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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is September the 21st 2019 strong hand on confiscate bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is a new counterculture deferral gratification we're going to talk about that conviction Golden Age baby ok strive for greatness ambition alright avoid mediocrity check out all the links below this we can put bitcoin was yesterday Jeff Andrew Christian guy Swann were all on it oh it was great go to disrupt meister comm follow me on twitter TCS be alt sports meister calm all my podcast versions of the show o best guess in the freaking space those guys are smart guys on Friday you can learn a lot played a to X always play these shows at 2x while everything you watch on YouTube play it 2x it saves you so much time there you learn something on beyond Bitcoin makes you more efficient time is important town that like button here is a tweet from doctor 00 I know this guy is if you remember this is the beyond Bitcoin show so we're gonna talk about a lot of subjects that don't exactly pertain to Bitcoin but I'm gonna tie Bitcoin into a lot of things today we are going to talk about mmt modern monetary theory today oh yeah I very interesting stuff lately I've been learning about that so but let's get to this tweet if you share Elizabeth Warren's paranoia about big companies why should you be eager to give the largest employer land owner investor in the country with the worst accounting and least accountability more control over your life ok so the person is asking if you're lucky you know Elizabeth Warren will she tell everyone she's not a big fan of big companies she likes the scapegoat them publicly at least who knows what she really thinks but her public persona is blame the big companies playing them let's tax them let's steal from them and this person is wondering uh well you don't like big companies you don't like they're too big but you're you're down with the big bureaucracy you're down with the United States you trust the United States you trust governments and and they've clearly shown their least accountable and you want to give them more control over your life and the reason for this is 80 percenters believe that government is a magical entity exempt from normal standards yeah so what the government uh hires a bunch of beneficence from people the government doesn't seem that seems to waste a lot of money but they're better than private corporations and that's what people think that's what the 80 percenters think and the people it's easy to blame these corporations they're their profit seeking the government is a profit seeking so they're they're good they're good they're virtuous they're not trying to make a profit and everyone else is saying they're good and that's that collectivism is the default individualism is the accomplishment personal responsibility is a new counterculture people what the government to take care of them that's that's the bottom line in all of this so they're they're all they're going to default to that well that's the government's led my parent the governor's that my mother my father how can they be that they're right the big businesses are sinister so let's I'll stick would think there's no they don't they don't see the logic in that if they're they don't like big faceless organizations big organizations that the government is the worst of them all okay whatever that's their choice they can default to their collectivism and the more of them to do that that's fine you go to individualism you have a chance to beat them in the game of life basically be more ever every opportunity that they're too scared to jump on you jump on so you're you're winning there that's the thing when you you're depending on the government and you see business and profit and capitalism as a bad thing we're leaving that's my framing of that is that all those people are leaving the door of opportunity open to the individuals who can work hard and this do do the business thing and not depend on the government and be proactive all right so let's talk about one of my big things in life that I think all of you have gotten by now he's that you've got to avoid the noise in life and in this internet era in this social media era and this Golden Age there's a lot of great stuff you can learn on the Internet the Information Age is great but with the increase of access to useful information comes the increase in exposure to totally useless information and you can just get caught in a downward spiral of living your whole life in the noise okay when in the cryptocurrency space its crypto noise there is so much crypto noise and fun that's just a complete waste of time and all these catchphrases that buzzwords you shouldn't even worry about but people get hooked into it and it just totally wastes their time and but in overall in general in life because of the Internet the information out there the attention economy people go down the path of noise and virtue signaling and fitting in to this world of noise the more fake outrage that you have the more the more attention you can get the more you can feel like you can fit in but it's not productive attention it's not productive at all so there is a coup and these new so-called news outlets they know that the fake outrage that fake outrage noise stories they sell they sell when you hit the emotional you trigger points in people they're going to click they're going to get obsessed with it they're going to want more of it so with all that in mind the Baltimore Sun has an article about a restaurant called the Choptank in Baltimore I guess it's in downtown Baltimore and and again I'm from Baltimore originally I'm in Tel Aviv right now I'll be back in Baltimore on Thursday know for a few weeks before I go to Australia more on that later in the next show I guess but so the the Choptank had a sign that it says their dress code now again the Choptank is a restaurant they have private property rights I believe that among you know in this world of noise and virtue signaling one of the things that people have quickly forgotten about his property rights property rights it that's a common that is just that's a core important belief of my value of mine its if you if it's yours you can do what you want to do on it and use it you don't have to let anyone touch it you don't have it and you don't have to let someone change it you know this is yours they shouldn't be able to change it it's yours it's your property it's your house you if you own a house you just don't let anybody in your house this is your right it's your property you and they should respect that if they say hey can I come in your house you say no that's that's normal I mean come on but in this day and age there are a lot of people who have forgotten about that and it was fake outrage so they they don't understand property rights anymore so the sign gave a dress code and I guess to started out on Twitter which is the home of fake outrage and noise if you use it the wrong way and they said it was racist the dress code I couldn't wear baggy pants or you couldn't wear sunglasses at night and this so everyone was picking up on this story I couldn't believe it it started out in Baltimore attending and of course they don't guilty about it and the sunglasses wearing people he they can't get into the Choptank okay the Choptank won't let sunglasses wearing people in if the sunglasses wearing people in the middle of the night don't don't don't like that the Choptank doesn't like them then go to a place that you know that lets you eat with your sunglasses on in the middle of the night in Baltimore City okay just just fill another place and compete to open up a restaurant but that Nicator is the judge the people that wear sunglasses at night compete don't complain but there so people just look the pile-on when they think they can virtually signal and and get I guess get more hits and who knows what would it all means but this it's such a simple thing to me but again it becomes a tremendous story so my takeaway from this is again I only link to the Baltimore Sun story I didn't even you know you look at the Twitter conversations and all the emotion involved in it hey just just avoid avoid the noise in life and that that is a huge source or source of noise stories like that I mean how many of these impulsive people would rather spend on rest from I mean it's a restaurant okay it's not like a life it's not like a hospital you don't have to go to the restaurant the restaurant is one of the biggest luxuries of the Western world of your privilege I mean because everyone it is a great time I don't like to use the word for Lizabeth to live in the United States you live in a better life than most everybody on the planet okay and to be able to waste your money on a restaurant and have a choice of restaurants to go to and and then they complain well the these people are horrible people they're racist because they up there they posted a dress code they don't want certain certain people to dress a certain way in their own restaurant and I just I just wonder how many of these people are complaining about income inequality eating at these expensive restaurants and then at the end of the day blaming everyone then someone else's fault that they're so poor or they're not as rich as Bill Gates I mean it's just it's a fantasy world but in this golden age the positive framing you can get in all this in this world of some what you're so comfortable people are so comfortable they find things like this to complain about and to become obsessed about so don't waste your time being obsessed with things like that be productive in that time period watch videos it's UX learn from them don't be impulsive don't need a restaurant use save instead of spend and we're gonna talk about that in a second so individual property rights above all pound that like there's there's reticular again these are it's always someone else's fault it's someone else go to another restaurant okay don't go to restaurant at all save money CNBC story what is this alright this this is a kind of couple stories I linked to below they're about the saint ones them from August and one is actually from last year this deals with restaurants Americans putting more of their budget toward eating act so it's increasing more more people are eating out that's how much disposable income people have I mean this validates the welfare dollar to me they can keep on printing these dollars and and people people getting more and more and they just throw it useless things like eating out they still have no savings at all if you're if you're getting this if you're getting dollars whatever way you're getting dodge from work from welfare from wherever you should get real assets with them as fast as possible bitcoin it's that easy okay gets a big coin before you eat out at a restaurant restaurants spending set to hit high in 2019 as consumers spend more of their budget on dining out that's that's amazing again these are the people that are complaining about income inequality they don't they don't have the first clue about what savings is and what what spending is okay what assets are and what stuff is they just confuse they people getting more and more stuff and they're wondering why the people they don't have assets they're wondering why they're in the financial predicaments that they're in how about that and and this is another thing and the other link is restaurant it is it just shows what the percentage of people's income they spend on restaurants but one easy way people ask me how do you afford travel how do you afford to travel well I never eat up and if your motion you don't need that when you try to no I never eat however I haven't eaten out I haven't paid for some someone's taking me out to dinner a couple times in the last nine year or whatever since 2013 2011 maybe I'll even know the letter no no I haven't paid to eat out other than I there was a bachelor party or something I consider that a present when I did that once but take it like I took my ex-girlfriend out on 2011 is the last time I take money to eat to sit down and eat and then people will afford to travel around the world that's how I do okay the people that II think they work in offices they go out they eat lunch at the eat lunch out every day of the week every day of weekend and then they go get pizza at night and Carrie I miss that I don't do any of that for years for years and people are gonna live life dude that's living life to me that's on living life look at the good life you make your own food it's delicious it's fun oh it's so healthy and IV and I believe I definitely lived life dumb things that I've regretted definitely do okay it's not all about you know the rock and roll lifestyle people trust I tasted it before and you get good stories from its Shore but I mean you can gets real sick Rebecca look if I do go back don't that got a little off track there you know it's not a guess and rock and roll I came and say that SD in rock and roll it's not it's not about that you know it's whatever you know the satisfaction of life happiness and life that from what I've seen in life you know the SD in rock and roll it can be fun you can get a buzz off of it for a while but if it means you get burned out and there's little meaning behind it in the end of the day but yeah now we're going to talk about nmt modern monetary theory okay which has actually been it's just it's gaining popularity because of aoc okay and so a lot of people including myself when I heard about it that she was the one promoting it I was I was immediately turned off by the entire thing because you associate her with socialism and then you you associate M&T with socialism now I will say this very quick mmt definitely he is associated with statism no doubt about it it is statism okay so I'm not a status I don't like the government interfering in the economy okay but and this is a very big but I like big butts state that since 1971 we would you know say something off the gold standard and you can't deny that the dollar is a total status creation since then it's backed by nothing it's totally backed by nothing just belief in the dollar belief in the United States they print it they borrow it they date whatever it so get that down nineteen seven and we're not going back to nineteen there's no gold standard that's it I know a lot of the tumors think one day they've been dreaming of that for 50 freaking years okay not happening so the reality on the ground is that we really are living in a modern monetary theory world right now okay we're really living that's what the dollar is right now they just print it whatever and you can describe the way they print it any way you'd like to it has nothing back but the United States and people believe in it they get welfare in it and they're not going to stop believing in it and a lot of people it's people just don't want to admit that they think people should be smart enough to understand that it's just it's just a piece of paper how can they keep believing in it well they keep using it too they want all these stuff they want to keep on going out to restaurants and every night of the week and thus they're not going to just say well the thing I'm using to pay for the restaurants is worthless now No hook line & sinker into that they're not gonna change that paradigm in their head now going to the mmm tears again I want to say oh god I jumped I really jumped around here second hang on I am it some mmt people they think to solve that the United States government just people printing more and more dollars even more so than they print nap and those dudes they they've got the way they book the world or the country is that there are people in need okay and they think these people need can't help themselves so that and they've seen in the past that the dollar has been printed to bailout backs there's no doubt about that when the bench were in trouble when the banks were in trouble they were given money they just knew one he was printed out and given to them that can't be denied did that happen okay so these people and then tears say well why can't poor people be given money they can be paid to do jobs and don't do the government could make up jobs for them to do or why can't we do a green new deal that will save you now I don't it really it'll save the environment if the banks were given money why can't baby and it's it's actually it's an argument it is it isn't argument now those people who say that purely say that let's just print money and they don't because a lot of mmm tears are like well print a bunch of money will pay for all these programs with that money that we print everyone believes in the dollar so it'll still be worse elite but we will get inflation eventually in certain sectors and at that point we tax now those people or they're just are there some sinister ones that are just they know at the end of the day they're going to have to tax a lot so they're just hiding behind mmt to tax the rich to get back at the rich and some revenge thing okay it's some envy thing those people no I'm I'm not down with them but if you really think that the United States can print a bunch of money and to pay for some programs and then if inflation starts then you just stopped reading the money that that would be the way to stop the inflation as we you stopped printing money totally in inflation those people okay alright I've got no I've got no issue really not not a major issue with those people because I you shouldn't save in dollars you should be saving in real assets Bitcoin so big pointers and those mmt people once again remember we're already living in the MMT world United States is already doing this stuff it's already printing the money and in a crazy fashion go down to banks etcetera but no we can coexist are we going and so what was the worst thing that could happen if there's major inflation in the dollar and I own a bunch of pickle oh what's the problem what's the problem I don't see the problem and I also think these Amman tears their attitudes toward life it's they actually have a more positive outlook on life to the gold box the gold-bug boomers the gold bugs who want the end of who want to tear everything everything to fall apart so that finally they will be vindicated and then holding gold will be the best thing possible and they will rule this new world of I guess nuclear waste with their gold everything will be torn down I mean one group was to build and one wants to destroy one can have Bitcoin fit into their world and the other the gold of doom errs they can't have bitcoins into their world because their their world involves a world of barter where there is no power anymore okay so we're living in like the eighteen in the 1720s again basically and they've got gold and they can buy their horse with their gold so there's no world there's no room for Bitcoin in that world there they ripple in Bitcoin now I know there are some mm tears a ripple Bitcoin – but for the MM tier they are just completely comfortable with their thesis that hey we just the dollar can be just printed and printed and printed everyone will keep believing in it first they're not trying to take anything for me okay because I understand what the dollar I understand what the dollar is the dollar is not savings the dollar is not saying it has not been so you cannot argue that it should be all of his savings since 1971 at least and I mean it's out there it's clearly defined yet there are still people who have dollar savings accounts who think it's cool getting interest in dollars they value their wealth in dollars I don't I don't see how they can I really don't see how they can do that when the it's clearly it's clear what's going on there okay so looming catastrophe people I just wonder about these looming the looming catastrophe people when there's no power how many of them are truly physically prepared for such a situation if there's no path of it if we really have a catastrophe we're brought down to old world standards how many can run a mine how many are obese how many can go five days without food how many have ever fasted for more than 12 hours and are constantly stuffing their faces how many have diabetes or prediabetes how many are mcdonald a me a mcdonalds mill away from a heart attack they talk a real big game and they would be destroyed they would be destroyed if we ever have this dreamy apocalypse they dream of okay they wouldn't last a day some of these people and so I do not understand that mindset you know I mean I guess they just they are so out of touch with reality they're so out of touch with reality they want this to happen yet they themselves would completely fall apart now some of you might say well no there are some weightlifting totally healthy Preppers make maybe if maybe if of the people that you that come to you on YouTube that say oh big coin is worthless well the power goes down I got my gold and my god some bread right yeah how many of those dudes are in shape really how many of those days could really survive such as such a horrible situation and it's just a mindset some people want something like that to happen I go I do not get it they want to tear down the world there's that unsatisfied dissatisfied with life that they just want everything to reset they want everything we're not having a reset we get again D Petrus 1971 off the gold thing has changed and everything they talked about you can't keep this up you can't keep up the money printing it's all going up it hasn't fallen apart if you I mean if you were a young person before 1971 and you've just been waiting since then for everything you've wasted your whole entire life waiting for the end when there's been so much opportunity during this time okay and now we're really in the golden age with the big with the big coin I'm getting tested so so I have set I said before that and pounded like them first of all did em and we're I'm gonna talk about N&T on some future big coin shows too on the one big coin show which I do every single day I'm talking about it here this is the beyond big coin show and I linked to a year on broke video that explains mmt okay he doesn't like it he doesn't like it and he did he because he's the best explanation of it out there but it is something it's something that bitcoiners can support because it does not hurt us it doesn't hurt bitcoiners it if the current world that we're living in is controlled by the United States dollar it's quite a good world I mean look at the amazing things that are happening at the printing of money no doubt about it causes distortions it will cause distortions it picks winners it definitely picks winners but it doesn't pick loot if you don't tax at the end of it if you don't raise taxes to pay for it at the end of it then it doesn't really pick losers so here is a and people all over the world and in the USA believe in the dollar story just as strongly as they believe there are seven days in the week now think about that for a second I think that with that for all of you that say well all of some people are gonna drop that the they're gonna if the United States prints too much dollars to pay for a green new deal or something ridiculous like that the whole world is gonna stop believing in the dollar people in other countries you're stuffily people in the US or no stop building the Dom are they it would be that their life would become much easier if all of a sudden because there's a green new deal just because they sprinted on but people didn't stop but we've me the dollar when we got out the banks they're gonna give up this this tool of theirs they use the gain stuff does this kinda obviously give it up it's just as easy to say you know what I don't believe there's seven days in the week anymore the nine days in the week and this is eight day today is eight day okay today is eight day I'm not believing in it's Saturday today is eight day it's before why would anyone do that why would anyone just change they would be it just like wouldn't work for them anymore it just would not work they are – they okay I saw one could you imagine if you did that if you no longer cared about what day of the week you was you can make up your own oh then this is the eighth day of the week there are people that are that wealthy that are that independent that can't do that I cooked many in many aspects of my life I could do something like that I could just live oblivious to what day of the week it is I can no longer believe there's seven days of the week but there are some and sometimes my leg would boil back down to that but for most people what I just said in terms of believing there's an eighth day of the week it's that hard for them to give up the dollar everything they have in life is built around stuff and acquiring more stuff with that dollar so it has a quote out there if the world's seven billion people are going to tolerate US citizens having a first-world standard of living and will provide them their labors for cheap in exchange for a social contract called the dollar then absolutely let's print prosperity and someone was saying that you know as a joke but guess what dude guess what that is the way the seven billion people of the world tolerate US citizens having the first world standard of living and will provide them their labors for cheap in exchange for the social cost of carbon dollar they will they will because it is in the all those currencies are backed up by the dollar okay so people are willing to work in the end of the day if they work for some South African Rand you said well I'll give you $1 for the South Africa man they do in a second for the argentine pesos be given in a second okay they would change it so very much people of the world are willing to work for the social construct called the US dollar because it benefits them it is they the dollar brand the dollar brand is supported by what the United States is by our culture by by everything that surrounds it that brand is not is not breaking just but people are going to change their minds just because it's some more of it is going to be printed and I I think that psychological aspect of mmt they don't talk about that very much but I'm I'm talking about it right now so I believe the United States could couldn't print more dollars from you know these programs that all these socialist candidates are talking about in the United States that the innate some of them say well we're going to do XYZ tax to pay for this okay we're going to remember Andrew yang says we're gonna do a VA t taxer or we're gonna check we're gonna attack the stock transactions we're gonna tax the top 1% no I like that's stealing that's stealing right there what they should try before that because again we're gonna have to face this people in United States if you ever realized it by now one of these people are someone like them will become president one day and they will set the tone the 80 percenters want free health care they want they're more of them all these impulsive people then there are nine impulsive people so they're gonna vote they're gonna get their way eventually so and should they steal from the people that have stuff with wealth taxes or should the United States print more money and I think you can see about it why not try out the print more money I would like to see some of these socialist instead of saying we're gonna tax the rich let's print more money and the scary thing that might make people sick to their stomach is that the one person who suggested something like that is aoc and Bernie Sanders as advisors that are into this mmt thing now he she still talking about taxing the rich although some of these programs that he talks about he just says well we'll pay for it somehow maybe that's the way they're gonna do it ok ok now ok this is not I don't think we should have all these darn programs everything like that I think it should be the free market I think we should be the insurance thing has completely been messed up by the government interference alright it should be totally through tomorrow right I wish everything was free market but I'm living in reality I'm talking about the the situation on the ground how do you make the most of the situation on the ground okay well you if the government is going to have programs they have to find out a way to pay for them so I would rather than prick the darn money because I understand what that dollar is it is not a savings account and I am well prepared as I have assets I've gotten dollars over the years I turned them into real assets especially one called Bitcoin now you're on Brooke says his video he says they and that with and with the MMT with mmt he that that one it was he actually seen his explanation he says that what the MT fans say is that we've been talking to Peter shift it's been talking about gold going to a hundred thousand for years and it hasn't happy it hasn't happy and the United States has clearly printed more and more money so why has a gold gone to a hundred thousand in years so that's that's one of the things the mmm T's the MMT or say and and Iran Brooks I said that they're right about that they're right about that observation and he says though that it will cause distortion it will cause inflation eventually in in certain of parts of the economy it causes distortions and that it is government it is total government it's government picking winners they're in that and that's that is not morally right he's got but this is the situation on the ground and I say most regulated industries the industries that are the most regulated they will be inflated the most by out of control more and more printing of money which is what MMD talks about now again there are some EMA tears and say well then once the inflation happens next when we tax now that that's part I don't like because you could just stop the money printing at that point and that all would say you know we have to tax it that way I get me talking in a non negative way about mmt does not mean I said I think we should tax people I definitely do not think we should pay tax people to pay for these ridiculous programs I say what the heck the dollar is not a safeties mechanism what let him print more of it let him pray it's not it's not hurting people who understand what true assets are because if you have true assets and they're printing more of this dollar thing which is not an asset then you're fine you have you have true assets and it is everyone out there this is where the big boys play you either you choose to go the way of stuff or you choose to go the way of assets it is a personal responsibility we've had separation of savings and spending since 1971 you have to understand that the dollar is for spending the dollar is for spent it is not a savings mechanism you can use it to spend to buy savings mechanisms okay there you go right there but you should not be saving in dollars you should not think if you've got a hundred thousand dollars of the bank that that's real wealth because who knows what could happen nowaday we haven't inflated it away hyperinflation we will never hyperinflation I say so we'll never have hyperinflation never just because the brand is that strong there's a psychology behind this people I know what some of you are saying well mathematically if they did next y&z it's it's it's not happening it's the brick the hole I traveled this darn world they want to be the United States everywhere everyone emulates our culture everyone emulates the culture of the West of England of it when I say I an England could pull this thing off – they could have mmm tea with the negative mmm tea with the pelt and i and jeremy corbyn yamato visit grow found that lakeland jeremy corbyn that monstrous individual i believe he believes in this type of thing now again i obviously I'm no fan of his I just said something in Hebrew about him but I think of some people who enjoy but um yeah it it can work certain certain countries have a brand certain countries can't can do this because people are hooked on their currency they are hooked they could try out this this money printing thing because money the money the fiat money is not it's not wealth it really it is not wealth it is a way to transact it is definitely a way to transact alright you need real assets so man again an empty first they spend they spent they spend money into existence they print money that is a core belief behind it the government spending that that's what creates that's what creates the money there you go and that create and that is what creates the US dollar and so many people worship the state so much and are dependent on it that it has down it has meaning it has meaning that allows them to get stuff now if this if this keeps going by the way if if MMP really picks up and does cause inflation in certain in certain industries and certain yeah it's good in certain Retta very regulated I mean in health care in eating out I'm sure that's a very highly regulated industry dining industry you know big Boeing savers are not going to have to work nine to five jobs again they really are not going to have to work nine to five jobs because they we'll have this real real assets well everyone is hooked of because the more the more money that is thrown into the the more dollars that are printed out there the more people are going to be able wanting to get more stuff okay it's it's it's a form of crack okay the dollar is a form of crack people immediately want more stuff with it they want more stuff with it okay so if you're not buying stuff with the dollars you're getting your your becoming your assets or gaining more value or becoming much more valuable so yeah you might need to work every once in a while get some dollars buy buy some things but your big coin will be going up in value in a bed if you rent a house you use the big coin to buy a house and that's another asset right there not as good of an asset is Bitcoin but I think if you think about this long and hard you'll see where I'm getting at here so let the 80 percenters have their dollars let them have their dollars let them value their wealth and dollars good good we can all get along so I if we're gonna have all these government programs which by a by 2024 we probably it something's gonna happen whether it be reparations whatever then print just printing just printing don't tax me don't take for me just print it print that print more dollars trick more dollars let's see what happens because we're already in that world where we've been printing dollars for quite some time that are backed by nothing and what what's the worst that has happened we become even more more powerful technologically advanced country now again it is true it is true that probably without the government interference we've become even more powerful more tech more things would be accomplished okay it causes distortions I'm not I'm not doubting that but we're in we're in a statist world you can opt out of it by getting in the Bitcoin you can opt out of it by getting into Bitcoin and just what would popcorn watching the status world go by and see if the MMT thing works and of course voicing your concerns with you know when you talk about to say okay print your money but you get down but you don't get to taxes okay if you start to debt that's when you're going to run into some social problems and and people in terms of the way the United States is set up now if they said well we're just gonna print money to pay for all these programs I think people will be like ok I'll vote for that guy but then we're gonna have to tax the middle class to do that then there's a problem there's a problem we still have that cutoff there so very very interesting times we're living in here and so and I have listened to these mmt guys I this weekend I've watched some videos and everything and some of them are very liberal there can be no doubt about it summit and that and they're doing themselves a disservice when they make it political when they make it political it turns people off and like it turned me off initially you think it's a complete scam joke when you hear some of these when you when you hear coming from some people's mouths just because they believe in other things that are nonsense but there are some that are like no this isn't this isn't left or right it's it's status that there's no doubt about that it's it's status it's just a different way of looking at the dollar it's it's you know we don't have to ball and we don't have to issue all these buff the United States doesn't have to have set these interest rates and everything like that it should just means we shouldn't be borrowing dollars into existence where we're printing them and then paying some interest on them that's ridiculous that is ridiculous bill still has said that for years and I never really and he bill still has said for years that you could just print in West dollar and I just never really caught in my head but there there is a difference between you know printing it and paying interest on it then just printing it so just forget about this interest stuff that's been going on okay let's not play that game anymore either so watch some of these videos some some of the guys are much less political and it really does not have to be a left or right type of thing and bitcoiners can definitely shouldn't feel threatened by these people at all the ones that aren't talking about taxing at least the ones that aren't talking about taxing you shouldn't feel threatened by me I'm not there and by them not again I'm saying I don't have their way let's see what happens well it doesn't we have Bitcoin what's it matter to us what's it matter to us if it here's your old man I think there will be hyperinflation oh okay it won't be but if there was then we have Bitcoin so our bitcoins worth trillions of dollars all but I really don't think I I do not think there will be major inflation I don't because so many people are hooked on the dollar as crack it is it is just such a brand that people are forced and forced themselves there in order to live their lives they must say no a dollar is gonna be worth a dollar a dollar is gonna have that is gonna get me this stuff I need it to be worth something so I can get this stuff I'm not giving up that that that thought process in my head because again it is all an illusion it is an illusion it's it's a it's a shared illusion that the dollar is worth stuff it is but that's what everybody shaped just like it's a shared illusion that there are seven days in the week there's no logical reason there's no way there could be nine days all right so yeah and we're one thing about the year on Brooke video that it just shows how people don't pay attention to they get very emotional right away and they think something is left or right and then they just stop paying attention and there's in the Yahoo you're on Brooke who does not like mm tea but she describes what it is very nicely video link to below people read the comment section people are getting angry in his comment section for him being a fan of mm tea when he's clearly not but they just they don't they stop wit I mean maybe that's just uh that's the state of listening comprehension in the world today clasp clasp something I you guys know that's one of my things comment like all right what's this all right talked about the picking the losers and winners all right SATA Ben Shapiro show had the rapper's ubi you on it and he said he's a good guy anti victim type of guy shadows like okay this guy's got some interesting things to say he's like don't be a victim pressure responsibility he talks about health at the end he he said he had a hilarious tweet where you know he's powerlifting and he says you know well I just set a female power with lifting record and he just shows that if someone is born a man and they start saying that they are female and taking female hormones that it's really easy to just set all sorts of female sports records that there is a real big difference between females and males okay the truth is his Ruby he's just a he's a big guy but he is not a professional power lifter at all but he is little clips of him setting every female power lifting record there is he could do it easily just as a regular man say I mean it just shows you for the people who just there's no difference between men and women physically this is nonsense in a tuck and he just showed that that was a good tweet on his part but he's a logical guy and so I said to myself I got a contact his doodle I got to be in motion I got a contact this guy on Twitter about bitcoins so I go to his Twitter and I'm you know I'm about to DM him I'm looking at all this and he oh he's already tweeted not big so I did DM him still and I told him like I liked what you stand for I was about to tell you about Bitcoin but I see you're already into me like I sent me a little smiley face back or whatever so a good dude and you can also see that you know when I see a good dude out there who I think has some reach into some interesting communities I try to tell him about Bitcoin but he already knew about it he'd already tweet about it which is very positive – but a guy like that is a that gets on the bench of purest show and is also on the freakin Dave Rubin show they had to sting guest sometimes that's a little they should try to plan that I mean maybe it's just coincidence item they'd like the same type of guest but whatever who knows what's going on behind the scenes over there moving on I doesn't become a big mmm t-shirt yeah I'll have to see what everybody thinks about that and and what and and for the people that didn't properly listen to this what they're gonna be saying about what I said you know twisting around my words I'm sure they'll be a few people moister is a he's not a Bitcoin guy anymore he's a mmt you just don't understand they can let the 80 percenters have their enmity let us have era Louis have our Bitcoin all right I'm trying to I got so many things written down here was at the end of the show right there that was my last thing I wanted to talk about it might have been my last thing I want to talk about hang on I talked about Ben Shapiro and zubi that's it that is it all right everybody hope you enjoyed the show i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe and like this video share this video check out the links below pound that like button bang that bell button and hello my elite friends i forgot to say that at the beginning of the show maybe that's why I've got that a feeling like things are incomplete all right remember new show here every day see you soon bye you