[Cash FX Group] – BUSINESS PRESENTATION Cash FX GROUP Ron Pope Wed Sep 4TH Hello everyone, my name is Ron Pope and I want to thank you for being here with me tonight I'm [Cash FX Group] – BUSINESS PRESENTATION Cash FX GROUP Ron Pope Wed Sep 4TH [Cash FX Group] – BUSINESS PRESENTATION Cash FX GROUP Ron Pope Wed Sep 4TH Honored to be here and get to share the cash FX group opportunity with you
So let's jump right into it and You know, what exactly is the forex market because cash FX that's what it's for It's part of the forex market So what is the forex market? Well, it's the largest most liquid financial market In the world today, it trades over 53 trillion dollars Daily, it's historically proven to be recession proof It's the most flexible risk management you know market that's available out there so you can put in money management risk management techniques and At the same time get the maximum gains on your capital It trades 24 hours a day five days a week So it's different than the standard stock market would be or the options market Okay
It's open a lot more political mobile Now who is who is cash FX? And how do they fit into all of this? Well cash FX is a team of project management experts that specialize in the financial markets Okay, our highly trained educational team Is focused on the guidance and success of our trade trading membership Okay cash FX corporate offices and educational floor are located in Panama City, Panama And our brokers are regulated by the following regulate regulatory authorities, which is FCA the FSA FSC a and FSA Okay So what I want to tell you guys is it I personally know the founders of cash FX in and I and I know where their heart and their minds are at and and really what they're trying to do with cash FX and it's very very exciting to see as it's coming together here the Values that this company is being built on values such as transparency honesty and respect Okay – and for our cash FX family now what exactly is the mission of this company? What are they trying to accomplish here? They want to offer world-class forex trading? performance while providing a personalized and Professional Academy program for the purpose of improving the financial lives of cash affects families around the world okay, so the core product of all this is education the core purpose is to educate you so that you can Better your life so that you can gain a skill that will allow you to live any Quality of life it is that you that you desire Cash emic trading success Our our success is actually achieved with a combination of expert advisors professional traders AI okay artificial intelligence and box and the bots are fed algorithms that the professional traders have come up with with the expert advisors and So as they're feeding this into the box and bots are making the trades the AI the artificial intelligence is sitting back and watching what's happening and Learning from this so because it's very important guys that you understand The algorithms and bawd so they are only good for so long and then you have to recycle them You have to come up with new algorithms to feed into the bots Okay, so you can't create one algorithm and think that it's going to trade forever the markets change, but that's where the AI comes in It starts in learning and helping create new strategies
It also is very effective in scalability being able to you know trade for millions of people so Amazing ingenious system that cash FX has put together here Marketing tools, how are you gonna get this out to the public How are you gonna tell people about this? Well, I'm the president CEO for the conversion pros which were in where the marketing software company We also offered full Marketing services, so we have accepted the contract with cash FX to do all their back office You know software their commission tracking all their marketing Marketing materials marketing software all of it So we were developing the background right now the banners landing pages capture pages bridge pages the full funnel are the autoresponder series so basically what we want to be able to do is provide you if you decide to get involved with cash FX a Turnkey system here in the very near future that you'll be able to plug into and start marketing and So if you're sitting there saying well, I'm somebody who doesn't have a warm market I don't know how I'm going to do this That's where the marketing comes in We're gonna give you guys the tools that you need to be able to go out in market cash FX successfully and generate a constant flow of of new people that are Interested in what you have to offer Okay, so that's how it all plays together Let's talk about the core product here guys It's the Academy the Academy program cash FX Academy program is the key to your cash effects business Okay, every trading contract has a specific section of our trading curriculum included with it So as you continue to increase your package size your education also increases with it Excuse me the three different series that we have is yellow elemental series the supreme series and the advanced professional series Under the elemental series
There's going to be four different levels of education that basically introduce you to the world of forest Learn the basics and become familiar with the important terms and concepts Okay, the supreme series takes you further into forex concepts and techniques where you learn advanced skills That will serve as a foundation for your success if you choose to take on your own trading account Okay, so Obviously here with cash FX You can earn while you learn so as you're going through the education cash up X can take care of the trading side of it for you with the idea that when you get to a certain level in the education, you can now go ahead and download the tools the the The app and everything the cash FX offers and start doing your own trading and account management Then you have the advanced Professional Series which introduces you to the most Challenging and I believe one of the most important aspects of forex mastery It's the psychology of professional trading you see you have to remove yourself from your money You cannot be mentally attached to your money when you're trading in the Forex or any market really you should be Unemotionally attached for money You just need to separate yourself alright because as soon as you start injecting You know Your relation or your attachment to that money? You'll start to make bad decisions on your trading I've seen so many times when people will go in too heavy on a trade and then they lose a bunch of money so then they get really emotionally attached and So they go even bigger on their next trade and then they lose money on that one And so they just keep going bigger and bigger and then next thing, you know, they've got a complete devastation on their hands So Through the education we want to teach you guys how not to do that but at the same time put tools and software in your hands that you can depend can depend on and You know help you win the trades So, sorry Cash FX trade contracts elemental series Here's those four different series packages that I talked about reported and packages within the elemental series that I talked about We got the Academy package as a $300 package We have a five hundred dollar package a thousand into two thousand Each one of these 30 percent goes towards your education The rest of it goes into trade for you and each one of these comes with leadership program points for you
Okay personal volume We'll get into that more here in a little bit Then you have your supreme series You've got three levels of education underneath this series Again, 30% of each one of them going towards your educational package Then you have the advanced three more series here and Each one has again 30% that goes towards the educational package And then the difference goes into trade and you get your leadership program points Okay cash FX reward plan This is where it all gets pretty exciting here guys, very unique Rewards plan a lot of industry-first here really, so if you watch over the next few minutes to go Wow, I've never seen that before It was designed to be that way Okay, a lot of industry first a lot of very unique Aspects to the compensation plan here the benefits that are easy to qualify for with a concept that accelerates your team building and they're earning success so cash FX wants to encourage everyone to Help others, you know? Help you people below you Build up their businesses in by doing so you're gonna be rewarded for that Let's talk about the Bulls and the Bears here now
I know that's a very common term in trading That is not what cash FX is referring to them the Bulls and the Bears and cash FX is really a play on words the bear think of this as Passive someone who puts their money in and sits back and waits for their earnings to come in through the trade earnings Okay, so they don't refer anybody over to cash FX That's okay and You can earn two times your original package amount So if we look at to the right here, you have a two thousand dollar package example Well, we already know that 30% of that's going to go towards your educational package $600 Half of that or excuse me Um, so when you are a bear Okay, and it talks about making 2x on your money 2x of what? 2x to the $1400 that's left over after your $600 package No, that's one of the very unique things that I love about cash FX Is they give you the ability to actually earn on what you spend on your education? Earn that back and a whole lot more profit on top of it Okay? So you'll actually earn on your entire $2,000 package Yes 1,400 of your $2,000 package goes into trade
Okay Um I'm One second here Actually I'm saying Yeah, okay, so start with that $1,400 in the two thousand goes into trade for you Okay, and but you'll earn 2x of the original $2,000 package so you could earn up to $4,000 and it and it only cost you 600 Okay But you'll earn that off the $1,400 balance that you have in trade the bull capital This is very unique as well If this is once you refer even just one person to cash FX now you enter into the bull capital site Opening you up to another 2x of your original contract
Okay So now you have the ability to earn $4,000 On a thousand dollar package or $8,000 on this 2000 dollar example Okay, so it's 2x which is 4000 of the bare side and 2x Which is 4000 on the bull side for a total of 8,000 dollars that you could earn now going back to the original package here of the 2000 and you paid the 600 for education what happens to that $600 well, $300 of it or half of it goes to faster We're talking about fast start here in just a second the other 300 goes into the unilevel And we'll also talk about that here in just a moment Let's talk about the trade results first off before we get further into the compensation side our proprietary AI technology combined with our professional forex trading team and our technicians all work together to create a variation your ordinary trading results I've been involved in trading Forex things like that for over 15 years and what I've witnessed with cash FX is It's a fitness It's a phenomenal It really is
It's a phenomenon It's it's Amazing I went out and met with the founders of cash FX in Orlando, Florida recently And got to watch some of the different trade strategies be put to use in You know I like to think that I'd sure I created a bot back several years ago that we were hitting 8 to 13 percent a week and I thought that was pretty incredible I Guess what? I can say here guys is we're not dealing with a company that's struggling to meet that 15% a week obligation Okay, they actually do far beyond that and they implement their You know their risk management their money management techniques To allow them to reserve capital in case they do have a bad day of training There's always that backup reserves so you and I would not be affected by that Okay, so they would be able to just continue trading because they've got that backup reserve at all times Which also means it they don't put a hundred percent of the money in play There's no reason to especially not in the forex market so When you send money into the company not a hundred percent of that's going into trade They put in the trade what portion they need to in order to meet their weekly obligation Okay, if you look down below says this bonus accelerates your bear capital So your trade results are part of your bear capital, which again is someone who has not referred anyone to cash FX They're considered a bear And so this your trading goes towards that 2x towards it on the $2,000 package that $4,000 that you can make as a bear This goes towards that $4,000 I'm going to show you another way that also pays towards your bear capital here in a moment Let's go into the past are fast fast start bonus here an Academy pack is part of every cash FX trade contract Okay, the Academy pack as I've discussed a few times here is 30% of your overall trade contre 100% of the value of your Academy pack is paid back out to the field Okay
So what I just said there is our core product The company doesn't even make a profit on they pay that back to us the reps The reps in the field that are bringing the business to the table Okay, each time a new Academy pack is purchased half of its value Okay goes into your fast start bonus We talked about that The other half is distributed into the unilevel bonus and I'll go over that with you You earn a fast start bonus every time you refer someone to cash FX So you earn it up to a maximum fast start bonus according to your current personal trade contract amount okay, so if you can only earn two X and You're sitting on a 500 dollar contract You wouldn't be able to receive the full Commission on say a $50,000 package Okay So always keep that in mind as you're talking to people and they're like, yeah I'm going to come in with a big package You're gonna want to upgrade your package So that you can receive those commissions the fast start because you had to refer someone to cash effect in order to get a fast Start bonus
Okay, that feeds on the bull side Remember the bull are the ones who are You know personally referring people to cash FX The unilevel bonus this is a very very exciting bonus here guys, the unilevel bonus is So when a package is first purchased half of that goes into the fast part Well, the other half is coming over here into the unilevel Okay, if you choose to participate in our referral program, you'll earn additional commissions as your team grows So the unilevel is everybody from you down on your team Okay, so it starts with you everybody starts a brand new you and the level everybody has ten levels to earn through I'm going to show you how to get to infinity here in a second, but It starts with you It's your personal team down But you're making money off of what your P – and what their people do and their people do and so on Down ten levels deep which is, you know, thousands of people here guys Their ten level of growth that you can be rewarded on as you qualify Further into the leadership program and you can earn it to infinity That's what I was referring to in just a moment ago So again, you had to refer someone to get this type of compensation So it feeds your full capital side of things Okay, so that to 2x on the bull side
This goes towards that 2x Now look at these numbers here for a second guys You've got levels one through four you're making 10% on so Let's say that you had you know some a group of people come in and They bought twenty thousand dollars worth of packages We'll just use that as an example Okay, so out of that twenty thousand dollars in packages There was six thousand dollars in commissionable Money there Okay, the educational package so divide that in half That means three thousand dollars went into your unilevel out of that three thousand Levels one through four gonna make ten percent of it levels 5 and 6 will make twenty percent of it Seven and eight five percent nine and ten five percent but if you earn your way into the leadership program I'm going to show you how to do that at the end of this presentation So stick around but if you earn your way into the leadership side of things you can now earn additional money one percent 1
5 and and two percent Okay So when you become a part of the President's Club and you open up that tenth level you're getting five percent on you've also opened up one percent to infinity That's pretty incredible if you think about that for a second I mean You're gonna be down 40 50 60 hundred levels deep before you know it How would you like to be making one percent of all that or one and a half to two percent? Okay, let me go through that I'm gonna show you how to do all that force matrix 3 by 10 I Refer to the matrix as a hybrid the force matrix It feeds the bare side and you might be saying well, how's that possible? Well, that's another very unique thing about Cash FX is you do not have to refer anybody in order to get into the matrix and start receiving an overwrite you know right of what well every single time that someone gets ready to Hold money out of their balance So as they're earning through their trade earnings or their earning through their referrals and things It builds up a balance in their back office that they can Pull that money how to do what? Well, they could take it home They could you know buy a car with it They could upgrade their package they could do whatever it is that they want to do with that money Okay, that money is theirs But every single time someone would draws money it creates a twenty percent withdrawal fee So for example, let's say we use that two thousand dollar package as an example Out of the two thousand if they were to withdraw two thousand dollars
Okay, that means there's four hundred dollars in withdrawal fees now What I want you to understand Is that what Rafi is not profit for cash FX guys It's in it's a unique and deliberate strategy to create constant residual reward For all of our loyal customers and team builders within the cash FX family, okay So remember I said you don't have to refer anybody to go into the matrix By being in the matrix and you can receive spillover from above you now what is fuller? Let's talk about that for just a moment here I get a lot of questions Let's pull over spillover in a matrix You don't have you don't have spillover in like a unit level or anything, but in a matrix you can get spillover, okay? Spillover takes time, but it's very possible to get your spillover So spillover is simply this Everybody's matrix runs all the way up to the company Okay So it depends on how many levels down you are from the company or how many levels down you are from your from your sponsor? II but you might be thinking well I should be direct to my sponsor in the you know level you are but in the matrix You could fall several levels below them because they only have three frontline positions Alright, so what if you're their 10th or 20th or 50th referral to the program you're not gonna be able to fall in those first? three spots Well those first three mind about built out there three even build out there three, you might end up several levels below your sponsor Okay, all of that through growth, but how do you get spillover? well the system works from left And it looks for any weak spots and he's any any spots that don't have anybody filled in yet And it said, oh you get one then he goes on to the next person and goes Oh you're missing spot and gives one there and so on and so forth that goes from left to right until that entire level of the Of the matrix is filled up and then it starts over from left to right again So that's how the system works if you're you know get involved You don't see spillover right away could mean that there's mid, you know multiple open spots above you that hadn't been filled in yet
So There's many different things that that affects fill Oh, okay, but I did want to touch on that here tonight I wanted to make sure that you guys understood that with the matrix you could receive Spillover from your sponsor or their sponsors or that all the way up to the company It just depends on you know, who's got extra spillover that could fall underneath you It's just how the system works so out of the four hundred dollars in the fees that fed into the Or that we're available Okay, the twenty percent half of that Went into the matrix All right, so you'd have two hundred dollars worth of fees that fit into the matrix from the example I gave out of a you know out of the packages that I gave the example on Okay, so out of that two hundred dollars what portion of it do you get? well It depends on where that withdraw was done was that on your first level your fifth level or your tenth level? Each one of them is you can see down the right comes with a different percentage I love the seventh level Look at that thirty percent Paid out on two thousand one hundred eighty seven people pretty incredible a full matrix guys is eighty eight thousand five hundred seventy two people So this could really become something very substantial at the time for you
If you're a builder, it could become something even quicker Okay, but if you're a if you're a bear and you just want to sit back and get your trader names and get your matrix Income you can definitely do that Okay That's why this feeds into The bear side though is that you don't have to refer anybody in order to take advantage of this compensation Um Now out of the twenty percent withdrawal fee half of it goes in the matrix Where's the other half going? Well, you got ten percent that goes into a check match That's why I call it a hybrid I'll explain the check match here in a second But you got ten percent go to the check match in forty percent going to the leadership rent bonuses We barely touched on the leadership rank bonuses a couple slides ago We're gonna go deeper into them here in just a moment But matrix hybrid hop showed you the first side of the baron Okay
Well the check match is where it becomes the bull side So if you refer even one person to cash FX, well, they're in that matrix anything they're making in the matrix You're getting 10% up Just for referring them to the program There's no qualification beyond the fact that you just refer them to the program That's it Okay, and then you'll get 10% of what every single one of your personals makes in the matrix So it feeds both the bull and the bear side of things very very exciting you want to go out and get as many personals as you can so they're all making money in the matrix and you're getting the Ten percent check match So I love this
I love this compensation right here Okay, guys, let's get into the Leadership Program I've been promising that we're gonna go over this I think this is extremely Exciting when you really grasp what's going on here Let's look at the executive level over here Alright, so at the executive level you need to have 500 PV What is PV? That's personal volume remember back on the slide the where I showed you the packages? Okay Each package came with a certain personal volume level Well had a thousand dollar package You're getting 500 PV So if you look at that guy's 500 PV is all you need to get all the way through these ranks as far as your personal volume goes You can be global ambassador with only 500 PP Now to become an executive you need 500 PV and 3 referrals Okay And then you need 7,000 total group volume underneath all of those people so You're not looking at a whole lot there that you need to put together to become an executive that can happen extremely fast for you We see people doing that their first day right now
Ah, Manager, how do you get to manager? Well, same 500 PV, but now you need 25,000 room volume You need to executives in two different lineages Okay, so what does that mean? Let's go back to the to the matrix here just for a second Okay? I'm going to use this as a broad example So let's say this is you right here at the top the gold spot These first three spots here are each a lineage or a line of sponsorship Okay, so you got lineage one two, and three that's just an example I wanted to give you a visual of what we're talking about when I say two different lineages Alright, so as I showed you you have three different legs there Well, you need two executives from two of those legs a total of two That's one in one leg and one in the other and you don't have to have an executive in that third leg So pick two out of your three and help develop some executives down there again That's just three referrals and 7,000 in group volume and they're an executive as well So you need two people to do the same thing You just did director Here you need a hundred thousand group volume two managers in two different lineages Okay, so we just explain what lineages are and So now you need two people to become a manager the same thing You just did to make you a director Okay, so that's one manager in two different lines of sponsorship
They're two different legs How do you become a president president ambassador and global ambassador remember this is that extra 1% 15 and 2% to infinity so you want to get to this place, right? Not to mention that on top of the extra money There's going to be bonuses from the corporate level could be cards It could be you know fancy trips They're coming up with all kinds of great ideas They'll be discussing a lot of that at the official launch in Panama City in mid November so very exciting But you want to get to these levels How do you do that? Half a million group volume? Okay, you need three directors from three different lineages So now you need three people to do what you just did from three different lines Okay, so if you got three legs, you need one from each one of those legs one director from each leg ambassador to million group volume three presidents So three people to do what you just did But you could do two presidents on one leg and one in another you only need it in two lineages here you open up one and a half percent of global bonus to infinity And then you have your global ambassador position here guys You need three people to become ambassador as you just did five million group volume points But those three ambassadors you can those over two different legs All right So two and one one or the other or you can do one in each You know in one in each of your three legs the minimum of two legs
So is what you need there, so But that's the leadership program This is the full compensation plan This is cash FX guys, and I'm excited to be here with you You can see it doesn't take very long to present This anybody can present this get back to the person who invited you here get some more information from them They can help you pick your package and get started tonight I want to thank you so much for your time I'm good evening
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