hello mrs UK big that's our name she raced all of the yacht that's good that's cool good to see you guys alright so let us I'm glad you've stayed up late for this well it's not that late let's talk about a tanning I'm mispronouncing their name hey man created creative which is a minor that says they want to have an IPO in the United States and that would be great a Bitcoin related IPO in the United States go for it dude that can only help that can only hit the word out I incur again I was I was up for maybe doing it okay I as I don't you know you guys do what you you're gonna do you even make money with your IPOs and everything but it is it's a marketing wing for Bitcoin if when and it's just a matter of when it's a matter of time when the first big Bitcoin related IPO habits and there will be there will be something okay so now that we're talking about traditional financial markets a little bit we talked about the the big banks not being in Hawaii we talked about IPO s the first Fed rate cut in the history of Bitcoin was just announced yeah the Federal Reserve the United States hasn't cut rates since well before Bitcoin even existed so it cut it cut rates today so what does this I I and again this is linked to below everything I talked about is linked to below what's this thing for Bitcoin well it's less people or less institutions and people will now that interest rates will go down it will be more people will be getting loans because loans will be cheaper more people will take their money out of banks because they won't be getting as much interest as before and so there will be more money floating around the system so that means more money will flow in the Bitcoin and for people who think so I mean it's it's inflationary it's definitely an inflationary move people hope more money will be floating around the system so when when people think in those terms they think well that's good for Bitcoin because it's it it hasn't there's there's the same amount of Bitcoin as before basically and more money too more money floating around so good you know flow in the Bitcoin that's good the non-inflationary asset so when we get a when we're in a more of an inflationary traditional traditional environment and traditional finance environment it's good for Bitcoin in theory in theory if it's a it it's where people are gonna protect their wealth we're which it should be alright though your wealth in Bitcoin and uh but let's see this is this is a first for Bitcoin so this is newsworthy this we haven't seen you know I stay it's all cyclical with this this hasn't happened before this is the first Fed rate rate cut so I'm good uh al Casey said I lost a bet to my 9 year old Turk told her I'd give her $20 cash in hand today or 0
02 Bitcoin that I'll let her have when she's 18 she took the Bitcoin strong dad found that like but she's a smart one dude she is a smart one she Wanda she knows the marshmallow test that's that's I'm gonna have a Jimi song quote in a second I'm gonna I'm gonna but that that's a that's a good kid you guys hair alright uh morning he had oh yeah litecoin having August 5th that's in five days basically well it isn't what many people expected it to be there wasn't much of a lightening uh she's litecoin having hype was there it's kind of silent and indeed litecoin has gone up quite a bit in terms of dollars since January first but in terms of Bitcoin it's just going up be tiny bit as if it's rise in place was mostly because of Bitcoin going up because Bitcoin did raise some up the all boats rise with the tide of Bitcoin okay is that how it goes butchering that but anyway but maybe a little bit had to do with some like coin hype but no and now we'll see what happens again I mean this is one disappointing aspect of it was I did think that some people would type it up and then that would educate people about the upcoming Bitcoin having in less than a year but I must say I seriously doubt anyone learned about the Bitcoin having because of the light point have very few people not added not that many people I thought there'd be a little bit more light point I mean we got saw five days maybe there'll be a couple of mainstream publications that will talk about the light coin having and then say but the Bitcoin either will be bigger it will be big and so we shall see let's get excited about the Bitcoin having light point having enough oh well okay article about that below one two three no scopes if Bitcoin Meister I got my thirteen year old sister to start saving a big coin whoa that's good told her to start putting $20 to start putting in $20 a week starting small but I think it will be worth much more in 2032 yeah and for a 13 year old now in 2032 how many years well that's in 13 years so yeah she'll be uh 26 still young Wow that'll be great great for her great for her okay moving on you like coin freeze you okay you could be a light coin free or you could be an elite bitcoin holder oh yeah we're in the realm of the elite the five-digit realm are you getting used to the five digits people you know speaking about I talk about Twitter and again you can learn a lot from Twitter if you use it as an educational tool and don't start getting screen matches and you go to te CH B alt and you'll see that video from 2015 when we were in the 3-digit realm and so people and I was and people would have been so happy to be in the four digit round so people got used to that four digit realm for all your Fiat freaks out there and now we're getting used to the five digit realm the five digit and then one day Oh 60 I I can't say I can't say one day one day one day we'll get have another they'll be yet another realm but I'm patient I got my strong hand I'm not rushing it alright there is a a tweet from the foal of the app Oh LD introducing Fuld kickbacks get up to 20% back in free Bitcoin when you shop at your favorite retailers via lightning sign up now to get 20,000 sacks here okay this sounds like lolly this sounds like lolly for lightning Network combat like but be in motion this is where the big voice place so let them compete okay competition that is great that's great stuff good job fold I don't know that much about you but I learned about you on Twitter because I use Twitter as an educational tool all right oh and let me let me I got a real education from Jimmy sang today on Twitter this is good and this pertains to both contributions that were just made in the the chat the commentary there hi time preference your future self will hate your past health lo taha don't reference your future self will love your past self which do you think is better for you financially intellectually mentally physically and spiritually well pound that like button Jimmy saw pound that like button that low type reference so I have a real-life example I look back at that that tweet now of mine a tweet video of mine where I say you know Bitcoin is $250 don't drink soda buy Bitcoin oh and I love that past self I love that past self that I got a big smile on my face when I look it back at that past Adam Meister and when I watch all my videos from the past I love that guy thank you past Adam Meister for practicing what you were preaching thank you so much past that in my sir 1000 so yeah I understand exactly what you're talking about dude but yeah I know what Jimmy's song is talking about because I am living that I am living that mow time preference okay I got no regrets and none of you should have regrets never have regrets and you can always change and it's always early and you can always set yourself up so your future self can be as happy as the present Adam Meister is right now looking back on my past self your imagine your future self in 2023 imagine is is he going to like his self in the past at the 2019 one like how I loved the Adam Meister of 2015 and 2600 from 2013 to the black man that dude that dude buying and holding just simply buying it holding it not doing it he's wet I be there were so many things out there there was a big connect there was the cloud mining there was AI SEOs didn't touch it didn't touch it just I had my system buy-and-hold by and a new show every day whoa as Ric Flair would say okay love that past version of yourself that is the load time pressures all right okay now what do we have here uh-oh finally Zach what is this Zach thing lightning Network Zach no it's Zach well it's Allen's app it's called the Twitter feed what if Ronnie this is an interesting question what if running a full node didn't mean you had to be technical that's a great question I'm not technical uh what if not trusting but verifying was simple yeah intuitive and smooth what if your keys your coins your know your rules was easy what if we release the full new full node version of Zach will you download it maybe that sounds like a very interesting proposition I didn't look up look too much into it but I like how you marketed yourself I like your emotion and I was like how you're trying to make this full no thing easy for non-technical people and I know there are other organizations and groups and companies that are trying to do the same thing this is where the big boys play so let them compete the more big boys that are trying to do this the better for the consumer baby that is capitalism pal Matt freaking like button that is the big coin realm okay dudes so I think that also is the end of this fricking show so I hope you pound pounded that frickin like button alright and UK Bikram Esther concludes the Bikram master rocks bitcoinmeister rocks with his strong hand and you know when I conclude with the UK Bitcoin master he rocks with his strong head alright i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video shows video check out the links below bang that valve up town that like when click on those squares that are right there and guide then it said bitcoin meister will you buy the baltimore orioles after the next three having's well they're probably gonna be worth because of inflation like over a billion dollars then so that sounds kind of pricey that sounds country okay found out like fun i will see you guys in the chat
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