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morning Blockchainers it's us the new kids on the blockchain ash and Lisa the old ball and blockchain good morning everybody welcome to today's crypto and blockchain show it's another day on planet earth how we all feeling out there we had a look we woke up to some green this morning yes we have had over the last few days we've seen a significant little boost coming in there's lots of reasons I've been reading this morning as to why bye Nance leaving the charge there with accepting fear on-ramps with like Alibaba and also the WeChat platform so more money coming in there's lots of good stuff going on someone disappeared from the chance that we notice who's s veritasium oh yes I can't find very tasty among my veritasium is marked all is zero hang on I'm just looking seeing if it's no veritasium is back on the charts is there and it's gone up 49 it seemed to disappear off the charts yesterday and come back and it seems to have gone up 49 percent now obviously if you're watching veritasium this has been a really interesting one we've been following it since the very start we've interviewed people like cliff high we've interviewed Reggie we've followed the whole thing really it's difficult to talk about the moment because Reggie's of the sleep you know he's going with through his court of shenanigans but it's going to be an interesting one because there are a lot of people who've said to us and I quote this shit coin is going to 0 he's a scammer and it's worth noting and then there are other people who say this guy is changing the way that finance works and there are so many people out there that are worried about it that they are essentially causing massive thud paid campaigns to slur him issues obviously only time will tell and we've got to be honest we do own some veritasium but we just bought some right the stock isn't interesting every small amount well then mine were a zero yesterday how many of you got 32 Lamborghini now we have been chatting recently we a lot of very intelligent people who are not fans of blockchain we had a chat to you'll have seen on the show with a chaplain that come hand in hand because they're intelligent well it depends what's going on in the market but my question that I wanted to just talk about with both of us now is yesterday we filmed a very cool lady called Jemima Kelly from a Financial Times Alphaville and she hasn't got a lot of good things to say about blockchain we filmed her for our documentary which is very nearing completion as we said IPO so achieved picture a lot last week but we got slot with this lady and we really wanted to get her commentary in here we might actually show a little clip from it actually a little later on in this show because she had some really good arguments as to why there are huge problems in blockchain and crypto generally but point being we've been exposed recently to a lot of people who are naysayers now you can have come out of sitting with somebody very intelligent after listening for two hours about them telling you why it won't work and wait can't work and why there are problems and you do start questioning yourself there is a real sort of evangelical following in cryptocurrency where everybody is almost like taking the red pill or is it the blue pill I don't remember the red the one that sends you down the rabbit hole they've taken it they drunk and drank the kool-aid that had the whole lot we've had the kool-aid with all of it but you kind of listen to these people you start you do start thinking shit if we back the right horse here I mean how are you feeling a little well I have to admit it is disheartening when you for the last year and a half two years I've been like talking to my friends explaining about cryptocurrency I'm like it's great this is think of blockchain and then every time they ask me now they go what's happened to that project well he's in court and it's down to zero yeah we work if we're 973 down on that event it's not gambling it's a show you it's not going to changing yeah yeah this it's disheartening but it is the more we talk to people who have very valid reasons why they think it isn't gonna last I always it doesn't pose the the kind of threat of fiat currency that's something real proponents say but I get just to sway this one then someone will turn around and go I've got this new ice you know but like what but we well not so much these days now I'm but I mean we you know we'll sit and we'll do a chat with Raja vir for an hour for example or John McAfee or you know loads of these people and you come away going yeah you go blocked him and then you go and sit with let Jemima yesterday or David generalities become anything well have we've been literally you know wasting our time yes we will just have to wait and see comment down below people now for Christ's sake comment below I don't know how many times I've got to ask you all but we get down there's a few comments a couple of people moaning about shit get down and tell us get involved we're putting a lot of effort in here people let's hear from you let's see some likes and subscribes as well and let's hear about what you want to see we've you know we bring this show every week we try and bring you content that we think is gonna be relevant as opposed to moon kid nonsense and we hope that you enjoy it but if you do please tell us because sometimes when you're in a bear market like this and you're making a show that's a lot of hard work like this you need a little love we need a little bit of love don't we you know even the new kids need some love so bring it on make it rain make it rain on us now now other stuff on the show this week you were going to ask me but you haven't so I'll tell you well because you haven't given me a second to interject because you've just literally constantly been talking interject you spoke to Tesco's didn't you for the features we haven't spoken to tells us they've had a really interesting sort of ride since their record-breaking ico at the time so I wanted to get them in see what's going on they've been very busy there's lots been going on so there's a little clip from that in the show and there might be a new guest for the news roundup oh yes your events we're gonna bring in a new new kid because we've been accused recently of not being that young ah broken and again I will reiterate that we're not claiming to be new kids and young kids is an ironic play on the term and the fact that we're not kids so if you have missed that you're probably American but you can be new and not be young there you go I guess we should probably dive in and bring that guest in and have a little look at the old news brown my dad can't really claim he's a new kid anymore at his age so I'm here to bring some move to the channel here's the news with crypto daily first up bitwise Bitcoin etf denied by SEC announced earlier today the United States Securities and Exchange Commission revealed that they have denied the latest Bitcoin exchange traded fund hopeful from bitwise asset management theta open source network partners with PewDiePie supported streaming platform CT labs the open source protocol purpose-built to power the decentralized streaming network that allows for vertical decentralized apps apps has just announced its blockchain video infrastructure protocol theta network will soon be integrated into the streaming platform D live according to the press release published yesterday theatre's partnership with D live will give users the chance to watch peer-to-peer video replaying of all video content and token rewards and last up Twitter Bitcoin tipping service tipping me launches on Android iOS coming soon mobile phone users can now smile at Twitter service for Bitcoin micro payments tip in me is now available on mobile devices the alpha version of the service will be tested this week for Android devices while alpha testing for iOS devices is underway a report says the service which to launch as an app will have a mobile lightning network enabled wallet that will allow users to send tips in Bitcoin on the Lightning Network thank you have a good week and maybe see you soon this week in blockchain banter were chatting to a very informed lady Jemima Kelly who is a reporter for Alphaville at the Financial Times if you don't follow her column you should she's got a very irreverent look at the blockchain world not the biggest fan of a lot of its concepts but nonetheless a very informed opinion in this clip we asked her what she thought of about the supposed scarcity of crypto currencies and Bitcoin especially one of the reasons that people compared Bitcoin to gold is because of the finite nature supposedly finite nature of Bitcoin and so this idea that there's only ever going to be 21 million bitcoins has attracted people including gold bugs the problem with that idea is that if you ask Craig Wright what bitcoin is he'll say that bitcoin sv is that is the real Bitcoin if you ask Roger ver what he thinks bitcoin is he'll say Bitcoin cash is a real Bitcoin so there are more than one Bitcoin now and in fact that the number of times that Bitcoin can fork and form other kind of strands is is it's kind of infinite and so is the number of copycat cryptocurrencies so in a way Bitcoin has kind of become the victim of its own success because there are just thousands of of crypto currencies out there and so this idea that there is some finite nature it's just a nonsense there's not because there's just there's only one you know thing that some people call Bitcoin but not even everyone agrees on what that bitcoin is and then there's just thousands of other crypto currencies that do exactly the same thing so in featured projects we haven't spoken to tezo's and they've been on my list of people I'd love to chat to they obviously had one of the record-breaking I SEOs back in 2017 and they've been working away in the background to deliver and we have Shawn with us today are you there sure yes I'm here welcome it's good to have you here and I guess just to start things off could you maybe give our viewers a brief rundown of what tezo's is in case any of them aren't familiar Tasos is a software project for a blockchain technology on chin coordination which is known for its self amending technology so the idea of tezo's is to have minimal disruption to the network effect and retain it instead of the port based technologies that we've seen in the past and obviously in terms of third-generation blockchains we you know we had Bitcoin first of all then we had etherium now we've got this there's a bit of a race going on isn't there for kind of third year we've got the kind of eos out there and Tron and Cardno and there's what do you think it's gonna take for its somebody to to get a get ahead in this in this race by and large it's going to be the platform that can capture the greatest network effect which is what our angle is is retention and growth of that instead of breaking off into several projects and build upon our platform and in terms of kind of scalability has also been you know another big battle that's been going on in blockchain since you know way from the start a lot of the third generation you know we're trying to beat that with with various different approaches to scalability what what stays OSes kind of take on that Tesla's is focusing on layer 2 in terms of scaling and we have some interesting projects going on with such as marigold I think scaling was a bit premature in the markets where everybody was rushing to do it but it our focus is more on scaling on the governance aspect that decision-making is more important and that it takes the culmination of a number of technologies in order to actually grow a decentralized watching without losing the decentralized or without centralizing the project so you can speed up your storage but you might not have the same throughput it you might not have the same amount of finality and you need to effectively remove these bottlenecks along the way yeah because I think that this is one thing a lot of people we spoke to said there's lots of different quid pro quos or it's like okay you want to go faster we might have to sacrifice some security aspects or you want to go quicker this way you might have to do so but and chatting two guys from when we were chatting that card on oh you know they were saying the reason they've sort of taken the time they've done is to kind of get these foundations right and I know there's been a lot of kind of criticism of Eos have been so centralized because of the twenty one block producers and you know is there what do you think is your kind of killer app what's your kind of what's your main horse in the race I think we were a few things I think what's really come to light is dad baking or network validation in the style that we've implemented which is actually a permissionless network if you have a minimum of 8,000 xdz you can stake up a network you don't have to get voted in so it doesn't quite aligned with say some of the other DPOs models and right now we have about four hundred and sixty Baker's on the network so I think baking and staking have become a a pretty big hit and I see the adoption of that across the board along with like other projects I think what iOS said was they sort of took it to one side which is well maybe if we have a set number of nodes we can speed this all up and it certainly made it faster but I don't think the project remained it remains anti fragile in the sense that you only have to compromise 21 you know a majority of the 21 nodes in order to to make changes to the network and we keep a philosophy closer to Bitcoin where we want to be as central as as possible yeah that makes sense because I mean that's ultimately the the dream from you know the blockchain dream is decentralization right so if you get into position where your your product is too centralized or has that ability to be easily you know taken over then then that's you know that's a real problem it's interesting actually every time I speak to a block producer some say EOS some say Chios some say a OS everyone to speak to since they have a different name for it so it England we tend to say e OS but every time I speak somebody it's always a different name which is quite funny and so what are your plans for you know there's obviously a lot going on behind the scenes a lot of you know blockchain companies at the moment I think a lot of people who just view the you know the numbers don't realize quite how much work is going on behind the scenes and there are just you know offices full of people getting stuff done what's next for tears awesome where where do you want to see the end of this year out right now the big focus is on middleware Tooley to make our smart contract languages more accessible so we have Nicholson is a is a base language and we're building higher-level languages on top of those with Smike smart PI and Lego and those would be more familiar to your average developer and they'll be able to hop in we're also working with truffle in order to build out a suite of tools to really onboard them for for those who don't know I'm the executive director of the Khazars Commons which is community oriented I'm here at the Tocqueville group office in New York so tases is a a collaboration project and we're decentralized off Jane which makes it confusing for most but we are separate organizations and we're all trying to coordinate together so in terms of our goals for at least my organization tells us Commons my focus is on the signalling aspect and our governance platform teza segura to really be able to display and signal ahead of time for changes that are being made on the network so right now we have right now we have a vote going through for the Babylon proposal and we should know within about a week whether that's going to pass now it's been obviously the last two years have been very you know we've been making this documentary for the last three years charting since the beginning of 2017 until you know the end of 2019 and it's been an incredibly wild ride you know that in 2017 there was you know that buoyancy and money and everything and then 2018 theory and prices crashing down and it's been very difficult for projects to actually you know keep the runway that they've needed not suddenly find that their runway shrunk by 90 percent and you know as an organization has it been a difficult process most people have you know found it quite difficult over the last year especially to make sure that goals are achieved but things are you know managed in a way that works I think we've had a different set of problems in terms of funding in the sense that if you have a large Treasury the way that tezo's does you have to deploy properly and especially being decentralized up checking that means there's numerous organizations that are putting in for grants for various requests the other issue is most of these projects are going to be working on layer 2 which is going to be the smart contract it's going to be the applications where as we're trying to amend layer 1 and that's going to that takes up a lot of time and effort because as it's evolving we're also introducing a roto we're also changing the underlying code that others are using so it's really tricky and you could create like an educational course which is one of the things we've done in the past but now we have to refresh that material to better reflect this the current state of the protocol so it's been an interesting experiment always plenty to to keep you occupied I would imagine but I'm amazed at how quick this year has gone as well we're like literally in October now literally about to head into 2020 and before long we'll be calling John McAfee up to see if he's willing to do his bet live on television or not but I guess it was gonna be some interesting times ahead on that when we actually filmed in last year in Malta and had a quite an interesting kind of our chat with him which is fun but just the general kind of market view general ad do you take much notice of where the markets going or are you more interested in the actual technologies I'm always watching the market because I'm fascinated by the macro and so I feel like we've actually hit a sort of a comfort comfortable area where there's not a great deal of downside in that we know that these digital assets are going to be very important for the future but we're still unsure of how the chips are going to fall and with the emerging you know defy economies and staking taking over the what once was the majority of proof-of-work projects it's interesting to see it all evolve but I see more news leaning towards the the future is bright so it it depends on how long your time scale is yeah I mean I think there was one of the things we're finding now is we're going back and reenter viewing all the people that we interviewed in 2017 when you know a lot of them are driving around in you know garish Lamborghinis and it's a very different kind of mentality now but I think a lot of people have said look we still believe in this technology but we realized now we were naive to think that in two or three years time this was going to change the world and this is gonna take you know a decade plus in order to do it do you do you sort of share that sentiment yes that's why you know we fly economy and we take the train because we know that we have not pragmatic it historically open-source software has not been well funded so even with a large Treasury you have to be very mindful the fact that we need to invest in research and development projects that are sometimes going to take years so I'm hoping to see it develop over the next few years into at least the basis for a new emergent internet and you know a really functional currency system yeah well it's gonna be a long road for sure but maybe we can get you back on somewhere down the line and we can do a bit of a catch-up I would love to great well look thanks for taking the time to come on today and obviously you know there's plenty of information about tasers out there but if people do want to find out more where's the best place to actually get the skinny the best place to go is Tesla's calm and you can also your community website at tezo's Commons org great well thanks for taking the time Sean and we'll catch up soon thank you that's all folks thanks for joining us again for another week of blog tastic block crypto foolery another fabulous week let us know what you want on the show next week who you want us to talk to we do value your opinion and you being part of the new kids family also we've been bringing the news to you via crypto daily for the last sort of two shows yes no is this a good thing is it a bad thing do we care comment down below and yeah until we see you next week all you need to remember is you've been chained you've been blocked chained