hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to beyond Bitcoin show today is September the 7th 2019 strong hang on confiscate what bitcoin is the next big one first responsibility is a new counterculture the furrow of gratification conviction golden age we're going to talk about that's deferral gratification quite a bit tonight remember this is the beyond Bitcoin show we're gonna talk a little bit of Bitcoin here and there but it's mostly subjects beyond Bitcoin health a little bit of politics philosophy all sorts of stuff but do check out the links below Fridays this week in Bitcoin was a little bit different we had Yanni Asya on from eToro yet the CEO of freaking eToro was on this show so the guy he is he believes in Bitcoin but he believes in a multi coin future he owns a company that trades cryptocurrency so he's a different perspective you gotta open your mind a little bit again I definitely did not agree with everything he said but I get different different views on here he is a smart guy he is respected guy in the space and he's done quite well for himself and he goes beyond crypto currency trading he goes he trades his company trades regular and regular markets all Franklin are traditional traditional markets also so it's something to check out it's something to check out it's a different perspective definitely don't agree with him on a lot but he's he's in the stable coins check it out yeah or a pal man like button let's first of all take a step back to last week's beyond Bitcoin show again it's in the archives go to disrupt meister comm follow me on twitter technical te CH blt you'll see all this stuff but I forgot to say and when we're talking about democracy last time some people really think that the 51% being the bossy people that that's freedom when reality in reality that it's theft okay people a lot of people they hear that they hear the word democracy you explain to them to what it is what it is well the 51% can just boss around the 49% that's fair looks good a lot of people have nothing they find nothing morally wrong with that they don't understand that it ends in depth it ends and gets real nasty when the when the 50-something were very bossy people they're they're obsessed with power god amighty but yeah you can eat if you finish again we talked last week about democracies got this all these warm feelings around them just people think we live in a democracy but really it's it's it gets real nasty when the majority can totally start making up rules to destroy the the minority to put them under the thumb and to steal from them all right so yeah democracy not good all right moving on local newspaper model it's dead okay like it Baltimore where I'm from and right now I'm in Tel Aviv baby but I will be back in Baltimore for the High Holidays uh I'll be back September 26 actually and I'll be there till October 15th and I'm off to Australia we'll talk about that more later so no the local newspaper model is dead but so many local newspapers and they've got a lot of overhead they've got union contracts they got big buildings it's horrible and so they're trying to guilt they're trying to guilt their cities and the bailouts and all that they're the victims here the world is a changing and so the Baltimore Sun has had a byline strike or something lately and then and there are some people that are brainwashed into this stuff yes we need a local newspaper a local newspaper it gets rid of corruption look how the Sun exposed and they did expose the the healthy Holly thing that was one thing they did there like that but this Baltimore Sun takes care of corruption if you really you think the bottom or Sun is control corruption in Baltimore of all places have you looked around Baltimore lately and you think that because there's a local district but there's no corruption oh my lord oh and this goes in any any major city these local newspapers just fluff pieces now it's nonsense it's old news this air you have to get to it but behind a paywall it's all time delayed in the new world that we live in and they're not stopping any sure they might expose a story here and there some corruption these cities are filled with corrupt individuals in the in the bloated horrible bureaucracies you could tell within one you can tell real fast but when you're walking around the streets there's there's something wrong in many of these major cities in America and it leads unfortunately into these big group bureaucracies and clearly these local papers aren't doing supposedly their job anymore ok it's all it's over it's a we need you need to be nimble here so would I recommend it the way I see local news now again this is not and even the local news stations I don't watch TV but a few a few times I've heard the fluff pieces there's the weather sports this that it's so fun aren't watching that anymore either so we're transitioning to a new time where media local media I would advise the new model is for youth if you're if you're in college if you're a college aged person become a do-it-yourself reporter I mean you've got the energy you've got the free time you don't have the commitments yet you don't have family to take care of yet maybe a semester off or a summer off you start do anyone can research a story okay I mean I use few blogs in Baltimore I would find out so much stuff it was so easy and again you can do this in Annie and you can make youtube videos about it and you just you put it out on Twitter you don't need to have a big location you don't need a printing press it's minute-by-minute updates you can give people okay and that's that's the way and the incentive is you're not going to get paid but you're building up your your place in the AMIA attention economy which I discussed before okay we're transitioning to a world where if you've got a lot of attention if you've got a lot of followers you can monetize that eventually okay the more attention you get in this digital world the better off you'll probably be in the future again and some people did there's very cheap clickbait ways of doing it and I mean that's for those people if they want to do that but if you are a young person and if you're even if you're a person traditional media right now you've got the energy start your own start your own Twitter feed that's all you need and you can combine with other people too that are doing it and you do form alliances and to retweet each other and then come up with your own ways to monetize it okay because this old way we don't have to feel bad for the Baltimore Sun that they're going out of business let them go out of business okay let them all go out of cincinnati enquirer who knows Detroit Free Press I don't know if these things in Cleveland Plain Dealer let them all go they're not nimble what I just described is nimble up-to-the-minute stuff is for the youth you could be a lone wolf reporter out there with no bureaucratic overhead or anything like that you just you pay to feed yourself and that's your those are your expenses right there and again the lone wolves could combine to make their own alliances get each other at home each other's YouTube channels on their Twitter feeds whatever is going on it the tools are out there the tools are cheap the tools are free and the low you can do this locally I don't I don't know about a lot of local in Baltimore I know some local individuals they haven't combined forces yet they're not that well-known but again the local someone with a good Twitter feed with with a video camera they can make a big they could be more popular than the Baltimore Sun or whatever the equivalent is in your city so again the modern lesson you don't need a local paper or TV station credentials to be legit or successful in the new local news industry so there's some advice right there take it from there and yeah I who I don't know who pays to see what's behind those pay walls when again you can just you go on Twitter people everybody's tweeting stuff out it's not that organized but you can find up-to-the-minute stuff all the time about your local communities and is it the best information right now it's okay that's why there's an opportunity in the space for some young enterprising person just to take it to the next level and just make it their thing for a semester off or again a reporter can just quit there darn job at the Sun is started oh need the Baltimore Sun but they rely on that salary and their union hours and all that is outdated stuff welcome to the new economy you're not gonna get taken care of compete don't complain and the people the son the Union all of them Baltimore Sun they are complaining up the yin-yang and people are buying people are both well we need the Sun you don't need the Sun you'll see in the 2020s there won't be a Sun by the end of the 2020 it's probably or it'll be quite different and when I say the Sun the Baltimore Sun newspaper 13 minute mark of the following Scott Adams video first will pound that like button people you're have to be on big point show so that's why we're not talking about Bitcoin now but Scott Adams says at that thirteen minute mark that he says the Democrats out there are talking about health care you know everybody needs health care we need the universal health care but they don't talk about the American diet and reducing the number of people eating themselves to death and well the reason for that is the government is not about personal responsibility that's not that's not how they get votes if they get votes for telling people we're gonna wear the magic pill vote for us we'll give you free health care you can destroy your body you can eat yourself to death the simple solution is people take on personal responsibility if the American diet if Americans actually cared about what they ate and 80 percenters a lot of them don't at all they wouldn't need the free health care they wouldn't need to do want to be going to the doctors their health expenses would be cut in half it by by they would be cut by 80% who knows they'd be cut by an incredible amount but there's no personal responsibility we've gotten to such a comfortable level in the West where people don't think they need take care of themselves anymore they can do eat no it's unfair I can't eat what you say I can't eat that it's unhealthy no I'm gonna eat it I'm gonna eat it and I'll deal with the consequences later was the government about me out and they'll pay for my healthy no dude we were there wouldn't be a need for health care people just a person responsibility ain't healthy it's a huge thing and in another video Scott Adams actually the previous video to that and that's where I think he mentioned it in that most recent video that you know he knows people that tell him you know I'm depressed I can't get a job okay I'm not successful I feel horrible about myself and then he sees what they're eating and he says to himself if I hate when you ate I'd be in the same situation and he brings up something so he says it's obvious but most people don't realize it if you're not healthy you have no chance of being successful at all okay you very very little chance of being successful at least or being happy or just accomplishing anything that's the first step get happy and eating is such a big part of being healthy and and being in motion being a healthy you getting some exercise and stuff that that brings up your happiness level also and that brings up your healthy miss level also so I mean that's just a comment tip I think that people are forgotten in life like if you're feeling depressed if you're feeling down if you're feeling you have no future what are you eating or you're just eating horribly every day or are you actually getting any exercises or you're seeing daylight take take those first steps they're six that's more likely to come to healthy it should it should be obvious and you know healthy equals energy all right so moving on what's this study finds what's this hurry up hurry up modern patient stress holds lower than ever before survey finds patient threats thresholds lower than ever before technology technology is the blame survey shows average person grows frustrated after waiting 16 it's probe webpage so 25 seconds for a traffic signal to change yeah people cannot defer gratification at all all right just just wait dude wait wait good things come to those who wait and we're living in an instant gratification world now and people are becoming if you were a patient person there you go that's that's one huge step to attaining real wealth okay it's the furrow of gratification but this this survey shows that uh it's getting worse and worse for the 80% they're getting less and less patient there and more and more and again if you're in a rush all the time you're going to make mistakes sometimes deadly mistakes okay take it easy study things make a plan create a system and just long defer gratification long term thinking again the big point impoundment like button so sorry in terms of health I'm going to experiment with something I'm going to change my routine a little bit after after you're doing a little bit of reading and just thinking about a little bit more I've told all of you that I when I am doing my longer fast and that's more than 40 144 hours or longer when you've totally skipped a day of eating that I do my I do my run still sometimes you know in the 40 something hour sometimes it you know when they're going real long into the 70 something hour the 90 something hour I do my runs and I'm not gonna do that anymore because I was reading some stuff about cortisol levels getting too high when you're doing too much a clinic activity in a fasted state and that can be bad for you and so in the past part of my routine is that I'm not willing to not run not take two days in a row off of running the most I'll ever take off of running is a skip a day you know I usually run four or five days out of the week but there's never a two-day a two day gap between brats and and that's ends because that rule I end up sometimes running during a pretty hardcore pass so that's the rule that is changing now I'm I'm willing to skip two days in a row of running so I don't have to run during one of these after I've I fasted for a longer period of time I think I think it's a good experiment we'll see what happens and but I'm still running my twenty miles a week and I do realize that running isn't the best exercise in the world and what I have heard is that if you run under twenty five miles a week you're not if you run over 25 you're overdoing it so I've run 20 and I also do my intermittent or interval training which is sprints once a week so we'll see how it goes and I'm gonna try something you know my exercises that I do during the day sometimes I'm doing them quite fasted like right before I'm going to eat and which is there's a question of you if you haven't eaten for 24 hours should you be doing some exercises so I'm gonna try to move some of my exercises and maybe some of my runs too right after I eat now – to lessen the amount of exercise it's done on a long you know I'll still be doing some exercises and running in a fasted state but I'm gonna I'm gonna try out see um see what the results are you guys got tinker with it a little bit see what the results are of doing some athletic activity much closer to after my meals after so ramping up the athletic activity after my meals some and toning it down before the sorry a little bit just just a little bit shifting it around but that uh skipping two days in a row of running is that's important during those longer pass and yeah when I fly back to Baltimore I'll be doing one of actually when I speak in Tel Aviv on Tuesday I'm not gonna eat it all on Tuesday so that'll be if that'll end up being like a 40 you some hour fast so I'll probably skip to be the first time two days in a row for the first time in quite some time so I think we will see how it all works out Susy Garza what is this oh here here's something about universal basic income people here's a universal basically income article I'm gonna read you a quote and it's very important to pay attention to it remember follow me on Twitter a tech ball more important than ever to get the whole ecosystem I tweet out the my podcast only shows two there have been that many all right Susie Garza has never heard of yet andrew yang but since February she's forgetting $500 a month from a non-profit Stockton Calvin Stockton California as part of an experiment that offers something unusual in presidential politics a trial run of a campaign process promise highlighting the benefits and challenges is in real time now first of all I want to point out that I mean Andrew yang doesn't he's not doing this experiment but he is from California this woman's getting UVI in California she's never heard of it that's interesting whatever guess she's not into politics that's maybe that's a good thing okay just this end but but for Andrew yang it's a bad thing because you you know that's just your stronghold hold your state that you're from and the person who's getting who's like taking participating in something that you're promoting your biggest campaign promise she doesn't even know who the heck you are okay but but besides that Garza Garza can spend the money however she wants she uses $150 of it to pay for her cell phone oh my god you know I'm getting to hear people and another $100 or so to pay off her dog's veterinary veterinarian bills she has a dog she spends the rest on her two grandsons now that she can afford to buy him birthday presents online and let them get the big bag of chips at the 7-eleven Oh chips at the 7-eleven refer back to my uh my food comments previously all right so first of all there should be a pay high schools or parents offer your case of you if you're teaching your kids homeschooling a class about priorities and that children are the most expensive and time-consuming things on earth okay so this woman is a former drug addict apparently former she's already got grandkids so she had a she had kids pretty young and she $150 cell phone bill you know I have no cell phone bill as everybody is that is that a lot I don't have a cell phone so okay everyone knows I'm pretty I've done pretty well with the Bitcoin thing so we got this former drug addict who's poor she's got a hundred it's just the prioritizing something she also has a dog I tell people don't have a dog it costs her $100 a month for her dog prevent to send it to the bed apparently a hundred dollar bill I mean this is this is unbelievable I mean people we're supposed to feel guilty for the poor but then the poor should be able to take from us that I owe the poor something when they behave this way this is their choice this is just act of a dog she's a hot dog okay she'd have to have $150 cell phone play really I mean it there's other I know there's this pay-as-you-go plans okay you can get at Walmart and stuff it don't cost $150 a month and her grandson's yeah do you have to get you can hang out with your grandsons maybe you don't have to get them chips that are gonna get them out healthy make them obese seven years old or whatever and you know it so this is so she's get this is what ubi is good again this is great if a private organization wants to do this that is their prerogative I think more pride if private organizations get joy from giving ladies like this $500 a month be my guest be my guest but if we're gonna happen it is complete and utter theft for ubi to be instituted in the United States while we still have all these other welfare programs going on okay if they're gonna get rid of all the welfare programs and replace it with ubi that's different that's not that is not that really isn't he bring down in some places anyway okay these are personal responsibility deferral of gratification this woman didn't need a darn dog and people are probably saying well you sounded me matter this is common sense stuff this is coming it's not my fault this woman has no common sense it can't defer gratification it's not wealthy people's fault that she is poor in not at all not at all I didn't get her hooked on drugs so she didn't it's unbelievable yeah but this is the type of stuff the people feel guilty all she's so they don't actually like examine the numbers they're those numbers are overwhelming numbers they're just back there to me it's a shameful shameful and then we live in a society where victims like her are glorified and successes shames accept no not on this channel pound that like button where we get more into that and say so Robert Mugabe is dead okay so he was the leader it was in Bob way for quite some time and I actually found that out today I guess it hasn't been around maybe I wasn't paying enough who knows but he died on Friday was it wasn't Saturday so Mugabe is dead he died in Singapore you know because so many Zimbabweans can afford to fly to Singapore to get their health taken care of yeah and it's a he K because you know he stole he died to Singapore he was 95 years old and Piers Morgan of all people had this tweet it sums it up pretty well anything Morgan is a pretty lefty type of person there are a lot of you wouldn't think that a person like this would say what I'm about to read here Mugabe was a vile and ruthless dictator who terrorized his own people and ruin Zimbabwe that's his legacy the fact he's your hero says all we need to know about you so that tweet is linked to below some guys saying that bobby was his hero you know Mugabe was a Marxist Mugabe you know he stole he thought it was good to steal from the wealthy to give to the poor ends up to well over there now that the scary thing is is that economically now the new economic policies of these new leaders that took Mugabi place there's again Mugabe just died but he got kicked out in 2017 these new guys they're worse than him economically they're printing money again it's um it's unbelievable I mean I my big furry friends in Zimbabwe I have no idea why you stayed that's the point of Bitcoin to get out of situations like this and even if there's some beautiful aspects of Zimbabwe I was there in 2016 that's why the Kimbo is of course the most famous a Zimbabwean a big corner who's been on the show many a time and it's funny when I was there in Zimbabwe in Harare in November of 2016 and after the conference I want I definitely wanted to go home and I was thinking myself what if Mugabe dies when I'm here it will shut this whole country down I'm not gonna be able to get home and it was oddly enough like the day I left Zimbabwe Fidel Castro died and uh and it's fine year after I left almost exactly a year after I left Zimbabwe was the coup to take care of to take Mugabe out so Castro died the day I left which is like the equivalent of Mugabe in Cuba and did they shut down here but no doubt that day probably was hard to get out of Cuba that day if you were a tourist or whatever but uh the front I mentioned on my show oh my you can go to the archives and you can read in the comment section on a freaking Bitcoin show I was saying that I was happy that Castro was gone he was deceased because you know he had stolen from so many people and there were people in the comments section here saying that I was a horrible person and if Castro supported the people again stealing is stealing from the wealthy the mean horrible wealthy people he stole he stole from them and he killed he killed wealthy people just because they're wealthy it's terrible complete discrimination against against wealthy people it is that's the way the world but that's people's up so-called morals these days you know if you're saying you're helping out the victims then you're good you can do anything you can even kill wealthy people apparently and people will love him so little you know those just two dudes are always intertwined in my mind because my experiences in Zimbabwe I I was watching the great Henry Abramson who does these Jewish videos Jewish history videos and I'd link to his channel I mention it last week his channel I look to his channel again he's a good dude and he says that Jews Jewish people are resilient and I thought that is a great duh that is a great way of summing up the Jewish people you know they take a lickin and they keep on tickin baby you cannot you know we've been through a lot and just keep bouncing back and Mark Twain had that uh he was here the famous quote I wish I thought maybe I'll link to it below I'll have to find it what is the secret of their ways or something he talks about how like throughout time so many empires have come and gone but the Jewish people remain that they've beaten them all or in terms of surviving them all Roman Empire the Greek Empire these tremendous empires the the Spanish in 1492 so much were powerful and they all have all disappeared and yet the what is the secret of the truce it's the resilience I know that man there's a but I thought that was a good a good a good word when you talk about Jewish people resilient good good word there Henry Everson so you're on Brooklyn on a related topic he has a a little quick little video about Israel a busy Rob Brooke is from Israel originally and he deserved it he is not a religious man at all he's anti religious and he gives a very interesting secular reason for Israel and he talks about the 1967 war and how before the 1967 war all these countries and in Europe they loved Israel Israel was the victim make sure israel's made up of these Jewish people that were almost destroying in Europe and they were so weak and they were they felt bad for them but then in 1967 Israel defeated five Arab countries in six days the six-day war in like a biblical type of battle I mean you defeat five enemies in six days and increase the size of your country by like four times in six freaking days and after that though so Israel was strong Israel was a human it was an unbelievable victory and he I have talked to people in Israel who are live thing they were preparing for like they thought they were gonna be overwhelmed they thought that was the end because again Jewish people of that era you know they've been kicked out of every single country before already so why not they thought well what now we're going to kick out of Israel because we're about to lose this war you know all the Arab countries were going to destroy us here we've got nothing and so then they were prepared to be kicked out of Israel at that point but and there was just everything switched they was a tremendous you can look it up and night it's they defeated them all and and it was amazing and but so then the European countries like wait a second here these guys are a huge victory they're not the victims and they're not victim so we don't like them anymore and that isn't things did stir if you around Brooke makes a good point the attitudes of the world toward Israel changed after 1967 really changed because you couldn't say that these were a bunch of people skinny people who came out of Europe were starving and whatever and we're good to almost destroy they were they destroyed they just it was tremendous what they did it's a six day victory so since then Israel you know it's you know Israel as strong as real as successful Israel has built the technological marvel out of nothing in the desert and so they're to be hated and the other people no matter no matter what the other people do they are the victims we should feel bad for them you're the true you know they're the ones so the reason in the European countries like Israel in the first place but that was a good reason like it was a terrible reason for my Israel that's terrible reason because they were they felt they were victims the Israel was that and they weren't victims it's just in European or the Western mites and it appeared that they were victims the people in this country there are no victims I will tell you that that is not there is not a victim mentality here and you know that there is because it is this liberal type of government and everything they do they succumb to the same things that Western people do all this guilt all this guilt of success shaming but there is a core people that you they're not gonna they're gonna ignore that stuff and they're gonna be successful just like in the United States we've got a core people that don't put up with all this politically correct nonsense you know you gotta hate yourself you gotta use success cheney's awesome victim glorification is is great now that's your office it's getting worse and worse that that's becoming bigger bigger in America but there's still a core you know as long as there's a group of people out there that are trying that know the success shouldn't be shamed even if it's just 24/7 people things you're alright okay think things are alright so there's that you're on Brooks video is very good so I'm gonna end it you know we're talking about conviction and sticking around it was uh 24 years ago yesterday on September the 6th 1995 Cal Ripken jr in Baltimore Maryland broke Lou Gehrig's consecutive games played record he played in his 2130 first consecutive baseball game he did not take a day off from 1982 and it actually extended past 1995 but at that point it was 1990 it was he played every game from some point 1982 to that point in actually until 98 I believe and it's it's yeah I link to a video of when he hit a home run during that game it was so many I remember very very vividly from from my youth it was such a huge thing and it was an example you know sports can be kind of nonsense obviously but that bad thing did first of all it was supposedly an unbreakable record no one would ever be able to breaking Gehrig's record and never say never I guess and that you know aim high aim high and he definitely hang time and we should have big dreams like that but it also was a testament to his conviction and and hard work and and conviction and the commitment conviction and I'm saying those for some words so there's a lot of as a youth of Baltimore I think that did a part of that definitely stop with me you know just keep on going do it every day every day every day says that's why I like the system thing you know in my system does make a new video every day maybe thatís my parents inspired me a great deal more than that but that's something in popular culture that definitely has stuck with me too so that is a 24 years ago yesterday and every everybody that was a young person in Baltimore an old person in Baltimore remembers that that time very very well there was a lot of I guess a lot of Baltimore pride back then all right I'm Adam Meister remember you're an individual be proud of yourself dude you can you can have a your own consecutive game streak or something like that i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister when we subscribe channel like sushi or you check out the links below pound that like button bang that dublin click on all those squares see you dudes later
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