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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is September the 17th 2019 strong Hamby a unique piece value your wealth in bitcoin I'm confiscating but one bitcoin equals one bitcoin offended by selling five digit realm your home for bitcoin insider information conviction we're gonna talk about all of that remember if you want insider information check out this week in bitcoin that show was great on friday jeep was on there he's bringing the insider info vortex was also on there check out all my old shows disrupt meister i can't follow me on twitter te CH be alt hello my elite friends good to be with you guys again check out my bitcoin flashback video clip it's linked to below up below it's about the golden hold and also the bitcoin focus show was about gold and hold those are both linked to below let's talk about a guy named bradley Brewer who writes for human events he published an article and I read it and the name of the article is what is the name of the article here the invisible shackle shackles of America's social credit system now he did not mention Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in this article at all and that's a shame because bitcoin is the answer to the the issue that he brings up here we here on this channel found that like button we already have the insider information to calm us over this situation that Bradley seems to be concerned about now he vilifies the social media companies in this it is merely it isn't merely ideological censorship with the rise of the cashless society we are almost wholly dependent on the central banking system like it or not transactional companies like PayPal venmo and patreon are just as integral to our system of Commerce as the nation's largest banks Chase Bank of America etc they have the power to take away your ability to participate in the marketplace at a moment's notice oh no dude you got to learn about Bitcoin bitcoin is the answer there we are not almost wholly dependent on the central banking system with Bitcoin they do not have power to take away our ability to participate in the marketplace at a moment's notice if we have Bitcoin Bitcoin breaks the invisible shackles of America's social credit system that you're talking about in this article people opt in to Facebook and the other social media Giants and yeah there is a social credit system and it is very convenient for those people but they should be prepared you're absolutely right they can be turned off by these corporations but if they have Bitcoin it doesn't matter so here's the point they can still transact they can still support their fellow or they're their favorite content creators with Bitcoin if they have a Bitcoin to address so now is the time to spread the word about this do you know this was a good this was an interesting article but you did not have the answer the answer that we have that we understand here in the Bitcoin realm in the Bitcoin overlay is that if you have Bitcoin you don't you'll need to depend on on these uh date on your social credit on say um you don't have to be scared about saying the wrong thing on YouTube about PayPal shutting you down because you didn't you didn't toe the company line okay dad with Bitcoin you do not this is a real life use case right now right now bitcoin has a real life as a lot of people like to talk about the technical aspects of Bitcoin all this mumbo that just scares people away people have to know about this the more people who know about this now the easier it will be for people to set up like-minded networks of people who support them each other with Bitcoin the more people who find out about it the more people who are not shackled to this Social Credit System that you are alluding to because you do not have to be shackled to to the Social Credit system that you are that you describe it really does not exist for us in the Bitcoin overlay and so let me break it down for you right now if you're a fan of a controversial pick public figure every bank and processor shuns him okay you can still support him by sending him Bitcoin and he can still carry on with a productive life and not be silenced okay so there there's your answer that is a real-life application of Bitcoin right there for those of you who say well I have to be able buy coffee with it now no you can do that right now with it avoid this guy's dystopian nightmare that he describes in this article and I believe the author wants to you know force face spoken PayPal or whoever to do business with with people they don't want to do business with no don't worry bitcoin is the answer bitcoin is the answer Bitcoin it does not it's open its open it cannot kick anyone off with it that there's your answer all right soft launch of facebookcom slash disrupt meister that's where if you want to follow me on facebook I haven't really added anything to it but I've mentioned it a few times it's linked to below that's the the official bitcoin meister page facebook

com slash disrupt meister yeah well I'm the disrupt meister the bitcoinmeister town that like button now we were talking about oh the people who think that there's going to be a collapse it's just it's around the corner they've been talking about the imminent collapse for so long and that you won't be able to use electricity during the imminent collapse and don't worry the imminent collapse is not is not coming but for those of you who still believe in EMEA collapse well during the collapse if we're not gonna have an electricity we're probably not gonna have gas stations anymore either so your car is gonna be pretty useless so why don't you own a horse now I mean clearly a horse is better than a car because the collapse is imminent if the collapse is imminent why own a car why not just own a horse now I mean because you during the collapse you're not going to be able to use the Internet you're not going to be able to use a gas that you see your car well you can't get gas your car is useless so just get a horse and you can put your gold on your horse so yeah don't I'm clearly it's very logical don't no reason to buy Bitcoin no reason to buy a car just get a horse and gold and you'll be fine during it you should be prepared right now with your horse and your gold your horse and your gold that's the way to do it because we're gonna have this collapse that we've been talking about for 50 years well there'll be no electricity and no gasoline so yeah horses in gold the dream scenario of the dimers pan that like button on your horse with your gold alright now who is this polo no mare Innova says oh she's got a very interesting Twitter thread with the Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman shares his thoughts on Bitcoin for the first time that's a pretty wealthy dear there I don't have much interest in that because it's hard for me to understand I was raised in the world where someone needs to control currencies okay at least the dude is honest there he was he doesn't understand it he was raised in the world where someone needs to control the currencies well you need a central bank and okay that's your prerogative dude more and more you know he's not the youngest guy in the world more and more people are not raised that way and they don't think that way they they don't think that there needs to be someone controlling currencies that there can be decentralized currency and it's just a matter of time and some of those younger people are pretty technologically savvy and they'll be able to grasp it so I mean maybe this guy Steve Schwarzman doesn't think he's ever gonna buy Bitcoin but he does like the blockchain technology but hey dude he's rich that's fun he can go his own way he I don't need his affirmation I'm I'm confident in Bitcoin as the security truth machine and but it is an interesting thread you can see into the mind and Tapie arrow actually comments in this thread of the Tapio line and yeah he says it's that guys like this they might learn eventually all right now and remember the tapi arrow line is when the market capitalization of Bitcoin gets to 1 trillion $1 tapi arrow thinks that guys like that dude will wake up then if they do they do if they don't they don't you guys have already are already awake to Bitcoin and you don't have to worry about the tap the arrow line you already own it if you're not just talking if you're not just talking a talk I hope you're walking the walk okay 1400 videos I've been in over 1400 Bitcoin related videos disrupt meister comm check them out I might be on someone else's show pretty soon we'll have news on that so speaking about people in the space and your Bitcoin does not discriminate you can get into Bitcoin and you can be a social justice warrior you could be anyone if you buy it the name that's cool with me dude you could say what you want to stay in the spaces where the big boys play now if you start to make your views public on Twitter you should be ready to get called out and well there someone today I it's linked to below i retweeted it with some commentary here I think you guys are familiar with Melton dimdim or I don't know how to say her last name Melton d'amours she spoke about cryptocurrency in front of the Senate Congress one of those hearings recently she's known a lot of the thirsty guys in the space you know think she's real great and everything she seems to be pretty intelligent lady and everything uh but here she has he she's got a tweet out there and it said and it's a coffee mug she's very happy she says finally got my new coffee mug and the coffee mug this is what it says on it I've got 99 problems and white heteronormative patriarchy is basically all of them so I I retreated it and I said another example of how Bitcoin does not discriminate even complainers virtru signalers and scapegoat errs can enter the space compete don't complain so that's my take on it she can she can have her complaining coffee mug bursary signaling scape blaming the heteronormative patriarchy that that's fine complain as much as you want to you can compete if you wanted to and you're welcome to be in the Bitcoin space if you own Bitcoin that is great you're in tight no one can shut you up isn't that great and no one to check you up with your your coffee mug you're complaining coffee mug and that is the glory of a Bitcoin I don't I vehement ly disagree with her coffee mug I think it's ridiculous but I can't stop her from owning Bitcoin she can't stop me from owning Bitcoin and because I owe Bitcoin she can't shut me down she can't take away my business she can't take away my wealth because he's uncomfortable and I can't take away her Bitcoin either I assume she has somebody she was speaking in front of Congress I mean she has something doesn't she all right okay so i'm adam meister the bitcoin and you can see it below that there you big the big hero a bitcoin she's got a lovely lovely lovely coffee mugs very proud of it hey let her be proud of it compete don't complain this is where the big boys playing we'll see what everyone has to say about that I had a meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this for you share this video check out the links below pound that like button bang that Bell button get these shirts linked you below click on their squares look see you guys tomorrow bye