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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond the bitcoin show today is August the 10th 2019 strong hand done confiscated well bitcoin is next Bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture we'll be talking about that the furrow of gratification conviction Golden Age people stray strive for greatness yeah strong hand that's what the shirt says you can get shirts below follow me on Twitter at Tech ball tch be al to you yeah that's the epicenter of the bitcoinmeister empire for those of you who want to learn and get all the audio only podcast and make your hands even stronger hey those of you that been asking questions in the super chat keep on asking them I will answer them in the next show so if you've got questions in the super tight you can ask them it will be I will review them and they will be answered next show just the way things are being recorded now because of the changes alright so this is the beyond bitcoin show but check out yesterday's this weekend Bitcoin show tone days was on oh my oh my it was a classic he made his return to the building baby he was back ok so this show by the way we're going to talk a little bit about Bitcoin but it is the beyond Bitcoin show so we talked about all sorts of different subject matters and this first one comes from the Baltimore Sun and I'm just reading a bunch of things right here please excuse me alright the Baltimore Sun the article says Johns Hopkins professor fired after attempted sabotage of students sitting over private police force okay so let's let's back up here some students at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore I'm from more originally and for a short time I lived near after college I lived right near the the Charles Village the main campus of Johns Hopkins okay and this is what this story was about some people over there didn't like never gonna have a private security force oh woe is me instead of relying on Baltimore's publicly funded uh efficient police force they were gonna protect themselves oh well no there were students you thought that was horrible it was terrible he had a sit-in okay and they weren't gonna leave until they promised not to have a private security here's the thing they're the building they were sitting in there were people there there were storage facilities there computer computer storage facilities with servers computer servers with people's research projects with important research that again but there's all sorts of graduate students undergrad students they're professors of doing research to have it stored on servers and they needed their research and apparently wanted to be damaged or something like that so Along Came this guy Dan Povey professor Daniel Povey okay and he's the he got in there he and I think he took some people with him he broke into the hit a counter-protest basically broke into where they were protesting and he was attacked they where he had scratches on him and anyway he gets fired for this he gets fired room is that again the scene didn't look very good because of the political correct uh and and the people who set this up I mean they knew what they were doing the protesters were mostly or maybe all a minority and he comes in there as a white man and in this politically correct day and age at a university in a liberal University you're gonna look like you're the oppressor and they're just the victims and so he got fired if he gets fired for this so one can expect that you're probably singing some well he's he's working private institution that's liberal you know he this is this is what happens again he's not to put but he let out a blog post and this blog post is great but he does not apologize he has conviction for what he stands for and that's what this story is about daddy although the son says he it was he gets you know they painted it in a negative way of what he was doing and I'm sure people are trying to cancel him prevent him from getting other jobs now he is not giving it he is not apologizing and some of the stuff that he says in his blog post I'm gonna read you some of it it's linked to below the sun article is linked to below because i sounds like some of the things that i say um he says i don't need the approval of victim groups to bolster my self esteem and I'm capable of weathering a little outrage and the ending in parentheses it says the the fact that I have career options helps obviously now I want to point out something there that's a very good thing he admits it yeah it's easier to fight this when I have a back-up plan and that's why you all have to get into the Bitcoin over okay his backup plan was a big coin okay but if you have something that they cannot take away from you it's easier to stand up and to be loud and do a blog post and not cower okay yeah now again he doesn't so I give him a lot of credit in the world he doesn't mean his backup is his new job in Scott but he still could be canceled these people still are gonna go after him and everything so he deserves credit for still standing up for himself and I'm just pointing out and he admits that he if you have a back-up plan if you have long-term thinking it's easier to get through these challenges so he said and he goes on in in the blog post he says man up America you're better than that leave that ideology to the man haters and racial agitators that generate it stop apologizing and start living your lives Eddie and I love it and limit living your lives and not worrying about what other people think and not fitting in and your there's all sorts of people want to be man haters and agitators what don't do that you don't have to play their game you don't have to play that game live your life don't worry about any who as for me I may not have my job but at least I still have my dignity and my independence of thought I'll leave you with some words of Bob Dylan I ain't sorry for nothing I've done I'm glad I fought I only wish we'd won and he says please rescind my regards to Hawaii I guess it's not some office in Hopkins and say that thanks to them my career prospects have greatly improved sayonara PS I'm aware that some people are trying to cancel me and get me fired for my next shot see if I care yes I have lots of other career options when this whole thing started I told my friends if the worst comes to worst I can always go to China or Russia again you could pack up and move that you can do that with Bitcoin too but I'll tell you this though whatever happens I will never apologize and I will never back down I know the normal script is that I am supposed to get down on my knees and say please accept me back into your mix liberal America I accept that I was wrong no way fu and that is awesome that is awesome no apologies conviction individualism and this is a pound that like button because this is things that I sense stand for you can breathe the entire blog post it talks about a few different theoretical scenarios and he is not politically correct and it's great it's something that really deals with but what I try to preach here on the beyond Bitcoin show so I found that I found his words to be inspirational and you can apply it to your own lives again he's got that mindset okay so if I get fired from the next shop I'm just in another country and just pick up and start again you got to be able to have that attitude to always be in motion to be a man again with Bitcoin it makes it that much easier he I don't know if this Bitcoin not that he's got job he's got his asset is his mind that's something that has just forgotten in mainstream culture yeah use your mind to figure out your problems okay and in mainstream culture is all about worshipping the victim saying you're sorry to the victim and still getting cancelled and he's not going to do that he's not getting on his knees and giving in to all of this nonsense oh good good for him good for him so again here on this channel we found that like button make success cool again that's what I'm trying to do man and evilly you guys are elite if you are here in his strive for greatness strive for greatness let's talk about health real quick in Israel I'm in Tel Aviv just and I think I've had this delicacy before and it's not really everyone should have this their cheap chicken hearts in America we just throw away the chicken hearts hey aren't delicious I just thought it'd be I got a big bunch of them I actually buy them and they they were delicious just delicious delicious chicken hearts and they are healthy for you people were trying to UM villainize and then make them seem like they're unhealthy vilify them excuse me they have a lot of cholesterol in them no no it doesn't matter if something has a high something with cholesterol and it doesn't necessarily give you high cholesterol and high cholesterol that isn't necessarily a bad thing either we're not gonna get into the whole that whole debate right now but chicken hearts are delicious they are healthy they got back they got prone to UM and they are yummy I love him a lot all right you're on Brooke and who I've talked about a lot lately on this show he it makes a he gets into the debates and he talks about the aoc type of crowd the virtue single worse and that the way you should counteract them because they try to say they're on the moral side of things you make a moral case when debating virtue signalers like haters AOC is not moral it for taking from others okay and to force the centralized planning on others your morality is don't take away by force as opposed to you're obligated to give to those deemed weak by the government so that's what they they're more their so-called moral arguments all they're all these weak people out there they're all these villi they're all these victims we've have to give to them we must get to them you must get to them as the leaders of them as your elected leaders we must force you to give to these victims and they say that is morally right that is morally wrong you have to break that down yeah okay so people might be in bad situations and but that doesn't obligate me to give to them I can choose to give to them but it isn't is morally wrong to force me to give just people you deem to be victims okay if I want to give to them that is fine but again so you you you dig into their that argument that way because they just finally say it's the right thing to do no matter what the cost it's the right thing to do it isn't the right it is not right to take from others by force okay and that's what you're suggesting so you take it down to that level with them all right I want to talk about it I'm jumping all around here I noticed that my podcast versions of my show sports monstercom the audio podcast they've been doing great in Australia and I asked why on a recent show and an Australian said to me that in Sydney where they're doing really well their people commute to work and they're in their car a lot so maybe that's why your shows are doing well your podcasts are doing well in Sydney Australia and then I never really thought about it that way because I don't drive at all and I don't have a car and I hate getting into cars I hate I especially hate driving cars how about that I hate driving give me the girls okay it's fine but this is the point if you're forced if you have to commute to work in a car I you are in motion your mind is in you're making the most of it if you're listening to the podcast so great use of that time sitting on your butt in a car again you're not being physically active but you're getting your mind active by playing my podcast and other podcasts too so great very good so guys if you're in cars a lot get the podcast version of the show sports moisture comm that's where they all are and of course disrupt meister comm you can watch all my old videos follow me on twitter te CH b alt sports meister yeah that i mean excuse me bitcoinmeister on on what's it called steam it yeah that's still around they haven't that's a whole nother story if that's for a bitcoin show i guess okay now bernie sanders bernie sanders he was on the show Brogan show unbelievable it's come to this Joe Rogan is getting a top supposed top-tier Democratic presidential candidate let me see my hair their hair looking nice today again it's not about looks dude it's about the content found that like button so Joe Rogan of course he's on YouTube but I just listened to it was I'm cooking my food when Joe Rogan is interviewing freakin Bernie Sanders on there and it's it's clear to whoever's working for Bernie's campaign and to probably a lot of cavities now it's becoming obvious that they need to appeal to some 20 percenters to some people who just at least don't blindly watch TV that they got to go beyond the TV clips and that also is there probably some Joe Rogan is probably so darn popular on the Internet he's got plenty of 80 percenters watching too he's just got a big audience and then if you're gonna win these popularity elections that you're gonna have to get onto these shows like Joe Rogan okay that that's what is now becoming obvious and that this and again it's linked to below deserves a lot of credit for this because he was the first one I gave him to consider a minor Democratic candidate for president he forced this basically he got on he went on all sources shows beyond Joe Rogan then this marianne williamson woman got on and now i think they're all realizing you know what this is helping this is helping the minor candidates we got it we got a got it got kind of get every vote that we we I get every vote out there possible so it shows that the mainstream media networks of TV networks are losing it here there there there it's it's becoming more disks to centralize and again I'm not saying Joe Rogan is a hundred percent great and that some of the so many Internet's so much on the internet is nonsense but I give some I give credit to Joe Rogan busy he's not all about nonsense he's got real stuff on there they're ok these these mainstream networks on TV it's all nonsense it really is all so I'm it's a positive now the funny thing is one of the first thing does that I say it's burnt pretty Sanders people his advisors have realizes I don't think he's realize this at all because one of the first things he says is that the TV networks should be forced to give every candidate who's in European countries every candidate gets a certain amount of a free TV time hey the dude is being watched by over 7 million over 7 million views or close to 7 million views all on the Joe Rogan show of people watching Bernie Sanders so far and he's still yelping about we need to force net TV networks to cover him to give him free airtime he wanted get he probably wouldn't get that many attentive viewers ok these are the seven million people chose to listen they went out of their way they had to click then they were again putting it forcing their to be it like on at a certain time on TV or on radio taking away from the regular broadcast schedule this deck that's ridiculous interfere with private cook but that just shows you Bernie Sanders mindset okay is it Bernie he doesn't see how the Internet has revolutionized thing how private corporations have again this is on YouTube this is Joe Rogan their private private they're doing this on their own okay and and so he Sony it's just I find it ironic that he's still saying that no the network should be forced and in every candidate a network time who cares about that that works now Bernie come on you're on this show and I do want to say that will trump in 2016 was on the a Jones show can we even say his name and so maybe maybe he originally started there does but no it's Andrew yang has took took her to a next level because he's been on all sorts of shows so maybe he learned it from Donald Trump I don't know I don't care but no credit prank goes to credit goes of those guys that Craig goes in those times they did that it was a rig it was an original thing to do to go on a Jones and and now Andrew yang going on Joe Rogan and inspire and many other shows ben shapiro and inspiring this so again now now that now that marianne williamson Andrew Yang and now Bernie Sanders have been on Joe Rogan I there's gonna be a lot other the other ones you know from Montana and Colorado or wherever some of those dudes are they're gonna they're gonna be on to and so I expect to see Democratic candidates on all sorts of other shows very soon III would it would make the most sense for them the ones that the middle tier ones especially and again these people aren't gonna change your lives so don't waste too much time listening to them but he so I I did watch it I did this usually listen to it because what Bernie represents is Main Street a lot of what's going on the mainstream today and I'd like to see what the mainstream hate that is out there and it's anything it really is envy he goes off he blames the wealthy for so much and again you have to imagine how would have another segment of the population was blame like this in such a manner if you named some minority group and just blaming them for all the problems and that they need to be taxed more and in just scapegoating let me just imagine that but in the mainstream world it's all like to blame all your problems and scapegoat and scapegoat the envious and be envious of the wealthy instead of changing your own lives and it taking personal responsibility and Bernie just opieop personal responsibility is the new counterculture Bernie Sanders is not kind of chemical true he is mainstream culture he's the blame culture that dominates the victim of culture that dominates the United States in Western world today he says that the ages of between 0 & 4 that's the most important years for kids and I agree with I I agree with that and he says the public education that he says the public schools are the answer that we need better education we need they need to take care of the kids at that age I believe he says something like that that public sure and let me tell you something to let me know it is not the government and the government should be worried about kids that are 0 to 4 K maybe even say public schools but the government should be taking care of the kids that are 0 for absolutely wrong because again I agree that that is the most important time in your life when you're 0 to 4 and that's why we've had so many problems in the culture today is because there are so many people out there that are having kids and don't take care of their kids and abuse our kids that are zero to four years old okay and in this fist leads to physical and mental health problems and crime problems and in all sorts of life problems for it's okay for kids at had so the government is not the solution the solution is parents to take care of their kids don't get into a situation where you cannot take into care your kids and you think the government is going to give you the solution because they're not they're not giving solutions now and if they do try to take a bigger role in it you're just gonna have people say oh my god I'll just have more and more kids and the government will just handle the problems and you know it'll be getting worse the kids need real love real parents when they're between 0 & 4 years there's no there's no substitute the government is not a father or a mother so interesting that Bernie and he goes on to talk about you how people are having physical and mental issues and I agree people and it does stem from childhood trauma a lot of times and you're less likely to have a trauma if you got a mom and a dad to care about okay and that's about personal responsibility if you have a kid that that it's still a part of you okay between 0 & 4 it's you're bringing this Kim you're taking care of you cannot think that the the the society as a whole or is going to take care of okay but again steal from the wealthy because you have kids and that you can't take care of and that's no personal responsibility and he is no personal responsibility Kennedy and thus that's why he is a supe ocular in the mainstream victim up blame culture what he's talking about which I disagree with strongly is there a popular so he keeps talking about it and I'm proud to hear that I have nothing like this no I'm not I am NOT the things he says in this just blame a game this blame game stuff I'm so proud but I am NOT into putting victims on a pedestal I mean two people solving their own problems not searching not begging Bernie Sanders to steal from rich in order to serve solve their problems and escape them you you created you you create the problem you saw the problem that that should be the first option right there all right all right and so the interesting they said he's talking about guns and gun confiscation basically he wants to take away Pete some people's a certain types of guns i but but he did bring up something that he he he framed this as a negative he says American citizens have more guns than the US Army and he thought that was negative think that's ridiculous I think that's great that's the whole point of the second amendment so that the army so that the government couldn't enforce tyranny upon the people that the people could fight back conform militias against the government so I'm good I don't know if that statistics correct that the American people have more guns in the United States Army that we play now there would be great if that's true he tried this painting as a negative again I don't know if the statistics right but if it is right it's beautiful all right and then again you read the comments section under Joe Rogan show under this interview huh so much love so much love for Bernie said he's so smart he's so he's again the emotional appeal to emotions but blaming the race because everybody wants a scapegoat and taking away from the rich I mean that is the easy that's the easy way to appeal the people in them individualism is the accomplishment people want collectivism that is the default so perfect so there's a lot he gets on a purse here's gets a lot of love in the comments section and it just shows you that is the mainstream culture you guys be in the counterculture so you don't have to rely on fitting in in that culture okay in the mainstream culture so you're in the Bitcoin overlay and you don't you don't have to worry about what decisions Bernie's gonna make his present not that it's gonna become president you don't have to worry about politics you've taken care of yourself you've got your Bitcoin you can get out if the situation gets bad MarketWatch pound that like button has an article and it says half of young Americans say their degree is irrelevant to their work I'm glad they're they're realizing that now you know your liberal arts degree has nothing to do with your work yeah so what's the point of going to college that is the bigger question and he said and to people in the art the article says people are looking at alternatives now dad years all sorts of different combos of learning and about one in five generations II and young Millennials say they may choose not to go to college interesting one in five that's twenty percent is that just a coincidence that 20% of young Millennials and generation Z's say that they're not they may not go to college that's great that's great data 24 senators are rearing their heads among you maybe that's what's going on again the high to issues make people think and that's great great it's great that people say wasting is this worth it now people are waiting to know that's good because dude you don't necessarily need to go to college again there are so some some social benefits to it but to go to something like lower to your college and this is kind of fun just trying to appointment you just get a get a job finding some way to make money hustle whatever bitcoin there's this in this realm of of just this golden age this time of abundance there's so many different paths you can go on you do not you don't need to fit in with college anymore it seems like more and more people are waking up for that so good yeah blame game is a sickness don't catch it there's gonna be no collapse people there's gonna be no collapse ambition is good and it has been forgotten though by the victimhood culture okay by the people who are expecting to not collapse there's nothing wrong with ambition if people turn make you feel guilty for having ambition get away from those people okay living in fear is the norm waiting for the end instead of creating new beginnings okay personal responsibility you can wait for the end which is not going to come or you can create new beginnings you can be in motion ambition that's creating new new beginnings don't know what's wrong with this world today where ambition is vilified unbelievable again and the movements the popular movements of today seem to they're not about you know they're talking about the victim but they don't want to promote they don't want to help the weak per se it seems like they're more interested in pulling down and bringing down the strong and successful and the good that that's that's their technique you know oh there's all these oppressed people out there instead of helping them or we're going to help them is by bringing everybody else down is by hurting the strong by vilifying the successful by saying ambition is wrong that's again that that is force that is for if it was just about helping the weak go do it man that is awesome help the weak but stealing from the rich to help the weak taking from the middle class to help the victims the people that sociopaths deem to be victims know that that is immoral at all okay so again you can do any if you're not hurting me if you're not taking away for if you're not affecting me that's great if you're not stealing for me if you're not forcing me that is awesome you could do whatever you want to do out there okay if you're not forcing other people all right I mean you can see you you can say oh this this minority group I'm gonna bring them up I'm gonna give them my money I'm gonna create institutions just for this minority group that's great if you're forcing me to fund it well that's a different story that's immoral okay so beyond I say to people be only offensive it be in motion and the defensive is when you are defending yourself and worrying about enemies that you created okay so creating enemies to defend against so the bankers the bank it's all about the fact we have to protect us against the bankers and just they they have to be taken they have to be taxed heavily okay now just be in motion be on the offense it don't create scapegoats what I mean is create create a new business create a new business create a new way of thinking great Craig Craig Craig that's being on the offensive defending your vilifying always having an enemy to defend against that's not productive Larry so I could say something like let's worry about Bernie there's less he is their enemy let's try to stop him let's be be defensive against him no don't what I say is don't worry about Bernie Sanders getting through the Bitcoin overlay worry about yourself and create in the Bitcoin over that's what other topics do we have here I don't watch my usual so I've been talking a lot about a guy named ant a Pierrot who is a traditional finance guy who has like loves Bitcoin now and the reason I'm bringing up him on this show he is not even a Bitcoin guy he's a finance guy but he says if you're under 30 get into the Bitcoin space so I just wanted to say that's an emotion type of advice on and it pertains to this to this show the beyond Bitcoin show because there's a lot of people wondering alia what type of job should I get what and he's a finance guy he says getting the Bitcoin just won again I link to that video I look for that video below and it's if you have you probably already watched it as I mentioned all three other of my shows that some of you only watch this show if you want to if you want to get enthused about Bitcoin watch that if you're a non Bitcoin person watching this show with a few of you are actually what do we have here is a tweet from now do that next time I'll do that next time and I'll do that one next time to pound that like button follow me on Twitter at Tech ball okay and I've said this before and I just want to again reiterate offer solutions instead of sympathy now you have to wonder there are some people out there who who live in this uh in this they actually don't want solutions they live in the sympathy zone and never they don't want to accept solutions even when they're given solutions it's very odd it's it's it's that victim mentality and you have to wonder about the people cuz i i sympathy is nice but i want to give out solution okay you've got a problem I'll save I'm sorry for your problem here's how you fix your problem okay but there's just so many people out there they just want people to say oh I'm sorry you're I'm sorry for your problem you're a victim you're a victim I'm sorry for your pride people get the jollies off of that I don't the sympathy zone they're in you're in the sympathy zone and they never they never want to leave this simply so they don't want to be in motion I guess it's it again in the land of abundance that probably again with a stun late they're living comfortably and then just like the attention of people feeling bad for them this is out of Uruguay in a press release the foreign ministry advise avoiding cities such as Detroit Baltimore and Albuquerque where she said are among the 20 most dangerous cities in the world setting in to eka so this is hilarious I you guys know I've been to Uruguay a few times and I have relatives in Montevideo when and I called Montevideo the baltimore of south america now the reason i thought about Monday there is the Baltimore of South America because it has some old architecture and because it's it's um Baltimore is always bypassed people go to New York or go to Philadelphia they go to DC and I'll just drive right through border but it has better known East Coast cities right near it and they're just the same of Montevideo every people know in Oakland Sarris they know Rio you know Santiago and then okay then Montevideo so it's like it's like Baltimore that ranking of DC Philadelphia in New York and Baltimore it's last and Montevideo is like last when it comes to Santiago Rio and in Buenos Aires and Montevideo but I will say this Nazi video is safer than Balt it is it doesn't have a rampant crime the board what does it does have some crime though there there but it's nothing compared to bottom maybe it may be mounted a mods if there is might not be a safe to Santiago say it probably isn't it probably isn't but it's not but the funny thing is now we have in America everyone's making a big deal the Trump said you know so-and-so about Baltimore but we've got South American Nations and your way is it mean it's it's a good nation but it's not the richest nation it's nothing richest nation in South America it's probably uh what's the second-most free nation how about that in terms of politics well maybe its third now what I'm saying is they're saying not to go to Baltimore okay so for all of you trying to have this fake outrage over Trump I mean you got countries like Uruguay say don't come the ball I mean this problem is in Baltimore that brought can't we just speak the honest truth that we have to lose to hide from the truth now the United States part of the reason also that you're going did this is because the United States said said the gave a travel warning about Uruguay all right hey let me tell you some guys you're you're much likely to get jacked in Detroit or Baltimore than you are in the USA State Department gives a lot of travel warnings now some there is basis for okay but some it really blows it out of proportion especially if you were used to living in a place like Baltimore or Detroit or Cleveland or Cincinnati or wherever okay so Jeffrey Epstein killed himself today apparently I think it's a waste of time even I worry about these same things it's it's ridiculous what do you gain well conspiracies this conspiracy he did horrible things he did horrible things a lot of powerful people did horrible things it's a shame that he got away with it but at least it's good that he's gone it's good that he's gone it's good so he didn't really get and he didn't get away from him in the next uh he'll be punished severely I mean if you believe in God he will be punished beyond compare so now but again really developing conspiracy theories around it and worrying about it now in watching video upon video video I know a lot of you want to do that it's not a good use of your time learn about big constant how about that how about that all right today or tonight started the Jewish holiday tisha Bob which is the saddest day of the Jewish year there have been many calamities that have happened so tonight we start the fast and and it will last until tomorrow night it'll be twenty four and a half hours here and Tel Aviv it depends where you are how long it is it's around twenty five hours give or take and so no water no food my voice is so you don't want to talk too much Dorian obviously and I've started out by talking a lot so that wasn't the best idea but if you're doing a fast like this here's some recommendations if you're doing it's a dry fast and I don't recommend your doing a dry fast I'm doing it for religious reasons when usually my faster water fast but twice a year tissue Alvin Yom Kippur are long water or long dry faster over 24 hours and so what you want to do is have a meal beforehand brush your teeth before hand and drink right before it starts right before it starts to drink a bunch of water when you feel it in your stock and then you're fun and they don't need water and again this is especially recommended if you're in a place like Tel Aviv where it is 88 degrees every single day and this sunny every single day it has not rained once since I've been here and so don't go out tomorrow I'm gonna go outside the goodest synagogue and then I'll go back in here again I got my air conditioned on so I'm fine it's fine let's try so that's my recommendation and again I my home eating I never by the way with brushing your teeth and eating and all that stuff I I did I had my timing the perfect Meister timing you eat then you don't brush your teeth for until about an hour afterwards and then you don't drink water until an hour after that so I had a spaced out perfectly and then after I drank the water four minutes later the fast start it's all right so that's a little bit too much fast talk for you guys but yet as many calamities have hit the Jewish people on this day so we remember them and we hope for no more calamities and for the temple to be rebuilt in the Jerusalem made happen soon all right now let's see because the temple was destroyed this day it's one of the hard worst calamities ever now for the Jewish people one there's so many human now but again we're not let's not live in the past we remember that we are I don't I'm no victim here we will build that temple again we are successful again but we remember we remember so that these things will not happen again but we are no victims okay now scammers taking advantage of social media zombies worshipping victims that's right I've titled this some part of the show okay so it's social media people everybody loves the portray themselves as victims and a lot of this victims stuff apparently Instagram I don't participate in Instagram I don't do that at all I don't have an Instagram account if you ever see one has anything to do it's not me but apparently you know you put some sad pictures up there you get you get a following that's the way it works and yeah my voice is good my mouth is getting dry now for well anyway but but there's an article in the Atlantic about the Sudan meal project and similar accounts claim to be helping but they are really just a ploy to get more followers so these people are saying they have something to do with the Sudan they're gonna help people in the Sudan but he's just the way and they're just pure scammers and but they know that this type of thing will trigger people in search and everyone will play oh I want to help I want to help the people that are starving and they won't even know what they're really helping because his article goes on to say that some of the way that these fakers have sad words they're not even telling the truth about what's going on in Sudan we're committed to donating up to a hundred thousand meals to Sudanese civilians the Sudan meal projects bio read the accounts only post promised for every short reap for every story repost this post gets we will provide one meal to Sudanese children and you will help spread the awareness of what's happening in Sudan but no one can send meals to Sudan in the way the viral Instagram accounts claim it's incredibly difficult to send meals to Sudan said Jo English a UNICEF communication specialist so again people just wanna virtue signals so much they won't even look into what they're supporting and the stammers know this and the scammers know this and they have just created these traps for the virtue signalers so guys if you want to give to a charity you know look into it don't just get it onto some viral charity on supposedly charity on Instagram that will make your followers think you're awesome because you repost it in and that you're so virtuous no that's not that if you really want to help people out figure out find ways to really help people out if it sounds too good to be true it is too good to be true they're gonna send a meal with every repost come on I only can fall for that anymore and me and apparently you can't even get meals in the Sudan all right time that like button i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister disrupt meister subscribe the channel like this video share this video bang that bell button if you need a reminder of when the show premieres or whatever to get the reminder up now we'll be back to the regular one Bitcoin show on Sunday because of course there's a new show here every day and this is beyond Bitcoin show click on those squares to see some of the past shows below I will see