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Hello this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is October the 23rd 2019 strong hey a bitcoin is next bitcoin died your wealth in bitcoin offended by selling relentless conviction being a unique beast alright this is your home of bitcoin insider information we're gonna tell you what happened in Sydney last night here this is my last day as Cindy this is has McCook he's gonna talk some too he's taken to me to the airport real soon oh yeah this is one of those rush shows but hey hello my leave friends check out all the links below disrupt meister comm follow me on twitter at Tech ball to e CH be alt if you are in that chat right now you could do a super chat or you can type in bitcoin meister i will answer your questions last night was the Sydney hangout meet up at a really elite location and I gotta say the people that showed up most were familiar with the show and it was very flattering and these people have strong hands they told stories and they think they shared some lessons they learned over the years with altcoins and everything but definitely some strong hands link to below is a photo from last night Stefan l'americain I got to meet Stefan in person we took a picture of the three of us also you're these these bitcoin personalities on the web but getting together but he is an awesome guy really down to earth also all the people were down there I gotta say Sydney's got it going on in terms of the Bitcoin community if you guys are watching keep on having those events every month I mean you're in charge of it all the time and keep that look great location and keep on what we need more new people that that's for another another video that you I don't I've said this none there not a lot of new people buying Bitcoin right now it's just people freak out when they see a facebook earrings I guess that where they see the price is dropping and I you know I won big coin he was one big coin that that's the price of course and it's on sale today but if you get yourself some so let's talk about that yesterday our for the last couple days I've been warning people of the roller coaster of love that could be coming up because there was going to be the Facebook hearing going on in fact the United States it'd be all sorts of panic and that you'd have to have a strong hand on a day like today and shorten up what happened for you Fiat freaks well Zuckerberg testified he didn't really say anything – really – why older anything he basically said I'm gonna follow your rules I'm not gonna go through with this if if you say not to go through with it it's centralized he said it was centralized as someone tweeted about that and and then the lovely senators and congressmen or whoever they asked a bursary signaling type of questions is this sir is this racist so Al Green Democrat Texas mister emoluments Clause and impeachment his question to Mark Zuckerberg was is it true that the majority of people working on Libre a white men so so yeah that's that's priorities now yeah that's that's what we've that's what we've devolved – yeah and that's what the market reacts to apparently who goes were not saying the reason for why the Fiat price drop I was just saying yesterday be prepared for it to drop and be a rollercoaster maybe once people wake up to the realization that not completely nothing was accomplished by the hearing and nothing changed there was no new information and it was all printed days in advance is transcript data maybe the speculators will buy again I don't know there's also some quantum fun again that got recycled out there dudes tits long-term thinking this hearing is just a blip on the radar who will remember this in in 2021 hey still good luck does knocker bird with your altcoin and everything we're gonna talk about some other okhla see Oh someone had a question town that like button first of all Hass what do you think one Bitcoin will be able to get somebody by 2030 so that's three and a half Hollings away probably a nice house you can pick up an Housefull one in 2030 I'd say Wow long-term thinking they're getting you you know to ask when I got a guest on the ask for predictions I I never do uh predictions like that like a good good question therefore the guest that is you taking advantage of the situation lots of people hello my elite friends Johnny says ok we got more topics hang on so we talked about the virtue signaling Congress man that's they're very lovely very predictable and you know the constituents love that it's they just they're just doing it the they're just showing off to get votes and they know it works alright so Nick Carter is down in DC I link to his everything I talked about his link to below by the way I link to his thread he was at the DC FinTech week I didn't read the entire thread it's very you get some good information from it definitely about what's going on he had some interesting quotes though because there were some interesting people speaking there that I don't usually talk about the reason Zuckerberg is testifying in front of Congress and now and not Garlin house now garland house is the dude the ripple guy is because Libra has a chance of actually working ouch almost everything he says is a lie or a misrepresentation that is Nick Carter on Garlin house because Garlin house was at this event apparently and he was being questioned and again Nick said about Garnica almost everything he says is a lie or a misrepresentation it's really quite breathtaking to witness I think one of Brad darling houses I think one of the one of the questions asked to him was you know how does you know how does ripple make money and like i'll we're a software company and we just happen to own a lot of XRP not different to Exxon and they own a whole bunch of oil so probably the most intellectually dishonest response you could ever come up with so I'm totally on board with with Nick Carter's assessment question pal Matt like but I had no idea you've seen the threat yeah very good we're on the same page we look at the same thing this was totally unplanned Wow very good you were prepared I thought you were just you know Wow look at the hick nick is a great photo if you you are yet to follow anakata get on to it all right all right now uh last night something that we really didn't talk about very much because everyone was a Bitcoin thing well we talked I I talked to some people about trip them dividends well one guy said to me Adam I don't understand why more people don't talk about these crypts at all this is interest these uh these Forks and these air drops but someone brought up fake toshi I think to me off to the side because you know they toes she's got his own crate you know he forked over four which is great that's that's his business but then what people usually pick on a talk about fake Toshi force because he pretends to be oh we we brought him up because he was in the movie yes someone brought out why was he include in the movie someone came up cuz we again did the movie crypto Pia is coming out well it got debuted here and so some people were disappointed that he included fake Toshi and king of the trolls in there that's his business he's a filmmaker he can do what he wants to do but that's I think who she got brought up and no one no one lasts like that was hanging out was even because last night was a bunch of twenty percent are strong Anders no one in their right mind there even that even fathoms that you know this guy could be who he says he is but yet and I know many people are familiar with this channel there was a commenter the other day he said what do you think of I'm not gonna say a fake Toshi saying in 2020 governments will be able to confiscate people's Bitcoin because there's a flaw in the segment code that will be exposed now I have covered this long ago that basically that that dude makes bold predictions that are in the future and then forgets about them and you know pretend and like fakes technical expertise upon and so he said that one a long time ago I brought that up on the show a long time ago there's Toto be yeah but but this person comes to my channel it says look and I and I replied to the guys like you must be new here like you must be new to my channel because I mean this is not even a legitimate question although like you there are Liars out there and Liars say a lot of things and why what do I think of a lie I mean the old lies are the same I don't think very much of them but again the guy replied to me says no I'm not I'm not new here at all so I I don't know some people are just are never gonna get it I mean here's the for me Toshi you say bow things that are gonna be the future trying to be nebulous about it and then just you know what's the future come hey wait wait just wait and see wait and see so let's wait let's talk about it since we got him young and I don't usually like to talk about such things but hey they're doing something over there and there's obviously a lot of there's people paying attention to it you know 10% of the people are prone to follow Colts I guess so and he can do what he can lie but if he's gonna live we're going to you know bring up the truth that's a good way of dealing with stuff so you we were talking about the blocks so as part of this movie so one of the reasons Roger and Craig needed to feature is because they went through the block size debate so at first they said yep bitcoin one Meg Bitcoin cash said you know what stuff that we'll go to for mix I mean like you know what stuff that will go to eight mix and then you know what stuff that will go to 32 mix and then obviously Calvin Aaron Craig right they want to go for the full Giga make the full the full terabyte blocks or as an as a non-technical person I started asking the questions like what would I need to run a bigger sphenoid that's a that's filled up with it with a Giga Meg of transactions so we worked it out you'd need a very solid stable hundred gigabit internet connection which apparently doesn't exist anywhere at this point and you'd need 50 million dollars a year of server grade enterprise-grade sse drives to just store the blockchain so yeah if you are if PSP ever succeeded and their blocks were full you need 50 million bucks the year on a note but with that said this chain isn't probably going to be alive longer than a year and the only thing that's filling up blocks now is weather data and I don't think any of their blocks are like bigger than a megabyte anyway but yeah so so we drove down that rabbit hole and yeah if that's not extra proof that BSP is is total garbage don't know it is well I mean they can try it out they don't think nodes matter very much that's one of their things from what from what I recall all right we spent a lot of time on that thing but I just uh so if people you come into the channel you're asking me what I think about I guess lies that I've already addressed I mean I'm not really I'm not gonna change our mind line lies there lies liars or liars and some people just they want to hear fancy stories about the future oh I'm not you know the this the Conqueror will be coming in the future the kind that's I think that's one key basis is a personality on the the the Conqueror will be here soon and as soon gets people it touched also it's a good it's a good case study in in in investment psychology I suppose it's a you know I haven't I haven't seen people follow a cult so illogically before but but the cool thing is that like I mean again we're up these places I'm hanging out in person at least here there was no one it was we are strong hand it's not overly overly toxic but we've cultivated a big crew of strong hand that get it so yeah great city to be in and look us up whenever you're in town we are hospitable folk so yesterday yeah well I didn't even know about the price fluctuations until I woke up in the morning and so III saw it I'm like yeah that was that was pretty predictable I everything and life goes oh I just tried to get to the airport and everything we're just living our lives he's telling me about how he's his formula to buy even more stats it's is picking up because the price went down so I mean it's it's a it's a predictable thing I hope all the listener watchers here and listeners hear their hands are as strong as everybody they really should have known such such a such a day was coming and again we'll have days it drops by 500 will happen is because up by 500 or whatever happened but I would I want to remind us of the old days I was when I was talking to people last night there were days like in 2016 it would drop by like thirty dollars and that was that was such a big big it was and so many of you are not familiar with that at all so it really uh definitely puts things in perspective shows how much things have grown here over the day over the years and also speaking the old days there would never be a congressional hearing that would never be anything like that that no mainstream news type of thing so yeah the amount that he drops in a day now is how much it was worth back in the day I mean that it dropped to five hundred four hundred yesterday be leading up to the 2016 having most days it was below $500 a years there for years and everyone takes that granted now I'm just like oh my god it's seven thousands now it's like guys go back to the archives disrupt meister calm and just just see how the story uh the song remains the same I guess that people are always gonna panic when they think there's a big drop but what a big drop is keeps on changing $20 it's a big job five hundred dollars is a supposedly a big drop now you just got value wealth and big people and just be ready and as I've talked to in the future you know in the year 2022 when there's a day of drops by ten thousand dollars or something just that's that's the way we're progressing and that that'll be a good day I mean that'll be a good day when people like me will be like yeah I didn't really noticed that it dropped by ten thousand I was trying to get to the airport these are the days to stack yeah so there is no better day to go out and buy some sets than a day that it's dropped nine percent in a matter of minutes yeah so I get in getting like it's hot yeah follow me you've probably followed me on Twitter I tweeted it out this morning my formula for DC a so it's not financial advice but that's how I stack in sensible and it's all budgeted that's everything I can afford to lose and this morning is one of these mornings where I'm very happy that the price they drop this is another thing if you guys are on crypto Twitter or you're watching YouTube videos with all these weak hands and stuff you get this horrible negative feeling and well first of all people came to me last I know they Adam I just I go to your challenges for Zagat the positive by but the funny thing is if when you're talking to people in person it's usually it's not a negative vibe at all everybody last I had a positive ID now again we didn't but but if we would have known the price eater went down last night and it was it just like went down right when we ended them always that said that entire crew you know they've been down in the trenches with us at the meet ups from the three thousand days so they don't care if it's crashed down to 7,000 like that if if they would hit there at 3,000 like they're gonna be here at 7,000 it's silly you know you've held strong on a drop from 20,000 to $3,000 and what now you're gonna call at the end of the world is $7,500 you're kidding me I get to clicks the videos that's what you see people making tweets about everything oh god I know a lot of people are just they join into the negative eye because they're trying to scare people off of their Bitcoin are they they think they're all coins gonna pop let them try be that this was a big boys play that's what I want to say the end of the day everyone's trying to scam you out of your bitcoins so so hold that hand strong and don't let anyone you know negatively influence you mind use your intuition be responsible stacks that yeah run a node yeah and then if you need a you need a positive vibe gonna follow him follow me watch this stuff for me sometimes people need a reassuring I mean strong that's my strong hand is the UH is the saying around here alright I do want to see chunka dunk says bitcoinmeister can't wait for the HBO original on the current state of affairs and crypto I mean is that is that really being worked IV hubby side there's so much drama and again that's the crypto noise we talked about that last night talking about some just basically ignore the noise now we didn't ignore some of the noise today we were guilty of us talking about bsv noise there for a second but I just blended from my I still don't get it when people ask me questions about that it must not be very familiar with the channel I don't know even the guy said he was new Sean Anderson said hello Adam I love your videos pure love from Denmark dude how you doing I haven't been in Denmark Constance I was there I was in Copenhagen and then I went to uh across the way to Malmo to Sweden but a lovely lovely place up there crazy stuff turn your pennies into ten satoshis okay so finally I wanna Matt albergue had a tweet out there and this dude keeps track of the p2p exchanges the group what's the local bitcoins and stuff and I don't know how much that information can be trusted but he does a apples to apples comparison here the Ken the Kenyan shilling isn't anybody from Kenya found out like what if you are the Kenyan Schilling is one of the first currencies in the p2p trading markets which is from the eclipsed volume record set during the speculative bubble of late 2017 so this is very interesting people in Kenya were during a 20-17 when everybody was buying Bitcoin the volume was very high in on the p2p exchanges like like a local bitcoins and most currencies has a haven't gotten back up for that volume yet I mean this I mean I just said early in the show new people are there not a lot of new people buying Bitcoin at least as much as people that were buying it back into December 2017 but for the canyons shilling matt has uh shows that now at the volume is higher are they easily believe it because the Kenyans are already sort of in that environment and groove through things like em paisa so like the idea of digital money makes sense but before that they had literal digital shit coin Kenyan chilli yes and now they get digital Bitcoin so this is why I like things like Libre it's the gateway drug into Bitcoin so let people just get used to online payment rails and then as soon as they get blocked from using Libre to look for options and then Bitcoin becomes apparent they're they're used to the the groove of that kind of you know payment and storage mechanism and then they just become Bitcoin is I get this is different analysis on your part because Max and the same things because of that they they're in the perfect spot to it's not surprising at all because they already had the m peso or whatever they kind of need it they're the government isn't that for luck and also and and this is just a fact of life was this where the big boys play there are scammers out there that need digital currency so that is it's a good thread that Matt Albert has up there you know but you said the same thing best guest in the space right here you know you know what's going on let's see if there were any other questions all right everyone's do its smiley faces this guy right here we're not gonna give this guy actually lives in Australia and he's a fan in that he would never show up in a never show up in person too anyway okay i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the links below thank you for a great stay in city might they're having us this is a I hope tongues like anytime yeah I'm off to Adelaide we're literally going to go to the airport well we're gonna hang out with another big point a trip before we go to the other end dude so guys see you soon this show was a little rushed I just click on all the links below click on the squares see you soon bye bye